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Orden del Diálogo:

Rosa – Rose – Citlali

Reyna – Queen – Citlali
Vanidosa – The vain Woman – Génesis
El borracho – The drunkard - Chucho
La mujer de negocios – Bussines Woman - Majo
La farolera – The lamplighter - Lidia
El geógrafa – The geographer - Lidia
La serpiente – Snake – Génesis
El zorro – The Fox – Majo
El comerciante – Salesclerk - Chucho


El principito está en su mundo, solo, trabajando y nace una rosa
LITTLE PRINCE : I hope you are special for me.

El principito duerme y al día siguiente:

LITTLE PRINCE : Wow, you are so beautiful!
ROSE: Ah! Sorry, I just got up... I'm still very tousled.
LITTLE PRINCE : Oh yes, you are perfect.
ROSA : Right? And I was born at the same time as the sun.
Would you be kind enough to think about my needs?

El principito ve hacía el anochecer y la cuida:

ROSA: Ah! It's very cold! Know? I'm not afraid of tigers.
LITTLE PRINCE: Tigers do not exist on my planet, and tigers do not eat grass.
ROSA: I am not grass!
–LITTLE PRINCE: Ah! excuse me.
ROSA: I need you to really take care of me. You don't have a crystal?
– LITTLE PRINCE: A crystal?
– ROSA: Yes, a screen and in the afternoon you will have to cover me with

El principito va a buscar el cristal:

LITTLE PRINCE: I was looking for it but you continued talk about your needs.
ROSA: I was a fool, I apologize. Try to be happy. I love you. If I didn't say it, it
was my fault, but you didn't either. Forget all, I don't want it anymore.

Se duermen.
El principito se va a buscar otro mundo sin avisarle a la rosa:
El principito llega con la reina:

LITTLE PRINCE: Your honor, do you gobernate my world?

QUEEN: Yes, I gobernate everything
LITTLE PRINCE: Does the starts obey you ?
QUEEN: of course, I can´t see insubordination
LITTLE PRINCE: I would like to see the sunset, this make me remember to my
rose. Can you ordenate for the sunset?
QUEEN: Soon, you can see the sunset, but…
QUEEN: When the conditions will be favorable
LITTLE PRINCE: When will it happens?
QUEEN : It will this evening, maybe at seven o ´ clock
LITTLE PRINCE : Oh, I will wait for it.

El principito se va:
El principito llega con la vanidosa:

LITTLE PRINCE: Good morning, wow, you are wearing a strange hat
THE VAIN WOMAN : This hat is for say ¡ Hello ! And I raise my hand when
people encourage me.
THE VAIN WOMAN : Oh, Thank you, thank you so much… Emm and do you
admira me ? To be honest, I know that I´m the richest and the most beautiful
in this world.
LITTLE PRINCE: Emmm, but you are the only woman in this world
THE VAIN WOMAN : Please, admira me
LITTLE PRINCE: Yes, I already admire you

El principito se va:
El principito llega con el borracho:

LITTLE PRINCE: What are you doing ?

THE DRUNKARD: I am drinking
LITTLE PRINCE: “Why are you drinking?”
THE DRUNKARD: order to forget
LITTLE PRINCE: “To forget what?”
THE DRUNKARD: To forget that I am ashamed.
LITTLE PRINCE: Ashamed of what?
THE DRUNKARD Ashamed of drinking!”
LITTLE PRINCE: Grown-ups really are very, very odd.

El principito se va:
El principito llega con la mujer de negocios:

LITTLE PRINCE : Hello, good morning

THE BUSSINES WOMAN : One, two, three, four, five….
LITTLE PRINCE : Wow, this world is interesting, hey, hey.
THE BUSSINES WOMAN : I have a lot of work
THE LITTLE PRINCE :Wow, in the sky I can see like one hundred stars.
THE BUSSINES WOMAN : Yes, I admire the stars, and I respect the numbers. I
count numbers all day
LITTLE PRINCE : But, what does that benefit you, ms?
THE BUSSINES WOMAN : this is for be richest.
LITTLE PRINCE : What is the reason of being rich ?
THE BUSSINES WOMAN : that allow me buy a lot of things
LITTLE PRINCE :ohhh, I understand.

El principito se va del mundo de la mujer de negocios:

El principito llega con la farolera:

LITTLE PRINCE : Good morning, Why have you just put out your lamp?"

LAMPLIGHTER : "Those are the orders

LITTLE PRINCE : What are the orders?

LAMPLIGHTER : The orders are that I put out my lamp. Good evening.

La farolera enciende de nuevo la luz:

LITTLE PRINCE : But why have you just lighted it again?

LAMPLIGHTER : "Those are the orders"

LITTLE PRINCE : But why have you just lighted it again? I dont´ understand

LAMPLIGHTER : There is nothing to understand, "Orders are orders". Good



LAMPLIGHTER : I follow a terrible profession. I put the lamp out in the
morning, and in the evening I lighted it again. I had the rest of the day for
relaxation and the rest of the night for sleep.

LITTLE PRINCE : And the orders have been changed since that time?"

LAMPLIGHER : The orders have not been changed, I always want to rest.

LITTLE PRINCE : I could have made my friend. But this planet is too small and
There is no room on it for two people.

El principito se va
El principito llega al mundo de la geógrafa:

THE GEOGRAPHER: Oh, look! Here is an explorer!" , Where do you come


LITTLE PRINCE : What are you doing? What is that big book?

THE GEOGRAPHER: I am a geographer

LITTLE PRINCE : What is a geographer?

THE GEOGRAPHER: A geographer is who knows the location of all the seas,
rivers, towns, mountains, and deserts.

LITTLE PRINCE : That is very interesting. Your planet is very beautiful. "Has it
any oceans?"

THE GEOGRAPHER: I couldn't tell you

LITTLE PRINCE : Has it any mountains?

THE GEOGRAPHER: I couldn't tell you

LITTLE PRINCE : But you are a geographer!

THE GEOGRAPHER: Exactly. "But I am not an explorer. I haven't a single
explorer on my planet. It is not the geographer who goes out to count the
towns, the rivers, the mountains, the seas, the oceans, and the deserts.

LITTLE PRINCE : I know some one, who would make a bad explorer.

THE GEOGRAPHER: But you--you come from far away! You are an explorer!
You shall describe your planet to me!"

LITTLE PRINCE : Oh, where I live, it is not very interesting.

THE GEOGRAPHER: One never knows

LITTLE PRINCE : I have also a flower. My rose is the most beautiful. What
place would you advise me to visit now?

THE GEOGRAPHER: The planet Earth.

El principito se va
El principito llega al mundo de la serpiente:

LITTLE PRINCE : Good evening

THE SNAKE: Good evening

LITTLE PRINCE : What planet is this?

THE SNAKE: This is the Earth this is Africa

LITTLE PRINCE : Ah! there are no people on the Earth?"

THE SNAKE: This is the desert. There are no people in the desert.

LITTLE PRINCE : The desert is very lonely

THE SNAKE: There is also loneliness in people

LITTLE PRINCE : You are a funny animal, you are no thicker than a finger

THE SNAKE: But I am more powerful than the finger of a king.

LITTLE PRINCE : You are not very powerful. You haven't even any feet

THE SNAKE: . I can carry you farther than any ship could take you

LITTLE PRINCE : I think that I undestand you

El principito camina y camina

El principito llega al mundo de la zorra:

LITTLE PRINCE : Hey, Good morning, play with me.

THE FOX: We can´t play, tame me
LITTLE PRINCE: What is it?
THE FOX: It means create a bond, I don’t need you and you don’t need me.
But if you tame me, we will understand each other.

-----------------EL PRINCIPITO DOMESTICA AL ZORRO------------------------------

-----------------EL PRINCIPITO Y ZORRO JUEGAN ------------------------------

LITTLE PRINCE: Wow, who are they?

THE FOX: They are roses
LITTLE PRINCE: oh, Is my rose a simple rose? But, she told me, I was unique in
the world
THE FOX: But it is not a simple rose, is your rose, is the time and the affection
LITTLE PRINCE: She´s my rose
THE FOX: You need to back home and talk with her
LITTLE PRINCE: No, are you going to cry?
________________Se abrazan_____________________
THE FOX: Let me tell you a secret, only with the heart can you see clearly

El principito se va
El principito llega al mundo del comerciante

LITTLE PRINCE: Good morning

THE SALESCLERK: Good morning
LITTLE PRINCE: Why do you sell these pills?
THE SALESCLERK: They save so much time. Experts have calculated
that you can save fifty-three minutes a week
LITTLE PRINCE: And what do you do with those fifty-three minutes?
THE SALESCLERK: Whatever you like
LITTLE PRINCE: If I had fifty-three minutes to spend as I liked,", "I would
walk very slowly.

And so it is, 7 years have passed and the little prince is still in our memory,
while he makes us dream to achieve our dreams.

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