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Conrod design (numerical)

Sketch a generic connecting rod (conrod) of an IC Engine and find important dimensions for
a 800 cc - 3 cyl - 4S - SI engine that would develop 60 kW at 6000 rpm. Stroke/Bore =
1.1, conrod/crank = 3.1, maximum pressure in cylinder = 6 MPa, MoC has ρ = 7860
kg/m3, σyc = σyt = 700 MPa with FoS = 4. For conrod big and small ends, allowable (σc)wear =
25 MPa & 45 MPa respectively and for eye & bolts, σt = 50 MPa <? for rigidity>, E = 207
GPa. Take mass of reciprocating parts (mp + mpp + mpr = 0.25 kg).


(i) Sketch
(ii) Space dimensions; bore & stroke of each cylinder
VS = 800/3 = π/4•D2•S → D = (4•267•1.1/π)1/3 ≈ 68
mm, for S = 1.1 D → S ≈ 75 mm → crank r = S/2 =
37.5 mm and conrod length,
L = 3.1•37.5 ≈ 116 mm
(iii) MoC selection-FoS/allowable σ & τ setting.<?>
(iv) c/s dimensions of conrod midway;
Forces acting on it,
a. Compressive force (due to gas pressure of
Fp = π/4•D2•pmax = π/4•682•6 = 21790 N
Considering CR as axially loaded intermediate column of ‘I’ c/s,
hinged at both ends and using Johnson’s formula, for ‘preferred’
Fpc  FoS 1  L k 

‘I’ section,   yc   yc →
As E  2 
21790 4 1  700  116  
 700    → t ≈ 4.2
11t 2
207 10  2  1.78t  
3 

→ h = 5t = 21 mm, w = 4t ≈ 17 mm, A = 11t2 = 194 mm2,

I = 419t4/12 = 5240 mm4 , Z= 419t3/30 = 1035 mm3
b. Tensile force on conrod due to inertia of reciprocating masses;
at piston pin Fipp=mmp•r•ω2•(1+r/L); with
ω=2πN/60→2•π•6000/60 = 629 rad/s
Fipp = (0.25)•37.5•6292•(1+37.5/116)= 5214 N → σti = Fipp/A =
5214/194 = 27 MPa
c. Bending moment due to inertia of conrod oscillation
Approx. mass of conrod mcr = A•L•ρ = 194•116•10-9•7860 = 0.18 kg
Mi= mcr•r•ω2•L/15.6 = 0.18•37.5•6292•116/15.6 = 19858 Nmm
Stress induced due to bending, σtb = Mi/Z = 19858/1034 ≈ 19 MPa.
Assuming maximum inertia forces causing tension and bending at same time, the
combined effect;
σtmax = σta + σtb = 27 + 19 = 46 MPa, < σyt/FoS = 175 MPa, safe. <if not?>
Then cross sectional properties may be increased by...
d. Conrod ‘ends’;
This ‘double eyed’ link, with crank end more severely loaded than piston end, they
are made of larger and smaller diameter respectively.<?> Also, Small-end thickness
should be less than the space between piston bosses → lp ≈ 0.8D → gap between
bosses ≈ 0.4D>tse≈0.3D=0.3•68≈ 21 mm = tbe (big-end thickness) <?>
small-end pin diameter against wear; dpp= Fpmax/(tse•σcs) =
21790/(21•60) ≈ 18 & dcp = Fpmax/(tbe•σcb) = 21790/(21•25) ≈
42 mm. The actual holes would be larger for adopting bearings
bush & shell of 2 mm thick → dis = 22 mm dib = 46 mm

Outer dia of ends and bolts of big end may be found

using tensile load of inertia forces; (taking σt = 50
for rigidity and oil hole(s)’s SC effect on fatigue)
@ SE, Fipp = (dos- dis)•tse•σt → dos = Fipp/( tes•σt)+ dis =
5214/(21•50)+22 ≈ 27 mm.
@ BE, Ficp = (mmp++mcre)•r•ω2•(1+r/L)=
(0.25+0.18)•37.5•6292•(1+37.5/116) = 8442 N =
(dob- dib)•tbe•σt → dob = Ficp/( teb•σt)+ dib =
8442/(21•50)+ 46 ≈ 54 mm and bolts
= 2•π/4•dc2•σt→ dr = (2•8442/π•50)½ = 10.4 mm → for fine threads db = dr/0.9 =
11.55 mm → M12.
The width & height would include eye with bearing shells, bolts, and bolt retaining
‘tubes’ should be minimum possible…<?>
dob = dib + db = cb = 46 +12 = 58 mm → Wb =dib+3db=46+3•12= 82 mm, hb <?>

Extended questions:

 How many dimensions would be required to make a conrod it?

 How to compute ‘cap’ thickness? Is it really a centrally loaded curved beam with fixed
ends approximation?
 ...other design considerations? Lubrication provisions? Design for Manufacturing?
Design for Assembly? Design for maintenance?
 Exam PoV: variations, common mistakes, importance of sketching/figures

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