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The Ghost-Spider & The Queen Of The Newspaper

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of
Category: F/F
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man -
All Media Types
Relationships: Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington & Nancy Wheeler,
Jonathan Byers & Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers & Steve Harrington
& Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington
Characters: Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington
Additional Tags: Robin as Ghost-spider, Nancy as Gwen Stacy, Alternate Universe,
Lesbian Robin Buckley, Lesbian Nancy Wheeler, slowburn, Robin is a
Peter Parker variant, I don’t really know what I’m doing, title from a
tiktok I saw, i saw an edit and made this, inspiration from tiktok, Tags
May Change, Kind of violent fic, references to rebel robin, Stranger
Things Book: Rebel Robin
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-04-03 Updated: 2023-04-12 Words: 10,679 Chapters:
The Ghost-Spider & The Queen Of The Newspaper
by bettyscardigan24


Robin got bit by a radioactive spider and now she wants to investigate the secret Russian
Base in starcourt mall.

Nancy is decided to discover who is under the Ghost-spider mask after being related to the
notice in the newspaper she works for.


The Ronance Spider-Man au everyone was waiting for :)


This is my first fic ever, so I’m sorry if it’s not perfect. This is an idea I saw in the account of
@sapphicfilm.s on tiktok, I also got the name inspiration from there!! If there are any
mistakes pls comment.
I got weird superpowers while I was working at an ice cream

It all started this summer. I like to think that I was relatively normal before that, before I got
bit by a radioactive spider and I noticed strange things were happening in Hawkins.

I started working in scoops ahoy, a little harmless ice cream shop in the new and popular
starcourt mall. My work partner turned out to be the school ex-king and I had to stand him all

It was only a matter of time before I discovered there was a secret Russian base working with
mad scientists, experimenting with spiders and unidentified creatures.

There was a weird frequency interfering with the radios, and after listening to it for a while I
discovered it was a russian message. I´ve always been interested in languages and I couldn't
waste the opportunity of knowing what the mysterious message meant.

I should've known better than to investigate things that shouldn't be investigated. After
sneaking in the secret base and finding a weird synthetic ecosystem filled with genetically
altered spiders I knew I had to escape. I didn't even realize I got bit, I was only focused on
getting out of there. Some Russian guards found me and tortured me, asking questions I
didn't had answers for.

I was tired, and sure I was going to die there. But my senses refused to let me die. That's
when I felt something had changed, and I knew nothing was gonna be the same.

My reflexes and new strength had saved me, I fought men with weapons and survived. I got
out but on the way home I felt dizzy. When I got home I only remember sleeping for hours.

When I woke up I didn't had a scratch, a new feeling of power waved over me and I felt
different. I tried to ignore everything that had happened and started telling myself it was all a
bad dream.

Each day I learnt my senses were way more sensible than they were before, and sometimes
when I was alone I could be able to do inexplicable things. After a while I decided everything
was too real and I couldn’t keep ignoring it.

I don’t have any friends and my parents don’t bother knowing where I am, so after my shift I
would search for an abandoned place and start training, climbing the walls or doing
acrobatics that I could never had done before.

I was agile as a spider, I had increased metabolism, spider abilities, and asked myself if I
could do other things a spider could do.

After many failed attempts I surrendered and decided I didn’t have any web powers. I was
kinda relieved tho, I didn’t want to be shitting and then see some weird spider silk or some
mutants spider-babies.
One night, I decided I was capable enough to go back to the Russian base and investigate a
little more. I couldn’t pretend I wasn’t curious about what they were doing down there, and
how I got my abilities.

Preparing myself, I dressed in all black, put on a ski mask and headed to startcourt mall. Now
it was easier to sneak in, I could stick in the ceiling and go faster.

Nothing much had changed after my last visit. After being looking for something useful for
what felt forever, I decided to go to the labs. I haven’t been there before, but I guess if I
wanted information I would have to take extreme choices.

I found a room full of scientists and I hid. That was definitely an interesting room. I watched
as they were waiting for something. I waited with them.

It wasn’t long before a man entered with a tired-looking boy who could barely walk, the man
was basically dragging him and grumbling something under his breath. I felt sick. I
recognized the boy from somewhere but I couldn’t quite place where. The boy seemed as if
he was very sleepy and he walked slowly with his eyes almost closing, he was probably
sedated or something. The man placed him in a creepy chair and tied him there.

I watched as other people started doing some tests and injecting something in him. I kept
asking myself who this boy was and what they were doing to him.

I looked into the files a man with white hair was holding and read the boy’s files.

Realization hit me harder than I expected. That was Will Byers. The kid had gone missing
years ago. He was one of the first kids who started going missing before it began being
something normal around here.

One of the scientists asked something to the man with white hair, I couldn’t listen what was
asked but I could hear the answer the man gave.

“This is one of the kids most advanced in treatment. The spider serum hasn’t given him any
changes.” He said in a harsh tone. “Someone bring me the files to test the next one.” He

As the men took away Will, a woman brought the man some files and as I read what they
said, I clapped my hand on my mouth to stop me from gasping. This was filled with names of
people who have gone missing after Will.

I thought this was enough for today. I couldn’t even process this information right, so I
headed for my way out. I guess I must’ve been too in shock because I got lost.

I was in what looked like a hall full of cages of some kind. It was dark and I had an eerie
feeling something was wrong.

I looked into one of the cages and I saw something terrifying. Something that looked between
a spider, a human, and a monster out of my worst nightmare.
It was growling and scratching the walls. When it saw me it spits me what looks like a web.
It was an experiment of some kind. It started sticking up to the ceiling and continued spitting.
I was evading the webs as I could, until one of them hit me on my wrist adhering me to the
cage behind me.

I tried to take it off but it started burning my skin. It was hard but with my super strength I
was finally able to break off.

That was my last straw. I ran as fast as I could. And then I got out.

When I got home I saw my wrist and it was swollen and red, it looked way worse than any
other burnt I’ve had. It hurt so much, I didn’t realized I was crying.

I was shaking like crazy, but I banded it and took some pain pills. I went to bed and hoped
my new strength will take care of it for now.

When I woke up the next morning it looked kinda better. It wasn’t perfect and it still hurt but
I think I could handle this. I didn’t sleep well. Every time I closed my eyes I could see the
spider monster. I kept thinking about the abilities it had. It could stick to the walls like I did,
but I couldn’t spit any radioactive webs.

I kept thinking about how strong the webs have been. I struggled breaking it even with my

After spending most of my day thinking about my encounter with the spider monster I had an

I put on my black fit again and as the sun set, I started my way to school. I entered and began
looking for the laboratory. After I found it I initiated my quest.

If I didn’t have any radioactive silk, there was nothing stopping me from making them.

I wasn’t a science genius, that’s for sure, but I consider myself quite creative and if I have the
necessary tools I could use, I can make whatever I want, pretty much.

I don’t know how many hours I’ve spent here. But after multiple failed attempts, I finally
made something sticky, strong and resistant.

Now with the silk made, how am I supposed to shoot it? I’m not getting that in my mouth.

Maybe in my hands? I could make some kind of rings shooters. Maybe some gloves. I
grabbed a notebook and started drawing some sketches.

I finally decided I could make a web-shooter that starts in the palm of my hand and holds on
to my wrists, kind of like an odd bracelet.

I started walking around the school looking for everything to make my shooters, and after a
while I finished them.
I walked back to the lab, started filling the shooters with the silk to start shooting. I placed
them on each of my wrists. My wounded wrist hurt a bit when I placed on the shooter, but
that didn’t stopped me so I tried to aim at the scary skeleton mannequin that is sometimes
used in class.

I didn’t hit it, but everything comes with practice right? I stared at the window where the web
hit, but I was distracted and kept staring out at the sun rising.


What time is it? How many hours I’ve been here? I should’ve been long gone by know. I
started putting everything where I found it (kinda). And was ready to leave.

As I was getting out I realized how tired I actually was. I started running to my house without
even bothering putting on my ski mask, I probably already looked like a weirdo running in
town, in an all black outfit with some shooters in hand and eye bags as giant as they can be.

In my bed, even after spending my whole night in school, I couldn’t sleep. I was tired but too
awake, mind filled with ideas to keep doing.

I decided I was already awake, what could I do? I will work in my shooters. Now I’ll have to
stay awake, that should be easy right? I thought about making a coffee, but when I was
already in the kitchen I remembered how the bitterness of the coffee feels in my mouth so I
decided to drink up a cup of chocolate.

I put on the web shooters and started perfecting them. In my room I made a target to start
practicing my aim. At first it was really hard but after a few tries I could hit nearly perfect at
the targets.

I don’t remember falling asleep, but the next thing I know is I was shooting and then I’m
laying in the floor. I look up at the room and see it’s full of webs, from one side of the room
to the other. God, I did that.
I clearly didn’t thought about cleaning this thing out.

Right now I don’t even care, I’m hungry and tired, I’ll eat and watch tv and won’t think about
any spider problems at the time.

Everything seems perfect now, I have a delicious bagel in hand, I’m on my couch, without a
care in the world, watching tv, when there’s a news break. In it appears a woman who is
hiding outside the starcourt mall.

“There’s a monster in Hawkins!” She screams while she shakes, holding to her microphone
as if she’s holding onto her life. “In the new starcourt mall has been seen a giant spider with
human characteristics!” As she says that I feel my blood-drained face and my how my whole
body starts to shake in fear.

“We do not know the origin of this horrendous beast, but we know the police apartment isn’t
capable of keeping us save now.” Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit “Oh my good! Kevin! There’s the
monster! Show the monster!” As she says that, the camera man (I suppose is Kevin) shows
the creature I saw in the cages. It’s wrecking the building and attacking people. I see the
policemen who are shooting it but it’s useless.

I go to my room not sure what to do. I turn and see the black fit I’ve used already and grab it.
Fuck it.
I have an opportunity to beat old men’s ass and I meet a
superhero in the way
Chapter Summary

This chapter is only Nancy’s POV!! I’m so excited!! I hope everyone is loving this story
as much as I am <3

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

I’m standing outside Tom Holloway’s office. I want to suggest a great idea for the newspaper
I’ve had since the inauguration of the Starcourt Mall. It’s not only interesting but also
important information we could spread, and if I’m right we could do something good out of

I knock, waiting for an answer. I look at the ceiling. I think about how I’ve never actually
made a real article, even after working here all summer. After that, I hear a ‘Come in’, and I

There he is, the owner of the newspaper and my boss. He looks up from the work he is doing.
“Nancy,” he says as he sees me. “What can I do for you?” He asks, with what looks like a
half smile on his face.

I smile politely. “I have a suggestion for the paper.” His calm features turn slightly agitated,
but I continue. “Do you remember the Hawkins National Laboratory that closed after several
demands and odd accusations?” I ask, he looks a little confused, but he nods.

“People were accusing the workers of being related with the cases of the missing kids around
Hawkins. The Dr. Martin Brenner, who was the former head of the lab, had already been
accused of illicit activities being operated there.

I have suspicions that indicate the same people who were at charge of the laboratory and the
energy apartment are working in the mall, continuing the activities.” Tom raises his hand and
I stop talking.

“You want this to be in the paper?” He asks.

I am stunned. I nod. I can’t hide the smile that curls up in my face.
“I could work on it immediately.” I say, a little to exited. “I can-“

He shakes his head, and interrupts me. “Nancy, listen, this is a serious paper, not your school
paper where you can use all your imagination and fill the local news with gossip.” I open my
mouth to argue but he continues, ignoring me.
“You should be thankful for your job here.” I fight the urge to laugh. My job? My job is to be
the little quiet assistant who has nothing to say or do but smile and do what is ordered. “We
would be the town clowns if we posted this article.” He says and takes this conversation as
finished. He looks down to continue his work and ignores me.

I look at him with disbelief and then leave. How could I ever believe they would take me
seriously? Really, how stupid had I been. I’m sure I could be as successful as the men who
work here or maybe even more if only I was allowed to do something.

He doesn’t want my article? Fine, I’ll investigate it myself and then let’s see who has the
most important and successful news in town.

I’m on my way out when I catch a glimpse of the photographer of the newspaper, Jonathan

Jonathan Byers.

His brother was one of the first people to go missing. He disappeared years ago and he was
never found.

My best friend, Barbara Holland, went missing that same year. Her disappearance wasn’t as
known or mourned as Will’s, but I don’t think I’ve ever recovered from her absence. She was
one of the reasons why I started making this research.

I feel sorry for him, I really do, I don’t think anyone could be able to forget how the
disappearance of Will Byers affected the people of Hawkins.

He is on his way to the dark room, probably to go for the pictures he took, and I follow him.

Maybe he can help me with my investigation. “Byers,” I say, almost as loud as a whisper. He
continues his way, not slowing down.“Jonathan,” I say a little more loudly. He is almost in
the room. I walk faster. I grab his shoulder as gently as I can to stop him from entering the

“Jonathan! I need your help with an investigation.” I tell him almost without breath. I didn’t
know what to say, but I think that sounds better than ‘Your brother’s disappearance was
something that changed this town for good, but I think I know who took him. Mind if I ask a
few questions for the paper?’.

He frowns. “Mine?” He asks kind of shyly. “You need me to take pictures? Or something?”
He asks.
I nod maybe too hard, grateful for the excuse. Maybe I could start asking about his brother
later, step by step.

“Yes, I’m doing a report on the Starcourt Mall, and I need pictures.” I inform him.
“Okay. When do you need them?” He questions naturally.

I hadn’t thought of that.

“Well…,” I start feeling trapped in my own lies. “As soon as you can it’s okay.” I finally
decide to say.
He nods. And goes to the exit door. “Wait! Where are you going?” I nearly yell as I follow
“I’m free. I’ll reveal my photos later. I could go now and give you your pictures soon.”

“Great!” I say as I grab my bag. “Can I go with you?”

He looks at me with a frown.

I just realized what I said. “No, no, no, sorry…” How could I say that? Inviting myself, rude
and weird. He’ll never let me know anything about his brother if I go on like this. He’ll
probably think I’m so nosy and that I’m so obsessed, and that I can’t leave him alone and in
peace to take his pictures. “I’m… I’m sorry.” I say deeply concerned I’ve scared him off.

“It’s okay.” He says. “I was just surprised. That’s all.” He assures.

“Of course you could come.” He says at the end. And he continues his way to his car. I go
along with him now, a little calmer.

On the way to the mall I thought about asking him about Will. I am wondering what could I
ask first and how to ask him, but it’s Jonathan the one who breaks the silence. “What are you
investigating?” He asks, looking at me genuinely curious.

“I’m writing about the people who owned the National Laboratory,” I start. “I believe they
were doing some experiments that weren’t totally legal, and after demands they had to close,
but actually moved the whole center to some part of the mall.”

“And what were this experiments?” He asks.

I hesitate. Not knowing if the information will make him trust me or hate me. “They are
experimenting with the DNA of species, maybe testing people.” He waits for more
information. I continue. “I think they’re taking people and using them as lab rats.”

I look at him and I see him tense the moment I say ‘taking people’. I’m sure he is thinking
about Will.

“What?” He whispers. “Taking people?” He asks. “You mean?..” He stops.

“The missing people?” I’m still not sure how to continue. This is a delicate subject, I don’t
want him to be angry or sad. “Yes.” I say. Everything seems to have turned more tense after I
assured it.

“Who put you in the investigation for the article?” He asks with an annoyed look.

“Tom denied the idea of this article, actually.” I finally confess. “I’m doing this by myself
and I thought I could use your help.” I tell him while I look at the window, not being able to
look at him.
“You don’t need me for the pictures, do you?” He asks a little hurt and cautious. I finally grab
the courage to look at him. His expression is now neutral, maybe still a little sad. “You think
information about Will can be useful.” He says surely.

I can feel my cheeks burning. I’m endlessly embarrassed. It didn’t felt like this before. I
never meant to use him to get information and make him relive the memories of losing his
brother. “I think we can help him.” I begin, trying to keep my voice steady. “If we-“ I
continue, but he cuts me out.

“I’m sorry to disappoint, but Will is dead.” As he speaks, I can hear his voice crack. “And all
the other people who went missing after him had nothing to do with him.”

I couldn’t help but hear the pain in his voice and I felt like an intruder, but I have to
remember why I started investigating. To help people who went missing and the ones who
are still looking for them. “I don’t think Will is dead!” I fight back. “And if you really want to
help, we can actually do something.” He looked sad but I could the the spark of hope in his
eyes, I took this as a sign to keep talking.

“If you don’t want to do this for the people of Hawkins, then do it for Will.” I felt awful
about using his brother for him to help me but I think it’ll be worth the try.

We stay quiet for a while. He stays concentrated as he drives. I can almost see his thoughts
fighting each other. I don’t know what I would do in his place. I loved Barb, I really did, but I
have younger siblings. A brother and a sister. I would go nuts if they went missing. And I
would be furious if someone came after years, saying that the mall was kidnapping people,
including the ones I care about. I tried to be in his situation and try to understand what he
feels, not quite successfully.

He finally talked. “Okay. I’ll help you investigate.” He said calmly. Okay? I sit confused. I
imagined many different things he would say, but okay? That was unexpected. I nodded.
“But,” He warned. “Not more questions about Will, okay?” He said softly. I wanted more, I
wanted to push,but I understood. I nodded.

“Okay.” I said. We were in silence for the rest of the ride. But I felt a little lighter now that he
knew the truth and didn’t chose to leave.

When we arrived to the mall’s parking lot we stayed in the car.

“What is the plan?” He asked.
I wasn’t so sure, but still I replied. “The mall was closed for a couple of days a few weeks
ago with supposedly no reason at all, right?” He nodded, remembering. “Let’s start
interviewing people who work here about that. What they’ve seen, anything suspicious,
maybe they’ll know something.” It wasn’t the best plan, but it was something.

Jonathan and I got out of the car and we started our way to the mall.
I really hope we can find something.

The first people who we interview are basically teenagers who wanted a summer job, adults
who really needed the job or people who didn’t care at all and just ended up there, so when
we started asking about why they think the mall closed temporarily they simply didn’t bother
answering something valid.

We were about to give up. It was useless. Maybe we could find another way to investigate,
we decided to take a last try interrogating a worker of ‘scoops ahoy’, it looked mostly empty
so it would be easy asking him.

As we approached we were able to take a good look at the worker. He was looking down,
probably counting the money on the cashier.

He didn’t look up at us, when he asked ‘What can I get for you?’, in a bored tone. After he
spoke, the recognition finally came to us. This worker wasn’t a stranger. We were surprised
of who we found at the other side of the counter.

“Steve?” We asked Jonathan and I at unison. After that he did looked up and he stood
completely in shock.

“Nancy?” He asked looking at me as if I was a really hard math problem. “Jonathan?” He

asked more to me than to him.

I cross my arms and look aside. I don’t know how to feel, half of me feels ashamed and the
other part angry.

Steve and I used to go out years ago. I don’t think I ever liked him the way I was supposed to,
and I know I never deserved him. We understood each other really well, and I’m sure we
could’ve stayed as friends just fine, but after Barb went missing I cut everyone out. I was a
shitty friend, mean to my family, and a bad person in general. I felt like I couldn’t be friends
with anyone and I felt like having fun with people when the person who knew me best wasn’t
there with me was a hideous sin.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes at the look he is currently giving me and Jonathan. “We are
interviewing the workers of starcourt mall for our newspaper article.” I explain. He was still
looking at us expectantly.

“Oh. Right. Okay.” He speaks as he straightens his back, and tries his best to act normal.
“You want me to answer some questions?” He asked in a slight sheepish tone.

“Yes.” I said thankful. Maybe he was willing to help us after all.

“Well, I can easily answer all the questions you want, but not until my co-worker finally gets
here.” He spoke in a bitterly way. Looking behind our backs for someone. He probably
looked at our baffled faces because after he said.

“She never used to arrive this late before.” He begins explaining. “Ever since the mall
reopened, she rarely comes here anymore or in time, I’m basically doing both of our jobs.
But of course she gets no complaints.” He barks as he moves his hands angrily while he
explains and shakes his head.
This information sounds interesting. Jonathan and I exchange a knowing look. Steve looks at
us and stops complaining. He now stands still, looking confused.

“What is it?” He asks, knowing there is something he is missing.

“When do you think your co-worker will arrive, Steve?” I ask.

Steve stays silent, sticks out his fingers and starts counting, probably calculating the time.

“There is no way to be sure.” He finally concludes.

I let out an exasperated sigh. “Well, when’s your next break so we can start asking you our
questions?” I question desperately.

He doesn’t answer immediately. He looks unsure about what to answer but after a few
moments he looks up and says. “You know what?, ” Steve asks with a decided look. “I’m
gonna take a break right now.” He claps his hands and looks at us with a smile. “Yeah. I will
take my break right now! This place is empty as hell anyway.” He tells us as he takes off his
sailor hat.

“Lets go to the back.” He orders as he leads us to the back of the shop. We follow him in

He sits in a chair and looks up at us. “Okay, start your questions.” He indicates us in an
excited voice.

“Steve,” I start. “The starcourt mall closed for 3 days, almost 2 weeks ago, right?”

“Right.” He confirms.

“Do you have any idea why?” Jonathan inquires, joining the interrogation.

“Uhh. I think it was some safety protocol or something. Robin said no one who wasn’t
authorized could get in.” He explains thinking hard.


“Who’s Robin?” I ask.

“She is my co-worker. The one who’s always late.” Steve explained.

“Right.” I write in my notebook the information, this could be useful later. “So, Robin. She is
the one who told you you wouldn’t be going to work that day because of the protocol, right?”

“No.” Steve shakes his head. “We weren’t expecting it. We both were ready for our shifts, she
arrived earlier than me and some guards were explaining to her we wouldn’t be going to
work for some time.”

I stand there, making up theories with all the information, maybe Robin saw something she
wasn’t supposed to see. Maybe she is scared to come to work and she was threatened. I
annotate everything Steve just told me and then ask. “You don’t happen to know what kind of
protocol they were doing, do you?”

“I think they were looking for something.” He slowly says.

“Why would you think that?” What could they possibly be looking for?

“I don’t know!” He shrugged. “It’s just that…” He trailed off.

“It’s just that what?” I asked maybe a little too aggressive.

“They look preoccupied.”


“Preoccupied in what way?” Jonathan confers.

“I don’t know! From what I could see they were pretty shaken up and then the doctors-“

I interrupted him. “Doctors? You didn’t mentioned any doctors.”

“There were some guys in lab coats and they where running from one side of the mall to
another, and I don’t think even the police knew what was really happening.” Steve concluded.

“What’s Robin’s full name?” Jonathan asks Steve.

Steve assures to know but he tries to remember on a long amount of time and starts
mumbling random last names so I’m not sure it’ll be right in the end.

“Buckley!” He screams. “Her name is Robin Buckley!” He looks quite proud of himself for
remembering. I write down that name and then it hits me.

“Wait. I know her. She’s in my year right? I think I may have some classes with her.” Steve

“Yeah, I think so.” He looks lost in his thoughts, but then he speaks again. “Was this any

I look at him fondly. “Yes, Steve. Thank you, really.”

I look at Jonathan and then at my notebook with the information we collected, with no
emotion but pride.

This is the first interrogation who actually gave us something to work with.

“Well I guess that was it.” Steve says.

“Yeah, I guess so.” I confirm.

Jonathan heads to the door and I’m about to follow, but before I turn back to Steve.
“Steve,” I’m not sure what I will say, but I’ll just have to trust that I’ll say something that
won’t be so bad. “I’m sorry, I was a really bad friend and I know we haven’t talked a lot
lately or before or in a really long time but, you were the closest thing I had to a best friend
besides Barb, and when she went missing I stopped talking to you and you weren’t the one to
blame, but I assure you, you deserve the world, Steve. You really do, and…”

I look at him and he gives me a reassuring smile, and I know that I’ll say the right thing. “I
really want us to try to be friends again.” I finish.

He smiles and gets up. He comes closer and grabs my hand. “I think that’ll be worth a try.”
He squeezes my hand and then let’s go. I smile and nod.

Now I’m the one who heads for the exit too but I turn again. “We will be back with questions
for Robin.” I tell Steve, still smiling.

“I’ll wait with her.” He replies.

I leave. He really deserves the best. Maybe I just gained a friend back.

Jonathan and I resume our walk with the same silence we had in our ride here. We were about
to leave the mall in our new comfort quiet when we heard someone scream.

We looked at each other with fear and started running to get to the door.

We couldn’t leave the mall because a big piece of wall smashed the door leaving us with no
way out.

We ran for a safe place. We hid in the safety behind of a table in the food court. We tried to
see our aggressor but what we saw left us speechless.

There was in the middle of the room a giant repulsive spider. It wasn’t just a regular spider, it
moved like a human but looked more like a monster out of a horror movie.

The giant spider threw something at the wall and made a hole with potential to be our escape
door. I grabbed Jonathan’s shoulder and pointed the hole. He simply nodded, looking

We were waiting for a moment where the spider looked somewhere else so we could
runaway. The spider finally turned chasing at a poor woman who unluckily had been wearing
an ugly outfit that made her look like an insect, she looked like the perfect prey to it.

The spider grabbed the woman and then spit some spider silk to the woman. The woman
started screaming as her skin turned red and started to bleed nonstop.

I couldn’t believe what was happening. A giant spider is about to kill us all. I’ve never been
so scared in my whole entire life. That thing spits burning silk. The unfortunate woman is
lying dead on the floor.

I needed to think with clarity if we wanted to escape. I just needed to think.

In that moment a man dressed in black and a ski mask enters to the rescue. He wasn’t as
muscular or as tall as a superhero you could see in stories but he started doing things I
wouldn’t believe if I didn’t saw them myself.

He started fighting the spider and doing acrobatics, and then he shot some spider-webs back
at it. Do they have the same powers? How is this scene even possible? Is this man going to
save us? I had so many questions but my desire to live was not gonna let me sit and think
about them. I grabbed Jonathan’s arm and started to run.

There were a lot of people so we had to split up, both of us running in the same direction
hoping to get out.

We were almost out, I was just a little behind Jonathan, but then I saw it, a part of the ceiling
falling out. I was so sure I was gonna die. I braced myself and waited for the collapse but it
never came. Instead I could feel a pair of arms around me. I held back and took a look at my

The man who was fighting the spider was swinging with me using his spider-webs. I wrapped
my arms around his neck and prayed that he wouldn’t drop me. I didn’t mean to scream, but I
wasn’t a fan of heights, as little as the may be.

“Please don’t drop me!” I screamed out. He didn’t said anything in return, but I was so scared
I didn’t care.

He finally set me up on the ground and I’ve never been so happy to be there. I was so close to
the exit I ran out. I saw Jonathan and I jumped into his arms. We separated shortly after the
awkward hug. We weren’t friends but I was so glad he was alive. Oh no. How could we


He WAS my friend again, and he was still in there.

“We have to go back!” I screamed.

“What?! No!” Jonathan seemed really confused, but then he seemed to remember. “Steve!”
He yelled worried. I nodded. We ran back in.
We were yelling as loud as we could.


“Steve! Where are you?!”

The spider and the man were still fighting and we took advantage of the distraction and
looked for Steve.

I caught sight of him running around with a little blonde girl in his arms. We follow them into
a little toys shop.
When we enter the little store we see the lights are out. We call for Steve, and he comes with
the little girl, hand in hand. “Steve! We were so scared!” I say as I hug him. “Who is this?” I
ask him. “She was lost!” He says shrugging. “She said she was here with her mom, but we
can’t find her anywhere.”

He was looking truly sad. I give them an empathic look. I can understand why he did is
helping this little girl, but I don’t think Jonathan does because he scolds him. “This is not
exactly the right moment to become a babysitter, Steve!” I hit him in his arm. “Ouch?” He
was looking me as if I was crazy.

I sighted. “He is helping her. As any normal person would do.” I say and then I turn to the
little girl. “What’s your name?” I ask in a soft tone. She couldn’t be older than 7, that’s for
sure. “My name is Emma.” She said looking at me with her big brown eyes. I looked at her
and couldn’t help but be reminded of Holly, my little sister.

We decided it would be better if we went out to somewhere safe in case her mom was already
outside. We were waiting for the spider and the man in black to be fighting far from our way

The girl was about to cry when she saw the giant spider but Steve placed his hand covering
her eyes and started saying comforting words. He was carrying her again.

The next thing I knew is that we were running and we were almost out. But then I heard a
terrifying cry. It was weird. It sounded human but at the same time something you could only
hear in your wildest dreams. It took me a time to realize that the spider had done it and that it
was just behind us. We were running but I tripped and couldn’t get up. I heard Jonathan and
Steve call my name but they were way too far.

The spider was closer to me and as it opened its mouth I was able to see its multiple teeth, all
covered in blood.

The man in black reappeared, and started to fight back again. His clothes were now dirty,
covered in dust and blood.

He was so close I finally took a good look at him. The only thing I could see were his
beautiful ocean blue eyes and his long eyelashes. He looked so young this close. He was just
some scrawny guy who happened to have superpowers.

They kept fighting and everything was going right, he webbed the spider at the floor and then
came closer to me, offering me his hand. I tried to get up but my ankle hurt and I realized I
couldn’t walk. “I fractured my ankle!” I screamed. The man simply nodded and carried me to
the way out. I told him to drop me with Jonathan and Steve, who were with the little girl and
her mom.

“Guys!” I screamed as I got out of the man’s arms as I mumbled a ‘Thank you’.

They held me steady and helped me walk to Jonathan’s car. “Are you okay?” Jonathan asked.
I nodded. “I think I should go home, my parents must be worried if they know what
happened and I don’t show up.”
Steve said goodbye as we were getting into the car.

I was calmer now but in that moment, I saw the spider get out of the mall and run to god
knows where. We saw the man in black chase it closely behind.

Jonathan and I gasped. The thing has escaped.

We waited a few minutes and then decided it was safe enough. As we left the parking lot we
rolled down the car windows, to listen to some reporters who were there.

“We do not know who the man dressed in black is, but some people have starting to refer to
him as ‘Spider-man’” said a woman looking straight at the camera.

Spider-man. Spider-monsters. This town has just gotten weirder.

Chapter End Notes

This was a really interesting chapter, and a little bit longer than the last one. I will post
the next one in a few days I hope. Let me know what you think of the characterization of
everyone! I personally love the friendship of Nancy and Steve, I think if the show
wasn’t trying so hard to make them a thing they could be besties. Thank you everyone
for reading!!
I am a superhero and famous! But also being confused for a
Chapter Summary

Robin pov! Sorry it took me this long to update!! I got busy :(

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

The spider has escaped. I tried chasing it to the woods, but it was too late. I have lost it. I
surrender. I am on my way home, hurt, bloody, and tired

All my wounds have started healing pretty good by the time I got here. At least I don’t have
any more burns, the last one still hurts. I think besides the enemy escaping, my fight was
quite successful. My web-shooters worked perfectly. I was swinging in the mall!

As I enter my house, I know it’s empty. I go to the living room and turn on the tv. I let myself
be comfortable laying on the couch in my dirty clothes. I see the news, most of them are
about the attack at Starcourt. Most of them are also about me.

I see a woman who is at the mall. I see myself and the spider running away in the frame so I
know it’s a replay. “We do not know who the man dressed in black is,” The woman starts. I
lay with a frown on my face. “But some people have starting to refer to him as ‘Spider-man’”

What the actual fuck?

HIM? Spider-MAN? The MAN in black? How sexist this stupid town can be?

I’m not a spider, and I’m definitely not a man! How? The man in black?
Is this people not gonna realize they were saved by a woman? What are they? Blind?

I’m done with the news. I turn off the tv and decide that the best for me would be to take a
shower and to attend all my wounds.

When I’m in the shower I see the water taking away my blood. My cuts and bruises are being
healed at a scary speed. The only thing that stays the same is the burn.

My wrist is somewhat tolerable if I don’t touch it, I will consider this as a good sign of my
body slowly healing. I was afraid it would be worse after using the shooters.

I see my black outfit on the floor. It has holes and scratches. I don’t think can be fixed. I grab
everything but the ski mask and throw it away.
I go to sleep. I’ll deal with everything in the morning.

When I wake up, I sit on my bed. I think about all the money I’ve saved since I started
working on scoops ahoy. My dream is to travel the world, I even have a made up mission
named ‘operation croissant’, which is basically me saving money and leaving to go to

I’ve always wanted that. I know my parents were some kind of hippies or something, and that
they had their own adventures, and I want to leave this old boring town myself, but I don’t
think it would be as fun if I go alone.

I like being alone, don’t get me wrong, but as I see my parents in their youth, I don’t think I
want to travel the world with no one else to share it with. I’ve been wanting to go to Europe
for as long as I can remember. All it’s going great. I have been saving money, I have started
learning some languages myself, everything is great. Except that I don’t have someone to go
with. Well that and that I now have become some kind of protector for the people of

There is still a spider monster on the loose and I don’t think my dream is going to come true
anymore. I still need a new monster-fighting fit.

I have an idea. I sigh.

I really think I’m gonna regret this.

I grab all my money and go to look for a new fit. I think maybe I want a superhero costume,
maybe it could help. Modify it a bit, make sure I’m comfortable.

New mission. Find a superhero suit.

I grab my bike and start my way downtown. I hope maybe I’ll see some early Halloween
shop or something. What else could I buy? I’m not a superhero expert but I know they wear
that weird tight suits. Is it obligatory? I hope it’s not.

I need to wear something resistant. Something unique, something that will mark me as

I need a name! A superhero name! Not Spider-Man, not the man in black. Something mine
and that is really me.

I need a suit and a name. That’s my mission for today.

I see a kid’s store. Maybe there? I go in and look around everywhere. I got strange looks from
people, obviously I am way older than what this store is supposed too. A teen in a costume?
How weird is that? But they have no idea what I’m up to.

I found nothing so I decide to take the hardest option. Make my suit from nothing. Damn,
I’ve never made anything. I mean, I know how to sew, when my clothes don’t fit, unpick or
break I have to fix them myself. It’s not like I can afford buying new clothes anytime
something happens.
I only can do it the old-fashioned way, with a needle and thread. I guess it’ll take long, this
isn’t something small like what I’ve done before. I finally decide to buy a white hoodie, black
leggings and some colored fabrics. What seems tricky is the mask, maybe I can measure the
ski mask and do something like it.
I bike through town at a speed that if someone crossed path with me I would knock them out.

When I arrive home, the first think I do is lock myself in my room and start working. First I
grab a notebook and start sketching what my suit will look. After a few tries I stop drawing. I
am worse than I expected. I will improvise. What can go wrong? No one will know who did
the suit right? I have a secret identity for a reason.

I know it was a mistake the moment I cut the fabric. I can’t go back now, I spent almost all
my money in this. I have to do this or, how else I will fight the monstrous spider and help the
missing kids? I have to do this.

I guess is a habit now, not knowing what time it is. The only thing I know is that now is late.
The moment I yawn I go to the kitchen make a coffee, pour almost all the milk and sugar, and
go back to work. I throw the coffee away after the first sip, I know I don’t like it but I always
end up wasting a cup with hope.

It doesn’t look so bad now. The hoodie has some pink and blue fabric decorating, and the
leggings have some pieces of color there and there. Who would have ever thought I was such
an artist? Now I only have left to do the thing that scared me the most.

The mask.

I start cutting fabric in ways I have know idea how it will become a mask but I don’t stop.

It looks like a mess. I don’t know what to do. I keep sewing things. But it doesn’t have a
shape. It’s too much. It’s late, I already finished the suit, —which is basically clothes with
decorations but you know what I mean— which took the most time, I only need a little mask.
I’ll take a little nap.

When I wake up I check a clock and notice I’m half an hour late for work. Shit. I don’t even
know when was the last time I showed up to scoops ahoy in time. This has started to happen,
I am so busy doing spider stuff I forget to do things I’m supposed to.

I grab a backpack and put all I need to continue do finish my mask. I’ll try to finish it
between breaks.

I bike to Starcourt Mall with my backpack. This feels so mundane yet so different. Before I
got bit working in Scoops Ahoy was just a money source, my life was easier. Now I think I
mostly work here to keep myself close and keep an eye to the Secret Labs.

I see Harrington but before he can say something about me being late I run to the back.

“I’m back dingus! I’m gonna be in the back!” I say with my bag in hand. I’m almost entering
but before I turn to warn him, “Don’t interrupt me if it’s not necessary!”
I get in and sit ready to resume my sewing, but against all my warnings he follows me,
leaving some confused and angry costumers outside. “Wait! Robin stop!” He says with his
usual annoyance.

“Agh! What have I just told you? What are you doing anyway? There are costumers
waiting.” I complain hiding my mask.

“There are people here who want to talk to you.” But as he says that my face turns white. No.
What did I did wrong? I should’ve quit. I never should’ve been this close. Obviously they
were gonna find me!

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I’m so fucked. I’m gonna die. I’m dead. I didn’t even finished my mask. My mask! If they
weren’t sure I have powers, now I just exposed myself. Shit.

“They are gonna ask you some questions,” Harrington explains calmed. He must’ve seen my
reaction and even if we’re not friends he tries to assure me. “They already asked me,” he
turns to look outside and in a hushed tone he says. “They are my friends, there’s nothing to
worry about. Stop looking at me like that, Robin.”

Oh no. I just got Steve killed. His friends? Poor guy is so alone that the Russians have
manipulated him into believing that. We’re both so dead. I’m gonna die with Steve —the hair
— Harrington in sailor costumes.

Maybe I can fight this guys and save us both. There will be some explaining to do, but better
that than dead.

Steve turns to open the door, but I get up to stop him. “Steve, don’t! We still have time.” I
whisper. “If we go to the back we can leave and they won’t find us.” He stares at me in

“Wait! What have you told them?” I ask him. Maybe he hasn’t told them so much. Maybe we
can make some lie up.

Steve looks beyond confused. He opens the door as I try to stop him. He lets the people enter
as he goes back to work.

I don’t know what am I more surprised of. That there are no Russians on their way to kill me
or that Nancy Wheeler, who I saved in the attack and I had a huge crush years ago, along
with Jonathan Byers, Will Byers’ older brother, came in here.

I look at Jonathan and the reminder of Will being tortured comes to my mind. I feel useless. I
did nothing to protect him, and now suddenly his brother comes here with Perfect Wheeler?
They definitely know something. What do they know? Do they hate me? They probably do, I

“Hey, Robin. I’m Nancy, we have some classes together” She smiles. Oh right. Spanish,
Algebra and Physics, but who cares. “Oh, yeah I think so.” I mumble.
“This is Jonathan.” She points at him and he waves his hand awkwardly. “We are here to ask
you some questions. We are making an article for the newspaper we work for about the mall
and we have some serious accusations that maybe with your help we can prove right.” She
says everything with a smile, but what she said brings me back to reality.

“Wait, what accusations?” I ask serious and paying more attention than before. They know
something. I knew it.

“Well,” Nancy looks at Jonathan for help. They don’t want to tell me. Obviously. Seriously,
why did I even ask?

I was about to take back my question but Nancy doesn’t give me a chance to. “We believe
they have been doing some experiments that aren’t legal.” She says. She looks quite pleased
with her answer, but I know there’s more of this story and I know they do too. I simply nod.
Pretending to know nothing about the local scientists working with the Russian guys.

There’s a silence but Nancy breaks it. “Well, we are going to start the questions. First, do you
know why the mall was closed two weeks ago or have any theories why?” She has
transformed, the nice girl whose eyes spark when she knows the right answer and the girl
who is scared of heights that clings to your neck so hard it hurts but you don’t mind, has
become a serious person who is done with the bullshit, will ask meticulously the questions
and will not take no for an answer.

I couldn’t do anything but tell them everything I could without exposing myself too much.
“Um. I think something happened so they closed the mall to everyone.” I said carefully.

Nancy seemed pleased with that answer, she nodded. “They closed it to everyone you say?”
She asks, with a knowing look on her face as she writes down something in her notebook.
“Yeah,” I say slowly but then I remember. “Well, I saw some scientists who weren’t there
before. They showed up, said something and then they could get in.”

That was true. Only authorized people could go. I now know they were probably part of the
scientific crew from Hawkins, trying to go to the lab in the secret base.

Nancy procedes to write something more. That makes me nervous. Why can’t she act normal
so I can TRY to act normal in return?

Jonathan is the one asking questions now. Nancy only keeps writing stuff down. I wish she
would just do anything else that didn’t make me feel like a criminal under the supervision of
evil cops.

“In your perspective, what would you think they were doing?” Jonathan asks. What do they
care about my ‘perspective’. I already told them what I saw.

I sigh “Well, they obviously screwed up and they’re trying to cover it up, there was
something we weren’t supposed to see. Why else would they care so much who was there?
They don’t really care about our safety.” I say shrugging.
Nancy and Jonathan exchange a look. Was this going to be a thing know? They act as if they
know everything. If someone has secrets and know about the secret base is me. I’m the one
who knows more.


We are all analyzing each other, trying to figure who knows what. Maybe they do know
something. But what exactly?

“Is this all you know?” Jonathan asked with a raised eyebrow.

I hesitated, but then I nodded.

“Robin,” Nancy gets in the conversation. She has stopped writing, and she looks at me in my
eyes. She says my name in a soft tone I almost forget she is on detective mode. “If you know
something you have to tell us. If the accusations are right these people might be causing a lot
of pain to innocents.” She tells me. Even if she said it in a nice way, I couldn’t help get a little

Does she actually think I’m that stupid? This may have worked with other people, but I’m
not getting manipulated into spilling the soup. I shake my head. Finding myself unable to lie.
Maybe I cannot tell them everything I know, but maybe if I find a way, my masked self can.

I still need to find a name tho.

Nancy looks at me waiting for me to say something. I say nothing. Maybe she realized I
know more than I say, but anyway she looks defeated and shakes her head.

“What do you know about the mutant spider?” Jonathan asks as if he’s asking the weather.
How does he manage to look so indifferent to this whole thing?

“What?” I feel my tongue in my mouth, it’s hard to speak. What do they know about the
spider? Why are they asking me this?

“The spider attack? You weren’t here, but you have seen it on the news right? It’s a big
thing.” He says suspicious.

“Of course. I know. I wasn’t there. No.” I start rambling. “I know nothing more than
everyone already knows about it.” I keep explaining. I laugh nervously. “You know, I just
know what I heard from the news. No one I know has said anything about it.” I hide the fact
that I have no one who could’ve told me due to my lack of friends and disinterested parents.
“I just know it was attacking people until there was someone who supposedly had spider
abilities or something. That one Spider-guy I think.” I say with fake lack of knowledge.

“Spider-man.” Nancy corrects me.

“Yup. That guy. Just one guy. Just one Spider-Man.” I say trying to stop my nervous laugh.
“Or woman. We don’t know… for sure.” I say shrugging. They look at me weirdly. And I
hope I just didn’t make things stranger. I mentally slap myself.
Before they can ask me anymore questions I stand up. “Guys. Guys! As much as I love this
questions, I guess I must help poor little Stevie who has been working all day.” I say with
fake empathy and a dramatic sad face. “Yeah, poor him.” I say nodding. “Robin wait!” Nancy
says. “We still have more questions.” Jonathan says at the same time.

I am already at the counter and push Steve out as I say ‘Move’.

I’d rather work than have another round of questions that may expose me.

There are no costumers left, Nancy, Jonathan and Steve stand in front of the counter with
their arms crossed. “What can I get for you?” I ask with a fake smile rolling my eyes.

“Robin, stop. If you do know something it’s time for you to say so.” Nancy says exasperated.

I can’t believe this. I scoff. I’m about to say something but my mind turns black as I see
behind them there is a man. Not just any man. Is the man with white hair and some guys I
know are Russian. Shit. Now they have found me.

“I gotta go.” I say before running to get my backpack. I hear Nancy screaming my name but I
don’t care.
I go find the exit door in the back and leave as fast as I can. I think of going for my bike but
it’s way too crowded. I decide to run in through the town.

I can’t believe I actually got home. I’m not an athlete. I can barely walk without tripping but
apparently I’m quite good at running for my life.

As I sit on my bed I think it could be a good idea to finish my mask. I start sewing. After a
while it looks good enough. I try everything on. I look in the mirror and I think I do look
heroic. I painted some webs to give it a spider vibe. I think I look quite cool.

Even with my suit on I don’t feel any more relief after seeing the men in the mall. What were
they doing there? Were they looking for me?

Now that I think about it better I don’t think they were. If they wanted to find me they would
have done that already. The thought makes me calm down a little bit.

I want to go practice in an abandoned place I found almost 30 minutes away walking. I think
it’s perfect to train. I take off the suit and put it inside my bag. Ready to go.

It took me less than 30 minutes to get here. The place kind of stinks and looks incredibly
creepy. It doesn’t have a complete roof or some walls, but it’s really hidden so I doubt I will
find someone.

I put on my suit and start doing everything I can. I don’t really know what I’m doing but it’s
better than wait for the spider to reappear.

After a few hours it starts raining, and the poor safety the broken roof provides I leave. I
decide that before I got home I can take a look at the city to make sure everything is going
fine. I take little care of the rain, I’m already soaked.
Everything seems pretty chill around Hawkins, I think. But for my luck as I think that, I just
hear screams. That is a sure sign everything is NOT ok.

I swing into the direction of the screams.

As I got closer I see all the chaos comes from the Hawking public library. Weird place to

I see people running out of there.

I don’t expect anything else but the spider appearing for a second round but what surprises
me is that instead of that I see a little girl scaring everyone. That’s not even the weirdest thing
of it all. The little harmless girl is completely dangerous and in attack mode. Apparently she
has now the same spider abilities our fellow monster has.

She webs a man, and by the sound of his screams I can think that it causes burns too. I get
into action and web the little girls hands together to stop her from hurting more people. I feel
awful. Attacking a little kid. But the man and the people who got hurt make me keep fighting.

She tries to break the web but it’s strong enough.

I get really close to the girl. She looks blankly at the space but keeps moving. I think she
looks creepy enough but what makes me almost pass out is that I look at her stare and realize
she has her eyes fully black. Well shit. That’s a complete new level of scary. What happened
to her? Could I fix her? Could someone do?

I try to come up with a theory but nothing comes right. All I know is this is part of whatever
the scientists and Russians are doing.

I look at the girl, the more I look at her makes me feel like I know her from somewhere. Then
I know what it is. I recognize that girl, but I do not know her. She is one of the missing kids. I
web her to the ground and start helping the people who got burned and attacked.

I know people is thanking me, but the only thing I can think of is about I just did. I attacked a
little girl. She is still on the floor. Maybe she can get fixed. There is an evil voice at the back
of my head that keeps making questions.

What if she can’t? What can I do to help? What can she do? Why did this happen? Nobody
deserves this.

Why? Why? Why?

What brings me back to reality is the voice of a reporter screaming. “Spider-Man!” She tries
to get my attention. “Spider-Man! Could you answer some questions?! Look at the camera!”

I turn to her direction. Before she can speak I interrupt her. “I’m a woman.” I scream
hopefully I sound calm and not too angry or tired.

I’m about to get closer but the sounds of gunshots make me turn back to the chaos. I see the
body of the girl. No. She is not a little girl anymore. She is now half a spider. Her little body
is now bigger, stronger and completely black. Her skin has turned tough.

Almost everything has turn into a monster. Everything except half her face. If I didn’t see her
face I could almost pretend to be seeing the last spider I fought. She is now lying on the floor,
half her face looking at the ceiling, all her body is now irreconcilable. She is lying on the
floor, dead.

I need to leave. I can’t see this.

I swing home. I ignore all the reporters.

I only feel pain. The only thing I hear are the gunshots and the man’s screams. The only thing
I see is the poor little girl on the floor.

I can’t think of anything else.

I can’t sleep. I have my eyes closed trying to ignore everything. I try to think of everything I
could’ve done to save the girl.

I fell asleep holding my burned wrist, tears streaming down my face and trying to keep my
sobs quiet.

Chapter End Notes

Well… kind of a sad chapter if you ask me but at least Nancy and Robin met right?
Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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