Week 2 Reflection 1

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Intern: Claire Farrington Week: 2

Event Brief Description Learning Domains,

Organization This week I finished collating

Database and updating contact
information for all relevant
organizations in Indiana.

Childcare LCP I began researching Demonstrates ability to

Research organizations that involve receive feedback.
themselves with childcare and
researching statistics
concerning the landscape and
state of childcare in Indiana.

Blog writing- Thesis This involved writing a brief Ensures the views of
Research blog about my current thesis people are heard and
research and how it relates to considered regarding
Women4Change and the work decisions that directly
they are doing. affect them.

Blog Writing- Black This involved researching for Recognizing and

History Month and preparing to write blogs preventing the use of
about Black Women Suffragists stereotypes
for the upcoming Black History
Respect for human

Youth Engage! I joined the Program manager Effective use of verbal and
meeting in attending Youth Engage! non-verbal
meeting. Youth Engage! is communication skills
Willingness to form
healthy relationships


After documenting the various events of the week, reflect on your experiences of
the events by describing why they stand out and/or what you learned from them.
Here you are making sense of your experiences by making connections to your
development (learning), the development of the people you are working with, small
failures and victories, risks you might have taken and why. You need to unpack why
these events matter to you. Ask questions to yourself and then try to answer them.

The two events that stand out most to me this week are the Black History Month Blog Posts and
the Youth Engage! Committee meeting. The blog writing stands out to me because it is still
something I am trying to get used to. I am not entirely comfortable with the idea of the public
having access to and reading my work, but with time and practice, I think putting my work out
there in this way will become a lot easier. The more I am exposed to this, the more “normal” it
will become and the better I will become at tailoring my posts to potential audiences. I was
quite proud of my first Blog Post this week because it was actually about my story, connections,
and work. My research for the Black History Month blog posts has been very meaningful and
engaging because I was researching and learning about women I probably never would have
taken the time to learn about otherwise. I am excited to be able to share what I have learned
with others and hope I can appropriately convey the various women’s achievements.

I also really enjoyed being able to attend the Youth Engage! committee meeting because it
meant I was able to catch up with some volunteers I met over the summer. It was great to see
them again and I am excited to continue building my working relationship with this group of
individuals. Attending this meeting also added some variety to my daily work, as it allowed me
to do something other than just sit at my desk and work independently. This helped the time go
by quickly.


This section is about planning what’s next. You need to tell me how you’re going to
do things next time based on what you learned last time. Describe how you will
improve. Name the skills you want to improve upon and what you want that to look
like/sound like next time. Identify the evidence will you use to help you measure
your improvement.

As I continue to write my Black History Month blogs, I am going to continue to try to be open
and vulnerable with my writing. I need to abandon any thoughts of making it perfect or .. and
accept that I might make mistakes. I also think I should approach my blog writing with a little
more structure. For example, instead of trying to write a whole blog at once, focus first on
research, then drafting, then making it more accessible, and then finally editing. I also hope to
ask for more feedback regarding both my writing and writing process. Doing all this will help


contribute to my confidence and self-efficacy when it comes to writing in general, and

especially blogs.

Next Youth Engage! meeting I hope to take a more active role. For example, in this meeting, I
barely spoke until I was called into the conversation at the very end of the meeting. It seems as
though the committee members are quite interested in my thoughts, so I want to be braver in
sharing. This might be as simple as commenting on other people's proposals or contributing my

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