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The Post Residency Deployment Program (PRDP) is one of the Department of Health's (DOH)
strategies aimed at achieving the overall goal of Republic Act (RA) 11223, also known as the Universal
Health Care (UHC) Act. The program's goal is to promote equal distribution of physicians, with a
particular emphasis on priority poor and underserved areas. To ensure the success of its implementation,
the Department Memorandum No. 2021-0548 and Administrative Order No. 2021-0068 were issued on
December 28 and 31,MD
_____________________, 2021, respectively, and cover all RTP graduate physicians who entered as medical
RTP and those
Graduate Physician who had their lateral entry from July 26, 2015 onwards in DOH Teaching and
Training Hospitals and Specialty Hospitals with accredited RTPs based on the evaluation of critical
needs by the Department of Health.

Following the Memorandum of Agreement herein attached entered into between the
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (DOH)- _____________ Center For Health Development (CHD)/
Ministry of Health-Bangsangmoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (MOH-BARMM)
and the Local Government of the Province of _____________ following the implementation of the
Post Residency Deployment Program (PRDP), this Terms of Reference is being executed by the
following stakeholders who agree and commit to the following duties, functions, and responsibilities:

I. DOH Teaching and Training Hospital (Base Hospital)

Signature Over Printed Name
a. Medical
Chief seminars on the deployment ofResidency Training Program (RTP) graduate
Base Hospital for newly accepted residents of DOH Teaching and Training Hospital, Specialty
Hospitals, and Regional Teaching and Training Hospitals including the signing of contracts.
b. Through Professional Education, Training, and Research Office (PETRO), shall submit the
deployment plan of RTP graduate physicians to HHRDB at least 6 months prior to planned
deployment. It shall include the details on the preference on the area of deployment (region and
province only), and the number of required months of service;
c. Utilize the unfilled items of the hospital for the Medical Officer III/ IV items of RTP graduate
physicians during deployment. for the provision of salaries and benefits of the deployed RTP
Signature physician
Over Printed Name (if applicable);
d. Coordinate with CHDs/MOH-BARMM on the results of matching of RTP graduate physicians;
Chief of Hospital
Recipient Hospital
e. Issue a provisional Certificate of Completion of RTP for purposes of allowing the RTP graduate
physician to take the specialty board exam while on deployment as applicable;
f. Coordinate closely with the recipient hospitals and CHDs for the monitoring and evaluation of the
deployed RTP graduate physicians;
g. Facilitate referrals of the deployed RTP graduate physicians;
h. Attend Program Implementation Review/ Consultative Meetings conducted by DOH-HHRDB and
i. Process the monthly salaries of the RTP graduate physicians upon submission of the signed DTR
whose item are under the base hospital;
j. Release terminal pay of the RTP graduate physicians upon completion of return service whose
items are under the base hospital.
k. Submit to HHRDB the list of RTP graduate physicians who are due for issuance of the final DOH
Certificate of Completion of Residency Training. Prerequisites for the issuance of such include
⮚ Certificate of Completion of Return Service issued by the recipient hospital; and

⮚ Clearance from hospital liabilities/obligations issued by the base and recipient hospital;

II. RTP Graduate Physician

a. Fulfill the duties and functions of a Medical Officer IV, serving the designated hospital for at least
40 hours per week from _____________ to ____________, or as stipulated in the Contract of
Residency Training.
b. Manage problematic cases in the ward, emergency room, and intensive care units and facilitate
referral to higher facilities, as necessary, in relation to his/her field of specialty;
c. Conduct seminars, lectures, and lay-fora for patients;
d. Formulate and implement activities that will improve the services of the recipient hospital and
upgrade the capabilities of its personnel, in collaboration with the Hospital Administration.
e. Provide technical assistance in the establishment or upgrading of the residency training program in
the designated hospital;
_____________________________, MD
f. RTP
Attend consultation and program review activities as facilitated by the DOH for the improvement
Graduate Physician (___________)
of PRDP;
g. Participate in conferences, research projects, and other activities in the hospital;
h. Submit daily time records, leave applications, and requests for Compensatory Time Offset,
Individual Performance Commitment and Reviews (IPCRs), and other administrative
documents/reports for purposes of compensation, program monitoring, and evaluation based on the
prescribed schedule as required by the recipient hospital, base hospital, CHD, and HHRDB;
i. Be accountable for his/her actions as a licensed physician and public employee;
j. Participate in national/regional/provincial health emergency response as directed by DOH as
necessary: and,
k. Perform other related functions as may be assigned by the DOH.
Signature Over Printed Name
III. Recipient Hospital
Medical Center Chief
Base Hospital

The Chief of Hospital or his/her designated representative will

a. Adhere to the provisions of the Memorandum of Agreement in relation to the conduct of the Post
Residency Deployment program;
b. The Recipient Hospital through its Chief of Hospital shall sign a Terms of Reference indicating
the herein responsibility relative to the implementation of the PRDP prior to the deployment of
RTP graduate physicians;
Signature Over Printed Name
c. Conduct necessary
Chief of Hospital orientation of deployed RTP graduate physicians;
d. Provide modest
Recipient Hospitalboard and lodging (i.e shared or solo house with kitchen, bedroom, dining room,
and bathroom, food provision or monetary equivalent) for deployed RTP graduate physicians
outside the hospital premises. Alternative arrangements would be in the dormitory of the hospital
provided that the deployed RTP graduate physicians have protected off-duties.
e. Provide the RTP graduate physicians with Phil Health share equal to that of the hired full-time
physicians of the hospital;
f. Ensure safety and security of the deployed RTP graduate physicians;
g. Allow the deployed RTP graduate physicians to take the required specialty board exams and
attend Learning and Development Interventions provided by DOH, continuing professional
development, and specialty conferences. Transportation and allowances may also be provided as
h. Allow the RTP graduate physicians to avail of earned leave credits and other mandatory leaves
including earned Compensatory Time Offset;
i. Supervise, evaluate and monitor the performance and attendance of the deployed RTP graduate
physicians. The Chief of Hospital will sign the monthly DTR as the immediate supervisor;
j. Support and collaborate with the RTP graduate physicians for endeavors that will improve the
services of the hospital, upgrade the capabilities of its personnel and establish training programs
and activities for its personnel.
k. Ensure that the RTP graduate physicians will be assigned tasks and evaluate patients that
conform with his/her field of specialty.
l. Issue a Certificate of Completion of RTP graduate physicians and clearance from any hospital
liabilities at the end of the deployment period. It shall include the actual start and end of
deployment to the recipient hospital;
m. Endeavor to retain the deployed RTP graduate physicians by providing employment and other
incentive mechanisms;
n. Devise a mechanism to establish a residency training program initially for the major specialty
programs: and
o. Ensure to provide a safe and conducive workplace environment to the PRDP physicians with due
consideration of the CEDAW provisions for gender sensitivity and responsiveness.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto signed this Agreement in the
_________________of __________________, this _______ day of _________, _______.


_____________________, MD
RTP Graduate Physician (Specialty)

___________________________________ __________________________________
Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name
Medical Center Chief Chief of Hospital
Base Hospital Recipient Hospital



_______________________ S.S

Before me, personally appeared the following with their corresponding Government ID:

Name :
Government ID :
Date of Issue :

Name :
Government ID :
Date of Issue :

Name :
Government ID :
Date of Issue :

known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and they
acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed and that of the entities they

This instrument consists of three (3) pages, including the page on which this acknowledgment is
written, and is signed by the parties on each and every page thereof and sealed with my notarial seal.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _________________ day of

______________________, _______, in __________________, Philippines.


Doc. No. ______________

Page No. ______________
Book No. ______________
Series of ______________

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