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C y b e r I n te l l i g e n c e

1629 K Street NW Suite 300,
Washington DC 20006-1631, USA
P +1-202-355-6371

7500A Beach Road

#04-327, The Plaza
Singapore 199591
P +65 9299 0905

232 DLF South Court,

Saket District Centre
New Delhi 110017, India
P +91 33 4004 6349

#1603, PS Srijan Corporate Park,

Block GP, Sector V, Salt Lake,
Kolkata 700091, India A COMPETENCE DOCUMENT
P +91-33-4054-5454

This will be trimmed
We are fortunate enough to
be living in possibly the most
peaceful period in the recorded
history of the world.

Peace Since 1945, the incidence of war

has declined.

From 22 per 100,000 people

being killed to 0.3 (1945 to 2010).

This will be trimmed
This unprecedented era of peace
is not the result of one country’s
sudden love for another.

It is the result of an unprecedented

Defending increase in annual defence


better From $ 69 bn in the US in 1950

to $ 462 bn in 2010.*

From $ 2 bn in India in 1950 to

$ 53 bn in 2010.*
This will be trimmed
From $ 91 bn in the erstwhile
Soviet Union (1950) to $ 411 bn
in present-day Russia (2010).*

This spending has been manifested

in various ways.

Spending on vigilance. Spending on

armaments. Spending on border

And, most importantly, spending on

niche specialised next-generation
information technologies.
*Figures in billions of 1986 U.S. dollars
Even as several countries are not
fighting each other, there is still
underlying tension between them
that needs to be addressed.

The wars of Using different weapons. Invested

by different players. Across

today different terrains.

These aggressive initiatives need

to be countered through advanced

This will be trimmed So that they may be foiled before

they wreak havoc.

This niche technology space is the

preserve of select domain experts.

Experts like Vehere Interactive

Private Limited.
The distinctive driver of national
preparedness has not just been
an increase in the quantum of
armaments being manufactured

and purchased but also a
significant increase in defence

spending in specialised next-
generation technologies. These
technologies offer the ability to
capture information patterns and
sequences that could compromise
national or global peace. The
result is that countries are placing
a greater emphasis on reading
these patterns and preparing in a
proactive manner to reinforce their
national security systems.
This will be trimmed
The challenge here lies in a
country’s ability to aggregate
diverse information sources,
develop the technology to analyse

these feeds and forecast probable
outcomes. This ability to decode

petabytes of data and derive
definitive indications of what could
be in the offing is drawn from a
deep understanding of analytics.
This specialised understanding
The issue of conflict deterrence is of analytics lies at the heart of
drawing upon various information specialised technology companies.
feeds and leads. On the one
hand, countries are engaged in Vehere is one such company,
access of information through possessing a distinctive
disguised surveillance. On the competence in a niche space and
helping customers will be trimmed
other hand, an increasing number
of countries are engaging in a security strategies that make the
more subtle – and more effective world a safer place to live in.
– reading of data cross-flows
between geographies. The main
objective of these countries is to
discern patterns that could provide
valuable communication leads to
strengthen their preparedness and
pre-emptive engagement.
The power
of informed
Vehere is a technology-driven
service provider that assists
This will be trimmed customers in developing a range
of preventive measures. These
measures comprise data mining
for the discovery of concealed
relationships in large amounts of

Vehere evaluates information

across various stretches of time
using retrospective crime trends,
locations, economic factors and
other events. The eventual result
is a distinctive Vehere dashboard
that indicates pockets that are
highly vulnerable to crime, making
it possible to proactively deploy
resources to counter emerging
The key challenge in such an
exercise is to reduce the time
taken to aggregate, analyse and
arrive at an outcome. The agencies
involved in such an exercise
require extensive periods to screen
available data. This is normally a
major drawback considering the
dynamic nature of the space and
the criticality of what is at stake –
national security. Gradually there
have emerged ways and means
to process this information within
shorter time spans. What used to
take weeks can now be done in a
few hours.

Vehere has led the way in this

regard. It empowers customers
through the interplay of analytics
and diverse tools (link analysis,
audio analytics, network forensics
and open source intelligence
systems). It has helped clients
arrive at a closer and quicker
understanding of evolving ground
a distinctive
Vehere brings
its proven
competence to
the specialised There are a number of reasons for this collect, thereby decipher and analyse

space of national distinctive capability. information from varied networks

and data sources without infriging on
security. For one, Vehere has selected to focus
on the niche area of defence and
individual privacy rights.
homeland security, enhancing its Vehere’s deployments comprise a
specialisation and positioning as a range of tactical solutions to large
domain expert. Besides, Vehere has nationwide strategic monitoring
been working with the defence teams centres – across continents. The
of about half-a-dozen countries, Company offers a range of Lawful
drawing real-time insights in prevailing Interception, Data Retention and
cross-border challenges and devising Geo Location solutions for Wireless
corresponding security solutions. and Wireline Telecom Operators as
well as Internet Service Providers.
The Company has been engaged in
Vehere complements the role of Law
this area for more than a decade.
Enforcement & National Security
Established in 2006, it specialises
(LENS) agencies with the objective to
in state-of-the-art communications
neutralise crime and terror, facilitates
intelligence capabilities in the broad
Communication Service Provider (CSP)
communications spectrum and mission
to ensure compliance with established
control protection against advanced
norms and helps government agencies
cyber threats and data breaches.
protect national critical infrastructure.
Vehere develops technologies to
In a space marked by a premium certifications like ISO 9001:2008
on trust, speed and competence, and ISO 27001:2005. Over the years,
customers generally select to work prestigious institutions like IEEE,
with the most credible service Springer and IJCN have published
providers. papers on cutting-edge research
written by Vehere personnel.
Vehere brings to its customers a
complement of credible certifications, Vehere’s industry respect can be
industry respect and in-depth sectoral appraised through prestigious awards:
expertise. Deloitte Fast 50 Award (2012, 2014
and 2015), the NASSCOM Award for
Vehere has been consistently
Growth in the IT Product segment
ranked among the fastest-growing
(2017) and ASSOCHAM’s Company of
technology firms by Deloitte. The
the Year Award (2017).
Company’s competence is highlighted
through credible international
Belonging to
a select band
Vehere creates high-end technology around customer needs with virtually no Vehere provides comprehensive
platforms that empower customers to systemic downtime. solutions to clients that aggregate
take informed decision on a real-time and analyse data from telephony,
Vehere brings to its customers a first-
basis. internet and satellite-based sources.
mover’s advantage. The Company was
Vehere delivers a complete life-cycle
The Company has demonstrated a among the first to introduce integrated
engagement for its customers: System
competence in graduating across entire link analysis, geospatial mapping
Development & Testing > Factory
technology generations, emerging as tools and speech recognition systems
Acceptance > System Delivery > Full
a cutting-edge service provider with (to name a few) in the backdrop of an
Installation > On-site Acceptance
the ability to shrink learning curves by archaic receiver system in 2006. The
> Comprehensive Training &
combining diverse technologies to deliver result is an ability to stay ahead of
Documentation > 24 x7 Support
customised solutions. It possesses the the curve by leveraging sophisticated
ability to weave a customised solution analytics.

Develop. Deliver. Support. Life-cycle engagement.

Develop Deliver Support

Evolving solutions Quicker mind-to-market Quick turnaround times
around innovative
Robust acceptance test Ongoing customisation
procedures for clients and contemporisation
Integrated processes
Training and Global access with next-
Extensive testing for empowering clients to door availability
seamlessness manage the system
Vehere’s complex capability is
expressed in the convergence
of three capabilities and
Proactive. Communications.


• Ahead-of-the-curve
• Interactive approach
• Futuristic technologies today
• Facilitates ongoing vigilance
• Proactive simulations-based approach
• Safeguarding clients against every probable
• Getting into the mind of what an adversary
may be plotting
• Focusing on ‘what can be’ rather than ‘what
had happened’

• Focusing on all exchanges that can be • Deep knowledge repository in complex data
captured electronically interpretation and visualisation
• Capability comprises capturing, • Proven competitive advantage resulting in
decoding, analysing and reporting insight-enhancing analysis
• Coverage comprises satellite, • Capability directed at the ability to derive
telephony and the internet clarity out of complexity
• Distinctive ability to customise solutions
around client needs (textual or visual)
• Zero data loss
The distinctive
Vehere culture

An increasing number of clients working in

a nationally-sensitive space are entrusting
their assignments only to specialised
agencies they can completely trust. One of
the first things these demanding clients need
to know is not what technology capabilities a
player possesses but what kind of operating
culture it professes.
Respect for the serious Embracing the complex Culture of urgency
Our engineers, technology experts We work in one of the most complex We recognise that we are engaged in
and business managers recognise the areas in the information technology a business, which has critical national
over-riding reality: that this is a nation- services space and capitalise on our and international ramifications. The
critical business to which we bring a inherent ability to derive meaningful quicker we complete projects, the
corresponding seriousness. patterns from staggeringly large faster we are able to make the world
volumes of data. safer.
Speed of informality
We reconcile this sectoral seriousness Undaunted by the challenges Driven by solutions
with operational informality and We have gained a reputation for We pride in providing our clients
thereby, we match or exceed client the ability to embrace challenging with assurance, derived from our
expectations. projects delivered within stipulated ability to aggregate a complement of
timelines, thereby shrinking mind-to- innovative technologies that provide
Relevance of customisation market cycles and enhancing client comprehensive solutions.
We believe that every client is different responsiveness.
and every assignment is unique. As Preference for flexibility
such, Vehere lays a keen emphasis in Excited by the new We pursue a singular objective to
customising solutions around specific We have fortified our relevance as a provide clients with technology-
client needs. dependable service provider through agnostic flexibility.
the proactive ability to embrace cutting-
edge technologies and future-proof
client installations from obsolescence.
Committed to
The soul of our company lies in the governance
fabric that enhances stakeholder trust

Vehere is fully aware that its work influences the security of nations and the well-
being of millions. In view of this, the Company brings to its business the highest
standards of governance.

Corporate Confidentialities
• Replicating governance standards • Signing long-term non-disclosure
across locations agreements with employees
• Engaging in selective recruitment by • Implementing impregnable walls
appraising credentials that extend between various sub-teams working
beyond professional qualifications, on the same project
experience and competence
Customer value
• Investing proactively in people,
• Educating customers on the latest
practices, process and infrastructure
intelligence and technological
Project discipline standards
• Utilising proven methodologies and • Promising a substantial
products improvement in delivered solutions
• Institutionalising a rigorous over competitors
commitment that ensures zero • Delivering what is committed
deviation from client specifications • Empowering select senior
• Engaging in preliminary and critical managers with project aggregation
design reviews responsibilities
• Deploying on-site engineers to
provide 24x7 support to customers

Giving Soldiers and Command Centres,

immediate access to critical information
for better decision-making
Any defence mission is dependent needed for transformational, real-time
on timely access to high-quality analytics against Big Data sets scaling
data, often from diverse intelligence to petabytes of Data.
agencies and operational units.
During a war however, accessing
and analysing this data becomes Visualize – See
a challenge. The petabytes of data Everything You Want
being acquired and analysed makes
it hard for commanding officers to
Advanced and unique workflow and
extract actionable insights from this
data visualization platforms elevate
your ability to interactively visualize
Vehere solutions for Defence provides and decipher complex data sets with
Tactical solutions that addresses each extreme user-customization to extract
of these challenges. They are designed meaningful insights.
to adapt to evolving situations and to
address emerging threats.
Analyze – Find the
Hidden Links
How Vehere Can Help
Advanced and unique workflow and
Acquire – Access data visualization platforms elevate
Everything You Need your ability to interactively visualize
and decipher complex data sets with
Acquire data from diverse and disparate
extreme user-customization to extract
sensors – Satellite, Cyber, Telecom and
meaningful insights.
Radio. Vehere solutions acquire multiple
data formats and protocols covering
the widest gambit of sensor platform
Collaborate -Work
for both structured and unstructured
and Share the way
data and provides a unified view of
you want and with
all acquired data, regardless of their
whom you want
source. Powerful and robust Big Data Unique innovations bring to the users’
Storage platform design incorporates ambit the power to evolve Vehere’s
scalability and high availability without product on their own. The Users can
compromising performance. The create their own analysis, workflows
design supports linear scalability and and visualizations including graphs,
proven fault-tolerance making it the charts, advanced time series analysis,
perfect platform for mission-critical geospatial visualization, sunbursts
data. The Platform’s massive parallel and many more. Complex data
processing (MPP), Distributed shared- manipulations, queries, transformations
nothing data cache, Automatic failover and visualizations can be seamlessly
and Automatic concurrency scale-out created and shared among multiple
functionalities works together to deliver Users.
the exceptional scaling and speed
Acquire, Analyse and Explore
Data for Effective and Efficient
Decision Making

Intelligence Agencies around the world are mandated to
anticipate and prevent emerging threats that may destabilise
nations and global economies.
The Intelligence Community needs solutions that can extract
actionable insights from the ever-increasing volume and type of
data being generated every day, from unstructured data to signals
intelligence without infringing on privacy and an individual’s civil
Vehere’s solutions for Intelligence enable officers to stay ahead
of the curve, to anticipate and stop perpetrators in their tracks.

How Vehere Can Help

Extract Actionable Intelligence from

Emerging Threats
Vehere’s advanced technology platform enables data set and raw
information from multiple communication sensors that ranges
from Undersea Data Cables to Satellites to anything in between
them to come to a singular platform to achieve the following goal:
Run Advanced Artificial Intelligence Engines to extract broader
strategic views that include longer lists of potential outcomesBe
strategically relevant on increasingly complex topics even when
handling a very large and disparate volume, variety and velocity of
modern data streams

Collaborate, Communicate and

For more than a decade, Vehere has been developing Command
and Control Platform that focus on seamless Collaboration and
Communications – both Inter and Intra Intelligence Agencies so
that the Analysts can focus dedicatedly on Intelligence Functions.
This Platform is meant t provide a common set of standards and
platforms, as well as security protocols, and allows analysts from
one intelligence agency to analyze data collected by another.
Law Enforcement

Equipping Law Equipping Law Enforcement Officers with Tools that they need to
Investigate and Respond to Crimes as they happen.
Enforcement State Police and Law Enforcement Organisations across the world
Officers with Tools access information in databases, often so diverse that they have
no way to search, view and draw insights from this information
that they need to on a unified search console. To hone in on a suspect and collect
Investigate, Report relevant data on a person or location of interest or on an on-going
criminal case, requires him to literally search for a needle in the
and Respond to haystack.
Crimes as they Vehere’s solutions for Law Enforcement Officers addresses each

happen. of the challenges faced by Police Officers.

How Vehere Can Help
Acquire-Access Create, Improved
-Analyse Collaborate and Situational
Information from Communicate Awareness
Disparate Data
Sources Vehere’s solutions have been Vehere’s solutions improve
designed to empower Police Operational Awareness for
Vehere’s solutions designed Officers to Create specific Active Ops and is capable of
for Police Officers investigating searches based on their investigating targets in real-time.
criminal activities, allows them requirement, collaborate with
to quickly access all available their peers and team on the
information on a suspect, in ground, and Communicate their
one-place and in a user-friendly findings to their seniors.
format without having to look into
multiple data bases and disparate
data types.
CommuSAS Converged Interception Systems
CommuSAS: Converged Interception Systems
Vehere’s Convergent Multiservice Interception Systems acquire multiple data formats and protocols covering the widest
gambit of sensor platform for both structured and unstructured data and provides a unified view. The system is driven by
an analytical engine powered by Machine Learning algorithm that provides services such as speech recognition, natural
language processing and behavioral analytics. Powerful and robust Big Data storage platform incorporates scalability and
high availability without compromising on performance.

Interception and Analysis of Data from Communication Service Providers has become critical for any Law Enforcement &
National Security Agency (LENS) ever since these have become a powerful medium of communication channels between
With the continual change in communications technology, the Analysis of Content & Metadata by the LENS Agencies has
become more important than just the interception and analysis of the actual call/internet content only.
Vehere’s CommuSAS has been specifically developed as a data fusion platform to service the complex needs of law
enforcement agencies worldwide to gather intelligence and not just to monitor communications channels.
The system has the capability of acquiring signals from diverse sensors, such as satellite, optic fiber, and mobile networks
which carries IP and TDM traffic. These sensors or probes will allow for the interception and recording with metadata
analysis capacity up to 100 Gbps speeds carrying different type of payloads and bandwidths.
Customer Benefits:
• Integrates with various sensors and probes to acquire signals on different media, speeds, encoding and formats
• It analyses the data to ensure that any relevant intelligence is received as early as possible
• Capable of intelligently analyzing the input IP data and filter the same based on various IPDR fields to generate targets of
interest and record the related incident traffic
• The Mediation functionality of the system ensures matching of all targets and delivering information in real time.

Network Traffic




National Vehere Cyber
Enterprise State
Security Cyber Security





• The system has the capability to assemble all the captured packets of targeted sessions for easy and near-original
reconstruction and presentation of intercepted session.
• It has an in-built Metadata analysis system to find potential targets, target groups, linkages and patterns from the mass
IPDRs and use them for real-time filtering as well as for retrospective analysis.

Its Advanced Monitoring Center is user-friendly in that it offers a unified view of all intercepted data, regardless of
their source. No matter what kind of data or from whichever sort of network, the Monitoring Center presents them in a
standardized way because its unique architecture can concurrently handle all technologies. It is both, flexible and scalable
and performs the tasks of monitoring in an auditable, secure, reliable and verifiable manner, to support the intelligence cycle
The Advanced Monitoring Center is the perfect match for Client needs for efficient monitoring and prompt evaluation of all
types of communication – today, tomorrow and after tomorrow.

The CommuSAS handles the following general types of intercepts and manages them in more specific types:
• Internet sessions (Supports 3000+ Protocols)
• Metadata Extraction
• Target Centric Collection of Traffic Content (TC)
• Location-based information
• Monitors Application Leaks
Satellite Strategic Interception Systems

VSAT Monitoring System

VSAT Monitoring System is a fully
integrated passive system for
monitoring and analysis of VSAT
satellite communication. It supports
automatic satellite signal scanning
and analysis and has access to all
types of data transmitted in direct
and return channels of the satellite

Thuraya Monitoring System

Thuraya Monitoring System is
designed for interception of traffic
and control channels of Thuraya
Mobile Satellite System. The system
provides a stream of received
data from the C-band and L-band
interception stations for association
of intercepted traffic in a duplex pair.

ISAT Phone Pro Monitoring

This system has been designed
for interception of traffic and
control channels of ISAT Phone
Pro Mobile Satellite System. It
enables automatic demodulation,
decoding, descrambling, determine
and registration of voice and SMS,
transmitted by IsatPhone PRO
Satellite Tactical Interception Systems

Iridium Monitoring System

Iridium Monitoring System is
an interception and recording
system that captures and stores
communication records related
to Voice, Fax, SMS and Data (low
speed and high speed) in Iridium
communication channels. It is
capable of complete monitoring of
target calls or sessions depending
on interception conditions. It
performs interception in a radius
of 1000 kilometers from the
interception point.

Multi-Service Monitoring
Multiservice Satellite Monitoring
System is a portable and tactical unit
for monitoring Thuraya, Iridium and
IsatPhone PRO in the same system.
It is designed for passive interception
and monitoring of traffic and
control channels of Thuraya Mobile
Satellite System (Standard GMR-
1), Iridium Mobile Satellite System,
and IsatPhone PRO Mobile Satellite
System (Standard GMR-2+).
Fiber Optic
Fibre Optic Strategic Interception Systems
• Conversion of STM/OTU4
• 3000+ protocols
• Behavior analysis
• Big Data Algorithm

IP Interception System It is a highly effective Strategic Bulk Carrier Interception,

CommuSAS Fibre Optic Monitoring System Packet has Storage and Analysis System which is capable to work in
acquisition platform is capable to acquire large volume both Data Centric (CDRs only) and big data (CDRs +Contents)
of data from fibre. It provides capability for conversion of modes.
STM/OTU4 traffic to Ethernet. The middle layer provide The system has all the requisite features of a Bif Data
segregation, normalisation, analytics and retention System to monitor specific large numbers/ networks of
where Big Data architecture comes in play. It provides the known targets, all events are recorded, processed and made
national security agencies with a powerful tool to gain available for monitoring in real time or offline.
control of interception challenges in complex IP networks.
It is capable to intercept and manage the following:
With the capability to handle more than 3000 protocols
with up to 100 Gig speed it provides behavioural analysis • Voice Communications, Fax, SMS, Modem Transmissions
of the targets automation and machine learning including local loop, Call Related Information (CRI), DTMF
algorithm. It extracts thousands of Meta Data and in-band Transmission, CIC Mapping
extracts Applications Leaks for identity and location. It Customer Benefits:
also captures targeted information and reconstruct to
see the content. The data retention can be for months as • Extremely versatile construction of interoperating software
required. and hardware modules.
• Performs all intelligence-related tasks on the intercepted
Passive TDM Monitoring
Passive TDM Monitoring System provides efficient • Interpretation as well as a wide range of administrative
monitoring of TDM Traffic. tasks
GSM Tactical Systems*

Passive GSM Interception

Passive GSM Monitoring System
is designed for analysing of
communication sessions as well as
service information circulating in
cellular GSM network A5/0 without
encryption or networks with A5/1
and A5/2 and A5/3 encryption. It
monitors all channels over the GSM
900MHz and 1800MHz spectrum [2G,
3G and 4G] and is able to receive,
decode, decipher, store and display/
playback voice and SMS from the
GSM network. The system does not
interfere with the external cellular

IMSI Catcher
IMSI Catcher is a system to trace
celular data (IMSI, IMEI, TMSI) for 2G,
3G and 4G technologies in a specific
locations (airport terminals, prisons
etc.). It has the capability to locate
the phone.

* Restricted item, designed and developed only for Government Law Enforcement Agencies.
Wi-Fi Tactical Interception Systems

Wi-Fi Monitoring System

The Wifi Monitoring System identifies
the Access Points and User Equipment
in the vicinity. It works across all
channels of a/b/g/n simultaneously.
It has the ability to scan and identify
the devices up to 5 km range.
The system, paired with Deep Packet
Inspection engine, analyses and
reports the User Behavior of the
device owner. It can extract the geo-
coordinates of the user equipment
with an accuracy of +/-30m.
The system has a FPGA based
decryption module for WEP/WPA/
The system has active capabilities to
extract information from rogue user
equipment’s and further interrogation
for live operations.

Remote Active Monitoring

This is part of the Wifi Monitoring
System. It remotely identifies the
vulnerability in the camera and
routers in the region and identify the
geocoordinates (lat-long).
Decryption Appliances
GSM Decryption System
GSM Decryption System is a state-of-the-art decryption unit for GSM cellular telephone catering to A5/1 and A5/2. These
deciphering units are specialized software (A5/2) and hardware (A5/1) intended for calculating an encryption key (Kc) of a
GSM session, with an average deciphering time of around 500 msec. It has API available for the integration.

WEP, WPA, WPA2-PSK Decryption System

This Decryption System facilitates encryption analysis tools of key recovery of Wi-Fi Security Protocols such as WEP (Wired
Equivalent Privacy), WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) and WPA2-PSK (Pre-Shared Key). It includes at least one FPGA accelerator
for faster recovery of the key. This system can be integrated with Central Decryption Unit having facility of multiple FPGA’s for
Decryption Appliances

Data Recovery and Extraction

The Data Recovery & Extraction System (DRES) examines and decrypts encrypted digital data and digital communications,
both automatically and manually. This system enables the analyst to decrypt new pieces of cipher-text of any digital data and
digital communications without additional information. The DRES system involves a reconfigurable parallel FPGA machine
optimized for code breaking tasks, exhibiting a (much) better performance-cost ratio than off-the-shelf computers.
Telecom Compliance Lawful Interception and Monitoring
Lawful Interception (LI)
Vehere’s LI System is a Lawful Interception System for voice and data networks, covering PSTN, VoIP, CDMA, WCDMA, GSM,
GPRS, LTE, VoLTE, IMS, IP, xDSL, Satellite, E-Mail, and other new communication technologies.
Customer Benefits:
• Centralized LI System to ensure state-of-the art security and reliability, even in mixed networking environments covering a
diversity of equipment vendors and services.
• Solution scalability to support growth in network size, bandwidth, and services by the Communication Services Providers
• System scalability to adapt to Law Enforcement requirements.
• System redundancy & high availability to avoid system outage.
• User friendly and requires minimal training
• Reduces the cost of the Lawful Interception tasks
Data Retention System
Data Retention System is a centralised multi-services system fulfilling legally mandated Data Retention requirements
of all networks (PSTN, GSM, GPRS, 3G, LTE, CDMA, WCDMA, VoIP, IP, Satellite, etc.). The system interfaces with the
Communications Services Provider’s (CSP’s) network to collect subscriber and traffic information, usage data, equipment
status data, and other relevant information.
Customer Benefits:
• Centralized system to ensure state-of-the-art security and reliability
• Scalability to ensure cost-efficient system for the customers
• Solution flexibility to adapt to Law Enforcement requirements.
• User friendly and requires minimal training
• Reduces the cost of performing data retention tasks

100G, 10G Protocol Analyzer
IP Protocol Analyzer provides a quick anaylsis of what exists in the fiber. It allows for recording of 5 minutes of traffic.
The Protocol Analyzer helps you with analysing and providing with the following information in the fiber:
• List of Communication and VOIP Protocols based on total bytes and total packets
• Protocol Tag Cloud: depiciting the concentration of the protocol in the stream by the number of related sessions with total
bytes, total packets and number of flows
• List of Source and Destination Mac Addresses
• List of Source and Destination Countries and Cities, with enrichment of ASN Name – plotted on GIS map
• Top Protocols / Application by Volume
• Application Tag Cloud
• Application Over Time
It helps LENS Agencies in determining the feasibility before a larger system is deployed.
Voice Logger system
Voice Logger System is a state-of-the-art multi-channel logger that performs live-listening and recording of voice calls from
various telephony sources such as GSM, PSTN, CDMA networks, etc. It also provides comprehensive user-defined search
and replay capabilities based on Date, Time, Duration, Calling/Called Number, etc.

CDR Analysis System

CDR Analysis System facilitates cutting-edge capabilities for intelligent analysis and automated processing of large volumes
of CDR (Call Detail Record) from any telecom service provider. It can import and analyze CDR, Tower/BTS Dump, Subscriber
Details (SDR) and generates a wide range of reports of frequency statistics including service provider details.

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

OSINT provides a platform to accumulate and analyze information from multiple publicly available sources on the world
wide web. It initiates relevant intelligence leads for performing open source intelligence and supports a wide spectrum of
languages and topics available on the internet. It gathers information available in the public domain from Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube, Google Plus, and many more.
Cyber Defence Network Situational Awareness
Network Situational Awareness Solution

Bridging the gap between complicated attack methods and cyber technology.

Cyber security is seen as a business enabler. The responsibility of security controls is no longer just enforce preventive/
restrictive policies but to enable Security, Risk Management and, Business leadership take important decisions to safeguard
digital assets and, boost customer/partner confidence in the business. With the focus on external threat-intelligence
driven signature-based controls and, static policies - conventional security tools fall short on enabling security and risk
practitioners to proactively uncover blind spots, security risks and, respond to incidents.
Vehere PacketWorker is an effective Network Situational Awareness solution that helps organizations minimize risk by
accurately detecting and enabling swift response to cyber threats - reducing attacker dwell time. It facilitates efficient
resolution of identified security incidents with concrete evidence, actionable intelligence and response workflow integrations.
Inspired by the self-learning intelligence, this innovation has enabled a fundamental shift in the manner organizations defend
themselves, amid a new era of sophisticated and pervasive cyber-threats.
We are present in key industry verticals such as finance, government, energy, manufacturing, critical infrastructure and
Please visit website for more information
C y b e r I n te l l i g e n c e

1629 K Street NW Suite 300,
Washington DC 20006-1631, USA
P +1-202-355-6371

7500A Beach Road

#04-327, The Plaza
Singapore 199591
P +65 9299 0905

232 DLF South Court,

Saket District Centre
New Delhi 110017, India
P +91 33 4004 6349

#1603, PS Srijan Corporate Park,

Block GP, Sector V, Salt Lake,
Kolkata 700091, India A COMPETENCE DOCUMENT
P +91-33-4054-5454


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