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Colored Illustrations

Chapter 1 - Library Date

After a few days had passed since Takai confessed the truth to Uehara, on a
lazy summer afternoon during the summer vacation, Toyama was idly
sitting in his room.

“Onii-chan, since it’s summer vacation, why don’t you go on a date with
Takai-senpai instead of just lazing around?”

Natsuki, who couldn’t bear to see Toyama lounging around at home every
day without going anywhere during the summer vacation, suggested while
sitting on a chair by the desk. The reason Natsuki recommended a date with
Takai rather than Uehara was likely because she personally got along well
with Takai and had a favourable impression of her. On the other hand, for
some reason, she seemed to harbour hostility towards Uehara and always
found some way to provoke her.

“Even so… I don’t have money, and besides…”

Natsuki urged Toyama to continue, swallowing the words he was about to

“Well… it’s nothing.”

“When you say it like that, it makes me curious. Please tell me the whole
story. Or is there something you can’t say?”


“Even though your cute little sister is offering to listen. Can’t you at least
tell me a bit? Just hearing it out might make you feel better?”

Natsuki, sensing her brother’s somewhat subdued mood, was concerned

about him. Toyama himself understood this but due to the sensitive nature
of the topic, he hesitated to speak.

“Come on, spill it. It might make you feel better, you know?”

Natsuki looked at Toyama with a serious expression, not teasing him.

Toyama began to speak as he observed his sister’s serious expression.
However, he hesitated to reveal everything, especially the part about his
physical relationship with Takai, to his middle school-aged sister.

“But still…it’s surprising that not only is Onii-chan liked by two beautiful
women but also that he’s two-timing.”

“Two-timing doesn’t sound good… I’m officially dating both…”

Toyama swallowed the words he was about to say, 『I’m not really dating

“Well… that’s just an excuse.”

Toyama didn’t say anything more and fell silent.

“So, what are you going to do? Based on what you’ve told me, it doesn’t
seem like Takai-senpai or Uehara-senpai are going to back off on their own.
Isn’t it up to you to decide, Onii-chan?”
Natsuki, who usually referred to Uehara as the 『Breast Alien』 addressed her
as 『Uehara-senpai』. This showed that she was taking the situation seriously.

Toyama also knew that if he didn’t make a decision, he would continue to

be stuck in this messy situation. However, he had developed different
feelings of affection for both Uehara and Takai, which had trapped him in
this mess.

“Well… if you can’t decide between them, why not just date both of them?”

Perhaps impatient with her silent brother, Natsuki made an outrageous


“What are you talking about!? There’s no way I could do that!”

Toyama raised his voice in response to Natsuki’s unexpected proposal.

“But think about it, based on what I’ve heard, the current situation isn’t
much different from two-timing, is it? It’s like you’re keeping both of

No matter how Toyama tried to explain, from an outsider’s perspective, the

situation would seem just as Natsuki perceived it. The root of the problem
lay in Toyama’s indecisive attitude; he had never expressed his 『love』 to
either Takai or Uehara.

“…I don’t really understand.”

Having been hit with Natsuki’s logical argument, Toyama regained his lost
thoughts and began to speak.

“What do you mean?”

Natsuki tilted her head in response to Toyama’s words.

“I mean, my feelings towards both of them.”

Toyama didn’t know what he felt for the two attractive girls, and he
couldn’t put his feelings into words.

“Is it like 『liking』 or 『disliking』 them?”

“Of course, I like both of them, so it’s not as simple as 『liking』or

Toyama couldn’t explain his feelings to Natsuki because he didn’t fully
understand them himself.

“Well… I don’t get it, Onii-chan. Sorry for not being able to help.”

Natsuki looked apologetic, but it was understandable that she couldn’t

understand his feelings in this complex situation.

“No, I’m just glad you listened. To be honest, I had been avoiding thinking
about it, so this is a chance to think about it properly again. I’m grateful to
you, Natsuki.”

Natsuki had given Toyama a reason to think again, even though he had
abandoned the idea of contemplating it. There was no way she hadn’t been

“If you say so, that’s good. Onii-chan, you should meet with both of them
and figure out your feelings.”


Avoiding reality wouldn’t solve anything. Toyama felt a little more positive
after talking to Natsuki.
“Natsuki will prepare lunch, so Onii-chan, get out of bed already.”

With that, Natsuki left Toyama’s room.

“As Natsuki said, I need to think this through properly…”

Toyama picked up his smartphone from the bedside table, tapped the
messaging app icon, and began typing a message.

“That should do it…”

After sending the message, Toyama got out of bed and headed to the
kitchen, where Natsuki was preparing lunch.

“Well, I’m off.”

Having finished lunch and prepared to go out, Toyama waved to Natsuki,

who was seeing him off at the front door.
“Does it feel like Onii-chan is finally getting his act together? Going to
meet Takai-senpai all of a sudden.”

The message Toyama had sent on his smartphone earlier was an invitation
to Takai to meet at the library. Despite the short notice, Takai had agreed to
the invitatio and they were going to meet.

“As Natsuki said, sitting at home won’t solve anything.”

Encouraged by Natsuki, Toyama seemed to have chosen to be a bit more


“Yeah, be careful of heatstroke because it’s hot outside. Say hi to Takai-

senpai for me.”

“Sure, I’ll be careful.”

With Natsuki’s farewell, Toyama left the house and squinted his eyes at the
intense midsummer sun, which felt like it was piercing his skin.

“Aaah….It’s hot…I really need to be careful, or I might get heatstroke.”


Under the scorching sun, Toyama made his way to the meeting point at the
station, choosing the shade as he went.

Arriving at the station, Toyama wiped the sweat from his forehead with his
hand and regretted scheduling the meeting during the hottest time of the

“I should have chosen the evening time for the meet-up…”

Scanning the area around the ticket gate, he spotted Takai in unfamiliar
casual clothing. Takai had cut her hair and had transformed into an
unmistakable beauty, but she quietly stood by the ticket gate without
drawing much attention, unlike Uehara, who had a more flashy style that
made her stand out.

“Takai, sorry for keeping you waiting. I’m a bit late.”

“No problem at all, we’re still ahead of the meeting time.”

“But it must have been hot, right?”

“I waited in the shade, so I’m fine.”

Takai was wearing a light grey dress with frill trim, a loose-fitting white t-
shirt that reached her elbows, and a bell-shaped crochet hat. Her outfit
covered her skin modestly and gave her a calm and composed appearance,
suiting her very well.

“By the way…I’m not used to seeing you in casual clothes like this.”

“Do-doesn’t it look good on me……?”

It seemed she had taken it negatively, thinking it didn’t suit her.

“N-no, I didn’t mean it that way. I just find it refreshing. It really suits you
with that calm vibe.”

Toyama quickly tried to clarify his statement.

“That’s a relief…I don’t have the glamour like Uehara-san, so I thought it

might look plain.”

It was natural that Takai and Uehara had completely opposite styles,
considering their different preferences in clothing.
“If you call yourself plain, then I have absolutely zero fashion sense with
my t-shirt and jeans. Compared to that, I think Takai looks cool with her

Despite the longer skirt length and minimal exposure, was it Takai’s
demeanour that made her appear cool?

“I do think jeans are hot in this season. You could go for shorts instead.”

Takai’s point was valid, wearing jeans in the middle of summer would make
things hot.

“Well, that’s true, but I find it a hassle to go shopping, and I’m not sure
what to choose.”

Toyama was fundamentally indifferent to fashion and since Uehara had

been styling him, he hadn’t gone shopping for clothes on his own.

“Well then, how about we go shopping for summer clothes together now?
It’s a good idea to have at least one pair of shorts, don’t you think?”

“Yeah…I guess that would be great. After shopping, should we head to the
The original plan was to go to the library, but with plenty of time and
realising that he wouldn’t have the motivation to buy clothes unless an
opportunity like this arose, Toyama agreed to Takai’s suggestion.

Toyama and Takai arrived at a multipurpose mall that housed a movie

theatre and shops. This was the shopping mall where Tohyama had watched
a movie with Uehara.

──By the way, I went on a date with Uehara-san here.

“Yuki? What’s wrong?”

Takai, feeling puzzled by Toyama’s awkwardness, asked.

“Oh, it’s nothing. We don’t have much time, so let’s finish shopping

Toyama felt a slight sense of guilt for bringing Takai to the same place
where he had gone on a date with Uehara.
“Un, so do you have a specific shop in mind, Yuki?”

Toyama had decided to go shopping and had immediately chosen this

location. Therefore, it seemed that Takai thought he had a specific shop in

“There’s a store called [FU-GU] that was reasonably priced when I came
here before, so maybe we can go there.”

“When you came here before… with Uehara-san, right?”

Takai started to say something but then stopped midway, but Toyama
understood what she was going to say.

“Well, yeah… I guess…”

Toyama didn’t want to discuss this further with Takai, so he gave a vague

“Um…I mean, I’m not going to blame you for coming here together, and I
don’t have the right to do so, and, well… I can’t say I’m not bothered,
It seemed that Takai thought her previous words had been a slip of the
tongue and she was struggling to articulate her thoughts.

“But… I’m glad I came with you, Yuki.”

However, in the end, Takai was able to express her sincere feelings.

“It’s the first time I’ve been on a date like this with you, Takai… I’m glad I
could come along.”

They had kept their relationship hidden, fearing that someone would find
out and had tried to avoid meeting in public as much as possible. However,
after revealing their relationship to certain people, in a way, they had
become more open about it.

“Un, honestly, I’ve always wanted to go out like this with you, Yuki…”

Takai had reconciled with her family and had become more open about her
feelings since she told Uehara the truth.

“Don’t apologise… It’s something I chose for myself.”

Takai had hidden her growing affection for Toyama and had continued to
deceive herself by thinking that it was just a casual fling.


“Come on, if you keep dawdling, we won’t have time to go to the library,
right? You’re taking me to that unique library today, aren’t you?”

To change the slightly melancholic atmosphere, Takai behaved cheerfully

and changed the topic.

“Aaah, right! There’s a library with a really stylish design that I wanted to
take you to.”

“Un, I’m looking forward to it, so let’s start by checking out your clothes,

Takai had a beaming smile on her face.

──So..this is the real Takai…

With the darkness that had shrouded Takai’s heart now removed, her smile
was incredibly radiant and beautiful, stirring something within Toyama’s

As Takai had confronted her family and her own feelings, her once dark and
closed-off heart had been set free. Seeing her beautiful and radiant smile,
Toyama realised that he needed to face Takai, Uehara and himself with

After finishing their shopping, the two of them spent about an hour
travelling to the station where the library, their original destination, was
located. They had ventured to a neighbouring prefecture, but Toyama had
always wanted to visit this library because the building itself was a work of
art, with stylish and functional interiors.

“Uwaah… what a stylish design…”

Takai sighed as she witnessed the beautiful library.

Standing quietly in a large park, the library had wooden lattice structures
with glass walls, which reflected light onto the surrounding trees, creating a
beautiful and radiant atmosphere.

“It really is beautiful…”

Toyama couldn’t help but express his admiration for the beauty as well.

The building, designed by a renowned architect, seemed to focus on the

theme of 『harmony with nature』 effortlessly blending into the lush park

As they entered the library from the entrance, the two were further amazed.

The ceiling had wooden lattice patterns with sections designed to let in
natural light, and large jellyfish-like electric umbrellas hung from the
ceiling. There was even a well-known café chain integrated into a section of
the library, allowing visitors to enjoy coffee while reading at their leisure.

“Takai, how about taking a break here for a bit before exploring the inside?”

Having gone shopping at the mall without taking a break, Toyama

suggested a break.

“Un, that sounds good. I was getting thirsty anyway.”

After placing their orders, the two found seats in the lounge area and looked
“It’s amazing…I mean, what’s amazing is that it’s just too stylish. You’d
never think it’s a library”

The local library he usually frequented was quite old and basic, with just
rows of bookshelves. Compared to that, the difference here was astounding,
making it hard to believe they were in a library at all.

“Absolutely…If this library were nearby, I might have come here every day
during summer vacation.”

Being the frequent student visiting the library at her school, Takai could
easily see herself becoming the main patron at this library as well.

“Un, I’d really want to come here every day too. It’s free, the air
conditioning works, but that’s if it were nearby”

It was quite an unreasonable journey to pay for a train ticket and spend two
hours round trip just to come here.

“Shall we start looking at books soon? I’m curious about what kind of
books they have.”

Takai seemed eager to explore.

No matter how much they liked the facilities, it wouldn’t make sense if they
couldn’t find books that interested them. The real pleasure of visiting
libraries lay in the richness of their collections and observing the trends in
genres and types of books available.

“We can’t borrow books here, so we’ll have to pick out books we want to
read, give them a quick browse and then borrow them from the local

Although anyone could borrow books here by registering, returning them

from this distance would be a hassle.

Both of them got excited discussing books, shared the books they wanted to
read, and then returned to the lounge area.

“Well, considering the size of the place, the variety and quantity of books
aren’t that extensive, are they?”

Toyama makes a remark after making a round.

“True, they’ve probably allocated a lot of extra space for the sake of
creating an open atmosphere, so the number of books might not be that
While exchanging thoughts with Takai, the two of them began to browse
through the books they had brought.

As avid readers, Toyama and Takai quickly immersed themselves in the

world of books, and their conversation faded away entirely. Especially for
Takai, once she delved into a book, she became completely unaware of her




As Toyama’s concentration waned first, he turned his gaze towards Takai,

who was quietly reading a book beside him. Despite his intense stare, Takai
didn’t notice at all. She must have been that absorbed in her reading.

──Being with Takai really does bring a sense of calm.

Toyama thought as he gazed at Takai. This comfortable moment felt

precious to him.
“Takai, it’s about time to head back”

“Oh, it’s already this late…we should go”

Takai replied, seeming reluctant to close the book she was reading.

“Well, let’s head home”


They returned the books to their shelves and left the library together.

“Uwaa… it’s still hot outside”

Toyama remarked as he stepped out of the pleasantly air-conditioned

library. The sun had not yet set and the heated outdoor air immediately
made him feel uncomfortable.

“I actually cooled down a bit in the library, so this temperature feels just
right for me”
Takai seemed to find the temperature just right and she wore a cool
expression on her face.

“You seemed fine even during our meeting earlier. Are you good with hot

“It’s not like that, but…I tend to get cold easily. Air conditioning can be a
bit tough for me, you know.”

Saying this, Takai extended her hand.

──Is she suggesting we hold hands?

“Go ahead, touch my hand.”

“Un….it’s cold!”

When Toyama held her hand, he was surprised by how cold it was.

“It got cold in the library’s air conditioning”

“With it being this cold, it might just be perfect for this heat.”

“Yuki’s hands are warm… Keep warming them for me.”

Takai asked, looking up at him with a slightly pleading expression.

“Uh, sure… I understand.”

As Toyama held her cold hand and returned the gesture, Takai intertwined
their fingers. It was what you might call holding hands with your lover.

──This feels oddly nice…

Feeling Takai’s cold hand slowly warming up with his body heat was a very
pleasant sensation for Toyama.

The two of them continued holding hands until they arrived at the train

“Hey, Yuki?”
Even though they both remained silent, sitting side by side in the train seats,
Takai suddenly seemed to come up with something and spoke to him.

“What is it?”
“Why did you suddenly invite me to the library today?”

Takai’s question was valid. He had never invited her to hang out on a day
off before, so it was only natural for Takai to wonder why he had suddenly
suggested it.

“Un…Maybe it’s because I just wanted to see you? If it wasn’t summer

break, we used to see each other every day at school, so when we can’t
meet, it feels… lonely, I guess, and unsatisfying.”

Toyama admitted his true feelings but seemed a bit embarrassed, turning
away from Takai.

“I didn’t expect you to feel that way… I’m glad…”

Takai blushed slightly, clearly surprised by the words coming from him.

“You know.. when I’m with you, I feel relieved. Like when we’re together,
naked and holding each other, it’s genuinely calming and I can forget about
any unpleasant things.”

Toyama spoke softly, making sure there was no one around to hear. He was
sharing something deeply personal and confusing, something he didn’t fully
understand himself. However, he believed that by sharing these feelings
with someone he trusted, perhaps he could find clarity. Just as Takai had
changed by opening up about her feelings to her family and him.

“Un…When I’m connected to you, I feel so fulfilled. Both my cold hands

and heart warm up.”

Toyama and Takai had an exceptionally good physical compatibility. Even

someone like Toyama, who had only experienced it with one person, could
tell. Was it something beyond the physical realm? Affecting their hearts?
Toyama didn’t understand. However, he was aware that Takai probably
understood what it was. So, today, Toyama acted on his honest desire to see

From then until they arrived at their respective stations to part ways, there
was no conversation between the two. Nevertheless, it was a pleasant time
for Toyama. A relationship where there was no need to pretend gave
Toyama a sense of peace.

“Well, I’ll get off at the next station.”

Although Toyama had offered to accompany Takai home, she declined.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to see you home?”

As the train arrived at the platform and the doors were about to close,
Tohyama double-checked.

“Un, it’s still early, so I’ll be fine. Take care on your way back.”

“Okay, you take care too.”

The doors closed, and the train started moving. Takai waved a small hand to
Toyama until she couldn’t be seen anymore.


Feeling a sense of loneliness, Toyama sighed softly as he sat back down on

the train seat.

“Are? A message?”

He took out his smartphone from his jeans pocket, and a notification
indicated that he had received a message.

“From Uehara-san?”
Seeing Uehara’s name in the notification, Toyama felt a flutter of
excitement. He quickly unlocked his phone and checked the message,
which consisted of just one short sentence.

『Do you have time to talk on the phone?』

It seemed like there was something Uehara wanted to discuss directly rather
than through messages.

Toyama replied that he would call after getting off the train, and Uehara’s
response came back almost instantly, saying, 『Sure, I’m waiting.』 It seemed
like Uehara had been eagerly anticipating this reply.

As Toyama walked the path to his house after getting off the train, he
hesitated about calling Uehara.

──What could this conversation be about?

Until now, Toyama had felt a sense of guilt about dating Takai and hesitated
to make the call.
──No, I already sent the message saying I would call, I can’t just back out

Toyama opened the messaging app, selected Uehara’s name and tapped the
icon to call.

“『Toyama!? I’ve been waiting forever』”

Toyama had intended to take a deep breath while waiting for the call to
connect but Uehara’s immediate response caught him off guard and the call
started without him having time to prepare.

“Uh, sorry… I was out, so I didn’t notice your message.”

“『Out? With Takai-san?』”

Caught off guard by Uehara’s sharp questioning, Toyama felt somewhat


“Well, yeah… sort of.”

“『Is that so… Where did you go with Takai-san?』”

“To the library…”

Toyama felt as if he were being interrogated like a husband suspected of

infidelity, and the situation made him uneasy.

“『The library? Hmm… Did you have fun?』”

“Well… I did. It was a stylish and beautiful library.”

“『I see… I wish you had invited me too…』”

“It was a last-minute decision… I’m sorry. Since it was such a beautiful
library, let’s go together next time.”

“『Un, there’s plenty of time during summer vacation, so feel free to invite
me anytime.』”

“『Hey, Toyama… Um, did you and Takai-san, well, you know… 『do it』

Toyama was taken aback by this sudden question, but Uehara was already
aware of Toyama’s relationship with Takai. So, considering that they met
today, it wasn’t unreasonable to think that they might have taken their
relationship to that level.

“Uh, Uehara-san!? What are you asking—”

“『Tell me the truth.』”

“I… we didn’t. I came straight home from the library by train.”

The last time Toyama had been intimate with Takai was during the birthday
celebration, arranged by Reina, when they had the house to themselves. In
fact, since that day, Toyama hadn’t seen Takai until today.

“『Is that so…we talked about it before, but, um… if you ever get in the
mood, you can, well, rely on me too… that’s… fine, you know?』”
Uehara had brought up the topic when they bought condoms together and
she had jokingly mentioned seeking advice for such situations. However,
the way she phrased it over the phone now held a much deeper, more
suggestive meaning. If taken at face value, she was essentially saying, 『If
you ever feel like it, please make love to me.』 Had their kiss in the
equipment room sparked something in Uehara?

“『So-sorry! I guess it’s weird to say that… I mean, you should be able to
choose your partner, right?』”

As Toyama struggled for a response, Uehara quickly tried to backtrack.

“Well, that’s not true, but…I just…”

“『Ahaha… I must be out of my mind. Forget what I just said.』”

Uehara seemed to realise the absurdity of her previous statement.

“『A-anyway, are you free next Sunday?』”

Sensing that the conversation had become awkward and needed a change of
topic, Uehara forcefully shifted the subject. Toyama also didn’t want to
continue discussing that matter, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Sunday? I don’t have any plans.”

“『Then, would you like to go to the open campus with me? Actually, I’ve
already reserved a spot for you.』”

“Well, that’s a sudden invitation…”

An open campus is an event where universities and vocational schools open

their facilities to allow prospective students to experience a day at the

“『We’re going to be taking entrance exams next year, so I think it’s not too
early. It’s important to know where we want to go in advance.』”

“Well, you have a point…”

“『You don’t want to go…?』”

Uehara pleaded in a sweet, coaxing tone.

“No, it’s not that. I don’t have any plans, and your suggestion makes sense.
It’s a good opportunity, so I’ll go.”

“『Yay! I’ll send you the details like the meeting time and place through a

“Oh, by the way, what should I wear? Casual clothes or should I go in my


“『I’ll look into that and send you a message later. I’m really happy that we
can go together today, sorry for being unreasonable today.』”

“No, I’m grateful that you invited me. Without your invitation, I might not
have bothered to go to the open campus.”

“『That’s good to hear. Well then, I’m looking forward to Sunday.』”

“Yeah, I’m looking forward to it too.”

After exchanging goodnight greetings with Uehara, the call ended.

“University, huh… It’s already that time when I have to start thinking about
exams, huh?”

Until Uehara mentioned it, Toyama hadn’t really felt the reality of it. The
summer break of a second-year high school student was, after all, the last
long vacation in which they could play freely in their high school life.

“Open campus… I’m actually looking forward to it.”

Despite his initial reluctance, Toyama realised that he was somewhat

excited when he imagined campus life.
Chapter 2 - Open Campus

On the day of the open campus event, Toyama was standing in front of the
mirror in his home’s bathroom, tying his necktie.

“In the middle of summer, wearing a necktie feels so hot…maybe I should

have gone in casual clothes?”

When Toyama and Uehara discussed whether to attend the open campus
event in casual clothes or in their school uniforms, they heard that either
option was acceptable. Toyama didn’t really care about his outfit and
thought it would be easier to go with the school uniform without much
thought. However, he was now regretting that decision. He hadn’t expected
the necktie in the middle of summer to be this uncomfortable.

“Well, it’s too late to change now. I’ll just leave the necktie loose for now
and tighten it when I get to the university…”

“Aree? Onii-chan, are you going to school?”

As he was styling his hair in front of the bathroom mirror, Natsuki, with a
still-sleepy face in her pyjamas, approached with a puzzled expression.

“I’m going to the open campus today.”

“Open campus? What’s that?”

Natsuki, who attended a junior high school connected to her high school,
didn’t seem to have much interest in the event, as she appeared unfamiliar
with the term [open campus].

“Is it like a school information session? Or maybe a trial enrollment? Well,

since the university campus is open, it’s an event where you can experience
what the university is like.”

“Waaa, that sounds interesting! Natsuki wants to go too!”

As expected, Natsuki expressed her desire to go with him.

“I’m not going there for fun, you know. Besides, I didn’t make a
reservation, so you can’t come, Natsuki.”
“Eeeehh, then when Onii-chan go to another university’s open campus,
make a reservation for Natsuki too!”

Can middle school students even attend open campus events? Toyama

“Come to think of it, can middle school students even attend university
open campuses? Well… there are cases where you can go with parents, so it
might not be impossible…”

Even if middle school students were allowed, there was a possibility of

being seen as overly attached if he brought his little sister along.

“I won’t be going with Natsuki, so give it up. When you become a high
school student, you can go with your friends.”

“Who are you going with, Onii-chan? You’re not going alone, are you? Is it
Takai-senpai? Uehara-senpai?”

“I-I can go with anyone.”

“You went on a date with Takai-senpai the other day, so it’s only natural to
wonder who you’ll go with this time. Natsuki is curious about who you’ll
Natsuki had her own way of thinking about her brother, so she wasn’t
simply asking out of curiosity about who he would go with.

“It’s Uehara-san”

Toyama honestly replied, as there was no need to hide it now.

“I see, I see. Takai-senpai last time and Uehara-senpai this time, huh? Well,
at least you’re fairly distributing your love.”

The way Natsuki phrased it made it sound like he was dating both of them
simultaneously and going on alternating dates, which didn’t sit well with

“Eh? Is that not the case?”

“N-no, I’m not officially dating either of them yet.”

“But you’ve kissed both of them, right?”

Toyama had told Natsuki about kissing Uehara as well.

“Well… yeah, that’s true, but…”

Toyama couldn’t really say much when Natsuki pressed him about the
kisses. To a middle schooler like Natsuki, it was unimaginable that someone
would kiss two different people without being in a relationship with either
of them.

“Muuu, Onii-chan, you should realise that the relationship between you,
Takai-senpai, and Uehara-senpai is not exactly normal”

Indeed, Natsuki had a point. It was becoming increasingly clear that trying
to fit Toyama’s relationship with Takai and Uehara into the framework of a
typical romantic relationship wasn’t working. Trying to force it into that
mould only left Toyama more confused.

“Yeah, you might be right, Natsuki”

“If you worry too much, you’ll go bald, you know? So, try to think from a
different angles”

“I don’t want to go bald yet, I’ll try to consider it from different angles”

“Un, that’s a good idea. So, don’t stress yourself out too much”
“Thanks, Natsuki.”

“Natsuki knows you the best, Onii-chan. You can thank me by taking me to
the next open campus event.”

“Sure,sure…if middle schoolers can go”

“I’ll wait patiently so I don’t get my hopes up. Anyway, is it okay for
Onii0chan to hang around at the entrance for so long?”

“Oops, I’m going to be late, I’m off.”

“Take care, and say hi to Uehara-senpai for me.”

Toyama was seen off by Natsuki as he headed towards the station. His steps
felt lighter. Despite the advice from his middle school sister, his heartache
might have eased just a bit.

Although Toyama had a long conversation with Natsuki, he managed to
arrive without being late and just in time to meet up with Uehara.

The university they were heading to was in a neighbouring prefecture and it

took about thirty minutes by train from the meeting station to get there.

“Nn–! We’ve arrived! It’s about an hour from my home, but time flew by
because we were talking”

Uehara spoke as she stepped off the train and stretched, emphasising her
ample chest.

“When you commute alone, the sense of time changes, I guess”

Toyama replied but he couldn’t help but remember the sensation of

Uehara’s chest that he had touched in the equipment storage room the other
day. The excitement from that moment was still fresh in his mind.

“Having this kind of commute time is within the acceptable range. If it were
two hours or more, I might start thinking differently… But if I can commute
with Toyama, even a longer journey would be totally okay.”

Uehara continued to speak about the travel time, unaware of Toyama’s

feelings. Once he had started to become conscious of their relationship, he
couldn’t help but be aware of it whenever they were together. The Toyama
who had kept a certain distance from Uehara was no longer there.

“I haven’t decided on this university yet, and besides, it has a high entrance
exam score requirement, so I might not even get in”

With the results of Toyama and Uehara, Toyama would have to admit that
it will be difficult.

“Well, we can study together and work hard, right? I’d love to go to the
same university as you”

Uehara looked at Toyama with an upward glance. It seemed like her cheeks
had turned slightly red, or at least, that’s how it felt to him.


Toyama’s heart suddenly races as he saw that expression on Uehara’s face.

Since meeting Uehara at the meeting station today, he had been feeling

“Th-that’s right. There’s still over a year to go, so it’s too early to decide”
“Yeah, our goals are quite high, right?”

Despite knowing about his relationship with Takai, Uehara seemed even
more cheerful and optimistic than usual. It was unclear whether she was
forcing it or genuinely accepting it, but such a sight of Uehara made
Toyama’s heartache.

The two of them walked to the campus, which was about a fifteen-minute
walk from the station.

“Since it’s a suburban station, it’s not that bustling.”

Perhaps because they had come to an unfamiliar place, Uehara looked

curious and glanced around with great interest.

“It seems like there are convenience stores and chain cafes around, so it
doesn’t seem inconvenient to commute.”

There were no station buildings or department stores, and it was not a place
where they could have fun on their way back.

After walking for about ten minutes from the station, the shops disappeared,
and it became more green. About five minutes further, they could see a
campus surrounded by greenery.
“Uwa, It’s huge! I thought our high school was spacious, but this seems to
be several times bigger.”

The campus was surrounded by low walls but Uehara exclaimed in surprise
at the vastness where the end of the straight wall was not visible.

When viewed from outside the campus, they can see several tall buildings
on the premises. They are probably divided by departments. In this area
with a lot of greenery and low houses, those buildings stood out

“It’s really spacious… and the buildings look quite new and stylish, don’t

“Toyama, let’s quickly go to the reception. I want to see the inside as soon
as possible.”

“Un, I’m really curious about the inside too.”

Uehara was excited by the unexpectedly large scale of the campus. Toyama
seemed to be getting excited as well, drawn in by Uehara’s enthusiasm.

“There are fewer people in uniforms than I expected.”

If casual clothing was allowed, perhaps there weren’t many people who
bothered to wear uniforms? The few students in uniform stood out
significantly. Well, it would be more accurate to say that only Uehara stood
out. Uehara’s glamorous appearance drew people’s attention. While she
usually had her cleavage covered, it seemed she had folded the waist part to
make her short skirt even shorter, exposing her thighs. Many men passing
by were stealing glances at her.

──Wherever we go, Uehara-san really stands out.

Walking side by side with Toyama, Uehara seemed completely unaware that
she was the centre of attention. She remained completely natural no matter
where they went.

For Toyama, it was still hard to believe that such a perfect beauty had
feelings for him.

“Now… where should we start looking?”

Toyama opened the schedule they had received at the reception.

“That’s a good idea…the campus tour is coming up soon, so let’s join that.”
Uehara, who peered into Toyama’s opening schedule, made the suggestion.

The campus tour was a guided tour of the campus by current students.

“We don’t have much time until it starts, so let’s hurry to the meeting


After finishing the campus tour and visiting the main facilities, the two of
them sat on a bench within the campus to exchange their thoughts.

“University lecture halls really have quite a height difference. It’s exciting
to think about taking classes here.”

High school classrooms usually have flat floors with desks lined up, so
university lecture halls were a refreshing experience for Uehara.

“I was impressed because I had only seen them in photos and videos.
There’s a sample lecture in the afternoon. Should we attend it?”

“Un! I’m looking forward to it!”

They looked through the schedule to find a lecture they could attend, as
various departments were offering sample lectures.

“After listening to the school information session… there’s a lecture for

literature majors, but is that okay with you? Or would you like to hear a
lecture from a department you’re interested in?”

Toyama assumed Uehara might choose the literature major, but he didn’t
know which department Uehara was interested in. He wanted to attend a
lecture that aligned with Uehara’s preferences as much as possible.

“That’s fine with me for the literature major. I haven’t decided what I want
to major in yet, and I want to try different things.”

“Okay then, let’s attend the literature major lecture after the school
information session.”

“Un, that’s fine. But we have some time until the school information
session. What do you want to do?”

“I’d like to take my time and explore the library.”

During the campus tour, they had briefly visited the library, so Toyama
wanted to take a closer look at the library’s collection of books and

“That’s very much like you, Toyama. I’m curious too, so how about we go
there now?”

Uehara quickly got up from the bench, took Toyama’s hand, and half-forced
him to stand up, leading the way to the library they were aiming for.

“Indeed, university libraries are different from high school libraries in terms
of the variety of books.”

“Is that so? I saw a lot of complex books that I couldn’t quite understand.”

As Uehara pointed out, the university library seemed to have many complex
and academic books at first glance.

“True, there were a lot of academic books and research papers. I tried
reading some, but I couldn’t understand them.”
“When we enroll, we’ll have to be able to understand those difficult books
too, won’t we…”

Looking at those challenging books seemed to make Uehara a bit


“Well, it’s natural not to understand things unrelated to our major and
worrying about it now won’t help, right?”

“You’re right…for now, let’s focus on imagining our enjoyable campus


“That’s right. We shouldn’t dwell on difficult things now; we should enjoy

our imaginary campus life.”

After all, coming to the open campus event wouldn’t be meaningful if they
planted negative thoughts.

“In that case, I’m thoroughly enjoying campus life. It feels like I’m going to
university with you, Toyama and that’s fun.”

“Oh, well… I’m also having a great time exploring the campus with you,
“Really!? I’m so glad you’re having fun too, Toyama!”

──Why does she say things that make my heart race so casually? It’s not
like she’s saying it on purpose… maybe she’s just being honest about her

Toyama had never truly revealed his true feelings to both Takai and Uehara.
He could say he was putting on a facade on the surface. However, even
when he asked Takai out on a date, he had honestly told Takai that being
with her made 『I feel calm when I’m with you』. Today, he was able to
convey that being with Uehara was enjoyable. Perhaps, little by little,
Tohyama was starting to change by being with Takai and Uehara.

“Well, it’s about time for the school information session to begin. Shall we

Toyama and Uehara’s enjoyable campus life (imaginary) had just begun.

After the school information session’s Q&A had concluded, the two of
them made their way to the lecture room for the literature department,
where they were going to attend a sample lecture.

“This is the most exciting part.”

Uehara seemed unusually nervous and was observing the behaviour of the
other participants around her. It seemed that the literature department, being
a safe choice for those who hadn’t decided on a major yet, was quite
popular, as a significant number of people had come to attend the lecture.

“Speaking of which, the lecture is about 『The History of Rakugo』… It

seems like the professor’s personal preference, but it does sound

[TL: Story telling]

“University lectures really cover a wide range of topics, don’t they?”

“It may be a lecture whose usefulness is uncertain, but it could be good for
capturing students’ attention. If they offer overly complicated lectures that
are difficult to understand, it might not be enjoyable, and that wouldn’t be
beneficial for the university.”

The university is also likely thinking about ways to make prospective

students enjoy themselves. At times like this, they surely bring out popular
lectures without hesitation.

“Wow, that was interesting. I never thought I’d be listening to rakugo from
a hundred years ago.”
As they exited the lecture room after the sample lecture, Toyama spoke with

“Do you like rakugo, Toyama?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say I’m particularly fond of it, but I’ve heard some
famous rakugo performances before, I think? But after today’s lecture, I got
interested in hearing more.”

“It was a bit hard to understand because of the old-fashioned language, but
it was fun, right?”

“Well, that’s probably what literature majors study. I think it was enough to
pique people’s interest.”

“If you liked it that much, how about going to see a live rakugo
performance sometime?”

“You liked rakugo too, Uehara-san?”

“Not as much as you, Toyama, but it seems interesting. Besides, everything

is fun when I’m with you.”
Uehara seemed to have enjoyed it more than she expected, and she was in a
great mood. And as always, she was casually expressing her affection
towards Toyama.

“Th-then, let’s go together sometime.”

“Yay! It’s a date with Toyama confirmed!”

“U- Uehara-san!? Your voice is so loud!”

Uehara-san’s enthusiastic declaration of a date, accompanied by her loud

voice, attracted attention from those around them. Some male students who
assumed they were on a date looked at Toyama with envy.

“Ah… I got so happ…ehehe.”

──Kuh!! Uehara-san is too cute…

Her shy expression as she stuck her tongue out was the kind of cuteness that
would captivate anyone, not just Toyama.

“S-So, are you getting hungry too? How about we take a break and have
Feeling overwhelmed by the jealous glares from the surrounding men,
Tohyama suggested taking a break.

“Sounds goodー! Oh, by the way, we got those free meal coupons at the
reception, right?”

During the open campus event, the cafeteria was open, and they could
sample some menu items for free.

“Yeah, that’s right. Checking out the cafeteria is important too, so let’s
make sure to do that.”

“Then, let’s go to the cafeteria!”

Uehara, who had forgotten about all the attention she was getting earlier,
was now in high spirits. Perhaps she was having a really enjoyable day.

“Uwaa, it’s crowded in the cafeteria, just as I expected. It might be a good

idea to secure seats first.”
Despite the building being quite spacious and dedicated to the cafeteria, it
was bustling with both prospective and current students attending the open
campus event.

“It looks like there are only two options for the free samples.”

Set A was the daily lunch special and Set B was a pasta and salad combo.

“I think I’ll go for Set A. What about you, Uehara-san?”

“I’ll have Set B. If we order different sets, we can share and it’s a better
deal, right?”

Ordering different menu items and sharing them like that felt just like what
a couple might do. Tohyama couldn’t help but admire Uehara for not
hesitating at all when it came to such things.

They picked up their meals at the counter and returned to their secured
table, where they began to evaluate their food.

Toyama had ordered Set A, which consisted of a demi-glace sauce

hamburger with a sunny-side-up egg on top. It came with a side of
vegetables, rice and soup making it a basic hamburger set. Uehara’s choice,
Set B, was pasta with eggplant bolognese sauce, a salad, and soup, which
was also a common combination.
“This is usually priced at 500 yen, I heard. The hamburger is a bit small,
and the rice portion is on the smaller side, but it’s reasonably priced.
However, for someone with a larger appetite, it might not be enough in
terms of quantity,” Tohyama commented.

Toyama wasn’t a big eater, but he still felt like the portion was somewhat

“Do you think Is it just the right amount for Okita-kun?”

“No, for Chihiro, this might be considered a lot. He’s a really light eater. He
probably eats less than Uehara-san, right?”

“Indeed… I remember his lunchbox being incredibly small. They say the
amount you eat doesn’t necessarily correlate with your body size, but Okita-
kun, he’s pretty much in line with her appearance.”

Uehara was well aware since she often had lunch with Okita.

“Is that enough for you, Toyama? I can share some of my pasta with you”

Toyama knew that this portion wouldn’t be enough. Even with a larger
serving, he would likely need to order an additional dish to feel full.
“Well, it might not be enough, but if I eat yours, Uehara-san, you might not
have enough either”

“It’s not that I can’t eat it, but I tend to gain weight easily, so I’ll keep
eating until I’m satisfied… So don’t worry about it”

Hearing that she gained weight easily, Toyama couldn’t help but
unintentionally think about Uehara’s chest.

──All the nutrition goes straight to her chest…?

Even with such impolite thoughts, Toyama was still just a regular high
school boy.

“Then… don’t hesitate to feed me later.!


Uehara skillfully twirled her fork, twining the pasta and skewering the
eggplant, then presented it in front of Toyama.
──Is this… an invitation to eat!?


As Toyama hesitated about what to do, Uehara, with a smile as if urging

him to eat quickly, extended the fork towards Toyama’s mouth.

“Th-thank you for the food…”

Seeing Uehara’s delighted smile, Toyama thought that he couldn’t really

refuse, so he took the offered pasta into his mouth.

“Is it delicious?”

While watching Toyama chew, Uehara asked with a happy expression on

her face.

“Y-yeah… it’s delicious.”

“I’m glad! Then, let me have a taste of your hamburger too.”

Uehara said this and lifted her chin as if she was about to kiss, then slightly
parted her lips.

──Is she asking me to say ‘Aaann~’!?

Completely disregarding the public setting, Uehara shamelessly requested

Toyama to feed her.

──Alright! Here goes!

Toyama gathered his courage, skewered a small portion of the hamburger

with his fork and offered it to Uehara’s mouth.

“H-here you go.”

“Thank you for the food”

Uehara’s well-shaped lips parted slightly and she elegantly took the piece of
hamburger pierced by the fork into her mouth.

“H-how is it?”
Toyama nervously asked Uehara for her opinion.

“Un, it’s delicious! It tastes like a hundred times better because you fed me,

It might have been an overly dramatic expression, but Uehara was

genuinely delighted that Toyama had fed her.

“T-that’s good to hear.”

The envious gazes of the male students sitting around them were focused on
Toyama and Uehara. It was understandable; an open campus event wasn’t
meant for couples to go on dates. The more seriously they took it, the more
annoying Toyama and Uehara’s actions would seem. However, even in this
situation, Uehara didn’t seem to care about the surrounding eyes.

“You guys should at least restrain yourselves a bit in public.”

Suddenly, Toyama turned around in response to the voice from behind,

thinking they were being complained to. There, he saw two familiar faces.

“Kurashima!? And Ishiyama-san…?”

There were the figures of Kurashima Kazuhito and Ishiyama Saori, who
had a bit of a misunderstanding with Toyama and Uehara just before the
summer vacation, as they faced each other.

“Why are you here…?”

Toyama asked Kurashima with a puzzled expression.

“Well, because we came to the open campus.”

Indeed, when he put it that way, it made sense. Toyama hadn’t been paying
much attention due to his nervousness.

“Oh, I see…Is Kurashima and Ishiyama-san also considering applying


“Well, it’s one of the options we’re thinking about. Saori wanted to come to
the open campus, so we decided to give it a try…”
Kurashima continued with a bitter smile.

“I never thought I’d see a dumb couple wearing our school uniform, but it
turns out it’s you two.”

Even from the perspective of others, it seemed that Toyama and Uehara
were recognized as a silly couple.

“Marika, at least consider the location and be mindful of other people’s


“Y-yeah, sorry…”

Kurashima’s words were completely reasonable and Uehara became quiet.

“Toyama, stop just going with the flow. Be more assertive!”


This was also a fact, so Toyama couldn’t say anything in response.

“Seriously, why do we have such a…──”

Kurashima swallowed the words he was about to say.

“Well, we’re off.”

Kurashima said as he turned on his heel.

“Uehara-san, see you at school again”

Ishiyama, who had been silent the whole time, called out to Uehara as she
left without waiting for a response and followed Kurashima, who had left

“Do you think those two are dating?”

As Uehara watched Ishiyama leave, he muttered quietly.

“I wonder…they were often together at school, but I’ve never heard any
rumours about them dating.”
“But they seem to be getting along well.”

Ishiyama was still following Kurashima’s back, just like that time, but
Toyama felt that the atmosphere around both of them had softened.

“They’ll probably do just fine.”

Although Kurashima had some flaws in his personality, he was

fundamentally serious, and Ishiyama, despite temporarily losing his way in
love, remained steadfast. Toyama sincerely hoped that things would work
out for them.

“Uehara-san…it might be a bit late, but should we start being more mindful
of others’ eyes?”

“Y-yeah… you’re right. I got carried away and got too excited… Sorry.”

“N-no, Uehara-san, you don’t need to apologise. I should have spoken up

too but I didn’t feel bad about it, so I didn’t.”

“Are you sure you weren’t embarrassed or didn’t dislike it?”

“No, no, not at all! If anything, I was happy… or something like that.”
“In that case, that’s good…”

Uehara felt relieved knowing that Toyama didn’t do it reluctantly and she
returned to her usual smile.

Toyama and Uehara, engaged in such a conversation, remained oblivious to

the sweet atmosphere they were spreading around them, as usual.

After finishing their meal at the school cafeteria and attending two
experiential lectures, the two of them began to move to participate in a
program where they could ask questions individually to current students.

“When it comes to questions… What should we ask? Uehara-san, do you

have anything you want to ask?”

“I’m not sure if I have anything specific in mind.”

Neither Toyama nor Uehara seemed to have specific questions.

“Let’s just go to the venue and see if we can come up with something from

“Un, that sounds like a good plan. If it feels difficult to ask questions, we
can always back out.”

In the venue, there were about ten current students waiting at desks,
seemingly following a system where students could choose who they
wanted to ask questions to and line up accordingly.

“Uehara-san, isn’t there a strangely long line over there?”

While every current student had one or two students waiting in line to ask
questions, there was one spot where there were so many people in line that
it seemed like they were blocking the view of the student who was
supposed to be taking questions. Moreover, the people in line were all

“I wonder what’s going on…?”

Toyama was curious about who was receiving questions and tried to catch a
glimpse of the current student’s appearance through the gaps in the line.

The moment he confirmed the appearance, Toyama showed a grim

“U-Uehara-san! Come over here for a moment!”

“W-What’s wrong, Toyama?”

Responding to the call, Uehara wondered what was going on and peeked
through the gap in the line to see what Toyama was looking at.


Surprisingly, the current student receiving questions was Takai Rena, the
older sister of Takai Yumi.

“Could it be tha Onee-san is a current student at this university…?”

“It seems like the only possibility…”

While Toyama and Uehara were in a daze, gazing at Rena, their unfortunate
luck led to their gazes meeting Rena’s.
“Oh no!”

They quickly averted their gazes, but it was already too late.

“Ah! You, the cute couple over there! If you have any questions for me,
please feel free to line up! Couples’ questions are also more than

Rena stood up and called out to Toyama with such a loud voice that it could
be heard by those around them. As a result, the eyes of the students waiting
in line quickly focused on Toyama and Uehara.

──Aree, is she doing this on purpose!?

Rena’s smirking expression clearly indicated that she found it amusing.

“Um, we’ll pass!”

Toyama left those words behind and hurriedly left the venue with Uehara,
pulling her hand.
“She’s still the same as ever…”

Toyama, who had left the venue, sighed.

“But still, Rena-san was incredibly popular, wasn’t she? It felt like a meet-
and-greet with an idol.”

Rena had a figure akin to a gravure model and her looks were even better
than most mediocre celebrities. In university, she must be quite popular.
Today, Toyama glimpsed a part of that popularity and thought about Yumi

“But even though they’re sisters, their personalities are the complete
opposite of each other.”

“Takai-san is cute too, and I think she’ll be very popular in university. Even
now, it seems like she has many fans in our class.”

“Really!? Is that so?”

“Yeah, it is. You just didn’t know, Toyama. I think people are just confused
because there’s a big difference from how she used to be, which is why they
don’t make a big deal out of it. Who knows what will happen when she
changes classes in her third year?”
Uehara’s 『who knows what will happen』 seemed to Toyama to imply that if
more guys start approaching her, she might be taken away.

“Are you getting worried?”

Uehara asked, testing Toyama’s feelings with those words.

“Well, that…”

Toyama found himself at a loss for words in response to that question.

However, deep down, he didn’t find the idea of Yumi Takai attracting the
attention of other guys appealing.

“I’m sorry. That was a mean question…”

Uehara apologised for her thoughtless question when she saw Toyama
struggling for words.

“No, it’s okay. But… to be honest, yeah, I don’t like it.”

Toyama didn’t try to hide his true feelings and spoke honestly in front of

“Un, I understand… I don’t like it either. I don’t know why, though… It’s
strange, isn’t it? I should be happy if a rival disappears, but…”

Sharing the same [liking] for Yumi Takai and seeing her being charmed by
some unknown guy wasn’t something Uehara found amusing. She had
complex feelings towards Yumi Takai, who was both a rival and a close

“But… it’s good to see a glimpse of your true feelings, Toyama. You never
showed such emotions before. It means that even you can be troubled by
things. Being troubled means there’s room for me to get involved, right?”

Indeed, being troubled meant that Toyama had equal feelings of affection
for both Takai and Uehara. In other words, there was also a chance for


“Ahh! There you are!”

Just as Toyama was about to say something, Rena’s appearance interrupted

“Toyama-kun and Marika-chan, you ran away just when we finally met.
Onee-san came looking for you.”

“R-Rena-san!? What about the question session?”

There was no way she could have handled the number of people waiting to
ask her questions in such a short time. How did she manage to come here?

“I said I needed a break because I was a little tired, so I came out.”

How carefree can one be? Toyama couldn’t help but wonder why the
university had chosen her as a respondent for the question session.

“Well… Is it really okay to be so careless?”

Even Uehara seemed taken aback.

“It’s fine, it’s fine. Anyway, there were so many people that we wouldn’t
finish in the allotted time. Plus, they kept asking the same kind of questions,
and it got annoying.”

“What kind of questions were they?”

Toyama, curious about what kind of questions Rena found troublesome,


“Do you want to hear it?”

“No thanks.”

Far from the affected attitude of Rena, which annoyed Tohyama just a little,
he became a bit troublesome.

“Aww, come on, listen properly!”

Even though her lines were delivered in a monotone manner, Rena’s need
for attention made it better to just leave her alone.

“Alright, alright, I get it. So, what kind of question was it?”
“Thank you for asking!”

“Uehara, shall we go home?”

Even Toyama, who was usually patient, wanted to leave now.

“Sorry, sorry. I’ll answer properly, so please listen.”

“There won’t be a next time.”

Rena really wanted to say it.

“I’ll answer properly, so listen, okay? Well, the most common questions
were like 『Do you have a boyfriend?』 or 『Tell us about your type of guy.』”

“Just as I imagined!”

Toyama had a vague idea, but as expected, he knew that what Rena was
asked was something like that.
“It must be tough for you too, Rena-san…”

Uehara sympathised as a fellow woman.

“So, Toyama-kun, which one do you think it is?”

“What do you mean?”

“Whether I have a boyfriend or not.”

“No, I’m not interested.”

“Honestly, Toyama-kun, you’re so cold to me. But when it’s just with

“WAaa!! What are you saying!?”

──What does this person trying to say when Uehara-san is here!?

Uehara, on the other hand, didn’t seem amused. She appeared somewhat

“Alright, I get it… So, do you have a boyfriend?”

Toyama had begun to resign himself to going along with it until Rena was

“Hehehe… Well, you see… it’s a SE・CR・ET.”

──Kuu…this woman… she never intended to give a serious answer from

the beginning.

Even Toyama, usually composed, was completely at Rena’s mercy.

“But I’m curious if Rena-san has a boyfriend. I’m interested in knowing

what kind of man someone as wonderful as Rena-san would choose”

As Uehara suggested, there probably weren’t many men who could handle
Rena. Toyama wasn’t entirely disinterested in that aspect either.

“Marika-chan is such a good girl! I’d want you as my little sister! So, let’s
put aside the boyfriend question for Marika-chan’s sake, and I tell you my
type of guy”

“Really!? Please do!”

Uehara leaned in a bit, seeming a bit excited.

“Well, you know… I think I like guys like Toyama-kun.”


Toyama, upon hearing that, and even Uehara, seemed to freeze for a few
seconds as if time had stopped.

“Okay, then, I’m heading back. Enjoy the open campus!”

Rena dropped a bombshell and hastily left the scene, leaving Toyama and
Uehara in an awkward situation.

“Well, I guess it’s because she’s an Onee-san, she was probably teasing me”

Toyama tried to justify himself, feeling uncomfortable about the situation.

“No… I think it’s true that you’re Rena-san’s type”

Uehara said seriously in response to Toyama’s teasing.

“I don’t think so…”

“I have a feeling I understand. Rena-san probably acts like this only with
you, Toyama”

Uehara said, her intuition seemingly at play. Toyama didn’t want to

continue discussing this further, as disagreeing with Uehara would be the
same as confirming her statement.

However, he couldn’t help but wonder why Rena made such a remark in the
first place.

“What about you, Uehara-san? Are you going to check out anything at the
open campus? I think we’ve only missed the circle’s mock activities.”

“Hmm… I think I’ll pass on the circle for now. I’m not very interested at
the moment.”
“You’re right… I guess I’m not that interested either. Should we call it a
day and head back?”

“Un, sounds good.”

And so, Toyama and Uehara concluded their first experience of the open

They walked away from the campus and towards the station in silence.
Even though they didn’t speak, the two of them had developed a
comfortable relationship where they could enjoy each other’s company
even without words.

“Toyama… Can I hold your hand?”

Uehara briefly glanced at Toyama walking beside her and suddenly held his

“Of course… I mean, we’re already holding hands.”

“Haha, you’re right… Today was fun, though. I think it’ll be tough once we
actually start attending classes…”
Toyama’s virtual campus life with Uehara had been a lot of fun.

“Yeah, you’re right… But what we experienced today was all enjoyable, so
I think there will be many challenging moments once we start for real.”

“But if I’m with you, Toyama, I think every day will be fun.”

Today, what Toyama experienced with Uehara felt like being a couple
attending the same university. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would
have been like if he had come alone or with Takai, or even with both
Uehara and Takai.

“If we’re going to get into this university, we’ll both have to work pretty

What Toyama was imagining right now was just a vision. In reality, there
was the hurdle of entrance exams. They couldn’t just dream without facing
the harsh reality.

“Un, you’re right… With my current academic level, it might be tough for
me… But I really want to attend this university… with you, Toyama.”

“Yeah, I think it would be a lot of fun if I could attend with you, Uehara-
san. I felt that way today while we were together.”
Uehara had mentioned wanting to attend together with Toyama twice now.
To this earnest appeal, Toyama gave the best response he could at the

“Really!? Hehe… I’m so happy… Well, then, I’ll have to study even

Perhaps she didn’t expect him to say that, as Uehara blushed and smiled a
bit awkwardly, looking somewhat surprised.

“It’s great to see you motivated. I also feel like I need to work a bit harder
now. Thanks for inviting me today.”

Toyama had been rather vague and hadn’t given much thought to university
entrance exams but now he could see something like a goal. He expressed
his gratitude to Uehara, realising that if she hadn’t invited him, he might
have wasted his summer break.

“Oh, you don’t have to thank me… I just…”

Uehara stopped speaking at that point.

Toyama prompted her to continue.

“I just… wanted to see you, Toyama.”

Her grip on Tohyama’s hand tightened.

“…Thank you. That’s all I can say for now. I’m sorry, Uehara-san.”

Toyama felt that he needed more time to face his own feelings and
subsequently, his relationship with Takai, in order to accurately convey his
feelings toward Uehara, who was openly expressing her affection.

“No, it’s okay… I’m satisfied with this.”

Whether that was Uehara’s true feeling or if she was holding back or had
some dissatisfaction remained unclear. However, since only Uehara herself
knew the answer, Toyama could only take her words at face value.

Gradually, the two of them confirmed each other’s feelings and closed the
distance between them.
Chapter 3 - Invitation to the
Southern Islands

“What could this important talk be about?”

Called out to meet in the scorching summer heat, Toyama made his way to
the cafe in front of the station, sweating profusely.

“In addition it’s so hot…I really want something cold to drink…”

Toyama was confident that he would get heatstroke if he stayed outside for
another thirty minutes. The summer sun was relentless.

“Oo, it’s cool in here!”

Upon arriving at the meeting place, the cool air inside touched Toyama’s
body. He ordered iced coffee and looked around the shop.
“I wonder if Takai has already arrived…?”

Toyama spotted Takai in the back of the shop. However, another familiar
figure sat facing Takai and their back immediately caught Toyama’s eye.

“No way…”

The face of [that person] who had caused quite a stir just a few days ago,
popped into Toyama’s mind.

“Takai, sorry for the wait…”

Toyama slowly approached the table where Takai was sitting and cautiously

“Toyama-kun, you kept me waiting!”

The woman who had her back turned to Takai turned around when Toyama
called out, and she directed a radiant smile at Toyama.

“Onee-san, isn’t it still a bit early for our meeting time? How long have you
been here?”
“Well… about ten minutes, I guess?”

“I don’t think that’s a time to keep someone waiting, you know.”

──Even so, Onee-san, do you always have to joke around first?

“Yumi said she wanted to meet Toyama-kun soon.”

“Nee-san!? I never said such a thing!”

Rena’s playful behaviour seemed to have rubbed off on her sister as well.

──Is this like a form of greeting or something…? Well, I guess I shouldn’t

dwell on it.

Deciding that there was no deeper meaning, Toyama stopped thinking it

was a waste of time and took a seat across from Rena and next to Takai.

“Takai, so what’s this important talk about? Is it related to your Onee-san?”

Toyama was afraid of forgetting the important point amidst Rena’s teasing
but had been called here by Takai for an important discussion.

“I’ll be the one to explain it.”

Toyama felt a bit apprehensive, wondering if it was such an important

matter that Takai’s sister needed to explain it specially.

“Toyama-kun, even though I said it’s an important talk, it’s not a big deal,
so you don’t need to be nervous.”

“I-I see…”

It seemed that Toyama’s nervousness had been conveyed to Rena.

“I’m planning to go to Okinawa for three nights and four days starting on
the 25th of August, right after the Bon Festival.”

“You’re going, Rena?”

“Yes, I was planning to go with friends from my modelling agency, but the
other three got important work and can’t make it.”
“I see… I sort of understand the reason you called me now.”

“Exactly! How about you follow me Toyama? There’s no cancellation fee

yet, but I can’t just cancel since it’s a bit troublesome. Yumi said she’s
going, and I also invited Mari-chan, Mika-chan and Chihiro-kun.”

──She invited three more people when three people had cancelled?

“That would make it two extra people, wouldn’t it?”

“I checked earlier, and there was another room available in the same hotel,
so I made a reservation. It’s free of cancellation fees until the day before,
and I’ve already booked the flights too.”

──Rena’s initiative is impressive…reserving with cancellations in mind.

“Even the flights? Do you get your money back for flight cancellations?”

“It’s a low-cost carrier, so I don’t get money back, but I’ll get a voucher,
which can be used for my next flight, so it’s not a loss.”
“I see…That’s reassuring. I appreciate the invitation, but I can’t go.”

As soon as Toyama declined the invitation, Takai clearly showed a

disappointed expression.

“Why not? Do you have other plans?”

Rena asked Toyama for the reason.

“No, I don’t have any specific plans, but… it’s just that I don’t have the
money. A trip to Okinawa would certainly be expensive and I don’t think I
can afford it…”

If it had been planned months in advance, Toyama might have been able to
save up for the trip, but with less than three weeks to go, there was no time
to save.

“Yuki, I’ll cover the travel expenses… I really want you to come with me.”

Sitting next to Toyama, Takai looked anxious and directed a pleading gaze
at Toyama.

“N-No… I can’t let you do that.”

“Toyama-kun, you really have the qualities of a freeloader, don’t you?”

“Onee-san… I’m not at all pleased hearing that.”

“I have a part-time job, so I have some savings, and if you don’t want me to
pay, would it be okay if I temporarily advance the money…?”

Toyama honestly wanted to go to Okinawa. However, borrowing money

from a classmate was something his pride couldn’t allow.

“Alright… I also want to go to Okinawa, and if Takai is insisting, but I

won’t borrow from you. I’ll see if I can discuss it with my parents. If that
doesn’t work out, please understand.”

“Ooo, Toyama-kun, you’re quite a man! I’m sorry for joking about you
being a freeloader.”

“Onee-san, do you really think I’d be upset about that?”

“Yumi, you’re lucky. And after that, if you bring a little something for Yuki-
kun’s parents, everything should be fine.”
“Nee-san, what should I bring for Yuki’s parents?”

“No, no, Takai, please don’t take your Onee-san’s jokes seriously! Please
refrain from any behind-the-scenes operations with my parents!”

“So it’s settled. Can I leave the invitation to Marika-chan and the others to

“When I get back, I’ll contact everyone. If it’s okay after I talk to my
parents today, I’ll let everyone know by tomorrow.”

“Sure, sounds good. I’ll send you the travel expenses and details via
message now, so please confirm.”

Rena operated her smartphone and sent a message to Toyama.

“…It’s actually cheaper than I thought… In fact, isn’t it quite inexpensive?”

Toyama had checked travel expenses for a trip to Okinawa before, and this
amount was considerably lower.

“When you book a tour through a travel agency, it’s not always that cheap.
Airline tickets can be cheaper if you book directly depending on the time
and day of the week, and for hotels, it’s often more economical to look on
websites like”

[Yes, it is written in katakana ホテルドットコム]

Rena has a hobby of travelling and has been to various places, both
domestically and internationally.

“I see, there are those options too.”

“That’s why this time we’re using a low-cost airline and for
accommodation, it’s not a hotel but a weekly mansion.”

“A weekly mansion? Is that the kind of place you use for long-term stays?”

“Yes, exactly. But you can use it for short periods too. It’s like a regular
apartment without a front desk, so you can come and go freely, and it has a
kitchen, which is convenient. Unlike hotels, there’s no daily room cleaning
or sheet changes, so the accommodation cost is lower.”

──Rena really knows a lot. Is there this much of a difference between a

high school student and a college student? Or is Rena just exceptional…
Either way, she is experienced and reliable.

“You really know a lot, Onee-san and I admire that.”

Even Toyama had to admit that Rena was reliable.

“Ara, I’m flattered. But don’t fall for me. Yumi might hold a grudge.”


“There’s absolutely no chance I’d fall for Onee-san, so rest assured.”

“It’s kind of sad to hear such a definitive answer.”

Rena was teasing Toyama and having fun in her usual style.

“Oh, by the way? The last day’s accommodation is listed as Naganu Island.
What’s that?”

Toyama, who was looking at the schedule, found a place name he wasn’t
familiar with.

“Naganu Island is an uninhabited island. We’ll be playing in the sea there

on the third day and then stay overnight.”
“Can you stay overnight on an uninhabited island?”

“It’s an uninhabited island for leisure, and there’s a restaurant and a lodging
house for accommodation. It’s shared, but there’s a shower too.”

“I see…That’s convenient. Not having a shower could be a bit inconvenient

for women.”

“Bringing your own shampoo and things is prohibited to avoid polluting the
sea, but the surrounding sea is exceptionally clean thanks to that. I’ve dived
in the seas of many places, but I think the sea near Naganu Island is the
most beautiful.”

──When Rena said she had dived, did she mean scuba diving? In any case,
Rena seems to have a wide range of experiences.

“I’m looking forward to it…I’ll do my best to convince my parents


“Ooo, Toyama-kun, you’re getting into it too.”

“Well, if you hear stories like that, you’d want to go, right?”
“To increase the chances of going, I think Yumi and I should go meet your

“No, seriously, please stop! I might lose the chance to go altogether!”

Toyama couldn’t help but think that if Rena came to introduce herself, the
chances of going on the trip would actually decrease.

“But honestly, I’ll be the guardian during the trip, so I think an introduction
is necessary.”

Indeed, for a high school student travelling without adults, it might be

necessary to have a guardian role.

“My parents will be informed properly.”

“Is that so? In that case, that’s good.”

Although Rena often joked around, Toyama trusted her to be sensible and
“Onee-san, rather than that, if we’re staying on Naganu Island on the third
night, wouldn’t it be enough to book the weekly mansion for two nights? It
seems like a waste if we don’t stay there.”

When Toyama checked the schedule, he saw that there was a reservation for
the weekly mansion even on the night they were staying on Naganu Island.

“Naganu Island doesn’t always have boats going there if the weather is bad,
so it’s not a guarantee that we can stay there. If the boats are cancelled,
there’s nowhere to stay, right? So, as insurance, I booked the weekly
mansion for three nights.”

Toyama was impressed by Rena’s consideration, like preparing for

unforeseen troubles, and he couldn’t help but admire her experienced
approach to travelling.

“I see… that makes sense…”

“Besides, the cost of the weekly mansion is charged per room, not per
person for one night, so even if you stay for one night more, it’s only about
2,000 yen more per person”

“The more I hear, the more I realise how capable you are, Onee-san.
Thinking this far ahead…”
“Can’t you praise me more? Oh, but if you were to fall in love—”

“Sure, sure, you’d be perfect if you didn’t say that kind of thing.”

Toyama cut off the familiar phrase that Rena was about to say. He found it
too troublesome to listen to until the end.

“But, just being serious all the time wouldn’t be fun, right? It’s good to have
both a serious side and an interesting side. You know, it’s the charm of a
gap moe, right?”

“No, I don’t feel any charm towards Onee-san.”

“You’re so stubborn, Toyama-kun.”

In all seriousness, Toyama didn’t feel any charm when it came to Rena.
Perhaps if she were unexpectedly clumsy, he might find it charming, but
Rena was just too perfect.

“By the way… you and Yuki seem to get along quite well.”

Takai, who had been silently listening to their conversation, didn’t seem
very pleased.
“It seems like Toyama-kun and I have good chemistry. We might become
good friends. So Yumi, don’t be jealous, okay? Right, Toyama-kun?”

“Yes, that’s right. Falling for Onee-san is as unlikely as a minnow turning

into a whale.”

“Ara, you’re still as cold as ever. Could it be… Toyama, are you an ‘S’?”

“Maybe only to you.”

“You’re really close, huh? It feels like you’ve become close all of a

“Yumi, maybe Toyama-kun might become part of our family? If that

happens, we should get along.”

“W-What do you mean by [family] with me?”

“Of course, Yumi, it’s you.”

“But I’m not dating Yuki yet, and I’m still in high school… It’s too early,
right, Yuki?”

“Well, yeah, it is… but there’s also the university entrance exams… I think
we can take our time with that kind of thing.”

Toyama was momentarily stumped by the idea of becoming family, which

he thought meant marriage, but he realised they weren’t at the age to
consider that yet.

“Y-Yeah, that’s true… hehe.”

Takai’s mood seemed to have improved considerably after talking about the
idea of Toyama becoming family, as if she was happy about it.

──She really knows how to control people, doesn’t she?

Rena, in order to placate her sulking sister, used Toyama as a pawn. Once
again, Toyama realised that Rena was skilled in the art of controlling

“Since the conversation is settled, shall we wrap things up here today?

Yumi and I are going shopping now, but would you like to come along with
us, Toyama?”
With the conversation coming to a close, Rena stood up and mentioned her
next plans.

“No, I think I’ll go home and contact everyone first.”

“Okay, let us know if you find out if you can come or not.”

“I will.”

“Yuki, I hope you can come with us.”

Takai also seemed to be looking forward to it.

“Sure, I’ll try to convince my parents and see if I can come. I’m also
thinking of starting a part-time job right away. I feel like it’s necessary to
earn and save money for times like this.”

“Un, do your best. I hope you can convince them.”

Encouraged by Takai, Toyama was determined to try his best to convince

his parents.

On the night when Takai and Rena invited Toyama to go to Okinawa, he

was sitting at the dinner table with his parents and his sister.

──I need to talk about the Okinawa trip, but it’s not easy to bring it up…

As difficult as it was, Toyama knew he had to ask for financial help, but it
was still hard to get the words out.

“Um, Dad, I have a little favour to ask…”

Even though it was challenging, he had promised to bring it up today, so he

couldn’t avoid it.

“It’s unusual for you asking for a favour”

“Indeed, it’s rare for Yuki to make a request”

Toyama wasn’t someone who regularly spent money, except for buying
books, so it was indeed uncommon for him to ask for something.
“Well, what’s the request?”

“Well…one of my friends at school has a sister who was planning to go on

a trip to Okinawa with her co-workers, but her co-workers had to cancel, so
she asked me if I could go instead. But… I don’t have the money, so I was
wondering if you could lend it to me. I’ll work part-time during the
summer, so I won’t be able to pay it all back at once…”

“Sure, how much do you need?”

“Really? You’re willing to lend it to me…?”

Toyama had intended to explain the repayment terms, but his father
accepted without further inquiry.

“It’s fine with me, isn’t it, dear?”

“I think so… You won’t be able to go on a trip with your school friends
next year due to entrance exams, so I don’t mind this year.”

“Really? Thanks, Dad, Mom…”

[I forgot to mention this earlier; Toyama call his father Oyaji and mother

“Eeeh!? Onii-chan’s getting away with it all! I want to go, too!”

Toyama had expected Natsuki to come along. Whenever he went out, she
always insisted on tagging along, displaying a sibling affection that hadn’t
quite waned.

“Natsuki, the group for this trip is already set, so I can’t bring you along
this time.”

“Natsuki, Your Onii-chan is going on a trip with school friends for the last
time this year, so you’ll have to be patient”

“Ngh… I’ll give up then. But… you better bring me a souvenir!”

“Sure, a souvenir is no problem. Just think about what you want.”

With Naki giving up so easily, Toyama felt a sense of relief.

“Is it true that Takai-senpai and Uehara-senpai are going too?”

“Hoou, does Natsuki know those two?”

“Yes, I’ve met both of them. One is an elegant and lovely girl, and the other
is big, flashy and beautiful… breats. They are quite different”


Natsuki’s unexpected revelation caught Toyama off guard, and he couldn’t

help but burst out. It was clear that Natsuki’s treatment of Uehara was as
harsh as ever.

“MaaMaaa~, now. I wonder if one of them is your girlfriend”

His mother’s curiosity was piqued, and things were becoming more
complicated due to Natsuki’s loose lips.

“Are you taking one of them as your girlfriend?”

“Hooou, then, which one of them is your true love? Nn?”

Both his parents seemed highly interested in his love life, and it left him
puzzled about how to end the conversation.

“I’ll introduce both of them next time!”

He decided to promise to introduce both his parents to either Takai or

Uehara, as denying or confirming wasn’t going to help.

“Ooo, that sounds exciting. Please invite them when we’re around. Right,

“Yes, of course. I was feeling sorry for Yuki, as he’s a high school student
and doesn’t even have a girlfriend.”

His mother seemed to pity him, which was a bit shocking to Yuki.

“I told you it’s not a girlfriend. I’ll introduce them next time, so let’s drop
this subject.”

“Your reaction is suspicious, am I right, dear.”

“It’s just that he’s feeling embarrassed about it. He’s at that age where such
things are embarrassing, so we shouldn’t pry too much.”
“That makes sense. So, the friend’s older sister is going as a guardian,
right? It wouldn’t be approved if it’s just high school students.”

Travelling to Okinawa with only high school students indeed seemed to be


“That’s not a problem. Rena-san is over twenty, and she’s in the middle of
job hunting. She’s a responsible person and can be trusted.”

“So, Rena-san will be the guardian, huh? We’ll need to thank her, so please
invite her next time when she comes over with your girlfriend.”

──Aree? When did Takai or Uehara-san suddenly get treated like a


Yuki’s parents were surprisingly easygoing and open-minded.

“I’ll let Rena-san know. I can’t be sure if she’ll visit, though.”

Given Rena’s personality, she would likely maintain a respectful and

courteous attitude toward those older than her. Despite her usual playful
demeanour, she had a good sense of etiquette. This is why Toyama feels
indebted to Rena, who is constantly looking out for him.
He is genuinely thankful for being invited on this Okinawa trip as well.
Chapter 4 - Part-time work

His parents easily gave him permission to travel to Okinawa, and on the
same day he explained the situation to Okita and Uehara and they both
decided to go to Okinawa. Uehara contacted Aizawa and is waiting for her
reply. It seems that she has a part-time job and is looking for someone to
take her place.

With the summer vacation plan of an Okinawa trip in place, Toyama was
searching for a part-time job on his smartphone to make the most of his
remaining vacation.

“I guess short-term jobs that pay quickly would be better, right?”

While scrolling through job ads displayed on his smartphone, Toyama

became unsure about which one to choose due to the sheer number of job

“But there are so many job offers… I have no idea what criteria to use for
Short-term jobs mostly involve physical labour like warehouse work, and
the service industry, such as restaurants and retail, usually has long-term job

“I guess… warehouse work or event setup, maybe?”

Many job listings don’t accept high school students. With that in mind,
Toyama realised that he couldn’t be too picky about the type of job.

Thinking about this, Toyama got a bit frustrated. He threw his smartphone
onto the bed and lay down on his back.

For Toyama, who had never done any part-time work before, taking the first
step of registering on a job search site felt like a high hurdle.

He picked up his smartphone again and began looking for part-time jobs.
Suddenly, the screen switched, and he saw an incoming call from a free
voice call app.


Interestingly, Takai was calling him not with a text message but with a
voice call. Takai was not one to talk much and usually had specific reasons
for calling, so voice calls were a rarity. In contrast, Uehara was talkative
and often called even without a particular reason.
“Hello, Takai? It’s rare for you to call. Is something urgent?”

“『Yuki, sorry for calling out of the blue.』”

“No, it’s okay. I wasn’t doing anything special.”

“『I’m glad…You mentioned before that you were looking for a part-time
job, did you find one?』”

“No, I was just looking at part-time job listings on a website, but I don’t
know where to start…”

“『So you haven’t applied for anything yet?』”

“Well, not yet. I’ve never worked a part-time job before, so I’m a bit

“『Un, I can understand that feeling. Applying for jobs takes courage.』”
“I could just attend various briefing sessions, but I don’t want to waste
money on unnecessary travel expenses, so I’m being overly cautious.”

Paying several hundred yen for round trips to attend multiple briefing
sessions and interviews can add up. It’s counterproductive when Toyama
needs to work because he’s short on money, but ends up spending a lot
before starting.

“『You know… if you haven’t decided yet, how about working at the
bookstore where I work? We’re short-staffed right now, and the manager
mentioned that they’re recruiting part-time workers because some people
are leaving soon.』”

“Seriously? I’d love to if that’s the case.”

For Toyama, this was like a lifeline. If he worked at a place where he knew
someone, the chances of it being a stressful job were low and there was a
comforting sense of having someone familiar there.

“『Got it. I’ll talk to the manager about it.』”

“Thanks,Takai! You’re a real lifesaver.”

“『But I can’t guarantee you’ll get hired. I think they’ll probably interview
you, though.』”

“Even so, it’s a good start, so it’s enough as a first step.”

“『I’m working part-time tomorrow, so I’ll talk to them.』”

“Yeah, please..I’m in your care──ah…”

Toyama stopped in the middle of his sentence, as if he had remembered


“『What’s wrong, Yuki?』”

“Well…what if Uehara-san could work there too? When we were talking

about the Okinawa trip, she mentioned looking for a part-time job…”

Toyama felt that secretly starting to work at Takai’s workplace without

Uehara’s knowledge would be somehow wrong. Given their current
relationship, he didn’t think there was a need to be sneaky.

“『…..okay. The manager mentioned they were hiring a few people, so I’ll
talk to the manager about Uehara-san too.』”

There was a brief pause before Takai agreed.

“I’m sorry for asking this.”

“『No, it’s okay. I’ll talk to the manager tomorrow, and I’ll let you know the
results in the evening.』”

“Okay, got it. Thank you.”

“『Goodnight then.』”

“Yeah, goodnight.”

Toyama let out a small sigh after ending the call.

“I got a little nervous at the end.”

After exchanging their goodnight greetings and ending the call, Toyama felt
the tension leave him as he let out a quiet breath.

“I need to contact Uehara-san about the job.”

Toyama wasn’t entirely sure why he had asked for Uehara to join, but the
change in his heart had gradually started since Uehara learned about his
relationship with Takai.

The decision for Toyama and Uehara to work at Takai’s workplace seemed
to have been made easily. The store manager was reportedly very pleased to
have both of them. The hourly wage at the bookstore wasn’t particularly
high. Many stores in the area paid the minimum hourly wage and this was
even more so for high school students.

After completing interviews with the manager, they settled on a schedule

for the summer vacation. Working four days a week for eight hours a day.
Once school started, they would work two to three days a week for four to
five hours in the late afternoon. They also managed to secure time off
during their planned Okinawa trip.

Thanks to the manager’s arrangement, they were set to work, and today
marked Toyama and Uehara’s first day on the job.
“Toyama, what should we do… I’m getting super nervous…”

Meeting up with Toyama at the station and walking towards the bookstore
where they would be working, it was clear that Uehara was feeling quite
nervous about his first part-time job.

“Well, I’m nervous too… But according to Takai, everyone seems nice
there, so I think we’ll be okay… probably.”

Toyama wanted to reassure him, but he couldn’t hide his own nervousness
about his first part-time job.

As they continued to hesitate in front of the store, neither of them made a

move to enter.

“Alright! Let’s go inside!”

Staying near the entrance would only be in the way. Toyama steeled
himself, motivating himself to step into the store’s entrance.

“To-Toyama, wait for me!”

Toyama decided to take the lead, thinking that Uehara would follow once
he entered the store. Today, Takai was supposed to be working, but he
wasn’t in the store at the moment.

“Um, I’m Toyama, and I’m starting as a part-timer today. Nice to meet

Toyama chose a moment when there were no customers at the cash register
and addressed one of the staff.

“Ah, I’m Uehara, and I’m also starting to work here today. Nice to meet

Both Toyama and Uehara, despite their nervousness, greeted the staff and

“Aaa, you guys are the new recruits from the same school as Takai, right?
I’m Aoki, another part-timer. Nice to meet you.”

The young male staff member who responded was about college age, and
he had a refreshing, handsome appearance.

“Y-Yes, nice to meet you.”

In front of this handsome Aoki, Toyama inexplicably felt nervous and
ended up being quite deferential. The age difference between him and the
more mature Aoki, combined with Aoki’s good looks, made Toyama
acutely aware of the distinction.

“I can’t leave the register, so could you two go to the manager’s office? You
probably remember where it is from your interviews, right?”

“Aaa, yes. Don’t worry. See you later.”

When Toyama bowed, Aoki responded while waving his hand.

“He seems like a nice person.”

Meeting Aoki for the first time, whom they hadn’t encountered during the
interviews, left a positive impression on Uehara.

“He seems really nice, and I feel a bit more at ease now.”

While getting job guidance from Takai would be the most comfortable, they
couldn’t rely on him too much. However, if they could learn from a staff
member like Aoki, who seemed to have a good personality, it would be
Toyama and Uehara passed through the back area and arrived at the office
door, where they knocked.

“Come in.”

Was that the manager’s voice they heard from inside?

“Excuse us.”

Toyama and Uehara opened the office door and found the manager and
Takai inside. They seemed to be working on some computer tasks, facing
monitors. Takai noticed them and briefly turned to face them before
returning her attention to the monitor.

Toyama was not the type to get overly excited about finding friends, so her
reasonable response was quite fitting.

“Toyama-kun, Uehara-san, good work. Now, Toyama, please go with Takai

to the changing room. Your uniform is in a locker with your name on it.
After changing, come back to the office.”

“Alright, Takai, take care.”

The manager, who had briefly interrupted his work, asked Takai to guide
Toyama and then resumed typing on the computer keyboard.

“Well, both of you, follow me to the changing room.”

And so, Toyama and Uehara’s memorable first day of work began.

“Aoki-san, thank you for today.”

On their first day of work, Uehara expressed her gratitude to Aoki, who had
taught them most of their tasks.

“Uehara-san, good job. Take care on your way home, both of you.”

“Yes, I look forward to working with you tomorrow.”

At closing time at 9 PM, Toyama and Uehara finished their shift. High
school students were generally allowed to work until 10 PM, but at this
store, high school girls had a limit of 9 PM. This policy aimed to avoid girls
being out late and at risk of getting involved in crimes. As a male, Toyama’s
working hours extended until 10 PM.
“Thank you, Uehara-san. And Toyama, you’ve got one more hour to go.”

“Uehara-san, thank you for your hard work. Also, thanks for everything
today, Takai.”

“Yuki, hang in there for the remaining time.”

Takai and Uehara bid farewell to the remaining staff, changed out of their
uniforms, and exited the store.

“Uehara-san, how was today?”

“I was nervous, but all the staff members are really nice people. I’m glad.”

“All the staff at this store are great people. They helped me a lot when I first

“I feel quite at ease with Takai and Toyama here, but I can imagine that
starting to work in a place with no one you know is challenging.”
As Uehara pointed out, it’s rare to have the opportunity to work at a place
where you already know someone unless you’re invited, so most people
start from scratch when it comes to building relationships with coworkers.
In this regard, Uehara and Toyama were fortunate.

“Un, I was really anxious before starting, but everyone is so friendly that
even someone as shy as me quickly became friends with them. There’s a
girl from the same year as us, Fujimori, at the store, and I think you’d
become friends with her easily, Uehara-san.”

Fujimori was now undoubtedly Kakai’s closest friend.

“I see… I’m looking forward to meeting her.”

As Takai and Uehara chatted while walking to the station, their

conversation suddenly came to a halt. Takai wasn’t much of a talkative
person to begin with, and even when she was with Toyama, conversations
often had their quiet moments.

“Hey…Takai-san, there’s something I want to ask.”

As the two walked silently toward the station, Uehara stopped and spoke.

“Uehara-san, what is it you want to ask me?”

“…..why did you even introduce me to a part-time job?”

“Why? Well, because Yuki asked me to.”

“No, that’s not what I mean. Why did you decide to help me, Takai-san, is it
just because Toyama-kun asked you to?”

“I’m sorry… I don’t understand what you mean.”

Takai didn’t quite grasp what Uehara was getting at.

“I’m not a hindrance to you, Takai-san…so why did you have to introduce
this job? You and Toyama could have worked together alone if he hadn’t
asked you. Why? I love Toyama…and you love him too, right? We’re
rivals, aren’t we?”

In Uehara’s strained words, Takai finally grasped the meaning behind them.

“…Yuki didn’t ask me to do it. He didn’t request it, but he came to me and
asked if we could work together. He wanted to work with you, and I
couldn’t refuse that. I won’t do anything Yuki doesn’t want. I will do
anything Yuki desires.”
“…Then, for example, if Toyama asked you to stay away from me because
he wants to be with me, would you obey that?”

“If Yuki wished for it.”

“Why…? You didn’t love Toyama enough to give him your body and soul,
right? So why would you give in? Don’t you love Toyama anymore”

Even after finding out about the physical relationship between Takai and
Toyama, Uehara couldn’t give up. Therefore, Uehara couldn’t understand
Takai’s determination.

“It’s not like that! I still love Yuki… If it were a little while ago, I might not
have given up. In fact, I caused a lot of trouble trying to get Yuki’s
attention. I believed I had nothing, and I thought Yuki was the only one who
needed me. But it’s different. I have a mother, a sister, and Aizawa-san,
Okita-kun, and you. You’re my friends. If being obsessed with Yuki and
being a burden to him causes trouble, I’ll step back. If it makes Yuki
happy… then it’s… okay.”

Takai choked on his last words,

“I don’t know… I don’t understand! I can’t comprehend that! Why don’t

you just seek your own happiness? If it were me…even if Toyama chose
Takai, I’d never give up until I became first!”
Uehara’s declaration of 『I’d never give up』 was clearly a declaration of war
against Takai. It demonstrated a complete contrast between Takai’s
passivity and Uehara’s unwavering determination.

“Uehara-san… I don’t intend to give up either. So, even if Yuki chooses me,
I won’t pity or hold back from you.”

“From the start… I won’t pity or hold back from you either.”

Takai and Uehara had revealed their true feelings to each other. There were
no pretences or empty words, just a clear intent to pursue their own desires.
They both understood that there was no point in pretending now.
Unaware that Takai and Uehara were having such a conversation, Aoki was
teaching Toyama about post-closing work.

“Toyama, it’s time for us to finish our work too.”

Aoki informed Toyama that it was already 10 PM, indicating the end of
their work hours.

“Oh, it’s that late already? Thank you for today, Aoki-san.”

“You’re welcome. By the way, are you taking the train home?”

“Un, I am.”

“In that case, how about I walk to the station with you?”

Toyama was momentarily taken aback by Aoki’s suggestion.

“Um, sure, that sounds good.”

──Considering the future, we should get along……

Toyama, thinking about the future and wanting to maintain good relations
with his coworkers, accepted Aoki’s offer. Although it wasn’t that he
disliked Aoki, he was generally not very comfortable with social
interactions and often preferred to be alone. Despite having made some
friends, Toyama’s solitary nature hadn’t changed.

As they walked the dimly lit path to the train station, Toyama and Aoki
engaged in conversation.

“So, how was it, Toyama-kun?”

Toyama had been unsure of what to talk about but felt relieved that Aoki
initiated the conversation.

“Since it was my first part-time job, I was really nervous. To be honest, I’m
not sure I remember much of what I was taught today because of the
“Haha, yeah, that’s true. Everyone gets nervous at first. Well, it’s all about
getting used to it. It’s not a specialised or difficult job, and with time, you’ll
naturally remember things.”

“That’s reassuring, but… I’m particularly worried about working at the cash
register because I’m not good at dealing with people.”

“Come to think of it, I remember that Takai mentioned she had trouble with
the cash register at first too.”

“Considering Takai’s behaviour in school, it does make sense.”

It was easy to imagine that Takai, who avoided social interactions more
than Tooyama, would struggle with customer service tasks.

“By the way… I heard that Toyama-kun and Takai-san are in the same
class. Is Uehara-san also in your class?”

“Yes, all three of us are in the same class.”

“I see… By the way… Uehara-san is Toyama-kun’s girlfriend?”

“N-No, that’s not the case!”

Startled by the sudden question, but considering Aoki’s interest in Uehara,
it wasn’t too surprising.

“You both started working part-time together, so I thought you guys were a

“When I was looking for a part-time job, Takai approached me, and it just
happened that Uehara-san was also looking, so we ended up asking

“From Takai-san… I see. Is that what it’s about?”

Toyama couldn’t understand what they were talking about, but Aoki
seemed to be satisfied with something.

“Um, is there something…?”

“No, it’s about this side. By the way… I once confessed to Takai and got
turned down.”

Despite the fact that it was the kind of thing one wouldn’t want others to
know, Aoki began talking about it with an incredibly nonchalant attitude,
showing no sign of hesitation.
“I-Is that so…? Is it okay to tell me, a complete stranger, something so
important all of a sudden?”

With this sudden revelation, Toyama’s mind was filled with question marks.

“I don’t know, I just felt like you should know somehow.”

“I see…”

──So, it was Aoki the senpai who asked Takai out on a date… But why did
he feel the need to tell to me about getting turned down?

Toyama had not heard anything from Takai except that she had turned down
the date.

──She turned down a confession from a handsome adult like Aoki…?

Thinking about it, while part of him felt pleased, Toyama’s feelings were
complex knowing that she had been confessed to by another man.

“That doesn’t mean I’ve given up, though.”

Seeing Aoki talk unilaterally, Toyama understood his purpose.

──I see…I don’t know how Takai turned down the confession, but Aoki is
convinced that I’m involved somehow.


Toyama knew he wasn’t in a position to encourage or say anything, so he

remained silent.

“It must be awkward to be know something like this out of the blue. I just
wanted someone to hear me out. Sorry for saying weird stuff.”

“No, it’s okay…”

Aoki might have been gauging Toyama’s reaction, which is why Toyama
didn’t say anything more.

As an awkward atmosphere settled in, the two of them walked in silence

until they reached the station.
“Aoki-san, I’m going in the opposite direction, so I’ll take my leave here.
Thank you for today.”

Toyama bowed as he passed through the ticket gate and headed for the
stairs leading to the platform.

“Toyama-kun, I’m persistent when it comes to these things. If I get a

chance, I’ll keep trying to win Takai-san over.”

Toyama stopped in his tracks upon hearing those words and turned to meet
Aoki’s gaze. There was no sign of hostility, malice, or negative feelings,
just a kind and friendly look.

“Well, see you tomorrow.”

Toyama nodded silently, and Aoki waved his hand as he disappeared up the
stairs to the platform.

──Aoki-san seems to know something about us… I don’t know how much
Takai has told him… It’s going to be awkward from tomorrow onwards.

Having received a veiled declaration of rivalry, Toyama felt a bit

disheartened when thinking about what would happen from the next day.

Part-time job, day two.

“Yumi, thanks for your hard work~”

Fujimori, who had a late shift, greeted Takai, who was teaching Toyama
and Uehara the job in the backroom, with a casual greeting.

“Fujimori-san, thanks for your hard work too.”

“Aah, is this the new guys?”

“Un, let me introduce you to these two.”

“Hohou… so these are the two I’ve heard about.”

Fujimori had discussed Toyama and Uehara with Takai when she asked for
advice, so she had some knowledge about them.

“Yuki, Uehara-san, can I talk to you for a moment?”

Toyama and Uehara stopped their work in the backroom under Takai’s
guidance and turned to face Fujimori.

“I’m Fujimori Kanako. Nice to meet you. I’m in the same year as you two.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.”

Surprisingly, Fujimori gave a sincere self-introduction. While she usually

had a casual attitude with senior staff like the manager or Aoki, she treated
new acquaintances in a very ordinary manner. It seemed to be evidence of
her seriousness at heart.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Yuki Toyama. I just started working here yesterday,
thanks to Takai’s introduction. Please take care of me.”

“Nice to meet you, I’m Marika Uehara. I also started working here
yesterday. I look forward to working with you.”

Toyama and Uehara bowed to Fujimori.

“I see…So you two are Toyama-kun and Uehara-san, huh? I’ve heard about
you from Yumi.”

“Eh…? What did Takai-san tell you?”

In response to Fujimori’s statement that she had heard about them, Uehara
asked with a hint of anxiety.

“Yumi mentioned there’s an incredibly cute girl in her class, and when I met
you, I was really surprised by how beautiful you are.”

“Oh, it’s not like that.”

Complimented by someone of the same gender, Uehara seemed a bit


“Cute is justice, so don’t be too modest. You can show off more, you

“Is that so?”

Uehara seemed somewhat puzzled.

“Yumi, too, is so cute, so you should show off more. Don’t you think,
“Huh? Are you asking me?”

“Yep. There’s only one guy here right now.”

Caught off guard, Toyama was at a loss for a response and gave a pleading
look to Takai.

“Fujimori-san, it’s a bit embarrassing…”

“Even Yumi being shy is cute! You should be more aware of that. There are
many customers who come here just for you.”

According to Fujimori, there were apparently many regular customers who

were fans of Takai, and they often asked about whether she had a boyfriend,
among other things.

“I-is that so?”

Takai seemed completely unaware of this.

“That’s right. But now we have one more cute girl, so it’s going to get
livelier. I love cute girls too.”
Fujimori glanced at Uehara and appeared to be enjoying the situation.

“Fujimori, aren’t you being rude to the two of them?”

Aoki, who had peeked into the backroom from the store, expressed concern.

“I didn’t say anything like that. Tatsuya, you’re happy that there are more
cute girls, right?”

Fujimori peered into Aoki’s face with a grin.

“I’m not working here looking for romance, so it’s the same for me no
matter who comes.”

“Ahh, sure,sure~ Tatsuya is serious. I’m just excited about having more
cute girls around. Work is so much fun!”

“Don’t lump me in with you.”

“Well, maybe Tatsuya is satisfied as long as Yumi is here?”

“Fujimori! Get back to work already.”

“Okay, okay, sorry.”

Fujimori verbally apologised, but she didn’t seem genuinely remorseful.

“Really…Toyama-kun and Uehara-san, I apologise for Fujimori’s joking


“No need, Aoki-san and Fujimori-san seem to get along well.”

As Uehara mentioned, from Toyama’s perspective, Aoki didn’t appear

genuinely angry at Fujimori’s teasing,= and the two of them seemed to be
having a great time chatting.

“Well, there’s been an increase in new people of our age, so I guess that’s
why. Anyway, please cut her some slack”

Aoki’s response was quite mature and he showed tolerance even toward
Fujimori’s antics.
“So, um…I have some tasks we’d like your help with, so could you come
over here?”

“Yes, we understand. Fujimori-san, we’ll be counting on you from now on.”

“Looking forward to working with you.”

Toyama and Uehara bowed and then disappeared into the store with Aoki.

“So, that’s Toyama-kun and Uehara-san…Un, I was really surprised at how

beautiful Uehara-san is, more so than I had imagined.”

Alone with Takai, Fujimori shared her impression of Uehara.

“Un, Uehara-san has not only good looks but also a great personality…”

Takai was aware of Uehara’s popularity at school, and it was safe to say that
there were hardly any flaws to speak of.

“Even with her good personality… she seems like a tough one. Well, Yumi
is cute and charming as well, but what’s the deal with Toyama-kun, who
seems pretty average at first glance? No offence to him, but he looks like
just an ordinary high school student.”
As Fujimori mentioned, at first glance, Toyama appeared to be an
unassuming, somewhat ordinary high school student. It was hard to imagine
that such an unremarkable guy would attract the affection of two beautiful

“Yuki’s good qualities might be a bit hard to see, I think. So, it’s not
unreasonable to have that impression.”

“Well, everyone has their own preferences, and I bet Toyama-kun has a lot
of good qualities I don’t know about.”

“Un, he’s a dependable and kind person when you really need it.”

“From now on, since we’ll be working together, I’ll observe Yumi and those
two carefully.”

“T-That’s fine in moderation.”

“Don’t worry, I’m Yumi’s ally, so I won’t get in the way. I just have to
interfere to make sure Uehara-san and Toyama-kun don’t get too close,

While Fujimori joked about it, her eyes showed seriousness.

“Moou…there’s no need for that. I brought Uehara-san here of my own

“That’s right! Why did Yuzumi introduce an employee to Uehara-san when

she’s supposed to be her rival? If she had just called Tōyama-kun, they
could have worked together without any interference.”

“Yes, that’s it! That’s it! Yumi, why did you even introduce a part-time
job to Uehara-san when you are her rival? If you had not invited her and
had just called Toyama-kun, you could have worked together without any

Fujimori’s point was valid, but, as mentioned to Uehara, she was simply
doing what Toyama wished.

“Well… it’s what Yuki wanted, so I just followed his wishes.”

“Hmm…sending salt to your enemy, that’s exactly what this is. I don’t get
it. Just because your crush wishes for it doesn’t mean you should become
the accommodating woman, right?”

“Un, I understand. Thanks for your concern.”

“Well, if that’s the case…Oh, right, Yumi and Uehara-san are both working
until 9 PM today, right? Since we’re all here, how about we go home

“Okayー, I’ll let Uehara-san know later.”

“Alright, on the way home, we can ask Uehara-san all kinds of things.”

“W-Wait, Fujimori-san!? Please don’t ask weird things!”

Fujimori seemed to find it amusing, but Takai was quite worried about what
she might be asked.

“Just kidding. I won’t do anything that would harm Yumi. Don’t worry.”


“Oh, if we keep chit-chatting, Tatsuya will get mad at us again. We’ll talk

While the girls’ conversation never seemed to end, they returned to work,
as they were still on the clock.

“Uehara-san, it’s time to finish up.”

As the clock struck 9 PM, the three high school girls reached the end of
their workday, and Takai called out to Uehara, who was working alone in
the backroom.

“Oh, it’s already this late?”

“Today, Fujimori and I usually stop at a convenience store on the way for
about 30 minutes, are you okay with it, Uehara-san?”

“I would be fine.”

Fujimori had a habit of stopping at a convenience store on days when she

worked until 9 PM.

“Yumi, Uehara-san, I’m getting hungry, so let’s head home quickly.”

“Fujimori-san, thank you for today. It was a pleasure working with you.”
“Uehara-san, great job. We’re going to chat a bit and grab something from
the convenience store now.”

“Yes, I can’t stay too long, but I’ll join you.”

The trio of high school girls, including Fujimori, headed towards the
changing room.

“Tatsuya, Toyama-kun, thank you for your hard work!”

On their way to the changing room, Fujimori spotted Aoki and Tōyama,
waved to them from a distance, and called out.

“Fujimori, don’t cause any trouble for Uehara-san and the others, okay?”

Aoki seemed concerned that Fujimori might inadvertently inconvenience

the two.

“I get it, Tatsuya, you’re a worrywart. See you later!”

Fujimori exchanged greetings with her classmates and then left the area.

“Manager, thank you for your hard work.”

“Uehara-san, thank you for your hard work. Be careful on your way home.”

“Yes, I’ll leave first.”

After punching her time card for the last time, Uehara left the office and
exited through the employees-only door.

“Well, as usual, let’s have dinner at the convenience store on the way

Uehara joined Fujimori and Takai, who had been waiting outside, and
headed towards the convenience store on the way to the station.

“Fujimori, do you always have dinner at the convenience store?”

“That’s right. If I go home and eat at this hour, I’ll gain weight. But I can’t
skip dinner, so I grab something light at the convenience store before going
“Indeed, having dinner at this hour might be a bit late… having dinner at
this time is the enemy of dieting, isn’t it?”

“Exactly, that’s why I always have Yumi keep me company.”

“Do you, Takai-san, also eat at the convenience store every time?”

“No, on the days I work, my older sister makes dinner for us, so I eat when
I get home.”

“Even so, Yumi doesn’t gain weight, so it’s fine, right? If it were me, I’d
become chubby in no time.”

“That’s not true. Lately, it seems like I’ve gained a bit around my waist, and
my skirts feel a bit tight… So, I try not to eat too much for dinner.”

“Yumi’s waist is so alluring and tempting, don’t you think, Uehara-san?”

“Mouu.. if you keep saying things like that…”

“Eh? W-well, I’m not sure..I really don’t know about that…”
Uehara had long thought that Takai’s figure was oddly sensual, but since
she seemed to be conscious of it, she decided not to bring it up.

“Uehara-san, you have such a slender waist… and your ample bust… I’m

Uehara’s ideal figure, comparable to that of a gravure model, was enviable

to many women. Fujimori gazed at Uehara from head to toe with an
envious look.

“Moou…Fujimori-san. It’s impolite to stare at people like that.”

“Well, you know, it’s not just about being jealous. I just really like the
female body. Don’t you think a woman’s body is beautiful?”

Despite being strangers, Fujimori didn’t hold back in openly sharing her
preferences. Uehara felt somewhat uncomfortable with her forwardness.

Uehara realised that the reason why Aoki warned Fujimori not to cause any
trouble was probably because of her outspoken character. Fujimori, despite
being a complete stranger, had a way of making people feel comfortable
and accepted.
As they continued walking and chatting, they quickly arrived at their
destination, the convenience store.

“Now, what should I eat today? Aren’t you two buying anything?”

Fujimori asked as she browsed the onigiri shelf.

“I’ll just get a drink.”

Uehara purchased a carton of vegetable juice.

“I’ll go with my usual iced tea.”

Takai also bought a beverage. After finishing their shopping, the three of
them went outside to the store’s parking lot and sat on what appeared to be
pipe railings, about waist-high. The store had an eat-in corner, but it was
only open until 9 PM, so it was unavailable at this hour.

“Fujimori-san, your dinner is just one onigiri?”

Fujimori had an onigiri and a bottle of tea in her hands. Uehara looked at it
and asked if that would be enough.
“Of course, it’s not enough, but you know, I’m on a diet, so I have no
choice. Being a young lady is tough.”

“Do you work hard on your diet for someone like a boyfriend or someone
you like?”

As Uehara began to be more aware of romantic feelings, she seemed to take

an interest in other people’s love lives.

“Well, not really for that, but… Is that something you’re interested in,

“Well… I noticed that you and Aoki-san seem to get along really well and
have a nice atmosphere. I was just thinking about it when I saw your
conversation earlier.”

“No, no! Not at all! Aoki is a great guy, good-looking and has a nice
personality, but I’m not really into those sweet types. I don’t know, but I
think I’d prefer someone like Toyama-kun?”


In response to Fujimori’s unexpected statement, both Takai and Uehara
exclaimed in surprise.

“Aree…? Um… Sorry, it was just a joke…”

Seeing Takai and Uehara frozen in shock for a moment, Fujimori quickly
backtracked and clarified that it was just a joke.

“I-is that so. Haha.”

Uehara, who was the most surprised, agreed with Fujimori’s explanation.
She still didn’t know much about Fujimori, so she took the joke seriously.

“Well, it’s true that I just met To=oyama-kun today, and I don’t really know
his personality yet…”

Fujimori, who had been hearing a bit about the situation from Takai, was
curious about how much interest Uehara had in Toyama.

“By the way, are you and Tooyama-kun dating?”

Since she hadn’t received any reports about it from Takai, this was more of
a teasing question from Fujimori.

“W-Why did you think that Toyama and I are dating!?”

“Well, you know, it’s not that common for a boy and a girl to come to a job
recruitment together. So, I thought maybe…”

It was a bit of a playful query from Fujimori, and she assumed that it was
strange for a boy and a girl to apply for the same job together without some
kind of relationship.

“Actually, To-toyama and I… we’re not dating.”

Uehara, still somewhat flustered, glanced at Takai and honestly answered.

“I see. So, is he dating Yumi then?”

Fujimori asked with a mischievous look, peering into Takai’s face. Takai,
with a gaze that seemed to say, 『You already know, so stop being mean』 .

“I’m not in a romantic relationship with Yuki either…”

Takai, who maintained a physical relationship with Yuki without necessarily
dating him, found it difficult to describe their situation as typical romantic

“I see. Sorry for jumping to conclusions and making it weird.”

Fujimori could see that both Takai and Uehara would be in a stalemate if
they were not lying to each other.

“No, I also suspected Aoki-san and Fujimori-san, so ……”

Uehara’s curiosity seemed to have dug her own hole.

“Now, it’s getting late. Let’s head back”

Fujimori suggested, and the three of them decided to part ways.

Takai and Uehara could walk back to their respective homes from the
convenience store, so they separated from Fujimori. Uehara and Fujimori
then continued towards the station.

“Do you know about our relationships with each other, Fujimori-san?”

Uehara asked Fujimori bluntly.

“Well, I don’t know all the details, but I have a rough idea. When Yumi
seemed troubled, I offered to listen.”
“Is that so… What did you hear from Takai-san?”

“She said something about you both falling for the same guy and that it
might put her at a disadvantage. That’s all I know, really. She didn’t tell me

──Takai-san, didn’t tell me everything.

Fujimori couldn’t help but feel that Takai hadn’t revealed the full extent of
the situation.

“Fujimori-san, I apologise for bringing up personal matters at our


“No, it’s not a big deal. I don’t mind, as long as you don’t start quarrelling
or anything at work”

Fujimori replied with a smile.

“N-no, we won’t do anything like that! I won’t cause trouble at our

“But you know, choosing to work at the same place with the three of you
must mean there’s some meaning behind it, and I hope you all get along
well. I’d like to support Yumi, but now that I’ve become friends with you, I
can’t really pick sides”

Today, even though it was their first meeting, Fujimori referred to Uehara as
a [friend]. To her, Uehara is someone deserving of that title.

“Well, this time, Takai invited Toyama to work part-time, and then Toyama
invited me”

“Is that so? So, both Takai and Toyama have some kind of purpose or clear
reason for this, right?”

Why Toyama had invited Uehara to work part-time was the thing Uehara
wanted to know the most.

“I think so”

“I see. I can’t easily interfere, but I hope you’ll find out by starting this part-
time job.”

“Un… But, I’ll try not to forget my goal, since the purpose of starting a
part-time job is to earn money for travel.”
“Is that so…I may not be able to help with that, but feel free to rely on me
for anything related to the part-time job.”

“Yes, thank you. It’s great that I could talk to you, Fujimori-san, about us
today. I think it would have been difficult to work while keeping it a

“Well, I heard some of it from Yumi, to be honest. But if Uehara-san hadn’t

talked to me like this today, I would have had to pretend not to know and
interact. I’m glad I could talk to you.”

“I’m glad you say that, Fujimori-san. Please continue to support us.”

“By the way, it was just as Yumi described.”

“What do you mean?”

“Yumi said that Uehara-san is beautiful and has a great personality, and it’s
really true.”

“Takai-san, did she really say that about me..”

“I think Yumi values Uehara-san as a dear friend, so she’s probably
struggling. It’s tough to have feelings for the same person.”

“That’s true… But I’ve decided not to give up, so I’m prepared.”

“I see… Well, Toyama-kun, your responsibility is quite heavy.”

As Fujimori said, the final decision rests with Toyama, who holds all the

“Toyama-kun, since we have a break time together, how about we have a

little chat? We haven’t talked much yet.”

The next day, Fujimori called out to Toyama, who was heading to the break

“I understand, I’ll join you.”

“Toyama-kun, you don’t have to speak so formally. We’re in the same year,
so you can use casual language.”
“But you’re my senior here…”

“Aaaa, you don’t need to worry about that. Using honorific language kind
of creates a sense of distance.”

“…Well, we haven’t talked much yet, so I’d appreciate it if you could

forgive me for being a bit formal.”

“That’s totally okay. Your intention is enough. So, shall we head to the
break room?”

“Good workー.”

Upon reaching the break room, Fujimori opened the door while greeting
and, once inside, took a bottle from the refrigerator and sat down in a chair.

“So, Toyama-kun, which one are you planning to date?”

“Eh? W-what do you mean?”

“I mean, are you going to choose between Yumi and Uehara-san?”

Toyama was taken aback by the direct question from Fujimori, with whom
he had hardly spoken.

“…How did Fujimori-san know about that?”

Toyama wondered, but upon closer reflection, it wasn’t strange for her to
know since she worked with Takai. What concerned him was how much she

“Yumi consulted with me. I’ve known it since before you and Uehara-san
started working.”

“..So, how much does Fujimori-san know?”

Realising that there was no point in trying to evade the issue, Toyama asked
how much Takai had told her.

“Yumi and Uehara-san are approaching you, but the extent of it is probably
about your indecision about who to date, that kind of thing.”

“Anything else?”
“That’s about it.”

It seemed that Fujimori was unaware of Toyama’s physical relationship

with Takai.

“Well, that’s mostly accurate, but I can’t help but feel hurt when you call
me indecisive.”

“Calling you indecisive isn’t something Yumi or Uehara-san said; it’s just
my impression.”

“I-I see… but if I’m labelled as indecisive, I don’t really have a


“Well, I can somewhat understand your feelings.”

“You can?”

“Yeah, because it’s Yumi and Uehara-san, right? Even I couldn’t even
choose either of them.”

“I appreciate your understanding…”

“But, well…it’s a big responsibility. To be frank, Toyama-kun holds the

“…You’re right. I understand that. Right now, my feelings aren’t clear, so

there’s not much I can do. That’s why I accept being called indecisive.”

“If you understand that much, there’s nothing more for me to say… but.”


Fujimori paused and turned her gaze toward Toyama.

“For Tatsuya… uh, I mean Aoki. It’s better if he doesn’t find out.”

“I won’t ask for the reason, but I’ll be careful.”

Toyama had been informed of Aoki’s confession to Takai on the first day.
Fujimori was probably referring to that.

“Un, that’s good. It would get complicated if he found out.”

Looking at it this way, Toyama began to wonder if there was a point in all
three of them working part-time together. Toyama had invited Uehara to the
job to treat both of them equally, without getting too involved with either
one. However, he hadn’t realised that this action was actually weighing
Aoki and Uehara in the balance.

“『Aoki-kun, aren’t you coming into the break room? Why are you just
standing in front of the door?』”

“『Ah, no, it’s nothing. I’ll get back to work.』”

The voices of the store manager and Aoki could be heard from outside the
break room.

──Aoki-san!? Could it be that he overheard our conversation!?

From the conversation between the store manager and Aoki, there was a
possibility that he had overheard the conversation between Fujimori and
Toyama. Aoki seemed to have returned to work without entering the break

“Fujimori-san… Did you hear that? Maybe Aoki-san overheard it…”

“Un…There’s a possibility. Maybe we shouldn’t have discussed it here.
Toyama-kun, I’m sorry… If I hadn’t asked unnecessary questions…”

Fujimori, who had brought up the topic in the first place, looked apologetic
as she lowered her head.

“No, it might have been a problem I would eventually face while working
here. Don’t worry about it. Besides, we don’t even know for sure if he
overheard anything, so let’s keep an eye on the situation for now.”

“I really am sorry…”

Fujimori seemed to be burdened with guilt, and she appeared quite


“This issue happened as a result of my own actions. So, Fujimori-san,

there’s no need for you to feel this way.”

Toyama insisted that he was entirely responsible for creating this situation
and tried to alleviate Fujimori’s guilt in any way he could.

“Fujimori-san, shall we get back to work?”

He spoke to Fujimori, who was silent and downcast, and then opened the
door to the break room, glancing around as he stepped outside.

…──Aoki-san is not here, is he?

It would have been fine if he could just finish work and head home, but his
working hours were not over yet. Furthermore, Toyama’s ending time
coincided with Aoki’s.

…──Continuing to work like this today feels heavy…

However, he couldn’t just abandon his responsibilities. With determination,

Toyama returned to work.

After that, there were moments when Aoki taught Toyama some tasks, but
Aoki’s expression remained unchanged, and they reached midnight without
any unusual incidents. It was possible that Aoki had merely passed by the
break room and didn’t overhear the conversation between Toyama and
Fujimori. He chose to believe that.

“Toyama-kun, shall we go home together today as well?”

As he was about to offer a brief farewell and head home quickly, just like
the other day, Aoki invited him to go home together.

“…Sure, why not.”

Toyama wasn’t particularly enthusiastic about it, but he couldn’t refuse, so

they ended up going home together.

“Manager, thank you for your hard work. I’ll leave first.”

“Toyama-kun, thank you for your hard work. Take care on your way

Having punched his timecard, Toyama left the office and headed towards
the employee-only exit. Aoki appeared to be waiting outside.

…──This is going to be heavy… but I can’t just not go home.

Toyama found the doorknob of the exit to be quite heavy. When he stepped
outside, he saw Aoki waiting.
“Aoki-san, sorry for keeping you waiting.”

“Toyama-kun, do you have a little time? I’m thinking of stopping by the

convenience store on the way home.”

“Aa, sure, a little time is fine.”

“Then, let’s go.”

Without much conversation between them, they arrived at the convenience


“Toyama-kun, which one do you want? I’ll treat you.”

“Oh, no, you don’t have to treat me.”

“Don’t be so modest.”

“Alright, then, I’ll take this one, please.”

Toyama, feeling awkward about declining multiple times, eventually gave
in and pointed to a canned coffee.

“Alright, I’ll get the same one.”

Aoki took two of the same items, paid at the cashier, and handed one to
Toyama outside the convenience store.

“Oh, thank you.”

“Hey, how about we have a little chat while drinking our coffee here?”

Aoki pointed to a corner of the convenience store’s parking lot, where there
were parking stops.

“I need to be home by eleven, so a short chat is okay.”

“I won’t take up too much of your time, so it’ll be fine.”

“Okay, I understand.”
…──Aah, this is definitely a situation where he’s going to ask something.

In a dim corner of the convenience store’s parking lot, it wasn’t normal to

stop and chat with someone who wasn’t really a friend, with whom there
wasn’t much casual conversation. This was undoubtedly about what had
happened in the break room.

“Today, I happened to overhear something in front of the break room…”

…──A-haa, so he did overhear it.

“I’m going to be direct, so I want an honest answer from you.”

Aoki faced Toyama with a serious expression.

“What’s the deal with you, Takai-san, and Uehara-san?”

He might not know the details from the conversation he overheard through
the break room door, but he clearly knew that something had been

“I might come off as conceited or delusional if I say this myself, but…”

Even Toyama, who was usually quite composed, couldn’t help but hesitate
to talk about the fact that both Takai and Uehara held affection for him. So,
he stumbled over his words.

Aoki, whom he looked at, didn’t appear angry or upset; his expression was
rather neutral, much like usual.

“Both Takai and Uehara-san have feelings for me.”

Not knowing how to approach this, Toyama conveyed the truth to Aoki in
straightforward terms.
“Haaaa… I see… Yeah, I assumed so…”

Aoki let out a deep sigh and looked down.


It must be incredibly difficult to swallow with the fact that someone you
have feelings for is interested in someone else.

“I… don’t think Toyama-kun is conceited or delusional. After all, the

reason Takai-san turned me down was that she said she had feelings for
someone else.””

──What!? Did Takai mention me when she turned down his confession?

“Is that so…”

“It seems like Uehara-san also has feelings for Toyama-kun, but are you
really not dating either of them? Are you balancing the two of them?”

“Yes, I’m really not dating either of them.”

“Why? Why not date one of them? Are you keeping them both in

“I, well… It’s not like that. I──…”

Toyama told Aoki about his encounters with Takai, the harassment situation
with Uehara, and the resolution of the issue with her but he didn’t mention
his physical relationship with Takai.

“I see… So, with all those events from your encounter with Takai-san and
the harassment situation with Uehara-san, she developed feelings for you
too… I get that. It’s your freedom to like someone, and it’s not for others to
dictate. But… the current situation with the three of you seems like you’re
weighing Takai-san and Uehara-san on a scale, like you’re evaluating

“I don’t…have that intention! I genuinely like both of them, and I believe I

need to come up with an answer. But I don’t know what to do! I don’t know
what’s the right thing to do… That’s why when Takai-san invited me to
work, I also invited Uehara-san, treating them equally. I thought maybe I
could figure something out that way…”

Toyama’s words were sincere,there was no deceit. He genuinely cared for

both of them and believed that treating them equally might help him find an
“But your actions indeed show that you’re weighing them on a scale”

“Th-that’s not…!”

“Toyama-kun, you might think you’re treating both of them equally because
you want to confirm your true feelings, but it’s the ego of the person in the
dominant position with the decision-making power.”


“It seems you’ve realised it, but the power to decide who you’ll be with lies
with you, Toyama-kun. So, it’s not truly equal.”

Aoki’s words were logical, and Toyama found himself at a loss for words.

“Toyama-kun, who intended to treat them equally, will spend time with all
three and, as exhaustion sets in, will abandon one of them, believing that
the one left is the woman he truly loves. That’s what I think the future holds
for the three of you. If you continue in this relationship, not choosing either
of them and scattering your half-hearted affection, what will be left for the
two exhausted women?”

If Toyama continues in this manner, as Aoki suggests, it could lead to the

scenario he described with Takai and Uehara.
“Toyama-kun, you, in a way, are my rival in love, and I have no obligation
to give advice but I couldn’t just watch Takai-san continue to get hurt, so I
have to talk to you about this. Honestly, I’m filled with the desire to confess
to her again right now.”

“…No, I won’t give Takai to anyone else!”

“So, are you going to abandon Uehara?”

“I can’t do that either. They both are important to me.”

“It’s arrogant to want to keep both of them by your side.”

“Even if it’s arrogant, it doesn’t matter. I’ll find a way to make both of them
happy in my own way.”

“I see… Honestly, as I mentioned earlier, I really do want to confess right

now. But… it wouldn’t work at this moment, I suppose. They seem to be
quite dependent on you. However, that doesn’t mean I’m giving up…”

Aoki, who had maintained a stoic expression all this time, looked a bit
melancholic as he lowered his head.
“Is this all you have to talk about?”

“Yeah, you seem to have made up your mind and discussing it further
would be pointless.”

“Thank you for the coffee. I’ll head home first.”

“Toyama-kun… While we may be rivals in love, I hope we can work well

together in our job.”

“Yes, I feel the same way. Aoki-san… Please continue to support me in the

Leaving Aoki behind, Toyama began walking towards the station.

──Aoki-san… What a remarkable person…he didn’t get angry even though

it should be hard for him.

Toyama thought that he was very much outmatched as a person and as a


“Regardless of my determination, I wonder what I should do? There doesn’t

seem to be much hope when it comes to competing with Toyama…”

Despite putting up a strong front, Aoki couldn’t hide his shock. However,
with more life experience than Toyama, Aoki was likely to recover quickly.

Despite the conflict with Aoki, on the surface, everything seemed normal
and the three of them continued their part-time job without any major
issues. During this time, the relationships between Toyama, Takai and
Uehara remained unchanged.
Chapter 5 - First Experience

“We’ve finally arrived! The dreamy Hawaii!”

“No, it’s not Hawaii, it’s Okinawa, right? Besides, we’re still at Narita
Airport, and we haven’t even boarded the plane yet.”

Rena’s joke was met with Toyama’s retort.

The day of the Okinawa trip had finally arrived, and the group, including
Toyama, had come to Narita Airport.

“Toyama-kun, thanks for the sharp retort. Onee-san is happy to see you’ve
grown this far.”

“What on earth are you two up to…? But seriously, Rena-san, you seem
unusually excited, don’t you?”

Aizawa was taken aback by the stand-up comedy Toyama and Rena were
performing in the airport lobby.
Rena’s enthusiasm for the trip was evident, as her spirits were exceptionally

“Well, of course, I’m excited! The moment you’re about to embark on a

journey is when your excitement peaks. Doesn’t the airport make you feel
all thrilled?”

“Well, to be honest, I’m feeling more nervous than thrilled…”

In contrast to Rena, Toyama seemed a bit nervous.

“Ara, Toyama-kun, are you perhaps afraid of flying?”

“Not so much afraid as it’s my first time…”

“It’s natural to feel nervous then… Is everyone else okay?”

Rena turned her gaze to Aizawa, who was beside her.

“I’ve been on a plane before, so I’m fine.”

“What about Chihiro-kun?”

“I’ve been on a few times, so I’m okay.”

“Marika-chan… doesn’t seem okay, does she?”

Where Rena looked next, she saw Marika, whose face had a slightly
strained expression.

“Is this your first time flying too, Marika-chan?”

“Y-yes… and I’m also not good with heights…”

She seemed more seriously concerned than Toyama, who was simply
nervous about his first flight.

“If you get too nervous, you might get motion sickness, so as long as you
relax, you’ll be fine. Taking motion sickness pills might be a good idea, just
in case.”
Rena took motion sickness pills from her pouch and handed them to

“Thank you, Rena-san…”

“Once you’ve flown once, you’ll probably get used to it, so you’ll be fine.
You don’t feel the height as much on an aeroplane because it’s enclosed
from all sides.”

In places where there are only handrails, people often feel the height. In
locations they perceive as safe, even if they are at a significant height, they
usually don’t experience much fear. That is unless they don’t consider the
aeroplane itself safe.

“What about Yumi… It’s been a while, but you’ll be okay, right?”

“Un, I’ll be fine.”

“Yumi, it’s been years since we flew together, right? Probably about ten

“Yeah, I think it’s about that long. I can barely remember those times now.”
Back then, their parents hadn’t divorced yet, and Yumi didn’t have any
complexes about her older sister.

“I remember it well. We couldn’t get a window seat, but you really wanted
one, so a kind person switched seats with us. Do you remember, Yumi?”

“I-I remember it a little.”

“I can’t imagine Yumi throwing a tantrum. I might want to see what that
looked like.”

“Believe it or not, she used to be quite spoiled. And she was a little clingy,
always following me around. She was cute back then.”

Rena began to reminisce about the past and spoke with nostalgia.

“Hey, Nee-san, it’s embarrassing…”

Even though it was about the past, it seemed embarrassing to Takai to have
been so attached to her sister.

“Rena-san, it’s time for check-in, shall we go?”

As the LCC terminal was a bit far away, Aizawa urged them to move to the
passenger terminal a bit earlier.

After completing the check-in and depositing their luggage, Toyama and the
others wandered around the food court in the departure lobby.

“Look, Toyama, there’s an okonomiyaki restaurant and many other

tempting options!”

Just a while ago, Marika was nervous, but now she seemed to be enjoying
herself. It appeared that the passage of time had eased her tension.

The relatively new passenger terminal had a makeshift feel to it, but it had
various eateries and shops, making it a comfortable place to pass the time.

“You’re right; I’d love to eat something, but we’re planning to have dinner
as soon as we arrive, so I’ll have to hold back.”

“Yeah, but just looking at all these options is fun too.”

Compared to other terminals, Narita Airport’s Terminal 3 was relatively

small but for Marika and Toyama, who were visiting an airport for the first
time, everything they saw was fresh and exciting.
“Toyama, Marika, we should start moving to the boarding gate. Make sure
you use the restroom or anything you need.”

Unnoticed by the others, Aizawa had become like a tour guide, guiding
them through the terminal. Meanwhile, Rena, who was acting as the
guardian, seemed to be browsing through various goods in a shop.

“Aa! Rena-san! We need to go soon! Please don’t wander around!”

“Mika is really suited for this kind of role.”

From a distance, Marika chuckled as she watched Aizawa taking care of


“Really, you can’t tell who the guardian is at this rate.”

However, Toyama understood that Rena could be relied upon in times of


After smoothly passing through the security checkpoint, Toyama and the
others moved to the departure bus gate lounge.

“Are we going to board the plane from here?”

Marika couldn’t see any planes anywhere, and it seemed different from
what she had imagined. She mumbled this to no one in particular.

“Marika-san, we’ll take a bus from here to where the plane is waiting.”

Okita answered Marika’s question.

“Huh? We’re taking a bus from here?”

“Un, with LCCs, the ticket prices are lower, but in return, the airports have
less convenient boarding locations for passengers because they have lower
airport usage fees.”

Okita explained it clearly to Marika.

“Heeee…So that’s why it’s cheaper? You know a lot, Okita-kun.”

“I’ve used LCCs a few times and did some research.”

“Did Toyama know about this?”

Marika turned to Toyama and brought up the topic.

“No, I had no idea. I never used aeroplanes before, to begin with.”

While discussing this with Okita, Toyama and the others spent the time
until the boarding time.

“Yuki, it’s almost time to board.”

Takai pointed at the gate where the staff had begun preparations.

When the boarding time came, they announced the order for boarding, and
Toyama and the others paid close attention to the announcements to ensure
they didn’t miss their number.

“Toyama-kun, when you board, they call passengers from the rear to the
front of the plane.”
“Why is that, Onee-san?”

“The front of the plane is where the boarding door is located. What do you
think would happen if they let passengers from the front rows in first?”

“…Oh, I see! If there were passengers in the aisle, it would obstruct those
in the rear from boarding smoothly.”

“That’s right. If people putting their baggage in the overhead compartments

were in the aisle, it would be an obstruction.”

“I see… They’ve really thought it through.”

It was a straightforward explanation, but it made sense to Toyama, who was

boarding a plane for the first time.

“Okay, our numbers have been called, so let’s go? Have your tickets ready
to show immediately.”

When Toyama and the others’ seat numbers were announced, Aizawa led
the way to the boarding gate.

“Toyama, it’s finally happening, right?”

At the time they had just arrived at the airport, Marika appeared nervous.
However, now she seemed excited about her first flight.

“Marika-san, do you have your ticket?”

“Un, it’s fine. Look.”

Marika took the ticket out of her pocket and showed it to Toyama.

“Great, let’s go then.”

Toyama and the others travelled by bus to reach the aeroplane and Toyama
boarded the plane via the tarmac.

“Ooo, this is the inside of an aeroplane… It’s surprisingly small…”

Toyama muttered this without addressing anyone in particular.

“Let’s see… Our seats are…”

“Yuki, over here!”

As Toyama looked for their seats while checking the seat number on his
ticket, he heard Takai’s voice calling to him.

For this flight, they were fortunate to have reserved two rows of three seats,
which accommodated all six of them, ensuring they didn’t have to sit

“Uwa, it’s tight! There’s probably only about 30 centimetres between my

nose and the back of the seat in front.”

Toyama was surprised by the narrow space between his seat and the one in

“Indeed… But the legroom is more spacious than I expected.”

Even for average-sized individuals like Toyama and Marika, it felt cramped,
so it must be even more uncomfortable for larger passengers.
“This is what LCC is like. The flight is about three hours, so please bear
with it, Toyama-kun and Marika-chan.”

The seat arrangement was such that Takai, Rena and Toyama sat in the front
row by the window, while Okita, Aizawa and Marika sat in the back row by
the window.

Once all passengers had boarded, the cabin crew began their tutorial on
safety instructions and how to use the amenities. Most passengers didn’t
seem too focused, but Toyama and Marika, who were flying for the first
time, were paying close attention.

Once the cabin crew had completed their checks, taken their seats and
fastened their seat belts, the moment of takeoff arrived.

The plane slowly made its way along the taxiway, and with each passing
second, Toyama’s heart rate gradually increased. As they reached the
runway, the jet engines roared to life, and the aircraft experienced an
acceleration unlike anything Toyama had ever felt before. The sudden burst
of speed generated a significant gravitational force on their bodies.


Toyama couldn’t help but let out a surprised exclamation.


A voice from the back seats, presumably Marika, was also heard. Those
who had flown before maintained their composure and showed no signs of

As the plane continued to accelerate, Toyama’s anxiety grew.

───Is this thing really going to fly?

His body tensed up. Then, at what felt like the peak speed, a sensation of
weightlessness overcame them as the plane left the ground.

The floating feeling and the force of acceleration that followed were
uncomfortable. Toyama’s concern for Marika, who was sitting behind him,
crossed his mind, but he couldn’t turn around to check.

After what seemed like a few minutes, Toyama began to adapt to the
sensations of flight. The G-forces and the floating feeling gradually
subsided. The seatbelt sign turned off, accompanied by an announcement.

With the discomfort gone and the plane in a stable state, Toyama released
the tension in his body and took a deep breath.

“Yuki, are you okay? You seemed quite nervous during takeoff…”

Takai, sitting by the window, peered worriedly at Toyama’s face.

“Un, I’m okay… I was really nervous during takeoff… How about you,
Takai? Were you okay?”

“I was a little nervous before takeoff too, but I’m fine now.”

Both of them exchanged reassuring words as the plane continued its



As Toyama twisted his body to look back, she was greeted with the sight of
Uehara, whose face had lost colour, holding Aizawa’s hand with a tense

“U-Uehara-san!? A-Are you okay…?”

“T-Toyama…I-I’m okay… I just got a little nauseous from being too

“Toyama, here, have some of this.”

Toyama took a small bottle of water from his bag, which had been placed at
her feet, and handed it to Uehara.

“Toyama… Thank you…”

Uehara accepted the bottle, opened the cap, and took a sip of water.

“I was holding her hand because Marika was extremely nervous.”

It seemed that Aizawa had been holding Uehara’s hand throughout the
takeoff to help alleviate her nervousness.

“Thank you, Mika… Thanks to you, I’m feeling a bit better.”

“Toyama-kun, I’m passing in front of you.”

Rena, who had been worried about Uehara, stood up from her seat to check
on her.

“How are you feeling, Marika-chan?”

“Yes, thanks to the motion sickness medication, it’s not as bad as it could

Toyama had heard that motion sickness medication not only worked
because of its active ingredients but also because the act of taking it brought
a sense of reassurance.

Thanks to that, the colour had returned to Uehara’s face more than it had a
little while ago.

“Aeroplanes can make you feel sick due to the environmental factors, but I
think you’ll get used to it after a few experiences”

Toyama couldn’t help but think that Rena might be right. After a few
flights, he might get used to it.

“Since you can move around freely now, those who need to use the
restroom should go now. We don’t know when the seatbelt sign will come

As Rena said this, Toyama looked toward the restroom in the front, he saw
a line of people waiting to use it.

“After takeoff, the restroom tends to get crowded. I think it’s because
people are relieved from the tension”

“Aa, yes, that’s true. When the seatbelt sign is off, people tend to head to
the restroom”

It seemed that Aizawa, who appeared to be experienced with travelling, had

the same impression.

“Uehara-san, when you’re feeling nauseous, try sucking on a candy”

Okita hands Uehara a wrapped candy from his bag.

“Okita-kun, thank you. I’m sorry for causing you trouble.”

“Not at all, it’s not a bother. I used to get nauseous due to nerves at first too.
During that time, I found out that candies with a slight sour taste can help”
The candy Okita gave to Uehara was honey lemon flavoured.

“Heee, really? That’s valuable information”

“Yuki, do you want a candy too?”

“No, I’m fine”

Toyama declined, feeling a bit nervous but not to the point of getting
motion sick.

“Good, your color has returned, and you seem okay now”

Rena peered at Uehara’s face before returning to her own seat.

As the flight continued smoothly after takeoff, Toyama had finished reading
the booklet provided in the seat pocket and found himself with some free
time. He glanced at the adjacent seat. Rena seemed to be wearing
headphones, possibly listening to music and Takai, by the window, had
taken out a book and was engrossed in reading.

──Oh, I brought a book too

Toyama reached into his bag, took out a book and started reading. As an
avid reader, once she delved into a book, he quickly immersed himself in its
world, blocking out all external noise.

Around thirty minutes had passed since Toyama started reading.

Unexpectedly, Rena stood up from her seat.

“Marika-chan, how about we switch seats?”

Without waiting for Uehara’s response, Rena began to move.

“Toyama-kun, move to my seat. Come on.”

For some reason, Toyama was forcibly relocated to Takai’s side.

“Marika-chan, you’ll be sitting here.”

Thus, Uehara was moved to the seat where Toyama had been sitting.

“Toyama…Did something happen with Rena-san?”

“No, I don’t really understand her actions.”

However, even though Rena often seemed to act on impulse, she frequently
calculated her actions. There might be some meaning behind Rena’s seat

“Takai, sorry for disturbing your reading.”

“No, I should apologise. It seems like I disrupted Yuki’s reading.”

Currently, Takai was sitting on the left side of Toyama and Uehara was on
the right. He wondered if Rena had done this with some intention.

“At last, I can talk with Mika-chan. Oh, can I sit in the middle, please?”

“Wait, Reina-san, where are you touching!?”

“Chihiro-kun, we couldn’t talk much at the last birthday party, so let’s chat
slowly from now on.”

“Y-you’re right.”

Toyama could hear Rena’s voice as she moved from the rear seat. Listening
to their conversation, it seemed like she just wanted to chat with Aizawa
and Okita.

“What is she up to…”

“Rena-san is indeed quite elusive and mysterious, isn’t she?”

“I’m really sorry on behalf of Nee-san for causing trouble…”

“Takai-san, we’re grateful for Rena-san taking care of us, so don’t worry
about it.”

Takai, thinking she had caused trouble, apologised, and Uehara hurriedly
reassured her.

“This trip wouldn’t have happened without your Onee-san. Despite all her
quirks, she’s reliable and trustworthy.”
Toyama also trusted her, having relied on her several times.

“If Nee-san hears that you trust her, she’ll be delighted, for sure.”

“Takai, if she finds out, she’ll tease me, so keep it a secret.”

“I won’t say anything. If you want to talk about it, Yuki will tell you.”

Takai suggested that important things should be communicated personally,

but Toyama felt too embarrassed to say something so direct.

“It’s a bit chilly, isn’t it…”

The cabin was quite chilly due to the effective air conditioning. Uehara,
who was dressed lightly, felt cold.

“Uehara-san, should I ask for a blanket for you?”

Saying that, Takai pressed the call button to summon a flight attendant.
“Yuki, are you okay without a blanket? Aren’t you cold?”

In low-cost carriers like this, blankets were available for a fee to reduce
costs, so Takai and Uehara decided to share two blankets.

“I’m not that cold, so I’m fine without one. You two can share.”

Toyama, with blankets from Takai and Uehara draped over him, felt the
warmth from their body heat.

“This way, the three of us can keep warm with two blankets!”

Uehara spread her blanket and shared about a third of it with Toyama and
Takai did the same, sharing about a third of her blanket with him. This
arrangement allowed all three to stay warm.

“By doing this, it’s cosy with our body warmth!”

Uehara smiled warmly.

Toyama, sandwiched between Takai and Uehara, felt the warmth from their
bodies through the blankets and found it so comfortable that he drifted off
to sleep. Under the blankets, both Takai and Uehara were holding Toyama’s

“AraAra, it seems all three of them have fallen asleep”

Rena remarked as she peered in from behind, her gaze full of warmth at the
sight of the three sleeping peacefully.

“These three, honestly… They’re quite bold in a public place like this.”

“All three of them look so happy, and just watching them is soothing for us”

Aizawa said with an amused expression, while Okita smiled tenderly.

“Toyama-kun, Marika-chan, Yumi, it’s time to wake up.”

Toyama was gently nudged by Rena and she opened her eyes. Following his
lead, Takai and Uehara also woke up.
“We’re entering the landing phase soon, so you should go to the restroom

Rena explained that the restroom would be off-limits during the final

“I’ll return the blankets and use the restroom while I’m at it…”

Uehara, who still seemed half-asleep, made her way to the restroom with
unsteady steps.

“I’ll go too”

Takai followed Uehara.

“Toyama-kun, it looked like you were enjoying being sandwiched between

two cute girls”

Rena teased with a mischievous grin.

“W-Well… I got up early this morning, and it was warm with the blankets,
so I got a bit sleepy”
Toyama explained, trying to hide her embarrassment. Rena couldn’t help
but feel a sense of youth and innocence in Toyama’s blushing response.

“We’ve finally arrived! The long-awaited Hawaii!”

“Onee-san, this is Okinawa. And how long are you going to keep making
that joke?”

Having arrived at Naha Airport and picked up their luggage, Toyama found
himself in the arrival lobby, where Rena was excitedly frolicking and doing
stand-up comedy, just like she had done in Narita.

“Toyama kun, aren’t you excited? That feeling of excitement when you
come to an unfamiliar place. That’s the essence of travelling.”

“Onee-san, isn’t this your first time in Okinawa?”

“Nah, I’ve been to Okinawa many times already.”

“It’s not an unfamiliar place at all, then.”

“Well, it’s all in the spirit of it. Let’s not sweat the small stuff.”

“Um… How long is this husband-wife comedy act going to continue?”

Amidst the stand-up comedy antics of Toyama and Rena, Aizawa calmly

“Sorry, Mika-chan. I got carried away. So… is everyone here? We’ll put our
luggage in the weekly mansion and then head to Kokusai Dori!”

[Kokusai dori;Neighborhood in Naha, Japan]

To reach the weekly mansion via the Yui Rail, the group exited from the
connecting passage.

[Okinawa Urban Monorail]

“It’s so hot!”

Transitioning from the air-conditioned arrival lobby to the humid and warm
air typical of Okinawa, Toyama couldn’t help but exclaim.
“Yuki, you’re starting to feel the Okinawa vibe now, right?”

“Chihiro, is this your first time in Okinawa?”

“Un, we just left the airport, but it already has that tropical feel.”

The airport and the Yui Rail station were connected by a covered walkway
and were only a few minutes’ walk away.

“Huh? How do we get through the gate with this?”

Tamayama had purchased a ticket and was about to go through the gate but
realised there was no slot for inserting the ticket.

“Toyama-kun, you have to scan the QR code on the ticket.”

Rena came to the rescue from behind.

“Eh? Oh, you’re right… That’s different…”

The Yui Rail tickets required passengers to scan the QR code at the gate for

“It’s interesting that the tickets have QR codes”

Uehara remarked, looking at her ticket with curiosity.

Toyama and his group arrived at their destination, Meieki Bridge Station.

“Aree? What do we do with these tickets?”

They had scanned the QR code to pass through the gate, but the tickets were
not automatically collected at the gate, so they needed to keep the tickets
with them when they exited.

“Toyama-kun, you should put the tickets in that collection box over there.”

Rena pointed to the ticket collection box located beyond the gate.

“It’s really different!”

Toyama had never expected passengers to collect their own tickets.

In Okinawa, his first taste of this new approach was unexpected.

After arriving in Okinawa, they reached their intended destination, the

weekly mansion, just a few minutes’ walk from the station.

“Well then, I’ll go check in, so you all can wait outside”

Rena said before entering the office on the first floor.

“You’re right, it feels more like an older apartment complex than a hotel”

Uehara remarked as the exterior had a complete apartment building


“Yuki, there’s a laundry room over there”

Takai pointed to the back of the parking lot.

“’I heard there was a washing machine in the room, but I didn’t realise there
was one outside too.”

Toyama commented, understanding the necessity of having a washing

machine and dryer for an extended stay.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, everyone. I’ve got the keys, so let’s not lose

Each person received a key from Rena. Unlike a hotel, it was convenient
not to have to go to the front desk for key exchanges every time they
entered and exited.

“Toyama-kun and Chihiro-kun have separate rooms on a different floor

from us, so after we put our stuff down, let’s meet on the first floor”

Toyama and Okita, who had already taken the elevator downstairs, made
their way to their designated room.

“It’s got a sort of Showa-era feel to it, doesn’t it?”

Toyama looked around the plain hallway. The building appeared to be
several decades old.

“I don’t think Yuki was born during the Showa era, was he?”

Okita pointed out with a chuckle, offering a reasonable retort to Toyama’s


“N-Not really. I mean, it’s got that retro vibe, you know?”

“Haha, I was just kidding. I thought it had a bit of a Showa feel too”

“Chihiro, you can be quite mean sometimes. Is the Onee-san’s mood

rubbing off on you?”

They reached their designated room, and Toyama inserted the simple
dimple key to open the door.

“Oh, it’s more spacious than I thought, and despite the old-fashioned feel,
it’s quite clean and nice, don’t you think?”

The room had a separate kitchen, a bathroom with a shower, and separate
toilet facilities, and it was a twin-bed 2K room.
[a kitchen + 2 rooms (2 Kitchen)]

“Are? There’s no washing machine”

Okita remarked as he looked around the room.

“I think Rena-san mentioned they have a family room, so maybe the bigger
rooms have one”

“Yuki, we should get going soon, or we’ll keep Rena-san and the others

“You’re right. Let’s leave exploring the room for later and head out as

Toyama agreed. Rena had mentioned they would have a meal and then
explore Kokusai Dori. If they dawdled, they might not have enough time
for leisure activities.

“Aree? It looks like everyone hasn’t come down yet”

Okita observed as he scanned the area, but they were not there yet.

“Well, women do take some time to get ready”

“Yuki…Thanks for inviting me on this trip to Okinawa.”

“What’s gotten into you? You don’t have to be so formal. I think Reina-san
would appreciate your thanks more”

“It’s true. I never thought we’d all come to Okinawa like this”

As Okita says, just a few months ago, it was unimaginable. Toyama’s

journey involved many twists and turns, but he had met and bonded with
Takai and Uehara. Without them, this situation would be impossible.

──I need to express my gratitude to everyone.

The words Aoki had told him before coming to Okinawa. That treating
people equally was just his ego. But Toyama had no regrets. This is the
[now] that Chihiro was happy with. If he had made different choices, this
[now] wouldn’t exist. So, Toyama wouldn’t hesitate anymore. He would
keep stacking up these [now] even if he made mistakes because that was
how he would build a future.
“Did we keep you waiting?”

After a few minutes of chatting, the four of them, led by Takai, arrived.

“Sorry. We got caught up exploring the room and ended up being late.”

Uehara apologised, bowing slightly.

“No worries, we were doing some exploring too, so we understand”

“Then let’s go get some food! It’s just one station away on the monorail, so
we can walk and explore along the way!”

Rena’s enthusiasm was evident. She might be used to travelling, but she
was still excited.

“It’s my first time in Okinawa, and the atmosphere is definitely different

from our hometown”
Okita commented, noticing the unique design of the walls, tiles and
everything he saw on the streets.

“You’re right… even the newer buildings have a distinct style. There are a
lot of unique structures here”

Toyama added, feeling the difference from his hometown.

“Onee-san, where are we going to have our meal?”

Toyama asks Rena about the restaurant they are going to.

“We’re going to a place that serves excellent shabu-shabu. The meat is

delicious, and the Japanese-style dipping sauce is incredibly tasty. They
also have set meals at reasonable prices, so I wanted everyone to try it”

After a fifteen-minute walk from the apartment, they arrived at the intended

“What’s this…? A statue of a pig?”

In front of the restaurant, there was a statue-like object resembling a pig and
the place looked new and clean.

“I had a reservation for six people”

Takai announced to the staff as they entered the restaurant.

──Suddenly six people entered the restaurant and I thought there would be
a table, but it turns out she had already made a reservation…

“Onee-san, you made a reservation?”

“Yes, I did. Just in case, you know. Going in with six people without a
reservation might not get us a table”

They were led to a private room, where each of them began examining the

“Onee-san recommends shabu-shabu…”

“Everything here is delicious, so you don’t have to go with shabu-shabu if

you don’t want to. You can order whatever you like”
“If we go for the shabu-shabu course, we all have to order the same thing…
I think I’ll go for the shabu-shabu set”

“Though there are many delicious options on the menu… I’ll also go for the
same as Toyama”

They all ended up choosing the shabu-shabu set.

Rena placed the order for six shabu-shabu sets and asked if they could have
the Japanese-style broth with all of them.

The staff informed them that the Japanese-style broth was typically
included with the shabu-shabu course,but if they requested it separately,
they would provide it free of charge.

Rena’s foresight in making the reservation and knowing how to get the
Japanese-style broth impressed the group, and they settled in, eagerly
awaiting their meal.

Rena is really reliable.

Everyone’s orders arrived, and immediately, Toyama took a piece of meat,
briefly dipped it in the Japanese-style broth, and took a bite.


“Delicious! What’s this? This Japanese-style broth for dipping is seriously


“I want to try it too!”

Seeing Toyama ‘s exaggerated reaction, Uehara couldn’t wait any longer

and also tried a piece of meat.

“Indeed…the flavour of this Japanese-style broth is incredible… I’ve never

had such a tasty dipping sauce.”

“Maybe it’s made with kombu? As soon as it enters your mouth, the aroma
of the broth spreads, and it pairs wonderfully with the mild pork.”

[Type of algae]

They all appreciated the exquisite flavour of the Japanese-style broth,

adding a unique twist to their shabu-shabu experience.
Takai’s comments were very clear, unlike those of Toyama.

“It’s really delicious. This is the best shabu-shabu I’ve had so far.”

The taste seemed to satisfy Aizawa, who is also an excellent cook.

“The Japanese-style broth is great, but this tofu-based dipping sauce is also
delicious. The ponzu sauce is tasty as well. There are so many different
flavours to enjoy, and even someone with a small appetite like me can eat a

Okita, who typically had a small appetite, found the variety of dipping
sauces so appealing that he believed he could enjoy the meal without
getting tired of it.

“Exactly! In the course menu, you get Okinawan soba noodles at the end,
and when you eat them with the Japanese-style broth, it’s absolutely

Having recommended the dish herself and receiving such positive feedback,
Rena was in high spirits.
“Soba for dessert sounds delicious. I was hoping to try it, but it seems we
can’t add it to the set menu.”

Toyama had wanted to try the soba but he understood that it wasn’t
included in the set menu.

After finishing their meal, the group of friends made their way to the
Kokusai Dori. It was about a thirty-minute walk from the restaurant,
making it a good distance for a post-meal stroll.

As they enjoyed the sights of Okinawa’s streets, they soon encountered the
unique design of the Okinawa Prefecture Office building.

They passed by the office building and continued on to the side of the
Ryubo Department Store, where many shops lined the streets. This area
marked the beginning and end of Kokusai Dori’s street.

“Uwa, this is amazing… Are all of these souvenir shops?”

Uehara remarked, her eyes sparkling at the array of souvenirs on display.

“Indeed, the streets are quite crowded, especially because it’s summer
“Uehara-san, be careful not to get lost”

“Mouu, I’m not a child anymore, I’ll be fine”

Uehara responded, though she couldn’t hide her excitement as she headed
into one of the souvenir shops on her own.

“Aa, Marika! Don’t go by yourself!”

Aizawa called out as she followed Uehara.

“It looks like both Marika-chan and Mika-chan are having fun. It’s great
that they came along with us”

“That’s thanks to you and Onee-san. I’m really glad we came together.”


Toyama turned to Okita.

“Un, thank you for this trip. I’m having a great time with Rena-san and the

Chihiro displayed an untroubled smile.

“Chihiro-kun… How adorable can you be! Onee-san is getting all


Rena-san playfully attempted to hug Okita but was easily evaded.

“Chihiro-kun, you’re stingy~”

She continued her playful antics, though there might have been some
shyness behind it. In any case, it was the usual Rena, but for some reason,
Toyama found her a bit cute.

“By the way, Kokusai Dori is quite long, isn’t it?”

“Kokusai Dori is about 1.6 kilometres long”

“That long!? That’s quite a stretch…”

In reality, they hadn’t walked all that far from the entrance, as they had
made detours to check out various shops along the way.

“If we keep going and visit all the shops, it’ll be morning by the time we’re

Toyama couldn’t believe it but does Uehara intend to visit all the shops? It
seems like she really enjoy going around and looking at the shops.

“You can take your time to choose souvenirs today, so make sure to buy
them now”

After tomorrow they are planning to go on a trip, so Toyama doesn’t know

if they can come to Kokusai Dori early enough. So Rena told everyone to
buy them while they still can.

“So, how about we have about three hours of free time starting now? If we
keep moving in a large group and following others, we won’t be able to go
where we want, right? I don’t want to keep everyone company either.”

“Some people might want to have tea, and some might want to visit
souvenir shops like Marika… What do you think, Rena-san?”

Aizawa seemed to agree with Uehara’s suggestion.

“Well… it’s about 6 PM now, and it’s still bright out, so three hours should
be fine.”


Uehara seemed quite happy, indicating a strong desire for some free time.

“All right, let’s meet at that fast-food restaurant at 9 PM, then.”


──Uehara seems quite enthusiastic. I wonder if the idea of free time made
her this excited?

“I’m planning to go with Yumi to a place with delicious Baumkuchen and

have some tea. What about you, Mika-chan?”

[Baumkuchen is a kind of spit cake from German cuisine.]

“I’m in! If Rena-san knows the place, it must be good.”

“Great, Mika-chan, you’re coming with us. What about Marika-chan?”

“I… want to explore various shops, so I’ll pass”

“Okay, got it. What about Toyama-kun and Chihiro-kun?”

“I’ll be exploring with Chihiro.”

“I see…Marika-chan, are you sure you’ll be okay by yourself?”

Rena-san seems concerned about Uehara, who mentioned solo sightseeing.

“I’m not a child, I’ll be fine. I have my smartphone, so I can always get in

“Okay, if anything happens, be sure to contact us.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“If, by any chance, you can’t make it back by 9 PM, be sure to contact me.
And be careful around places with the name ‘Matsuyama’; it’s a lively
district with lots of drunk people.”

Rena-san has a sense of responsibility as a guardian, so she probably

doesn’t want to let her guard down. However, she also wants everyone to
enjoy the trip. That’s why she set some boundaries and minimum rules that
are acceptable, even at the last minute.

“Areee, is this the right place?”

Uehara, who had split off from Rena and the others to do her own thing,
was on her way to a certain accessory shop. Before her trip to Okinawa, she
had fallen in love with some accessories she saw online and she really
wanted to get them.

“I’m not very good with smartphone maps… I have trouble with

However, being directionally challenged to begin with and in an unfamiliar

place, Uehara found herself lost.

“This area seems… there are a lot of men, and it looks a bit sketchy.”
Uehara checked the address written on a nearby utility pole.

“Naha City Matsuyama…Could this be the place Rena-san warned me not

to get close to?”

The intimidating figures on the street were actually touts for the shops, and
many of the men wandering around this area were visitors to the
entertainment district.

[Touts;those guys that will approach you and ask you to buy their stuff]

“You’re cute. Which club are you from?”

Suddenly, an elderly man called out to Uehara.

“N-No,I’m not!”

Startled by what seemed like a drunk man’s approach, Uehara quickly ran

“HaaHaaa… That was a shock… Maybe he mistook me for a girl working

at a bar or something, asking which club I’m from…”
Uehara, although in the same age group as other girls, had a slightly more
mature and attractive appearance. Her somewhat flashy outfit, combined
with the fact that she was on a trip to Okinawa, might have caused her to be
mistaken for one of the establishment’s staff.

After that, she was mistaken for a club worker and approached by men who
seemed to be offering her work.

“As Rena-san said, I should’ve stayed away from this place… It’s kind of

An adult woman like Rena might have been able to handle such situations
easily, but despite her mature appearance, Uehara was still a high school
student at heart. Being approached by men in this kind of place was clearly
terrifying for her.

“I shouldn’t have come alone…”

Uehara had wanted to buy matching accessories at the accessory shop as a

gift for Toyama. That’s why she suggested free time, not wanting others to
know about her plans.

“Where is this place…?”

After running away from each man who approached her, Uehara had ended
up further into the entertainment district. Even when she looked at her
phone’s map, she couldn’t figure out her location. She was feeling helpless
and lost.

“I should call someone to come pick me up…”

She had been told to contact Rena in case of an emergency, but right now,
she wanted to see Toyama.

Meanwhile, Toyama and Okita were walking a little away from Kokusai


The smartphone in Toyama’s back pocket vibrated, and the ringtone echoed.


He took out the phone and checked the screen, confirming that it was a call
from Uehara.
“Hello, Uehara-san?”

“『Ah… Toyama?』”

“What’s wrong?”

“『You see… I got lost… I can’t figure out where I am even when I look at
the map… Could you come and pick me up?』”

“u-un,okay. Do you know where you are now? Is there a street sign or
anything with the town name on it?”

“『I’ll look around…』”

Uehara seemed to be walking around, searching for information in silence

for a short time.

“『I found it! It says ‘Matsuyama一─××─×.』”

“Is there anything recognizable nearby? Like a convenience store?”

“『Well… there’s a Lawson nearby.』”

“Okay, Uehara-san, wait inside the Lawson. I’ll be there soon.”

“『Okay… I’m sorry, Toyama…』”

“No need to apologise. I’ll be there shortly!”

After ending the call, Toyama checked the given address on the map.

“Yuki, it seems like you got a call from Uehara-san. What happened?”

“She got lost and can’t find her way back. So, let’s go pick her up together.”

“Y-yeah, got it!”

The voice on the other end of Uehara’s call sounded weak and a bit timid.
“I’ve figured out the location! It’s pretty close… Sorry, Chihiro, but we’re
going to run.”

Based on what he found on the map, it seemed like they could get there in a
few minutes if they ran. Feeling the anxiety and fear of being lost in an
unfamiliar place, Toyama wanted to get there as quickly as possible.

“Having a convenience store nearby is a relief…”

Once she entered the convenience store, she felt that no one would
approach her. Uehara was relieved to have been able to contact Toyama.

“Onee-san, which shop are you from?”

As Uehara started to walk into the convenience store, she was once again
approached by a man, this time right at the entrance.

“Oh, you’re so cute. Lucky!”

Up until now, the people who had approached her were middle-aged and
alone. However, this time, it was a group of three young men in their early
twenties. Two of them had intimidating appearances and could be described
as having the look of delinquents, the kind of people she’d normally avoid.

“Uh, um… I’m not from a shop or anything like that… I’m here for
sightseeing… and, um…”

Surrounded by the intimidating men, Uehara’s legs trembled with fear.

“Oh, what’s up? Are you here for a trip? Then let’s go have a drink together
after we show you some great places.”

“Hey, you guys, she looks scared. Can’t you be a bit more gentle?”

The man who appeared to have a more ordinary appearance among the
three reprimanded the other two.

“Sorry, they’re a bit drunk, and they might look and sound rough, but that’s
all there is to it.”

“Come on, Ueshima-san, it’s not like that.”

“Shut up! You guys don’t get any attention because you look scary.”
This man named Ueshima appeared to be the most composed among them,
but even he had a rough way of speaking and he exuded an unsettling
atmosphere that didn’t seem like that of an ordinary person.

“HaaaHaaa…Chihiro, I think that’s Lawson…”

Toyama and Okita had been running at full speed since they received the
call until they spotted the convenience store.

“Haaa…Y-Yuki, isn’t that Uehara-san over there? She’s surrounded by

those three men, isn’t she?”

Bent over with hands on his knees, Okita pointed in the direction where
Uehara’s figure came into view after they had stopped running. Seeing
Uehara, who was surrounded by the three intimidating men and looked
frightened, Toyama immediately realised that this was far from a normal
situation and ran back towards her.

“Y-Yuki… I’m going too.”

Okita followed after him.

“Hey, Uehara-san!”


“What’s with this kid?”

One of the three men, clearly unhappy with the sudden intrusion, gave
Toyama a menacing look. Faced with these men who clearly didn’t seem
like ordinary people, Toyama felt fear as well.

“Y-Yuki! Uehara-san!”

Okita arrived a bit later, but seeing these three men, he too took a step back
in fear.

“O-Okita-kun too…”

“Another one joined, huh? This time it’s a pretty boy. Do you guys know
each other?”
“That, um, he’s my, uh, friend! I, I don’t know what happened, but can you
please, um, release her? I, I’ll do the talking from here.”

Toyama, also too frightened to speak properly, stuttered while making his

“Onii-chan, are you this girl’s boyfriend?”

The man called Ueshima asked Toyama.


Toyama answered without hesitation to that question. Despite his fear, he

maintained eye contact with Ueshima.

“Let’s go, guys.”


“Onii-chan, it’s not like she did anything wrong. One of our young guys just
tried to pick her up.”
“I-is that so….?”

“More importantly, leaving her alone in a place like this isn’t a good idea.
There are some shady characters around here too.”

“Ueshima-san, you’re being harsh, aren’t you~”


“Well, this isn’t a place for minors, so hurry back to your hotel.”

“Y-yes, understood. Thank you for the advice.”

Toyama bowed his head to the man called Ueshima.

“Onee-chan, sorry for scaring you.”


Ueshima offered a brief apology to Uehara and, along with the other two
men, disappeared into the nighttime streets.
“Haaaaーーー! That was so… scary…”

As the three men left and the tension that had built up dissipated, Toyama
felt like his legs were about to give out, and he almost kneeled on the

“Y-Yuki… I was so scared!”

With tears in her eyes, Uehara leaped into Toyama’s chest.


Uehara’s ample bosom pressed against him, and even in this moment,
Toyama couldn’t help but be aware of the sensation.

“It’s my fault for making you so scared, Toyama… I’m sorry…”

“No, it’s a relief that you’re okay, Uehara-san.”

“Thanks for coming, Okita-kun.”

“No, I was too scared to do anything… I couldn’t even move…”

“No, that’s not true. Just your presence is reassuring.”

“A-anyway, we’re attracting a lot of attention here. Maybe we should move

away from this place.”

Indeed, the sight of Uehara, a conspicuous woman, hugging a man drew a

lot of attention. Given the possibility of further trouble in this area, it was
necessary to leave promptly.

The three of them began walking toward Kokusai Dori.

“Why was Uehara-san in such a place?”

It was quite far from Kokusai Dori, so Toyama asked out of curiosity.

“There was an accessory I really wanted, and I was planning to go to the

shop for it. But I got lost. Even when I looked at the map, I had no idea
where I was, and in the meantime, I was approached by drunks multiple
times. I got scared and ran away, and somehow ended up in that place.”
“I see… Without local knowledge, it’s hard to make sense of a map. I’m
just glad I’m not directionally challenged.”

“What’s the name of the accessory shop Uehara-san wanted to visit? I

noticed a few such shops when we were running, so maybe it’s nearby.”

It seemed that Okita had been keeping an eye out while they were running.

“Okita-kun, it’s this shop.”

Uehara opened the shop’s website on her smartphone and showed it to


“So, which one did you want, Uehara-san?”

“I wanted a macrame-woven bracelet with firefly glass.”

Okita scrolled through the product photos on the website.

“Could it be this one?”

Okita tapped on an image that seemed to match the description Uehara had

“Yes, yes! That’s it!”

“It seems the shop is a bit far from here. It might take about thirty minutes
on foot.”

Okita had activated the map and was conducting a route search.

“Uehara-san, it looks like they’re still open, so how about giving it a try?”

It seemed like a change of scenery was in order, so Toyama suggested going

to the shop.

“No… I’ll pass for today.”

“I see… Uehara-san seems tired, so let’s go back to the apartment first. If

you feel better later, we can meet up with everyone. If not, you can just stay
in your room.”

“Okay, let’s do that.”

“Chihiro, I’ll accompany Uehara-san back to the apartment, but there’s
something I’d like to ask you.”

“Sure, I couldn’t be of much help earlier, so I’m ready to assist.”

In that situation, it couldn’t be helped, but Okita seemed concerned.

“Let’s talk over here.”

Saying this, Toyama led Okita a little away from Uehara to ensure she
wouldn’t overhear their conversation.

“Is there something you don’t want Uehara-san to know?”

“Well… I guess so.”

“So, what do you want me to do?”

“First, I’d like you to keep quiet about what happened with the drunk men
in the entertainment district earlier. If Rena-san finds out, she’ll blame
herself for sure.”
“Sure…..I’ll keep quiet about this.”

“I appreciate that. I’d like you to also keep it a secret that Uehara-san and I
are heading back to the apartment from now. If anyone asks, just say that
Chihiro and I split up on the way.”

“Sure, I won’t ask for the reason.”

“That’s a relief.”

“One more thing, I want you to buy the accessory that Uehara-san wanted

“Is this a secret from Uehara-san?”

“Yes, it’s a secret. If there are multiple, please get three. If not, one will do.”

[TL:not gonna lie, I hate this kind of MC]

“Three or one, got it.”

“I’m sorry for burdening you with this.”

“No, it’s not a big deal. Consider it an apology for not being able to help

“You don’t have to feel that way.”

“Well, think of it as my self-satisfaction.”

“I understand. I’m counting on you then.”

“Uehara-san, from here, the apartment is quite far, so let’s take a taxi. If we
walk a bit, we should reach a main road where we can easily find one.”

“Sure, I’ll leave it to Toyama. I’m sorry for causing any trouble.”

“You don’t need to worry about it.”

Far away from the main street, Toyama and Okita parted ways after
catching a taxi.

“Now, shall I go to buy the bracelet Yuki asked for?”

Relying on the map as he walked for about thirty minutes and reached the
intended shop. It was a small store, but the number of customers indicated
its popularity.

“Heeee…they sell accessories made with coral”

“I hope they sell them……”

“Let’s see… the bracelet with firefly glass and macrame weaving… here it

Okita confirmed, comparing it to the shop’s website photo.

“I’m glad I bought three….but why three? One for Uehara-san and the other
two for…? Maybe Takai-san? Well, it doesn’t matter. Since they are
souvenirs or gifts, let’s get them wrapped”
Toyama, who hadn’t thought about wrapping, realised it was necessary
when making them into presents. Okita’s thoughtfulness was truly
remarkable, even without being told.

As Okita left the store, he headed towards the Kokusai Dori where the
meeting place’s shop was located.

“Come to think of it, Yuki insisted that Uehara-san is his girlfriend…She

was holding hands with him the whole time until we got into the taxi, so is
that really the case?”

Even Okita, who was not very sensitive to such matters, noticed that Uehara
didn’t hide her affection for Toyama and so it didn’t seem strange for them
to be together.

“But what about Takai-san…? I thought Yuki might be more interested in


Takai was a bit more reserved, but she too had become more open about her
feelings and Okita slowly had noticed.

“In any case, until 9 PM tonight, I won’t let anyone return to the
Okita promised himself that he would not let anyone disturb Toyama and
Uehara’s alone time together.

“Uehara-san, we’ve arrived at the apartment”

They were able to catch a taxi quickly on the main street, so Toyama and
Uehara returned to the apartment relatively early.

When they got on the elevator of the apartment, Uehara jumped into
Toyama’s arms without waiting for the doors to close. Toyama accepted it
and hugged Uehara.

“I’m glad you came to help today, Toyama… Thank you… I love you…”

While the elevator doors were closed, the button for the intended floor had
not been pressed.

“Are you coming to my room?”

In response to those words, Uehara nodded in silence.

“Uehara-san, we’ve arrived.”

During the short time it took for the elevator to reach the fifth floor where
Toyama and Okita’s room was, they were embracing each other. Toyama
tried to exit the elevator, but Uehara didn’t let go. As the elevator doors
began to close, Toyama pressed the open button and opened the doors

“Uehara-san, we’re running out of time”

Finally, Uehara released her hold.

Uehara opened the door to the room and stepped into the entrance first, with
Toyama following behind. After closing the door, Uehara leaned her head
against his chest. Toyama locked the door behind him and embraced
Uehara’s body.

“Toyama…You looked cool today too.”

“Did I? I was pretty nervous around those three.”

“Even so, you found the courage to help.”

“Uehara-san, you’re someone very dear to me.”

“I’m happy…”

Uehara gazed up at Toyama and then closed his eyes. Toyama’s lips met
Uehara’s and they shared multiple kisses that were gentle, filled with
warmth. Soon, Uehara, tingling with excitement, wrapped her hand around
Toyama’s head and pressed their lips together. Toyama responded, engaging
in a deep, passionate kiss, their tongues dancing together.

After how long they continued kissing, Toyama reached for Uehara’s
swelling beneath his clothing.


A soft moan escaped Uehara’s lips.

“Toyama, let me take a shower…”

“Un, okay.”

Finally, the two of them moved from the entrance into the room.
“Uehara-san, you can go shower first.”

“Un, I’m going.”

While Uehara was taking a shower, Toyama took a condom from his wallet.
He always carried it with him, just in case it would be needed for a moment
with Takai.

Toyama also finished his turn to shower and the two of them sat on the bed.

“Um… Can we turn off the lights? It’s embarrassing”

“Okay, I understand”

Toyama turned off the bedroom light and sat back down next to Uehara on
the bed. He gently pushed Uehara onto the bed and kissed her. While
kissing, he removed Uehara’s bath towel.

“Aaa… I’m embarrassed,”

Uehara’s naked body was illuminated by the moonlight streaming in

through the window.

Uehara’s body was indeed beautiful – well-shaped breasts, a slim waist, a
pleasantly sized buttock, and flawless, smooth skin.

“Toyama… It’s my first time”

“Okay, I understand”

In the dimly lit room, the two of them became one, their bodies




Toyama and Uehara were lying in bed, holding hands.

“Toyama ? Are you awake?”

“I’m awake”

“Toyama, I didn’t ask earlier but you carry condoms with you, right?”

“Un…I always had them with me for when I’m with Takai”

Toyama had decided not to deceive or lie anymore and chose to be honest
with Uehara.

“So, it was for being with Takai-san back then…”

Uehara was referring to the time when she had witnessed Toyama buying


“Well… since that time, I’ve been curious about you, Toyama. And as we
got closer, I started to like you more and more… When Takai-san confessed
the truth, I was really sad”

“But you know, the reason I can be here with Toyama like this is also
thanks to Takai-san. If Toyama and Takai-san didn’t have that kind of
relationship, I think I would have just been a classmate to Toyama. The
history between Toyama and Takai-san has led to who I am today. So, I
want to see the future where the three of us, Toyama, Takai-san and me,
continue to build on the [now]”

Uehara’s conclusion matched Toyama’s.

“Yeah, I feel the same… I want to see that”

“I wonder if Takai-san is looking in the same direction….”

Chapter 6 - Decision

“Is everyone wearing their seatbelts properly?”

Rena, wearing sunglasses, called out to everyone from the driver’s seat.

“Now, let’s get going!”

On the second day in Okinawa, they had rented a car, and Rena was driving
them to the Churaumi Aquarium. They took the monorail to get to the car
rental shop and then headed straight to the aquarium.

“First, we need to have breakfast. I’ll take you to a fast food place that’s
unique to Okinawa.”

“It’s exciting to try something that’s only in Okinawa”

Okita’s eyes were sparkling.

“If Rena-san recommends it, it must be good”

Aizawa also seems to have faith in food after yesterday’s shabu-shabu.

“What’s the name of this fast food place?”

“Marika-chan, that’s a secret. It won’t be fun if you look it up.”

“When I searched, two unique Okinawan fast food places came up.”

“Yumi!? Why did you search for it?”

“Onee-san, please watch the road ahead and drive carefully.”

It seemed like everyone had recovered from yesterday’s tiredness, as their

energy levels were high from the morning.

“We’ve arrived!”
They had reached the unique Okinawan fast food restaurant they were
aiming for. Stepping out of the car and into the open air, the warm, muggy
atmosphere made it feel like summer.

“Rena-san, thank you for driving. You’re a great driver.”

“Mika-chan, don’t worry. I enjoy driving, so no need to thank me.”

“I appreciate that, Rena-san.”

“Mika-chan can show gratitude and has a caring heart, which is lovely!”

Rena seemed pleased to be appreciated by her favourite, Mika.


Looking up at the large sign, Uehara read the name aloud.

“It says [All American Food] but which one is the actual name of the
“Rena-san, which one is the name of the restaurant?”

“…Come to think of it, I’m not sure. I never really thought about it.”

“Maybe it’s A&W after all?”

“I agree with Toyama.”

A rather perplexing debate over the restaurant’s name ensued.

“Marika-chan, the name of the restaurant doesn’t really matter. I brought

everyone here because I wanted you all to try a certain drink.”

“Is it delicious?”

“ I think it’s delicious…right Toyama-kun”

“Why the doubt?”

“Well, you’ll understand once you try it. Let’s hurry because the morning
hours are passing.”
Upon entering the restaurant, they found it to be a stylish, spacious place
with an American-themed interior.

“What’s this bell for?”

Uehara pointed to the large bell near the entrance, which had a long string
attached to it.

“This is called the [Thank You Bell]. You’re supposed to ring it on your
way out if you had an enjoyable meal.”

“Heeee…that’s interesting. Rena-san, have you rung it before?”

“I ring it every time. Marika-chan, you should try ringing it when we


“Okay, I’ll ring it when we leave.”

The group turned their attention to the menu displayed near the entrance.
“At this time, the Morning Plate or a sandwich from the morning menu is
recommended. The hamburgers aren’t exceptionally delicious, but the root
beer is a good choice. However, maybe not everyone should order it
because it has a distinct taste, and some people might not like it”

Rena kindly gave them her recommendation.

Each of them placed their orders and brought their trays to the table. The
restaurant was spacious enough for all six of them to sit comfortably. Root
beer was ordered by Toyama, Rena, and Uehara, while the others seemed to
have opted for soup or coffee.

“By the way, it’s served in a mug…Is root beer like cola?”

The dark carbonated liquid in the mug appeared to be cola at first glance.

“Toyama-kun, seeing is believing. Just go ahead and try it.”

“Alright… I understand…”

All eyes were on Toyama as he prepared to try the mysterious drink, root
“Ueeeh?! What’s this!?”

“Yuki, what does it taste like?”

“Chihiro… you’ll understand once you taste it…”

With that, Toyama passed the mug to Okita.


Okita fearfully put his mouth on the mug.

“Uwah… What’s this!? Like a wet compress!?”

[TL:I..don’t know why Root beer is like a wet compress ‘湿布’]

Incredibly surprised, it tasted nothing like anything other than a wet


“Marika, give it a try.”

Aizawa encouraged Uehara to try it.

“Okay, I’ll do it…”

Uehara steeled herself and took a sip from the mug.

“Wet compress! No doubt about it, it’s a wet compress! Alright, next is
Mika’s turn.”

“Um… Do I have to drink it?”

“You have to. It won’t make sense that we came to Okinawa if everyone
doesn’t drink it.”

“I… I see, then here goes…”

Reluctantly, Aizawa picked up the mug under Rena’s critical gaze and took
a sip of the black liquid.

“Hmm…? It definitely tastes like a wet compress… but surprisingly, it’s not
bad… maybe?”
“Marika-chan, that’s it. Once you get used to it, you might even find it
delicious. It’s a strange drink that doesn’t taste good at first.”

Toyama thought Rena was right when she explained it. Okita, Aizawa, and
Uehara probably felt the same way.

“Okay, Yumi, you’re the last one.”

Without hesitation, Takai began drinking the root beer that Rena had

“Yeah… it’s delicious. Nee-san, this is actually good!”

Since Rena had said it could become addictive, it seemed to suit the Takai
family’s taste.

The root beer tasting event ended without a hitch. It seemed like the
sandwiches and morning plates were delicious as usual.

“Now that we’ve had breakfast, let’s head to the Churaumi Aquarium.”

With the enjoyable breakfast time coming to an end, the group made their
way to the entrance.
“Marika, did you have a satisfying meal?”

“Yes, I did!”

“Well then, shall we ring the Thank You Bell?”

Uehara swayed the long cord that hung from the bell back and forth.


“Waa, the sound was louder than I thought.”

The sound of the bell was surprisingly loud, even to Uehara, who rang it.

After leaving A&W, Toyama and the others drove along the coastal road,
then took a mountain road and once again followed the coastal road until
they reached Churaumi Aquarium.

They parked the car in the multi-level parking lot and proceeded on foot to
the aquarium. As they climbed a hill, they came across a monument of a
whale shark, and there were tourists gathered around, taking
commemorative photos.

“How about we take a photo with the whale shark in the background too?”

Uehara suggested, and they asked nearby tourists to take a group photo.

“Is it just me, or do I not look too bad in the photo? I mean, I understand
that Onee-san is a model, so she looks good, but everyone else seems to
have a good photo as well, right?”

Toyama examined the photos they had taken with a puzzled expression.

“You’ll get better at looking good in photos with practice”

“Do you really get better with practice?”

Toyama questioned.

“People who look good in photos often know the angles and poses that suit
them the best, so when a camera is pointed at them, they naturally strike
those angles and poses”
“I see, that makes sense. You really know your stuff as an active model”

Toyama was impressed that Rena, being an active model, could explain the
theory behind looking good or bad in photos.

“Toyama, you don’t know your best angles or poses, do you?”

“I used to think I didn’t look good in photos, so I avoided getting my

picture taken”

“That’s why, the more photos you take, the more natural it becomes. Well,
Marika-chan, Mika-chan, Chihiro-kun, and of course, Yumi, all have
naturally good looks, so they’ll always look good in photos no matter what”

Toyama didn’t consider himself particularly handsome, but facing reality,

he couldn’t help but feel a bit down.

“Well, it doesn’t have a human face.”

“It’s more convincing when you say it”


Somehow, Toyama had a feeling that Rena was the kind of woman who
didn’t judge men based on their looks.

After passing the whale shark monument, they arrived at the entrance to the
aquarium, which had a unique design with slopes and escalators.

Having purchased advance tickets at a roadside station for about 300 yen
cheaper, Toyama and the others headed straight to the entrance.

It was Rena who had informed them about the cheaper advance tickets at
the roadside station. Toyama couldn’t help but think that she was truly a
reliable person.

Passing through the entrance gate resembling a train station’s ticket barrier,
the first exhibit they encountered was 『Creatures of the Shallows』 which
recreated a shallow sea habitat. It featured creatures like starfish.

“Starfish are quite hard, aren’t they? Have you ever touched one, Takai?”
“I don’t think I have. Yuki, where did you touch one?”

“When I was in elementary school, we went on a field trip to an aquarium,

and they had an interactive zone. Starfish are hard, but sea cucumbers are
soft. I think they had sea urchins on display that we could touch too”

“Is it safe to touch sea urchins?”

“There might be different types, but I remember it being safe to touch them
back on the field trip”

“Most kids are usually scared of such things at that age, but you were fine
with it”

“I remember some of the other kids being scared. I even remember holding
out a sea cucumber in front of those kids and getting scolded for taking
creatures out of the water.[You shouldn’t take living creatures out of the
water] they said”

“So, Yuki, were you mischievous as a child? It’s quite different from the
image I have of you now,” Takai remarked.

“Is that so? Well, maybe that’s true. I used to play baseball in the park until
I was in elementary school”
“When did you start reading books on your own?”

“It was around the upper grades of elementary school, I think. During that
time, one of the boys in my class, who I used to play with a lot, started
treating me as the perpetrator of unfounded bullying. I became a bit of a big
deal because of that, and his things would go missing or get thrown away”

“But you didn’t do any of that, right?”

“Of course not, I would never do such a thing. In the end, it turned out that
it was all fabricated by that boy himself”

“Why would that boy try to pin the blame on you?”

“It seems he was frustrated because I had beaten him in baseball and games
quite a few times”

“That’s definitely a case of misplaced resentment”

“So, I started thinking. I thought, Oh, you only lose out when you get along
with people. If I avoid socialising and remain indifferent, there’s no one to
resent, and if something happens, I can just say I didn’t know anything
about it. So, I started reading books that I could enjoy by myself because I
had nothing else to do”

“I see… I had no idea about this past of yours”

“I’ve never told anyone about it, so only my parents know”

Toyama had been protecting himself by isolating himself from others due to
this experience from his past.

“But, you know, trouble always seems to happen when you interact with
people, whether you’re in elementary school or high school”

What Toyama was talking about likely referred to the harassment he had
faced, especially between him and Uehara.

“Do you still not want to interact with people, even now?”

Takai asked, peering into Toyama’s face.

“No…I don’t think that way anymore. Unlike when I was in elementary
school, I have more problem-solving skills now, and more importantly, I
have meaningful connections with important people”
It was Toyama’s wisdom that resolved the slanderous harassment directed
at Uehara, which had led to connections with people. Without that
harassment, his connection with Uehara might not have grown as strong as
it did. And without his connection to Uehara, he might not have come to
Okinawa with Takai like this.

“In the end, just avoiding things won’t lead to connections with people or
any improvement in life”

“Un, I understand that too. I was really empty because I never faced my
mother and sister and never confronted my own feelings. I ended up getting
failing grades and needing supplementary lessons because I kept depending
on you, Yuki. But with your help, Aizawa-san’s and Okita-kun’s help, I was
able to resolve it. As Yuki says, I’ve realised that avoiding connections with
people won’t make things better”

Takai had managed to break out of her shell little by little by forming
connections with Uehara, Aizawa, Okita and others. And Toyama had been
the catalyst for creating those connections. Without his interaction with
Toyama, Takai might have remained isolated in her shell.

“In this way, being able to come to Okinawa with you, Yuki, was also due
to the connections we formed by facing Uehara-san…”

Takai was looking in the same direction as Toyama at Uehara.

“Takai, there’s something I need to tell you”

“What is it?”

“Yesterday, I… I held Uehara-san.”

[TL: could the author pick a better place]

Why Toyama chose to reveal that he had embraced Uehara to Takai was
because he realised that their current conversation showed that Takai, like
Uehara, was looking in the same direction, moving towards the same point.
Toyama, Takai and Uehara’s feelings were converging in the same

“…..Un, I had a vague sense of it. Yesterday, only Okita-kun came back
first, and when you and Uehara-san came back later, I could tell from her


“Yumi, Toyama! How long are you going to stand there? Let’s go see the
whale sharks!”

Aizawa approached the two of them and spoke, causing Toyama to stop his
“Takai, shall we go?”

“Right, we shouldn’t keep them waiting too long”

Leaving the 『Creatures of the Shallows』 and 『Journey to the Coral Reefs』
exhibits, they finally arrived at the highlight of the Churaumi Aquarium, the
『Kuroshio Sea』.

“Wow… it’s huge…”

Looking not only at the massive tank but also at the whale sharks
swimming within, Toyama couldn’t find any words other than that.

“It’s incredible. I’ve been here a few times, but I’m always amazed by its
size and beauty”

Toyama and Rena stood side by side, gazing up at the whale sharks. Takai
and Aizawa had been led away by Takai and they were likely admiring the
whale sharks as well.

“I noticed you had quite a long conversation with Yumi earlier. Did
something happen?”

Rena was usually playful and hard to read, but now she seemed different.
Her usual friendliness took a back seat and she exuded an aura of a
somewhat intimidating guardian, akin to an adult.

“Yes, I told Takai that I held Uehara-san yesterday.”

“……..Toyama-kun, are you an idiot!? I’m Yumi’s older sister, you know?
There’s a chance I could hit you for this, you know!?”

“I understand, but you’re someone who knows everything about the three of
us. That’s why I had to tell you.”

“Well… Toyama-kun, your honest foolishness is kind of endearing, but

there might have been a better way to handle this, you know?”

“I’m too stupid to think of anything else.”

“I see… but don’t worry, I won’t lay a hand on you. I saw it in Yumi’s
expression that she accepted it. If she’s made up her mind, there’s nothing I
can do.”

“I thought that inviting the three of us on this trip to Okinawa was a

message from you, Onee-san, to reach some kind of conclusion during this
trip. I talked to Uehara-san yesterday. And just now, talking to Takai, I
realised that the three of us are looking in the same direction. That’s why I
decided to tell you everything.”

“What do you mean by looking in the same direction?”

“Our current relationship is the result of accumulated past experiences. If

any of those experiences had been different, our current situation wouldn’t
be the same. That’s why I want to know what lies ahead as we continue
building [now] together, the three of us.”

“So, you mean our current situation is fate and inevitability?”

“Perhaps it feels that way.”

“It could mean our fate leads to destruction, you know?”

“That might be true.”

“I see… so, all three of you have made your resolve. From my perspective,
all I can say is, [Don’t have kids until you secure a job, make sure to
graduate from university, and reach another conclusion before getting a
job.] You might be able to maintain this relationship with the three of you
while you’re still students, but it won’t be the same once you enter the
workforce. Anything out of the ordinary gets eliminated. You’ve chosen a
non-standard path.”

“Yes, I understand that we’re not following the usual path.”

“Alright, let’s put an end to this conversation. I can’t really grasp it, so it’s
better if we stop. But thank you for being honest with me.”

“No, I’m sorry if I caused you any worry.”

“Seriously, you’re all something else…Well, I’ll be keeping an eye on you

from the shadows.”

“Onee-san, I’m counting on you.”

“Alright, then let’s go join everyone. My stomach is starting to growl, so

let’s have lunch soon.”

Rena and Toyama joined Uehara and the others, enjoyed lunch while
watching the whale sharks, and then explored the rest of the exhibits. In
addition to the indoor displays, there were outdoor exhibits and by the time
they had seen everything, the sun had started to set.

“Well, it’s about time to head back. We’ll have Okinawan cuisine for dinner

On the way back, they dined at Rena’s recommended Okinawan restaurant,

ending the second day of their Okinawa trip.
Chapter 7 - Deserted Island

On the third day in Okinawa, the plan was to cross by boat to an

uninhabited island called Nagannu Island and stay overnight. The boat
departed from a harbour located about twenty minutes away by taxi from
the apartment where they were staying.

On the morning of that day, they split into two taxis from the apartment and
disembarked on the north shore of the harbour.

“Well then, I’ll go to the reception, so everyone wait in the waiting area”

While Rena went to the reception alone, Toyama and the other five headed
to a weathered waiting area near the boat’s departure and arrival point.

“It’s my first time on a boat and I’m a bit worried about getting seasick”

Uehara, who had felt a little queasy on the flight over, said with a concerned
“It’s only about twenty minutes to the island, so you should be fine, right?
If you’re worried, you could take some motion sickness medication”

Even Toyama, who was in a similar boat for the first time, didn’t seem
particularly anxious.

The waiting area was a single-story building made of old concrete, with
benches where about twenty people could sit and there were two ticket
counters but they weren’t open at the moment.

“Hey, Toyama? There’s a big boat parked over there, but it’s not that one, is

Aizawa pointed to an impressive cruise ship visible from the waiting area.

“I think it’s probably something different. We’re supposed to be taking a

high-speed boat, so it’s likely a smaller one”

Aizawa might have been pointing to a regular ferry heading to one of the
outlying islands.

“Wouldn’t it be nice to get closer to the ship?”

“Uehara-san, won’t the luggage be in the way?”

Toyama turned her gaze to Uehara, who expressed a desire to get a closer
look at the ship. They had a lot of luggage because they were planning to
stay on Nagannu Island today.

“Yuki, I’ll keep an eye on the luggage, so the four of you can go ahead”

Okita volunteered to watch over the luggage.

“Sorry, Chihiro. I’ll scout out the boarding location to make sure we don’t
rush later”’

Toyama said as he led Uehara Aizawa and Takai towards the pier where the
boarding was taking place.

“Aree? Chihiro-kun, alone? Where did everyone go?”

Rena, who had finished with the reception, joined Okita in the waiting area.
“Yuki and the others said they were going to scout the boarding location.
I’m in charge of watching the luggage”

“Why didn’t you go there after you met up with me?”

“No, I volunteered to watch the luggage, so it’s fine”

“Is that so? My apologies. You wanted to go with everyone, didn’t you?”

“Well… I have sensitive skin and don’t want to get too much sun, so
honestly, it’s more comfortable for me to stay in the shade here”

“So, that’s why you’re dressed with minimal exposure. Are you okay for
today’s beach outing?”

Chihiro was wearing three-quarter length bottoms and a T-shirt with a

short-sleeved summer cardigan on top, covering up quite a bit.

“I have sunscreen, and I also brought a long-sleeve rash guard, so I should

be fine”

“We’ve also booked a rest cottage, so don’t push yourself”

“Yes, thank you for your consideration”

Seeing how Rena had thought of everything and made preparations, Okita
couldn’t help but feel grateful and respect for her.

“Rena-san…I have something to talk about, is that okay?”

“Un, sure”

“I was debating whether to keep silent about this, but I thought it’s better to
talk to you as the guardian”

“Is something wrong?”

“Well, on the first night, actually──…”

Chihiro then proceeded to tell Rena in detail about how Uehara got lost and
was approached by someone on the first night. Although he had been asked
to keep it a secret from Toyama, he felt it was necessary to inform Rena, the
guardian, given her thoughtful preparations.
“I see… so that’s what happened”

“What do you mean by that?”

Rena had already heard from Toyama about the incident of Uehara being
embraced on the first night. She understood it was the trigger for this
conversation, but she couldn’t share that information with Okita.

“No, it’s about something else, so don’t worry. Thank you for telling me. If
Toyama-kun asked you to keep it a secret, I’ll pretend I didn’t hear about it
this time”

“Yes, thank you…And, um… is Yuki dating Uehara-san?”

“Araa, curious, are you?”

“Well, it’s about my friends and there’s also Takai-san”

Okita is referring to Takai’s feelings for Toyama. He, too, had a sense of
what was going on.

“You care about Yumi too, don’t you? Chihiro-kun, thank you.”
“They’re all important friends, so I’d like everyone to be happy if possible.”

“Chihiro-kun, you’re a kind child who cares about your friends. I think
Yumi also has good friends. You don’t need to worry about Toyama-kun
and the others. It seems like they’ve found some kind of answer.”

“Is there something you’re not telling me, Rena-san?”

“Well….yes. Unless Toyama-kun and the others decide to tell you

themselves, I can’t provide all the details, but… I think it’s okay. So, trust
those three”

“I understand. If Rena-san says so, I won’t worry”

“Ah, it’s nice to be trusted by Chihiro-kun, but I make mistakes too, you

“But if Yuki trusts you, I trust you too, Rena-san.”

“Well, you’re saying such sweet things!”

Rena tried to hug Okita, but once again, Okita evaded her.

“You’re such a naughty boy, Chihiro!”

It seemed like Rena’s typical playful nature was starting to return, which
had been somewhat subdued lately.

“Thank you for your reception, Onee-san.”

Toyama and four others who had gone to inspect the boarding area returned
to the waiting area.

“Rena–san, we went to check the boarding location, but it seems the boat
hasn’t arrived yet. I believe it’s enough time to head there once it arrives, as
we can see it from here.”

“Thanks for scouting, Mika. It’s hot outside, so let’s wait here until the boat

After spending about fifteen minutes in the waiting area, they could see the
desired boat docking at the boarding location.
“It looks like the boat has arrived, so let’s go soon. Make sure you don’t
forget anything.”

The voyage to Nagannu Island was smooth, with calm seas that caused
minimal rocking, preventing seasickness. The island was reached without
any issues.

Nagannu Island is an uninhabited, elongated island of approximately 1.7

kilometres in the east-west direction and about 200 metres in the north-
south direction. It lacks rivers, so the soil does not flow into the sea, which
keeps the waters exceptionally clean.

“Uwaah, it’s incredibly beautiful…”

Uehara exclaimed in admiration as she stepped onto the small pier of the
remote island surrounded by coral reefs.

“It’s really beautiful… The seabed looks so clear, even though it seems

Takai leaned over the railing of the pier, about five metres above the sea
surface, peering into the water.
“The sea on the main island wasn’t as clear as I thought, but here, it’s like a
pool in terms of transparency.”

Takai made the comparison to a pool but the water’s clarity exceeded that
of most pools, and it was pristine.

“Well then, after we complete the check-in, let’s change into our swimsuits
and meet in front of the changing rooms individually”

Guided by Rena, they headed towards the check-in counter.

At the counter, they received locker keys and then entered separate
changing rooms, equipped with showers, for men and women.

“Toyama, sorry to keep you waiting!”

It seemed like the women had finished changing, and Uehara, dressed in a
black bikini, led the way out of the changing room.

“Toyama, how does this swimsuit look?”

“Uh, yeah, it suits you really well…”

Seeing Uehara’s high school student-like figure, Toyama recalled that on

the first day in Okinawa, he had not only seen her in a swimsuit but also
completely naked, causing him to involuntarily avert his eyes.

“Really!? Yay! Toyama praised me!”

“How far are you planning to nurture that, Marika?”

Aizawa, who had just come out of the dressing room, turned her gaze to the
overwhelming volume of Uehara’s bosom.

“Uehara-san, I envy your big breasts.”

Following her, Takai, who also emerged from the dressing room, was
fixated on Uehara’s cleavage.

“Even Takai-san!? I’m embarrassed to be the centre of so much


“Well, it’s only natural for sexy swimsuits to stand out.”

All the tourists here are, of course, wearing swimsuits. However, Uehara’s
swimsuit figure is particularly eye-catching. No, perhaps Uehara’s very
presence is what stands out.

“Y-Yuki, how do you think about my swimsuit…”

Takai, while looking a bit embarrassed, appeals to Toyama with sidelong


“Yeah, that big ribbon is cute, and is that a skirt underneath? It really suits
you, Takai, and it’s adorable.”

Takai’s swimsuit is a bikini with a skirt, and it has a large ribbon at the
cleavage. She was also wearing a parka-style rash guard over it.

“Th-Thank you… I’m happy to be praised by Yuki…”

Though it’s hard to tell in the glaring sun, Takai seems to be blushing a
little, appearing somewhat embarrassed.

“Toyama, how does my swimsuit look?”

Aizawa also seems to want praise, striking a pose towards Toyama.

“Un… Aizawa-san, it looks great on you.”

“Eeeh!? Just that? Come on, there’s plenty to compliment, like the design
and the colours, right?”

As for Aizawa’s swimsuit, it’s a cute pink bikini with frills on both the top
and bottom. The frills on the bra cover the entire thing, which Toyama
heard is recommended for those who are concerned about their bust size.
That’s something Toyama never told Aizawa, though.

“Um, well… the frills and the colour suit Aizawa well and are cute.”

“It’s like you’re trying really hard to find something to compliment, like [I
couldn’t find anything to praise]. Well… I guess it’s because you have a
special filter that makes Yumi and Marika look especially cute to you.”

Aizawa’s twin tails, along with that swimsuit, looked cute and suited her
without needing any extra filter.

“Toyama’s swimsuit is pretty ordinary, huh?”

As Aizawa said, Toyama is just wearing regular surf shorts.

“A guy’s swimsuit is just like that, right? Even Chihiro’s is pretty similar.”
Okita also wears surf shorts but with a long-sleeved rash guard.

“But, there’s something different… Okita, it’s not just cute, it’s, well, I
don’t know… it suits him even in regular clothes.”

As they showcased these swimsuits, a person fitting to conclude the display


“Sorry for the wait, everyone. Took me a while to change”

Rena emerged a bit later from the changing room.

Uehara couldn’t help but let out a surprised gasp.

Rena, being a model, effortlessly rocked an elegant swimsuit with a pareo,

boasting an outstanding figure.

“Seriously… like a model…”

It seems Aizawa had forgotten, but Rena is an active model affiliated with a
modelling agency.
“Aizawa, she is a model, you know.”

“Oh, right… That explains why she carries it off so naturally..”

After a comment from Toyama, Aizawa seemed to recollect.

“Toyama, time’s ticking, let’s head to the beach already”

Uehara seems incredibly eager to hit the water.

“We’ve got a beachside cottage booked, so let’s leave our stuff there and
head to the sea.”

The beachside cottage is a wooden structure with an open layout north to

south, equipped with beach umbrellas to shield from the sun.

“Rena, did you book the beachside cottage?”

“Of course. UV rays are a major enemy for women. Everyone, make sure to
apply sunscreen properly. Otherwise, you’ll get spots. And guys, if you
don’t apply it on your shoulders, you’ll regret it later with sunburn.
Especially Toyama, who isn’t wearing anything on top.”
“Isn’t suntan oil fine? It says ‘SPF 4’. That’s the number indicating the UV
protection, right?”

“Well, yeah, but Toyama hardly tans, so it’s safer to apply sunscreen even if
he doesn’t tan.!

As Rena mentioned, Toyama spends most of his summer vacation at home

or in the library, keeping his skin quite fair.

“Especially on your shoulders, forehead, and nose, the areas that stick out,
it’s better to use sunscreen.”

When it comes to skincare, following Rena’s advice seems like the way to

“Got it, I’ll do as you say, Onee-san.”

“Araa, Toyama, being quiet obedient, aren’t you?”

“Well, what you’re saying isn’t wrong, right?”

Toyama also seems to be becoming a believer in Rena’s advice.

“Moou, Toyama, you’re saying such delightful things. But… falling for me
is a no-go, okay?”

Since arriving on the trip, perhaps due to the responsibilities of a guardian,

Toyama hasn’t been as playful or teasing, but finally, Rena’s usual self is
starting to emerge.

“Well, it seems tough for guys who fall for Onee-san, right?”

“Toyama, let’s drop off our stuff quickly and get into the sea, okay?”

Promoted by Uehara, Toyama and the rest headed towards the rented
beachside cottage.

“Hyahooooooo! It’s the sea!”

Uehara, having finished applying sunscreen from the beachside cottage

right in front of the beach, darted into the sea ahead of everyone. Aizawa
followed suit and ran towards the ocean.
“Takai, shall we go too?”


Takai and I slowly made our way towards the sea, across the pristine white
sandy beach.

[TL: I don’t know who ‘I’ is referred to but I assumed it’s toyama. The
sentence use ‘Boku to Takai’]

“It’s really beautiful…”

Takai seemed overwhelmed by the sight of the blue sea, clear sky, and
immaculate, garbage-free white sandy beach.

This uninhabited island was surrounded by coral reefs and had shallow
waters with almost no waves, making it an ideal beach for water activities.

The beach where Toyama and the others were swimming was designated
for swimming only, so boats and such weren’t allowed. On the opposite side
was a beach for activities like banana boating.

“Toyama, look, it’s a sea cucumber! A real sea cucumber!”

As Toyama and Takai entered the water, Uehara seemed to have found a sea
cucumber and was excitedly pointing it out.

“Toyama, give it a little touch.”

Uehara pointed to a sea cucumber about a metre deep in the water.

“Huh, well… okay, I guess…”

Toyama put on his goggles, dove in, and gently lifted the sea cucumber with
both hands to keep it submerged.

“What does it feel like, Toyama? Is it soft?”

Aizawa asked as Toyama resurfaced.

“Why don’t you try touching it, Aizawa?”

“Eh? Um, that’s a bit… is it poisonous or something?”

“Well, I just touched it, so it’s fine.”

“Okay… I’ll give it a try.”

“Be gentle and don’t take it out of the water, okay?”

“Got it, Toyama.”

Aizawa also donned goggles and dove into the sea.


After poking and lifting the sea cucumber, Aizawa resurfaced.

“Mika, how was it?”

Uehara seemed very interested in the feel of the sea cucumber and asked
Aizawa for her thoughts.
“Marika, can I ask something?”

“Wha—! M-Mika, where are you touching!?”

Suddenly, Aizawa started groping Uehara’s chest over her swimsuit.

“Um… it’s, uh, about as soft as Marika’s breasts, I guess?”

“W-What are you comparing it to!?”

“I want to try touching it too.”

Saying so, Takai followed and dove into the sea, starting to touch the sea

“Hyaah! Ta-Takai-san!!”

After Takai finished touching the sea cucumber, she swam closer to Uehara
and unexpectedly started touching her chest underwater.
“Un…it’s about the same softness as Aizawa said.”

Takai, resurfacing, had a serious expression.

──Was Takai always like this?

Had being at the beach unleashed Takai’s true nature?

“What do you think you’re doing… touching my chest?”

“What… a sea cucumber?”

“Takai!? That’s terrible!”

“Well, it’s bigger than a sea cucumber, and Marika wins, I guess.”

“It’s not a competition!”

“Aa, Toyama, want to give it a try?”

Ignoring the banter, Aizawa turned to Toyama and pointed at Uehara’s

“N-No, no, no! If I did that, it would be a crime, right?”

“It seems quite lively here. I’d like to join in.”

Having observed the group from the beachside cottage for a while, Rena
removed her pareo and joined them in the sea. Rena, in her bikini, proudly
displayed her excellent figure.

“Aree, where’s Okita?”

Takai, noticing Okita sitting alone in the beachside cottage, asked Rena.

“Chihiro? He can’t really stay out in the sun for too long due to sensitive
skin. He said he’d join us in the sea for a little while later.”

“Did we do something wrong to Chihiro?”

Aizawa seemed apologetic for having fun without him.

“Chihiro said not to worry and to enjoy ourselves without thinking about

“I see… then let’s have a blast without holding back.”

“We’ve booked a barbecue for lunch, so let’s give Chihiro plenty of

attention and service then.”

“Barbecue for lunch!? That sounds amazing!”

“Marika-chan, lunch is on me.”

“Rena, thank you! I feel so indebted to you for everything.”

As Uehara mentioned, particularly before the trip, Toyama and Uehara had
received a lot of kindness from Rena.

“It’s fine, really. Just seeing everyone having fun makes me happy too.”

That’s what everyone here likely thought—Rena is truly a great person.


After enjoying their time in the sea, Toyama and the others showered and
headed to the dining terrace.

Although lunch was included in the Nagannu tour, Rena had made a
reservation for a barbecue, turning it into a lavish lunch.

“Here, Chihiro, leave the grilling to me, Onee-san. Eat as much as you

Rena took charge of grilling, diligently piling meat onto Okita’s plate.

“Umm, Rena, I can’t possibly eat this much.”

Okita’s plate, despite potentially being a lighter eater than the girls, was
stacked high with meat.

“Onee-san, Chihiro can’t eat this much. Besides, it’s all meat. Chihiro
prefers vegetables over meat.”
“Ara? As expected of best friends. You know Chihiro well. In that case,
Toyama and Mika can eat the meat instead.”

“Why me?”

“Horaaa, you should eat more.”

Rena briefly glanced toward Aizawa’s chest.

“Aah, Rena, you did look at my chest for a second, right!?”

“Mika, you’re imagining things. It’s not all about size, you know.”

“Aah! You were looking at it after all!”

──Why does the conversation always seem to veer towards chest-related

topics with this group?

Toyama isn’t imagining things. It’s because there are two individuals here
with significantly larger busts.
“Fuuu…..I can’t eat anymore…”

Toyama murmured while rubbing his bloated stomach.

With four girls and two boys, and one of the boys being a light eater, they
couldn’t finish all the food.

“Leaving it is a pity, but overeating and feeling sick on the way back in the
boat would ruin the fun. So, it’s better not to force it and leave some”

Ignoring the request to eat more could lead to feeling unwell on the way
back, spoiling the enjoyable trip. Therefore, they chose not to push
themselves and leave some food.

“Well……we’re free for an hour or so now. You can swim, explore the
island, rest in the cottages, whatever until our stomachs settle”

Rena managed the schedule, allowing everyone to fully enjoy their

activities. Rena truly handles everything.

“What about you, Rena-san?”

Uehara directed the question at Rena.

“I’ll be having dessert after the meal and then relax here with some tea for a

“Rena, you’re still eating?”

Among the women, Aizawa couldn’t hide her surprise at Rena, who seemed
to have eaten the most.

“They say there’s always room for dessert, right?”

“Onee-san, has a sweet tooth.”

“Eeeh!? And yet you maintain that figure. Is there some secret to it?”

Uehara, clearly curious, leaned in eagerly, inquiring.

“I’m curious too”

Aizawa also seems to be curious.

“Shall we chat over tea then?”

“I’m interested too. I’d love to learn a bit more, maybe figure out how to eat
a bit more”

Uehara, Aizawa and Okita seemed intrigued by Rena’s eating secrets.

“Yuki, want to explore the island together?”

Takai seemed disinterested in Rena’s eating secrets.

“Yeah… I’m not interested in dieting, so I’ll explore with Yuki.”

Thus, they split into the tea session group and the exploration group to
enjoy their free time.

In the past, Uehara might have been concerned about Toyama being alone
with Takai. But having recently opened up about her feelings and accepted
Toyama, it no longer bothered her.

Far away from the beach they swam at earlier, Toyama and Takai are
strolling through the island. They’ve arrived at the opposite shore, where
banana boats skim the water and tourists can be seen parasailing in the
distant sky.

“To be honest, while that looks fun, I think I prefer just leisurely gazing at
the sea.”

“I think I’d enjoy reading a book at the cottage, too.”

For Toyama, it was simply the hassle of preparation that deterred him.

“Reading a book while gazing at the sea sounds nice. I wish I’d brought

Even though they were heading to the beach, Toyama hadn’t bothered to
bring a book.

“I’ve got one with me. But it seems difficult today, so maybe another time.”

True to her bookworm nature, Takai always keeps reading in mind, no

matter where she is. Even Toyama seems to lose to Takai in terms of love
for books.
Later, they explore the facilities on the island, moving away from the dining

While the island boasts greenery, it’s merely grass slightly taller than
Toyama’s height. Following a path lined with slightly taller grass on both
sides, they arrive at a raised part of the island. Here stands the highest point
on Nagannu Island, marked by a sign indicating an elevation of [8 meters
above sea level].

They struggle to climb the small hill as it’s sandy and challenging with
beach sandals. Toyama takes Takai’s hand, managing to reach the summit.

“Ooo, from here, we can see the entire island.”

“Even at just eight metres, without tall trees, you can see in all directions.”

“Looking from here, the island really is quite long and narrow.”

With a length of 1.7 kilometres and a width of only 200 metres, its
elongated shape becomes apparent.

“Endless blue sea and white sandy beaches as far as the eye can see. It’s
incredible to have such a beautiful place. If it weren’t for meeting Takai, I
might never have come here…”
“If I hadn’t started a casual relationship with Takai and met Rena, I
wouldn’t have ended up coming on this trip with Takai to Okinawa.”

“It’s true…the past holds meaning in everything. So, I don’t regret just
having a physical relationship with Yuki.”

Maintaining a casual relationship isn’t something openly admitted. But it’s

precisely because of that connection with Takai that this moment exists.


At those words, Toyama feels an overwhelming affection for Takai, an

impulse to embrace them right then and there. However, on this small
uninhabited island with no place to hide, Toyama had no choice but to
contain the overwhelming love.

“Takai, shall we head back?”

“Unn, that sounds good…”

Both Toyama and Takai were filled with the desire to touch each other.
They considered at least stealing a kiss but they lacked the confidence to
resist once things ignited.
Therefore, they decided to return to where everyone else was.

Toyama and Takai returned to the dining terrace where Rena and the others

“How was the stroll?”

Rena inquired, looking to hear their thoughts.

“Takai and I climbed a mountain eight metres high.”

Toyama shared, as that was the only thing to speak of. Simply because there
was nothing else.

“Is that all?”

“Uehara-san, there really was nothing else. All we had was the 360-degree
panorama from the eight-metre elevation.”
Rena supplemented Toyama’s words, providing more details.

“Well, there’s nothing but the sea, after all. The land only has grass”

Rena remarked, indicating her prior visit to Nagannu Island and her
knowledge of the lack of anything beyond the sea.

“Now, I’m going for another dip in the sea, but what about everyone else?”

“Rena-san, I’ll join in this time. Since we’re here, I want to swim at least

Okita states that while he’s avoiding getting sunburnt, a short swim is okay.

“Great, that’s settled then. Let’s all go together this time!”

With that, Uehara hurried off toward the rest of the cottages. Toyama and
the others followed in Uehara’s steps.

“Come to think of it, the sea in Okinawa doesn’t seem to have that typical
ocean smell”

Toyama mumbled to no one in particular as they walked toward the sea.

“Yeah, you’re right. I noticed the same thing even when I was on the main
island’s ferry”

Aizawa seemed to have pondered the same thought as Toyama.

“I wonder why that is? Maybe because the sea here is so clear?”

“Uehara-san, that could be true. Do you know anything about it, Rena-

“Hmm….I’m not sure either. Maybe because, as Marika-chan says, the sea
is just so clean?”

Even Rena doesn’t seem to know beyond that.

Later, while playing and letting Okita touch a sea cucumber, Toyama,
wearing underwater goggles, spotted a glittering mass moving underwater.

“G-guys, can you see that? Something’s coming this way!”

Toyama surfaced from underwater and called out to Takai and the others

Observing the glowing mass once more, Toyama saw a multitude of fish
swimming clearly toward them underwater. The shimmering was from the
scales of the fish.

“Guys, it’s fish! And a huge number of them!”

Toyama resurfaced and called out to Okita and the rest. Hearing this, Okita
and the others dived underwater.

“Fuhaaa! Yuki! This is incredible…they all move together as one massive


Okita surfaced, slightly excited.

“It looked like they were swirling around, quite fascinating.”

“They aren’t being chased by some big fish, are they? Like sharks or

With Uehara finding it interesting and Aizawa feeling scared, Toyama

found the variety of reactions quite amusing.

“Hey, I want everyone to hear this. I’ve realised something.”

“What did you figure out?”

Aizawa asked Toyama.

“Remember when we talked about the smell of the sea earlier? Well, at the
moment the school of fish appeared, there was this fishy odour underwater.
Could it be that the smell of the sea is actually the smell of fish?”

Suddenly bringing this up, Toyama began proposing that the sea’s smell
might actually be the scent of fish.

“I don’t think so… but, now that you mention it, it did seem to smell a bit
Initially dismissing it as nonsense, Aizawa found herself considering that
the scent might have changed.

“I noticed the smell too!”

Uehara seemed to have caught the scent as well.

“I didn’t notice any smell.”

“I didn’t catch any scent either”

It appears that Okita and Takai didn’t pick up on the change in scent.

“What about you, Rena-san?”

The current count of those who smelled it versus those who didn’t stood at
three to two. Rena’s vote would determine whether the sea’s scent
originated from fish. While it’s not a decisive factor, if Rena noticed the
smell, it likely wasn’t a misconception.

“I didn’t notice it. Could it have been a trick of imagination?”

In the end, it was a tie at three to three.

The discussion turned into a chicken-and-egg scenario, debating whether

the sea smells because of fish or fish smell because of the sea.

“Oh, I see… was it just in my head?”

Toyama, who thought they made a significant discovery, seemed slightly


“Well then, Toyama-kun, why don’t you specialise in marine biology in

college and solve this mystery?”

Rena came up with another outrageous suggestion.

“No, I’m not dedicating my life to that… and besides, someone must have
already figured it out by now, right?”

Of course, suggesting a major in marine biology was likely a jest. Plus, a

simple internet search could yield plenty of information about the cause of
the sea’s smell.

“I think it’s time for me to get out of the water.”

As it turns out, one can get sunburned quite easily while in the sea. Okita
seems to be aware of this.

“Well then, I’ll come out too. Oh, Mika-chan, could you come with me? I
need you to put on sunscreen for me.”

Rena called out to Aizawa.

“Sure, I’ll help.”

“Toyama-kun, Marika-chan, and Yumi, you guys can keep playing a bit
longer if you want”

Rena said, as she, Okita and Aizawa got out of the water and headed back
to the cottages.

After showering to rinse off the seawater, the three of them returned to the

“Hey, Mika-chan, could you help me with my back?”

Rena casually began untying the strings of her bikini top.

“W-Wait, Rena-san! Why are you trying to undress when Okita is here!?”

“I thought it’d be okay if it’s Chihiro-kun…”

“No, it’s absolutely not okay!”

While Aizawa was seriously upset, Okita seemed more embarrassed than

“Okita, sorry, but please face the other way.”

Aizawa began applying sunscreen on Rena’s back while she lay face down.

“Hey, Chihiro-kun, Mika-chan, I have something to tell you.”

“What is it? Suddenly speaking formally.”

Rena’s sudden shift from jesting to a serious tone made Chihiro suspicious
that something was up.

“Tonight, on Nagannu Island, only Toyama, Marika-chan and Yumi will be


“What…? What do you mean?”

“We three are going back to the apartment.”

“That’s not the point! Why are only those three staying here!?”

Aizawa’s tone grew forceful due to Rena’s vague explanation. On the

contrary, Okita listened silently to their conversation.

“Mika-chan, how much do you know about those three’s situation?”

“How much…about Marika and Yumi liking Toyama? Is there something

else besides that?”
Aizawa is unaware of Takai being Toyama’s casual partner or Uehara’s
encounter with Toyama. If Aizawa doesn’t know about these things, Rena
can’t share everything with her.

“Chihiro-kun, you’ve also sensed what Mika-chan is hinting at, right?”

“Yes, I had a hunch.”

“Yesterday, I talked with Toyama about how he feels about those two and
what he plans to do. That’s why I want them to reach a conclusion here

“…It’s not necessary for them to come to that decision here with just the
three of them, right? They could do it after going back…and if a mistake
happens staying overnight with a man and two women…”

“I’m not worried about the mistake Mika-chan is concerned about. I want
the three of them to consider everything. If we’re nearby, I don’t think
they’ll be able to have a serious conversation. That’s why I want them to
have their discussion and reach a conclusion in this uninhabited place,
without any interference.”

“That’s… I disagree. Okita, you agree with me, right?”

Aizawa sought agreement from Okita.

“I… I agree with Rena-san’s opinion.”

“Why… even Okita…”

“Have you ever been in love, Mika-chan?”

“Well…I’ve liked someone before, but whether that can be called love…
I’m not sure.”

“Love is tricky. You’ve heard the phrase [love is blind,] right? When you’re
in love, you can’t see anything else; you’re fixated on that person.
Especially for young people like you. Of course, even as adults, some still
lose sight of everything else in the name of love. That’s how love can drive
people crazy.”

Aizawa recalls everything. Uehara’s defamation incident, Ishiyama’s

manipulations to fulfil her love, the scheming to separate Takai from
Toyama and Takai’s failing grade in the final exams. Everything seemed to
have its roots in love. Reluctantly, Aizawa couldn’t help but agree with
Rena’s words.

“You’re all approaching university entrance exams. If those three continue

to drag this out without reaching a conclusion, it will undoubtedly have
repercussions. Even if a third party were to force a resolution, it would
leave lingering tensions. So, I believe it might be more satisfying for them
to discuss and come to their own conclusion. I trust Toyama-kun, Marika-
chan, and Yumi. Therefore, I won’t contest the conclusion those three arrive
at, even if…even if Toyama-kun doesn’t choose Yumi.”

After learning that Toyama embraced Uehara the previous day, Rena
cancelled one of the two reserved rest houses. This meant that the three of
them would stay in one rest house alone. Rena had staked everything on

“If Rena-san has made up her mind to that extent, then I have nothing more
to say…and I agree that love can drive people crazy.”

Aizawa wasn’t entirely in agreement, it was merely a lack of means to

counter Rena’s determination.

“I don’t understand much about love yet… But I trust Toyama, Uehara-san,
and Takai-san. Of course, I trust Rena-san too… So, I won’t object.”

Okita also seemed to lack any substantial argument to oppose Rena’s


“I understand… I’m not entirely convinced, but I don’t have the means to
stop Rena-san and the three of them. Therefore, I choose to trust everyone.”
Aizawa didn’t fully accept everything, but understanding Rena’s reasoning,
she reluctantly accepted it.

“Mika-chan, Chihiro-kun, thank you. I’ll explain everything to the three of

them now. Meanwhile, could you both prepare to leave?”

“Understood, I’ll go call the three”

Okita said as he left the cottages and headed towards the sea where the
three were playing.

“Eeh…? Onee-san going back to the cottages? Then we should probably go


“Toyama-kun, you remember what you told me yesterday, right? Tell that to
Yumi and Marika-chan today.”

Rena cut off Toyama’s words. She looked directly at him, unusually serious
and conveyed her final words to him.

“Understood… Thank you for pushing me forward, Onee-san. Today, we’ll

definitely reach a conclusion.”
“I don’t know what conclusion the three of you will come to… but I’ll
respect that decision. I’m counting on both of you.”

Rena softened her expression and patted Toyama on the shoulder.

While Toyama and Rena conversed, Uehara and Takai showered, changed
from their swimsuits into regular clothes and joined Rena, Aizawa, and
Okita at the pier to bid farewell.

“Mika, Okita-kun, see you again tomorrow…”

Uehara waved slightly, a tinge of sadness in her expression.

“Aizawa-san, Okita-kun, sorry for causing any trouble with us.”

“No, it’s not a bother, so don’t worry, both of you.”

“Okita-kun, Aizawa-san, thank you.”

Aizawa and Okita waved as they boarded the boat.

“Rena-san… Thank you for everything.”

“Marika-chan, I just nudged you a bit. So follow your heart. That’s all I can

“Yumi, follow your heart too. I’m always on your side.”

“Toyama-kun, I trust you. Marika-chan and Yumi. See you.”

Rena also waved as she boarded the boat.

Chapter 8 - The Beginning of the

After seeing off the boat, the three of them went to the lodge to drop off
their luggage.

The lodge had three single beds lined up and a table. It was also equipped
with air conditioning.

“Even air conditioning…”

Uehara was surprised but surely everyone staying for the first time must
have thought the same.

“Really… there’s even a self-power generator.”

To think they could spend time in such a comfortable room on an

uninhabited island, even Toyama hadn’t anticipated that.
“It’s understandable why it’s so popular. Seems like my sister made the
reservation quite a while back.”

“We’ve kind of inconvenienced everyone…”

Rena, Aizawa and Okita were looking forward to it, but they gave it up for

Thinking about it, the three of them started feeling sorry.

“By the way, what time is dinner?”

“Yuki, it says 18:00”

Takai told Toyama while looking at the information paper they received at
the reception.

“I see, it’s about time. Shall we head there?”

“It’s quite crowded”

Uehara muttered, scanning the surroundings as they arrived at the dining

terrace. Families and couples filled the space, all guests at the lodge.

“Another barbecue…”

Toyama chuckled at the prospect of having barbecue again, considering

they’d already had it for lunch.

“Seems like Rena-san forgot that dinner for lodge guests is a barbecue”

Whether she genuinely forgot or wanted to have it for dinner as well, it was
an unusual mistake for Rena.

“It’s rare for Rena-san to make a mistake”

Uehara seemed to share the same sentiment.

“Even Nee-san isn’t perfect”

Considering that even someone seemingly flawless can make mistakes, it
creates a sense of closeness.

“Seems like we might leave some again…”

Takai appeared concerned, worrying they might not finish the meal.

Eating barbecue for both lunch and dinner consecutively can be quite tough.

“But we’re kind of hungry, so maybe we’ll surprise ourselves and eat

After spending a fair amount of the afternoon swimming, they were starting
to feel hungry.

“Yeah, you’re right… I caught a whiff, and it actually smells delicious.

Surprisingly, I might be able to eat it”

“We finished it….”

In the end, all three of them managed to finish everything, not leaving a
single bite.

At lunch, it seemed there were some leftovers from Okita, but for dinner,
Toyama ate a bit more, allowing them to clear the plates.

Nevertheless, Toyama seemed reluctant to leave any leftovers and ended up

eating more, although it seemed a bit of a struggle.

“Toyama, are you okay?”

Uehara peered at Toyama’s face with concern.

“Mm, yeah, I’m… managing somehow…”

Vegetables surprisingly can fill up their stomach, so Takai and Uehara

mainly had those, while Toyama diligently focused on the meat, allowing
them to finish everything.

“Shall we take a walk around the island to digest? If we’re lucky, we might
even catch sight of sea turtles laying eggs”
Toyama had found that there were times when sea turtles appeared on the
restricted beach area.

“It’s getting dark, perfect timing”

The current time was around 7:30. It was almost dusk, and by the time they
reached the sandy shore, it would likely be completely dark.

“By the way, there are no street lights, it’ll be pitch dark, right? How do we

Uehara pointed out the obvious lack of streetlights on an uninhabited island.

During their daytime exploration, Toyama and Takai hadn’t seen any.

“There were LED flashlights installed at the lodge entrance, we could take
those, right?”

Toyama recalled the flashlights placed near the entrance.

“Toyama, then we need to go back to the lodge first.”

Once they retrieved the flashlights from the lodge and returned outside, it
was already dark.
“Make sure you both stay close to me. In case we get separated, although
we have our phone lights, it’s still uncertain”

“Got it. We’ll be careful”

Takai nodded silently in agreement with Uehara.

Leaving the lodge, the three walked through a narrow, grassy path about the
height of their shoulders toward the beach where the sea turtles were said to
come for nesting.

“The sun has completely set, but it’s brighter than I expected”

Uehara murmured, looking at the ground.

“The moonlight is brighter than I thought”

Surrounded by the sea on all sides and with clean air and no tall

“Yuki, it seems like we can manage just with the flashlights”

Toyama and Takai, thanks to their exploration during the day and having
mentally mapped the island, smoothly reached the restricted area.

Looking around, there was no one else in sight apart from the three of them.

“I wonder if we’ll get to see the sea turtles?”

Uehara, filled with anticipation, gazed ahead.

Under the clear air, moonlight illuminated the sea and the sandy shore.
Toyama walked along the coast, slightly away from the shoreline.

Gradually, the trio fell into silence. Only the sounds of waves and their
footsteps on the sandy ground filled the surroundings. That quiet, gentle
ambiance brought a sense of tranquillity to their hearts.

After a few minutes of walking, Toyama turned off the flashlight and
suddenly stopped.

“Yuki, what’s wrong?”

When Takai called out to him, Toyama gestured with a finger to their lips,
signalling [quiet] and pointed silently toward the sandy shore.

Takai followed Toyama’s direction and was surprised to see a sea turtle
nesting there. Uehara, upon confirming the sight of the sea turtle, also wore
a look of astonishment.

The trio, trying not to alert the turtle, held their breath, watching the nesting

Sea turtles use their hind flippers to dig a hole in the sand and lay about a
hundred eggs, a process that takes about two hours.

──Never thought we’d actually get to see this…I wish the others could see
it too.

Toyama felt a pang of guilt for not being able to share this sight with
everyone because of his group.

There’s a saying that sea turtles shed tears while laying eggs, but from their
distance, it wasn’t visible. Still, encountering the nesting left Toyama
deeply moved.

Takai and Uehara, quietly observing on either side, seemed equally touched
by this poignant scene. Reflected in the moonlight, tears welled up in their
eyes, both moved by the experience.

It must have been about an hour since Toyama and the others first spotted
the sea turtle. The turtle finished laying its eggs and returned to the sea.

“Toyama… I never even dreamed we’d actually witness a sea turtle


“I’m so moved… I never thought we’d witness a moment like this…”

Uehara and Takai, still lingering in the emotions of the experience, had tears
in their eyes.

“I… felt something deep too. Being able to witness such a mystical event
with you, Takai and Uehara, I feel truly fortunate.”

“Toyama… me too.”

“Un, Yuki… I feel the same…”

Toyama sensed a unity in their emotions at that moment.

“There’s something I want to ask you, Uehara.”


Toyama had made up his mind to speak everything directly from his own

“Not long after I moved up to second year, Takai and I had a s*x-only
relationship. At that time, both Takai and I considered social interactions to
be bothersome, so I convinced myself that I didn’t need anything as long as
Takai was around. I think Takai probably felt the same way. I believe we
were just licking each other’s wounds as convenient companions for each

When Toyama took a breath, Takai opened her mouth.

“I’ve always been closed within my own shell, spending my middle school
and high school years that way. Over time, my presence started to fade. It
was during those times that Yuki, who was on the library committee, said to
me, 『You read so many books, don’t you?』 It made me really happy
because it felt like someone understood my existence. So, I wanted to
become closer to Yuki. I didn’t want to be forgotten, so I invited Yuki to my
room. Since then, I’ve become dependent on Yuki.”

After Takai finished telling the story of how he met with Toyama, Toyama
spoke again.
“At that time, Uehara-san witnessed me buying condoms. To be honest,
back then, I wasn’t interested in Uehara-san because Takai was there and I
wanted to avoid any complications. I actually got into some trouble with
Kurashima and I faced harassment. But when I reported the incidents at
SHR, some of my classmates started acknowledging me. I was also
acknowledged by Aizawa-san, and that made me happy.”

It was around that time that the relationship between Toyama, Takai, and
Uehara began to change.

Next, Takai began to speak.

“At that moment, I realised my true feelings. I used to think that I felt
validated when Yuki held me, but it was actually much simpler than that. I
realised that I just wanted Yuki to hold me because I love Yuki… no, it was
more like I was made aware of it, thanks to you, Uehara-san. Yuki started
changing little by little because of you. I remained the same, and all that
was left was jealousy and inferiority towards you, Uehara-san, for changing
Yuki. So, I tried to keep Yuki with me, used my body to tempt and got
involved in part-time jobs to earn money to be together. But, that became
the catalyst for me to start over with my family.”

While Toyama and Takai were speaking unilaterally, Uehara remained

silent, listening to their words.

“At that time, I was already attracted to Uehara-san. My heart would race
around Uehara-san, who is cheerful and optimistic. I think I’ve only
recently realised that this is what love feels like. Takai provided me with
comfort. I have feelings of love and affection for Takai. It’s not easy to
simply say that this is love. I have different feelings for Takai and Uehara-
san. It’s a feeling of love that I can’t deceive.”

Toyama and Takai finally conveyed their true, unadulterated feelings to

each other. After hearing this, Uehara finally spoke.

“When I heard about Takai-san’s relationship with Toyama, I felt truly sad,
sorrowful and painful. But rather than giving up on Toyama after hearing
that, I found myself becoming even more attached. Takai-san told me,
『Yuki is attracted to Uehara-san』 so I thought it was too early to give up.
Besides… it was thanks to Takai-san that I was able to meet Toyama.
Because of the physical relationship between Toyama and Takai-san, we
crossed paths while buying condoms. Without that chance encounter,
Toyama and I wouldn’t be in this relationship, coming to Okinawa together.
We would have just been classmates. The accumulation of Takai-san and
Toyama’s past experiences has led to who I am today. So…I believe this
isn’t a coincidence but a destiny that was meant to be.”

Uehara indirectly expressed that their past sexual relationship with Takai
was one of the building blocks leading to the present, implying that it was

“If it weren’t for Uehara-san’s presence, I might not have had the
opportunity to reconcile with my family.”
Takai believed that Uehara was the catalyst for reestablishing a connection
with her family and she considered it necessary for the events that had
brought them to their current situation.

“Uehara-san has always been at the centre of Takai and me. We have a
history of the three of us, and it has shaped who we are today. So… I want
to know what lies ahead as the three of us continue to build upon the
『now』.Onee-san said it might lead to destruction. She said we’re not
normal. I think she’s right. If we were to tell anyone else about this, they
would undoubtedly say, 『You guys are weird』.But… even so… I want to
know the future that awaits us as we continue to build together as three.”

Toyama took three small wrapped bags from the body bag and handed them
to Uehara and Takai.

“Open them up.”

Toyama encouraged the two to check the contents.


Takai was the first to open the bag.

“Is this… by any chance…?”

What Toyama had given to the two was the macramé bracelet with a firefly
bead that Uehara had expressed a desire for.

“Yes, it’s the bracelet you wanted, Uehara-san. Of course, I have one too. If
both Takai and Uehara-san share the same feelings as me and want to know
where we’ll end up as we continue to build upon the 『now』,I want you to
wear it. Of course, you can take it off whenever you want. That moment
will be our fate. In other words, our current situation might be the possible

Every beginning has an ending. It’s unknown how long the three of them
will continue wearing the bracelet, but in a way, this bracelet that connects
them is a kind of cursed item.

Toyama was the first to put on the bracelet. Then, the two of them also put
their hands through the bracelet without hesitation.

The three of them who readily wore this cursed item were undoubtedly
broken in some way. But they had no regrets. By wearing it, they had
established a codependent relationship where they entrusted their destinies
to each other.

Toyama and the others, three in one, began moving in the same direction.

“Shall we head back soon?”

The three of them, with the bracelets on, didn’t need to confirm anything
further with each other.

Once back at the resthouse, the three of them headed to the shower.

“The shampoo is available for use during the evening, right?”

“I was worried about what would happen to our hair if we just used water. It
could get really dry.”

Takai and Uehara approached Toyama, who had finished showering first
and was waiting in front of the changing room.

“It seems to be an environmentally friendly, natural material shampoo. It’s

supposed to break down naturally without polluting the water or something
like that.”

“It would be great if we could use it during the day too.”

“Uehara-san, maybe if a large number of people use it during the day, the
sea might still get polluted, don’t you think?”

“Well, if that’s the case, there’s nothing we can do. We wouldn’t want this
beautiful and wonderful island to be ruined, right?”

“Yuki, should we head back to the resthouse before we start sweating


“Un, that’s a good idea. We’d be in trouble if we start sweating again after

The three of them returned to the resthouse and lay down on their respective

“Tomorrow, Rena-san and the others will pick us up at the harbour, right?”

“That’s right, Uehara-san. After that, we’ll pick up the luggage we left at
the apartment and head straight to the airport, I guess.”

“Yuki, it went by so fast, didn’t it? Going back tomorrow already feels kind
of sad…”
The time spent in Okinawa for the three of them passed by in the blink of
an eye.

“Next year, we’ll be busy with university entrance exams, right? Maybe we
can plan a graduation trip or something?”

“And we’ll go together as three even then.”

“That’s true, Uehara-san.”

However, Toyama, Uehara and Takai couldn’t predict what lay ahead.
Despite that, the three of them believed without a doubt that they would
always be together.

“Yuki, Uehara-san, I’ll turn off the lights.”

“Good night.”

The three of them lay in their beds, hoping that this wasn’t a dream and
drifted off to sleep.

The next day, Toyama, Takai and Uehara safely reunited with Rena and the
others, collected their luggage from the apartment, and headed to the

“Yesterday, we got to see sea turtles laying eggs!”

Uehara, happily recounting the events of the previous night to Aizawa and
Okita, remained as cheerful and bright as always.

On the other hand, Takai sat on a bench in the departure lobby, engrossed in
reading. Both Uehara and Takai seemed to be spending their time just like
they always did.

“So, Toyama-kun, were you able to have a proper conversation with them?”

Toyama was discussing last night’s events with Rena in a slightly secluded
spot away from the others.
“Yes, I was able to talk to them about everything.”

Rena knew Toyama’s wish. So, she wanted to know whether the two of
them had accepted it or not.

“Marika, that bracelet, is it matching with Yumi? When did you get it? And
what about mine?”

Aizawa and her friends’ conversation caught Rena’s ear.


When Rena heard those words, she realised everything as she saw the
bracelet on Toyama’s wrist, which had not been there until yesterday.

“Is that so… Both of them accepted it”

Rena’s feelings were complex. She wondered if the path ahead for the three
of them would be difficult, given that this was far from ordinary. She
couldn’t help but think if there was something more she could have done.
However, having entrusted the decision to the three of them, there was
nothing more she could do.
“Yes…Thank you very much, Onee-san, for the Okinawa trip and for what
you did yesterday”

“If you’ve made up your mind, then there’s no helping it… Please don’t
forget what I told you at the aquarium. That’s all I can do”

“I’ll remember it well.”

“Well then, Toyama-kun, shall we head towards the departure gate?”

“Sure, Onee-san.”

Toyama, Takai and Uehara walked together towards the departure gate,
their wrists adorned with the same bracelet stones reflecting and shining.

The plane carrying Toyama and the others took off into the sky of Okinawa.

The blue sky above them was as vast as the future possibilities of the three
young individuals, clear and filled with the colour of pure youth.

It’s been half a year since the release of Volume Two. To all the readers,
how have you been? This is Takashi Yamamoto.

Thank you for getting your hands on Volume Three as well.

I’m extremely delighted to be able to release Volume Three and to meet all
of you.

Please be aware that this afterword contains some minor spoilers, so if you
haven’t read the main story yet, please proceed with caution.

In this volume, the story shifts to Okinawa in the latter half. The Okinawa
trip was one of the episodes I wanted to write in “Shite Shira.”

Last summer (in the fourth year of Reiwa), I had planned an Okinawa trip
under the guise of a research trip (actually, I just wanted to have fun), but
unfortunately, it was postponed twice due to typhoons and eventually
cancelled, which was quite disappointing.
As someone who loves Okinawa, I have travelled there multiple times in
the past (about ten times?). So, I wrote this episode based on my memories.

However, it has been about four years since I last visited Okinawa due to
the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, there may be some differences in the
current situation compared to back then, but please read it as fiction.

In the story, the restaurant where Toyama and the group enjoyed shabu-
shabu is a real place. It’s a genuinely delicious restaurant and whenever I
went to Okinawa, I would always make a point to stop by. I can’t reveal the
name of the restaurant, but if you refer to the descriptions in the story and
do some searching, you might be able to find it. If you ever visit Okinawa, I
highly recommend stopping by.

Also, there’s a fast-food restaurant called A&W that makes an appearance

in the story. This is a real restaurant known for its famous root beer. This
drink is a unique concoction of over ten different herbs, said to have been
created by a pharmacist who wanted to improve the health of a frail friend.
Just like Toyama and the others teased in the story, it’s a unique beverage
with a scent reminiscent of poultices. You might find it in specialty shops or
import stores outside of Okinawa, so if you’re curious, give it a try. It might
become your new favourite!

There are many other unique and interesting shops in Okinawa that I
wanted to include in the story, but if I covered them all, it would turn into a
gourmet novel and deviate from the main storyline. However, I did write
about them in bonus short stories, so please check out the bonus
information if you’re interested.
Now, I’d like to touch upon the contents of Volume Three.

As you’ll see when you read it, “Shite Shira” reaches a significant point in
the story with Volume Three.

When I was writing 『Shite Shira』 I made a decision not to introduce a clear-
cut 『losing heroine』 or character. I wanted readers to be unsure about
whether Toyama would choose Takai or Uehara, even after reading the first
two volumes.

I believe there were fans of both heroines, Takai and Uehara, and many
readers had the desire for each of their favourites to be chosen and find
happiness. Some readers expressed the sentiment that they would be
satisfied if Toyama chose either Takai or Uehara, or even if he chose both,
as long as there were reasons they could understand.

Was the conclusion satisfying for all of you, the readers?

I’m aware that there are mixed opinions about Toyama’s decision.

However, this is the answer that Toyama, Takai, and Uehara arrived at. It’s
easy to imagine that the path they’ve chosen will be filled with twists and
challenges. I hope that all of you, the readers, can support these three in
your hearts as they navigate their chosen journey.
Acknowledgements are now due here.

This time, I deeply apologise for the significant delay in manuscript

submission, which caused great inconvenience to everyone involved. In
particular, to the editorial team at Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko and Nakada-
sama, the editor, I know the looming deadline must have been quite
stressful. I also apologise for putting pressure on the illustration work
period for Asahina Hikage Sensei, the illustrator, due to the delayed

Finally, I want to express my gratitude to all the readers who purchased and
supported the books up to Volume Three. When I was writing my first book
and had no idea which way was up, you provided valuable advice. Nakada-
san, who guided me through this process, Asahina Hikage Sensei, who
created wonderful illustrations, and all the individuals who contributed to
the publication, I thank you all.

I look forward to the day when I can meet the readers again. With that, I
would like to conclude this afterwards.

Thank you very much, truly!


A manga adaptation by Jun Momozumi is currently serialised in 『Monthly

Comic Dengeki Daioh』.Please do check it out and support it as well.
TL: So, how do you like the story so far? For me, it’s kinda good? I don’t
really like this kinda theme and MC. I’m all for Harem be it 18+ or not.
Despite that..I applaud the author since he managed to balance the romance
between Toyama X Uehara/ Toyama X Takai.

A bit of backstory. A fellow translator [k-san] was translating the WN and

K-san accidently translate the LN despite it being translated by another
group. A small argument happen and [K-san] have sent an apology. And the
novel remains dormant without anyone translating Vol 2. Probably losing
interest and overwhelm with other novels [K-san] asked me if I want to take
over. I shouldn’t have picked this up because at that time [vol1] I have 4
ongoing series. But after seeing how long was the last update of Vol 1 and
the slightly wrong translation and [for some reason, another language aside
from EN became one of the updated chapter…I felt at least I should re-
translate Vol 1 and finish it properly. But after seeing the sudden spike in
views for this novel..I decide to translate all the Vol.

Another fun fact is that as I did my translation. The original translation

group and 3rd group suddenly disappear from NU list. 2nd group is us [K-
san and I]

According to NU, ‘Saenai’ is completed but if there’s a continuation of Vol

4..whether I would still be the translator at that time, I hoped..the author
avoid making an ending like [Higehiro] ie: After Being Rejected, I Shaved
and Took In a High School Runaway. I wished everyone had their own
ending which is Canon. I..for one ship Toyama X Rena HAHAHA.


Translation: Story Seedling

Epub&Pdf: EsNovels

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