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Chapter 2

The Role of Science and Technology in Nation-Building

LESSON 1 The Philippine Government Science and Technology Agenda

Topic I. Introduction

Q: Do you believe that the colonizers brought science in the Philippines?

 The colonization of the Philippines contributed to the growth of science and technology in the archipelago. The

Spanish introduced formal education, founded scientific institutions, and established schools, hospitals, and

conducted scientific research during their rule. However, it's important to note that even before the

colonization by the Spaniards, the natives of the Philippines already had practices linked to science and

technology, such as awareness of medicinal properties of plants, an alphabet, number system, weighing and

measuring system, and engagement in farming, shipbuilding, mining, and weaving. Therefore, while the

colonizers played a role in the development of science and technology in the Philippines, the indigenous people

already had their own knowledge and practices in these fields.

For me NO, because even before the colonization by the Spaniards, the natives of the Philippines already had practices

linked to science and technology, such as awareness of medicinal properties of plants, an alphabet, number system,

weighing and measuring system, and engagement in farming, shipbuilding, mining, and weaving. In the other hand the

colonization of the Philippines contributed to the growth of science and technology in the archipelago. The Spanish

introduced formal education, founded scientific institutions, and established schools, hospitals, and conducted scientific

research during their rule.

Q: How did science start the country

Topic Il: Brief Historical background of Science and Technology in the Philippines

Q. Show a time line depicting the improvement of science and technology in the Philippines from the different


Q. Identify science and technology projects and projects in your locality

Q: Make assessment of the implementation of science and technology policies and projects in you locality
Topic III: Government Policies on Science and Technology

LESSON 2 Programs and Personalities in Science and Technology in the Philippines

Topic 1: Introduction

Q: Identify at least five government science and technology programs that you know

 The Department of Science and Technology (DOST)

 Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)

 The Philippines Science, Technology, Research, and Innovation for Development (STRIDE)

 Forests Product Research and Development Institute Forest Product Research and Development Institute


 National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST).

Q. Identify the Filipino scientists that you know.

1. **Lucille Abad**: A senior science research specialist and chief of the Chemistry Research Section at the

Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI). She developed an effective plant growth promoter using irradiated


2. **Phillip Alviola**: A curator at the Museum of Natural History, University of the Philippines (UP) Los Baños.

He helped develop methods to monitor biodiversity in protected areas and has been studying mammals.

3. **Gavino Trono**: A renowned marine biologist who contributed to the study of seaweed biodiversity,

increasing understanding of the diversity of this plant group in Asia.

4. **Angel Alcala**: Known for his notable contribution to biological sciences, particularly his research on

Philippine amphibians.

5. **Julian Banzon**: A Filipino biochemist noted for his research on alternative fuels and for extracting residual

coconut oil from the fruit.

6. **Ramon Barba**: Recognized for his work in horticulture and for developing technology for inducing

flowering in mango trees and other tropical fruits.

Topic 2: Goverment Programs to Support the Development of Science and Technology

Q: Who are other Filipino scientists that you know

Examine their contributions to the filed of science

Study what made them pursue a career

Present the results of your work to the class Lesson 3 Science Education in the Philippines
Q. Considering the challenges of the 21* century life and the demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution,

how can the country further strengthen and improve the state of its science education?

Lesson 4 Indigenous Science and Technology in the Philippines

Q: What are indigenous beliefs and practices in your community?

Q; Are these practices be considered scientific or nonscientific. Explain why you think of these beliefs and

practices have scientific basis.

Q: Among indigenous practices and beliefs we cited what are there commonalities?

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