(2011) Pseudo-Code Tutorial

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Pseudo-Code Standards

Mubashir N. Mir www.mubashirnabi.com

How to read the symbols
<> : The angler brackets mean that user must provide the value of whatever is written within these brackets. [] : The square brackets mean the this is an optional feature. If its not needed, it may be left out. ... : The three dots (ellipses) mean that items similar to previous can come here. | : A pipe sign shows two or more options (on each side of the sign) either of which can be used. IF : Anything written in capitol letters is a command and must be written exactly the way it is shown. ' : A single quote is used to show comments about that line of code.

Pseudo-Code Commands

1. Data types
TYPE Integer Real Boolean String PURPOSE Whole numbers, negative or positive. (123, -123, 0, 23434, -8 etc.) Floating point numbers, negative or positive. (-143, 0, 45.67, -12.8987 etc.) Logical. Only TRUE or FALSE. Any character. Can't be used in arithmetic expressions. ("Ali Khan", "14-D/II Gulberg", "-123", "Hello!?!", "2*7/(3-2)" etc.) Any negative or positive number with or without decimal. (12343.45, -23, 0, 34333 etc.) Date in any format. (12/12/2009, 01-03-2007 etc.)



2. Declaring variables
Syntax: OR OR <data type> : <variable name> Ex: DIM integer Roll StudentName : String boolean : IsWorking DIM <data type> <variable name> <variable name> : <data type>

Note: A variable name (also called an Identifier) must start with either an alphabet or an underscore followed by an alphabet. It must not contain and special characters such as ^, & @ etc. Variable names should be meaningful, such as Student_Name and not x or y etc. Also, try and keep them short so that they are easier to remember.

3. Using variables
a) Hard coding values into variables Ex: a = 10 Name= "Ali Khan" Price = 345.98 Average = 45.77 Total = Price * Quantity

'Total gets the result of Price * Quantity

b) Getting values from the user (the Input command) Syntax: Input <variable> Ex: Input i Input Name Input PartNo, Price, Quantity

'Three values will be asked from the user and put into these variables respectively

4. Sending output to the screen

Syntax: PRINT <variable> PRINT "any string" PRINT <variable | constant> <operator> <variable | constant> Ex: PRINT i PRINT "This is a message" PRINT i + p PRINT "The result is", i / 2 PRINT

'The result of i+p will be printed 'Two items will be printed, the message in quotes and the result of i/2 ' This PRINT command without anything to print will actually print an empty line

Note: In some algorithms OUTPUT command is used instead of PRINT. They are both the same as far as pseudo-code is concern. Just remember not to mix the two. Use only one of them throughout your code.

5. Decisions (branching)
a) Single-line 'IF' statement Syntax: IF <condition> THEN <statement> [ELSE <statement>] Note: Only one statement is allowed in both the true and false part. The ELSE part is optional and can be left is nothing is desired in case the condition is found to be false. Note that there is no END IF in single-line IF condition. Ex: IF a < 10 THEN PRINT "a is less than 10" ELSE PRINT "a is not less than 10"

Note: Only one path will be taken depending on the evaluation of the condition. The other one will be ignored. Ex: IF IsWorking = TRUE THEN PRINT "Something is working" 'The ELSE part is optional. Nothing will be done if the condition in this example

is False

b) Block 'IF' structure Syntax: IF <condition> THEN <statements> [ELSE <statements>] ENDIF

'This part is optional

Note: A block 'IF' can be used when more than one statement is required in true and/or false sections. All block 'IF' structures must be terminated with an ENDIF keyword to establish a clear end of the structure. Ex: IF a < 10 THEN PRINT "a is less than 10" ELSE PRINT "a is not less than 10" ENDIF

Block 'IF' can be nested inside another block 'IF' structure. Ex: IF Tea = TRUE THEN IF Cookies = TRUE THEN PRINT "Tea and cookies will be served" ELSE PRINT "Only tea will be served" ENDIF ELSE PRINT "No tea can be served" ENDIF

Note: Indentation is used to visually separate the IF condition with the nested IF conditions. Otherwise, reading the nested structures becomes very difficult. c) Block 'IF' with 'ELSEIF' clause Syntax: IF <condition> THEN <statements> [ELSEIF <condition> THEN <statements> ... ELSE <statements>] ENDIF Ex: IF Tea = TRUE THEN PRINT "Tea will be served" ELSEIF Coffee = TRUE THEN PRINT "Coffee will be served" ELSE PRINT "Tea and coffee are not available" ENDIF

6. Iteration (Loops)
a) Counter loop: FOR..NEXT Syntax: FOR <variable> = <start value> TO <end value> [STEP <step value>] <statements> NEXT <variable> FOR i = 1 TO 10 PRINT "This is line number", i NEXT i


The STEP clause can be used to change the default increment value of 1. Ex: FOR i = 1 TO 50 STEP 2 PRINT i NEXT i

Usually, the start value is less than or equal to the end value of the counter variable. If the start value is greater than the end value, then the STEP clause must be used and the step value must be a negative number. It is also possible to use a variable instead of constants for the start and end values. Ex: p=1 FOR i = 10 TO p STEP -1 PRINT i NEXT i

b) Conditional loop: DO WHILE..END DO Syntax: DO WHILE <condition> <statements> END DO a=0 DO WHILE a < 10 PRINT a a=a+1 END DO


Make sure that you increment then counter yourself, otherwise this loop will become an endless loop. Note: This loop also appears in some algorithms in these forms, however, their working is the same: Form 1: While <condition> Do <statements> End While While <condition> <statements> Loop

Form 2:

A bottom-testing version of this loop can also be used:


DO <statements> WHILE <condition>


a=0 DO PRINT a a=a+1 WHILE a < 10

Unlike the top-testing version, the bottom-testing loop will always run once even if the testing condition is False the first time around.

c) Conditional loop: REPEAT ... UNTIL Syntax: REPEAT <statements> UNTIL <condition> Ex: a=1 DO UNTIL a > 10 PRINT a END DO

Unlike the DO WHILE loop, the REPEAT ... UNTIL loops runs 'until' the condition becomes True.

7. Procedures
Syntax: Procedure <procedure name>(parameter list) <statements> End Procedure OR Procedure <procedure name> <statements> End Procedure Ex: Procedure Sum(x:integer, y:integer) Print "Sum of two number is ", x+y End Procedure Procedure HelloWorld Print "Hello to the World" End Procedure To call a procedure: Ex: <procedure name> Sum OR OR <procedure name>(parameter list) Sum(a, 10, c)

Note: Procedures do not run by themselves. It must be called from the main program or another procedure to run. It is also possible to write procedures that do not take any parameters (information sent to the procedure). In case one or more parameters are sent to the procedure, remember the variables that are used to receive the data are local in scope to the procedure. This means that if the calling program send a variable with the name 'a' and the procedure also has a parameter variable named 'a' to receive the data, the two variables are different and change in one will not reflect in the other.

8. Functions
Syntax: Function <function name>(parameter list) <statements> End Function OR Function <function name> <statement> End Function Ex: Function Sum(x:integer, y:integer) Return x+y End Function Function AMPM If hours > 1 and hours < 12 then Return "AM" Elseif hours > 12 and hours < 24 then Return "PM" Endif End Function To call a function: Ex: <variable> = <function name>(parameter list)

p = Sum(a,b) p = a + Sum(d,f) If sum(a,b) > 10 then Print "sum is greater"

Note: The only difference between a procedure and a function is that a function must return a value to the calling routine. END OF PART I

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