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Diana L.



1. What is moral virtue?

- It is based on the development of good habits.
- It focuses on the formation of one’s character brought about by determining and doing
virtuous acts.
- These states of character, according to Aristotle, are only virtuous if they correspond to the
golden mean of moderations.

2. Identify some Filipino traits and categorize each as virtue (middle) or vices (excess or
deficiency) place them in a table


Crab mentality (unhealthy Respect for elderly Imitation (gaya-gaya)

Envy (inggit) Faith and religion Bahala na (what will be,will
be Filipinos to resign oneself
into the hands of destiny or
Ningas- kugon (short lived Utang na loob (deep Mañana Habit( leaving for
enthusiasm) gratitude towards the person tomorrow what can be done
who has extended kindness) today)
Lack of self- discipline Bayanihan (cooperation and Filipino time (Filipino’s own
(disregarding rules in order bonding with people) unique brand of time )
to prioritize what they want)
Gossips Hospitable (as they welcome Procrastination (saka na)
visitors regardless of
Pakikisama (being friendly to
each other)
Palabra de honor (word of
Sense of propriety

3. How is a person’s character formed according to Aristotle?

- The real, according to Aristotle, may be found in or daily interactions with objects in the
world. Nature’s ability to have both form a matter is what makes it understandable. As a
result, truth and goodness cannot exist without the object, and they are not independent of
our society.
4. Who do you think possesses a moral character in your community? Explain your answer.
- Everyone has a moral character because every piece of knowledge is based on a set of ideas
about good and wrong that are utilized to provide meaning and so uncover one’s life
purpose. As a result, everyone’s behavior is controlled by their morality. Which is a set of
beliefs. But, if I had to choose someone in our town who I believe has a decent moral
character it would be my mother, simply because I know and have with her for a long time,
unlike anybody else in our society, she also has a wonderful and caring heart, which is why I
chose her without hesitation.

Test II

1. Go online and list down various sources that can help you understand the different issues on
pornography. Identify the topics being discussed by these sources.

Pornography is a concept that is surrounded by many issues and undiscussed ideas because of
the society's perception towards the topic. Fortunately, the sensitivity of the topic does not
hinder the creation of various credible sources that are informative of the totality of
pornography as a subject matter.

There were many sources that have found online, but will only list down the top sources that
personally thought were good sources on the topic. will classify them below as either
offline/journals/book sources and online/internet websites:

Offline/Journals/Book Sources:
• Why Internet Porn Matters
by Margret Grebowicz
• International Exposure:
Perspectives on Modern
European Pornography,
1800-2000, By Lisa Z. Sigel
• Generation P? Youth,
Gender and Pornography by
Susanne V. Knudsen; Lotta
Löfgren Mårtenson; Sven-Axel
• Pornography, Community
and the Internet - Freedom of
Speech and Obscenity
on the Internet by Kamiel,
Yuval; Wismonsky, Haim
Offline/Journals/Book Sources:
• Why Internet Porn Matters
by Margret Grebowicz
• International Exposure:
Perspectives on Modern
European Pornography,
1800-2000, By Lisa Z. Sigel
• Generation P? Youth,
Gender and Pornography by
Susanne V. Knudsen; Lotta
Löfgren Mårtenson; Sven-Axel
• Pornography, Community
and the Internet - Freedom of
Speech and Obscenity
on the Internet by Kamiel,
Yuval; Wismonsky, Haim
Offline/lournals/Book Sources:

 Why Internet Porn Matters by Margret Grebowicz

 International Exposure: Perspectives on Modern European Pornography,

 1800-2000, By Lisa Z Sigel Generation P? Youth, Gender and Pornography by Susanne V.

Knudsen; Lotta

 Lofgren Mårtenson: Sven-Axel Månsson

 Pornography, Community and the Internet-Freedom of Speech and Obscenity on the Internet by
Kamiel, Yuval; Wismonsky, Haim
Online/Internet Websites:





1. Pornography as a Public Health Issue (Addiction)

2. Pornography as a Way of Promotion of Violence

3. Pornography as a Way of Exploitation of Children, Youth, and Adults

4. Pornography as a Disruption to Sexual Expectations in Relationships

5. Pornography Destroys Family Values and Innocence

The issues mentioned above will be touched on and explained below in the discussions of

the possible implications of the patronage of pornography to the development of one’s


2. Discuss the possible implications (positive or negative) of the patronage of pornography to

the development of one’s character.


People who watch porn become less repressed about the idea of sex. Since sexual

intercourse is a taboo in our society, there are no safe areas and zones to ask their

questions or address their confusion about the activity. This usually leads to them

trying and experimenting it in real-life with other people. I have read in my research

that porn can be an avenue for people to know more and get educated about the
activity of sexual intercourse. This avenue allows them to release their accumulated

sexual tension and curiosity. This can be a good development of one’s character

because they are able to release a certain amount of their feelings in watching porn,

which might lead to lightened pressure on oneself when dealing with sensitive topics

such as sex. It is even mentioned in a study that watching pornography allows people

to be more aware about giving pleasure to their partners and maintaining their

relationships to last longer.

• People who watch porn have been said to become more open and liberal to discussing

sexual education, dialogues, and conversations. Since they are exposed to contents

that are directly related to the subject of sex, they are more tolerant of what the

society considers as taboo, and therefore create a better space for talks and discourses

about the subject. Since they are familiar with this perspective, they are more

understanding of people who prefer to stray from the conservative views which are

majority in the society. I have also read that people who watch porn are more tolerant

of the existence of different sexualities of other people, which is basically non-existent

in a conservative point of view.


• People who watch too much pornography become desensitized to the content that

they consume. This means that when they get bored with the extent of porn that they

watch, they look for more aggressive and perverse forms of content. This is dangerous

because as it continues, the level of tolerance of the person towards sexual aggression

and pain lessens. This can manifest in their character which might reflect in their ability

to differentiate what is wanted and what is not especially in situations that require

consents or approvals.

• According to what I have read in my research, pornography reinforces the idea that

women are sexual objects. People who continually watch porn are being led to an idea

where women are sources of sexual pleasure instead of people with feelings. This can

manifest in real-life through reinforcing the mentalities of misogynists who are

prejudiced against women. These are same people who think that women have no

potential in becoming competitive in their own chosen works because they are weak.

• Pornography is addictive. This addiction can be so huge and impactful in the person’s

emotional and physical relations with other people. When a person becomes addicted

to it, they will always look forward to it, therefore, disrupting their regular focus and

attention on their work and other activities. This addiction, if left untreated, will

worsen, and might even affect a person’s expectations of sexual activities. The more

that they watch it, the more that they want to experience it.

Diana L. Afable


1. Why is it that some human is not person and some non-humans are person?

- The status of being a person is known as personhood or personality. Personhood is a

contentious philosophical and legal term that is intertwined with legal and political
conceptions of citizenship, equality, and liberty.
- There is might be non-humans that we think deserves moral consideration and there might
be some humans who don’t.
- To philosophers, personhood is a technical term. Person doesn’t equal human. You are
human if you have DNA. Like for example superman is considered as non-humans because
he’s kryptonian and lack of DNA but he has moral values like us that’s why Lex Luthor hates
him because he is fueled by hatred, prejudice, and a lust for a power. Seeing his a less
deserving of moral consideration than superman. That is why there are some human is not
person and some non-human that we considered as person because of moral considerations
they have.

2. Is there a difference between one’s ethical responsibility toward humans and toward non-
human nature? please explain your answer.

- There is no difference between one's ethical responsibility to fellow humans and non-
human nature, and there should be none. This simply means that if you demonstrate ethical
duty to your fellow humans, you should equally show ethical responsibility to nonhuman


I. When faced with moral dilemmas, this chapter identifies and explains the procedures
involved in making informed decisions. The steps can be summarized as follows:
1. Determine your involvement in the moral situation.
2. Gather all the necessary facts.
3. Identify the stakeholders.
4. Name all the alternative choices possible and their potential effects on all stakeholders.
5. Identify the type of ethical issue at hand.
6. Make your ethical conclusion or decision.

Apply now all six steps to the question, “ Is selling one of my kidneys to a paying customers morally

Step 1.

In this situation, my role is to sell one of my kidneys to someone ready to pay money for it. Since
purchasing organs is illegal in our society today, people routinely sell their one kidney to meet rising
demands owing to acute poverty. We can argue that it is unethical since it has the potential to harm our
health and our dignity as individuals, but I believe that selling my kidney is morally acceptable because it
is a part of my own body and I am the one who has the authority to decide. However, I will seek expert
advice on the medical complications before selling one of my organs so that I may make an informed
decision that I will never regret.

Step 2.

Organ sale has been proposed as a possible solution to the apparent ongoing shortage of organs for
transplantation. Organ sale permits those who are considered adult enough and hence responsible
enough to elect to sell their kidneys in exchange for money. Many others, on the other hand, find this
concept revolting and believe it is unethical and should be prohibited.

Some of the risk that may effects your well-being when sell one of your kidneys:

- Death
- Blood clot in your lower leg or lungs
- Hermia after surgery
- Injury to other organs during surgery

Benefits when you sell one of your kidney

- Able to help life

- Able to make money
- Improves psychosocial health Increase sense of well being

Step 3.

- Seller
- Buyer
- Families
- Society
- Medical Community

Step 4.

One option is to refuse to sell your kidney to others in order to keep your body safe and capable of
executing its part or function properly.

Step 5.

To be deemed ethical while selling your kidney, make sure you're well-informed and eager to sell it to
others. It's vital that you understand all that's been said and that you're aware of the hazards that come
with selling one of your kidneys. Living kidney donation is ethical when informed consent includes
acknowledgment of uncertainty regarding outcomes when they occur, and a donor's risks are
proportional to the benefits to the donor and recipient.

Step 6.

In this situation, I cannot afford to sell one of my kidneys to another person because I am concerned
about the dangers and probable consequences. It cannot guarantee that I will be safe when the
procedure is performed, and I am frightened that the damage will cause my body to malfunction.

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