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To characterize the information and features of the requirements for a proposed

retirement community for performing visual and literary artist, the study uses a descriptive

research methodology.

Research environment

Since the research proposal was aimed at the Tagaytay City, the study was done there.

Due to its accessibility and ease of conducting evaluations of the unique demands of the planned

retirement community for performing visual and literary artist, the location is an excellent choice

for this research.

Research respondents

The residents Tagaytay City served as the study's responders. They serve as the major

respondents to the research since they are the people who will use a retirement community for

performing visual and literary artist.

Research instruments

The research instruments used for data gathering in this study are the following:

1. Books

The published books used in this research are those related to retirement community for

performing visual and literary artist, especially books that pertain to guidelines for the

researchers to determine the standard requirements for retirement community for performing

visual and literary artist.

2. Data Sheet

These documents, which include the information required for the proposal, will be acquired from

government organizations or even from the internet. The following list contains the information
needed to complete the research considering the proposal is for funerary and crematorium


 a. Data on the number of retirements in Tagaytay City

 b. Information regarding the current population in the city

 c. Information of the site

3. Unstructured and Structured Interview

Interviews will be done both formally and informally to collect subjective and objective

data. People with specialist knowledge of the needs and appropriate action plans for retirement

community for performing visual and literary artist in the city were interviewed for this study.

4. Review of Related Documents and Literature

This project is the first of its kind in Tagaytay City, thus it will be continuously

compared to other initiatives of a similar kind that can be found in the Review of Related


Research procedures

Gathering of Data

Through site visits and interviews, primary data was collected. The precise and informed

respondent's replies in the interviews provided information about retirement community for

performing visual and literary artist guidelines and space needs.

Theories, principles, books, magazines, and websites that provide secondary data were

either documented if they were taken from a book or magazine, or if they were electronic files,

they were kept in the computer for analysis.

To gain acquaintance with the study's associated places, the researchers additionally collected

tertiary data by making trips

The Clients
Based on the specific requirements for a client to move into a retirement community, it is

evident that the client's well-being and independence are of utmost importance. Furthermore, to

cater to the client's interests in visual and literary artist performances, it is essential to assess their

preferences and requirements in these areas. Visual artist performances can encompass a wide

range of art forms, including painting, sculpture, photography, digital art, and multimedia

installations. Similarly, for literary artist performances, the client may express interest in literary

arts such as drama, poetry, and prose, and may also be open to events like readings of books,

poetry performances, and themed literary gatherings.

To ensure the client's holistic well-being and engagement, it would be beneficial to

explore and incorporate visual and literary artist performances that align with the client's

interests. This can contribute to creating a vibrant and fulfilling environment within the

retirement community, promoting creativity, cultural enrichment, and meaningful social

interactions. Additionally, personalized programming could be developed to allow the client to

participate in or attend visual and literary artist performances that resonate with their preferences.

Treatment of data

Following the collection of the required data, the following actions were taken:

Data Presentation: A separate chapter presents the study's data collection. More information

about the client, user, and site data will be provided in that chapter.

Data Analysis: A whole chapter is devoted to data analysis. The information offered in the

aforementioned chapter was carefully examined. A space programming table presents the

acquired spaces that make up the unified culture. Space programming identifies the users,

purposes, factors, relationships in space, needs in space, and equipment in a certain space.

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