MODULE 3 Communication Process

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Communication Technique Example

Accepting indicate you heard the patient without Oh, I see.

judgment Uhm, go on.
Broad opening statement – allow patient to What would you like to talk about?
initiate conversation. Is there anything you want to talk about?
Clarifying - asking patient to elaborate/explain or Nurse: Can you explain more about that to me?
give example of feelings/ideas. Patient: I feel sick inside.
Make vague topics clear. Nurse: What do you mean by feeling sick inside?
Patient: I'm feeling lost!
Nurse: Give me an example of "feeling lost."
Encouraging expression - asking the client to Tell me when you feel anxious?
describe her feelings. Tell me about your feelings.
Focusing putting attention into single topic Nurse: Let us talk about your relationship with your
Giving recognition - acknowledging, indicating Good morning ....
awareness. I notice that you combed your hair.
You look very nice.
Informing - giving information that the client My name is...
needs. Visiting hours are...
The purpose of the activity is....
Listening - to encourage patient to continue Go on, tell me about it
talking. Listening attentively to ensure And then?
Making observation – verbalizing/telling what the You appear nervous.
nurse sees. I see you are biting your lip.
Offering self- making oneself available. I will sit with you.
I stay here with you.
Reflecting direct patient’s thoughts and feelings Patient: My mother does not understand me at all.
back to patient. Nurse: You seem not to be understood by your mother?
What made you think that way?
Restating (paraphrasing) - repeat the words of Patient: I'm going home soon.
patient to remind her of what she said, to let her Nurse: You are going home soon?
know she is heard. Patient: But my mother is not happy.
Nurse: Your mother was not happy to see you?
Presenting reality -offering a view of what is real Patient: I hear voices of people trying to kill me.
& what is not without arguing with the patient. Nurse: I don't hear voices but I know the voices are real
to you.
Summarizing - organizing and summing up So far we have talked about....
which was said before. Let's see, we had discussed about your family problems,
their effect in your schoolwork......

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