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Extreme Mechanics Letters 36 (2020) 100647

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From surface microrelief to big wrinkles in skin: A mechanical in-silico


Poorya Chavoshnejad, Saurabh More, Mir Jalil Razavi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY 13902-6000, United States

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Article history: A major concern associated with skin, the largest organ of our body, is how to prevent it from
Received 18 October 2019 wrinkling and aging. Understanding the mechanics of skin wrinkling can provide useful insight into
Received in revised form 1 February 2020 skin aging prevention. However, despite decades of endeavors the underlying mechanism of skin
Accepted 1 February 2020
wrinkling and aging remains poorly understood. This paper explores the effect of geometrical and
Available online 6 February 2020
mechanical properties of skin on its wrinkling via an integrated theoretical and computational analysis.
Keywords: The skin is modeled with a soft structure having different layers with various thicknesses and material
Skin properties. Innovatively, the pattern of skin microrelief is generated and mapped on the model to
Wrinkling investigate its effect on the formation of primary lines, secondary lines, and big wrinkles of skin.
Mechanics Analytical interpretation provides preliminary insight into the critical compressive strain for the model
Microrelief skin to start wrinkling, while advanced computational models with surface microrelief offer clues
Finite element for the skin’s post-wrinkling complex morphology. In particular, tissue geometry, material properties,
and microrelief pattern are explored as the determinant parameters to control the location, size, and
patterns of skin wrinkles. Our findings allude that the characteristics of compression-induced wrinkles
are primarily determined by the geometrical and material property of skin layers rather than the
genuine skin microrelief. However, microrelief plays a pivotal role in regulating and determining the
locations of primary and secondary wrinkle lines. The edges of the microrelief units are favorable
paths for evolving primary and secondary lines. Post-wrinkling analysis reveals that in addition to
the periodic sinusoidal pattern, several secondary complex patterns such as non-symmetric periodic,
period-doubling and self-contacting folds are observed in the compressed model of skin. Results of
the study also show that wrinkle patterns highly depend on the thickness and material property of
Stratum Corneum (SC), the outermost layer of skin.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction subcutaneous layer called the hypodermis (or Adipose tissue)

is made up of fat tissue. This layer helps in forming insulation
The skin is the largest organ of the body, containing the and reduces heat loss from the body. Fig. 1 shows the cross-
internal organs and muscles. Primarily, skin acts as a barrier section of human skin with the identifiable layers (hypodermis
to the environment and secondly, controls inward and outward layer is not included). The thickness and mechanical property of
passage of water. The skin is a mechanically complicated material each layer are different from the other layers [2,3]. Interestingly,
as it consists of various layers which are composed of multiple the mechanical properties of skin in vivo and pre-stress state
components. Generally, the skin is divided into three layers: epi- are different from those of in vitro [2,4,5]. There is a strikingly
dermis, dermis, and hypodermis [1]. The outermost layer called wide range of data for the thicknesses and mechanical proper-
ties of consisting layers in different anatomical sites of body.
the epidermis is a paper-thin layer, yet it is composed of five
Table 1 shows the range of thickness and mechanical property
layers. Basal Cells are in the lower epidermis; they constantly
of each consisting layer from various references. We deliberately
divide and move up to the surface layer continuously. As they
separated Stratum Corneum (SC) from the epidermis layer. It
reach the Stratum Corneum (SC), the outermost layer of the
is worth noting that the biomechanical properties of skin are
epidermis, the Squamous Cells die and can flake off. Collagen,
age-dependent [6–8].
elastin and reticular fibers are found in the dermis. The skin One of the most important specifications of skin is wrinkling,
gets its strength and elastic properties from these proteins. The a natural part of aging. Wrinkling is a morphological pattern
on skin surface which increases by aging [6,9,10,29]. Wrinkling
∗ Corresponding author. can be considered as a buckling concept in which a structure
E-mail address: (M.J. Razavi). under load deforms greatly and becomes unstable, turning into
2352-4316/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 P. Chavoshnejad, S. More and M.J. Razavi / Extreme Mechanics Letters 36 (2020) 100647

Table 1
The thickness and mechanical property of each layer of skin.
Layer Thickness Elastic modulus (MPa) References
Stratum Corneum (SC) 10–30 (µm) 0.6–100
Viable Epidermis 30–100 (µm) 0.1–10
Dermis 0.1–4 mm 0.03–0.2
Hypodermis 1.1 (µm)–1.2 (mm) 0.05–0.1

and numbers. Shiihara et al. [13] with a simple 2D finite element

model investigated the effect of skin roughness (i.e., microrelief)
to explore how extensive wrinkles appear on human skin. In their
model, surface roughness was modeled by a number of notches
on the SC layer, which is an ideal assumption. Results of the
study suggest that softening the SC by introducing microrelief
could prevent the appearance of large wrinkles. More recently,
a sophisticated two-layer 3D finite element model showed that
skin microrelief is the dominant factor in altering micro-wrinkle
patterns for moderate elastic modulus ratios between the two
layers [14]. The microrelief was reconstructed from laser scan-
ning profilometry of a silicone replica of a human volar forearm
skin patch. Although previous studies give valuable information
regarding skin wrinkling, it should be noted that, to date, the
mechanism of formation of primary lines, secondary lines, and
big wrinkles has not been appropriately discovered. Moreover,
Fig. 1. The histological section skin sample with identified different structural
the effect of geometry and material property of skin layers on the
layers (hypodermis layer is not included). The figure has been used from Ref. [28] wrinkling patterns needs further investigation. It is believed that
with permission. extensive effort is required to fully understand the mechanism
of wrinkling and aging of human skin. To cover some limitations
and simplifications of previous studies, we propose a new three-
dimensional multilayer skin model, including surface microrelief,
to study the mechanics of wrinkling of skin. In our mechanistic
model, the pattern of surface microrelief is created by an auto-
matic mechanical model. Therefore, we are able to control the
size and pattern of the microrelief. The main goal is to show how
geometrical and mechanical factors alter the wrinkling patterns
of skin. Understanding the biophysics of skin wrinkling might
help dermatologists and cosmetic companies offer new methods
for preventing the wrinkling and aging of skin.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we first explain
our developed analytical-computational skin model. In Section 3,
the effects of geometry and mechanical property of layers on the
wrinkle patterns are explored. We attempt to demonstrate how
Fig. 2. Plane-strain skin model with three layers. The thicknesses and material
property of each layer has a wide range according to Table 1. surface microrelief contributes to the initiation and development
of skin wrinkles. Finally, the main results and conclusions are
summarized in Section 4.
a completely different structure [30,31]. As the appearance of
2. Methods
skin wrinkles, especially facial skin, is a sign of aging, people
tend to give much attention to the prevention of wrinkles. Hence,
2.1. Computational models
understanding the mechanics of wrinkling is vital because it is
key to having smooth skin. Despite the extensive studies on the
2.1.1. Plane-strain model
surface instabilities conducted in the last decade, most of the the-
oretical models associated with skin wrinkling are restricted to The skin is modeled by a three-layered structure: Stratum
idealized conditions [11]. Therefore, there is a lack of understand- Corneum (SC), Viable epidermis, and Dermis [12]. Fig. 2 shows the
ing and absence of a theoretical–computational framework to three consisting layers of the model. According to Table 1, there
explain the wrinkling of skin. Recently, due to the complexity of is a wide range for the thickness of each layer. The hypodermis
mechanical behavior of skin, numerical modeling [12–15,32,33], layer is not included in the model, since it is far from the sites of
has emerged to explain the different aspects of wrinkling of skin. wrinkles and does not have a considerable effect on the wrinkle
Thalmann et al. [15] presented a 2D computational model for patterns [12,14]. The thickness and material property of the SC
studying the mechanical properties of skin with aging. The study layer are considered to be variable for exploring the effect of ge-
showed that a three-layer model might explain wrinkling of aged ometry and material property on the wrinkling process, while the
skin better than a two-layer one. Flynn et al. [12,32] developed thicknesses and material properties of other layers are fixed. In
a 2D multilayer finite element model which included the pre- the absence of microrelief and since the compression is uniaxial,
stress effect. They showed that the proposed three-layer model therefore, the problem is mimicked by a plane-strain model [16,
was an improvement over the two-layer model. Results revealed 30,31,34,35]. The material property of each layer is shown in
that the moisture content of the stratum corneum, the dermal Table 1. Previous studies demonstrate that for long time scales,
collagen fiber density, and a reduction and change in the pre- skin tissue acts as a hyperelastic material [2,12,13,17,36]. There-
stress distribution in the skin model influence the wrinkle size fore, constitutive behavior of all layers is characterized through
P. Chavoshnejad, S. More and M.J. Razavi / Extreme Mechanics Letters 36 (2020) 100647 3

the following neo-Hookean free energy, Eq. (2.1), parameterized file, surface partitions are generated on the surface of the SC in
exclusively in terms of the elastic tensor A and its Jacobian J a the Abaqus FE model.
We carry out the analysis in two steps. In the first step, the
1 1 [ edges of units on the surface of SC are compressed along the ‘‘z’’
λ ln2 J a + µ A: A − 3 − 2 ln J a
W = (2.1) direction to form small creases on the edges of units. Every node
2 2
of mesh on the edges of units experiences the vertical load. This
where λ and µ are Lamé constants. Following standard arguments effort creates small ridges and valleys on the surface of SC similar
of thermodynamics, we can obtain the Kirchhoff stress P to natural skin, Fig. 3(d). After discretization, the number of nodes
∂W on each edge of units is not same. Similar vertical load is applied
· A = λ ln J a − µ I + µA
[ ( ) ]
P =2 (2.2) on each node; therefore, the depth of valleys on edges is not
uniformly the same as a natural skin microrelief. To have similar
where I denotes the second order unit tensor, Eq. (2.2). These
microrelief features before the compression in different models,
stresses enter the mechanical equilibrium equation
by trial and error, we found and applied a distinct vertical load
1 to each model. The bottom surface of the model is fixed along
div ( P)=
˙0 (2.3)
J the ‘‘z’’ direction and three sides (except compression side) are
considered symmetric boundary conditions. In the second step,
which we solve the Eq. (2.3) numerically using the finite ele-
a 3 mm displacement (30% strain) is applied axially and quasi-
ment method. The SC layer and the substrate are modeled and
statically similar to the plane-strain model. The model is meshed
meshed in Abaqus by the reduced integration quadrilateral el- using quadratic eight-noded reduced integration linear elements
ements (CPS4R) [37]. The smaller size of mesh is used close (C3D8R). To prevent shear locking in the quadratic first order
to top layer; and for any model mesh, convergence analysis is element, the reduced integrated element and a very fine mesh
performed. The interaction between SC layer and substrate is along the thickness of the model is used [14,32,46–51]. To reduce
considered to be a perfect bonding condition at their interface. the computation cost, the element size increases gradually from
In order to study the surface instability, the analysis is carried top to bottom. Thus, the top surface as the study area in the model
out through two steps: (1) applying critical wavelength as an im- has the finest mesh [52,53]. The mesh convergence process was
perfection, and (2) applying 30% axial compressive strain. In the applied with the smallest unit size and the achieved mesh size
first step, a very small sinusoidal displacement, considering the was used for all models. The results showed that when the used
analytical wavelength of buckling for each model, is introduced to were small enough, the results were independent from mesh size.
the top surface of the model. We apply the imperfection as ω =
0.01h which has a negligible effect on results [30,34,38]. ‘‘h’’ is the 2.2. Analytical model
amplitude of the critical wavelength. The effect of imperfection
on the mechanical behavior of film–substrate structures has been In the physics of wrinkling, the stiffness and thickness ratios
studied in several materials, especially for soft multi-layered and between the different layers are the critical factors to control the
composite materials [39–44]. The result of the first step is used onset of wrinkling and determination of wrinkles features [30]. To
as an imperfection for the next step. In the post-buckling step, find the wrinkling behavior of the proposed skin model, we used
a 3 mm displacement, corresponding to 30% strain, is applied the developed model [30] for a bilayer film–substrate structure
quasi-statically into one side of the model to induce a uniaxial with the neo-Hookean material behavior for both layers. For
compression along the ‘‘x’’ direction. simplification, we consider a bilayer film–substrate plane-strain
model: SC as the film, and viable epidermis and dermis as the
2.1.2. Three-dimensional model substrate. This assumption is reasonable as the shear modulus
For the 3D analysis, a three-layered cuboid model with of the viable epidermis and dermis are in the same range, and
10×10×1.9 mm3 is created. The thickness of each layer is consid- moreover, the thickness of the viable epidermis is relatively small.
ered similar to the plane-strain model. The pattern of microrelief Therefore, we can unify viable epidermis and dermis as a single
depends on both the structure of the dermis and the applied layer to act as a compliant substrate. The following formulas are
mechanical forces. The genuine microrelief consists of intersect- developed for a pre-stretched substrate, but they can be modified
ing lines which connect dispersed follicular and eccrine duct for a model without pre-stretch by considering pre-stretch factor
openings [45]. Therefore, at the beginning, there are no primary as a unit (Λ = 1).
or secondary lines on it. The tertiary lines are very small and ) 31
3µs µf
shallow which correspond to the edges of corneocytes, terminally 1 2 1( 2
differentiated keratinocytes and composing most of the stratum ε crit
= (Λ ) 3 λ
= 2π t Λ= 1 + λ01s
4 µf 3µs Λ 2
corneum. Fig. 3(a) and (b) show two samples of surface microre-
lief in two different sites of human hand, knuckle and back of (2.4)
hand respectively. The microrelief consists of polygonal shapes Here, ε is the critical strain for initiation of buckling, λcrit

of which size and depth vary greatly in different anatomical is the wavelength associated with the critical strain, and µf and
sites [45]. In order to generate microrelief, a code was developed µs represent the ground state shear modulus of the film and
in Matlab software. According to the requested size of microrelief substrate, respectively. The thickness of the substrate is infinite,
polygon units, certain number of nodes were distributed ran- and t describes the thickness of the film. λ01s represents pre-
domly on a 10 × 10 mm2 square plane, and neighbor nodes with stretch of the substrate in the longitudinal direction, if present.
distance less than 0.4 mm were filtered to prevent formation In our study, we suppose that λ01s is equal to 1.
of very small units. By the remaining nodes and using Voronoi
diagram, the microrelief pattern is generated, Fig. 3(c). The unit 3. Results and discussions
size was chosen such that the created units resemble the natural
skin microrelief, Fig. 3(a), (b). Later, in Section 3.5, the size of 3.1. Smooth skin
the units is considered as a variable. The coordinates of starting
and ending points of created lines are saved in a python file as a The analytical bilayer model presented in Section 2.2 for the
transitional file to finite element model. From the data of python thin stiff film as the SC and the soft complaint substrate as
4 P. Chavoshnejad, S. More and M.J. Razavi / Extreme Mechanics Letters 36 (2020) 100647

Fig. 3. (a)–(b) Two samples of microrelief in different sites of human hand, knuckle and back of hand respectively. The polygonal shapes of microrelief have different
sizes and depths in various anatomical sites. (c) polygons of surface microrelief are generated in a Matlab code. (c) created microrelief pattern is mapped in an
Abaqus FE model. The edges of units are compressed in the normal direction to mimic the ridges and valleys of microrelief. Picture shows displacement contour in
the vertical direction. Blue to red shows valleys to ridges.

Fig. 4. The critical strain and wavelength for a bilayer skin model for plane-strain condition. (a) The dependency of critical strain on the thickness of SC; (b) the
dependency of the critical wavelength on the elastic modulus of the SC.

the viable epidermis and dermis could give valuable information addition to the periodic sinusoidal pattern, the computational
regarding critical strain and wavelength of the skin structure in plane-strain model depicts the appearance of different secondary
the compression state. According to Table 1, the stiffness ratio wrinkling modes such as non-symmetric periodic, period dou-
of SC to the underlying layers roughly varies between 10 and bling and self-contacting folds, Figs. 5–6. Primary or sinusoidal
200, which is a favorable range to the onset of wrinkling rather wrinkles develop for small compressive strains while the sec-
than other types of surface instabilities [31,54,55]. Fig. 4(a) shows ondary period-doubling and self-contacting folds modes emerge
the dependency of the critical compressive strain for the onset for the moderate and high strains. The period-tripling mode after
of wrinkling on the elastic modulus of SC. In Eq. (2.4), we fixed period-doubling and before self-contacting folds does not form
elastic modulus of the substrate as 0.066 MPa [13], and used in the models. One of the reasons for this observation may be
µf = Ef /3 and µs = Es /3 by the incompressibility assumption. that the period-tripling is an unfavorable mode and only emerges
As it is clear in Fig. 4(a), the critical strain for the wide range when the film is inadvertently perturbed [59,60]. The period-
of the elastic modulus of the SC is fairly small. In other words, tripling only appears if period-doubling is suppressed. Results
the skin is susceptible to wrinkling even with a small contrac- also show that period-doubles for high strains convert to the
tion by the muscles, internal atrophy or external stimuli. The self-contacting folds. Figs. 5 and 6 show the transition of the
skin with a stiffer SC layer has the lower critical strain which surface morphology in the different level of the compressive
makes it vulnerable to wrinkling. Therefore, mechanically it can strain for various thicknesses and elastic moduli of SC. The color
be explained why people avoid dry and stiff skin by the increasing code indicates displacement through the ‘‘y’’ axis in the structure,
of skin humidity [56,57]. When the compressive strain in the SC low to high by blue to red. From the results it can be seen that
exceeds the critical value ε crit , it starts to develop wrinkles with the thickness of the dermis layer, as a substrate in the bilayer
critical wavelength λcrit . The critical wavelength is a function of model, is thick enough to prevent the effect of the boundary
film thickness and ratio of shear moduli, Fig. 4(b). The critical condition except for the case with the thickness of the SC layer
wavelength has a linear relation with the SC thickness. The skin equal to 40 µ m in 30% strain which is an exaggerated thickness
with a thick and stiff SC has a higher critical wavelength. Hence, for the SC layer. The SC layer wrinkles into a wavy and periodic
it is expected that the different anatomical sites of body with pattern once the compressive strain reaches the critical value.
various thicknesses of SC form the diverse size of wrinkles [58]. Further compression breaks the symmetry and wrinkles form
Fig. 4(c) shows that the higher elastic modulus of SC has a higher non-symmetric patterns such as period-doubling.
critical wavelength; however, this effect is more profound when It has been shown that the secondary critical condition for
the SC layer is thick. both period-doubling and period-tripling is marginally sensitive
The results indicated in Fig. 4 are valid for the small compres- to the ratio of shear moduli [60]. When the stiffness ratio in Fig. 6
sive strains. The critical wavelength is associated with the sym- is increased, the period-doubling bifurcation points shift further
metrical sinusoidal wrinkles. In the higher compressive strains, away from the sinusoidal wrinkling point. At the higher strains,
the Eq. (2.4) is not valid anymore, and the computational model the period-doubles are converted to the self-contacting folds. In
is needed to capture the post-instability patterns of wrinkles. In all models, when the compressive strain increases, the number of
P. Chavoshnejad, S. More and M.J. Razavi / Extreme Mechanics Letters 36 (2020) 100647 5

Fig. 5. Various patterns for the compressed skin model with different thicknesses of SC. Sinusoidal symmetric wrinkling, un-symmetric periodic wrinkling,
period-doubling and self-contacting folding form with gradual compression. In all models the elastic modulus of SC is 10 MPa.

Fig. 6. Various patterns for the compressed skin model with different elastic moduli of SC. Sinusoidal symmetric wrinkling, un-symmetric periodic wrinkling,
period-doubling and self-contacting folding form with gradual compression. At the end of process, small wrinkles among large self-contacting folds are observable.
In all models the thickness of SC is 12 µm.

wrinkles decreases. These big folds penetrate to the lower layers Initially, there are no wrinkles, but as the compressive strain is
and induce a large bending stress which is not a favorable result. applied step by step, small wrinkles appear in the model to form
These deeply penetrated folds could possibly damage the dermis primary lines. Interestingly, the edges of connected units create
layer which has been identified as a sign of skin aging. Another a path for small wrinkles. As the model is compressed more,
interesting observation is that in the models with high elastic the depth of some valleys increases to form larger wrinkles, top
modulus of SC (60, 100 MPa), small wrinkles form among self- pictures of Fig. 7(b) and (c). At the end of the process (ε = 30%),
contacting folds. This phenomenon is not observed in the models fully developed large wrinkles are observable at the model, top
of Fig. 5 for the different thicknesses of SC. picture of Fig. 7(d). The bottom row of Fig. 7 shows four snapshots
of a gradually compressed forearm skin to compare with compu-
3.2. Skin with microrelief tational results. Similar to the computational model, at the low
strains, the small and shallow wrinkles form on the surface of skin
According to Section 2.1.2, there are two steps in the skin and in higher strains some of the shallow primary lines become
model with microrelief: first, mapping of microrelief lines and deeper to form big wrinkles. The primary and secondary lines
then compression. Top picture of Fig. 7(a) shows the deformation are discontinued and shallow; their depth range is 30-100 µm
of the model after the first step. The contour shows the vertical and 5-40 µm for primary and secondary lines, respectively [14].
displacement in the model (‘‘z’’ direction). In this condition, there The sites of the primary lines are indicated by the mechanical
are valleys on the boundary of units and hills at the center of factors, and aging and environmental factors alter their depth and
each unit, similar to natural skin. Considering the contour, it is orientation. Wrinkles are readily visible and are much deeper and
clear that the depth of the valleys is not uniform. At the second less numerous than the primary lines. In the 3D model, unlike
step, when compressive strain is applied gradually, small and the plane-strain analysis of the smooth skin, wrinkles do not
consequently large wrinkles start to appear on the surface of the have uniform shape; also, their wrinkle line is not straight which
model. Top row of Fig. 7 shows four snapshots of the evolution of resembles natural skin. However, it is obvious that microrelief
surface morphology of skin model under the compressive strain. acts as an imperfection to facilitate wrinkles formation. These
6 P. Chavoshnejad, S. More and M.J. Razavi / Extreme Mechanics Letters 36 (2020) 100647

Fig. 7. The evolution of surface morphology of skin model under the compressive strain. (a) ε = 0%, (b) ε = 20%, (c) ε = 25%, (d) ε = 30%. Elastic modulus and
thickness of SC are Esc = 10 MPa, tsc = 12 µm, respectively. The bottom row shows four snapshots of a gradually compressed forearm skin to compare with
computational results.

Fig. 8. The effect of the thickness of SC on the wrinkling morphology of the model; (a) tsc = 12 µm, (b) tsc = 20 µm, (c) tsc = 30 µm, (d) tsc = 40 µm. In all cases
Esc = 10 MPa and ε = 30%. (e)–(f) The cross-section profile of the models in two different Y locations, Y = 3 mm and Y = 7 mm.

results confirm that wrinkle patterns are extremely sensitive to 3.3. Effect of SC thickness
small imperfections leading to the emergence of spontaneously
changing and complex surface morphologies. We can observe It has been shown that the thickness of the film on the com-
that microrelief pattern triggers primary and secondary lines. The pliant substrate is a crucial parameter in the determination of
small straight lines at Fig. 7(b) are the primary lines, and the small instability and post-instability surface morphology of structure
creases between them are secondary lines. The edges of the mi- after compression or growth [31,61–63]. Therefore, it can be
crorelief units are favorable paths to primary and secondary lines expected that the thickness of SC is a determinant factor of
for evolving. The wrinkle patterns of the model are comparable the pattern of wrinkles. The thickness of SC is a very impor-
with the results of other studies [14] which have used imaging tant parameter in the drug absorption studies. Moreover, to find
techniques to create microrelief pattern. We speculate that the Trans-Epidermal Water Loss (TEWL) it is necessary to measure
number and type of the small and large wrinkles are controlled by SC thickness [64]. There are considerable anatomical site varia-
the geometry and mechanical property of the layers. We discuss tions in the thickness of SC and also epidermis, e.g., cheek, volar
it in the following sections. forearm, back of hand and palm [65–67]. It has been known
P. Chavoshnejad, S. More and M.J. Razavi / Extreme Mechanics Letters 36 (2020) 100647 7

that the thinnest SC is in the eyelids [68]. Even nowadays, the epidermis to penetrate considerably into the dermis. This deep
exact measurement of SC thickness based on the conventional penetration over the long term causes considerable damage in
method, light microscopy, or other methods such as freezing the skin and creates hallmarks for permanent wrinkles. Fig. 9 also
technique, high-frequency ultrasonography, pulsed terahertz ra- mechanically explains why we should make skin softer by using
diation, and high-frequency magnetic resonance imaging is a big cosmetic lotion or cream to prevent aging [57]. The moisturizing
challenge [18,69–72]. To determine how SC thickness alters the of skin reduces the SC stiffness which this method according
patterns of wrinkles, we tried four different thicknesses of SC to Fig. 4(a) increases the critical strain needed for initiation of
layer and kept other parameters the same. wrinkling and decreases the amplitude of wrinkles as well. In
The displacement contour along the ‘‘z’’ direction for four addition, these results show that the change of the stiffness of
cases with the different thicknesses of SC are shown in Fig. 8(a)– SC caused by abnormalities or disorders may lead to the change
(d). From the results, we can see that the thickness of the SC plays in the pattern of wrinkles.
a critical role in the evolution of skin morphology. Thicker SC
creates smoother wrinkles with higher wavelength; while in the 3.5. Effect of the surface pattern (Microrelief)
model with thin SC (t = 12 µm), topological features related to
the microrelief are more prominent. The number of big wrinkles In previous sections, we used a fixed pattern for the microre-
for thin SC, Fig. 8(a)–(b), is close to three while for thick SC, lief. The results indicated that edges of microrelief units create
Fig. 6(c)–(d) is close to two and half. Interestingly, for the model paths for initiation of wrinkling. Nevertheless, we hypothesize
with the small thickness of SC, complex morphology can be seen that main wrinkles of a compressed skin are independent of the
in the cross-section of the model, showing three non-symmetric microrelief pattern and its unit sizes. To test our hypothesis, at the
periodic small wrinkles accompanied with a big fold. The higher first step, we created four microrelief patterns with the similar
thickness of SC prevents the formation of this complex pattern size of units but different random patterns. The other geometrical
and there are only big folds. For all models, the wrinkle patterns and mechanical parameters are kept the same.
remain constant when self-contact occurs and folds appear [73]. Fig. 10 shows that for four different microrelief patterns, wrin-
Computationally it has been shown that folding mode may evolve kle patterns qualitatively are similar to each other. If we take a
beyond the period-doubling or period-tripling [60,74]. Fig. 8(e)– careful look at the front cross-section, it is clear that the number
of big wrinkles and also small wrinkles among them, largely
(f) shows the cross-section profile of the models in two different
are the same for all cases. Fig. 11 shows the top view of four
‘‘y’’ locations. Typically, the depth of folds increases when the
cases with the big wrinkle paths which have been mapped onto
thickness of SC increases. In a study, the linear regression of SC
the initial status. Two big wrinkle paths almost are at the same
thickness vs. age indicated a significant thickening of the SC with
location for every model, which indicates that regardless of differ-
aging on all skin sites [75]. This thickening, as our results show,
ent microrelief patterns, big wrinkles form in the same location.
is not a favorable process as it leads to large and deep wrinkles.
It is interesting to see that the starting and ending points of
In addition, the formation of deep wrinkles effectively damages
major wrinkles lie exactly in the edges of units. These major lines
the underlying layers which play a critical role on the elasticity
prefer to follow the edges of units inside the microrelief as well.
of the skin. Therefore, one of the ways to avoid early aging could
However, the path of lines is not through the edges of connected
be controlling the thickening of SC.
units all the time, and there are certain areas in which lines
cross the units. This observation indicates that heterogeneity of
3.4. Effect of material property
microrelief accelerates the initiation of wrinkles and helps them
to find a suitable path, but the location and number of major
In addition to the geometrical parameters, e.g., SC thickness, wrinkles are imposed by the geometry and mechanical property
the material property of the specific layers of the model may of layers.
also play a vital role in the wrinkle patterns of skin. However, Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that general wrinkle
as discussed earlier, it is still difficult to characterize mechanical patterns are independent of microrelief pattern, and the thick-
properties of different layers of skin accurately, because the char- ness and material property of layers control them. These surface
acterization of skin tissue is highly dependent on the definitions, imperfections (microrelief) change the critical strain to onset
tools, and procedures used [2]. Therefore, there is no firm and wrinkling, which is different than the value for an idealized three-
proven data for the material properties of different layers, and layer structure that does not possess any imperfections [39,78].
there is only a range for them as indicated in Table 1. Hence, Our results, qualitatively, are in agreement with the results of
it is worthwhile to find the sensitivity of wrinkle patterns to Ref. [14]. In the mentioned study, at the beginning of the com-
the shear modulus between the SC and two other layers (viable pression process, primary and secondary lines already exist on
epidermis and dermis). Fig. 9 shows that difference between the the surface of the model. Therefore, after a gradual compres-
shear moduli of the SC and other layers has a significant influence sion, big wrinkles evolve to form the primary wrinkles. However,
on the wrinkle patterns of skin. The skin model with a small shear as Figs. 10 and 11 show, we speculate that characteristics of
moduli ratio prefers to develop very small folds after instability; compression-induced big wrinkles are preliminarily determined
however, when the shear moduli ratio is large, the skin model by the geometrical and material property of skin layers rather
prefers to wrinkle first and then develop folds. Types of skin than the natural skin microrelief. The patterns of large wrinkles
wrinkles in the specific anatomical sites of body prove the results. and small wrinkles (located between large wrinkles) are similar
For example, facial skin is less elastic than that of the arm and the to the wrinkle patterns of Fig. 7 of Ref. [12]. They did not simulate
back [76]. Therefore, larger wrinkles are formed if it is pinched. As microrelief in their 2D FE model which again proves that with or
the shear moduli ratio raises, the depth of the wrinkles increases, without microrelief, wrinkle characteristics are imposed by the
Fig. 9(e)–(f). This observation is consistent with the dependency geometry and material property of layers. Despite any condition,
of the amplitude of a bucking stiff film on the compliant substrate compressive-induced repeating big wrinkles over a long period
to the stiffness of film [77]. As the stiffness of film increases, of time makes dermal changes and leads to permanent or repro-
the wrinkle amplitude increase, although it is not a linear rela- ducible wrinkles. These dermal changes act as the markers and,
tion. Typically, aging causes the human skin to be stiffer [19], after compression, wrinkles appear at the same locations.
Therefore, as Fig. 9 indicates, the stiffer SC develops wider and In the second step, we test the effect of unit size of microrelief
deeper wrinkles. The formation of deeper wrinkles allows the in the wrinkle patterns. To do so, the previous microrelief unit
8 P. Chavoshnejad, S. More and M.J. Razavi / Extreme Mechanics Letters 36 (2020) 100647

Fig. 9. Effect of elastic modulus of SC on the wrinkling morphology of the model; (a) Esc = 10 MPa, (b) Esc = 30 MPa, (c) Esc = 60 MPa, (d) Esc = 100 MPa. For all
cases tsc = 12µm and ε = 30%. (e)–(f) The cross-section profile of the models in two different depths, Y = 3 mm and Y = 7 mm.

Fig. 10. (a)–(d) The wrinkle patterns for four different microrelief patterns in ε = 30%. The size of the cells is in the same range. For all cases: tsc = 12 µm,
Esc = 10 MPa, and (e)–(f) the cross-section profile of the models in two different depths, Y = 3 mm and Y = 7 mm.

Fig. 11. Mapping the lines of big wrinkles of four cases from Fig. 10 to the initial status of the models before compression. In all cases, the starting and ending
points lie on the edges of the units. In the main area, lines pass either the edges of units or through the units.

size (0.4 mm) is fixed as a reference and then two microrelief pat- the large unit size. However, as the strain increases, the effect
terns with smaller and larger unit sizes are created. The minimum of the unit size decreases so that by the end of the process
length of each edge of units were set to 0.2 and 0.6 mm for small there is no significant difference in wrinkling patterns observable
to big microrelief patterns. Fig. 12 shows how the morphology between models with small and large unit sizes. At the end of the
of the skin is altered by the gradual compression. At the early- compression process, despite the different unit sizes, two cases
stage of wrinkling (7.5% strain), more tiny wrinkles evolve in have qualitatively similar big wrinkle patterns which confirms
the model with the small unit size, compared to the model with the independence of wrinkle characteristics from the size of the
P. Chavoshnejad, S. More and M.J. Razavi / Extreme Mechanics Letters 36 (2020) 100647 9

Fig. 12. The effect of size of the units on the wrinkle patterns of skin model. Left to right shows step by step compression of the model. The final compressive
strain is 30%. (a) model with a small size of units. (b) model with a big size of units. In both models: tsc = 12µm, Esc = 10 MPa.

microrelief units. However, they have a slight difference in the can form as a result of different internal and external stimuli. The
patterns between big wrinkles. The case with the large units natural skin also has a pretension which has not been considered
develops crossing secondary lines between large wrinkles. It is here. The effect of the microrelief’s geometric features (unit size,
worth noting that skin microrelief adjusts gradually with age. depth and pattern) on the critical strain for wrinkling has not
been studied in this study, but it is a very interesting topic to
4. Conclusion consider for future studies. Another area which needs more study
is the finding of suitable constitutive material model for each
Skin wrinkles are a natural part of aging. The prevention of layer of skin. Despite all limitations, the proposed multi-layer
wrinkles is a major concern in the field of dermatology and model with 3D surface microrelief offer new findings toward
cosmetic industry. In order to suppress or reduce wrinkles, it is formation of primary and large wrinkles. The accurate models to
important to study the mechanics of wrinkling and aging. The capture the wrinkling and aging of skin are able to help other
simplified mechanistic modeling is a powerful tool to help us researchers in developing artificial skin substitutes and antiaging
have a better understanding of this complex process. Understand- products.
ing the mechanism of wrinkling and identifying the determinant
control parameters allow us to offer some basic clues toward Declaration of competing interest
avoiding the appearance of wrinkles in skin. In this study by
theoretical and computational modeling, we showed how the ge- The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
ometrical and mechanical parameters control initiation and mor- cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
phogenesis of skin wrinkles. A mechanically created microrelief to influence the work reported in this paper.
was mapped on the surface of the proposed three-dimensional
multilayer skin model. We systematically varied the thickness Acknowledgment
and material property of Stratum Corneum (SC), outermost layer
of skin, to explore which parameters modulate the emergence of M.R. and P.C. acknowledge the support from the Binghamton
small and big wrinkles. The computational models revealed that University, US, Start-up research funding.
surface microrelief breaks the symmetry of the compressed skin
model and leads to formation of primary wrinkles in specific loca- References
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