Chapter Two Answers

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The Boy with the Lion Eyes

1) What was everyone doing?

Sneaking glances of the new boy over their shoulders

2) What coloured eyes did Ahmet have?

Grey and silvery-blue with specks of golden-brown

3) What lesson did they have first?


4) What does the narrator wish for every year when it is their

To grow at least four inches taller

5) Why do they wish for this?

So that they can jump over the vault in one go

6) Where had Tom hidden on his first day?

In the boys toilets

7) What period of history were the class doing?

The Romans
8) Why did no one know what it was like to be a gladiator living
in Roman times?

Because they were all too busy whispering about the new boy

9) Where was Jennie stood?

Just outside the front gates

10) Why were people crowding round Jennie?

She is famous for knowing everything so people assumed she

would know something about the new boy

11) Why do people like to believe a lie?

Because it is more exciting than the truth

12) Where had Ahmet been at playtime?

Inside with Mrs Khan

13) What was beeping like a submarine?

Michael’s watch

14) What was it telling them?

That another bus would be due soon

15) What did the narrator offer Ahmet?

A lemon sherbet

16) Why were they slightly embarrassed by their offering?

Because the lemon sherbet was covered in fluff

17) What did the narrator think they had done to scare Ahmet?

Spoken too loudly

18) Why did the narrator feel extra happy?

Because Mrs Khan had smiled with her whole face and given a

19) What did the narrator plan to do the next day?

To wink as many times as they could when they saw Ahmet

staring at them

20) Summarise the chapter in one sentence.

Summaries will vary

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