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The Chastening Of The Lord RBSM


The Chastening Of The Lord RBSM


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The Chastening Of The Lord RBSM


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The Chastening Of The Lord RBSM



Text: Proverbs 3:1112

Teacher: Adewuyi O. Moses


Our Righteous God we are here tonight to learn at your feet, Holy
Spirit take charge of tonight's study, the grace to understand and
put to action father grant it unto us, we shall be the doer and not
the hearer only in Jesus name.


Today, we are looking at a topic which is scarcely taught in this

era of the teaching of grace. It's a teaching we need but which is
rarely and scarcely taught in Christendom these days.

Therefore, I would want us to kindly focus, as the Holy Spirit

takes us through this wonderful study that He has in store for us.

Bible Text

Pro3:1112 KJV

11 My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be

weary of his correction:

12 For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the

son in whom he delighteth.


Before we look at what the text says, let's quickly look at what
the word, "Chastening" means.

The Chastening Of The Lord RBSM

To chasten means:

1. To correct by punishment or suffering.

2. To discipline.

3. To prune something of excess, pretense, or falsity.

4. To be more humble or restrained.

When you look at these four meanings well, you will notice that
their meanings tend to something, which is; making a thing or
person better through discipline or pruning.

Chastening is of different measures and can come in various

forms. But, the end is that it makes one more humble and broken
in order to have a heart that is open to corrections.

Some of us here, if we remember our childhood days and how our

parents disciplined us, we are always grateful for that. Why?
Because we know that we might have gone astray if they didn't
discipline us and punish us so well those times.

Just as we have parents punishing their children for wrong

deeds, so do we have God punishing His children for wrongs
which He doesn't expect from them.

One mistake we make these days comes through hypergrace

teaching. And, we only see the caring part of God and despise the
part that chastens, haaaa!

We now believe that serving Him means doing Him a favour and
because of that, He ought to treat us well. This is not right!

For every studier of the bible, such a person will know that as
much as God is a loving and caring father, He also loves His
children to the point of disciplining them when they deserve it.

The Chastening Of The Lord RBSM

The fatherhood of God won't be complete if the Chastening part

is missing, no!

Just as a responsible and true parent would discipline his

children when necessary, so will God discipline His own children
when it is necessary.

Are we following?

Now, let's look at our text:

Proverbs 3:1112:

"My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be

weary of his correction: For whom the LORD loveth he
correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth."

One thing we should take note of is that it is whom a father or

mother loves he corrects or chastens. For example: If a child is
stealing and he is being beaten or disciplined appropriately by
his parents for it, it is to make him stop the act of stealing.

Because, if he continues in that path, he will definitely get to the

stage where he becomes a notorious armed robber who robs
banks with guns. And, we know that the end of a thief is always

So, this is what he is being guided against and it shows that they
love him, for guiding him against what might destroy him in the
future. Also, when a child is being corrected, it is for him to be
able to do the right thing the right way next time. Because, there
are mistakes one must not make twice, else, such a person's life
might be thwarted or not balanced for the rest of his/her life.

This is part of the reason God chastens us as His children. He

wants us to become better and grow into what He wants us to be.
He wants to ensure that we are spiritually mature and not babes.

The Chastening Of The Lord RBSM

Have you ever been in a situation where someone offended you

and it's very glaring that the person did offend you, and instead
of the person to say sorry, the Holy Spirit tells you to go back and
apologize to the person. This will sound so ridiculous and might
have many cries before they finally go to obey the Holy Spirit.

But, it is a way God is trying to teach us to make peace with all

men and a way to make us avoid discussions that will lead to
such uproar next time.

The first verse talks about not despising the chastening of the
Lord. This means that it is possible that a child of God despises
God's chastening. You may wonder how possible it is, but it is
possible. We have christians that feel too big and proud hearken
to corrections and chastening.

One fact is that God had started chastening His children right
from thousands of years back and even the time of the old
testament, to the new. We will look at some biblical examples of
those that were chastened by the Lord, so that you will know
how scriptural it is for God to chasten His own.

But, before we look at that, let's quickly look at ways through

which we can be corrected and chastened by the Lord. When we
know the ways, then we will be able to understand how those
biblical examples were chastened.

Are you with me?

Ways we can be chastened and corrected by the Lord:

1. Through His word:

2 Timothy 3:16:

The Chastening Of The Lord RBSM

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for

doctrine, for REPROOF, for CORRECTION, for instruction in

The word of God is not just to guide us or to use as a weapon of

war, it is also basically for reproof and correction. Have you ever
found yourself studying the bible and feeling so remorseful for
what you did the day before? That is the word of God convicting
you and reproofing what you have done.

There are times you would find yourself disciplining yourself

through what you have read in the bible. There are times you will
do some restitutions that are so deep because of what you have
read in the word of God. That is God chastening you through
what is written in His word.

Obedience strictly to His word is needed. We must be humble

and open enough to receive his word and allow it to correct and
reproof us. One of the problems we have in Christendom these
days is that many christians now find it so difficult to study their
Bibles and they are missing out God's word for them.

Some even study the word of God and still do not follow it. They
despise the chastening of the Lord through His word. We
shouldn't follow such a pattern! Whatever the word says is what
we should do and follow, because it can never mislead us.

2. The Holy Spirit:

The Holy Spirit is our personal instructor who is meant to

instruct us, reproof and correct us when we are missing it.

John 14:17:

"Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive,

because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him;
for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you."

The Chastening Of The Lord RBSM

He is called the Spirit of truth because He will always lead you

into all truths and tell you the truth no matter what. He tells us
the mind of God at every point in time and corrects us the way
the Father wants.

There are times the chastening that comes from that still voice of
the Holy Spirit looks so hard to follow and it looks as if God is
being unfair. But, one thing is certain and sure, which is; It is He
whom the Lord loves that He chastens. And, of course, we will
see those the Lord chastened in the bible very soon.

It is a pity that some cannot even differentiate the voice of the

Holy Spirit yet, and cannot know when He is speaking to them.
For anyone in this category, spending more time in the secret
place makes you used to the way God speaks.

The reason you will be able to recognize when your father,

mother or sibling is talking even when you have not seen them is
because of the time you have spent living with them, which
makes you used to their voices. The same applies to the Holy
Spirit. When you become more present and consistent in the
secret place, you understand how He speaks because you will
become more used to His voice.

God chastens and corrects His children through His Spirit.

Are we getting it?

3. Through His prophets/servants:

This is another very key way God chastens His children. He does
through His true servants. We will see a lot of prophets whom
God used in the bible, prophet like Nathan whom God used to
chasten King David. It might be through the shepherd that is
looking after you that God will chasten you, if you are not
humble enough to hearken, you will be despising the chastening
of the Lord.

The Chastening Of The Lord RBSM

This is one of the reasons we really need to be broken and not

proud. Respect those who have been placed spiritually above you
because God can use them to correct and chasten you. It can also
come from that coordinator you are older than in Age in your

If you keep looking at the fact that you are older than him or her
and you despise such chastening from the person, you might be
stubborn to God's instructions, through His servants.

Many these days do not want to be rebuked in the church by

their pastors because of the wrong they have committed. They
want their pastors to be pampering them even in their sins, as if
the Pastor is who they are working for. A true shepherd will care
for the sheep and use his rod and staff when necessary!

It is an act of rebellion to think you are above chastening from

God or the person who has been placed above you. In fact, God
can use someone below you to chasten you. Brokenness and
being sensitive is what will make you know what to do at the
right time.

Some find it hard to honour their pastors and they keep claiming
they honour God, that's a lie! Because, anyone who truly honors
God and His word will honor God's servants too, because they
have God's words in their mouth.

I believe we are still with me

4. Through dreams/visions:

This is something we should be very sensitive about. God can

decide to correct and chasten you through your dream. He can
decide to speak to you in the dream so that you can turn a new

The Chastening Of The Lord RBSM

Let's look at King Nebuchadnezzar, He had a dream and through

the wisdom and knowledge of God, Daniel interpreted the dream.

Daniel 4:2427:

"This is the interpretation, O king, and this is the decree of the

most High, which is come upon my lord the king: That they shall
drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of
the field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and they
shall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass
over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the
kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will. And
whereas they commanded to leave the stump of the tree roots;
thy kingdom shall be sure unto thee, after that thou shalt have
known that the heavens do rule. Wherefore, O king, let my
counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by
righteousness, and thine iniquities by showing mercy to the
poor; if it may be a lengthening of thy tranquillity."

The Lord warned Nebuchadnezzar in the dream of what He (God)

would do soon and Daniel made it known to the king. Daniel even
advised him to break off his sibs and become humble but he
never yielded. God gave him some time but when he didn't
change, the plans of God were carried out.

God corrected him through his dreams but he didn't hearken and
it was until he became an animal for 7 years that he now became
humble and recognized God as the most supreme. When we are
being corrected, we are to hearken to it. It should not be when
we start being dealt with strongly before we hearken.

You can dream dreams and know the interpretations of the

dreams, but yet, still refuse to get corrected by them. That means
you know what is right but you are refusing to do it. There are a
lot of times God can correct us through our dreams, we should be
open and ready to be chastened and corrected.

The Chastening Of The Lord RBSM

Having looked at some of the ways we can get chastened by the

Lord, let's now look at the biblical examples of those that were
chastened by the Lord.

Biblical characters that were chastened by the Lord:

1. King David:

Despite being the first being mentioned here, God still regarded
him as a man after His own heart. This will show to us that the
fact that God chastens a person does not mean He hates the
person. It's just totally because of the love He has for the person.

King David was chastened by the Lord through Prophet Nathan

when he killed Uriah (Bathsheba's husband) just to marry his
wife and cover his own sins.

2 Samuel 12:1,711:

"And the LORD sent Nathan unto David. And he came unto him,
and said unto him, There were two men in one city; the one rich,
and the other poor. … And Nathan said to David, Thou art the
man. Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, I anointed thee king
over Israel, and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul; And I
gave thee thy master's house, and thy master's wives into thy
bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if
that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee
such and such things. Wherefore hast thou despised the
commandment of the LORD, to do evil in his sight? thou hast
killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword, and hast taken his wife to
be thy wife, and hast slain him with the sword of the children of
Ammon. Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine
house; because thou hast despised me, and hast taken the wife of
Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife. Thus saith the LORD, Behold, I
will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house, and I will

The Chastening Of The Lord RBSM

take thy wives before thine eyes, and give them unto thy
neighbor, and he shall lie with thy wives in the sight of this sun."

We will see how Nathan was sent to tell him the repercussions of
what he has done and what will befall him. Despite how God
loved David, he still chastened him and took away the first child
Bathsheba gave birth to. Despite the fact that David became
remorseful after he was told by Nathan, yet God still punished
him for the bad things he did.

This is to show that the bible verse which says "it is he whom
God loves, he corrects" is very correct and right. Because, God
still corrected and chastened David despite loving him. So, if you
claim you are hated by God because He chastened or corrected
you, you are not right. It is definitely because He loves you.

2. Apostle Peter:

Peter was corrected by the Lord, through Apostle Paul.

Galatians 2:14:

"But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the
truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou,
being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the
Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?"

When Peter appeared to be behaving cunningly, Paul corrected

him and it is certain that it was the spirit of God that made
Apostle Paul aware of the wrong Peter did. Hence, he corrected
and reproved him accordingly.

Nobody is too big to be corrected. When you start feeling bad for
being corrected, it means pride is already setting in. As humans,
we are prone to making mistakes because of this, so no one
should be too big to accept corrections or reproves.

The Chastening Of The Lord RBSM

There are times we will get chastened and corrected by the Lord
through our friends. You will be so convicted inside of you that it
is the Lord correcting you. If you refuse to hearken at that
Moment, it shows how strong hearted and rebellious you can be.
We have to be open minded and be ready to change.

3. Zacharias:

Zacharias was Elizabeth's husband. They were both John the

Baptist's parents. When the angel visited Zacharias to tell him
about the birth of John, his words showed that he was a bit
skeptical about how it would happen. He thought his wife was
too old to bear a son and this was totally unbelievable.

Luke 1:1820:

"And Zacharias said unto the angel, Whereby shall I know this?
for I am an old man and my wife well stricken in years. And the
angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that stand in the
presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to show
thee these glad tidings. And, behold, thou shalt be dumb, and not
able to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed,
because thou believest not my words, which shall be fulfilled in
their season."

Angel Gabriel expected Zacharias to trust God more because he

was even a priest but when he uttered the statement which
signified his unbelief, the spirit of God spoke through Gabriel
and pronounced him dumb till it happened.

He was chastened for his unbelief. I'm sure that if any angel ever
comes with any news again anytime from then, he would believe
immediately because of the experience or chastening he received
at first. This is to show that God's chastening might be
unexpected and even severe. But, one thing is certain,but won't
be more than what we can bear.

The Chastening Of The Lord RBSM

God will not suffer us to go through things that are more than us.
But, he will definitely chasten us in a way we will feel it and have
a repentant heart and change of mind.

These are the few examples I would give amongst many others.
This is to show to us that there is nothing we are chastened
because that someone hasn't passed through something similar
in the bible. We should always be ready to receive corrections
from God wholeheartedly and be ready to change.

Before we end tonight, let's quickly look at the right attitude to

sustain when we are chastened by the Lord.

Right attitudes to sustain when you are being chastened by

the Lord:

1. Be broken, open minded and remorseful.

2. Receive corrections with gladness and be willing to change.

3. Do not look down on anybody whom God is using to instruct


4. Ponder on what you have been corrected on and seek guidance

on how to turn a new leaf.

5. Seek forgiveness when necessary.

6. Avoid a proud heart.

7. Be willing to behave more better and rightly the next time.

The Chastening Of The Lord RBSM


If you know that you are still living in sin and you are ready to
repent and begin to live your life in strict obedience to God so
that you can overcome every sin in your life to make heaven.
Please place your right hand on your chest and say this prayer
with your mouth.


Lord Jesus, I accept You as my personal Lord and Saviour, I believe

that You died for me and took away my sins so that I will not face
the penalty of them. I surrender my life to You today and I make a
decision to obey and follow You, come into my life now, and accept
me as Your child. Thank You for saving me, in Jesus Christ's name
I pray, Amen.

Congratulations, now you are saved. If you prayed this short

prayer please WhatsApp +2347067511039, and tell me that you just
got saved. I want to have a word with you. God bless you!

The Chastening Of The Lord RBSM


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Edited & Compiled by

Dorcas Aloba

Media Team

©Resurrection Christian Ministries RCM


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