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Contents, CHAPTER 1, INTRODUCTION LA Objective of Design 1.2 Design Methods 1.3. Design Codes and Standards 1.4 Design Stresses 15 Concrete 15.1 Cement 15.2 Aguregaes 15.3 Water 154 Admins 1.5.3 Concrete Mixing 1.5.6 Quality Contot 15.7 Water Cemene Ratio Reloforcement Computer Application 17.1 The Computer 17.2 Computer Programing using FORTRAN 1.733 Program Development How to Begin 1.8.1 Design Caleolations 18.2 Detailing 1.9. The Consulting Structural Bogioeer 1.10 The Intention of this Book (CHAPTER2: COMPUTER PROGRAMMING 2.1 The Computer System 2.2 Programming Languages 2.3 FORTRAN Programming 24 Data Types 24.1 Constants 2.4.2 Variables 24.3 Arays (or Sobserpted Variabes) Brpressions 2.5.1 Antti Expression 2.5.2 Relational Expression 2.5.3 Logical Expression 2.5.4 Assignment Siemens Conte Statements 2.6.1 GO TO'Satemene 2.6.2. Stwenfens 2.6.3 DO Sttement 2.6.4 STOP Statement 2.6.5 CALLE and RETURN Statements 2.6.6 PAUSE Sttemen Sub-Programsand Function Statement 2.7.1 Imsinsic Futons 2.7.2 Satement Pusetion 2.7.3 Function Sub Program 2.7.4 Subroutine Sub-Program InpuvOutpet Statements 2.8.1 READ Statement 2.8.2 WRITE Statement 2.8.3 FORMAT Statements FORTRAN Structure 2.9.1 Header Statements 2.9.2 Main Body 2.9.3 Closing Statement Coding Compilation and Running Programs in this Book 2.12.1 sgput and Outpt Satement 2.12.2 Boclored Programs 2.12.3 Generat M.S. Excel Programming Functions and Operators ‘Application to Retaorced Concrete Design Limitations Other Examples AutoCAD Software 248.1 “The Drawing Area and Status Bur 2.182 The Command Window 2183 The Pul-Dowi seiu! 2184 The Toolbars xii CHAPTER 5: STAIR DESIGN 19 t én uirementsof Stars 139 (CHAPTER 3: STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 4“ Sa eee ; - fe 3.1 tntroduct “6 52. Types ott trement a 3.2 Loading ao 5.3 Codes Requirements 1 321 - a 5A Design of Stairs ui 3.22 Dead Une “ 5.4.1 Stight Fok iar 3.233 Imposed Loads “ 5.4.2 HalETomn (or 1800) Sit . Ms 3.2.4 Wind Loods “ 5.4.3 Canilever Sis fom Spine Wal us 3.2.5 Factor ofSatey and Load Conibution “ 5.4.4 Fight on Spine Beams a 5.4 5 Open Well r Quarter Tun Si Ww 3.3. Beam Analysis 4s o ia 333.1 Simply Supported Beams 3 5.4.6 Spiral Stir 3°3.2-Contimous Beams “ 5.5 Computer Programs ass 3.3.3 Critical Loading. 8 | 13 3.3.4 Moment Redistribution 6 | (CHAPTER: BEAM DESIGN 34. Deflection . 6 } 6.1 ntroduetion 168 3.4.1 Theory of Deletion 8 6.2. Codes Requicements und Practical Recommendations 164 3.4.2 Examples on Deflection aes ° 63° Design Bo 3.5 Design Formutas 6 63.1 Design Procedures 166 351 Design Equations ~ Bending o 632 eign Esamples 16 352 Design Equations — Bending and Axil Load ” 3153, Design Equations for Flanged Sections n 64 Worked Examples m0 36 Computer Programs a 6.5 Beans Subjected to Torsion an urement of the Star 183 courrana stan pas 8 | 652 tosoat sha see i 4.4 Typesof Sab and Uses a 6.53 Torional Reinforcements 1 6.54 Spacing and Type of Links ie 4.2 sou stabs a in a 1 of Lngitidinl Torsion Reaforement 186 4.2.1 Codes requirements of Soli Slabs 2 6.35 arrangement of Logivdinl Torsion Rea 3 6.56 Design Procedure 184 4.222 Design of Solid Stabe 8 hes : 4.213 Two-way Spaning Slabs 96 ian Exar 43° matsp 6.6 Arcate Beans, 43.1 Cole's Requirements 6.7 Precast Beams 4.3.2 Design Example aeereneey 68 Computer Programs 44° Ribbed Foor 4.4.1 Code’s Requirements 44.2 Stoctral Analysis 4.43 Design Examples CHAPTER: COLUMN DESIGN 7.1 Introduction 7.2. Column Classifications and Properties 45° Wane Stab Design m 72.1 Axial Uniaxial ad Biaxial Columns 4.5.1 Mould Properties m 7.2.2 braced snd Unteaced Colurns 45.2 analysis 1s 7.2.3 Bective Helen of Cohumas 4.5.3 Design Example rey i 72.4 Relnve ittoess 46 Computer Programs ry | 7.2.5 Slendecness Limit 7.256 Deflection Induced Moment 73° Dexgn of Columns 7.3.1 axially Loaded Columns 7.322 Uniaxally Loaded Columns 7.33 Blawaly Loaded Columns 7A Design of Stender Columns 7S. Practical Design of Columns 7.5.1 Design Information 752 Loading 7.53 Fixed End Moments 7.54 Loading on Columns 7.55 Member Suifnese 7.5.6 Moment of Columns 7'5.7 Check of Slenderness ofthe Columns 758 Design 7.6 Computer Programs (CHAPTER &: FOUNDATION DESIGN 8.1 Introduction 82 Soiltnvestigation 8.2.1 Feld Work 8.22 Laboratory Tess 83 Types of Foundation BA Leading BS Strip Foundation 8.6 Wide Strip Foundation 8.7 Reitorced Concrete Footings 8.7.1 footed Pad Foundation 8.7.2 Combined Pad Footing 8.8 Strap Foundation 8.9 Raft Foundation R91 Design 8.9.2. Raf Slab Design 8.933 Cellular Rat Design 8.10 Displacement Foundation 8.11 Pile Foundation 8.11.1 PiteCap 8.11.2 Designaf Pile Cpe 4.12 Computer Program "HAPTER 9: OTHER STRUCTURES 8.1. Introduction 206 206 207 210 an a3 20 20 ais 216 219 220 22 za 26 21 21 a 23 238 238 2a 24s 2 247 254 264 an 2m 286 287 287 288 289 208 305 os 9.2 Retaining Was 9.2.1 Free Standing Retaining Walls 92.2 Design Consideration of Retaining Wall 9.2.3 anslysis of Retiaing Walls 9.214 Design of Retaining Walls 9.2.5 Coumeror Resising Walls 93 Water Retaining Structures 9.3.1 General Considerations 9.3.2 Swimeing Poot Design 9.33 Elevated Wate Tank Design 9A Box Culverts 9.4.1 Loading 9.4.2 Analysis and Design 914.3 Design Example (CHAPTER 10: DESIGN RESUME 10.1 Basie Weighs 102 Reinforcement Information 1033 Design Summaries TOS. Slab Design 1032. Beam Design 1033 Column Desige 1034 Pad Foursdation Design 104 Design Chars CHAPTER 11: SAMPLE DESIGNS 11a Three Storey Framed Be 11.2 Two Storey Building INDEX 308 207 a2 315 m0 320 32 39 a4 335, 26 36 a 33 38 us 345 us 351 383 39 39 a3 xvi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Renivasd covets is + combination of wo desinilar but complinetary mates, namely coneee ws. Conert as conser cashing stent is rable, hn goed fire resistance bu sttes tne e00seogh in on bot frm ahr. On the oer tan tel has good es propre poo rsstrcewe(ac to rap los of svength unt high temper and vey good Sethin shear and in compres. Thay, cnibaton of thee materi els in god tea and ompresive sng, dsb aod grad estas To fre and shar Cnet or is own bt ‘Smpoute materal of ccmen, san, cone sega (grvel er Cushed swe) nd wae. Ta good ‘nf low 0B ey eae n many shape ranging fom bly dam walt ay thin hl be ‘When a simply suported member is loaded it bends and the boom ssubjeted to tension and the 9 to compression (ee Figure I.1a). In the cae of a cantilever member, the tsion eat he top and the ‘compression athe bottom (Figure 1b). Since steels good in tension, the meme i reinforced sith el athe lower pat (ensin) wile the top prt (ompresson) i taken care of bythe cenerte. Such 1 rmembe is called a reinforced canrste member, Tn addition, since stel i ood both in tension and Compression, a member subjected to diet compestion can be borne by both concrete and sel Typical examples ofthe former ar slabs and beams while that ofthe later is column The method of combining these materials (concrete and sel) n the most economical way on ome hand and sfety on the other hand is eerced to as relforced concrete design 1 Simply Supported Beam 1b Cantilever Beam 1 OBJECTIVE OF DESIGN {A reinforced concrete design must stsythefllowing fonction objectives ‘Under the worst system of loading the structure must be sae ‘+ Under the working load, the deformation of the strucure must not impair the sppearance, durability andor performance ofthe setre and ‘© The siructure must be economical thats, the factor of safety should not be fo large to the extent that te cost of de suueture becomes prohibive with 90 additional major advantage excep or butts ‘These requirements cal for good assessment oft intending lod ight choieof terials end sound workmanship. To ensure these, the varios components forming the reinforced concrete and the oneret itself must pass te various ets s detailed inthe conzalling code of pct. The detemination ofthe size of the stuctual mercer and the azount of reinforcement required to enable it withstand the forces or oer effects to which i will be subjected the object of design ot etd design Detaled design is, howsve, only one of the two main parts fstuctral design, the ‘other being the primary design. This i the nial planning or aranging of tbe mershers so thatthe extemal frees or Toads on the stucture are tansinted to the foundation inthe most economical ‘manner consistent with the purpose ofthe stucture, This is borme out of experienc, from a study of ‘sing stucrures and fom comparison ofalemative designs. 2 Reinforced Conereve Hessen InrraqueTion 1.2 DESIGN METHODS “The design philorophy nf rinlonces conerete nas gone Dron Sain sige anid atons. The major theese 1. The modular retio method in which ths fads 8 sessed 4s the wosking (ctl) londs but liming the permis srsses inthe cogcree andthe reinfncee Wo Fgtion of ther acta stresses i order to provide an adequate Factor of safety, This fs guided by CP 1141957, Some ‘designs, cg, water retaining sutures, ae stil Being cae out wing thie method today. TAS imei is consideeed as an allerative method ants alo known ste elie esry method 1 The load factor method in which the section is analyzed at file, the ata strength of a section being related to the scual load causing failure, withthe later being cetersined by applying 2 {ator to the design fond. In the lad factor eto, the timate stength of the materials used in ‘he calculation, heneesno variations im atria strength i akon into account fortis reason, i ‘cannot be wed forthe serviceability slates of deflection and cracking, tik The liu state method of design, which overcomes many ofthe disadvantages ofthe previously Aiccussed wo methods. In this method, the working loads ae molipied by partial actos of ‘ety andthe ultimate materials syengne ae divided by farther paral factors safety. With his ‘ret, the design of each individual membsr or section of 2 amber mit Sty two Separate + Thenlinnte in tne which ensres that he peobsbiy oF flue is aceptaby low and +The limit state of serviceabil, which ensires satiaciry behaviour under service (ie svorhing) lands The principal eer eating to eviesbily ae the presenton of excessive racking, weve. with certain types of suture and in speci ccumstanees other lit stale ‘rita may have tobe considered (eg fatigue, vibration, dursbily Fee resistance et.) As eater mentioned he characteristic fonds are mulpied bya pai safety factor fr Toads. 2. 0 ‘bitin the design Toads, thie enabling cleuation of the bending moments and shearing forces for which the member iso be designed. Thus, the choratrstic kad ae utili by the value of A covreponding 10 the climate lint site, the amments sod ores subsoqven!y determined wil represen those occuring a lure and he sections must be designed accerdngly. Silly, i the value of 2 corresponding othe limit sate uf servcesblty & used, the Moments and forces under service loads willbe obtined. In the sare vein characteristic strengths of materials used are divided by partial efety factor for materials, 2.10 obi appropriate design senator each material “To avoid rigorous analysis for sevicebility iit ste the BS B110 specifies certain limits eating to br spacing, sonderacts et and, if these cree ae an exceeded, aE deed esieutaions for ervicesbilty are unnecessary. Should 8 proposed desig fl ute the tabled lining vals. however. the engincet may sl beable 1 show ta his design meets the requiements of the standard ‘ogarding sevicebliy by producing desiled caleulstions wo validate sch ait, 1.3. DESIGN CODES AND STANDARDS ‘This book is writen to satisfy the requirements ofthe BS, 8110: Part 1: 1997 and Pact 2:1985 + Seructuraf Use of Concrete. Other standards and cies are refer oi the eat when sed. The word ‘Code’ or *Standard” inthe context of ths book wafers only 0 BS S110: Part I: 1997. The reader i advise to famivarize himself withthe provisions of the Sadar. Some ofthe tabes ofthe Standard ae refeted vo while very Few are reproduce in tis book, by permission. oasis the reader. Aeloforced Concrete Design beroourtion 5 Ja the design of each ofthe mor elements the requirements ofthe Standard are eucdsted a well as their praia! implica 14 DESIGN STRESSES This book is concerned wih two materia, namely - Concrete and Rod Reinforcements (tel). The Stel i either mild steel rourd bars (bas) or high yield steel (high tensile) bars (Vo T bats) Concrete charactritic suength, forms the concrete grade, eg. Grade 20 as f,, = 20Nimn? and rade 40 has £, = 40Nne. This valde i also the rinimum cube stone st 28 days. Section 3117.2 of the Standard species minum of pad 25 for reinforced conte and rade 3 fight = ‘weight agerezate concrete. The enginer is advised here to use grade 20 tht i, og = 20Nieam for obs to be exceed by wellkrowe cnacors or by masons nil ates For higher ade concrete, the engineer mus insist Om cbe strength tests at Zaps, tAdays and 28dys. The 28° day abe shuld ino case be lner tan he despot The eres cn check op BS 5328 or (Characteristie stengts of reinforcements ae given in BS 4449, BS 4461 and BS 4483. For mild ste ound bars, the characterise strength is 250N/mn! while for high yield steel is. 4GON/mm Experience has shown, however, that a value of 410Ninia isthe most apprepriate tor high tee Bars in the country. it addkon, he Standard allows for a ower vole thn the Quoted chaantraie strength wo contol deflection (Clause 3.7.4) Since mild steel are realy avalale design should ‘generally be based on tis expecially for domestic buildings of one ot two sispended floors. When iasive use of steel enforcement i ewisaged, such as, ofcebulling, special conte sutures Ge stadium) ete, high yield bars should be recommended. These are no rules and exceptions are permite, 15 CONCRETE Concrete is a composite inert material comprising ofa binder cours (8. cement, mine filler (body) ‘oF aggezates and water. Aggregates onthe other Rand ae tw ealegories of fine (sand) and coor (gravel or crashed stone) agaregats. The ygareaates are usually graded frome fine sad a anes Of tay 201mm in diameter depending on the job 0 be executed. There ae basiilly two types of concrete, viz (Dense concrete and_ (ji) Lith weit concrete Lighiweighs coneete cap be defined as those weighing les than (920ke/? ad a down to about 1Qkgfm!. The group of lightweight concrete includes: acted core aggregate concrete abd none Cone rade in densities Tpbeght Dense concrete isthe most common form of concrete tor teinfored concrete work and the aver ensity 00K = 15.1 Cement: The cement commonly wsed is the general normal sting Portland cement (the colour cesembles Portland stone, hence whe name). Others include eapi-hardening Portand cement, blast famace orsand cement, ow heat Portland cement, super-sulphate Portland cement and high amiga cement Supersulphate cement is used for very corosve sil hile low heat cement i belt for massive ‘concreting ¢, dam constuction. These ber types of Portlind cements ae the Ordinay Poriend Hazea- William's ton for, pe diameter and =Pipe Length © MAIN PROGRAM © NP Number of Pipes inthe Loop: (< 50) ‘CALL PLOSS(NP, RL, C, D).Q, HQ) DELQ =H/(L85 *HQ) stop END Reinforced Concrete Dsign coMmuTER PROGRAMMING 25 © Sebprograns ald SUBROUTINE PLOSS (NP, RCD), OHHQ) REAL (10) DIMENSTON C130), (50), HL30), HLS) HaltsHu HQ=HO+ HLM), 7. CONTINUE RETURN END FUNCTIONRALCD) REALL, Ra 678 +L, RD=(C* RD RETURN END asp 40s 1 aholt be noted that Une of the arguments of he subroutine ism Ia function sabprogram, Le cp 28 INPUT/OUTPUT STATEMENTS input statements ate READ and WRITE. Thete are oer aor inpwoutput tment such {se REWIND. BACKSPACE ee READ/WRITE sates omit of sttemen tht ave the ransom of eternal aso and rom 28.1 READ Statement: The general frm is READ (oi) apt i ‘whore is device writ umber enw, evtemaf i) andthe FORMAT staemeat number The wnt number isa post integer constat ox an itege variable previously asigned some poitive The FORMAT statemen be ia piv integer Yue Examples READIS, 100). ¥.2 or 26 Reinforced Coneret Design ‘READ (NT.200) (AUD, 1= 110) ‘ash the wnt sumer andthe FORMAT Ibe ate cca win gress aed Sear 2 Bath i sing FORMAT stemen mus ext in the same pram oy abot ¥ Fare eay ewer, need tbe he sitet immedi following For wl READ te tomatmamber i ted or replaced by "" eee 2182 WRITE statement, The general orm is "WRITE (output st “The an ares etna the READ satemen he information iso be op enteral device 3 site commonest speciation and beet FORMA as xd. This FORMAT statement provides the computer I ne Scan 283 statement eau ns FORMAT (i re owt aime eresron esa represen example WRITE (6, 100) A, B.IT 100 RORMAT SX, F212, FO2, 1X ID [WRITE (L200) AB, OUD), fe 1.) 200 PORMAT UX, P31, 3K, F 1, 13.0, 1X) 2 sot seet ane Fan The sme format can be wed many it. The flowing a he 1a FORMAT declan, which contain conversion ard racer svuure comesponding 1 the HO fst ems (elisa ron-execuabe safe and The format: This lw . s-repetin cr msc amet leper comma led held wh item aE ° atl ten a 5 Siie.7 Seiten a 312 ‘he P-Rorma, Tne PBs s sed to desde eee ih th gee sere Aepetion amber oo hewidh AES or igi ar he rina pot Prameles: Sn writen F6.3 30 ‘ke the Fo its but the values expressed ronal ne Rome eB oat ed rencontre eee Like he FTO wore scan be negative oe postive. The Bee fori nd Examplesare: 143243 = 1432434109 writen as E10 | ommon Pe sued formes epresentation andi othe form, : | Reinforced Concrete Design compuren eaoamanainia 27 7323 = 7323x10) writen 8103 The A = format: The fortis used to specify sings of charac and is ofthe general for Av. where n and wae a defined before examples ie: “THIS LECTURE NOTE IS BIG" represented by A24 WELCOME! Tepresented by A7- and ‘SEE YOU ho repesened yy AT Noe that al spacer and characters witha the quotes are counted. he K- Form: Tis is we to specify paces (bank) Fer exaple ‘WELCOME: "SIR: writen 5 AT, 1X,A3 “ANSWER, 7347. writen AB, LX, AL, 1X. 652 {he Stash (format This wed o generate 3 new ine. Fo example, 100. FORMATUAX, Ad) ~ Two les are pope beloneproceee 29 FORTRANSTRUCTURE 'NLFORTRAN programs cat be sid to const of tee major pn and these ae (te eater sateen, (i) hetmin body oF he peogram and (49 the chosing tavement, 29.1 Header Statements These ar sistemens tt mut precede any executable statement sn the ist ieloes, bu mite those in Table 2. ‘Table 21: FORTRAN Header Statements [Pitccerstatmen [Meaning PROGRAM Program same INTEGER Declaratin statemer integer vars. REAL Dectarnion statement al variabis DOUBLE PRECISION _| Decturnon semen for Double prison variables. comPLex Decanon sateen (x compen vai, LOGICAL Decawonatemennfrlopcal vale, | [ cuaRacreR Decraon stent fox Chace sib DIMENSION Fora datenent or sbing whe varies common Tonyn semen Gr files bee de 8 connon| PARAMETER Foran gatement or yarables ht Weald have unique vale Noe of the samen comput but wher any el it ml appear bere any 292 Male Body: The ain by is where the loge ofthe program. the input ad ouput statements srcexpresed, This wills intae esl subroutines and fonctions and forma satemens 2953 Cheang Statements: The tw ling eatemes for main progiams sre: STOP and END ‘nd fr subprograms ste RETURN and END. 28 Reloree Concrete Desen conmuren enoanannina 210 covING By cong its mean the wong of FORTRAN program in a special sheet forthe operator. The sevislshet i called a coding sheet and comists OF ED colar, one character pet columa The Farpoxe or ess of he columns ae: Column t, «Ths is called the comment column. When eter ‘Cappers in hi column he ine taken comment snlement andi shiped bythe compile, ‘Columns 2 5, ~ These ate for FORTRAN satemen label Any FORTRAN sateen con be Tabled fom I to 9999 and the cideing is nt imperiny. No two satemeats should have the sme hel Column 6, The col suid to indicate 3 contination line. If sateen could nt be contained ‘naling a non-zero character (eg. "I".or +) iemered in niumn 6 edict samt conan, (Colum 7-72, - Hee FORTRAN heater a executable statement are writen. Spaces are ignored by the compier. Colom 73 _80. "Tis isa non - FORTRAN column and may be used to Weil each ine of cade. ‘They ar bet eft lank ‘ee the en ofthis hope for ypc coding thet a he coding ofthe program on page 7. 211 COMPILATION AND RUNNING ‘The well-documented program i compiled using a compiler (cg, WATFOR77). Iie advisable inally RUNIDEBUG the program to erabie errs o be pointed ou for coreton, 2.2 PROGRAMSIN THIS BOOK : ‘Atempt has teen made inthis Book to include segments of programs under each ofthe elements