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History day the summoners called forth the Astral eidolon

Alexander, one of the eidolon gods, but were

The light remains Gaia's for now, but when the
unable to control it. Alexander was extracted from
blue changes to crimson, all belong to Terra, and
its summoner into a summoning crystal, which
its restoration will be complete.
was divided into four fragments to ensure it could
– Garland
only be summoned with mutual agreement of all
the world nations as well as the summoners, each
Gaia is a young planet and thus the people of a
fragment was given to the three rulling kingdoms
much older planet, Terra, saw it as a candidate for
of Nox continent: Oerba Dia, Balthier and
assimilation. Terran civilization had thought they
Heartilly. The last fragment was kept by the
had found the key to eternal life, and believed
summoners who emigrated to the Galvus
they could preserve their civilization and
continent and established Amicitia to where
technology forever by fusing with young planets.
Gaia's pulse ran closest to the surface to carry on
During this time Garland was created to watch
their studies in summoning magic.
over Terra.
The Nox continent civilization forgot about
Gaia's crystal rejected the fusion process and
summoning magic and Alexander's crystal
Gaia's surface was left in ruin, its civilizations
fragment became known as royal heirlooms. The
wiped out. The planet of Terra shifted to the
continent was plagued by war with Heartilly
inside of the planet Gaia with Terra's red moon
splitting and half the populationtaking the crystal
moving on Gaia's orbit, giving it two moons, and
fragment with them to Luso, which they in time
many Terran locations ending up on Gaia's
shut off from the world entirely behind a massive
surface. The Terran's retreated into slumber and
sandstorm. Eventually, engineers in Balthier
ordered Garland to create a plot to assimilate Gaia
developed aiships that run on mist, and the wars
anew. Garland moved Terra's magical tree Lifa to
came to halt with one nation domineering the
Gaia to oversee the planet's recovery, but it took
airspace and thus gaining an advantage. Instead of
millennia for Gaia to recover from the failed
exploiting this advantage, however, Balthier
fusion attempt.
projected its power to bring peace to the world.
With the wars ended, Garland back in Terra grew
Garland's new plan was to deprive Gaia's crystal
frustrated over the slow pace his plan was
of souls to weaken it enough for Terra's crystal to
advancing and created a Inari to be his angel of
assimilate it. He used the Lifa tree to block the
death to incite war in Gaia. His creation, Locke
flow of Gaian souls to their crystal, allowing only
developed a strong mind and wished to break free
Terra souls to cycle, and built a soul divider to
from Garland and become the ruler of Terra and
disperse the Gaian soul replace them with Terran
Gaia both. While Garland saw the flows in his
ones. Terran flora and fauna began to revive on
creation and decided to try again with a Inari he
Gaia's surface as the planet was recovering while
would eventually replace Locke with, Umbra,
Lifa tree would expel the rejected souls through
Locke began plotting for his master;s demise
its roots which would manifest as mist.
while kidnapping Umbra and abandoning him on
Gaia, where he grew up unaware of his origins.
Civilization took root on Nox continent, but the
presence of mist allowed monsters to grow fierce
Terr'a crystal was too weak to create eidolons, and
and hardened people's hearts leading to war even
thus Garland feared the power the summoners
if the populace settled to regions above the mist.
could potentially wield against him, and ordered
One of the numerous peoples living in Nox
Locke to decimate their village. Locke followed
continent were the summoners, students of
suit but became fascinated with eidolons and
summoning magic and eidolons, powerful
decided to obtain Alexander to gain the power to
creatures made manifest from the collective
challenge Garland.
memories stored within the planet's crystal. One
Locke manipulated Queen Lesily of Oerba Dia
into his scheme by promising her world
domination. Locke had realized Lesily's daughter,
Garnet, was a summoner whose latent eidolons
could be used to conquer the other nations to
capture their shards of Alexander's summoning
crystal. Using his knowledge of how Inari are
manufactured Locke established a similar process
on Gaia to produce Black Mages, a race of living
dolls to create an army of unmatched power. With
these advantages Oerba Dia grows mightier than
Balthier and destroys Heartilly, Balthier and Luso.

Locke neber succeeds in collecting Alexander's

summoning crystals and princess Garnet escapes
Oerba Dia with Alexander's shard of the crystal,
and the last piece remains in Amicitia in the
possession of the last Summoner. Lesily deems
she ho longer needs Locke and seeks to destroy
him with an eidolon stolen from Garnet, but
Locke enslaves it and orders it to destroy Lesily's
fleet. After Lesily's death the crystal shard in her
possession pass om to Garnet who becomes the
new Queen of Oerba Dia.

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