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Al Corniche International School

Boys’ Section Licence No.S-251/Girls’ Section Licence No. 4321440071

Vision: Our Vision is to offer the highest quality British education to our Mission: The mission of Al Corniche International School is to provide
students embedded with the Islamic Values,implemented by the Modern each student a diverse education in a safe, supportive environment that
Technologyto enhance the thinking skills and creativity in our students. promotes self-discipline, motivationandexcellence in learning.

Semester-II Review Sheet- ExamAcademic Session 2023-24

Grade: __8B__ Subject: Chemistry

Multiple Choice Questions

Q.No-1. What is correct about the compounds made of non-metals?

a. Give the name of metal first b. Give the name compound first
c. Give the name if carbon first d. if hydrogen give its name first

Q.No-2. In a chemical equation, the substances on the left side are called:
a. Products b. Reactants c. Elements d. Compounds

Q.No-3. Which symbol is used to represent a solid in a chemical equation?

a. (l) b. (g) c. (s) d. (aq)

Q.No-4. What does the arrow in a chemical equation represent?

a. Addition b. Subtraction c. Equality d. Irreversible reaction

Q.No-5. What is the balanced chemical equation for the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen?
a. 2H₂ + O₂ →H ₂O b. 2H₂ + O₂ → 2H₂O c. H₂O → H₂ + O₂ d. 2H₂O → H₂ + O₂

Q.No-6. What is correct about the compound if it contains one metal and one non-metal?
a. Give the name of compound first b. Give the name of non- metal first
c. Give the name of metal first followed by non metal d. Give the randon name of compound

Q.No-7. Which of the following is a balanced chemical equation?

a. C + O₂ → CO2 b. S + O₂ → SO4
c. H₂ + O₂ → H₂O d. HCl + NaOH → Na₂SO₄ + HCl

Q.No-8. Silicon is obtained from …………..

a. water b. sand c. air.

Q.No-9. Which substance is formed when magnesium is reacted with oxygen?

a. Mg b. O2M c. MO2 d. MgO

Q.No-10. What does the symbol (aq) indicate in a chemical equation?

a. Solid b. Liquid c. Gas d. Aqueous solution
Q.No-11 When a compound contain a metal and a non-metal, it is also called ………………. compound.
a. covalent b. bivalent c. ionic d. catalyst

Q.No-12. A correct formula of a molecule of calcium chloride is …………

a. CCl2 b. CaO2 c. CaCl2 d. C2O
Q.No-13. The valency of sodium(Na) in sodium chloride(NaCl) is ……….
a. one b. two c. 3 d. 4
Q.No-14. Potassium iodide (KI) form …………….. compound
a. ionic b. covalent c. divalent d. trivalent
Q.No-15. To form a compound, the given elements react in ………………… ratio.
a. one b. two c. same d. three
Q.No-16- During a chemical reaction, the …………… is not changed
a. solution b. mass c. time d. energy
Q.No-17. Brass is a mixture of about 70% of copper, and …………………% of zinc.
a. 20 b. 30 c. 50 d.100
Q.No-18. The gas that dissolve in water to give hydrochloric acid is ……………….
a. MgCl b. HCl c. KCl d. HeCl
Q.No-19. The formula of silicon(IV)oxide is …………….
a. SiO2 b. Si3O2 c. SiO4 d. SiO
Q.No-20. Which of these gas smells like rotten eggs.
a. NH3 b. H2O c. H2S d.Cl2

Structured Questions

Q.No-21 What is % composition of a compound?

Ans:It tells how much of each element it contains as a percentage of the total mass.
Q.No-22 What is law of constant proportion or ratio?
Ans: In a given compound, the elements are always present in the same proportion or ratio
Q.No.-23 What is law of conservation of mass?
Ans: During the chemical reaction, the total mass of reactants is always equal to the total mass of product.
Q.No-24 Give one example of law of constant ratio.
Ans:When Carbon burns with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, 6g of C combines with 16g of oxygen, or 12g
of C xombines with 32 g of oxygen, and so on. Ratio is constant 6 g : 16 g or 12 g : 32 g
Q,No-25 Give one example of law of conservation of mass.
Ans: Mass of reactants = Mass of product
So, 6 g of C and 16 g of oxygen gives 22 g of CO2
C + O2 CO2
6 g + 16 g  (6 + 16)
22 g = 22 g
Q.No-26 What do “ + “ and “  “ mean in an equation?
Ans:+ means add or and,  mean gives to
Q.No-27 Write down the state symbols in the reaction C + O2 CO2
Ans:C(s) + O2(g) CO2(g)
Q.No-28 Write down the equation when calcium metal is burnt with chlorine gas to form calcium chloride.
Ans: Ca + Cl2 CaCl2
Q.No-29 Write down the name of the given compound.- CuCl2
Ans:Copper (II) chloride
Q.No-30. Balance the given equation ….Na + H2O ….NaOH + H2. Mention the state of each also.
Ans:2Na(s) + 2H2O(l)2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)
Q.No-31How will you write the name of a compound if it contain a metal and a non-metal?
Ans: We should write the name of metal and then the name of none metal ending with -ide
Q.No-32 Write down the correct formula of the given compounds.
a. HCl2 b. C2O c. MgO2 d.N2H3

Ans:a. HCl b. CO2 c. MgO d.NH3

Q.No-33 Write down the formula of the given atomic structures in the figure below.

H Cl K F Cl Mg Cl

(a) Hydrogen chloride (b) Potassium floride (c) Magnesium chloride

Q.No-34 Give the formula for (a) barium iodide and (b) ammonium chloride.

Ans: (a) BaI2 and (b) NH4Cl

Q.No-35 Aluminium metal burns in chlorine gas to form aluminium chloride(AlCl3) a solid. Write the
balance equation of the given reaction.
Ans: 2Al(s) + 3Cl2(s)2AlCl3(s)

Q.No-36 Deduce the formula of the given compounds.

Compound Ratio of atoms present

1. H2S Hydrogen=2. Sulfer = 1
2. Al2O3 Aluminium=2. Oxygen=3
3. NaCl Sodium=1. Chlorine = 1

Q.No-37 What does the term valency means?

Ans: Valency is defined as combining power of an element with other atom to from chemical bond


The number of electrons its atoms lose, gain or share in forming a compound is called valency.

Q.No-38 What do you understand by the word formulae of compound?

Ans:The formula of a compound means the symbols of element contained in it.

Q.No-39 What does molecular formula of a compound tell us?

Ans: The molecular formula tells us the number of and type of element present in the compound.

Q.No-40 In an experiment, 48 g of magnesium reacted with 142 g of chlorine, to give magnesium chloride.
Given that Ar of Mg = 24 g and Ar of Cl = 35.5 g

(a) How much magnesium chloride is obtained?

Ans: Mg + Cl2  MgCl2

24 g + (2 ×35.5) g  (24 + 35.5 ×2) g

24 + 71 = 95  95
So, by law of conservation of mass,
Mass of reactants = mass of Product
24 + 71 = 95 = 95
Therefore, 2 ×24 g = 48 g of Mg (condition given in the question)
and 2×71 g = 142 g of Cl (condition given in the question) will give,
2 × 95 g =190 g of Magnesium chloride (Because reactant and product must be same)
So, 190 g of MgCl2 is obtained or formed.
(b) How much chlorine will react to with 12 g of magnesium? How much magnesium chloride will form
Ans: Mg + Cl2 MgCl2

12 g = 24 ÷2 + 71 ÷ 2 = 35.595 ÷ 2 = 47.5 g
So, 71 g of chlorine is reacted and 47.5 g of MgCl2 is obtained
Q.No-41 Calculate the % composition of carbon and oxygen in carbon dioxide.Ar of C = 12 g and Ar of O =
16 g
Ans: C + O2  CO2
12 g + (16 × 2) g  (12 +32) g
So, 12 g + 32 g  44 g
Therefore % composition 𝑜𝑓 𝐶 = 44 × 100

% of C = 27.3 (approx.)
Therefore % composition 𝑜𝑓 𝑂 = 44 × 100

% of O = 72.7 (approx.)
% of C + % of O
27.3% + 72.7% = 100%
Q.No-41 Calculate the % of purity of 13.5g lead(II)bromide which is obtained from 15 g of impure sample
of lead(II)bromide. What is mass of impurity is present in the lead(II)bromide sample?
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
Ans:% purity of substance = × 100%
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠
13.5 𝑔
% purity of lead(II)bromide = × 100%
15 𝑔

So, % purity of PbBr2= 90%

Impurity = total mass – impure sample mass
= 15.00 g – 13.5 g So, Impurity mass= 1.5 g

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