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a) Flow pollutants with a local sphere of influence:

a. The water quality and aquatic life in that area are impacted by the toxins that

are released into a neighboring river by a small industrial plant.

b. A building site produces dust and noise pollution, which has an impact on the

adjacent neighborhood and residents.

b) Uniformly mixing stock pollutant with short residence time:

a. A car's exhaust contains carbon monoxide (CO), which mixes evenly and swiftly

dissipates throughout the atmosphere.

b. b. When a volatile cleaning chemical is used in a home, fumes are released;

nevertheless, in a well-ventilated space, the fumes disperse quickly and


c) Non-uniformly mixing stock pollutants with short residence time:

a. When a factory emits volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air, the

pollutants tend to build up more in particular places downstream from the

source due to the weather.

b. When pesticides are sprayed on crops, they could evaporate rapidly in some

places but get stuck or concentrate in low-lying areas, causing an uneven

distribution and possible ecological impact.

d) Non-uniformly mixing stock pollutants with long residence time:

a. Greenhouse Gases in the Atmosphere:

The atmosphere of the Earth is uniformly dispersed with greenhouse gases like CO2,

CH4, and N2O.They stay in one place for a very long time, which contributes to climate

change and its effects.

b. Ozone-depleting substances in the stratosphere: Chemicals like CFCs and

halons mix evenly in the stratosphere. These compounds have a protracted

residence duration, which contributes to the ozone layer's depletion in particular.

2. Water pollution from illicit small-scale gold mines, often known as "galamsey," which affects

local water bodies, such as the Pra River, is a significant example of flow pollutants in Ghana. In

the course of extracting valuable minerals, artisanal miners employ poisonous chemicals like

mercury and cyanide, severely polluting the neighboring rivers and streams. This pollution

mostly harms the local populations that live close to these water bodies, posing health hazards

and causing environmental harm in the immediate vicinity. The government and environmental

organizations have worked to stop this practice and lessen its negative impacts.

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