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4 Talk about your photos.

⚫ What photos do you like best – people, animals, nature, or sport? Why?

⚫ How often do you take photos?

⚫ What photos are on your social media page?

⚫ What was the last photo you took?

⚫ Do you like looking at other people’s photos? Why? Why not?

⚫ What makes a good photo?

⚫ What is your best photo? Why?

⚫ Where were you when you took it? What were you doing?

⚫ Describe the photo. What was happening? What happened?

5 Talk about your abilities.

⚫ Can you paint, sing or cook? What things can you do well?

⚫ Is there anything you can’t do now, but want to do in the future?

⚫ What things couldn’t you do when you were younger, but you can do now?

⚫ Compare yourself to someone else in your family. For example, are you more artistic than someone
else in your family?

⚫ What is the most intelligent of all wild animals?

⚫ Which animals are the fastest, rarest or most dangerous?

⚫ Do you or your friends take part in competitions?

⚫ How fast can you run and swim? Who is the best athlete in your class?

6 Talk about travel.

⚫ Do you like travelling to new places? Why? / Why not?

⚫ Do you like sleeping in a tent? Why? / Why not?

⚫ Where do think you will travel in the future?

⚫ Where will you stay, and what transport will you use?

⚫ What things are you going to take with you when you next travel?

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