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I won’t be that guy

I won’t be that guy

Strapped. Stranded. Tied to a pole of your opinion
Trapped or tangling and tumbling in a roll because of your dominion
I won’t be that guy
who trades his faith for fame
I’ll be detained while the other guy is enjoying a traitor’s pay
I won’t be that guy
cornered, conquered
begging for mercy
hungry and thirsty
I won’t be that guy
who falls victim to victory of spies and character assassins
I won’t be torn, tormented or traumatized
I won’t be that guy
who is humiliated by their hate speech
I was illuminated by free speech
I won’t be that guy
who will commit self sacrifice at the hands of church missionaries
I won’t be defined by words, signs and symbols
look me under debauchery in a dictionary
I won’t be that guy
who is predated or outdated my style is timeless
I resurrected when they listed me with the lifeless
I won’t be that guy
who seeks a conclusion in their constitution or institutions
they have no solutions, they are there cause of the pollution
I won’t be that guy
who carves an image and assimilate it to God, mistaken him for religion
I separate human interpretation and divine intervention
I won’t be that guy
who is so naïve
he blames his misfortunes on eve
I won’t be that guy
who side shifts or back tracks, I am front liner
I won’t let gravity pull me down,
neither will I lie low, I strive for the higher ground
I won’t be that guy
who speaks but won’t act
full of ideas but they never manifest
I won’t be that guy
who harbors secrets like a desert
and use the hidden content to further his personal interest
I won’t be that guy
because I’m the guy trying to bring change
be the change you anticipate
I won’t be that guy

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