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Cellular Comm-EC3036-Notes-Module-5&6-2022

Cellular Communication (Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology)

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EC3036 Cellular Communication

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Module 5
Multicarrier Communication

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Data Transmission Using Multiple Carriers

qThe basic idea of multicarrier modulation is to divide the transmitted bitstream into many different substreams and
send these over many different subchannels. Typically the sub channels are orthogonal under ideal propagation

qMulticarrier modulation is a technique for transmitting data by sending the data over multiple carriers which are
normally close spaced.

qThe data rate on each of the subchannels is much less than the total data rate, and the corresponding
subchannel bandwidth is much less than the total system bandwidth.

qWhen the overall transmission is received, the receiver has to then re-assembles the overall data stream
from those received on the individual carriers.

qThe number of substreams is chosen to ensure that each subchannel has a bandwidth less than the
coherence bandwidth of the channel, so the subchannels experience relatively flat fading. Thus, the
intersymbol interference on each subchannel is small.

qThe multicarrier technique can be implemented in multiple ways, including CDMA, OFDM.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Multicarrier Modulation

v Multicarrier modulation provides immunity to fading caused by data transmission over multipath fading
channels or frequency- selective fading channels.

v Each of the subchannel experiences flat fading due to the decreased bandwidth.

v Due to the increase in the symbol period, it provides enhanced immunity to ISI.

v Multicarrier modulation can provide better spectral efficiency compared to single carrier modulation,
since the spectrum of the subcarrier can be overlapped.

v Multicarrier modulation technique has disadvantages such as requirement of synchronization with marginal

v Higher Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) implying strict requirement for amplifier to be linear.

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Multiple Carrier Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA)

qMulticarrier CDMA (MC-CDMA) is a technique that combines

the advantages of OFDM and CDMA. It is very effective both at
combating ISI and as a mechanism for allowing multiple users
to share the same channel.

qThe basic block diagram for a baseband single-user multicarrier

CDMA system is shown in Figure. The data symbol sl is sent
over all N subchannels. On the i-th subchannel, sl is multiplied
by the ith chip ci of a spreading sequence sc(t), where ci =± 1.

qThis is similar to the standard spread-spectrum technique,

except that multiplication with the spreading sequence is done in
the frequency domain rather than in the time domain.

qThe frequency spread data (s l c 1 , s l c 2 ,..., s l c N ) is then

multicarrier modulated in the standard manner: the parallel
sequence is passed through an inverse fast Fourier transform
(IFFT) and a parallel-to-serial converter and then is D/A
converted to produce the modulated signal s(t), where S(f) is
as shown in Figure for subchannel carrier frequencies (f1,...,fN).

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Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)

qIn data communications & networking, orthogonal frequency-division
multiplexing (OFDM) is a method of digital data modulation, where a single
stream of data is divided into several separate sub-streams for transmission
via multiple channels.

qOFDM uses the principle of FDM, where the available bandwidth is

divided into a set of sub-streams having separate frequency bands.

qOFDM is a specialised FDM having the constraint that the sub-streams in

which the main signal is divided, are orthogonal to each other. Orthogonal OFDM signal waveform
signals are signals that are perpendicular to each other. A main property
of orthogonal signals is that they do not interfere with each other.

qWhen any signal is modulated by the sender, its sidebands spread out either
side. A receiver can successfully demodulate the data only if it receives the
whole signal.

qIn case of FDM, guard bands are inserted so that interference between the
signals, resulting in cross-talks, does not occur. However, since orthogonal
signals are used in OFDM, no interference occurs between the signals
even if their sidebands overlap. So, guard bands can be removed, thus
saving bandwidth.

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Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)

OFDM Advantages
Immunity to selective fading: One of the main advantages of OFDM is that is more resistant to frequency
selective fading than single carrier systems because it divides the overall channel into multiple
narrowband signals.
Spectrum efficiency: Using close-spaced overlapping sub-carriers, a significant OFDM advantage is that it
makes efficient use of the available spectrum.
Resilient to ISI: Another advantage of OFDM is that it is very resilient to inter-symbol interference. This results
from the low data rate on each of the sub-channels.
Simpler channel equalization: One of the issues with CDMA systems was the complexity of the channel
equalization which had to be applied across the whole channel. An advantage of OFDM is that using multiple sub-
channels, the channel equalization becomes much simpler.

OFDM disadvantages
High peak to average power ratio: An OFDM signal has a noise like amplitude variation and has a
relatively high large dynamic range, or peak to average power ratio. This impacts the RF amplifier
efficiency as the amplifiers need to be linear and accommodate the large amplitude variations and these
factors mean the amplifier cannot operate with a high efficiency level.
Sensitive to carrier offset and drift: Another disadvantage of OFDM is that is sensitive to carrier frequency
offset and drift. Single carrier systems are less sensitive.

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Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)

qOne of the drawbacks of OFDM is high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR). When these high peak signals are
passed through power amplifiers they cause the non-linear distortion of the signals. Also they increase the
dynamic range of amplifiers. A low PAPR allows the transmit power amplifier to operate efficiently.

qThe PAPR is the relation between the maximum power of a sample in a given OFDM transmitted symbol
divided by the average power of that OFDM symbol.

qPAPR occurs when in a multicarrier system where different sub-carriers are out of phase with each other.
When all the points achieve the maximum value simultaneously; this will cause the output envelope to
suddenly shoot up which causes a ‘peak’ in the output envelope.

qDue to presence of large number of independently modulated subcarriers in an OFDM system, the peak value of
the system can be very high as compared to the average of the whole system. This ratio of the peak to average
power value is termed as Peak-to-Average Power Ratio. In LTE system, OFDM signal PAPR is approx. 12dB.

q There are many PAPR reduction approaches for OFDM systems, as clipping, coding, non-linear
companding,, selective mapping (SLM) and partial transmit sequence (PTS).

qAmong these approaches, the PTS technique is the most efficient and distortion-less scheme for PAPR
reduction in OFDM systems. In PTS technique, the input data block is split into several independent sub-blocks,
the inverse FFT (IFFT) procedure is applied to each independent sub-block and each corresponding time-domain
signal is multiplied by a phase rotation factor.

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Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)

qThe OFDM implementation of multicarrier modulation is shown in
Figure. The input data stream is modulated by a QAM modulator,
resulting in a complex symbol stream X[0],X[1], ...,X[N −1]. This
symbol stream is passed through a serial-to-parallel converter, whose
o ut pu t is a se t o f N pa ra lle l Q A M sy m bo l s X[ 0] , . .. , X [N −1 ]
corresponding to the symbols transmitted over eac h of t he
subcarriers. Thus, the N symbols output from the serial-to-parallel
converter are the discrete frequency components of the OFDM
modulator output s(t). In order to generate s(t), the frequency
components are converted into time samples by performing an
inverse DFT on these N symbols, which is efficiently implemented
using the IFFT algorithm. The IFFT yields the OFDM symbol
consisting of the sequence x[n]= x[0],...,x[N −1] of length N.

qThe transmitted signal is filtered by the channel impulse response

and corrupted by additive noise, resulting in the received signal r(t).
This signal is down converted to baseband and filtered to remove the
high-frequency components. The A/ D converter samples the
resulting signal to obtain y[n]. These time samples are serial-to-
parallel converted and passed through an FFT. The FFT output is
parallel-to-serial converted and passed through a QAM demodulator
to recover the original data.

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Module 6
Multiple Antennas and Space-Time

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Multiple Antenna Techniques in Cellular Communication

qPerformance of wireless mobile communication can be improved by using multiple antenna

techniques. For different applications different types of multiple antenna techniques are used.

Multiple Antenna Techniques Multiple Antenna Techniques

[Antenna Array] [NOT Antenna Array]

•Beam Steering/Scanning Antenna •Sector Antenna

•Smart Antenna •Diversity Antenna
•Massive MIMO •MIMO Antenna

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Multiple Antenna Techniques in Cellular Communication

vThe multiple antenna techniques which show good

performances in 4G/5G wireless communication are:
• Beam Steering/ Beam Scanning Antennas

• Diversity Techniques

• Sector Antennas

• Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Antennas

• Smart Antennas

• Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) Antennas

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Diversity Techniques
vMultiple Antennas: Improved system performance in fading environment

vAntenna Array: Properties of array elements are combined at the RF level (broadside, end-fire, any desired

vDiversity Scheme: Signals from diversity antennas are combined at either in IF level (Maximal-ratio combining) or in
Baseband level (Equal-gain combining)

Diversity Reception

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Sector Antennas
vSector Antennas: Directional antennas having radiation pattern like a sector, covering a portion of a

vSectors of 1200, 900, 600, 300: Known as 3-sector, 4-sector, 6-sector and 12-sector antennas respectively. 3-
sector antennas are widely used.

vTilted Beam : Antenna beam is tilted downward

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Smart Antenna
vSmart Antenna: Reduces wastage of power by providing point-to-point communication based on
direction-of arrival (DOA) of the signal.
vDigital Signal Processor
vAdaptive Beamforming is Achieved
vDOA Estimation Algorithms:

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Smart Antenna
§ Smart Antenna: Reduces wastage of power by providing point-
to-point communication based on direction-of arrival (DOA) of the
§ DSP: DOA is calculated using Digital Signal Processor
§ Adaptive Beamforming: Beam is adapted by adjusting the
amplitudes and phases of signals for a desirable pattern using
multiple antennas

§ DOA Estimation Algorithms: MMSE (Minimum Mean Square

Error), LMS (Least Mean Square), MUSIC (Multiple Signal
Classification), ESPRIT (Estimation of Signal Parameters via
Rotational Invariance Techniques) etc.

§Beam Direction: Nulls towards other (receiving) users and high

directivity towards desired direction(s).
§There are two types of smart antennas:
I. Switched Beam System:
Beam can be switched towards the pre-determined directions only.
II. Adaptive Antenna System:
Beam can be generated in any desired direction to produce main
beam toward the desired user and null toward the undesired

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Smart Antenna
§SNR: SNR for the other co-channel users is improved as well as
the SNR at the desired receiver.

§Reduced Power: Smart Antenna reduces power consumption.

§Security: Smart Antenna provides high security.


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Smart Antenna
vSmart Antenna: Reduces wastage of power by
providing point-to-point communication based on
direction-of arrival (DOA) of the signal.

vDSP : DOA is ca lcu lat e d usi ng Di git al S ign a l


vAdaptive Beamforming: Beam is adapted by

adjusting the amplitudes and phases of signals for a
desirable pattern using multiple antennas

vDOA Estimation Algorithms: MMSE (Minimum

Mean Square Error), LMS (Least Mean Square),
MUSIC (Multiple Signal Classification), ESPRIT
(Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational
Invariance Techniques) etc.


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Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) Antennas

qSDMA: MIMO-based or Smart antenna-based wireless communication

system and suitable for MANET

qMultiple Antennas: Generates multiple beams at same frequency with

angular separation

qFrequency Re-use: Multiple co-channel users within the same frequency

band (with angular separation)

qNetwork Capacity: Network capacity in terms of users per cell is high

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Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Antennas

vMIMO Wireless Systems: Spatial multiplexing to increase spectral efficiency or transmit diversity (space-time
coding) techniques to improve link reliability

vMIMO Performance: Depends on antenna height, spacing and nature of scatterer

vAntenna Separation: More than coherent distance

vMIMO Applications: WiFi, WiMAX, IEEE 802.11, 802.16, 4G/5G

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MIMO Antennas


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Narrowband MIMO System

Consider a narrowband MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output) channel.

Narrowband MIMO, is an advanced radio technology which increases
the data capacity of a narrowband network without requiring more
spectrum. A narrowband point-to-point communication system of M t
transmit and Mr receive antennas is shown in Figure. This system can be
represented a discrete-time model as:

of B and complex Gaussian noise with zero mean.

H is known as MIMO channel matrix.

In a Narrow bandwidth MIMO, bandwidth is 1 MHz or less

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Narrowband MIMO System

qWhen a diversity scheme is used, then the improvement in signal-to-noise ratio is expressed
by Diversity Gain (usually expressed in dB). Some times Diversity Gain is expressed in terms of
power ratio.

qIn MIMO, The multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver can be used to obtain array
and diversity gain instead of capacity gain. This scheme is also referred to as MIMO

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MIMO Channel Capacity

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MIMO Channel Capacity with Number of Antennas

q Channel capacity increases with number of receiving antennas. The

maximum error-free data rate that a channel can support is called
the channel capacity.

q Transmit Diversity (TxD): On Transmit Diversity mode, the

transmitter will send copies of the same data stream by each
antenna. This will introduce redundancy on the system. This redundancy
makes possible to reduce fading and also have a better signal-nise ratio
(SNR) at the receiver. Since all the antennas are transmitting the same
information there is no increase in data speed.

q Spatial Multiplexing (SM): On Spatial Multiplexing mode, the

transmitter will send different signal by each antenna. Exploiting the
fact that each signal from each antenna will go through a different path to
get to the receiver it is possible to exploit that in order to reconstruct the
signal on the receiver. Since there are many signals being transmitted in
parallel it becomes possible to get higher data rates, but no diversity
gains will be obtained.

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Full Dimension MIMO (FD-MIMO) for 3D Beamforming

vFull Dimension MIMO (FD-

MIMO): In FD-MIMO, antenna
system can form beams both
i n h or i z o nt a l an d v e r t i c a l
directions for 3D coverage.

vUseful for 4G LTE-A system

where passive or active antenna
arrays can be used for
horizontal and vertical antenna

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Multiple User MIMO (MU-MIMO)

vMU-MIMO is the next evolution from

single-user MIMO (SU-MIMO).

vI n M u l t i U s e r M I M O ( M U - M I M O )
antenna system can form beams for
multiple users at same time.

vMU-MIMO was created to support traffic

where multiple users are trying to access
a wireless network at the same time.
MU-MIMO System

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Space-Time Modulation

q Channel capacity increases with number of receiving antennas. The maximum error-free data rate that
a channel can support is called the channel capacity.

q Because a MIMO channel has input–output relationship y=Hx+n, the symbol transmitted over the channel
each symbol time is a vector rather than a scalar, as in traditional modulation for the SISO channel.

q Moreover, when the signal design extends over both space (via the multiple antennas) and time (via
multiple symbol times), it is typically referred to as a space-time code.

q Most space-time codes – including all codes discussed in this section – are designed for quasi-static
channels, where the channel is constant over a block of T symbol times and the channel is assumed unknown at
the transmitter. Under this model, the channel input and output become matrices with dimensions corresponding
to space (antennas) and time. Let X= [x1,...,xT ] denote the Mt ×T channel input matrix with ith column xi equal to
the vector channel input over the ith transmission time. Let Y = [y1,...,yT ] denote the Mr ×T channel output matrix
with ith column yi equal to the vector channel output over the ith transmission time, and let N = [n1,...,nT ] denote
the Mr ×T noise matrix with ith column ni equal to the receiver noise vector over the ith transmission time. With
this matrix representation, the input–output relationship over all T blocks becomes Y=HX+N.

q Some of the space-time codes are Block code, Trellis code,

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Massive MIMO
qMassive MIMO: Massive MIMO is a multi-user MIMO technology
that can provide uniformly good service to wireless terminals in
high-mobility environments. The key concept is to equip base
stations with arrays of many antennas, which are used to serve
many terminals simultaneously, in the same time-frequency

qBeamforming: An antenna array with closely spaced elements is

used to focus the energy in the direction of the terminal. This is
achieved by adapting the amplitude and gain of each antenna element
to form the beam.

qBeamforming using Smart Antenna: Smart antenna using multiple

antenna technique forms the beam for massive MIMO system.
Adaptive signal processing algorithm, like, Least Mean Square (LMS),
Recursive Least Square (RLS), Sample Matrix Inversion (SMI) Adaptive beam of Smart antenna
algorithms are the common algorithms for massive MIMO beamforming. for Massive MIMO System
Beamformer Butler matrix (a combination of phase shifters and power
dividers) is used in hardware implementation of Smart antenna for the
generation of radiation beam of a massive MIMO.

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Massive MIMO

qSmart antenna produces adaptive beam in Massive MIMO

(Large Scale MIMO/Hyper MIMO) where beam direction is
adaptive and reduces interfering signals by producing nulls.

qComplexities and cost will be very high for smart antenna

based Massive MIMO technology.

Adaptive beam of Smart antenna

for Massive MIMO System

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