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Targeted Knockout of BnTT2 Homologues for Yellow-Seeded

Brassica napus with Reduced Flavonoids and Improved Fatty Acid
Tao Xie, Xin Chen, Tuli Guo, Hao Rong, Ziyi Chen, Qinfu Sun, Jacqueline Batley, Jinjin Jiang,*
and Youping Wang*
Cite This: J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 5676−5690 Read Online
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ABSTRACT: Brassica napus is one of the important oil crops grown worldwide, and oil quality improvement is a major goal in
rapeseed breeding. Yellow seed is an excellent trait, which has great potential in improving seed quality and economic value. In this
study, we created stable yellow seed mutants using a CRISPR/Cas9 system and obtained the yellow seed phenotype only when the
four alleles of two BnTT2 homologues were knocked out, indicating that the two BnTT2 homologues had conserved but redundant
functions in regulating seed color. Histochemical staining and flavonoid metabolic analysis proved that the BnTT2 mutation
hindered the synthesis and accumulation of proanthocyanidins. Transcriptome analysis also showed that the BnTT2 mutation
inhibited the expression of genes in the phenylpropanoid and flavonoid biosynthetic pathway, which might be regulated by the
complex of BnTT2, BnTT8 and BnTTG1. In addition, the homozygous mutants of BnTT2 homologues increased oil content and
improved fatty acid composition with higher linoleic acid (C18:2) and linolenic acid (C18:3), which could be used for the genetic
improvement of rapeseed. Overall, this research showed that the BnTT2 mutation can be used for yellow seed breeding and oil
improvement, which is of great significance in improving the economic value of rapeseeds.
KEYWORDS: Brassica napus, yellow seed, TRANSPARENT TESTA 2, CRISPR/Cas9, flavonoids, fatty acid

Brassica napus L. (AACC, 2n = 38) is a natural allotetraploid
classified into early biosynthesis genes (EBGs), later biosyn-
thesis genes (LBGs), and transcriptional regulatory factors.8
with great economical value in producing oil for the human The EBGs include TT4/CHS, TT5/CHI, TT6/F3H, and TT7/
diet and industrial use as well as oil-seed-cake for animal F3′H; the LBGs include TT3/DFR, TT18/LDOX/ANS, BAN/
feeding.1,2 The yellow-seeded B. napus has been preferred for ANR, TT12, TT19/GSTF12/GST26, and AHA10. The MYB-
decades, with prominent improvements in oil and protein bHLH-WD40 (MBW) complex is well-known as a regulator in
content compared with the black-seeded counterparts.3 The the flavonoid pathway, including TT2-TT8-TTG1, MYB5-
improved quality of yellow-seeded B. napus is also related with TT8-TTG1, TT2-EGL3-TTG1, and TT2-GL3-TTG1.11
the thinner seed coat and reduced proanthocyanidin content.4 PAP1/MYB75 and PAP2/MYB90 were also identified as
components of the MBW complex in Arabidopsis.12 The
Hitherto, many yellow-seeded B. napus have been created
molecular mechanism and cloning of TTs in Brassica was
through interspecific crosses in Brassica5 and intergeneric
reviewed in 2013, and the duplication history of TTs in 17
hybridization between B. napus and Sinapis alba or Descurainia
Brassicaceae species was analyzed in 2016.13,14 Due to the
In Arabidopsis thaliana, the yellow seed character has been duplication history and genome complexity15 and lack of
clarified and all the related genes are named Transparent Testa genetic mutants, gene functional analysis was greatly hindered
in B. napus. Hitherto, only BnTT10, BnTT1, and BnTT8 were
(TT) genes that are involved in the flavonoid biosynthetic
functionally confirmed in regulating PA metabolism, lignin
pathway.8 The major types of flavonoids are flavonols,
synthesis, seed coat pigmentation, and fatty acid (FA)
anthocyanins, isoflavonols, and proanthocyanidins (PAs), of
which only flavonols and PAs are deposited in Arabidopsis
As mentioned above, R2R3-MYB is an essential component
seeds. Flavonols form copigments with anthocyanins to
of the MBW complex. Different MBW complexes with
contribute to seed color, and oxidation of PAs with seed
maturation forms oxidized tannins and a brown color.9
Kaempferol, quercetin, and isorhamnetin are the main Received: February 19, 2020
flavonols accumulated in Arabidopsis seeds, which could form Revised: April 29, 2020
flavonol derivatives, anthocyanins, or tannins. Epicatechin and Accepted: April 29, 2020
catechin are two stereoisomers that form the polymers of PAs, Published: May 12, 2020
of which only epicatechin is synthesized in Arabidopsis.10 The
genes involved in the biosynthesis of the above chemicals are

© 2020 American Chemical Society

5676 J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 5676−5690
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

different MYBs were reported as tissue-specific regulators ( Two highly con-
controlling anthocyanin and PA accumulation in Arabidopsis. s er ved s equenc es in B. n apus (BnaA08g299 30D and
For example, PAP1/MYB75, PAP2/MYB90, MYB113, and BnaC08g07960D) were named BnaA.TT2 and BnaC.TT2. Multiple
MYB114 regulate flavonoid biosynthesis in vegetative tissues; sequence alignments of the protein sequences of TT2 genes were
performed using the clustalX program (
TT2/MYB123 regulates PA biosynthesis in seeds, and MYB5 clustal2/) and edited by Jalview ( Phyloge-
regulates PA accumulation with minor functions, which could netic trees were constructed using the Neighbor-Joining (NJ) method
functionally replace TT2.11,19,20 Recently, MYB4 was reported with 1000 bootstrap replications, the p-distance, and pairwise deletion
with dual roles in flavonoid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis, which in MEGA 6.0 (
could repress phenylpropanoid metabolism together with Genetic Complementation of BnTT2 in Arabidopsis tt2
TT8/GL3/EGL3 and inhibit flavonoid biosynthesis by Mutant. The coding sequences (CDSs) of BnaA.TT2 and BnaC.TT2
repressing Arogenate Dehydratase 6 (ADT6). 21 MYBs were cloned from B. napus cv. ‘Darmor-bzh’ and ligated into the
regulating anthocyanin and PA synthesis were also reported pMDC83 vector under the control of the 35S promoter.
35S::BnaA.TT2 and 35S::BnaC.TT2 were introduced into the
in Rosa rugosa, Malus × domestica, Vitis vinifera, Malus sieversii, Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain GV3101 by electroporation and
and Marchantia polymorpha.22−28 Besides, B-box proteins, such then transformed into Arabidopsis tt2-5 mutants using the floral dip
as BBX16 in pear and BBX22 in apple, positively regulate light- method.45 The T1 seeds were screened on 1/2 MS medium
induced flavonoid accumulation by activating a TT2 containing 50 mg/L hygromycin B2 (Hyg), and the putative
homologue (MYB10).22,29 In B. napus, BnTT2 homologues transformants were confirmed by PCR analysis. The T3 seeds were
were cloned30 and the allelic variation of BnTT2 was identified used for homozygotes screening and phenotypic observation. All the
on the C genome, which is associated with seed coat color and primers used in this study are listed in Table S1.
FA biosynthesis.31 Hitherto, functional analysis on BnTT2 CRISPR/Cas9 Plasmid Construction, Genetic Transforma-
tion, and Identification of Target Mutated Transgenic Plants.
regulating anthocyanin and PA biosynthesis has not been
Two sgRNAs (small guide RNA) sequences were designed to target
reported yet. two BnTT2 genes using CRISPR-P 2.0 (
The duplication history of B. napus resulted in two or more CRISPR2/). The two target sequences were used to generate sgRNA
homologues for each gene, and it is quite challenging to expression cassettes under the control of AtU6-1 and AtU6-29
simultaneously regulate the expression of all the homologues.15 promoters, respectively. Then, the expression cassettes were
Genome editing with the CRISPR/Cas9 systems greatly integrated into the pYLCRISPR/Cas9-DH vector using a Golden
helped the gene functional analysis in plants, especially in Gate clone method.46 The Cas9/sgRNA constructs were introduced
the polyploid species,32 and the newly developed Cas12 system into A. tumefaciens GV3101 by electroporation. The A. tumefaciens-
has been proven to be a promising tool for precise genome mediated hypocotyl transformation in B. napus line J9712 was
editing in A. thaliana, Oryza sativa, Nicotiana benthamiana, proceeded as reported.38 All the regenerated plants under a selective
pressure of 25 mg/L Hyg were screened by PCR using plasmid
Gossypium hirsutum, and Citrus sinensis.33−36 Hitherto, several specific primers. To analyze the genotype of BnTT2 mutant lines,
genes were target mutated with CRISPR/Cas9 in B. napus, sequencing was carried out on the PCR products using specific
including BnCLV3, BnFAD2, BnLIM1, BnSDG8, BnMAX1, primers spanning the Cas9/sgRNA target sequences (Tsingke
BnLPAT2/5, BnMLPK, BnTT8, BnIND, and BnALC.18,37−44 In Biotech, China). To analyze the type and frequency of mutations,
the present study, we targeted knockout two BnTT2 the PCR products were cloned into pEASY-T1 Cloning Vector
homologues in B. napus with the CRISPR/Cas9 system and (Transgene Biotech, China) and sequenced using M13F primer.
confirmed that the mutation of the BnTT2 homologues Seed Pigmentation Observation. As reported before,47 we used
significantly reduced the flavonoid content, especially the vanillin and p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (DMACA) for PA
epicatechin and isorhamnetin content, through the down- staining in the seed coat of B. napus line J9712 and BnTT2 knockout
mutants. The DMACA assay was also used for the detection of
regulation of genes involved in the flavonoid biosynthetic flavonoids in Arabidopsis seeds, including Col-0, tt2-5 mutant, and
pathway. Besides the yellow seed character in the BnTT2 transgenic plants. To know the deposition of flavonoids in the seed
knockout mutants, we found the oil content was increased and structure, semithin sections were cut with mature rapeseeds and
the FA composition was improved with higher linoleic acid viewed under a light microscope (BX53, Olympus, Japan).48
(C18:2) and linolenic acid (C18:3). This is valuable in Flavonoid and FA Profiling. Flavonoids were extracted with 100
providing improved rapeseed germplasm for breeding. seeds from six developmental stages (3 WAF, 4 WAF, 5 WAF, 6

WAF, 7 WAF, and the mature stage) of B. napus line J9712 and
BnTT2 knockout mutants, and the total contents of soluble phenolics
MATERIALS AND METHODS and favonoids were measured as previously reported.49 The detailed
Plant Materials. The A. thaliana ecotype Columbia (Col-0), tt2-5 profiling of the polyphenolic components was analyzed using HPLC−
mutant (CS2105593), and transgenic A. thaliana were grown in a DAD−ESI/MS.50
climate chamber under a photoperiod of 16 h light/8 h dark and a The lipids were extracted from 100 mature seeds, which were
temperature of 22 °C. The B. napus line J9712 was used for genetic ground with isopropanol and incubated at 100 °C for 5 min and then
transformation. Both J9712 and the transgenic B. napus were grown in vortexed with CH2Cl2 for 30 min. The organic and aqueous phases
the experimental field in Yangzhou University, Jiangsu, China. Three were separated with centrifugation, after adding CH2Cl2 and 1 M KCl
replicates of 15 samples representing the major developmental tissues in 0.2 M H3PO4. The aqueous phase was washed twice with CH2Cl2,
and organs of the B. napus line J9712 were collected for RNA-seq and all the organic phases were concentrated under a nitrogen
analysis, including leaf, cotyledon, hypocotyl, root, stem, shoot apical evaporator.51 Transmethylation of total lipid was conducted to obtain
meristem (SAM), 3 mm bud, 6 mm bud, endosperm, silique at 2 fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs). The lipid extracts were mixed with
weeks after flowering (WAF), and five seed samples at 3 WAF, 4 methanolic HCl (20 mL of acetyl chloride in 100 mL of cold
WAF, 5 WAF, 6 WAF, and the mature stage. Three replicates of seed methanol) and incubated for 1 h at 80 °C. Then, 0.9% NaCl (2 mL)
samples at 3 to 7 WAF and the mature stage from two knockout lines was added to terminate the reaction. The FAMEs were extracted
of BnTT2 homologues were collected for metabolism analysis and twice with hexane; then, the combined organic phases were
RNA-seq analysis, using B. napus line J9712 as CK. concentrated for gas chromatography−mass spectrometry (GC−
Sequence Analysis of BnTT2. The protein sequence of AtTT2 MS) analysis.52 The extracts were filtered through a nylon membrane
was used for protein-blast against the B. napus reference genome (0.22 μm) and separated with a DB-WAX capillary column (30 m ×

J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 5676−5690
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

Figure 1. Two BnTT2 homologues in the rapeseed genome. (A) Alignment and structural domains of TT2 in B. napus, B. rapa, B. oleracea, and
A. thaliana. (B) The phylogenetic tree of TT2 in B. napus, B. rapa, B. oleracea, R. sativus, Vitis vinifera, Camelina sativa, Arachis hypogaea,
G. arboreum, Eucalyptus grandis, Glysine max, and A. thaliana. (C) The expression pattern of BnTT2 during B. napus development.

0.25 mm, 0.25 μm, Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany). The bait vector pGBKT7 and prey vector pGADT7 (Clontech, Japan).
chromatographic separation of FAMEs was performed on a Trace GC Bait and prey constructs were cotransformed into Saccharomyces
DSQII (ThermoFinnigan, San Jose, CA, USA) with 1 mL/min helium cerevisiae strain AH109 according to the manufacturer’s instructions of
and an inlet temperature of 250 °C. The chemicals were detected
the Matchmaker Gold Yeast Two-Hybrid system (Clontech, Japan).
using a quadrupole MS with an iron source at 250 °C (both positive
and negative modes were applied); 70 eV spectrometric voltage; m/z After being cultured in SD/-Leu/-Trp liquid medium, the positive
30 to 450 scanning range. The oven temperature was set at 50 °C for clones were diluted with sterile water and plated on the SD/-Ade/-
2 min, increased at 4 °C/min to 200 °C for 5 min, and increased His/-Leu/-Trp plates to test the interaction between bait and prey.
again at 4 °C/min to 220 °C for 20 min. The FAs were identified in The cotransformations of pGBKT7-53 and pGADT7-T were used as
comparison with the Supelco 37 Component FAME Mix (Sigma, positive controls; pGBKT7-Lam and pGADT7-T were negative
California, USA).
RNA-seq and qRT-PCR Analysis. Three replicates of seed
The bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assay was
samples at 3 WAF, 4 WAF, 5 WAF, and 6 WAF from B. napus line
J9712 and two BnTT2 knockout lines were collected for RNA-seq performed as described by Waadt et al. with some modifications.53
analysis. The total RNA was extracted using the RNAprep pure Plant The CDSs of BnTT2, BnTT8, BnTTG1, BnMYBL2, BnCPC,
Kit (Tiangen Biotech, China). The RNA quality and concentration BnLBD37, BnLBD38, and BnLBD39 were cloned into pVYNE and
were verified using agarose gel electrophoresis, Nanodrop, Qubit, and pVYCE to fuse with the N- or C-terminal fragments of yellow
Agilent 2100. cDNA library construction and sequencing, clean data fluorescent protein (YFP). The different combinations of the
mapping, DEG screening, and annotation were performed as
constructs were cotransformed into 5-week-old N. benthamiana by
reported.3 RNA-seq of 15 samples representing the major
developmental tissues and organs of B. napus line J9712 was carried infiltration with the A. tumefaciens strain GV3101. The florescence
out. images were captured using a confocal laser-scanning microscope
Subsamples of RNA-seq were reverse transcribed into cDNA for (TCS SP8 STED, Leica, Germany).
real-time qPCR validation using the Revert Aid First Strand cDNA Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis of Rapeseeds. The FA
Synthesis Kit and SYBR Green Real-Time PCR Master Mixes content, crude protein, and glucosinolate in mature seeds of J9712
(Thermo, USA). qRT-PCR was performed on a fluorescence and BnTT2 knockout lines were analyzed with near-infrared
quantitative system StepOnePlus (Applied Biosystems, USA).
B. napus Actin-7 (NC_027775.2) was used as an endogenous control. spectroscopy (NIRS) (NIRS DS2500F, Foss, Denmark).
Protein−Protein Interaction Assay. For the Y2H assay, the Statistical Analysis. The flavonoid and FA contents were
CDSs of BnTT2, BnTT8, BnTTG1, BnMYBL2, BnCPC, BnLBD37, expressed as the means ± standard error from three independent
BnLBD38, and BnLBD39 were cloned into yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) extractions, and p < 0.05 was considered significant.

J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 5676−5690
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

Figure 2. Overexpression of BnTT2 recovered yellow seed phenotype in the Arabidopsis tt2 mutant. (A) Expression level of BnTT2 in
complemented tt2 mutants. (B) Seed phenotype of Col, tt2 mutant, and BnTT2 complementation materials. (C) DMACA stained seeds. Bar = 1

Two TT2 Homologues in B. napus Recover Seed Color
introduced into B. napus line J9712 using A. tumifaciens-
mediated hypocotyl transformation. A total of 81 T0 positive
of Arabidopsis tt2 Mutant. Two BnTT2 homologues transgenic plants were created, and four of them were
identified in the rapeseed genome were named BnaA.TT2 identified with mutations on the target site of sgRNA-2
(BnaA08g29930D) and BnaC.TT2 (BnaC08g07960D). (Figure 3C). The mutation on the target site of sgRNA-1 was
BnaA.TT2 shared 72.93% identity and 78.95% similarity and not identified. All the mutations on the A and C genome were
BnaC.TT2 shared 72.12% identity and 78.07% similarity with defined as six types: A1 (−8 bp), A2 (−31 bp), A3 (+1 bp),
AtTT2 at the amino acid level. BnaA.TT2 shared 96.93% C1 (+1 bp), C2 (−7 bp), and C3 (−1 bp). Two T0 plants
identity and 97.32% similarity with BnaC.TT2 at the amino were identified with a mutation on BnaA.TT2 and BnaC.TT2,
acid level. Similar to the orthologs in A. thaliana, B. rapa, and respectively. Other two T0 plants were identified with
B. oleracea, BnaA.TT2 and BnaC.TT2 have R2 and R3 domains mutations on both A and C homologues, but no homozygous
in the N-terminus and a TT2 domain (Figure 1A). mutation was obtained.
Phylogenetic analysis confirmed that BnaA.TT2 and BnaC.TT2 The four mutated plants mentioned above were further
were clustered with TT2 in B. rapa, B. oleracea, and Raphanus identified by sanger sequencing, and homozygous mutations
sativus, indicating the two BnTT2 homologues might have on A genome and C genome were screened in T1 generation
conserved but redundant functions, which were originated (Table 1). Five out of 24 T1 plants of line 3 were identified
from B. rapa and B. oleracea, respectively (Figure 1B). RNA- with homozygous mutations on BnaA.TT2, and 23 out of 24
seq analysis revealed that both BnaA.TT2 and BnaC.TT2 were T1 plants of line 33 were identified with homozygous
highly expressed in endosperm, silique, and developing seeds mutations on BnaC.TT2. Homozygous mutations on
(Figure 1C). This agreed with a previous report that AtTT2 BnaA.TT2 and BnaC.TT2 were identified in T1 plants of
was specifically expressed in seeds.11 We also found that the lines 3 and 33, respectively, but the seed coat color was not
expressional pattern of BnTT2 homologues was similar, changed in mutants of BnaA.TT2 (named aaCC) or BnaC.TT2
maximized in seeds at 3 WAF, and then downregulated (named AAcc) (Figure 4A). Homozygous mutations on both
afterward. To know if BnTT2 has conserved function with BnaA.TT2 and BnaC.TT2 were identified in T1 plants of lines
AtTT2, the BnTT2 homologues were overexpressed in the 4 and 27, both showing a visible yellow seed phenotype
Arabidopsis tt2 mutant, respectively (Figure 2A). We found the (Figure 4A). The two yellow-seeded BnTT2 mutation lines,
transparent seed color was recovered with overexpression of named aacc-4 and aacc-27, were used for phenotypic analysis,
either BnaA.TT2 or BnaC.TT2 and PA content was increased flavonoid and FA profiling, gene expression, and seed quality
with DMACA staining (Figure 2B,C). This indicated that both analysis.
BnaA.TT2 and BnaC.TT2 have conserved functions with BnTT2 Mutation Reduced Flavonoid Accumulation in
AtTT2. Rapeseed. Using vanillin and DMACA staining to visualize
Creation of Targeted Knockout Lines of BnTT2 the PA accumulation in the seed coat of J9712 (CK) and
Homologues. On the basis of the functional analysis of BnTT2 knockout mutants (aacc-4 and aacc-27), we found the
BnTT2 in Arabidopsis tt2 mutants, we created the knockout pigmentation of flavonoids was reduced in two BnTT2 mutants
lines of BnTT2 homologues to obtain yellow-seeded B. napus. compared with that of CK (Figure 4B,C). The semithin
Two sgRNAs (sgRNA-1 and sgRNA-2) both targeting two section in mature seeds confirmed that the palisade layers of
BnTT2 homologues were designed with CRISPR-P 2.0 aacc-4 and aacc-27 were significantly thinner than that of CK,
( (Figure 3A). The and the red-stained PA accumulation was absent in the
expression cassettes with two sgRNAs were integrated into palisade layer of the seed coat in the BnTT2 knockout mutants
the pYLCRISPR/Cas9-DH vector (Figure 3B) and then (Figure 4D,E).
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 5676−5690
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

Figure 3. Creation of BnTT2 knockout lines with CRISPR/Cas9. (A) Two target sites on the first two exons of the BnTT2 homologues. (B) Vector
structure of CRISPR/Cas9 hosting two sgRNA expression cassettes. (C) Sequences at the mutation sites of BnTT2 homologues in the T0
generation. A1 (−8 bp), A2 (−31 bp), A3 (+1 bp), C1 (+1 bp), C2 (−7 bp), and C3 (−1 bp) are six types of identified mutations. HZ and HM
represent heterozygous and homozygous mutations.

Table 1. Genotypic Analysis of BnTT2 Mutants in T1 Generation

line TT2 genotypes positive
#3 AACC AA1CC A1A1CC 17/24
9/24 10/24 5/24
#4 A2A2CC A2A2C1C1 A3A3CC1 A2A2CC1 A2A3C1C1 A2A3CC1 A3A3CC A3A3C1C1 AA3CC1 A2A3CC 16/23
1/23 3/23 4/23 3/23 3/23 2/23 2/23 2/23 1/23 2/23
#27 AA3C1C1 A3A3C2C2 AA3CC1 A3A3C1C2 AAC2C2 AA3C1C2 AA3C2C2 AAC1C2 A3A3CC2 A3A3C1C1 15/23
4/22 1/22 1/22 4/22 2/22 2/22 3/22 3/22 1/22 1/22
#33 AACC3 AAC3C3 19/24
1/24 23/24

Compared with J9712, we found both total phenolic and J9712 using HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS analysis, and a total of 46
flavonoid contents in BnTT2 knockout mutants were reduced hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives and flavonoid compounds
throughout seed development (Figure 5A,B). Detailed were identified, including 18 hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives,
profiling of phenolic compounds in BnTT2 mutants and 12 kaempferols (km), 6 isorhamnetins (is), 5 quercetins (qn),
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 5676−5690
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

Figure 4. Seed phenotype of BnTT2 knockout mutants. (A) Mature seed phenotype of two BnTT2 knockout mutants. (B) Vanillin stained
developing seeds. (C) DMACA stained developing seeds. (D) Semithin section and red PA staining in mature seeds. (E) Thickness of palisade
layer. CK is J9712. aaCC and AAcc represent homozygous mutants on BnaA.TT2 and BnaC.TT2, respectively. aacc-4 and aacc-27 are two
homozygous mutants on both BnaA.TT2 and BnaC.TT2. WAF, weeks after flowering. Bar = 20 μm. The data represents the means ± SE (n = 10);
the Student’s t-test was used for statistical analysis between the knockout mutant and CK (**, p ≤ 0.01).

5 epicatechin and its derivatives (Table S2). We found several the main value embodiment (Table 2). GC-MS analysis was
hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, including sinapoylhexose, carried out to further confirm and identify the FA changes in
trans-sinapic acid, sinapoylgentiobiose, disinapoylgentiobiose, BnTT2 mutants, and the results revealed that palmitic acid
sinapoylmalic acid, disinapoylglucoside, and sinapoylhydrox- (C16:0) was not significantly changed after BnTT2 mutation;
yferuloylgentioside were reduced in BnTT2 mutants compared stearic acid (C18:0) and oleic acid (C18:1) were significantly
with J9712 (Figure S1). Three of the quercetins, such as qn-3- decreased in BnTT2 mutants, while linoleic acid (C18:2) and
O-sophoroside-7-O-glucoside and two qn-3-O-sinapoylso- linolenic acid (C18:3) were significantly increased in BnTT2
phoroside-7-O-glucoside, were less accumulated in BnTT2 mutants (Table 2). Generally, the FA profiles in BnTT2
mutants than in J9712 (Figure S2). Only five kaempferols, mutants were consistent with the altered FA composition, and
including km-3-O-glucoside-7-O-glucoside, km-3-O-sophoro- the nutritional value of the mutants was improved compared
side-7-O-glucoside, two km-3-O-sinapoyldiglucoside-7-O-glu- with that of CK.
coside, and km-3-O-feruloylsophoroside-7-O-glucoside, were BnTT2 Regulates the Phenylpropanoid and Flavo-
reduced in BnTT2 mutants than in J9712 (Figure S3). noid Biosynthetic Pathway. On the basis of the RNA-seq
Interestingly, all the isorhamnetins and epicatechins were analysis of the developing seeds of two BnTT2 knockout lines
significantly reduced throughout the seed development of the (aacc-4 and aacc-27) and J9712 (CK), we screened the
BnTT2 mutants than that of J9712 (Figures S4 and S5). Since differentially expressed genes (DEGs) coexisting in the
isorhamnetins and epicatechins are two main groups of comparisons of aacc-4 vs CK and aacc-27 vs CK. The three
flavonoid compounds in rapeseed, we may suspect that biological replicates of RNA-seq data at each seed devel-
BnTT2 plays important roles in regulating flavonol and PA opmental stage were confirmed with personal correlation
biosynthesis (Figure 5C). Since the flavonoid content was coefficient values of R = 0.89−0.99 (Figure S6). Generally,
significantly reduced in BnTT2 mutants, we found the 9194 DEGs (4250 upregulated and 4944 downregulated),
percentage of the total content of hydroxycinnamic acid 2948 DEGs (1520 upregulated and 1428 downregulated),
derivatives, as the main group of polyphenolic compounds in 2305 DEGs (890 upregulated and 1415 downregulated), and
rapeseed, was increased throughout the seed development of 12554 DEGs (7328 upregulated and 5226 downregulated)
BnTT2 mutants than that of J9712 (Figure 5D). were identified at 3 WAF, 4 WAF, 5 WAF, and 6 WAF,
BnTT2 Mutation Improves the FA Composition in respectively (Figure 6A, Table S3). Only 89 upregulated and
Rapeseed. To know the effects of BnTT2 mutation on seed 460 downregulated DEGs between the BnTT2 mutant and
quality, we used NIRS to analyze the fatty acid and protein J9712 coexisted throughout seed development (Figure 6B,C).
contents. We found the oil content was significantly increased Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis revealed that most
in BnTT2 mutants (45.04−47.63%) than in J9712 (40.11%), DEGs were involved in a cellular process, a metabolic process,
which is of great value to rapeseed breeding as the seed oil is binding, catalytic activity, cells, cell parts, and organelles
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 5676−5690
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

Figure 5. Phenolic and flavonoid content reduced in BnTT2 mutants. (A) Total phenolic content. (B) Total flavonoid content. (C) Content of
different flavonoid compounds. (D) Percentage of phenolic components. CK is J9712. aacc-4 and aacc-27 are mutants of BnTT2 alleles. WAF,
weeks after flowering. The data represents the means ± SE (n = 3).

Table 2. Oil and Protein Content and FA Composition in T2 Generation of BnTT2 Mutantsa
line fat (%) protein (%) C16:0 (%) C18:0 (%) C18:1 (%) C18:2 (%) C18:3 (%)
CK 40.11 ± 1.23 22.33 ± 0.26 9.547 ± 0.08 4.367 ± 0.30 62.41 ± 0.34 12.89 ± 0.04 10.77 ± 0.16
aacc-4-2 47.01 ± 0.91** 24.52 ± 0.48** 8.950 ± 0.23 3.149 ± 0.06** 60.15 ± 0.00** 14.91 ± 0.00** 12.83 ± 0.29**
aacc-4-6 45.04 ± 0.94** 23.79 ± 0.26** 9.048 ± 0.48 3.534 ± 0.13** 58.72 ± 0.28** 15.29 ± 0.18** 13.39 ± 0.45**
aacc-4-14 47.63 ± 0.8** 22.42 ± 0.33 9.634 ± 0.19 3.269 ± 0.07** 58.97 ± 0.29** 15.41 ± 0.11** 12.70 ± 0.29**
aacc-4-16 46.87 ± 0.2** 22.92 ± 0.12* 9.702 ± 0.11 3.641 ± 0.03** 60.70 ± 0.16** 14.23 ± 0.05** 11.70 ± 0.07**
aacc-27-2 47.13 ± 0.51** 23.96 ± 0.05** 8.898 ± 0.05 3.178 ± 0.07** 59.76 ± 0.00** 14.98 ± 0.02** 13.16 ± 0.04**
aacc-27-4 45.11 ± 0.38** 23.13 ± 0.12** 9.280 ± 0.00 3.675 ± 0.02** 62.34 ± 0.03 13.77 ± 0.05** 10.92 ± 0.05
aacc-27-23 46.32 ± 0.64** 24.12 ± 0.16** 8.972 ± 0.10 3.211 ± 0.08** 61.72 ± 0.03** 14.19 ± 0.02** 11.89 ± 0.08**
The data represents the means ± SE (n = 3); the Student’s t-test was used for statistical analysis between the knockout mutant and CK (*, p ≤
0.05; **, p ≤ 0.01).

(Figure S7 and Table S4). Compared with CK, the of BnTT2 mutants compared to those of J9712 (Figure 7A,B).
downregulated DEGs in BnTT2 mutants were significantly For instance, PAL, C4H, and 4CL were downregulated, and
enriched in the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway according to this agreed with the reduced sinapic acid content in BnTT2
the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) mutants. Besides, CHS, CHI, F3H, F3′H, DFR, LDOX, ANR,
enrichment analysis (Figure S8 and Table S5). We annotated GSTF12, TT12, and AHA10 were significantly downregulated
the DEGs to the phenylpropanoid and flavonoid biosynthetic (Figure 7B). These DEGs are responsible for the reduced PA
pathway (Table S6) and found all the genes involved in the biosynthesis and yellow seed color. qRT-PCR data of the
two pathways were significantly downregulated at 3 to 5 WAF DEGs in the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway were in
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 5676−5690
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

Figure 6. DEGs after BnTT2 mutation. (A) Number of DEGs at each seed developmental stage. (B) Venn diagram of upregulated genes in BnTT2
mutants compared with CK. (C) Venn diagram of downregulated genes in BnTT2 mutants compared with CK. CK is J9712. aacc-4 and aacc-27 are
mutants of BnTT2 alleles. WAF, weeks after flowering.

accordance with the sequencing results throughout the seed key enzymes (FAE1, FAD2, FAD3, FAB2, FatA, and CDS2)
development of yellow- and black-seeded rapeseeds (Figure (Table S7). Compared with J9712, the expression of FAD3
S9). and FAB2 was significantly upregulated in 3 WAF seeds;
BnTT2 Interacts with BnTT8 and BnTTG1 in Regulat- BCCP1 and LEC1 were upregulated in 6 WAF seeds, while
ing PA Biosynthesis. As reported in Arabidopsis, AtTT2 FAD2 (except for BnaA05g26900D), FAE1, and BCCP2
forms an MBW complex with AtTT8 and AtTTG1 and (except for BnaA01g28580D) were upregulated in 3 WAF
regulates the transcription levels of other genes in the flavonoid and 6 WAF seeds of the BnTT2 mutants (Figure 10B). The
biosynthetic pathway.12 Here, we confirmed that BnTT2 upregulation of these enzyme genes or transcription factors
interacts with both BnTT8 and BnTTG1 using Y2H, and could contribute to variations in oil content and FA
BnTT8 also interacts with BnTTG1, indicating BnTT2, composition, which were in accordance with the seed quality
BnTT8, and BnTTG1 formed an MBW complex (Figure analysis. Taken together, these results suggested that BnTT2
8A). BiFC analysis also confirmed the interaction among plays an important role in regulating oil content and FA
BnTT2, BnTT8, and BnTTG1 (Figure 8B). On the basis of composition.
the Y2H and BiFC analysis, we found BnTT2 interacts with
BnLBD37/38/39, BnCPC, and BnMYBL2 (Figure 9A,B).
These proteins have been reported as negative regulators of
B. napus is the third-largest oil crop in the world and provides
anthocyanin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis.54−56 We found the ∼55% of plant oil in China.57 Yellow-seeded B. napus has been
expression levels of BnCPC, BnMYBL2, BnTT2, BnTT8, and preferred by breeders for the improved oil and protein content
BnTTG1 were downregulated in 3 WAF, 4 WAF, and 5 WAF compared to black rapeseeds. However, yellow seed
developing seeds of BnTT2 mutants compared with those of germplasm does not exist in natural B. napus, and the
J9712. BnLBD37/38/39 was downregulated in 3 WAF seeds yellow-seeded B. napus bred from interspecific crosses were
and upregulated in 6 WAF seeds of the BnTT2 mutants susceptible to environmental changes. Similar to that reported
(Figure 10A). in Arabidopsis, seed color variation in B. napus has been proven
BnTT2 Mutation Affects the Gene Expression in the to be correlated to the expression or mutation of TT genes in
FA Biosynthesis Pathway. As mentioned above, the oil the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway.13 Hitherto, these genes
content and FA composition in BnTT2 knockout mutants were have been cloned, but their molecular mechanisms in
changed compared with those in J9712. We analyzed the key regulating flavonoid biosynthesis have not been clarified.14
genes involved in the FA biosynthesis pathway, including Gene functional analysis was greatly hindered in B. napus due
transcription factors LEC1, LEC2, FUS2, and FUS3, genes to the multiple homologues resulting from its duplication
involved in the initial steps of the FA biosynthesis (BCCP1, history. CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing is an effective
BCCP2, MOD1, CAC2, and FAB1), and genes encoding other method to knockout the homologous genes in B. napus, and
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 5676−5690
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

Figure 7. DEGs related to flavonoid and phenylpropanoid pathways. (A) Heatmap of DEGs. (B) Annotation of DEGs in flavonoid and
phenylpropanoid pathways.

Figure 8. Protein interaction among BnTT2, BnTT8, and BnTTG1. (A) Y2H analysis of BnTT2, BnTT8, and BnTTG1 interactions. (B) BiFC
analysis of BnTT2, BnTT8, and BnTTG1 interactions.

many agronomic traits have been obtained by specific gene temporal and spatial regulation of flavonoid biosynthesis in
mutation, such as BnLIM1 regulated leaf lobe formation, seeds,9 and T-DNA insertion resulted in Arabidopsis tt2
BnSDG8 regulated early flowering, BnFAD2 regulated oleic mutants with a yellowish seed coat. In the present study, we
acid content, and BnTT8 regulated PA accumulation.18,39−41 cloned two BnTT2 homologues and found they could recover
Hence, we adopted CRISPR/Cas9 systems to knockout the yellow seed phenotype of Arabidopsis tt2 mutants,
BnTT2, aiming to clarify its regulatory role in flavonoid indicating that BnTT2 has a similar function as AtTT2 in
biosynthesis and create yellow-seeded B. napus for breeding. regulating PA accumulation in seeds. The expression pattern of
BnTT2 Homologues Regulate Flavonoid Accumula- the BnTT2 homologues during rapeseed development
tion in B. napus. In Arabidopsis, TT2 together with TT8 and resembled that of Arabidopsis, which were specifically ex-
TTG1 forms the MBW complex, which is necessary for pressed in seeds.11
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 5676−5690
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

AHA10. In Arabidopsis, CHS catalyzes the biosynthesis of

chalcones, and CHI catalyzes chalcones to form flavanones,
which could be catalyzed by F3H to form dihydroflavonols.
Dihydroflavonols are upstream substrates of flavonols.9 Thus,
downregulation of CHS, CHI, F3H, and F3′H in B. napus
would directly affect the biosynthesis of isorhamnetins,
kaempferols, and quercetins. Repression of DFR, LDOX, and
ANR would reduce the synthesis of flavan-3,4-diols,
anthocyanidins, and downstream epicatechins. Moreover,
ANR expression in Arabidopsis is specific in cells with PA
accumulation, which is mainly regulated by TT2.58 Hence, the
BnTT2 knockout mutation could cause the ANR repression.
Finally, expression changes of GSTF12, TT12, and AHA10 in
BnTT2 mutants influenced the flavonoid compartmenta-
tion.59,60 All these gene expressional changes in the BnTT2
mutants agreed with the reduced flavonoid components.
Interestingly, we found the expression of FLS, a key gene
involved in the synthesis of kaempferol and quercetin, was not
significantly changed in the BnTT2 mutant. This might be
helpful to explain why the content of kaempferol and quercetin
was not significantly changed in BnTT2 mutants.
Besides the expressional changes of structural genes and
genes encoding transfer proteins, we found BnTT8 was also
downregulated after BnTT2 mutation. As reported, TT2, TT8,
and TTG1 are the major regulators of PA biosynthesis in
Arabidopsis seeds.8 TT2 and TT8 can activate ANR expression
by binding to its promoter, only when TTG1 is expressed.58
ANR triggers the first enzymatic step of PA biosynthesis.9,61 In
the present study, the protein interaction among BnTT2,
BnTT8, and BnTTG1 was confirmed. Thus, it is reasonable
that downregulation of MBW members blocked the PA
Figure 9. BnTT2 interacts with negative regulators of anthocyanin synthesis in rapeseed. We found BnTT2 could interact with
biosynthesis. (A) Y2H analysis of BnTT2, BnCPC, and BnLBD37/ BnLBD37/38/39, BnCPC, and BnMYBL2. In Arabidopsis,
38/39 interactions. (B) BiFC analysis of BnTT2, BnCPC, BnMYBL2, these proteins have been reported as negative regulators of
and BnLBD37/38/39 interactions. anthocyanin biosynthesis.54−56 Anthocyanin and PA are two
downstream compounds in the flavonoid biosynthetic path-
To elaborate the molecular function of BnTT2 in B. napus, way, both using anthocyanidin as a precursor. We found the
we created the homozygous mutants of BnaA.TT2 and expression of BnCPC and BnMYBL2 was downregulated in
BnaC.TT2 with genome editing, and the knockout mutants BnTT2 mutants, while that of BnLBD37/38/39 was down-
exhibited a yellow seed color. Histology and chemical analysis regulated in 3 WAF seeds and upregulated in 6 WAF seeds of
showed that phenolic and flavonoid content were reduced in the BnTT2 mutants. Thus, repression of these negative
BnTT2 mutants, and the palisade layer of the BnTT2 mutant regulators of anthocyanin biosynthesis in BnTT2 mutants
was thinner than that of CK. This indicated BnTT2 mutation might contribute to the decreased PA content.
affected flavonoid biosynthesis in rapeseed, reduced PA Similar to BnTT8 knockout mutants, we found genes in the
accumulation, and resulted seed coat color variation. Chemical phenylpropanoid pathway, such as PAL, C4H, and 4CL, were
staining on the developing seeds also revealed that PAs were downregulated at early seed developmental stages of BnTT2
not obviously accumulated in the BnTT2 mutants, while the mutants.18 These gene encoded enzymes participated in the
red pigmentation was visible in CK after 3 WAF. Detailed initial steps of the lignin biosynthesis pathway. Previously, a
profiling of hydroxycinnamic acid derivative and flavonoid transcriptome comparison between yellow- and black-seeded
compounds in the BnTT2 mutants revealed that a significant rapeseed germplasms also revealed the repression of these
reduction of isorhamnetins and epicatechins might be the main genes in yellow seeds, which was correlated with less lignin in
reason for the yellow seed phenotype. Isorhamnetins are a yellow seeds.3 This agreed with the reduced sinapic acid
group of flavonols that could form flavonol derivatives, content in the BnTT2 mutants, which is a major compound in
anthocyanins, and tannins.9 PAs identified in Arabidopsis the phenylpropanoid pathway. Since the phenylpropanoid
seeds are polymers of epicatechin.10 Thus, it is reasonable to pathway shares common substrates with the flavonoid
speculate that BnTT2 regulated the biosynthesis of these biosynthetic pathway, we may suspect that the mutation of
chemicals. BnTT2 indirectly affected the gene expression in the lignin
BnTT2 Mutation Represses Phenylpropanoid and biosynthesis.
Flavonoid Biosynthetic Genes in B. napus. The BnTT2 Mutation Affected FA Composition in
annotation of DEGs between developing seeds of the BnTT2 B. napus. In B. napus, improved oil content in yellow-seeded
knockout mutant and CK revealed that genes in the flavonoid rapeseed has been correlated with the thinner seed coat and
biosynthetic pathway were downregulated, including CHS, lower husk proportion.62 We found the palisade layer of
CHI, F3H, F3′H, DFR, LDOX, ANR, GSTF12, TT12, and BnTT2 mutants was significantly thinner than that of CK,
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 5676−5690
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

Figure 10. Expression changes of regulators in PA and anthocyanin biosynthesis and genes in the FA biosynthetic pathway. (A) Expression pattern
of regulators in PA and anthocyanin biosynthesis. (B) Heatmap of genes in the FA biosynthetic pathway.

which may greatly contribute to the improved FA content Arabidopsis, AtTT8 binds to AtLEC1 promoter and represses
since positive correlation between seed coat thickness and oil AtLEC1 expression and FA accumulation.70 Since TT8 and
content has been previously reported in Brassicas.62,63 In TT2 are MBW components and BnTT8 expression was
Arabidopsis, tt2 mutation significantly increases the seed FA downregulated in BnTT2 mutants, it is reasonable that the
content and upregulates the FUS3 expression, which is mostly BnTT2 mutation affected the MBW stability and may further
expressed during seed filling and promotes oil deposition.64 As influence the expression of genes regulated by MBW members.
reported, AtTT2 binds to the regulatory region of FUS3, Hence, we may suspect that the BnTT2 mutation increased the
represses BCCP2, CAC2, MOD1, and KASII expression, and expression of FA biosynthetic related genes and finally affected
finally inhibits FA accumulation in seeds.64,65 Here, we found a the oil content and FA composition.
BnTT2 mutation increased the oil content in rapeseeds and
BCCP1/2 was upregulated in 3 WAF and 6 WAF seeds,
although the expression of FUS3 was not significantly changed.
Overall, we proved that the BnTT2 mutation repressed the
BCCP1/2 encodes subunits of acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase, expression of PA biosynthetic and transport genes as well as
which catalyze the first step of FA biosynthesis.66 GC-MS several regulators of anthocyanin biosynthesis. Meanwhile, the
analysis revealed the FA composition in the BnTT2 mutant BnTT2 mutation resulted in the upregulation of FA
was improved with higher C18:2 and C18:3 and lower C18:0 biosynthetic genes. These results provided a putative function
and C18:1. As two unsaturated fatty acids, C18:2 and C18:3 of BnTT2 in regulating flavonoid content, oil content, and FA
are essential to the human body and good to human health. As composition in rapeseeds, and the BnTT2 mutant would be
reported, linoleic acid can prevent or reduce the incidence of interesting for yellow seed breeding in B. napus.

cardiovascular disease. Linolenic acid is a main component
synthesized and metabolized in human cells, which can be ASSOCIATED CONTENT
transformed into DHA and EPA.67,68 Wang et al. reported that
* Supporting Information

AtTT2 could regulate the expression of FAE1, FAD2, and
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
FAD3 in developing seeds.65 We found FAE1, FAD2 (except
for BnaA05g26900D), and FAD3, which are involved in FA
desaturation and elongation, were upregulated at early seed Figure S1: Accumulation pattern of hydroxycinnamic
developmental stages of the BnTT2 mutant. We found the acid derivatives in BnTT2 mutants and CK; Figure S2:
homologues of AtLEC1, encoding a key transcription factor in Accumulation pattern of quercetins in BnTT2 mutants
FA biosynthesis and having unique but overlapped functions and CK; Figure S3: Accumulation pattern of kaempfer-
with FUS3, were upregulated in the BnTT2 mutants.69 In ols in BnTT2 mutants and CK; Figure S4: Accumulation

J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 5676−5690
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

pattern of isorhamnetins in BnTT2 mutants and CK; sequencing data. X.C. and Z.C. collected the seed samples. J.J.
Figure S5: Accumulation pattern of epicatechin and and T.X. wrote the manuscript. J.B. and Y.W. revised the
derivatives in BnTT2 mutants and CK; Figure S6: manuscript. All the authors approved the final manuscript.
Personal correlation coefficient analysis of three bio- Funding
logical replicates of RNA-seq data; Figure S7: GO This study was supported by the National Key Research and
enrichment of DEGs between BnTT2 mutant and CK; Development Program of China (2016YFD0102000,
Figure S8: KEGG enrichment of DEGs between BnTT2 2018YFE0108000), the National Science and Technology
mutant and CK; Figure S9: qPCR analysis of DEGs in Major Project (2018ZX08020001), the National Natural
flavonoid biosynthetic pathway (PDF) Science Foundations (31771825, 31972963), the Natural
Table S1: Primers used in the present study (XLSX) Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20180101,
Table S2: Phenolic compounds identified in rapeseeds BE2018356), the Undergraduate Training Program for
(XLSX) Innovation and Entrepreneurship (X20190712), the Priority
Table S3: RNA-seq data (FPKM value) of developing Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education
seeds in BnTT2 double mutant and CK (XLSX) Institutions. We sincerely thank Prof. Yaoguang Liu (South
Table S4: GO annotation of DEGs (XLSX) China Agricultural University) for providing the CRISPR/
Table S5: KEGG annotation of DEGs (XLSX) Cas9 plant expression vectors, Prof. Yongming Zhou
Table S6: DEGs related to the phenylpropanoid and (Huazhong Agricultural University) for providing the
flavonoid metabolic processes (XLSX) B. napus line J9712, and the Test Center of Yangzhou
Table S7: DEGs related to the FA biosynthetic pathway University for the HPLC and GC-MS facilities.
(XLSX) Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.
Corresponding Authors
Jinjin Jiang − Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop
TT, Transparent Testa; PA, proanthocyanidins; EBG, early
Genetics and Physiology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, biosynthesis gene; LBG, later biosynthesis gene; MBW, MYB-
Jiangsu 225009, China; Phone: +86 514 87997303; bHLH-WD40; FA, fatty acid; ADT6, Arogenate Dehydratase
Email: 6; SAM, shoot apical meristem; WAF, weeks after flowering;
Youping Wang − Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop NJ, Neighbor-Joining; CDS, coding sequence; Hyg, hygrom-
Genetics and Physiology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, ycin B2; sgRNA, small guide RNA; DMACA, p-dimethylami-
Jiangsu 225009, China; Joint International Research nocinnamaldehyde; FAME, fatty acid methyl ester; GC-MS,
Laboratory of Agriculture and Agri-Product Safety, The gas chromatography−mass spectrometer; Y2H, yeast two-
Ministry of Education of China, Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225009, hybrid; BiFC, bimolecular fluorescence complementation;
China;; Phone: +86 514 YFP, yellow fluorescent protein; NIRS, near-infrared spectros-
87997303; Email: copy; km, kaempferols; is, isorhamnetins; qn, quercetins; DEG,
differentially expressed gene; GO, gene ontology; KEGG,
Authors Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes

Tao Xie − Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics
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