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CC102 Fundamentals of Computer Programming

Fundamentals of
Computer Programming


To write a definite loop, you initialize a loop control variable, a variable whose value
determines whether loop execution continues. While the Boolean value that results from
comparing the loop control variable and another value is true, the body of the while loop
continues to execute. In the body of the loop, you must include a statement that alters the
loop control variable.

A loop controlled by the user is a type of indefinite loop because you don’t know how
many times it will eventually loop. For example, perhaps you want to continue performing
some task as long as the user indicates a desire to continue. In this case, while you are
writing the program, you do not know whether the loop eventually will be executed two
times, 200 times, or at all.

A definite loop is a counter-controlled loop. An indefinite loop is an event-controlled loop;

that is, an event occurs that determines whether the loop continues
In each of these cases, the loop control variable is evaluated at the “top” of the
loop before the body has a chance to execute. Both while loops and for loops are
pretest loops—ones in which the loop control variable is tested before the loop
body executes.

Sometimes, you might need to ensure that a loop body executes at least one
time. If so, you want to write a loop that checks at the “bottom” of the loop after
the first iteration. The do…while loop checks the value of the loop control
variable at the bottom of the loop after one repetition has occurred. The
do…while loop is a posttest loop—one in which the loop control variable is tested
after the loop body executes.
• Although the three sections of the for loop are most commonly used for initializing,
testing, and incrementing, you can also perform the following tasks:
• Initialization of more than one variable by placing commas between the separate
statements, as in the following:
for(g = 0, h = 1; g < 6; ++g)
• Performance of more than one test using AND or OR operators, as in the following:
for(g = 0; g < 3 && h > 1; ++g)
• Decrementation or performance of some other task, as in the following:
for(g = 5; g >= 1; – –g)
• Altering more than one value, as in the following:
for(g = 0; g < 10; ++g, ++h, sum += g)
• You can leave one or more portions of a for loop empty, although the two semicolons
are still required as placeholders. For example, if x has been initialized in a previous
program statement, you might write the following:
for(; x < 10; ++x)
Just as if statements can be nested, so can loops. You can place a while loop within a while
loop, a for loop within a for loop, a while loop within a for loop, or any other combination.
When loops are nested, each pair contains an inner loop and an outer loop. The inner loop
must be entirely contained within the outer loop; loops can never overlap.
❑ A loop is a structure that allows repeated execution of a block of statements.
❑ A loop body is the block of statements that executes when the Boolean expression that
controls the loop is true.
❑ An iteration is one loop execution.
❑ A while loop executes a body of statements continually as long as the Boolean expression
that controls entry into the loop continues to be true.
❑ A loop that executes a specific number of times is a definite loop or a counted loop.
❑ An indefinite loop is one in which the final number of loops is unknown.
❑ A loop control variable is a variable whose value determines whether loop execution
❑ An infinite loop is a loop that never ends.
❑ An empty body is a block with no statements in it.
❑ Incrementing a variable adds 1 to its value.
❑ Decrementing a variable reduces its value by 1
❑ A definite loop is a counter-controlled loop.
❑ An indefinite loop is an event-controlled loop.
❑ Counting is the process of continually incrementing a variable to keep track of the number
of occurrences of some event.
❑ Accumulating is the process of repeatedly increasing a value by some amount to produce a
❑ The add and assign operator ( += ) alters the value of the operand on the left by adding
the operand on the right to it.
❑ The subtract and assign operator ( –= ) alters the value of the operand on the left by
subtracting the operand on the right from it.
❑ The multiply and assign operator ( *= ) alters the value of the operand on the left by
multiplying the operand on the right by it.
❑ The divide and assign operator ( /= ) alters the value of the operand on the left by dividing
the operand on the right into it.
❑ The remainder and assign operator ( %= ) alters the value of the operand on the left by
assigning the remainder when the left operand is divided by the right operand.
❑ The prefix ++, also known as the prefix increment operator, adds 1 to a variable, then
evaluates it.
❑ The postfix ++ , also known as the postfix increment operator, evaluates a variable, then
adds 1 to it.
❑ A for loop is a special loop that can be used when a definite number of loop iterations is
❑ A pretest loop is one in which the loop control variable is tested before the loop body
❑ The do…while loop executes a loop body at least one time; it checks the loop control
variable at the bottom of the loop after one repetition has occurred.
❑ A posttest loop is one in which the loop control variable is tested after the loop body
executes. An inner loop is contained entirely within another loop.
❑ An outer loop contains another loop.
❑ A do-nothing loop is one that performs no actions other than looping.
Character and String Class
Understanding String data problems
• As an object, a String variable name is not a simple data type—it is a reference; that is, a
variable that holds a memory address. Therefore, when you compare two Strings using
the == operator, you are not comparing their values, but their computer memory
locations. Fortunately, the creators of Java have provided three classes that you can use
when working with text data; these classes provide you with many methods that make
working with characters and strings easier:
• Character — A class whose instances can hold a single character value. This class also
defines methods that can manipulate or inspect single-character data.
• String—A class for working with fixed-string data — that is, unchanging data composed
of multiple characters.
• StringBuilder — Classes for storing and manipulating changeable data composed of
multiple characters.
• You learned in the previous lesson that the char data type is used to hold any single
character—for example, letters, digits, and punctuation marks. In addition to the
primitive data type char, Java offers a Character class.
• The Character class contains standard methods for testing the values of characters.
Next slide describes many of the Character class methods. The methods that begin
with “is”, such as isUpperCase(), return a Boolean value that can be used in
comparison statements; the methods that begin with “to”, such as toUpperCase(),
return a character that has been converted to the stated format.
Commonly used methods of the Character class
Method Description
• isUpperCase() Tests if character is uppercase
• toUpperCase() Returns the uppercase equivalent of the argument; no change is
made if the argument is not a lowercase letter
• isLowerCase() Tests if character is lowercase
• toLowerCase() Returns the lowercase equivalent of the argument; no change is
made if the argument is not an uppercase letter
• isDigit() Returns true if the argument is a digit (0−9) and false otherwise
• isLetter() Returns true if the argument is a letter and false otherwise
• isLetterOrDigit() Returns true if the argument is a letter or digit and false
• isWhitespace() Returns true if the argument is whitespace and false otherwise;
this includes the space, tab, newline, carriage return, and form
String Methods
• A wide variety of additional methods are available with the String class. The methods
toUpperCase() and toLowerCase() convert any String to its uppercase or lowercase
equivalent. For example, if you declare a String as String aWord = "something";, then the
string “something” is created in memory and its address is assigned to aWord. The
statement aWord = aWord.toUpperCase() creates “SOMETHING” in memory and assigns
its address to aWord. Because aWord now refers to “SOMETHING,” aWord =
aWord.toLowerCase() alters aWord to refer to “something”.
• The length() method returns the length of a String. For example, the following statements
result in the variable length that holds the value 5.
String greeting = "Hello";
int length = greeting.length();
String Methods
• The charAt() method requires an integer argument that indicates the position of the
character that the method returns. For example, if myName is a String that refers to
“Stacy”, the value of myName.charAt(0) is ‘S’ and the value of myName.charAt(1) is ‘t’.
• The endsWith() method and the startsWith() method each take a String argument and
return true or false if a String object does or does not end or start with the specified
argument. For example, if String myName = "Stacy";, then myName.startsWith("Sta") is
true, and myName.endsWith("z") is false.
• The replace() method allows you to replace all occurrences of some character within a
String. For example, if String yourName = "Annette";, then String goofyName = yourName.
replace('n', 'X'); assigns “AXXette” to goofyName.
String Methods
• The substring() method takes two integer arguments—a start position and an end
position—that are both based on the fact that a String’s first position is position zero. The
length of the extracted substring is the difference between the second integer and the first
integer; if you write the method without a second integer, the substring extends to the end
of the original string.
• The indexOf() method determines whether a specific character occurs within a String. If it
does, the method returns the position of the character; the first position of a String is zero.
The return value is –1 if the character does not exist in the String. For example, in String
myName = "Stacy";, the value of myName.indexOf('S') is 0, the value of
myName.indexOf('a') is 2, and the value of myName.indexOf('q') is –1.
String Methods
• Although not part of the String class, the toString() method is useful when working with
String objects. It converts any object to a String. In particular, it is useful when you want to
convert primitive data types to Strings. So, if you declare theString and someInt = 4;, as
follows, then after the following statements, theString refers to “4”:
String theString;
int someInt = 4;
theString = Integer.toString(someInt);
If you declare another String and a double as follows, then after the following statements,
aString refers to “8.25”:
String aString;
double someDouble = 8.25;
aString = Double.toString(someDouble);
String Methods
Java String format() Method
String format() returns a formatted String using the given locale, specified format String,
and arguments. This method is similar to printf() method and uses almost same format
specifier or conversion character.


%c Character Unicode Character
%d Integer Decimal Integer
%f Floating-point A decimal number
%s Any type String value
%n Non Platform specific line separator
String Methods
StringBuilder Class

StringBuilder in Java represents a mutable sequence of characters.

Since the String class creates an immutable sequence of characters,
the StringBuilder class provides an alternative to String Class by
making a mutable sequence of characters.
StringBuilder Class
StringBuilder Class
1. StringBuilder() : Constructs a StringBuilder with no characters in it and an
initial capacity of 16 characters.
2. StringBuilder(String str) : Constructs a StringBuilder that initialized to the
contents of the specified String.
3. StringBuilder(int capacity) : Constructs a String Builder with no
characters in it and an initial capacity specified by the capacity argument.
StringBuilder Class
1. append() : This method appends the String representation of the X type of
the argument to the sequence. (char, String, etc)
2. insert(): This method inserts the String representation of the char argument
into this sequence.
3. delete() : This method removes the characters in a substring of this
4. reverse() : This method causes the character sequence to be replaced by the
reverse of the sequence.
StringBuilder Class
StringBuilder Class
StringBuilder Class
Fundamentals of Computer Programming

The End


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