قائمة الخدمات بأسعار المركز

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Service net

Service Description discount

Price price
TempFilling 1Surface 100 25% 75
TempFilling 2Surface 120.0 25% 90
Temp Filling 3 Surface 150.0 25% 112.5
Amalgam filling 1 Surface 150.0 25% 112.5
Amalgam Filling 2 Surface 300.0 25% 225
Amalgam Filling 3 Surface 350.0 25% 262.5
Amalgam Buildup with Pins 450.0 25% 337.5
Composite filling 1 Surface 200.0 25% 150
Composite Filling 2 Surface 300.0 25% 225
Composite Filling 3 Surface 350.0 25% 262.5
Composite Buildup with pins 400.0 25% 300
Closing Diastema Using Composite per tooth 400.0 25% 300
Treatment Of Hypersensitivity lessthan 3teeth 200.0 25% 150
Treatment Of Hypersensitivity 400.0 25% 300
Examinationand Diagnosis Standard 100.0 25% 75
Diagnosis by intraOral photography 100.0 25% 75
PA IntraOral XRay 30.0 25% 22.5
Occlusal IntraOral XRay 50.0 25% 37.5
OPG XRay 200.0 25% 150
Cephalometric 200.0 25% 150
TMJXRay 200.0 25% 150
Study Model 200.0 25% 150
Treatment Plan 100.0 25% 75
RCT Three canals 1500.0 25% 1125
Pulp Extirpation 400.0 25% 300
RCT One canal 600.0 25% 450
RCT Two canals 1000.0 25% 750
RE Treatment One canal 700.0 25% 525
RE Treatment Two canals 1100.0 25% 825
RE Treatment Three canals 1600.0 25% 1200
Direct Pulp Capping 200.0 25% 150
Indirect Pulp Capping 150.0 25% 112.5
Bleaching One Tooth lnternal 400.0 25% 300
Apexifeication 600.0 25% 450
Per Radicular Surgery 1000.0 25% 750
Hemisection 600.0 25% 450
Root Amputaion 800.0 25% 600
One Unit AllMetal Crown precious Metal 1400.0 25% 1050
One Unit AllMetal Crown Non precious Metal 600.0 25% 450
One Unit Crown PFM precious Metal 1700.0 25% 1275
One Unit Crown PFM Nonprecious Metal 900.0 25% 675
One Unit All Ceramic Crown 2300.0 25% 1725
One Unit Crown FPD precious Metal 1700.0 25% 1275
One Unit Crown FPD Nonprecious Metal 900.0 25% 675
One Unit PFM FPD precious Metal 1700.0 25% 1275
One Unit PFM FPD Nonprecious Metal 900.0 25% 675
Resin Bonded Maryland Bridge 2500.0 25% 1875
One Unit Temporary Crown 300.0 25% 225
One Unit All Metal lnlay precious Metal 1200.0 25% 900
One Unit All Metal lnlay Nonprecious Metal 800.0 25% 600
One Unit PFM lnlay Precious Metal 1500.0 25% 1125

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