Physics (Concept Maps)

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What is a Concept Map? ‘A Concept map is a colourful, visual form of representing key con- cepts covered in a chapter. It can be used as an effective overview, leaming and revision tool Aits heart is a central topic ofthe chapter. This is then explored by means of branches representing main ideas, which all connect to this centrat idea. Concept maps are metacogntive tools that give students awareness towards the process of learning and allow the representation of knowledge structures in thematic fields. Why use a Concept Map? Students: Brain is the key to effective learning for a student and more effectively the student uses it, the more successful he/she willbe. Ifthe brain of the student is stimulated with correct thinking and effective learning tools, excellent results can be obtained. Understanding list, lin sequences, letters and numbers is the work of the LEFT BRAII While interpreting colour, images, rhythms and spatial awareness is the work of the RIGHT BRAIN. Through a Concept Map both Right & Left parts ofthe brain would be put into use. ‘As a learning strategy, concept mapping stimulate leamers' commit ‘ment and interest towards the concepts, which is very important for better learning. Students can use it as tool for effective revision of not just the current class chapters but also the topics covered previously. Teachers: ‘As a teaching support, concept maps are also helpful, as they permit the establishment of networks of concepts that originate from a central concept in a coherent, structured and integrated manner, guiding the sequence of teaching. Concept maps can also be used by teachers for curriculum planning. Using this instrument means giving a new meaning to education, as well as a new meaning to the concepts of teaching, learning, and assessment of learning SdVW 1d39NO9 SOISAHd jeu'sessejouojmou"MMM uon9ajs aBujuaaaad Jo suisay uy synsou ys9q 405 uonreyndas pajojeaedun ssofug, X 8 XI ‘VON ‘auvog + TvoIGaW ‘(‘AGV 8 NIVW) 330 SaSSU19 NOLMAN SANUW ' ‘d Each main topic has been transformed into a Map. For example, given below is the map for KINEMATICS which includes an introduction to the may Important Points. + The sub-concepts and the points under them are colour coded .i.e. each branch is identified with its colour, If you take the above branch as an example, we can understand that, + Based on the colour you can identify the sub- KINEMATICS has a Definition - Study of motion of a body without ‘concept under which it will come, ‘considering causes producing the motion(correspondingly the image). + Refer to the text book and identify the first branch to start with and revise one branch at a time, ‘The Sub-Concept Branches — Each branch leads to a ‘sub-concept of the chapter ‘The Central concept of the chapter ‘These are the important points under each sub / ‘concept & These could be further branched out wee aceon Image -Image is mnemonic which will help you oe remember the concept ee || PROJECTILE MOTION ioe cimcuraR Morion A to Z of PHYSICS BT conseavarion or ‘MOMENTUM -ROPERTIES OF MATTER| FLUID MECHANICS tm ‘WAVES AND soUND = = EMINDUCTION AND, secrncurrs ATOMIC PHYSICS oameees sexi conpuctoR Bae teen @ Distance and Diaplacoment: Distance i he lng tus path rave by {he body rng a maton, ‘One Dimentons motion: ‘ne cu ofa ree cornates Displacamort she vector drawn fom ita oeton/A) Spin he postin ot parse ‘otal pater) and ts rnagriuds ls equaltothe "charge re ‘hotest datane been ital ana sl postions Ey Maion bong aight ne Distance engin of cove (C8) Dispiacmont Vectors B= —¥ osm coueaen | trate mowg on ra he nd Sjomance > Basacerat " 7 [Eee Llorrominaar maton) ga anon, 8, -8 Pee srorawance ana A) YUP agatn force at prpendouar | hich a strong free acts srt {© rotons cate ot untorm osar mation, | anween 2 ormore bodies” Bodls may be In physics contact Bote may not be nphyeal contact iE romain unchogod but ae doco ora short ine. Cation non 2 ar ba 9 °ON fpr we ude. wooly changes, momen charges cao NotEmaton. From LOCOM, B+ R= cons From Now's 2nd ow, Fu =, th enor fore Fi 2th near mont Pw ema facnrncmines (scan w ramen teres eee Bd opsana pears Soomaneraare for very con tere an ual an oppose Saua RTE c=, uy does not depend \gyattapesane meee neu PRTTTTAIIIE ox res anc ee cr Doses, ut depends en boy mete ‘Vee atv vloty of mass entering cleaving the sytem wi the syste. tig ato change of mass of st. Vd Is the THRUST. Trusts Brg Need = VG) -0= VG dst» 0 (o) Both KE and momentum aston meant irea__- Inelastic Cotain: w but theres ME. (00-1) rin, yen ‘eos = eucosa Momentum and velctos oes : Hiime>>> m; & us® O then ees ~ OR OR GIA o ESeESs vesgawen | yrmuamay GEES GOES cin _ egal ° ISS veupea ai ifm >3> manda ee me | EN x Gh BAUS OREE= ‘Sublet vay cm © [2 oseyourrow oman {ton ste ot pnd rah eee "PU Appcale mane pore manne oh Creer act con om {tear rencontre men er gl Gmina FE ‘.cascestnagmenipmmen sre pane i 7 [Sms wok dott pnd seeoreteneteos Bedide: = Rr T £raviaton ete fore of atction bata any two bases. | (On Er evar ate ey ‘Govt in bpecel one of rea Cee eniaer Gravitational Field (E) Vota paths tm wom or neg ime ret trys oa Dare 2 Extromsne eran rasa a poet sa paren ee tn scott rt mac pated aa pom Fre pera a poten st a of the Earth prea Forint Io fetta (e =) reaefnaue polis }e = The Tima Period of the Senet ones» ESEROTEE » Le ae ae Spero PEE (ame agement ae tay eee | Paning et \osarainsteranate | tes not cannon ee ‘en ctr hars| itseae of oni areas orth ‘alton igeaerath Tr ahe iaaekero mon iineeny | Sion ed ec se =a . | marae el EE 2 taro eoneen sammy att ‘odes arbour each omer oF ‘a. GR =N2umiee + Genamtepetas [> he emraoe: Sambonteticcsann [2 Ie enn any Toy en : aco urmbt SCENTS a, sen ont el hiane pop of tty duo hich oppose ay charge Inna fren ton mtotoont mass Q tetina TENSOR bocauss tis not a SCALAR ‘ere wns sb iow no ronan # nt Teheh=mgemg aa a, Met erent of mesa) abou AB == ato faint] 1 Rede ma SA sot tote He fat mower eee Maehe | L (Qo annem tas Rotational Motion For body n 21 plane +R) ited i Ferbane © Ferre noe patch ivy (cyt ou fa te vse et) (income oe tt wht bay stp rL HE ot boring down | ‘eed are deter] Retasonl Eglo: body a be ‘etaanal eatin tte on hi ‘Ere morn tat (0) | Gate moment Sock Was moment f3>20R(V> uh) Force HS yaa manntpuinni iA rmans) | | eoteganat | irt erat w Stee See Raman se Terns, 4) Spratt os unter wobwrmal process AO. tty (ar 2A ey (@raT=0) SowKe onsen. AO la a ayaa ona Deas .20.0f molecules . | toni ela oaweray=ontt oot) eit po ny 2 aoe % “wom Soni artim lf] eomseno sis negererane ores racy stata aca cnaet ome Sanam sp ave ts ae acon pare DaweRavernnc viet Ty = = an oe = Hoyos cdot, Wee | Meera oloate, Ey AY 0 1 sucttanstengst , a, ¢ e-een-afid] peSeend ‘Te naa ony ofa Hel ga parmotcle || sop ot ane tune = spe of \eotarmal ae “Aba Son apr tr soars tom wa go ete {ppt 0 40-0) A =A6e AUS = MW! 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Neen Force expanancedby maga oe) reo a ore dln amen fa Oe og . nn smear sents — ACG reyes ane bowene sone eres, ° =e 1) Reactance (0) Its the nat resistance offered by 'L? “eauency (w) is constant ‘ t 1) Vihen aver there is change of ux (@) (ra Sais meer OC fS stercreeemnstsiaed si ; caries Seneca oil anc ca, fed seat Eoteniovsen ° ees Seen Sooper a Sele eee eneccwaten =e =e puma | Foo acon so) ‘Coane eames" 0) Some : Siomete chegelshrLonrvawe= 208 aARestor linen a oraut | (Syaprsson furtherance ene Dip GE | = i Waa a a at) 2) The drt nos ant 2 Sede eodarce" 2) Power Factor: cone 2 Sut tn) ‘ota snc by #2. i {4 Ponder consumed by LR eet: ‘Theta an] nies rete i Pass bec 2 Vr cre : (red whctcae at i mince pA 0) 0 vb ae i ae phe, P+ Masia Wo=92; Power oct called Vows be conor he econ atest cuent s ‘aperen ree F Fae a maga a) ‘yoraty dove sare (Een PF a 1) Raate bane pte rps Sealer nites serene RLC On, Vee Fo Bgn- tae! 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