Ticket WaterIndonesiaHASNAH

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E-Ticket Visitor Indonesia Energy & Engineering (IEE) Series 2023


Thank you for your interest in visiting Water Indonesia as part of Indonesia Energy
& Engineering Series 2023, which will be held at the Jakarta International Expo,

We have prepared a few exciting onsite activities during the show on 13 - 16 Sept
2023. So, don't forget to mark your calendar and visit www.waterindonesiaexpo.com
should you need more details.

Please scan below QR Code

at the exhibition entrance


Pamerindo Sustainable Events

Sustainability is at the heart of all our actions.

This email does not required to be printed.

Simply scan the QR Code (via smartphone/tablet) on the scanner at the exhibition

We are looking forward to meeting you at Indonesia Energy & Engineering Series


PT. Pamerindo Indonesia

Kepada Mrs HASNAH

Terima kasih atas ketertarikan Anda untuk mengunjungi Water Indonesia yang
merupakan bagian dari Indonesia Energy & Engineering Series 2023, yang akan
diselenggarakan di Jakarta International Expo, Indonesia.

Kami telah menyiapkan berbagai aktivitas menarik selama pameran pada 13 - 16 Sept
2023. Jangan lupa untuk menandai kalender Anda dan kunjungi situs
www.waterindonesiaexpo.com untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Pamerindo Sustainable Events

Sustainability adalah inti dari semua tindakan kami.

Surel ini tidak perlu dicetak.

Silakan pindai QR Code ini (via smartphone/tablet) saat memasuki area pameran.

Hormat Kami,

PT. Pamerindo Indonesia


Be part of the movement to support the environment alongside IEE Series 2023.
Balance the carbon emissions of your journey to and from the event through our
carbon offset programme.
Every step matter, so let's team up to lower your carbon footprint.
Please follow the link for offsetting your carbon

For Commute: https://atmosoffset.fairatmos.com/pamerindo/commute

For Flight: https://atmosoffset.fairatmos.com/pamerindo/flight

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