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Questions bank

7º ano

BQ_Sucesso_Ingles_7A_SEMPANTONE.indd 1 27/02/18 17:13

English 7º ano
Questions bank

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Lécio Cordeiro

Assessor pedagógico
João Carvalho

Revisão de texto
Michele Valois

Projeto gráfico
Allegro Digital

Diagramação, editoração eletrônica e pesquisa

Box Design Editorial

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Simple present 2. Write the negative forms of the following
sentences. Follow the pattern.

1. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the box. ex. My sister works in a bank.
My sister doesn’t work in a bank.
means – to eat – comes – represents
to say – have – were – is – There are
a. Eric knows everybody in the office.
Carnival a festival of merrymaking

before the forty days of Lent.

The word carnival from Latin. b. I get up very early.

It “removal of meat” (carnelevare). In

other words, it is a time goodbye

to meat. The idea is that you can a

c. They understand what happened.
few days of fun and pleasure because Lent is a

period of penitence and fasting.

Therefore, in the past, carnival days

the last ones meat before the fasting

d. My brother has a good job.
of Lent.

two words for the Latin term

carne in English: meat and flesh. So, carnival

a farewell to body pleasures e. Her mother cooks lunch on the weekend.

(flesh), as well as to rich food (meat).

f. His wife likes to drink juice when she goes to

a restaurant.

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Immediate future – 2. Unscramble the words to make questions
and match them with the answers.

going to 1
are to you going do what?

1. Complete the sentences with the future tense

of the verbs in parentheses. Use going to.

a. He math tomorrow. 2
(study math) he what to going eat is?

b. What he ? (eat)

c. they a trip
tomorrow? (take) going much she how is earn to?

d. I here? (see)

e. John and Mary
tennis tomorrow morning? (play) work going is Richard how to?

f. We a good time. (have)

g. He can’t go to the party because he Lucy does what do?
for a test. (study)

h. We their 6
wedding until next Saturday. (not announce)
you going what wear shirt to are?

i. I think the baby soon.

(be born)
j. The housewife the what up time to going she
family’s favorite dish. (cook) is get tomorrow?

k. The girls their

parents. (bring)
l. The boys bread is to what going language speak he?
for the picnic. (buy)

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is how to money going much spend he?
Simple past

1. Make questions with the verb “to be” in the

past tense and give short answers. Follow
the pattern.
the are in going do you to evening what? I/right: Was I right?
she/a model
About a hundred dollars; not more
because he has other places to visit. we/in class
She’s going to get up at seven o’clock.
English. He doesn’t know any other.
I’m going to play soccer. I/wrong
A lot of money. She’s a good professional.
I’m going to wear the blue one.
I/right: Yes, you were.
He’s going by bus. he/there
She is a secretary. you/OK
He’s going to have pasta. she/a model
We’re going to watch TV and use the we/in class
Internet. it/good
Notes I/wrong

I/right: No, you weren’t.

she/a model
we/in class

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2. Fill in the blanks with there was, there
were, was there, were there.
few students in class last

a. two world wars in the

j. little money in our account.
twentieth century.

k. Why two elections?

b. anybody waiting for you at

the airport? l. How many children in

the park?
c. — How many apples in the


— only one. 3. Rewrite the sentences using the past tense.

a. He’s a famous musician.

d. a message in my mail box.

e. any reason for that

b. My grandparents are from Italy.

f. Where a hospital for the

c. I’m waiting for the bus to go to school.
g. hundreds of cars in the

parking lot.

h. — What in your hotel? d. They aren’t downtown with their nephews.

— a swimming pool,

two bars…

many other things. I don’t

remember everything. e. What are you doing alone in the kitchen?


f. There are a lot of things to do in the office.

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g. It’s difficult to solve that problem.
4. Circle or underline the correct time

a. I was in São Paulo before two months / two

months ago.

b. Did you talk to her last night / yesterday night?

h. There’s a tree behind the house.
c. They watched the news on TV ago three hours
/ three hours ago.

d. I didn’t see him the last week / last week.

i. They’re having dinner with their family. e. There were a lot of people downtown the day
before yesterday / yesterday before.

f. He finished writing all the letters yesterday

morning / last morning.

j. Are they getting dressed to go out? g. Was there an election the last year / last year ?

h. We studied for our Geography test last Friday

/ the last Friday.

i. The guests arrived an hour ago / last one hour.

k. How many oranges are there in the basket?
j. They planned their trip December ago / last

l. The car is very beautiful, but it’s expensive.

5. Write simple past questions and short
answers. Follow the pattern.

You work yesterday?

Did you work yesterday?
Yes, I did.
Sergio Gutierrez Getino/

John travel to Rio last month?

Did John travel to Rio last month?
No, he didn’t.

His parents live in Europe in 2010?

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You and I arrive on time this morning?
6. Rewrite the sentences in the simple past
changing the adverbs of time / frequency.
Follow the pattern.

ex. I always answer the telephone. (a few minutes


c. I answered the telephone a few minutes ago.

The employees be in the office
ex. Claudia brushes her teeth every day. (yesterday)
at seven o’clock a.m.?
Claudia brushed her teeth yesterday.

a. I call her every night. (last night)

d. b. Do you sometimes arrive late? (yesterday)

People enjoy the game last Saturday?

c. Mary doesn’t cook dinner on Sundays. (last

You and your mother call a taxi two hours ago?

d. The teacher corrects the exercises at night.

(last night)

He and his wife dance in the club last night?

e. Are you in class today? (yesterday)

f. He generally travels to Rio. (two weeks ago)

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g. My father jogs every morning. (this morning) b. I was looking for my book when I your


c. When I ,I your message

h. I always try to be on time. (yesterday morning) on the bedside table.

d. The boy on the floor and

to cry.

i. He fishes with his friends every weekend.

(yesterday afternoon)
e. I can’t drive now because I two

glasses of beer.

f. I my keys. Can you help me look

j. She usually helps her brother with his homework. for them?
(last Wednesday)

g. The secretary a report about the case.

h. I you an envelope with a document.

k. They don’t go to the countryside in the Did you receive it?
summer. (last summer)

i. We a lot of interesting people on

our last vacation.

l. Don’t you drink soda on New Year’s Eve? (last j. Yesterday morning, we home for school
at seven o’clock. Then we a bus at a

quarter after seven, and at school

at eight.

7. Fill in the blanks with the simple past form

Yuganov Konstantin/

of the verbs in the box. Each verb can only

be used once.

wake up begin drink eat

lose arrive send leave
fall down find see
meet write take

a. He two apples at breakfast this morning.


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8. Complete the questions according to the
answers. Follow the pattern.
g. Which dress
She chose the long dress.

ex. What did you bring for me?

I brought a book for you.
h. Who ?

a. What color for the party? He understood his father.

She wore red for the party.

i. Where ?

They had dinner at their favorite restaurant.

b. When them this lesson?

The teacher taught them this lesson yesterday.

9. Complete the chart below with the right

form of the verbs.

c. Where flowers? infinitive simple past past participle

She bought flowers at the market. to feel


d. How last night? made

to fly
I slept very well last night.
e. How many books last month? said
He read two books last month.

10. Complete the sentences with an

appropriate verb. Use the tense indicated.

f. Why your old car? a. Luigi Pirandello was born in 1867 and
I sold my old car because I needed more money in 1936. (simple past)

to buy a new one.

b. Michael Jordan wanted the

greatest basketball player ever. (infinitive)

c. That famous singer still her songs

today. (simple present)


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d. John Lennon was in 1980.
Interrogative adverbs
and interrogative
(past participle)

e. They have to work their bills.


f. Michael Phelps the gold medal in
Use the question words or expressions and
the Summer Olympics. (simple past) based on the answers. Follow the pattern.

What Where When

Notes Why Who How much
How many What time How

ex. What time did you arrive?
I arrived at eleven o’clock.

a. They’re having lunch in the restaurant.

b. The teacher was speaking fast.


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c. I’m going to study tomorrow.
Possessive adjectives
and pronouns

d. They didn’t get up early because they didn’t Choose the correct form.
have to work.

a. This alarm clock isn’t my / mine. My alarm

clock is in my / mine room.

b. Whose is that? Is it your / yours?

e. We saw Mr. Lee. c. Those blouses are hers / theirs. She always
wears they / them.

d. Please, ask their / them if these socks are their

f. They took three books. / theirs.
e. This shirt isn’t his / him. His / him shirt is

f. Those children can’t be our / ours. We don’t

g. He went home at eleven o’clock.
have children.

2. Mark the right answer.

h. I’m going to borrow a lot of money. I. Children, listen to ___ teachers and respect
a. your… them
b. yours… them
c. you… their
d. you… they

II. Excuse me. Is this ___ shirt or ____?

a. my… your
b. mine… yours
c. my… yours
d. mine… your

III. This is a good company. ____employees are

always happy.
a. His
b. Its
c. Her
d. It’s


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IV. She has to use ___ cell phone because ____ XII. — Look at ____ purse.
is broken. — Which one is ____ ?
a. my… her a. hers… her
b. mine… hers b. hers… hers
c. me… she c. her… her
d. my… hers d. her… hers

V. ____ glasses look just the same. Which one

is ____?
Our… mine
Our… my
3. Complete.

c. Ours… mine ex.: I don’t make up my mind when I don’t

d. Ours… my decide.

VI. ____dog is black; _____ is white. b. when

a. His… her you don’t decide.
b. His… hers
c. Him… hers
d. Its… her c. when
he doesn’t decide.
VII. He needs to solve ____ problems, and they
need to solve ____.
a. him… them d. She doesn’t make up her mind when
b. his… their .
c. his… theirs
d. its… their
e. when
VIII.I can’t open the door of ____ apartment. we don’t decide.
____handle is too hard to turn.
a. they’re… Their
b. their… Its f. when
c. theirs… His they don’t decide.
d. their… It’s

IX. This house belongs to ____ and ____. It’s

____. 4. Complete with a possessive adjective.

a. yours… me… our

b. your… my… our ex. I’m a teacher. My name’s John.
c. you… me… ours
d. yours… mine… ours a. She’s a beautiful girl. name’s Mary.

X. Is this bag ____, ____ or ____ ?

a. your… my… hers b. He’s Brazilian, but parents are from
b. yours… my… her
c. yours… mine… her Portugal.
d. yours… mine… hers
c. — What’s phone number?
XI. — Why don’t you bring ____ car?
— ____? Impossible. I don’t have a car. — My cell phone number?
a. your… Mine
b. my… Yours — Yes, cell phone number.
c. yours… My
d. mine… Your 13

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d. London is famous for red buses. i. (he) motorcycle is broken.

e. Kenji and Yoko are Italian, but family j. (she) book is brand-new.

is Japanese.
k. (you) cell phone is very expensive.

f. My book is over there. color is blue.

l. Fernando likes (he) animals.
g. We’re new students in this school. Where’s

classroom, please?
Unscramble the words in order to form
h. — What are names, please?

— Silva. Mr. and Mrs. Silva. a.

teacher who their is
i. — Excuse me, where’s car?

— Your car is over there.

5. Use the possessive adjective according to b.

the pronoun in parentheses. is Lee their Ms. teacher

a. He is taking (she) kids to school.

b. Joe, (you) books are under the desk. c.

first her what name is
c. They are leaving (we) house tonight.

d. Michael leaves (he) bags at the gym.

e. Melissa and Andrea asked for (I) is her Sarah name first

f. We should not be doing (they)

man who that is

g. I took my cat and (it) cushion to my


h. Boys, you should go to (you) homes.


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name his Paul is
Simple present or
from is where he
1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of
the verbs in the simple present or imperative
imperative mood.

a. — What time does he work? (finish)

— He work at six o’clock. (finish)
he England from is

b. — Does he English? (speak)

— Yes, he . (do)
his is job what c. I to school with my brother. (go)

d. They don’t home for lunch. (come)

j. e. Please, the door. (open)

he mechanic a is
f. They together. (have lunch)

g. He his car every Saturday. (wash)

h. Jim’s mother in a language
school. (teach)

i. He a bus to work.
(take… go)

j. She her lessons and then she

her dog for a walk. (study… take)

k. Jim’s house located on a calm street.


l. She doesn’t time

television. (have… watch)


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Irregular plural j. She’s an old friend.

1. Rewrite the sentences using the plural.

Follow the pattern. k. The foot is clean.

ex. She’s a pretty girl.

l. The big mouse is here.
They’re pretty girls.

a. He’s a happy man.

b. That’s a beautiful city.

c. She’s a rich woman.

d. It’s a dangerous beach.

e. This is a good bike.

f. He’s an important person.

g. The day is hot.

h. This child is fat.

i. That tooth is strong.


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