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Questions bank

8º ano

BQ_Sucesso_Ingles_8A.indd 1 19/02/18 11:11

English 8º ano
Questions bank

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Lécio Cordeiro

Assessor pedagógico
João Carvalho

Revisão de texto
Michele Valois

Projeto gráfico
Allegro Digital

Diagramação, editoração eletrônica e pesquisa

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BQ_Sucesso_Ingles_8A.indd 2 19/02/18 11:11

Simple past tense Simple future
1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the
simple past of the verbs in parentheses.
1. Complete with the sentences from the list.
Then write (D) for decision, and (P) for
Milestones prediction. Follow the examples.

Milestones are important events in your life. I think I’ll leave right now.
Arthur and Greg are talking about their milestones. I think it’ll rain
Arthur: — I remember my first day at school. I think he’ll die
I was (be) only four years old. It was the first I think I’ll take a taxi

time that my mother left (leave) me alone I think it will lose the game
I think we won’t find a place to park
with people that I didn’t know (not
I think I’ll buy the red one
know). I cried (cry) a little when my mom
I think I’ll go to bed now
said (say) good-bye, but soon my teacher
I think I’ll have the fish
came (come) and consoled (console) I think he’ll get an “A”
me. At the end of the morning I was (be)

relaxed. I made (make) friends at that time

who are still my friends today.

Greg: — I remember the day when my father

gave (give) me Peppy, my pet dog. He

was (be) so cute and I was (be)

afraid of him at first. But soon we became

(become) best friends. My dad told (tell)

ex. What time do you prefer to go out? D
me that I had (have) to take care of
I think I’ll leave right now.
him because he was (be) mine. So I was

(be) responsible for everything: his water, his My team is playing so badly that… P

food, his bath, and I also needed (need) I think it will lose the game.

to take him for a walk every day when I arrived

a. What will you order? D
(arrive) from school.
I think I’ll have the fish.
A real sad milestone in my life was when

Peppy died (die). I cried (cry) a lot. b. The sky is so cloudy that… P

It was the first contact that I had (have) I think it’ll rain.

with death.

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c. The student is so good that… P

Sergio Monti Photography/

I think he’ll get an “A”.

d. How do you prefer to go? D

I think I’ll take a taxi.

e. Which shirt do you want? D

I think I’ll buy the red one.

ex. A: Remember our lunch tomorrow. P

f. The patient is so sick that… P
B: I won’t forget.
I think he’ll die.

a. A: I’m hot. O
g. There are so many cars that… P
B: I’ll open the window.
I think we won’t find a place to park.

b. A: I’m very thirsty. O

h. What about another beer? D
B: I’ll bring you a glass of water.
I think I’ll go to bed now.

c. A: That’s a secret. P

2. Complete with the sentences from the list.

Then write (O) for offer, and (P) for promise.
Follow the example.
B: I won’t tell anybody.

d. A: You took my pen. P

I won’t forget B: I’ll give it back to you in a minute.
I’ll give it back to you in a minute
I’ll open the window e. A: Paul, you’re late again! P
I’ll buy you an aspirin B: I’ll arrive on time from now on.
I’ll turn off the air conditioner
I’ll get your glasses f. A: The box is too heavy for me. O
I’ll carry it for you
B: I’ll carry it for you.
I’ll arrive on time from now on
I won’t miss them g. A: I’m in doubt about your feelings. P
I won’t tell anybody
B: I’ll love you forever.
I’ll bring you a glass of water
I’ll love you forever
h. A: I can’t read anything in the book. O
B: I’ll get your glasses.
ex. A: It’s cold. O
B: I’ll turn off the air conditioner. i. A: You have appointments tomorrow. P
B: I won’t miss them.

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j. A: I have a terrible headache. O f. I didn’t check the information.
B: I’ll buy you an aspirin. I won’t check the information.

g. They cried a lot at the funeral.

3. Change the sentences from simple past to

simple future. Use contractions where you
can. Follow the pattern.
They’ll cry a lot at the funeral.

h. Did you peel an orange for me?

Will you peel an orange for me?
ex. It was very difficult.
It’ll be very difficult. i. He cut himself with that knife.
He’ll cut himself with that knife.
Africa Studio/

j. Didn’t you help the children?

Won’t you help the children?

4. Sylvia visited a psychic, who read her future

in tarot cards and predicted ten important
events in her life. Using the simple future – will
–, fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the
verbs to retell the psychic’s prediction. Follow
the pattern.
ex. They went to school last Monday.
They’ll go to school next Monday. ex. You will marry a very rich man. (marry)

a. You will be very happy in your

a. He cleared all my doubts.
marriage. (be)
He’ll clear all my doubts.

b. But you will need to watch out for

b. Did you publish this article?
one of your husband’s coworkers. (need to
Will you publish this article?
watch out)
c. Didn’t you solve our problems?
c. You and your husband will break up .
Won’t you solve our problems?
(break up)
d. I didn’t tell anybody.
d. But you will be apart for only a few
I won’t tell anybody.
months. (be)

e. She was here yesterday morning.

e. You will have two children. (have)
She’ll be here tomorrow morning.

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f. One of your children will have a
serious disease. (have)

g. Your husband will be promoted

you will move

to another country.
1. Use all the particles from the box to fill in
the blanks.

(be promoted... move) at of (2x) on (2x) by (2x)

with for in
h. There will be an accident that

Africa Studio/
will make you change your life.

(there be... make)

i. You will meet someone who

will have a great and positive

influence on your professional life. (meet...



a. I sing songs just for fun.

b. She entertains her daughter with beautiful

fairy tales.

c. The precocious boy was able to play chess

by the age of five.

d. He was born on February 17th, 1954.

e. He spent the day in his room all by himself.

f. I was thinking of her before she arrived.

g. She can’t stop at the bakery because she’s

in a hurry.

h. Have a nice trip, John. Take care of yourself.

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i. She was at home when she got a phone

Syda Productions/
call from the police.

j. Let’s go out. Put on a shirt and a pair

of shoes.

2. Complete with the right connective from

the list.

with from but at in before of f. The students are all in class now.
to after on about and for
g. Who is the president of Argentina?
Yulia Mayorova/

h. London is famous for its red buses.

i. Thursday comes before Friday.

j. Sunday is the first day of the week.

Blend Images/
a. They are on vacation in Paris.

b. What’s the capital of Paraguay?

c. The trip is from Rio to São Paulo.

d. Tuesday comes after Monday.

k. My parents aren’t Brazilian. They are from
e. The housewife is at home with her Chile.
l. He’s a mechanic, and his wife is a nurse.
Evgeny Atamanenko/

m. He’s very thin, but he’s strong.

n. Be quiet and look at the board.

o. Let’s talk about life.

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3. Mark the correct answer according to the

Banana Republic images/

Newman Studio/

IV. The bird is flying _______the window.

a. across.
b. around.
I. The boy is running_______the street. c. through.
a. into. d. up.
b. above.
c. over.
d. across.

Arts Illustrated Studios/


V. The rabbit is coming _______ the hat.

a. out of.
b. into.
c. over.
II.He is throwing the ball _______ the basket. d. beside.
a. onto.

Sumala Chidchoi/
b. into.
c. out of.
d. under.
Linn Currie/

VI. He is going_______the stairs.

III. The cat is jumping _______ the box. a. in.
a. over. b. up.
b. on. c. down.
c. under. d. out of.
d. between.

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kirbyedy/ III. He always stays at home on


IV. I have classes in the morning.

VII. The airplanes are flying _______ the earth.
a. through.
b. over.
c. around.
d. out of.

V. I don’t like to study at night.


VI. John goes to college in the


VII. My classes begin at eight o’clock.

VIII. We always have an ice cream after

lunch. It’s our favorite dessert.

VIII. He is coming _______ the hill.
a. down. IX. — Do you always arrive on time?
b. into. — No, I sometimes arrive late.
c. around.
d. up. X. Once in a while, I have to travel

on business.

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct particles

from the box below. They can be repeated.
Phonlamai Photo/

at in on of off for after before

by from to about with up out

I. They were talking about their


II. His wife occasionally wakes up


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XI. I need to tell you something important.

Can we talk at lunchtime? We

can eat and talk at the same time.

Iakov Filimonov/

XVII. Mr. Wilson always wears a suit to go

to church.

XVIII. Emily and I live on the same street,

in the same building.

XII. She always visits her relatives when

she’s on vacation. XIX. I don’t like to sing in public. I’m

very shy.
XIII. He works for a multinational

company, but he hardly ever needs XX. Half of the students are absent

to leave home. He works all day long from school today.

at his computer at home. XXI. We were at Cynthia’s party last

XIV. Before driving, never drink alcohol. night.

Andrey Burmakin/
XV. She was in a beautiful red dress.

XXII. I like to watch the news on TV.

XVI. I study with Norma. We are

in the same group. XXIII. He loves taking a nap after lunch.


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XXIV. She’s hardly ever late for meetings. XXXI. Grace and I have different opinions. I

don’t agree with her.

XXV. I normally stay in bed for two

or three minutes before I get up . XXXII. She wants to buy a new purse to go

with her shoes.

XXXIII. Can I help you with your bag?

XXXIV. We need to take care of the


XXXV. We are just waiting for him.

XXXVI. In my opinion, this car is excellent.

XXXVII. Why don’t you try on this blouse?

XXVI. We don’t live alone. We live in society.

XXVII. They love going out to look at

shopwindows and compare prices.

XXVIII. Sally is in love with Mike.

XXIX. She has difficulty in choosing things.

Andrey Burkov/

XXXVIII.Is the bathroom on the right or

on the left?

XXXIX. This dress looks nice on you.

XXX. Shirts are on sale in that store.

The discount is around 40 percent. XL. How much can you pay for a

new pair of shoes?


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XLI. His house is just a few blocks from XLVII. Please, listen to me and look at

mine. the board.

XLII. Bear with her for just a few XLVIII. Bring a cup of tea and let’s talk

minutes. She’s putting on some and dance to some jazz.

XLIX. Would you like a cup of coffee?

XLIII. Please, turn off the radio and

L. He was born in December. I think
turn on the television. I’d like to th
it was on December 9 .
watch the news.
LI. His house is in front of hers.

LII. How old was the boy at the time

of his father’s death?

LIII. There were two world wars in the

twentieth century.

LIV. Was there any reason for that


Willyam Bradberry/
XLIV. She doesn’t live far from me. She

lives near me.

XLV. Are you going to the movies by car

or on foot?
Asia Images Group/

LV. You can find mammals on land,

in water, and even in the air.

LVI. The TV program is on air now.

LVII. Mammals’ blood is always at the

right temperature for their body

processes to work well.

XLVI. This necklace belongs to my mother.
LVIII. Many whale species don’t have any

hair, except in the fetal stage.


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Notes Past continuous
1. Use the simple past or the past continuous.
Follow the pattern.

Antonio Guillem/
ex. Yesterday he met (meet) Clara when he

was walking (walk) to school.

a. I was studying (study) in my

room last night when my brother called

(call) me.

b. She heard (hear) a strange noise when

she was having dinner (have dinner)

last night.


c. He was living (live) in London when

his father died (die).

d. I saw (see) an accident when I was

driving (drive) to work this morning.


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e. As it was raining (rain), they didn’t
Degrees of
go out (not go out) last night.

1. Use comparative and superlative. Follow

the pattern.

Sergey Novikov/
f. When the vase fell down (fall down)

on the floor, he was brushing (brush)

his teeth.

g. She was waiting (wait) for the bus ex. Bob and Maggy are 13 years old. Diane is 15.
when a car hit (hit) the tree near her. Bob is as old as Maggy.

Diane is older than Bob.


Diane is the oldest of the three.

Air Images/
h. The baby was sleeping (sleep) when

the police arrived (arrive).

I. Sarah and Edward are 5 feet tall. Rob is 6 feet
i. I didn’t hear (not hear) the news tall.
because my radio was (be) off. a. Sarah is as tall as Edward.

j. While I was taking a shower (take a b. Sarah and Edward are not so tall as / as

shower), a bird came into (come into) tall as Rob.

the bathroom. c. Rob is taller than Sarah and Edward.

d. Rob is the tallest of the three.

k. She was making (make) dinner when

she cut (cut) her hand with a knife.


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Syda Productions/

Wisit Tongma/
II. Kathy’s ring cost 1,000 dollars, the same
price as Rita’s. Alice’s ring cost 900 dollars,
100 dollars less than each of the other two. IV. The temperature today is 32 ºC. The
temperature yesterday was also 32 ºC. The
a. Kathy’s ring is as expensive as Rita’s
day before yesterday it was 33 ºC.
b. Alice’s ring is less expensive than Kathy’s
a. The temperature today is as hot as
ring. yesterday.
c. Rita’s ring is more expensive than b. The day before yesterday, the temperature
Alice’s ring.
was hotter than today.
d. Alice’s ring is the least expensive of all.
c. Yesterday the temperature wasn’t so hot

as / as hot as the day before yesterday.

PR Image Factory/

III. Rose needs a diet because she weighs 100

kilos. Valery doesn’t need a diet because she
weighs only 50 kilos.

a. Rose is fatter than / heavier than Valery.

b. Valery is thinner than / lighter than Rose.

c. Rose is twice as fat as Valery.


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2. Write the comparative and the superlative forms of the adjectives in A, and then give their opposites
in B as in the example.

A 1 rich richer than the richest

2 big bigger than the biggest
3 clean cleaner than the cleanest
4 easy easier than the easiest
5 beautiful more beautiful than the most beautiful
6 fat fatter than the fattest
7 long longer than the longest
8 good better than the best
9 cheap cheaper than the cheapest
10 dangerous more dangerous than the most dangerous

B 1 poor poorer than the poorest

2 small smaller than the smallest
3 dirty dirtier than the dirtiest
4 difficult more difficult than the most difficult
5 ugly uglier than the ugliest
6 thin thinner than the thinnest
7 short shorter than the shortest
8 bad worse than the worst
9 expensive more expensive than the most expensive
10 safe safer than the safest



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