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Winona Shakira P.

Simsuangco PP2 2020144454

Importance of knowing the different Laws, Ethics, and Standards in Architecture

Understanding the numerous laws, ethics, and standards that apply to different professions and businesses is more than just
an academic study and is the foundation of responsible and effective practice in any sector.

As we all know, Architecture is one of the foundations of our society, it creates the edifices that are vital to run and sustain the
economy. With this in mind, it is important to be knowledgeable about the laws, ethics, and standards to regulate and uplift the
practice of the profession.

The importance of compliance with laws in architecture is multifaceted and extends beyond mere legal obligation. For one, the
law creates an avenue to which the Architects are required to adhere to protect the public, the profession, and themselves. For
example, before the discussions we had in class, I never knew the payment procedures and the rights of the architects, without these
in knowledge, it is easy to be exploited and used by the future clients. Knowing or not about the law is not up for debate because each
and everyone must know.

I can also say that in any work available to the variety of professionals out there, their ethics define where they stand in their
respective professions. In Architecture, it encompasses moral principles that guide architects' behavior, decision-making, and their
impact on communities and the environment. In essence, ethics in architecture underpin the moral responsibilities architects hold
towards society, the environment, and their clients. Architects who prioritize ethical considerations create spaces that not only meet
functional and aesthetic requirements but also promote social good, environmental stewardship, and human well-being. To add, what
really struck me is the recent talk of the one and only Jose Siao Ling, he made it clear that sticking to do ethical work is and will be the
base of Architecture. Being true to oneself’s profession starts with doing it ethically.

Lastly, knowing Architectural standards form the benchmark for quality and excellence in practice. Adhering to these standards
guarantees that architectural creations meet or exceed expected performance levels, fostering innovation while maintaining a level of
consistency and reliability.

It's not just about following rules but about upholding ethical principles, protecting lives, preserving the environment, and
contributing positively to the communities where these structures stand. Architects who prioritize compliance with laws, ethics, and
standards showcase their dedication to professionalism, ethical conduct, and the well-being of society as a whole.

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