Would You Rather Be Popular or Relevant

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My Topic is Would you rather be popular or relevant

Popularity often associated with fame, attention, and the validation of others. In the age of
social media, many people chase after likes, followers, and comments, striving to be the center
of attention. Popularity can indeed bring momentary joy and a sense of accomplishment but it's
not permanent.

On the other hand, relevance is about making a meaningful impact. It's about contributing
something of value to the world, whether it's in your career, community, or personal life. Being
relevant means that your actions, knowledge, and skills are needed and appreciated, even if
they don't always push you into the spotlight.

So, which would I choose, popularity or relevance?

i would choose relevance over popularity

1. Longevity: Popularity can be short-lived. Trends change, and public attention can shift
quickly. Being relevant means that your contributions have a lasting impact
2. Fulfillment: True satisfaction often comes from knowing that you've made a difference.
3. Impact: Being relevant means you're making a real impact by solving problems, and
contributing to the betterment of society.
4. Legacy: Relevance can lead to a lasting legacy.

It allows you to focus on what truly matters to you and make a lasting impact
on the world. So, I ask you to consider this: Would you rather be popular for a
moment, or relevant for a lifetime? The choice is yours. Thank you

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