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04/09/2023, 00:54 Roundcube Webmail :: k in 6 days case study

Subject $26k in 6 days case study

From Welly at BirdSend 📩 <>
Sender <>
To <>
Reply-To Welly at BirdSend 📩 <>
Date 2023-09-04 00:42

This email isn’t about me.

It’s about how you might find the things I did for my clients useful.

And maybe you could steal an idea or 2 & apply it to your biz?

I recently helped a client launch a new offer that got him USD
$26,201 in 6 days.

To be transparent, this client has affiliates who promoted the offer.

If you take away affiliate sales from the total revenue, we get

Tho I’m happy with the result, I’m confident I could’ve at least 2X-ed
his sales (more below…)

Here’s what he said about his experience working with me

What happened / context

After payin’ me to get his emails outta Gmail’s Promo Tab & spam,
this client ghosted me for 3 weeks… even after I followed up with
him multiple times.

Weird, I know… 1/7
04/09/2023, 00:54 Roundcube Webmail :: k in 6 days case study

Then 1 fine day out of the blue…

He finally responded & casually said, “I’m launching a new offer in 2

days. Can you help?”

I was like…

“Sure I can help if you hadn’t ghosted me for 3 weeks! And if you
hadn’t waited until the lasttt minute before telling me. I’m not some
superhero with a magic wand, hello!”

I wished I’d said the above, but I didn’t.

But I did ask, “Why did you ghost me?”

He said he didn’t have time to fill the onboarding form I sent him.

(… in my mind, it’s not that he didn’t have time, he just didn’t treat
this as a priority… maybe he already has a lot of $ mahhhney 😎)

Note: 2/7
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Even tho he initially enlisted my help to get his emails outta Gmail’s
Promo Tab & spam (not to write his launch emails)…

I decided to help him with his launch anyway.

Why? Because I want to overdeliver & get results for him.

So I only have 2 days to strategize, plan & write the launch

emails 🤦‍♂️

But there was another problem.

The client hasn’t emailed his list in 5 months & this has resulted in
poor email deliverability & engagement, which ultimately leads to:

Emails landing in spam

Emails landing in Gmail’s Promo Tab

Plus, some folks have forgotten about him. Others are no longer
interested in his topic.

The problems didn’t end there, unfortunately.

The sale copy for the offer was bland, with almost no persuasion

It felt very haphazardly thrown together with only a short intro video
& some bullets (lazily) explaining the offer.

I thought to myself, “We need to fix the sales copy too if we want to
have any kind of decent results.”

So apart from writing his emails (more below), I also coached the
client & gave him specific pointers to improve his sales copy.

. 3/7
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2 problems need to be fixed from my end:

1. Get his emails outta Promo Tab & spam (deliverability problem)

2. Maximize sales for the launch (using creative angles, hitting

pain points, future pacing, writing in a fun & entertaining way
that smoothly transitions to the sales pitch, etc.)

With such a tight deadline (2 days only), I wasn’t sure if I could do


But I thought to myself: “Let’s just do it to the best of my ability.

Sure beats doing nothing!”

What I did

To reiterate, the launch lasted 6 days.

I wrote 7 emails that go out using this schedule:

Launch day — Email 1

Day 2 — Email 2

Day 3 — Email 3

Day 4 — Email 4

Day 5 — Email 5

Last day — Email 6

Last day — Email 7

(2 emails for the last day — 1 in the morning & the other in the
evening to remind on-the-fence folks that this is the last chance to
get in at the special launch price) 4/7
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Now that the email content is taken care of, I still have to fix this
client’s deliverability problem causing his low engagement & open

I divided his email list into segments based on previous

engagements & size.

This means I did NOT send all 7 emails to all subscribers because
doing so would result many of the emails to land in spam / Promo

Here’s the gist of the emails I wrote:

Talk directly to their pains & frustrations, agitate them, then

present the offer as the solution
To do this, I had the client fill out a form & tell me his
audience’s biggest pain points & struggles.

I also researched about the most common problems folks

have in this niche.

Show how they’d get their desired outcome & achieve the
transformation they were looking for if they get the solution
(future pacing)

Credibility & authority

Since this is a freshly launched beta offer, the client only
had 1 testimonial. So I used his background as someone
who’s been in this industry for more than a decade & how
he’s helped many people (just like them) over the years —
to prove his competence & authority.

The benefits of the offer & what folks get

Storytelling & humor

Including both of these in the emails make the emails
personal & relatable → folks are entertained → lower their 5/7
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Storytelling & entertainment by themselves are useless if

our goal is to sell. After all, we’re not comedians (or
clowns). So I always find a way to connect the story to my
client’s offer.

They can only get the special launch price during the
launch (6 days). When it’s gone, it’s gone. No beggin’ to be
let in, no matter the reason — I explicitly wrote this in the

I told the client, “If you hadn’t ghosted me for 3 weeks & come to
me sooner, I’d have AT LEAST 2X-ed your sales!”

Hope you found this case study useful?

Wanna stealllll an idea or 2? Be my guest :)

Email is funnn,

Welly Mulia

I haven’t had the chance to introduce myself earlier, so here goes…

Hey SK 👋

I’m Welly.

I turn coaches’ & course creators’ newsletters into 6-fig money


I’ve also sold $2+ million of my own offers.

Plus I happen to run an email marketing tool / ESP for coaches —

called BirdSend — that has sent 1.6+ billion emails across a variety
of niches. 6/7
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ps. Want me to also make it rain for your biz? So that you get more
clients & customers from your newsletter / email list… without being
sleazy or changing email tool?

Reply with “rain” & let’s get ya rollin’.

Maspion Plaza Gunung Sahari Raya No. 18 Jakarta 14420, Indonesia

Don't want future emails? Unsubscribe 7/7

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