Essay Climate Change and How Society Face It

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By : Rachel Pradana Putri, University of Semarang

Nowadays, we can’t stand and be outdoors for too long, because the
weather already feel hot not only during the day but even in the morning. Due to
this condition, we have to carry a small fan to accompany us all the times and we
even want to hurry and run to be indoors with air conditions to cool us down and
make our body temperature back to normal. The increase in temperature and
weather on Earth is a condition that is influenced by climate change. This climate
change affects many things, ranging from weather, temperature, to the structure of
human life, both in terms of health, energy supply, food, to human social life
First, we need to know what climate change is. Climate change is a
condition that causes significant changes to various aspects, the most common of
which are changes in weather, temperature, and rainfall. According to
Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), climate change is already
affecting all parts of the earth, from rises see water, melting glacier, rainfall, and
extreme temperature rises that impacting on human life on the earth.
Climate change circumstances can arise from both natural factors and
human activities. Natural factors refer to the cyclic processes of warming and
cooling that the Earth has experienced in previous periods. This phenomenon
occurred prior to the advent of human existence. Additional causes, climate
change is influenced by various natural processes, such as fluctuations in solar
radiation, volcanic activities, and naturally occurring variations in greenhouse gas
levels. However, since the mid-20th century, there has been an accelerated
occurrence of climate change that cannot be solely attributed to natural factors.
Upon conducting additional research, it has been determined that the accelerated
occurrence of climate change can be attributed to human action, namely the
phenomenon known as the greenhouse gases effect (GHG). The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has reported that GHG
emissions resulting from human activities have contributed to a warming of
around 1.1 degrees Celsius since the period between 1850 and 1900. The release
of greenhouse gases is mostly attributed to the combustion of fossil fuels such as
oil, coal, and natural gas, which are commonly used for electricity generation and
transportation purposes. Furthermore, illegal logging serves as a significant
contributor to the release of carbon into the atmosphere, as opposed to its
absorption by vegetation. In addition to this, anthropogenic activities such as
agricultural practices and the construction of road infrastructure can exert a
significant influence on the albedo of the Earth's surface, hence inducing
alterations in both warming and cooling patterns. All of these factors contribute to
the accumulation of greenhouse gases, which subsequently leads to the occurrence
of severe climate change on our planet.There’s plenty effect of climate hange. The
effect will disrupt the natural, economic, and social systems we live in. We
already can see the effect, from the risen global sea level (about 19 cm) since
beginning 20th century, it increased the risk of flooding in around sea area.
Furthermore, heatwaves and droughts are becoming more common in many parts
of the world, and it lead harm to human health to the point of heat related death.
There are many populations across the world that have the greatest difficulty
coping with the impacts of climate change. Even though the risks and impacts
aren't evenly distributed (depending on their locations and capability to adapt), it
is still hard to live in it because every bit of warming, even half a degree, can
make a difference between the manageable and dangerous ones.
And to avoid the climate change getting worse, society must be able to
face theses change with patience and do various things that can overcome this
extreme condition. These activities can come from small things to big things.
Starting first, using public transportation for long trips or cycling and walking for
short distance trips and avoid the use of private transportation, because apparently
they contribute the largest greenhouse gas emission in the world. Secondly, we
can avoiding to create a lot of food waste and eating low carb and plant based
foods. Furthermore, not wearing fast fashion clothes is a choice we can do.
Instead of fast fashion, we can wearing thrifted clothes and good quality and
durable clothes. For the long-term success of these activities, collaboration
between the government and the community itself is needed. In the government’s
purview, the Presiden of Indonesia, Joko Widodo has stated at the KTT CAS
(Climate Adaptation Summit) in 2021, he stated that there are four strategics steps
to face and deal with climate change. To deal with this condition, the first thing,
Joko Widodo called out all countries to contribute to his action. Then, mobilizing
the potential society from all countries to handle and take actions related to
climate change condition. Third, there is a strengthening of global partnership by
prioritizing capacity building cooperation in dealing with climate change in
Pacific region countries, and last is by continuing green development to make a
better world.
The majority of Indonesias are well aware of the condition of climate
change, and although the changes made look simple, if all citizens participate in
these actions, then the results obtained are equivalent to what we do; as a society,
we have to be prepared all time and be strong in facing this climate change

5 Alternatives To Fast Fashion (2021) The Borgen Project. Available at: HYPERLINK

Climate change is a matter of justice – here’s why (2023) United Nations Development
Programme. Available at:

Nakat, G. (2023) Climate justice and social justice: Two sides of the same coin,
Greenpeace. Available at:

The Facts On Climate Change Myth Busters (no date) United Nations. Available at:

Turrentine, J. and Denchak, M. (2021) What Is Climate Change?, NRDC. Available at:

What are the impacts of climate change? (no date) Imperial College London. Available at:
References :

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