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GIST: This story is about a girl called Manju who was differently
abled. She loves painting and wanted to pursue it as a profession. Her father
thought that it was a waste of money as the materials needed were expensive. She
loses hope and thinks of learning other things like cooking etc. Her mother and
brother boosts up her morale. This deals with a moral “Never give up”.
I. Word meanings from the text
II. Question and answers
1. Why did Manjula wear wrong shoes most of the times? (2m)
Ans. Manjula wore wrong shoes most of the time, for there weren’t any
shoes in the market soft enough for her clumsy feet.
2. Why did Manjula need extra money? (1m)
Ans. Manjula needed extra money for colours and paints.

3. Where was her mother’s piggy bank? (1m)

Ans. Manjula’s mother’s piggy bank was on the top most shelf of
the kitchen cupboard.
4. How many knots were tied on the gift given by Manjula’s
brother? (1m)
There were eleven knots tied on the gift given by Manjula’s
5. Who was Rich Belangar? (1m)
Ans. Rich Belangar was a soccer player who played football with
an artificial pair of feet.
III. Answer the following.
1. Handling brushes was no problem for Manjula. Then what was
the real problem in learning painting? (2m)
Ans. Handling brushes was no problem as she did not feel any
difference from a pencil. Her problem was the cost of the
materials she would need to pursue her art.

2. Manjula used to drift to another world. What was there in this

another world Manjula? (3m)
Ans Manjula used to drift into another brighter world of glowing
colours beautiful forms and perfect shapes the world she wanted
to belong so desperately.
3. What were the three gifts that Manjula received on her birthday?
Ans. The three gifts that Manjula received on her birthday were:
a) A set of water colours (mother)
b) A book titled “Painting step-by-step” (Father)
c) Three colour brushes of artistic quality (Amol - brother)

4. Why did Manjula tear her painting into pieces? (3m)

Ans. Manjula overheard her father telling her mother that painting
was an expensive affair. She might as well learn more useful
things like cooking, stitching etc. rather than painting or all the
things. So, she felt upset and tore all her paintings into pieces.

5. Which sentence was underlined in red in the newspaper cutting?

Ans. “His parents did not like it” This sentence was underlined in
red in the newspaper cutting. Manjula’s brother wanted her to
notice that she faced a similar situation at home. Rich Belangar
went ahead with his game in spite of his parent’s dislike.
Manjula’s brother wanted her to get
motivated and inspired and take a wise decision.

6. Physically challenged people do not need sympathy, they need
encouragement. Discuss (4m)
Ans. Physically challenged people are just like us they need
encouragement not sympathy. We need to accept them as they
are treating them normally. They need to be thought present
competitive would and make them learn to be independent. They
should be taught to support themselves.
7. Sooner or later the man who wins, is the man who thinks he can.
Discuss 4m
Ans: Life is what means that your life is always what you think
about it. If you are facing some problem in your life and you
think you can overcome it. You can certainly overcome it and
vice versa. The way you think as a great impact on your life, that
is why they always recommend to think positively and be

8. Sometimes Manjula was not too sure whether her brother was
mischievous or simply mean” (4m)
Ans. Manjula’s brother Amol was a mischievous boy. But he
loved his sister a lot. He always troubled her and enjoyed it. He
was very affectionate too. He encouraged her in talent – painting.
When their father was not quite interested in her painting she was
too disappointed. So, l Amol cleverly managed to keep the
newspaper cutting about Rich Belanger on her bed to inspire her
to continue her hobby. Painting. In this way, he was an amiable
brother to Manjula.

9. What qualities of Manjula’s mother do you admire the most? Do

you feel all mothers are alike?
Ans. Manjula’s mother was a very affectionate, sacrificing nature,
lovable and an exemplary mother. Though her daughter Manjula
was a physically challenged girl. She encouraged her to pursue
her interests in painting in every way. She built in qualities like
self-confidence, positive attitude and determination to take up
painting and face the challenges in life. She never made her feel
that her physical deformity would be an obstacle to face any
I feel that all mothers are alike towards their children.

10.Discuss the importance of having positive attitude towards life.

11.A positive attitude helps us to cope more easily with the daily
affairs of life. It brings optimism into our life and makes it easier
to avoid worries and negative think. If you adopt it as a way of it
makes us happier. brighter and more successful.

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