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Immature Insects: Ecological Roles of Mobility

David W. Hagstrum and Bhadriraju Subramanyam

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Abstract: Immature insects’ adaptations for finding the highest quality food and optimal environmental conditions are critical to
maximizing a species’ success. Optimal food and environmental conditions during immature development increase the insects’
survival and shorten their development time; these conditions also result in earlier reproduction and more rapid growth of
the insect population. Immature-stage mobility is important in finding suitable food and environment, building shelters, ther-
moregulating behavior, and evading, escaping, or defending against natural enemies. The immature stages can move distances
ranging from a few centimeters to a few hundred meters; whereas adults that can fly can move distances of a few, hundreds,
or even thousands of kilometers. Mobility gives immature insects greater access to available food. Neonate larvae often must
move large distances to find their first meal or they perish. Air currents, stream flow, or phoresy can carry them farther than
walking. Feeding habits of subsequent instars may change as they grow, and larvae may commute between feeding and resting
(shelter) sites. An immature insect may feed at many locations during its development, and mature larvae wander in search of
a pupation site. Larvae of >361 insect species in 59 families and 5 orders leave their feeding sites to find a pupation site. Among
species with nonfeeding, short-lived adults, the immature stages may accumulate food reserves needed for egg production in
the adult stage. Larvae select a safe site before entering larval or pupal diapause for overwintering or summer aestivation, and
some larvae may remain mobile during diapause. Active pupae or nymphs may increase the chance of successful adult eclosion.
In this article, we review the many important ecological roles of immature mobility.

he subject of immature-stage mobility is covered briefly in and evading, escaping, or defending against natural enemies.
many reviews that deal with overall life history of a species,
family, or order. A few reviews cover immature-stage mobility, Wind-Borne Dispersal
but only for a single family or order (Davies 1976, Gaston et al. 1991, In at least 37 species in 9 families of Lepidoptera, the first or sec-
Stamp and Casey 1993, Costa and Pierce 1997, Zalucki et al. 2002, ond instars drop from the host plant on a silk thread and are carried
Bell et al. 2005, Gomes et al. 2006, Scharf and Ovadia 2006). for a distance of up to a few hundred meters by wind (Table 1). In 17
The immature stages can move distances ranging from a few centi- out of the 37 species, the females are flightless, and this ballooning
meters to a few hundred meters; whereas adults that can fly can move by young larvae is the primary means of dispersal. For two other
distances of a few, hundreds, or even thousands of kilometers (Wil- species, Euproctis chrysorrhoea L., and Dasychira plagiata (Walker),
liams 1957, Schneider 1962; Johnson 1966, 1969; Stinner et al. 1983; the dispersal of immature stages is important because in the adult
Gatehouse 1997; Showers 1997). Neonate larvae can travel farther stage, the insects are heavy-bodied weak fliers. Positive phototaxis
by way of air currents, stream flow, or phoresy than by walking. An and negative geotaxis are important in positioning immature insects
immature insect may feed at many locations during its development, on their host plants so that they can catch the wind. Older larvae are
and mature larvae may wander in search of a pupation site. Among too heavy to be transported by wind on a silk thread. In bagworm,
species with nonfeeding, short-lived adults, the mobility of the im- Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis (Haworth), ballooning may be more
mature stages is important for accumulating food reserves needed for important in facilitating movement within a host plant than among
egg production in the adult stage (Chew and Robbins 1984, Wheeler hosts. In spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens), 97%
1996). Before entering larval or pupal diapause, larvae select a safe of the larvae have silk threads no longer than 1.7 m, although some
site for overwintering or summer aestivation, and some larvae may threads are as long as 17 m. The buoyant effect increases exponen-
remain mobile during diapause. Pupae or nymphs that are mobile tially with length of silk. First instars of C. fumiferana disperse mainly
(active) increase the chance of successful adult eclosion. within the crown of the host tree, whereas second instars disperse
In this article, we review the ecological roles of immature-stage more readily between crowns (Regniere and Fletcher 1983). Raske
mobility among several insect taxa. These include finding suitable and Bryant (1977) reported that 1% of Coleophora fuscedinella Zeller
food and environment, building shelters, thermoregulating behavior, (not included in Table 1) ballooned. Immature stages of other species

230 American Entomologist • Winter 2010

L.) (Greathead 1997). Mealy bugs and scales in families Dactylopiidae,
Table 1. Lepidoptera Larva Reported to Balloona
Eriococcidae, and Margarodidae also are dispersed by wind.
Family Species Flightless

Cossidae Zeuzera coffeae Nietner N Stream Drift Dispersal

Zeuzera pyrina (L.) N The taxa that exhibit stream drift, in the order of prevalence,
Xyleutes ceramicus (Walker) N include Ephemeroptera, the family Simuliidae in order Diptera, Tri-
Gelechiidae Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) N choptera, Plecoptera, and the family Chironomidae in order Diptera
Geometridae Alsophila pometaria (Harris) Y (Waters 1972). Studies on stream drift have been summarized for
Ectropis excursaria (Guenée) N Chironomidae (Davies 1976), Ephemeroptera (Elliott et al. 1988),
Erranis tiliaria (Harris) Y
Operophtera bruceata (Hulst) Y Odonata (Corbet 1999), Plecoptera (Ernst and Stewart 1985, Stew-
Operophtera brumata (L.) Y art et al. 1988), Simuliidae (Crosskey 1990), and Trichoptera (Otto
Paleacrita vernata (Peck) Y 1976). According to Waters (1972), the percentage of bottom fauna
Phigalia titea Cramer Y that drift range from 0.1 to 4%. For Plecoptera, daily downstream
Lymantridae Dasychira plagiata (Walker) N drift ranges from 5 to 50 m. For Ephemeroptera, maximum distance
Euproctis chrysorrhoea L. N
may be 100 m. Drift of simuliid larvae generally does not exceed a few

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Lymantria dispar (L.) Y
Lymantria mathura Moore N hundred meters (Crosskey 1990). In contrast to the occurrence of cat-
Orgyia antiqua (L.) Y erpillar ballooning and scale transport by wind as first instars, stream
Orgyia definita (Packard) Y drift can occur among all instars. For the Trichoptera Rhyacophila
Orgyia leucostiga (Smith) Y
Orgyia pseudotsugata (McDunnough) Y nubila Zetterstedt, the extent of drifting by instars was 2 > 3 > 4 > 1
Orgyia vetusta Boisduval Y > 5 (Fjellheim 1980). Instars 1 and 2 had a neutral phototaxis, but
Teia anartoides Walker Y from second instar onward, larvae become increasingly nocturnal.
Noctuidae Chaston (1972) reported a diel pattern for many species that have
Mythimna convecta (Walker) N increased numbers drifting at night. Chironomids may drift when
Ochsenheimeiriidae Ochsenheimeria vacculella Fischer von oxygen levels are low and settle again when oxygen levels are more
Roslerstamm N favorable (Oliver 1971). For Plecoptera Acroneuria abnormis (Neu-
Pyralidae Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) N man), Walton et al. (1977) found that drift decreased with increasing
Chilo suppressalis (Walker) N substrate particle size, and water current velocity affected the drift
Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée) N
only from gravel, the smallest particle size tested. Upstream move-
Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) N
Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) N ment is small (2–30% of downstream drift); for some species, it is
Psychidae Luffia ferchaultella (Stephens) Y greater near the banks than mid-stream (Bird and Hynes 1981).
Metisa plana (Walker) Y
Oiketicus kirbyi (Guilding) Y Phoretic Dispersal
Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis Phoresy allows immature insects that hatch from eggs at one loca-
(Haworth) Y
tion to be carried to many feeding sites. Some species of Meloidae
Tortricidae Adoxophyes orana
(Fischer von Roslerstamm) N
and Rhipiphoridae lay their eggs on flowers; hatching larvae board
Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens) N hymenoptera adults visiting flowers and are transported to their
Choristoneura parallela (Robinson) N nests, where they develop on host larvae (Clausen 1976). Hatching
Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris) N Eucharitidae larvae wait for adult ants on which they are carried
Tortrix viridana L. N
back to the nest where they feed on ant larvae. Mantispidae lay eggs
From Bell et al. (2005) and Barbosa et al. (1989).
in spider habitats, and young larvae rear up on caudal suckers and
sway back and forth with outstretched legs awaiting a passing spider
of Lepidoptera drop on a silk thread when disturbed, and ballooning (Redborg 1998). When the spider deposits its eggs, the mantispid
may be of some importance for many other species. larvae enter the egg sac before it is completed and feed on the spider
The broad, flat body and long caudal setae of the crawler allow eggs. Newly emerged female first instars of the gall-forming erio-
scale insects to be dispersed by the wind (Beardsley and Gonzalez coccid, Cystococcus echiniformis Fuller, are phoretic on the winged
1975; Greathead 1989, 1997; Gullan and Kosztarab 1997). Positive males of the species (Gullan and Kosztarab 1997). A few species of
phototaxis and negative geotaxis also are important in positioning blackflies (1.8%) are phoretic on mayfly nymphs or crab prawns,
immature Homoptera on their host plants so that they can catch the and change positions several times as they grow and complete larval
wind. Among armored scales, Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) living on and pupal stages on the carrier (Crosskey 1990). Hilsenhoff (1968)
citrus trees are less likely to be dispersed by wind, whereas Aulacaspis reported Chironomids to be phoretic on the larvae of Megaloptera
tegalensis (Zehntner) living on sugarcane, a more temporary habitat, and nymphs of Plecoptera.
move to the tips of cane leaves where they are readily dislodged by
the wind. Crawler density of A. tegalensis in the air increases as wind Crawling and Tunneling
speed increases to 2.0 m/s, and crawlers may be caught in traps up to Females lay eggs on or near food, but newly hatched larvae often
1 km away. For first instars of the soft scale Pulvinariella mesembry- must still travel some distance to locate the food and begin feeding.
anthemi (Vallot), calculated maximum dispersal distance was 190 km When a host or plant part is unsuitable, exploration within and be-
in 24 h at a wind speed of 8 km/h (Greathead 1997). Other soft scales tween plants is likely to continue (Zalucki et al. 2002). Variation in
have been found up to 4.8 km downwind [Toumeyella numismaticus plant structure, leaf hairs and trichomes, leaf waxes, and leaf tough-
(Pettit and McDaniel)] and 55 m from the source (Coccus hesperidum ness contribute to suitability. Reavey (1992) found that the speed

American Entomologist • Volume 56, Number 4 231

of the neonate larvae of 42 Lepidoptera species varies from 0.7 to
Table 2. Species with Larvae using Chemical Cues to Locate Fooda
267.8 cm/h. Grass feeders move faster than woody plant feeders
Order Family Species Stimulib
downward, and herb feeders move upward and downward. For 12
of these species that were compared, the incidence of silking down Root—
was negatively correlated with larval weight. Coleoptera Elateridae Agriotes spp. CO2, PV
Codling moth, Cydia pomonella L., females lay eggs on leaves, and Scarabaeidae Costelytra zealandica (White) CO2, UC
the newly hatched larvae must search for an apple (Jackson 1982). Elateridae Ctenicera destructor (Brown) CO2
Chrysomelidae Diabrotica undecimpunctata
Larvae move rapidly for a short time before slowing down. Larvae
howardi Barber CO2
that do not find an apple after about 15 min crawl into a protected Diabrotica virgifera
place and become motionless. Many of these larvae will find an apple virgofera LeConte CO2, UC
later. Average velocities are 0.8 cm/min in the dark and 1.8 cm/min Tenebrionidae Eleodes suturalis (Say) UC
Carabidae Evarthrus sodalis LeConte CO2
in the light. Larvae cannot move at 5 oC or above 45 oC; movement
Curculionidae Hylastinus obscurus (Marsham) PV
increases with temperature up to 30 oC and averages 4.7 cm/min Hylobius abietis (L.) PV
at 30 oC. Elateridae Hypolithus bicolor Eschscholtz CO2
In Eigenbrode and Shelton’s study (1990), neonate Plutella xylo- Limonius californicus

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(Mannerheim) CO2
stella (L.) moved 0.56 cm/min on suitable cabbage plants and 1.56 Elateridae Limonius canus LeConte UC
cm/min on less suitable cabbage plants. Early instar movement and Scarabaeidae Melolontha melolontha (L.) CO2
spin down for Heliocoverpa (=Heliothis) zea (Boddie) are higher on Curculionidae Otiorhynchus sulcatus (F.) CO2
mature soybean trifoliates than on terminals or expanding trifoliates Sitona lepidus Gyllenhal UC
Sitona hispidulus Fabricius UC
(Terry et al. 1989). On whorl-stage corn, first-stage Diatraea gran-
Diptera Anthomyiidae Delia antiqua (Meigen) PV
diosella Dyar larvae moved from the site of egg hatch to immature
Delia coarctata (Fallen) UC
leaves of inner whorl and fed for about 10 d (Davis et al. 1972). On Delia floralis (Fallen) PV
tassel-stage corn, newly hatched larvae move to feed between the Delia radicum (L.) CO2,PV
husk layers of the primary ears and ear shoots for 7–9 d and then feed Psilidae Psila rosae F. CO2, PV
on kernels and cob until they are 15–20 d old. After hatching, first- Lepidoptera Pyralidae Elasmopalpus lignosellus
stage Mythimna unipuncta (Haworth) larvae aggregate in a tight mass (Zeller) CO2
concealed from view for 12–30 h on stubble before they move to oats Aboveground
or wheat to feed (Guppy 1961). Larvae feed during the early morning Lepidoptera Bombycidae Bombyx mori L. PV
Tortricidae Choristoneura fumiferana
and move down to spend the rest of the day sheltered near the base
(Clemens) PV
of the plant. Almond moth, Cadra cautella (Walker), females lay eggs Cydia pomonella L. PV
loosely on or near a commodity, and first instars must sometimes Papilionidae Papilio demoleus L. PV
search for suitable food (Hagstrum and Subramanyam 2006). For From Johnson and Gregory (2006) and Huang et al. (1990).

example on peanuts, neonate larvae must find peanuts with cracked CO2 = carbon dioxide, PV = plant volatile, UC = unidentified chemical.

shells and enter through the cracks to feed on the peanut kernels.
Females of many soil-inhabiting Coleoptera, Diptera, and Lepi- host (Catts 1982). Wet newly hatched larvae stand erect on caudal
doptera whose larvae feed on plant roots (Table 2) lay eggs close to pads and adhere to the host with sticky fluid from the egg. Neonate
the host plant, but the neonate larvae must travel some distance by larvae of Neodiprion swainei Middleton move from current growth
orienting to carbon dioxide, host volatiles, or both, to locate roots on of the jack pine where the eggs are laid to the old foliage and feed in
which to feed (Johnson and Gregory 2006). Because corn rootworm colonies of 40–70 individuals (Smirnoff 1960).
eggs do not hatch until the next year, the new crop may be sown offset
from that of the previous year (Villani and Wright 1990). Neonate Dispersal of Older Larvae or Nymphs
larvae of Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) drop from the citrus tree where Mobility gives an immature insect greater access to available food.
eggs are laid to the soil and feed on the roots (Nigg et al. 2003). For example, instead of being restricted to a single leaf, caterpillars
Lepidopteran larvae on plants (above ground) also may orient to can eat many leaves. Dispersing their damage may make them less
host plant odors (Table 2). Odor cues may be more important for vulnerable to natural enemies. Costa and Pierce (1997) classified
root-feeding insects than those that feed on plants above ground the types of foraging by species of gregarious lepidopteran larvae as
because visual cues cannot be used underground. patch restricted (119 species), nomadic (102 species), and central
The unfed first instars of crawler scale insects that disperse by place (25 species). Patch-restricted foragers often build shelters
walking on the host plant rarely move between plants (Beardsley and and feed in the same place throughout their life; nomadic foragers
Gonzalez 1975; Greathead 1989, 1997; Gullan and Kosztarab 1997). generally do not build shelters and move around to feed at many
In the armored scale Aonidiella aurantii, wandering ranges from 174 locations; and central-place foragers build shelters but feed away
to 206 min, and settling is influenced by the leaf or fruit color, crawler from the shelters at many locations. Most gregarious caterpillars are
density, temperature, and dustiness of the leaves. Female Phenacaspis found in 7 families, but 28 families have at least one species. Nomadic
pinifoliae (Fitch) crawlers on Scots pine in Saskatchewan wandered Hemileuca oliviae Cockerell are stationary as first instars, but travel
four times farther than males. The walking speed of the soft scale an average of 1–3 m as second and third instars, 9 m as fourth instars,
Pulvinariella mesembryanthemi, crawlers is ~1 mm sec–1; and they and 20 m as fifth instars (Hansen et al. 1984). The maximum larval
move upward on the plants to reach preferred younger leaves for movement occurs just before pupation.
feeding. Eggs of cuterebrid are laid in habitats frequented by their Many British microlepidopteran larvae (17.6%, n = 200) change
mammalian host and hatch rapidly in response to heat from the feeding habits as they develop from leaf mining to concealed external

232 American Entomologist • Winter 2010

feeders, where some of them can bear cases, spin webs, and tie or return to the foliage each night to feed. The movement of late instars
roll leaves (Gaston et al. 1991). These changes in feeding habits allow to resting sites in the litter during the day often results in the larvae
them to grow and become less susceptible to natural enemies. It may moving from one tree to another (Elkinton and Liebhold 1990). The
be necessary to leave leaf mines before leaves are shed in the fall in first two instars of Rhyacionia buoliana (Schiff.) feed on needles from
order to continue feeding on a plant in the spring. Larvae of the yel- within webs (Pointing 1963). Third instars mine one or more buds
low horned moth, Achlya flavicornis galbanus Tutt, build larger ties and overwinter there. Larvae spin webs and molt before resuming
on birch as they grow (Feichtinger and Reavey 1989). The distance feeding and migrating up in the tree crown. Web construction con-
between old and new ties ensures that feeding areas do not overlap. tinues throughout feeding.
Larvae generally do not feed far from their ties, but they can find their Upon hatching, first instars of Neodiprion fulviceps (Cresson)
ties again after feeding on leaves as many as 40 nodes away. Neonate move immediately toward the apex of needles (Dahlsten 1966).
Plutella xylostella larvae are leaf miners, whereas older larvae feed on Larvae move to adjacent fascicles, feed in groups of 30 or more per
the lower surface of a leaf (Talekar and Shelton 1993). Fourth instars needle, and move back along a branch as foliage is destroyed. As the
of Plutella xylostella build a loosely woven cocoon where they have fed larvae mature, feeding groups become smaller until they are feeding
and pupate within. First to third instars of Pieris brassicae (L.) feed in singly or in pairs. According to Teras (1982), 40% of the fourth or
tight aggregates on the underside of a leaf, but older larvae wander fifth instars of Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffroy) knocked off of a pine

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freely and singly over the plant (Willmer 1980). Some Plecoptera tree climbed back up the tree within 1 h, and 70% within 2 h. Larvae
nymphs progress from herbivory-detritivores through omnivory to of Neodiprion lecontei (Fitch) completely defoliate trees and migrate
carnivory as they develop (Stewart et al. 1988). long distances to new foliage (Coppel and Benjamin 1965). When all
Larvae of Plutella xylostella and Autographa californica (Speyer) of the jack pine foliage is destroyed, Neodiprion swainei larvae crawl
drop from the plant when disturbed (Jones 1977). Larvae of P. down the tree trunk or drop to the ground (Smirnoff 1960). These
xylostella move slowly, head wave frequently and turn often. This larvae can infest trees that are 183 m or more from their original
behavior is not altered by starvation and mature larvae can average feeding site. Colonies on these trees are 2–3 times larger and consist
1.4 cm/10 sec. Fed or starved larvae of A. californica travel rapidly of 120–170 individuals.
(~1 cm/10 sec for first instars to ~4 cm/10 sec for fifth instars), Walker and Merritt (1991) determined that fourth instars of
turn infrequently and head wave moderately. Well-fed larvae of the mosquito Aedes triseriatus (Say) spend 52.5% of their time
Pieris rapae (L.) move slowly, head wave frequently, and turn often, feeding near the surface and 37.5% brushing while submerged. For
but hunger causes faster, straighter movement without head wav- larvae of Culiseta longiareolata (Macquart), surface hanging is the
ing. As starvation increases, larvae that are ready to pupate increase predominant activity, and it peaks before each ecdysis (Van Pletzen
their speed more rapidly (1.5–3.15 cm/10 sec), stop head waving 1981). Browsing and gnawing is the most important feeding method,
sooner, and straighten their path more quickly than those that are and it is the dominant activity of first instars during their first 8 h.
not ready to pupate. They often remain submerged for periods up to 30 min. Similar
On whorl-stage corn after 10 d of feeding, Diatraea grandiosella behavior among young larvae has been reported for Aedes vexans
larvae leave immature whorl leaves and move down to bore into the (Meigen) (Van Pletzen 1981). The second most important activity
stalk and tunnel (Davis et al. 1972). On tassel-stage corn, larvae after by C. longiareolata is to use the mouth brushes to feed in eddies
15–20 d of feeding in the ear zone move to the stalk. while moving slowly forward attached to the surface; the third is
Early in the season before cotton bolls are available, female pink surface filter feeding. Larvae break away from the surface with two
bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders), lay eggs on foliage, powerful lashes of the abdomen and sink passively to the bottom for
and the movement of first instars is impeded by leaf pubescence browsing and gnawing. Ascent requires powerful swimming strokes
(Smith et al. 1975). Larvae feed when they encounter nectaries. of the abdomen. Surface hanging is the dominant activity of pupae
Later in the season, eggs are laid on the bolls; the larvae attack one although they can swim.
another because only one larva infests each boll and others must Onion maggot, Delia antiqua (Meigen), larvae feeding on onion
wander around the cotton plant seeking an uninfested boll (Brazzel seedlings consume more than one plant, and older larvae must lo-
and Martin 1955). On tomatoes, Heliocoverpa zea larvae travel 10/cm cate new hosts (Villani and Wright 1990). Insects Wireworms and
day; the distance is reduced after larvae begin feeding on the fruit, scarab grubs that overwinter as larvae must find host plants when
and the larvae move back to foliage before pupation (Snodderly and they return to the soil surface in the spring. Source did not specify
Lambdin 1982). Mythimna unipuncta second- to fifth-instars feed at species of wireworms or scarab grubs. Larvae of the Colorado po-
night and rest under dead or yellowed leaves on the lower part of tato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), leave over populated
plants when not feeding (Guppy 1961). The sixth instars generally potato plants and travel up to ~76 m to locate a new host plant
move to ground for shelter. Larvae of the stalk borer, Papaipema (Cass 1957). The distance traveled increases with instar, and fourth
nebris Guenée, feed on grass before becoming fifth instars, but they instars crawl ~48 cm/min on smooth and ~23 cm/min on rough,
then move to corn and tunnel into the stem to feed (Lasack and loose sandy loam soil.
Pedigo 1986). Late instars of Coleomegilla fuscedinella move to the European earwig , Forficula auricularia L., adults overwinter in a
top of white birch trees to feed on growing shoots and new leaves subterranean nest, lay eggs there before spring, and care for the eggs
(Raske and Bryant 1977). and young nymphs in their nest (Lamb 1975). Second instars leave
Once newly hatched gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.), larvae the nest to forage for food at night and spend days in shelters. Neither
find suitable foliage, they remain on it until they have molted into nymphs nor adults of Camnula pellucida (Scudder) and Melanoplus
third instars (Campbell et al. 1975). Larvae begin wandering before mexicanus mexicanus (Saussure) can orient their movement toward a
reaching fourth instars; they locate daytime resting sites in the lit- food supply (Riegert et al. 1954). Second instars of C. pellucida move
ter at the base of tree or at sheltered locations on the tree. Larvae ~1–4 m/h, and older nymphs move 6–11 m/h. Young nymphs and

American Entomologist • Volume 56, Number 4 233

adults move with the wind, and older nymphs move against wind. move around in subarctic pools to select preferred temperatures.
When winds are >16 km/h, grasshoppers remain in shelter. In 7 d, Larvae of the antlion, Myrmeleon immaculatus DeGeer, move around
10% of fifth instars can be ~91 to >274 m from release point, but in pits to select the coolest region (May 1979).
60% average <46 m from the release point. Below the upper threshold temperature (28 °C for first instars, 36
°C for second and third instars, and 38 °C for fourth to sixth instars),
Mobility of Immature Predators or Parasitoids Choristoneura fumiferana larvae select microhabitat based on humid-
The coccinellid larvae, Adalia bipunctata (L.), Adalia decempunc- ity rather than temperature (Wellington 1949). Within leaf rolls, silk
tata (L.), Coccinella septempunctata (L.), Hippodamia quinquesignata cases and larval aggregations create humidity levels that are so high
(Kirby), Pharoscymnus numidicus Pic., Propylea quatuordecimpunc- that water loss is minimal (Willmer 1980). Pleuroptya ruralis Scopoli
tata L., Stethorus picipes Casey, and Stethorus punctillum Weise in leaf rolls, Inachis io L. in aggregates, and first to third instars of P.
recognize prey only after contact (Hodek 1967). Newly hatched brassicae in aggregates do not need to compensate for water loss,
first instars among the coccinellids A. bipunctata, C. septempunc- but older P. brassicae larvae wandering over whole plant surface do.
tata, and P. quatuordecimpunctata, are continuously active on bean Grubs of the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, move as deep
plants searching for aphids (Banks 1957). Larvae crawl over bean as 29 cm to stay below the frost line (Hartzell and McKenna 1939).
leaves, frequently changing direction and following the leaf edge or Larval sawflies, Perga dorsalis Leach, increase convective cooling by

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vein when encountered. Larvae eventually move to top of the bean raising their abdomens and evaporative cooling by spreading fluid
plant and then descend; they spend 76–85% of their time checking over their bodies (May 1979).
leaves. On tobacco, trichomes reduce the searching speed of the Malacosoma americanum, among the earliest of spring cat-
first instars of lacewing (Chrysopa carnea Stephens), coccinellids, erpillars, must compensate for temperatures barely above their
[Coleomegilla maculata (DeGeer)] (Elsey 1974), and Hippodamia developmental threshold (Joos et al. 1988). When not feeding, they
convergens Guerin-Meneville (Belcher and Thurston 1982). When bask in aggregates in or on tents (Knapp and Casey 1986), where
aphid colonies have been devoured, migrated, or been destroyed temperature is always at least 4 °C above air temperature (Joos et
by pest management, syrphid larvae search for new aphid colonies al. 1988). The basking behavior of Euphydryas aurinia (Rottemburg)
(Schneider 1969). Hungry Lasiopticus pyrastri (L.) larvae use positive larvae can raise body temperatures up to their optimum, 35oC (Porter
phototaxis or negative geotaxis to find prey. 1982). By ascending the stems of blue gamma grass and assuming
Lacking the paralytic poisons of Hymenoptera, adult tachinids a head-down resting position, larvae of H. oliviae can significantly
avoid contact with their hosts by depositing eggs in the hosts’ habitat lower body temperature (Capinera et al. 1980). Larvae track the
and depending on first instars to find hosts (Stireman et al. 2006). sun, maintaining the stem between them and the incident sunlight.
Tachinid larvae may ambush nocturnally feeding caterpillars on Casey (1976) reported that the behaviors of two desert caterpil-
their host plant or burrow through soil or into galleries of concealed lars, the whitelined sphinx, Hyles lineata (F.) and the tobacco horn-
insects. Microtype eggs laid on host plants by Tachinidae may be worm, Manduca sexta (L.), regulate their body temperature. Larvae
ingested by hosts. Trichoptera species in the families Rhyacophilidae of H. lineata descend to ground shortly after sunrise and ascend
and Hydrobiosidae are predators that forage among rocks in streams again at midday. Early in the morning, they orient perpendicular to
for prey, and they do not build retreats except to pupate. the sun, and orientation later in the day depends upon temperature.
When air temperature was 28 oC, roughly half of larvae oriented
Mobility to Achieve Thermoregulation and Water Balance parallel to the ground, but when air temperature was 36 oC, most
By finding suitable environments and thermoregulating behavior, oriented perpendicular to the rays of the sun. Larvae of M. sexta
larvae minimize mortality, accelerate development, and reduce time remain day and night on the underside of jimsonweed leaves. Dur-
required to reach the adult stage and reproduce. Second instars and ing the morning, larvae were on the periphery of plants, and some
older cabbage loopers, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner), move to shaded, oriented perpendicular to the rays of the sun. Mid-morning, many
cooler lower parts of cabbage plants when temperature is high moved from outer parts of the plant to the interior where they were
and relative humidity is low, and they move up to economically shaded from the sun.
important wrapper leaves and cabbage heads when temperatures Danaus plexippus (L.) caterpillars spend ~64% of the daylight
are low and relative humidity is high (Hoy et al. 1989). Colias eury- period basking in the sun; ~44% are inactive while ~53% are feeding
theme (Boisduval) larvae remain inactive near ground at night and (Rawlins and Lederhouse 1981). Almost 90% of the inactive period is
climb the plant in the morning to reach parts of the plant in their in direct sun with broadside orientation to the sun. Larval behavior
preferred temperature range, 15–30 oC (Sherman and Watt 1973). If raises body temperatures by 3–8 oC. Kukal et al.’s study (1988) of lar-
the temperature becomes too high (≥30 oC), they move down toward vae of the high arctic caterpillar, Gynaephora groenlandica (Wocke),
the ground. At temperatures of 30–35 oC, all instars of Malacosoma found that they spent 59.4% of time basking, 14.9% moving, and
disstria Hübner, and the first three instars of eastern tent caterpil- 20.0% feeding. Body temperatures were 30.5 oC while basking, 26.7
lars, Malacosoma americanum (F.) and western tent caterpillars, o
C while moving, and 23.9 oC while feeding.
Malacosoma californicum pluviale (Dyar), become photonegative and
move to cooler shaded areas (May 1979). Hyphantria textor (Harris) Evasion of Natural Enemies
behaves similarly. The proportion of Leptinotarsa decemlineata larvae Many species of lepidopteran larvae evade natural enemies by
in the shade on the underside of leaves increases with air tempera- remaining on the underside of leaves, foraging at night, commuting
ture >17 oC (Lactin and Holliday 1994). The nymphs of the migratory to feeding sites, moving away from unfinished leaves, or snipping
grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes (F.), in a temperature gradient off unfinished leaves (Heinrich 1979). Heinrich and Collins (1983)
select the optimal temperature for feeding and development (Lactin list 13 species of Sphingidae, 3 species of Saturnididae, 8 species of
and Johnson 1996). The Aedes communis (DeGeer) mosquito larvae Notodontidae, and 5 species of Noctuidae that hide feeding damage

234 American Entomologist • Winter 2010

by eating the whole leaf, trimming leaves, or chewing off partially disturbed by prey capture (Griffiths 1986). Starved, disturbed larvae
eaten leaves. They also list 13 species of Lepidoptera from 7 families are more likely to abandon the pit and move to a new location than
that are unpalatable, have spines or warning coloration, and do not are well-fed larvae. Larvae can move up to 2 m every 5–70 d to build
hide their feeding damage. a new pit (Farji-Brener 2003). Starved larvae travel farther than fed
Larvae of Pieris rapae have significantly different foraging be- larvae (Scharf and Ovadia 2006). Pit location is influenced by shade,
havior on broccoli than on radish (Mauricio and Bowers 1990). soil temperature, soil particle size, rain, and soil moisture.
The distance traveled by late instars on broccoli during one day is Tiger beetle larvae initially enlarge the cavity in which the egg
~23–83 cm. Larvae of this species spent ~9% of the time feeding, was laid and prey on passing insects from this burrow (Pearson
~10% moving, and ~90% being stationary; larvae were exposed to 1988). The burrow is enlarged following each molt. However, occa-
sun during ~75% of the observations. Euphydryas phaeton (Drury) sionally when disturbed by a natural enemy or flooding, they leave
larvae in one day traveled ~25 to 50 cm (Mauricio and Bowers 1990). the burrow, use their legs to scuttle across the ground and relocate
Larvae of this species spent ~14% of the time feeding, ~18% moving, their burrow.
and ~82% being stationary; larvae were exposed to the sun during Escaping Natural Enemies. All instars of green cloverworm,
~92% of the observations. A larva of E. phaeton would rarely eat Hypena (=Plathypena) scabra (F.), flip violently from the leaf on
>50% of a single leaf. The average total number of leaves fed upon which they are feeding when they contact another insect—even

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by a larva during observations was 55; ~84% of the leaves showed another green cloverworm (Yeargan and Braman 1986). Some of
<25% of the leaf area consumed by a larva. the older larvae may respond by snapping the front part of their
In a study by Sih (1986), the larvae of the mosquito Culex pipiens body at a predator or crawling away from the predator along the leaf
L. responded to the predator Notonecta undulata Say by moving less margin. Some older instars that do not exhibit dropping behavior are
and moving to edge of container. Larvae of C. pipiens also responded captured by the predator, but those that drop immediately always
to a chemical or chemicals produced by N. undulata predation. escape. The first three instars drop on a silk thread and later ascend
to resume feeding. Other instars do not drop on silk thread and fall
Shelter-building to lower part of the plant or to the ground. The braconid parasitoid
Immature insects build shelters to protect against unfavorable Diolcogaster facetosa (Weed) recognizes the silk thread even when it
environmental conditions and natural enemies. Most Trichoptera does not see the host larvae on foliage, and it slides down the thread
spin silk to build portable tubular cases (Integripalpia), domes (Spici- to parasitize the larva. This recognition of the thread is important
palpia), or retreats (Integripalpia) (Wiggins 2004). As tube-building because young green cloverworm larvae often rest between bouts
caddisflies grow, material is added to the front to enlarge the case of feeding by hanging from threads beneath leaves. The silk thread
and trimmed from rear with mandibles to keep length manageable. of first instars is too fragile to hold both host and parasitoid, and
Retreat-making caddisfly larvae build silk nets to remove food from parasitoids are often unsuccessful. All six instars of the geometrid,
flowing water. Except for the predaceous species, all chironomids Ectropis excursaira (Guenée) drop from the leaf when disturbed and
larvae build silk cases on or within the substrate (Oliver 1971). may hang suspended by a silken thread (Mariath 1984).
Among the Lepidoptera, species of Psychidae and Tineidae also build Young larvae of Diprion frutetorum (F.), Diprion similis (Herting),
portable case shelters. and Neodiprion sertifer immediately retreat to the needle base when
Larvae of many gregarious species of Lepidoptera build tents, disturbed (Coppel and Benjamin 1965). Older larvae show defense
or roll, cut, fold and tie portions of their food plant to build shelters displays or drop from needles. A droplet of oral exudate that is ca-
(Costa and Pierce 1997). Silk shelter building has been reported for pable of rapidly incapacitating a parasitoid accompanies displays.
15 species of central-place foragers and 44 species of patch-restricted When disturbed, females of the scale Leptococcus eugeniae (Miller
foragers. Leaf and silk shelters have been reported for 4 species of and Denno) fall from the host plant and float like snowflakes (Gullan
central-place foragers and 28 species of patch-restricted foragers. and Kosztarab 1997).
Young larvae of only one nomadic forager were reported to build a The fourth instars of the mosquito Aedes triseriatus respond to
leaf and silk shelter. stimulus by diving and generally remain motionless, often under a
Many Lepidoptera can be recognized as belonging to the families leaf (Walker and Merritt 1991). Aedes aegypti (L.) respond to shad-
Thyrididae, Gelechiidae, Pyralidae, Tortricidae, Lasiocampidae, Oeco- ows or vibration by swimming to the bottom and recover by floating
phoridae, Nymphalidae, Hesperiidae by their shelters alone (Greeney upward (Mellanby 1958). Anopheles maculipennis Meigen and Culex
and Jones 2003). Greeney (2009) revised the classification and keys molestus Forskal sink passively when alarmed and swim actively to
for Hesperiidae shelters. surface upon recovery. Repeated stimulation produces satiation, but
Antlions build inverted funnel pits for shelter and to catch prey a different kind of stimulus produces a complete response. Phototaxis
(Tuculescu et al. 1975). Digging activity always proceeds by backward can override geotaxis. Chill coma occurs at temperatures several
movement just below the soil (doodling) with periodic flicking of degrees cooler than alarm reaction.
particles with the head that may last from a few minutes to several
hours. Pit construction begins with circular movement that creates Fighting Natural Enemies
a circular groove. The final diameter of the pit is larger than the Aggressive behaviors against adult parasitoids include biting,
initial circle. The larva moves backward around the initial circle, head or tail flicking, and head rearing (Gross 1993). Lepidoptera
flicking soil particles up to 20 cm; as the groove deepens, the bottom larvae commonly bite off appendages of parasitoids; head jerking or
steadily shifts toward the center of the circle. The larva frequently flicking are common defensive behaviors of caterpillars and sawflies.
stops circling movement and criss-crosses several times through As larvae grow, the response to natural enemies shifts from escape
the central cone to remove portions of it. Larvae enlarge the pit at to fighting. Defensive behavior of caterpillars toward the predator
intervals and will do some reconstruction of the pit after it has been Podisus maculiventris (Say) reduces the predator’s ability to subdue

American Entomologist • Volume 56, Number 4 235

Table 3. Species of Larvae Reported to Leave Feeding Sites to Find Pupation Sites
prey (Marston et al. 1978). Velvetbean cat-
erpillar, Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner, and
Order Family Species Source Plathypena scabra swing their bodies back
Coleoptera and forth in a rapid whipping motion that
usually causes them to drop from the plant.
. Bruchidae Caryedon albonotatum (Pic) Southgate 1979
Larvae of corn earworm, cabbage looper, and
Caryedon cassia (Gyllendal) Southgate 1979
Carabidae Calosoma sycophanta (L.) Baker 1972 the soybean looper, Pseudoplusia includens
Chrysomelidae Calligrapha sclari (LeConte) Baker 1972 (Walker), attempt to bite the proboscis of a
Chrysomela scripta F. Baker 1972 predator and roll violently. This frequently
Colaspis pini Barber Baker 1972
Monocesta coryli (Say) Baker 1972
results in corn earworms breaking away
Pyrrhalta cavicollis (LeConte) Baker 1972 from predators and sometimes results in
Pyrrhalta lutella (Mueller) Baker 1972 their falling off the plant. The loopers are less
Zengophora scutellaris Suffrian Baker 1972 aggressive and rarely break away or fall off
Coccinellidae Coleomegilla maculata lengi
Timberlake Lucas et al. 2000 the plant. At the slightest disturbance, first
Laricobius erichsonii Rosenhauer Baker 1972 instars of Mythimna unipuncta drop from the

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Curculionidae Brachyrhinus sulcatus (F.) Baker 1972 plant on a silk thread and hang motionless
Conotrachelus naso LeConte Baker 1972 (Guppy 1961). The last five instars are not as
Hylobius radicis Buchanan Baker 1972
Polydrusus impressifrons Gyllendal Baker 1972 easily disturbed; when touched, they often
Rhynchophorus cruentatus F. Baker 1972 rear the head and thorax, lashing toward the
Curculio caryae (Horn) Harrison et al. 1993 intruder before moving away. On the ground,
Hypera postica (Gyllendal) Harcourt and Guppy1975
they curl up when disturbed.
Dermestidae Dermestes frischii Kugelann Campbell 1989
Dermestes lardarius L. Campbell 1989
Dermestes maculatus DeGeer Campbell 1989 Pupation Site Selection
Laemophloeidae Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) Smith 1972 Larvae of >361 species in 59 families and
Nitidulidae Carpophilus hemipterus (L.) Campbell 1989
5 orders leave their feeding sites to find a
Carpophilus mutilatus Erichson Campbell 1989
Glischrochilus quadrisignatus (Say) Campbell 1989 pupation site (Table 3), often in the soil or lit-
Stelidota geminata (Say) Campbell 1989 ter covering the soil. Leaving feeding habitat
Tenebrionidae Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) Toews et al. 2005 can increase the predation on the wandering
Diptera larvae, but reduce the mortality of pupae
Calliphoridae Calliphora erythrocephala (Meigen) Denlinger and Zdarek 1994 from predators or parasitoids at the feeding
Calliphora vicina site. By burrowing into the soil, larvae may
(Robineau-Devoidy) Gomes et al. 2006
Calliphora vomitoria L. Gomes et al. 2006 find a more suitable environment than that
Chrysommya megacephala (F.) Gomes et al. 2006 at the feeding site; however, larvae of some
Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann) Gomes et al. 2006 species just find a cooler, drier place in the
Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) Gomes et al. 2006
food. Most species of blowfly larvae move
Cochliomyia americana Cushing
and Patton Travis et al. 1940 <1m, but some may move >30 m (Norris
Cochliomyia macellaria (F.) Gomes et al. 2006 1965). At least 8 species of Calliphoridae
Lucilia caesar L. Gomes et al. 2006 (in addition to those in Table 3) leave their
Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann) Gomes et al. 2006
feeding sites to find pupation sites (Gomes
Phaenicia sericata (Meigen) Gomes et al. 2006
Phormia regina (Meigen) Gomes et al. 2006 et al. 2006). Housefly larvae generally move
Ceratopogonidae Culicoides furens Poey Kettle 1962 ~61 cm and pupate at a depth of ~23 cm,
Culicoides melleus (Coquillett) Linley and Adams 1972 but they may move as far 5 m to find a favor-
Culicoides nubeculosus Meigen Kettle 1962
Culicoides tristriatulus Hoffman Kettle 1962
able environment. When choosing pupation
Cuterebridae Cuterebra latifrons Coquillett Catts 1982 sites, mature Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) larvae
Drosophilidae Drosophila melanogaster Meigen Sokolowski 1985 move as far as ~9 m responding to mois-
Glossinidae Glossina morsitans Westwood Denlinger and Zdarek 1994 ture, temperature, light, pH and osmolality
Muscidae Haematobia irritans (L.) Hoelscher et al. 1967
Musca autumnalis DeGeer Jones 1969 (McPheron and Broce 1996).
Musca domestica L. Barber 1919, Hewitt 1914 Larvae of Culicoides melleus (Coquillett)
Muscina stabulans (Fallen) Gomes et al. 2006 move farther up the bank before pupation
Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) McPheron and Broce 1996 (Linley and Adams 1972). Wandering time
Sarcophagidae Sarcophaga argyostoma
(Robineau-Desvoidy) Denlinger and Zdarek 1994 ranged from <10 min for Anastrepha spp.
Sarcophaga bullata (Parker) Denlinger and Zdarek 1994 larvae (Aluja et al. 2005) to <1 h for tsetse
Sarcophaga crassipalpis Macquart Denlinger and Zdarek 1994 fly, Glossina morsitans Westwood, larvae, and
Sarcophaga peregrina Robineau-
>1 wk for Sarcophaga spp. larvae (Denlinger
Desvoidy Denlinger and Zdarek 1994
Tephritidae Anastrepha fraterculus and Zdarek 1994). Cuterebrid larvae drop
(Wiedemann) Aluja et al 2005, from their hosts and burrow 8–25 cm into
Hodgson et al. 1998 soil or debris to pupate (Catts 1982). Larvae
Anastrepha ludens (Loew) Aluja et al 2005,
of tachinids leave their host and pupate in
Hodgson et al. 1998
the soil (Stireman et al. 2006). Sokolowski

236 American Entomologist • Winter 2010

on soybean plants. Mature fifth instars of the
Table 3. (continued)
Cydia pomonella leave apples through the
Order Family Species Source entrance tunnel or a new tunnel and move
to the tree trunk in search of a pupation site
Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart) Aluja et al 2005,
Hodgson et al. 1998 (Jumean et al. 2009). Aggregation pheromone
Anastrepha striata Schiner Hodgson et al. 1998 from freshly spun cocoons attracts additional
Anastrepha suspensa (Loew) Hennessey 1997 larvae and aggregation protects them better
Hymenoptera from parasitization. Potato tuberworm lar-
Argidae Arge pectoralis (Leach) Baker 1972 vae, Phthorimaea operculella Zeller, prefer a
Cephidae Cephus cinctus Norton Holmes 1975 dry, enclosed, dark place in that order (Ono
Cimbicidae Cimbex americana Leach Baker 1972
Diprionidae Neodiprion fulviceps complex Stark and Dahlsten 1961
1983). Wandering of sunflower moth larvae,
Neodiprion gillettei (Rohwer) Dunbar and Wagner 1992 Homoeosoma electellum (Hulst), before pupa-
Pamphiliidae Acantholyda erythrocephala (L.) Baker 1972 tion is closely correlated with the purging
Acantholyda zappei (Rohwer) Baker 1972 of the gut; daytime wandering may have
Neurotoma fasciata (Norton) Baker 1972
originated as a defense against predation

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Tenthredinidae Perga dorsalis Leach May 1979
Pikonema alaskensis (Rohwer) Baker 1972 (Riemann et al. 1986). Most Lymantria dispar
Pristiphora erichsonii (Hartig) Baker 1972 larvae pupate in locations used earlier as day-
Xyelidae Pleroneura brunneicornis Rohwer Baker 1972 time resting sites, but some may be many feet
Lepidoptera away from the closest living tree (Campbell
Coleophoridae Coleophora fuscedinella Zeller Raske and Bryant 1977 et al. 1975). Developmental times of check-
Gelechiidae Pectinophora gossypiella
erspot butterfly, Euphydryas editha (Boisdu-
(Saunders) Rice and Reynolds 1971
Phthorimaea operculella Zeller Ono 1983 val), pupae depend on the location selected
Geometridae Ectropis excursaria (Guenée) Mariath 1984 by larvae (Weiss et al. 1987). Larvae can
Lymantriidae Lymantria dispar (L.) Campbell et al. 1975 disperse >10 m d–1; they disperse farther on
Noctuidae Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel) Showers 1997
Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner Lee and Johnson 1990
cooler slopes and stop dispersing when the
Heliocoverpa (=Heliothis) temperature is suitable (30–35 oC). In addi-
zea (Boddie) Fitt 1989 tion to the 20 species in Table 3, Baker (1972)
Plathypena scabra (F.) Bechinski and Pedigo 1983 and Wagner (2005) report that >230 species
Mythimna unipuncta (Haworth) Guppy 1961
Papilionidae Battus philenor (L.) Wagner 2005 of Lepidoptera (25 additional families) leave
Papilio glaucus L. Wagner 2005 their feeding sites to find a pupation sites. Of
Papilio polyxenes F. Wagner 2005 these species, 68% are from 5 families (23
Pieridae Pieris brassicae (L.) Willmer 1980 Geometridae, 22 Lycaenidae, 30 Noctuidae,
Pieris rapae (L.) Harcourt 1961
Plutellidae Homadaula anisocentra Meyrick Hart et al. 1986 56 Notodontidae, and 41 Sphingidae). Some
Pyralidae Cadra cautella (Walker) Hagstrum and additional species pupating in leaf shelters
Subramanyam 2006 end up on the ground when leaves fall.
Ephestia elutella (Hübner) Richards and Waloff 1946
Cocoons of sawflies are spun by larvae
Homoeosoma electellum (Hulst) Riemann et al. 1986
Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) Tsuji 1996 deep in mineral soil (Neodiprion lecontei),
Sphingidae Manduca sexta (L.) Dominick and Truman 1984 in needles and litter above soil (Neodiprion
Tortricidae Croesia semipurpurana nanulus nanulus Schedl), and shallowly at
(Kearfott) Beckwith 1963
sod roots [Neodiprion abbotii (Leach)] (Cop-
Thripidae Frankliniella parvula Hood Lewis 1973 pel and Benjamin 1965). Mature larvae of
Kakothrips pisivorus (Westwood) Lewis 1973 the Neodiprion fulviceps complex leave the
Odontothrips loti (Haliday) Lewis 1973 pine tree to pupate; 73% of pupae are found
Thrips angusticeps Uzel Lewis 1973
within 91 cm of the tree trunk; and 90% are
found within the shade produced by the tree
(Stark and Dahlsten 1961). From 18 to 39%
(1985) reported that for Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, larval of larvae tend to burrow in loose soil, particularly where shade and
descendants of pupae collected from grapes in a vineyard had a litter are absence. Female larvae are more active and disperse farther
shorter foraging path and pupated nearer the surface than those from the tree to pupate than do male larvae.
collected from soil in the vineyard. After completing development inside the stems of wheat or
Mature larvae of Manduca sexta wander for 10–30 h before grasses, a larva of the wheat stem sawfly, Cephus cinctus (Norton),
burrowing into the soil and building an underground chamber for tunnels down inside the stem to below ground level and cuts the stem
pupation (Dominick and Truman 1984). Many mature larvae of at about ground level by making a groove around the inside of stem
mimosa webworm, Homadaula anisocentra Meyrick, in urban areas with its mandibles (Holmes 1975). The stem above the groove falls
move as far as 15–24 m from an infested tree before pupating; those to the ground; the larva plugs the open end of the occupied below-
that find a heated structure are more likely to survive cold winters ground stem with frass and forms a cocoon in which it spends the
(Hart et al. 1986). Larvae of Ectropis excursaria move to soil near the winter and pupates the next spring.
food plant to pupate (Mariath 1984). Lee and Johnson (1990) found Baker (1972) reported that 14 species of Diprionidae and 15 spe-
pupae of Anticarsia gemmatalis <2 cm below the soil surface, but not cies of Tenthredinidae (in addition to those listed in Table 3) leave

American Entomologist • Volume 56, Number 4 237

their feeding sites to find pupation sites. For most terebrantia, fully accumulate nutrients necessary for egg production by adults. Com-
fed second-stage Thysanoptera move to soil or litter beneath the muting between feeding and resting sites, and evasive, escape or
food plant to enter the resting stage (Lewis 1973). defensive behaviors may minimize attack by natural enemies. Shelter
Mature larvae of the stored-product insects Cadra cautella (Hag- construction and behavioral regulation of temperature and water
strum and Subramanyam 2006), Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) balance may be important in maintaining a suitable environment,
(Tsuji 1996), Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) (Smith 1972), and and immature stages are generally responsible for finding a good
Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Toews et al. 2005) wander in search pupation site. The pupation site may also be the site for aestivation
of a pupation site. Mature nitidulid third instars leave the fruit and or overwintering. Behavior of larvae or nymphs may be important
burrow into the soil before pupating (Campbell 1989). Several spe- in facilitating adult eclosion. Therefore, the mobility of immature
cies of Dermestes larvae leave the food source to search for a pupa- stages plays many important ecological roles. 7
tion site and bore into nonfood materials before pupating (Campbell
1989). Fourth instars of pecan weevils, Curculio caryae (Horn), leave Acknowledgment
nuts that have fallen to ground and burrow 5–30 cm deep into soil This paper is a contribution of the Kansas Agricultural Experiment
to pupate, but they remain there as larvae for the remainder of the Station, Manhattan, KS.
year before pupating. Adults eclosing from pupae remain in the soil

Downloaded from by guest on 10 February 2024

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