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Machines are made up of several Machine elements (parts). In order these parts to function as
one unit, they are joined together as sliding and fixed joints.
Joints are classified as permanent or temporary joints.
Permanent Joints (Fastening): Permanent joints are those fastening which when disassembled t
destroy the connecting components. Examples of permanent joints are riveted joints, welded
joints, brazed joints and soldered joints.
Temporary Joints (Fastening): Temporary joints are those fastening which can be
disassembled without destroying the connecting components. Examples of temporary joints are
threaded joints, splined, keys, and cotter pins joints.


A rivet is a short cylindrical rod having a head and a tapered tail. The main body of rivet is called

In riveted joints, a rivet is inserted through holes in two or more parts (plates) and ends are
formed over to securely hold the parts. The process of forming riveted joint is called riveting.

The rivets are used to make permanent fastening between the plates such as in structural works,
ship building, bridges, tanks and boiler shells.
Steel rivets are either cold driven (up to 12mm) or heated before riveting.
Diameter of a hole = diameter of rivet (before riveting) + 1mm.
Designation: Round head Ø 16x38mm means the diameter of un- driven rivet is 16mm and its
shank length is 38mm.
Rivet materials are those that can undergo considerable deformation during forming. High
ductility, low carbon mild steel are normally used. Other materials for rivets are brass,
aluminium and copper.


a) Compared to welded joints, riveted joints are very effective in designs subjected to
pronounced vibrations loads e.g. aircraft wings.
b) Can join parts made of metals that are difficult to weld.
c) Can join parts that do not permit heating.
d) Dissimilar materials, metallic or non-metallic in various thicknesses can be joined.
e) Rivets can be used to fasten parts that have already received /reached final finishing
f) Do not require highly skilled labour


a) High consumption of metals in order to compensate for holes
b) Increased labour input for laying out, Punching or drilling holes
c) They are neither perfect for water tight nor air tight.
d) Rivets make a finished component to be heavier as compared to the welded component.


By form of their cross-sections, the rivets falls into two categories i.e solid and tubular rivets.
Also the heads of rivets may acquire different shapes. The most popular shapes are Button head,
counter sunk, oval counter sunk, pan –head, conical head and flat head


Riveted joints are classified according to:
a) Purpose
b) The position of the plate connected
c) Arrangement of rivets

a) According to purpose the riveted joints are classified as

i) Strong joints: In this joints strength is the only criterion. Joint in engineering
structure such as beams, trusses and machine frames are strong joints
ii) Tight joints: The joints provide strength as well as are leak proof against low
pressures. Joints in reservoirs, containers and tanks fall under this group.
iii) Strong Tight joints: These joints applied in boilers and pressure vessels and
ensure both strength and leak proofness.
b) According the position of the plate connected (way by which plate are connected) the
riveted joints are classified as:
i) Lap Joints and ii) Butt joints

Lap joints: In lap joints the edged are simply laid over each other (i.e one plate
overlap over another) and riveted. Lap joint can be single, double, triple or
multiple riveted joint.

Butt joints: In butt joints the plates are placed end- to end and joined through
cover plates. Butt joint can be single, double, triple or multiple riveted joint. If
cover plates are provided only on one side such butt joint is called single cover
butt joint. If cover plates are provided on both side such butt joint is called double
cover butt joint.

d) According the arrangement of rivets the riveted joints are classified as:
i) Chain riveted and ii) Zigzag riveted

Chain riveted: The arrangement of rivets in rows are such that rivets are opposite
to each other. See figure 3.4 (d)
Chain riveted: The arrangement of rivets in rows are such that rivets in adjacent
rows are staggered. See figure 3.4 (e)


The following terms in connections with riveted joints are important from the subject point of
view: Refer figures below
a) Pitch: It is the center distance between two adjacent rivet holes in a row, it is denoted by p.
b) Back Pitch: It is the center distance between two adjacent rows of rivets is defined as back
pitch. It is denoted by Pb
c) Diagonal Pitch: It is the distance the centres of the rivets in adjacent rows of zigzag riveted
joint as shown in figure. It is denoted as Pd
d) Margin or Marginal Pitch: It is the distance between the centre of rivet hole to the nearest
edge of the plate..It is denoted as m


A riveted joint may fail in several ways but failure occurs as soon as failure takes place in any
one modes. Riveted joints may fail in the following ways:
a) Tearing of the plate at the edge.
b) Tearing of the plate across a row of rivets.
c) Shearing of rivets
d) Crushing of rivets

a) Tearing of the plate at the edge.

The joint may fail due tearing of the plate at edge as shown in figure below .This kind of
failure can be avoided by keeping m ≥ 1.5d where d is the diameter of the rivet hole

b) Tearing of the plate across a row of rivets

Due to tensile stress in the main plate, the main plate or cover plate may tear off across a
row of rivets. It will occur along the weakest section, which carries the row of rivets. In
such cases, we consider only a pitch length of the plate since every rivet is responsible for
that much length of the plate only.

The resistance offered by the plate against tearing is known as tearing resistance or tearing
strength of the plate, Pt
Pt =( p−d ) t σ t
c) Shearing of rivets
The plate which are connected by the rivets exerts tensile stress on the rivets and if rivets
are unable to resists the stress, they are sheared off as shown in figures below

If permissible shearing stress in single shear [figure (a)] of rivets is τ s then the shearing strength
or shearing load carrying capacity of the joint
π 2
Ps =τ s d
The failure will not occur if Ps ≥ P
We may also write if n is the number of rivets per pitch length
π 2
Ps =n τ s d
If the rivets is in double shear as in figure (b) above, the effective area over which failure occur
is 2As The permissible stress in double shear 1.75 times that in single shear. Hence in double
π 2
shear; Ps =n ×1.75 τ s d

d) Crushing of rivets
Due to rivet being compressed against the inner surface of the hole, there is a possibility
that either the rivet or the hole surface may be crushed. The area, which resists this
action, is the projected area or rivet on diametral plane. The area per rivet A c=dt
If permissible crushing or bearing stress of rivet or plate is σ c the crushing strength of the
joint or load carrying capacity of the joint against is, Pc =dtσ c

The failure in this mode will not occur if Pc ≥ P

If n is the number of rivet per pitch length then Pc =ndtσ c


The assumptions made in calculation of strengths are:
(a) The tensile load is equally distributed over pitch lengths.
(b) The load is equally distributed over all rivets.
(c) The shearing stress in all rivets is uniform.
(d) The crushing stress is uniform.
(e) The bending of rivets does not occur.
(f) The hole into which the rivets are driven do not weaken the member
(g) The rivet fills the hole after it is driven
(h) The friction between the surfaces of the plate is neglected


If only pitch length of solid or a hole free plate is considered then its load carrying capacity will
P= pt σ t
Pwill apparently be greater than Pt , Ps ∨Pc . The ratio of any of Pt , Ps ∨Pc . to P is defined as the
efficiency of the joint in that particular mode. Ideally Pt , Ps ∧Pc .all must be equal, but actually it
may not be the case. The efficiency of the joint will be determined by least of Pt , Ps ∨Pc .Thus
efficiency of joint is

Least of Pt , P s , P c
pt σ t


π 2
a) Calculation of hole diameter can be done by assuming τ s d =ndtσ c
π 2
b) Calculation of pitch can be done by assuming τ s d = ( p−d ) t σ t

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