Ie Delhi 14 09 2023

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Taiwan’s defence ministry said it spotted 28 Chinese air force planes in its air defence zone Wednesday,
part of what Taipei calls regular harassment by Beijing amid heightened tensions across the Taiwan
Strait. Taiwan's defence ministry said that beginning at 6 am, Chinese warplanes, including J-10 fight-
ers, had flown into the southwestern corner of the island's air defence identification zone. REUTERS

Kim meets Putin, comes out in support
of Russia looking for weapons of war
Leaders also spoke of possible Moscow help for Pyongyang satellite programme Russia official
Smoke rises from a AGENICES says overcame
building in Hanoi. AP SEOUL, SEPTEMBER 13
sanctions to China’s new ambassador to Afghanistan, Zhao Sheng, meets
Taliban PM Mohd Hasan Akhund in Kabul, Wednesday. AP
VIETNAM vowed “full and unconditional expand missile
support” for Russia’s Vladimir
Putin on Wednesday as the two
production Beijing appoints
envoy in Kabul,
a summit that the US and South
apartmentblock Korea warned could lead to a THOMASGIBBONS-NEFF
deal to supply ammunition for KYIV,SEPTEMBER13
Hanoi: A fire at an apart- Moscow’s war in Ukraine.

first in 2 yrs since

ment block in Vietnam's The meeting, which lasted RUSSIA HAS managed to over-
capitalHanoihaskilled56 overfourhoursatRussia’sspace- come sanctions and export con-
people,amongthemchil- port in the Far East, underscores trols imposed by the West to ex-
dren, and injured 37, po- how the two countries’ interests pand its missile production

Taliban takeover
lice said on Wednesday. are aligning: Putin is believed to beyond prewar levels, according
The fire broke out during be seeking one of the few things to U.S., European and Ukrainian
the night in a nine-storey impoverished North Korea has officials, leaving Ukraine espe-

building, home to about in abundance— stockpilesof ag- ciallyvulnerabletointensifiedat-
150 residents, according ing ammunition and rockets for Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un at the launch pad at Vostochny cosmodrome, Russia. AP tacks in the coming months.

to official Vietnam News Soviet-era weapons. In addition to spending more MOHAMMADYUNUS
Agency(VNA),whichsaid Such a request would mark a than $40 billion providing YAWAR&CHARLOTTE Fight for
the blaze was contained role reversal from the 1950-53 weapons for Ukraine, the United GREENFIELD
by 2 am (1900 GMT) KoreanWar,whenMoscowgave UKRAINE SAYS IT HIT States has made curbing Russia’s KABUL,SEPTEMBER13 ● recognition
Televisionimagesshowed weaponstosupportPyongyang’s military supply a key part of its
firefightersequippedwith invasion of South Korea, and in RUSSIAN TARGETS IN strategy to support Kyiv. ANEWChineseambassadorpre- ONLY A handful of na-
hoses and ladders at the
scene by night, while
the decades of Soviet sponsor-
ship of the North that followed.
ATTACK ON CRIMEA As a result of the sanctions,
American officials estimate that
sented his credentials to the
Taliban'sprime ministerin Kabul
tions have working diplo-
matic missions in
thick, dark smoke bil- The decision to meet at the Kyiv: Ukraine said it struck Russiawasforcedtodramatically on Wednesday, Afghan officials Afghanistan, including
lowed from the building Vostochny Cosmodrome, “In Korea, there is a “The Russian army will Russian naval targets and slowitsproductionofmissilesand said, adding it was the first ap- China, the world’s sec-
by day. REUTERS Russia’s most important launch port infrastructure early on otherweaponryatthestartofthe pointment of a foreign envoy at ond-largest economy. The
center on its own soil, suggests
proverb: good clothes win a great victoryin Wednesday in the Crimean war for at least six months. the ambassadorial level since the international community,
Kim is seeking Russian help in are those that are new, the sacred strugglefor cityof Sevastopol,inwhatap- Butbyendof 2022,Moscow’s Taliban took power in 2021. wary of the Taliban’s rule
developing military reconnais- butold friends are best punishment of a great peared to the biggest attack military manufacturing began to The Taliban have not been of- when they were last in
IRAQ sance satellites, which he has friends. And our people evil that claims of thewaronthehomeof the pickupspeedagain,Americanof- ficially recognised by any foreign power more than 20
18policemen called crucial to enhancing the
say: an oldfriend is hegemony & feeds an Russian Black Sea Fleet. The
attack on Crimea, which was
ficials who spoke on condition of
anonymity to disclose the sensi-
government. It was not immedi-
ately clear if Wednesday's ap-
years ago, has withheld
official recognition and
better than two new ” expansionist illusion”
jailedforSweden siles.NorthKoreahasrepeatedly seizedandannexedbyRussia tive assessment now concede. pointmentsignalledanystepsby Afghanistan’s assets
failed to put its first military spy VLADIMIR PUTIN KIM JONG UN in 2014, was also confirmed Russia subverted American Beijing towards formal recogni- abroad have been frozen.
missionincident satellite into orbit. PRESIDENT, RUSSIA LEADER, NORTH KOREA by Moscow. REUTERS export controls using its intelli- tion of the Taliban.
Putin met Kim at the launch genceservicesandministryofde- China's foreign ministry did
Baghdad: An Iraqi court facility, greeting his guest with a fense to run illicit networks of not immediately respond to re- toAfghanistan,WangYu,tookup
sentenced 18 police offi- handshake of about 40 seconds. economic cooperation, human- programme. Kim, in turn, The US has accused North peoplewhosmugglekeycompo- quest for comment. the role in 2019 and finished his
cers to prison after they Putinspokeof theSovietUnion’s itarianissues.Theyalsodiscussed pledged continued support for Korea of providing Russia with nentsbyexportingtoothercoun- "Mohammad Hassan tenure last month.
were found guilty of fail- wartimesupportforNorthKorea possible Russian help for the se- Moscow, making an apparent arms. RussianandNorthKorean tries from which they can be Akhund,thePrimeMinisterofthe Other nations and interna-
ing to prevent protesters and said the talks would cover cretiveCommuniststate’ssatellite reference to the war in Ukraine. officials deny such claims. shipped to Russia easily. NYT Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, tional delegations, like Pakistan
from setting fire to the accepted credentials of Mr Zhao and European Union, have sent
Swedish embassy in Xing, the new Chinese ambassa- seniordiplomatstoleadmissions
Baghdad in July over a
Stockholm. A Baghdad
Libya floods death toll crosses Americans can
now get updated
mony," said a Taliban statement.
A Taliban administration for-
in Kabul but they have taken on a
‘chargee d’affaires’ title, meaning
court passed the sen-
tences, ranging from 18
months to three years, on
5000, thousands still missing Covid-19 vaccine:
eign ministry spokesman con-
firmed he was the first ambassa-
dor appointed since August 2021
dorial duties but do not formally
hold role of ambassador. Some
ambassadors appointed during
Tuesday, according to a health officials whentheTalibantookoverasfor- previous foreign-backed Afghan
copy of the judgment. It RAJAABDULRAHIM eign forces withdrew. governmenthavestayedinKabul
says the officers were &AARONBOXERMAN China's previous ambassador with the same title. REUTERS
convicted of “abstaining DERNA,SEPTEMBER13 MIKE STOBBE
from their duties to pro- The damaged Great Mosque & LAURAN NEERGAARD
and to stop the persons
who stormed and set fire
of Tinmal in Morocco. Reuters AID WAS trickling into eastern
Libya on Wednesday, where
more than 5,000 people have

US cop laughed over
to it”. REUTERS Morocco quake died in recent days after cata-
officials said Tuesday. Indian student killed
PAKISTAN damages historic
by police car; India
and bridges damaged or cut off, Advisers to the Centers for
access to the hardest-hit city of Disease Control and Prevention
PresidentAlvi hilltop mosque Derna on the Mediterranean endorsedthenewshotsforevery-
demands probe, action
coast remained a major hurdle one 6 months and older and the
to bringing in help, according to agency’s director quickly signed
asdateforpolls REUTERS international aid groups. offTuesdayonthepanel’srecom-
SEPTEMBER 13 Thousands of people are be- mendation. That means doses Auderer laughed about the
Baghdad: Pakistan lievedtobemissing,meaningthe Damaged cars in storm aftermath in Derna, Libya. Reuters should be available this week, PRESS TRUST OF INDIA deadly crash and dismissed any
President Arif Alvi on MOROCCO'S DEADLY earth- deathtollwaslikelytorisefurther some as early as Wednesday. HOUSTON, SEPTEMBER 13 implication Dave might be at
Wednesday unilaterally quakebadlydamagedoneof the in the hours and days ahead, and The severity of the Covid-19 faultor that a criminal investiga-
proposed November 6 as mostimportanthistoricalsitesin at least 20,000 people have been Derna was destroyed as entire pandemic has faded, but there A BODYCAM footage of a police tion was necessary.
the date for the general the High Atlas mountains, an displaced,accordingtoaidgroups. neighborhoods, including AID AT WORK arestillthousandsof hospitaliza- officer joking about the death of "We have taken up the mat-
elections in a letter writ- earth-and-stonemosquebuiltby Libya, a North African nation homes, schools and mosques, tions and hundreds of deaths in a 23-year-old Indian student af- ter strongly with local authori-
ten to the chief election a medieval dynasty that con- divided by years of civil war and weresweptawayintheflooding ■ Rescue teams & some the US each week. ter she was struck by a speeding ties in Seattle & Washington
commissioner, amidst quered North Africa and Spain. deep political and territorial di- that began over the weekend. aid deliveries began Hospitalizationshavebeenin- police patrol car earlier this year State as well as senior officials in
controversy over polling Moroccan media reported visions, was ill-prepared for TheDernaCityCouncilhascalled reaching Derna, said creasing since late summer, in Seattle has prompted India to Washington DC for a thorough
dates in the cash- that parts of the Tinmel Mosque Storm Daniel, which swept for the opening of a maritime Libya’s Red Crescent. thoughthelatestdataindicatein- raise the matter strongly with investigation & action against
strapped country. In his hadcollapsed.Photographscircu- across the Mediterranean Sea, passagewaytothecityandforur- fections may be starting to level theUSauthoritiesforathorough those involved in this tragic
letter to CEC Sikandar latingonline,whichReuterscould batteringitscoastlineandquickly gent international intervention. ■ Teams sent by Turkey off, particularly in the South. investigation and action against case," the mission said in a post
SultanRaja,PresidentAlvi not immediately verify, showed destroyingpoorlymaintainedin- Rescue teams and some aid and the United Arab Still, experts worry that im- those guilty in the case. on social media platform X.
cited Article 48(5) of the tumbledwalls,ahalf-fallentower frastructure. deliveries began reaching Derna Emirates to the city of munity from previous vaccina- Jaahnavi Kandula was killed In the footage, Auderer, the
Constitution, which he and large piles of debris. The country is run by two ri- on Monday via the damaged Benghazi, about 290 tions and infections is fading in in January after she was struck vice president of the Seattle
said: "empowers and A Moroccan Culture Ministry val governments — one in the roads that made passage more km from Derna, have many people, and a new shot by a police vehicle driven by Police Officers Guild, was on a
mandates the president source said “the ministry has de- western half and another in the difficult and time consuming, been dispatched to the would save many lives. OfficerKevinDave.Shewasdriv- call with the guild's president,
‘toappointadatenotlater cided to restore it and will make east — further complicating the said Libya’s Red Crescent disaster zone. According to a survey last ing more than 119 kmph on the Mike Solan. He laughed several
than 90 days from the budget for it”, without details. rescue and aid efforts. spokesman Tawfiq al-Shukri. monththatCDCcited,about42% way to a report of an overdose, times,sayingatonepoint,"Yeah,
dateof thedissolution,for The 12th-century mosque The flooding hit after heavy Aid is also being sent to the ■ ‘Support is trickling said they would definitely or the Seattle Times reported just write a cheque."
the holding of a general was built where the Almohad rains burst through two dams airport in Al Bayda, one of the af- in. We need more of it,’ probably get the new vaccine. Monday. "Eleven thousand dollars.
electiontoAssembly'". PTI dynasty established its first cap- south of Derna, unleashing tor- fected towns in the stricken area Norwegian Refugee Yet only about 20% of adults got In bodycam footage released She was 26 anyway," Auderer
ital in a remote Atlas valley be- rentsof waterthroughthecityof that extends some 100 kilome- Council said. an updated booster when it was on Monday by the Seattle Police said in the video, misstating
INDONESIA foregoingontoseizeMarrakesh. nearly 100,000 people. Much of ters, he said. NYT offered a year ago. Department, Officer Daniel Kandula's age.

UK submarine
Jakarta: Indonesia's de-
fence ministry said on
Wednesday it has signed
an agreement to buy a
China’s ‘full time kids’ move in with parents amid job scarcity
submarine rescue vessel Wang, who was laid off from master’s program in Japan. werecountedasunemployed,the economicrecoveryworsenedbya
for $100 million from a SIMINA MISTREANU agamingcompanyinDecember, Adult children returning to jobless rate would be more than downturninthepropertymarket.
British company, the lat- BEIJING, SEPTEMBER 13 is among an estimated 16 mil- the nest is by no means unique double the official rate of almost The economy grew at a 6.3%
est move to modernise lion young Chinese who, to China, and many Chinese do 20 percent in March, Zhang pace in April-June compared to
the Southeast Asian WHEN SHE first moved to the daunted by the difficulties of live in extended families. But by Dandan, a Peking University eco- the same period a year earlier,
country's ageing military ChinesetechhubofShenzhenaf- finding decent jobs, have moved some measures, young Chinese nomicsprofessor,saidinanop-ed when parts of China were under
equipment. The deal be- ter graduating from college, back home. She asked that her areenduringthecountry’sworst inChinesemagazineCaixininJuly. draconianCOVID-19lockdowns.
tween a company ap- Marguerite Wang imagined she English nickname be used out of job market in generations, and That would be a more accu- Exports have been sinking as
pointed as the defence would spend her career working concern that speaking to foreign many are coping by taking rate assessment of the unem- other major economies slow.
ministry's partner, PT BTI hardinabigcity.Instead,she’sliv- media might hurt her job refuge with their parents. ploymentcrisis,saidZhang,who MargueriteWang,theformer
Indo Tekno, vessel pro- ingwithherparentsinherhome- prospects. The urban unemployment declined an interview request gamingcompanyemployee,said
ducer Submarine town in northeastern China. After spending six months rate for the 16-to-24 age group from AP. Her article was later re- shekeepsherparentscompanyin
Manufacturing and A record of more than one in unsuccessfully applying for jobs reachedarecord21.3%inJune.In moved from one of Peking return for pocket money.
ProductsLtdandHoulder five young Chinese are out of inShenzhen,the29-year-olddid July, the government stopped University’s WeChat accounts, “Idon’twanttobeinthesame
Ltd was signed on work, their career ambitions at something she had never imag- publishing age-specific data, where it had been shared. kind of work situation as before,”
Tuesday on the sidelines leasttemporarilyderailedbyade- ined doing: she asked to move prompting speculation the po- The job drought is a ticklish shesaid,“whereIdidn’thaveapri-
of a defence expo in pressed job market as the econ- back home. Now she spends her litically sensitive numbers had At a job fair in Beijing. The urban unemployment rate for the problem for the ruling vate life and all my energy went
London. REUTERS omy struggles to regain momen- days watching soap operas and shot up even higher. 16-24 age group in China reached a record 21.3% in June. AP file Communist Party, which is over- intomywork,butIactuallydidn’t
tumafteritslongboutwithCovid. studying Japanese to apply for a If “full-time adult children” seeing a sluggish post-pandemic know what I was so busy for.” AP



Give property
papers back
within 30 days
Rashtriya Rifles Commanding Officer,
of loan closure
Major, Dy SP killed in Valley gunbattle
on Wednesday directed banks
and other lenders, including
non-banking financial compa-
nies (NBFCs), housing finance
companies and cooperative
banks, to release all original
movableorimmovableproperty From left: Colonel Manpreet Singh, Major Aashish Dhonchak
documentswithin30daysof full and Deputy SP Himayun Muzamil Bhat
repayment or settlement of per-
sonal loans by borrowers.
In case of delay, the lenders
rowers by paying Rs 5,000 for
Security spotlight on IAF takes delivery of
each day of delay, the RBI said.
The directions, released as part
of responsible lending conduct,
areas south of Pir first C295 transport
will be applicable to all cases
Panjal, a reminder
aircraft, 15 more from
where release of original prop-
December 1 this year.
from south Kashmir
Spain in next 2 years
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 In Srinagar, Ghulam Hassan Bhat, retired IG of J&K Police, bids farewell to his son Himayun,
the Dy SP who was among three officers killed in a gunbattle in Kokernag. PTI


Officers leading search teams came under heavy firing NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 Another 40 to roll out from Vadodara
Officer of 19 Rashtriya Rifles in THEKILLINGoftwoArmyofficers INDIA assembly line, Sept 2026 onward
BASHAARAT MASOOD Kokernag, Major Aashish Dho- andaJammuandKashmirpolice
SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 13 nchak, and Deputy officer during a gunbattle in the
Superintendent of Police Kokernag area of
AN ARMY Colonel, a Major and a Himayun Muzamil Bhat. Anantnag district
DeputySuperintendentof Police Official sources said a joint Wednesday has re- Srinagar
of theJammuandKashmir(J&K) team of the J&K Police and Army turnedthespotlight
UJJWALA: Rs 1,650 CR Police were killed in a gunfight had launched an operation in tosouthKashmiraf- Anantnag
CLEARED FOR NEW with militants in Anantnag dis- Gadool forest of Kokernag, in ter a temporary lull. Poonch
LPG CONNECTIONS trict of South Kashmir on Anantnagdistrict,Tuesdayeven- In recent months, the areas Jammu
Wednesday morning. ingfollowinginputsaboutmove- south of the Pir Panjal range,
NIFTY ENDS ABOVE Police identified the dead se- ment of militants in the area. such as Poonch, Rajouri and PAKISTAN
20,000-MARK FOR curity personnel as Colonel Near the encounter site. PTI On Wednesday morning,the Jammu, have been the focus of

Air Chief Marshal V R Chaudhari after a sortie on the IAF’s

first C295 aircraft in Seville, Spain, Wednesday. PTI

Export demand low, next few days, piloted by a joint

farmers call for lifting AMRITA NAYAK DUTTA

IAF-Airbus crew.
In September 2021, India for-
malised the acquisition of 56

of curbs on basmati THE INDIAN Air Force (IAF) on

Wednesday received delivery of
the first of the 56 C295 aircraft
Airbus C295 aircraft to replace
the legacy Avro fleet of the IAF at
a cost of Rs 21,935 crore.
Govt move likely to depress paddy which are set to replace its age- The first 16 C295s of the 56
ing Avro-748 fleet. aircraft on order will be assem-
prices in new marketing season In a statement, Airbus bled at the San Pablo Sur site in
Defence and Space said that the Seville, with the second aircraft
ForSehrawat,thisisn’tasmall C295, in transport configuration due to be delivered in May 2024
HARISH DAMODARAN matter. In the current season, he and with an indigenous elec- and the next 14 rolled out at a
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 has planted as many as four bas- tronic warfare suite, will leave rate of one per month until
mativarieties—Pusa1847,1692, the Airbus production site in August 2025.
“BASMATI GARIBON KA chawal 1509 and 1885 — on nearly 50 Seville, Spain, for Delhi in the CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
nahi hai. Iske niryaat par paa- acres, 20 of his own and the rest
bandi kyon lagaya hai (Basmati is taken on lease. These are mostly
the government put restrictions
of 90-100 days duration, from
their date of transplantation be- IIT-Bombay makes AI,
on its exports)?,” asks Satyavan tween June 10 and July 1.
Sehrawat,a farmer from
Daryapur Kalan village in
“They are all ready for har-
vesting now or in the next cou-
Data Science must for
Northwest Delhi.
The 56-year-old’s question
relates to a Department of
pleof weeks.If thereisnot much
demand from exporters, who
else would buy our produce?
undergrad students
Commerce directive, on August Not many farmers can afford to revisionof theBTechcurriculum.
25, practically banning basmati hold back their crop till demand Prime Minister Narendra Modi is greeted by BJP chief J P Nadda and senior leaders Rajnath Singh and Amit Shah as he arrives PALLAVI SMART The introduction of AI-DS
rice exports priced at less than returns.Theyneedmoneytobuy at the party headquarters in New Delhi for the BJP central election committee meeting on Wednesday. Prem Nath Pandey MUMBAI, SEPTEMBER 13 was among the recommenda-
$1,200 per tonne. inputs for the next season, repay tions made by the committee.
The APEDA (Agricultural and existingcroploansandalsomeet THE INDIAN Institute of “Except the design course,
Processed Food Products Export immediate household expendi- Technology-Bombay (IIT-B) has which is a completely different
Development Authority) has
been told to limit the issue of
tures,” Sehrawat pointed out.
As per the August 25 direc-
tive, the $1,200/tonnefloorprice
House agenda: Pending Bills, recall BUSINESS AS USUAL
decided to introduce Artificial
DS) as a mandatory course for
field, the common course (AI-
DS) is applicable for all Bachelor
of Science (BS) courses too. We
tificate, mandatory for every
transaction, only to shipments
restriction for exports is to “re-
maineffectivetill15.10.2023and of ‘75 yrs of parliamentary journey’ BY UNNY undergraduatestudents—BTech
and Mathematics. They, of
contracted above the floor price. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 — from this academic year. course, do a lot of data analysis,”
Memories and Learnings”, and “Earlier, Physics, Chemistry, said Professor Avinash Mahajan,
LIZ MATHEW GOVT & POLITICS takeupforconsiderationfourBills. Mathematics and Biology used Dean of Academics.
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 The Bills include the Chief to be common courses which While AI-DS will be intro-
GOVT & POLITICS PRESIDENT: WOMEN Election Commissioner and everybody had to learn. Now AI- duced as a common course with
HOURS AFTER it called an all- SHOULD GET MORE other Election Commissioners DS is a new addition to that list mandatory credit in the first se-
INDIA BLOC TO HOLD party meeting on the eve of REPRESENTATION IN (Appointment, Conditions of inourcurriculum.Whetherthey mester of the second year, inter-
FIRST JOINT RALLY IN Parliament’sspecialsessionstart- HOUSE PAGE7 Service and Term of Office) Bill, use it or not, everybody will get ested students will have the op-
BHOPAL NEXT MONTH ing September 18, the govern- introduced during the Monsoon the flavour of it by being equip- tion to take up more advanced
ment Wednesday gave some in- Session in the Lok Sabha; the ped with the knowledge to use courses in the field later.
I-T PROBE AGAINST dicationofwhatwasonthetable. Houses will discuss the Advocates (Amendment) Bill it,” said Professor Deepankar “Wealreadyhaveacentrefor
AZAM: 30 PREMISES According to a bulletin issued “ParliamentaryJourneyof75years and the Press and Registration of Choudhury, head of the civil en- machine learning and data sci-
SEARCHED PAGE 7 Wednesday evening by the Lok startingfromSamvidhanSabha— Periodicals Bill, passed by the gineering department who ence where higher level
SabhaSecretariatforMPs,thetwo Achievements, Experiences, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 headed a panel set up to look at CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

ANCHOR Kebab vendor to seer, how BJP ticket aspirant was taken for a ride
the Central Crime Branch (CCB) this regard,” said the officer. In his complaint, Pujari said if he did not get a ticket, the crore. On January 16 this year,
KIRAN PARASHAR arrestedChaitraKundapur,Gagan According to police, that Kadur told him he knew money would be returned. Pujari said he met the seer in
BENGALURU, SEPTEMBER 13 Kadur, Srikanth Naik and three Kundapur also faces cases in peopleintheofficesof thePrime Pujari said in his complaint Bengaluru and paid the money.
others from Udupi late Tuesday which she is accused of making Minister and Home Minister, thatonJuly7,hegaveKadurRs50 Further, on October 23 last
POLICE IN Karnataka have ar- and launched a hunt to nab the derogatory and provocative and promised him a BJP ticket. lakh in front of the Shivamogga year,PujariwasaskedtopayRs3
rested a woman right-wing ac- other accused. speeches against minority Kadur allegedly told Pujari he RSSoffice.Later,Kundapurhelda crore to a leader who the ac-
tivistandtwoofherassociatesfor According to officials, communities. would get him a ticket through conference call during which cused claimed was part of the
allegedlycheatingabusinessman Kundapurallegedlytriedtoswal- The police probe started af- “Vishwanath,anRSSleaderfrom Vishwanathclaimedcentrallead- BJP’scentralelectioncommittee.
of crores after assuring him a BJP low a ring she was wearing, but ter a Bengaluru businessman, Chikmagalurwhowasstayingin ers of the BJP had confirmed On October 29, Pujari paid the
ticket to contest from Udupi dis- police foiled her attempt. Govind Babu Pujari (44), filed a North India”, the police said. Pujari would get a ticket. money to Kundapur and her
trict’s Byndoor in the Assembly Bengaluru city police com- complaint on September 8. On July 4, 2022, Pujari met In September 2022, in an- team members.
elections held earlier this year. missioner B Dayananda con- According to Pujari’s complaint, Vishwanath,whoclaimedtobea other conference call, On March 8 this year, Pujari
In their probe, police also firmed the arrests. he met Kundapur in June 2022 bridge between the RSS and BJP, Vishwanath directed Pujari to received a call stating that
foundthe involvement of a mutt ApoliceofficersaidKundapur and was asked to go to the and said he decides who gets a meetaseerataprominentmutt, Vishwanath had died of breath-
seer,amanwhoclaimedtobean had taken shelter at a Youth Chikmagalur government guest ticket. Vishwanath asked Pujari whoserecommendation,hesaid, ing difficulties. Sensing some-
RSS functionary before mysteri- Congress leader’s house before house,wherehewasintroduced to give Rs 50 lakh to Kadur, and would play an important role in thingwaswrong,Pujarichecked
ously “dying”, and a kebab seller she was arrested. “We have to Gagan Kadur, the Rs 3 crore once the process of the decision about the ticket. with one of his friends, a retired
who posed as a BJP functionary. servedhimanoticetoappearbe- Chikkamagalur Bharatiya Janata Accused Chaitra Kundapur was arrested on Tuesday choosing the candidates began. Pujari, in his complaint, said defence officer, who told him
Based on a tip-off, officers of fore the investigating officer in Yuva Morcha (BJYM) secretary. Vishwanath assured Pujari that the seer asked him for Rs 1.5 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2


● RBI direction to banks, NBFCs
Personal loans refer to loans available to the lender to com-
● Delivery of first C295 aircraft
The remaining 40 C295s of off and land in short and un-

CO, Major, Dy SP killed ● A reminder from south Kashmir

counter-terror operations given the corresponding period.
given to individuals and include
loans given for creation or en-
plete this procedure, and the
penalty for delay will be calcu-
the IAF order will be manufac-
tured and assembled – in part-
nership with Tata Advanced
paved runways.
“It was only two years ago
search party, led by the senior of- wife,asix-year-oldsonandatwo- thatthesehavebeenthetargetsof Datashowedthat36localter- hancement of immovable assets tal period of 60 days. Systems Limited (TASL) – at a India,thelargestorderinthehis-
ficers,cameunderheavyfire,leav- year-old daughter. According to a morehigh-visibilityterrorattacks rorists and 71 foreign terrorists (suchashousing),andloansgiven The RBI said a borrower will Final Assembly Line (FAL) in toryof theC295,”saidJean-Brice
ing the three officers critically in- Punjab government official, incomparisontothestrikesinthe werepresentintheValleyinMay forinvestmentinfinancialassets be given the option of collecting Gujarat’s Vadodara. Dumont, Airbus's Head of
jured. They were airlifted to Singh’s late father was also from Valley. 2023,andthenumbersinthecor- like shares and debentures. The theoriginalpropertydocuments As reported by The Indian Military Air Systems, in a deliv-
Srinagar, where they succumbed the Sikh Light Infantry. The casualties in responding period in Jammu re- new directives will be applicable eitherfromthebankingoutletor Express earlier, the production ery ceremony held in Seville in
to their injuries. Bhat (34), son of retired J&K Wednesday’sattack,topofficials gionstoodat13localterroristsand to all these loan categories. branch where the loan account of components of these aircraft the presence of India’s
While there were no reports Inspector General of Police pointed out, was because of the two foreign terrorists. “The REs (regulated entities) was serviced or any other office has already started in the Main Ambassador to Spain Dinesh K
of any militant deaths, officials Ghulam Hasan Bhat, had joined retaliation by terrorists trapped Between January 2021 and shallreleasealltheoriginalmov- of the regulated entities where Constituent Assembly (MCA) fa- Patnaik and IAF Chief Marshal
saidtheoperationwasunderway theJ&KPolicein2018,theyearhis in the area — unlike the strikes May 30 this year, 24 security per- ableorimmovablepropertydoc- the documents are available, as cility in Hyderabad, from where Vivek Ram Chaudhari.
untillatenight.“Allthecasualties fatherretired.OriginallyfromTral to the south of Pir Panjal which sonneland75civilianswerekilled umentsandremovechargesreg- per their preference. The lender these parts would be shipped to “Today,weareenhancingthe
took place in the initial bursts of in South Kashmir, he is survived have been targeted attacks. on either side of the Pir Panjal isteredwithanyregistrywithina willhavetomentionthetimeline the Final Assembly Line in capabilities of the Indian Air
firing. The firing was so intense by his wife and a one-month-old Defence officials told The range. Senior officials said periodof 30daysafterfullrepay- and place of return of original Vadodara, which is set to be op- Force and modernising its trans-
thatthejointteamgotlittletimeto son. According to sources, IndianExpressthatwhilethenum- Anantnag is located between the mentorsettlementoftheloanac- property documents in the loan erational by November next port fleet by delivering the first
react,” said a senior police officer. Dhonchak was from Panipat dis- ber of terrorists had gone down PirPanjalrangeandSrinagarwith count,” the RBI said. sanctionlettersissuedonorafter year. aircraft on schedule. This is the
“The terrorists fired incessantly, trict of Haryana. over a period of time in the accesstowardsDodaaswell,mak- “Incasewherethedelayisat- December 1 this year. The facility will be similar to beginning of an exciting and
hampering quick evacuation of Police sources said while Kashmirregion,operationsbyse- ingitanimportantdestinationfor tributable to the RE, it shall com- Inordertoaddressthecontin- the sprawling 1.2 million-sqm long-term journey with the
the injured officers.” search operations in Kokernag curityforceshadbeencontinuing. terrorists. “The initial success of pensate the borrower at the rate gent event of death of the sole Airbus factory in Seville. Indian Air Force.”
“When the joint team was beltofSouthKashmirwereonfor Data available until June terrorism here converted it into a of Rs5,000foreachdayof delay,” borrower or joint borrowers, the The aircraft will be manufac- Airbus officials had earlier
walking through a stream sur- some time, a fresh operation was showedthatthelocalrecruitment hubanddespitetheoverallreduc- itsaid,addingthatthelenderwill RBI said that lenders will need to tured under India’s first-ever said that except for major com-
roundedbydenseforestarea,the launched on Tuesday. of terrorists in J&K had been re- tionofterroristsacrosstheValley, havetocommunicatetothebor- lay out a procedure for return of ‘Make in India’ Aerospace pro- ponents such as the engine and
terrorists opened indiscriminate This is the second major mili- ducing since 2020: 191 in 2020, certainareasinsouthKashmirare rower the reasons for such delay. original property documents to grammeintheprivatesector.For avionics, which have been
fire.Theywerestrategicallybetter tantstrikeinSouthKashmirinjust 141 in 2021, 121 in 2022 and 7 so still of concern,” an official said. Intheeventof lossof,ordam- the legal heirs. They will have to the longest time, the Hindustan sourced from Pratt & Whitney,
placed and took the cover of the over a month. On August 4, three far this year. “Connectivity to other areas age to, original property docu- display this procedure on their Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has Collins Aerospace, there will be
denseforest,”saidapoliceofficer. soldiers were killed when mili- Of the total terrorists killed in across the Pir Panjal range, in- ments,eitherinpartorinfull,the website,alongwithothersimilar had a monopoly over manufac- atransferof manufacturingtech-
Following the incident, top Army tants targeted a temporary army theUTsince2020,549werelocals cludingReasiandKulgam,iseas- lenderwillhavetoassistthebor- policies and procedures for cus- ture of military aircraft in India. nology to TASL by Airbus on
andpoliceofficersrushedtoSouth post in the forests of Kulgam. The while86wereofforeignorigin.As ierfromAnantnag.Thiswaswhy rower in obtaining duplicate or tomer information, the RBI said. ThefirstIndia-madeC295will most other components so that
Kashmirtomonitorthesituation. militantshadmanagedtoescape many as 133 local recruits either infiltratingterroristscouldreach certifiedcopiesofthedocuments Thedirectiveswereissuedaf- rolloutof theVadodarafactoryin 95 per cent of the aircraft could
Singh, a decorated officer of after the attack. surrenderedorwerearresteddur- here and spread themselves and will have to bear the associ- tertheRBIobservedthatthereg- September 2026, while the final be made in India within the next
the Sikh Light Infantry, was com- WhiletheArmyisyettoshare ingthisperiod,whilethenumber across the Valley,” the official atedcosts.Thiscost willbeinad- ulatedentities,requiredtorelease aircraftisexpectedtobedelivered few years.
manding the 19 Rashtriya Rifles the details of its slain officers, Lt stoodat17forforeignterroristsin said. dition to the daily compensation all movable or immovable prop- to the IAF by August 2031. The airframe of the medium
unitbasedinKokernag.Hehadre- Governor Manoj Sinha was of Rs 5,000 for each day of delay, erty documents upon receiving “With283ordersfrom41op- transport aircraft will involve
ceivedtheSenaMedalin2021.He among those who attended the the RBI said. fullrepaymentandclosureofper- erators, the C295 is the undis- more than 14,000 parts and
and is survived by his mother,
● Call for lifting of curbs on basmati However,insuchcases,anad-
ditional time of 30 days will be
sonal loan account, were follow-
ing divergent practices.
puted leader in its segment and
stands out for its versatility,” the
components, and around 3,500
parts will be industrialised pro-
thesituationreviewedinthefirst basmati, which does not receive statement said. The aircraft can gressivelyeveryyearby Tata,de-
week of October 2023”. anyminimumsupportpriceand carry up to 71 troops or 50 para- pending on the capability of the
● Ticket aspirant taken for a ride But that period, from mid-
is entirely bought by private
● Special session agenda troopers, airdrop cargo, be used
for medical evacuation and take
stated level of indigenisation.
there was no RSS leader called named Ramesh had posed as peak marketing season for the sale as premium rice,?” he said. Rajya Sabha in the Monsoon Opposition leaders also ex-
Vishwanath. Vishwanath.AccordingtoPujari’s 90-100 days’ basmati varieties. Theapprehensionof farmers Session; and the Post Office Bill, pressed their apprehension that
On April 24, Pujari called complaint, Ramesh confessed he The maturity time is more, at is partially borne out in mandi introduced in the Rajya Sabha thegovernmentmayhavesome- ● AI, Data Science for all undergrads
Kundapur and Kadur to his office was offered Rs 1.2 lakh to imper- 115-125days,forotherimproved prices. At Delhi’s Narela whole- during the Monsoon Session. thing up its sleeve.
and asked them to return his sonate an RSS leader and was Indian Agricultural Research salegrainmarket,Pusa-1692and The Rajya Sabha agenda also JairamRamesh,theCongress specialised post-graduate and branches of engineering such as
money. According to Pujari, they given training. Pujari also found Institute-bredPusavarietiessuch 1509 basmati paddy harvested liststheRepealingandAmending general secretary in-charge of PhDprogrammesareofferedinAI mechanical, civil and aerospace,
toldhimthatRs3.5crorewaswith that Srikanth Naik, who was in- as 1121 and 1401. bycombinesandcontaining20% Bill, 2023, which was passed by communications, posted on X and DS. Now, we are introducing are using AI for various reasons;
Vishwanath,andwhenPujarisaid troducedastheBJP’scentralelec- Sehrawat claimed that the moisture are selling at Rs 3,500- the Lok Sabha in July. that the Modi government had it at lower levels because of the studentsofthesebranchescannot
he would file a complaint, tion committee member, was a minimum export price restric- 3,550 per quintal. Since the government sprang been “compelled” to announce sheer need felt across disciplines, avoidlearningAI,”hesaid,adding,
Kundapur allegedly threatened streetside kebab vendor in tion would only benefit “bade “Before the floor price for ex- asurprisebyannouncingthespe- the agenda under “pressure”, af- as this is the way forward,” said “AIisthepresentandfutureofthe
him,sayingshewouldstageasui- Bengaluru. When Pujari con- vyapari (large traders)” and ports came in, the same grain cial session, just over a month af- terSoniaGandhiwrotetothePM. Mahajan. industry,andourstudentshaveto
cideattempt.Shealsodemanded frontedKundapurwiththeinfor- millers: “They will cite low de- was quoting at Rs 3,800/quintal. ter the Monsoon Session had TrinamoolCongressleaderDerek The idea is to provide initial beequippedwithit.”Thedecision
timetoreturnhismoney.Thenext mation, she allegedly threatened mand for our rice in the world Even manually-harvested 1692 ended, speculation has been rife O’Brien said the agenda has a knowledgetostudentsatanearly comes at a time when AI and DS
day,Pujarimettheseerandasked to send him to prison or get him market at this rate and 1509 paddy with lower 17% overwhatcouldbeonitspre-poll caveat, “not to be taken as ex- stageoftheirundergraduatestud- are gaining popularity as spe-
for the money he had given him. killed, saying she also knew peo- ($1,200/tonne), forcing farmers moisture is fetching only Rs agenda. The Opposition had also haustive”, and wondered ies.“Later,dependingontheirde- cialisedcoursesattheundergrad-
Theseerassuredhimhewouldre- ple from the underworld. thentosellatwhatevertheprice 3,650/quintalatpresent,”Rajesh been questioning the govern- whetherthegovernmentwasup partmentorprogrammerequire- uateaswellaspost-graduatelevel.
turn the money and requested to A graduate in mass media thatisoffered.Evenif therestric- Goel, a trader at the Narela ment’s silence on the issue. tosome“dirtytricks”.However,a ment, they can opt for another In a big curriculum overhaul
leave him out of the issue. andcommunication,Kundapura tions are lifted later on, it won’t mandi, said. Whiletheagendaoutlinedby section of BJP leaders said one courseatahigherlevelwhichwill last year, IIT-B had introduced a
Meanwhile, Pujari said in his worked as an anchor for a local help those who have already Moreover, this might just be the government on Wednesday reason the government wanted be department-specific... so that basket of non-engineering sub-
complaint that he managed to TV channel. In 2018, she was ar- sold.” the start. The Narela market is was unexceptional, and included to hold the special session was our students are future-ready for jectstomeetthechangingtrends
track down the man who rested for allegedly assaulting The government may have nowseeingdailyarrivalsof about legislationinvariousstagesofdis- that the Winter Session, other- jobs and also become successful of students taking up non-core
claimed to be RSS leader the Sullia taluk secretary of reasons for not allowing grain 15,000bagsof 50-kgeach,which cussion already in Parliament, wise held in November- creatorsof jobs,”saidChaudhury. engineeringjobs.Thesecourses—
Vishwanath with the help of a Hindu Jagarana Vedike. And in consumed by low-income willtouch100,000-150,000bags sources said there could still be December,couldbedelayeddue “Earlier, we used to think that Humanities, Arts, Social Science,
friend who is also a right-wing October 2021, she was booked householdstogooutof thecoun- inOctober.Asarrivalspeak,there some surprises, and “something to the Assembly elections in MP, only computer science and elec- Management,Entrepreneurship,
activist in Chikmagalur. for alleged hate speech towards try in today’s inflationary envi- could be a further downward more substantive”, over the five Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, trical engineering may be using Design — have begun to gain im-
Pujari found that a man a minority community. ronment: “But why do this to pressure on prices. days of the session. Telangana and Mizoram. more AI. But now, even other portance.

Maths is fun

State Level Mathematics Teaching Learning

Material Competition cum Exhibition 2023-24
14th and 15th September, 2023 | Thyagraj Stadium, Delhi

Under “Mission Mathematics” initiative of Delhi

Government to popularise maths among children
Chief Guest
Display of innovative teaching learning material
from primary to senior secondary classes Atishi, Education Minister, Delhi
Created by the teachers of Delhi Government

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Delhi



‘We will not help you’: Atishi flags panel’s Minorities panel
chief gets notice for
response to a complainant against Khakha ‘twisting opinion’
Four complaints in the past against WCD department official Premoday Khakha, arrested last month for rape of minor
emailfromICCstating‘wewillnot and extend contracts of partner behaviourtowardswomen.Ifnot
on excise policy
GAYATHRI MANI helpyou’...Throughwhateversys- organisations.While,allthecom- checkedattherighttime,itcanre- ED and CBI on these allegations
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 tematic error it may have oc- plainants in this case have been sult in very serious crimes. JATIN ANAND and have cooperated with both
curred,itissurelytoputdoubtsin employees of a partner NGO. Therefore, a process needs to be NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 agencies," he said.
FROM THE Internal Complaints the mind of complainant about “... the power dynamic be- createdwherebysuchofficersare Government sources, how-
Committee of the Women and receiving any justice at the hands comes a huge factor when hear- kept away from sensitive posts THE DIRECTORATE of Vigilance ever, said Khan was still "very
Child Department (WCD) of the of such an ICC,” Atishi wrote. ing such cases. The awareness and action is taken against those has issued a show-cause notice much in office" and now faced
Delhi government “brushing The minister also said the ICC and sensitivity to the imbalance who have a pattern of repeated to Delhi Minorities Commission termination from his post.
aside” complaints of sexual sex- inallthegivencaseshad“brushed in power seems to be missing in sexual harassment," said Atishi. (DMC) chairperson Zakir Khan Asking him to clarify his
ualharassment,topointingouta aside what are clearly issues per- ourprocesses...,"readhernoting. Saying that both the ICC and for his alleged role in getting in- stand on the matter and explain
“bizarrely shocking turn of taining to sexual harassment” as Theministeralsopointedoutthat the employees of Delhi govern- terns from his office to generate why he should not be removed
events” where one complainant, “casualremarksmadebyofficers Khakha and his wife following their arrest; police said she the complainants also alleged in ment seem to be in dire need of "fabricated emails" in favour of from office in public interest, the
who accused officer Premoday and staff” or “lack of clarity with helped terminate pregnancy of girl he allegedly raped theHighCourtthatthepresiding training regarding what consti- the now-scrapped excise policy notice issued to Khan, according
Khakha of sexual harassment, regardtoadministrativematters”. officer of the ICC and Khakha tutes sexual harassment at the at the instructions of then to government sources, quotes
was told by the committee via In her file noting, marked to were colleagues. work place in the eyes of the Deputy Chief Minister Manish theCBIchargesheetregardingal-
email, “We will not help you”, Kumar,theministersaid,“Itisun- legedly giving the girl “abortion posttofindoutthecorrectprocess She also pointed out that the law....she said, "This casual ap- Sisodia. legations of Sisodia's intentions
Minister Atishi has highlighted fortunate to see that repeatedly pills” and terminating her preg- to lodge their complaints, the department,intryingtodefendit- proach towards problematic According to government to manipulate the process of
the“inadequate”responseof the sexual harassment complaints nancy which was a result of the minister said the “the composi- self in court, sided with the ac- misogynisticbehaviour,asshown sources, Khan, as per the notice, seeking comments and sugges-
government in addressing com- were received against the same assault.Itwasafterthearrestthat tion of ICC seems to be suspect”. cused, ignoring “glaring com- bytheICCsistheseedoftheprob- is accused of having "very ac- tions from the public and stake-
plaints against the WCD officer. person,andallofthempointedto it came to light that four com- “Members of ICC should ide- plaints of misbehaviour”. lem. All sexual harassment vic- tivelyassisted"themanipulation holders through him. Sisodia
Khakha was serving as a hismisbehaviourwithwomenin plaintsofsexualharassmentwere ally be of a level senior to the ac- "I am ashamed of this behav- timsdonothavetobeperfectvic- of public opinion by getting was arrested in the case in
deputy director in WCD and the work place, yet our system filed against Khakha in the past. cused and not in the direct line of iour on our part...I am both tims and all sexual harassment emails favouring several provi- February.
was suspended after being ar- was not vigilant enough to iden- “Thisexceptionallydisturbing power either above or below the alarmedanddisappointedbythe charges do not have to include sions of the new policy sent to a As per the chargesheet, in-
rested for allegedly raping a mi- tify and stop this pattern...” She incident of sexual harassment accused. Besides, a complainant department'sinabilitytoidentify physical molestation or rape, be- dedicated email address issued terns engaged by the
nor under his care. said the approach had “allowed needs to be a wakeup call for us... hasallegedthatherICCwascom- and take action against this re- fore the government regards by the Delhi government to seek Commission sent emails to a
Four complaintsof sexual ha- the accused to escape any reper- Wecan’tallowforsuchbehaviour posedofmemberswhowereem- peated pattern of harassment by them as serious issues." public feedback regarding them dedicated email ID of the excise
rassment, one of which was filed cussions and that may have em- togouncheckedinthesystem,es- ployedonacontractualbasisand an employee of the WCD. When The document also says that by individuals engaged as in- department with a copy to
anonymously,hadalsobeenfiled boldened him further”. pecially when there is a huge the accused held power over the multiple complaints come up the complainants also ap- terns with the Commission. Sisodia's email ID on January 14
againsthimpreviouslybywomen “This failure on our part to power imbalance between the termination or extension of their againstthesameemployee,surely proached the Secretary WCD, These, sources said, included and 15, 2021, batting for the new
workinginthedepartment.Atishi identifysuchproblematicbehav- complainant and the accused... contracts. Such issues sow seeds it needs to ring alarm bells in our DCWandtheofficeofDeputyCM the allotment of retail liquor li- policy's provisions.
hadaskedChiefSecretaryNaresh iour and mete out corrective ac- The government employee, of doubt not just in the minds of mind and a deeper investigation and this also led to a delay in for- cences through the auction of Directions, according to the
Kumar to prepare a detailed re- tionsispartlytobeheldresponsi- backedasheisbytheentireforce complainants but also any third- should be warranted." mal complaint being lodged, for zones, reduction of Excise and chargesheet, were issued to get
portontheallegationsandtheac- blefortheheinouscrimethathas and legal machinery of the gov- partyobservertryingtogaugethe Atishi also directed Kumar to no fault of the complainants. VAT,enhancementof licencefee, multiple emails favouring the
tiontaken. Hercomments,which followed,” reads the noting. ernment as well as the power to government's response to such createasystemtoflagcaseswhen TheWCDministerhasalsodi- and increase in the number of implementation of certain pro-
flaggedthe“inefficient”and“laid- Khakha was arrested last issue enquiry on contractual em- serious allegations,” said Atishi. an official of the Delhi rected Kumar to draft detailed liquor vends, and are part of the visions of the policy sent to the
back” approach of officials, came month for allegedly raping the ployees and terminate their con- Inherobservationinthemat- Governmenthasbeenaccusedof processesandrulestostrengthen CBI chargesheet filed in the case dedicated email address; the
in response to the report. minor, who was living with him tracts, holds far more power over ter, she said that Khakha was a sexualharassmentandintimida- theICCacrossallgovernmentde- on August 17, 2022. provisions were ultimately in-
“Inabizarrelyshockingturnof and his family after the death of the complainants...,” said Atishi. senior officer in the WCD with tion "repeatedly". partments and bodies, and has Theseprovisionswere,asper corporated in the new excise
events, in one of the cases, the her father in 2020. His wife Pointing out how the four long-standingrelationsinthesys- "Repeated complaints are a been asked to take action within thechargesheet,atvariancewith policyandwere,accordingtothe
complainant received a one-line Seema Rani was arrested for al- women had to run from pillar to tem and the power to terminate potential indicator of a pattern of ten days. recommendations of an expert chargesheet, at "complete vari-
committee formed by the Delhi ance" with the recommenda-
government to assess them. tions of the Expert Committee.

Delhi’s monuments Reactingtothedevelopment,

Khan told The Indian Express
that he had not received such a
This, the CBI has stated fur-
ther in its chargesheet, proved
that Sisodia was "working with

leave indelible mark notice,addinghistenureasDMC

an end. "I have not received any
pre-conceived ideas for the for-
mulation of the Excise Policy"
and was "planting manufac-

on delegates, a look such notice. Apart from that, I

tured public opinions/sugges-
tions" in their support.

at guestbooks shows Student refuses to

France is such a close friend of
vote for candidate
AMIDST THE tight schedule of
the G20 Summit, world leaders
Meanwhile the French
Minister of the Economy,
Finance and Recovery, Bruno Le
in DU college polls,
still managed to take a moment
to immerse themselves in the
rich history of Delhi by explor-
Maire, wrote, “Thank you for
this wonderful visit in one of the
most beautiful sites in the GENTLY DOWN THE STREAM
beaten up; FIR filed
ing iconic heritage sites such as world.” beaten up and is unable to talk
Humayun’s Tomb and Qutub Spouses of the participating Water sports’ practice in a cleaner stretch of the Yamuna in Delhi, Wednesday. Tashi Tobgyal EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE after his jaw had to be wired due
Minar. G20 Heads of State were also NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 to multiple injuries on his face.
A peek into the guest books taken to an exhibition organ- Speaking to The Indian
at the two monuments reveal ised by the Ministry of A 19-YEAR-OLD DU student was Express, his elder brother Kartik
that their international visitors
were quite awed and taken in by
Agriculture and Farmers'
Welfare at IARI Campus. Being PM to host dinner for Labourers to officials, robbed and beaten up by a
group at PGDAV college, al-
alleged, “... My brother was
threatened and forced to raise

L-G to hold thanksgiving

the architectural marvels. the Year of Millets, the group legedly after he refused to vote slogans and do campaigning.
“Thank you so much for this
visit and your efforts to preserve
was given a full-course meal
where this nutritious grain took
Delhi policemen who for them and help with the
campaign for the upcoming
When he told them he didn’t
want to do it, they were enraged
this part of your history,” read
one comment left by French
President Emmanuel Macron in
centre stage as the key ingredi-
ent. The spouses were also
shown around the National
worked for G20 success events starting today student union polls.
The incident took place last
Thursday. Police said the stu-
and called their friends. The
group attacked my brother in-
side the college in front of oth-
Qutub Minar’s visitor book. Gallery of Modern Art where proof arrangements”. saidhewillhostsimilareventsfor dent, Shreshth Singh, was ers. Nobody helped. He ran to
Dutcheconomistandcurrent the ‘Roots and Routes’ exhibi- EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE “Thenamesof policeperson- JATIN ANAND thousands of others. chased, attacked and robbed save his life as they punched
president of the Dutch central tion was showcased. According NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 nel who have performed their NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 Witharound2,000-4,000in- and an FIR has been lodged and kicked him. They chased
bank, Klaas Knot, observed sim- to museum officials, it is “an ex- dutiesdespitepersonaldebacles, dividualsontheguest listateach against the accused. him outside college and at-
ilarities between the famous hibition dedicated to India’s PRIMEMINISTERNarendraModi hardships and family problems FROM LABOURERS and garden- event,sourcesaddedthatsimilar One of the accused was a tacked him...”
brick minaret to Alhambra’s civilisation prowess and artistic hasinvitedpoliceofficerstoadin- may be specifically included,” ers to clerks and babus, thanksgivingmealswillbeorgan- candidate of the AAP’s student Singh, in the FIR, alleged that
Islamic architecture. excellence”. nertothankthemforperforming saidanofficialcommunication.A Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena ised for the Public Works wing Chhatra Yuva Sangharsh one of the accused called him
Several European The 500-piece exhibition their duties meticulously to en- consolidated list will be created will, in a series of events starting Department, Municipal Samiti in a DU Students’ Union and forced him to participate in
Commission representatives will also display Indian antiqui- sure the smooth conduct of the and sent to the headquarters for Thursday, hand over commen- Corporation of Delhi and election in the past. His sloganeering for his team.
made a visit to the UNESCO her- ties and sculptures, pre-modern G20event.Allzonalin-chargesof further processing, police said. dationletters tothousandsof in- Environment Department offi- Instagram profile shows multi- When he refused to do so, a
itage site, with Heiko von der paintings and manuscripts, Bharat Mandapam, the venue of Meanwhile, BJP MLAs Wed- dividuals for their role in ensur- cialsaswellaspeopleengagedby ple photos with AAP leaders. He group of 5-6 students attacked
Leyen, the spouse of the EU sourced from various central the Summit, have been asked to nesday demanded a special ses- ing a successful G20 Summit. them in various Summit-related and his associates are members him. “They also snatched my
President, expressing his appre- government museums and gal- sendthenamesof fivetosixsuch sion of the Delhi Assembly to A luncheon meeting with initiatives over the coming days. of a group which is contesting gold chain... Later, I called PCR
ciation for the historical and leries and ASI’s site museums, police officers, officials said “congratulate the nation” on the around 4,000 people engaged by Government sources said the internal college election. and they took me to AIIMS
artistic significance of the place. becoming the first-ever show- Wednesday.Sourcessaidthedin- successoftheChandrayaan3mis- theNewDelhiMunicipalCouncil while the commendation letters AAP spokesperson Priyanka Trauma Centre,” he said.
He remarked, “What a great case that puts up all these price- neristobeheldonSeptember16. sion and the Summit. Along with (NDMC)inG20-relateddutieswill would add more weight to the Kakkar did not respond to A senior police officer said
place of history and art! Thank less objects in one place. Seniorofficerssaidthedinner extending gratitude to scientists be the first such event. According performance reviews of individ- queries regarding the affiliation they had registered an FIR and
you so much for this experi- All the works being dis- will require the participation of and teams that made both possi- to government sources, Saxena, ualsfromvariousgovernmentde- of one of the accused with the no arrest has been made
ence.” played here are originals from Delhi Police’s subordinate ranks ble,thesessionneededtobeheld apart from thanking them for partments,thesewouldhopefully party or the student wing. yet. “We are conducting an in-
Emmanuel Bonne, Macron’s various government reposito- fromconstabletoinspectorfrom to acknowledge PM Modi’s lead- theirservice,willhandovercom- prove beneficial to labourers and Singh is a third-year BA stu- vestigation and talking to stu-
diplomatic advisor, wrote, ries, an official told The Indian their respective zones who have ershipthatwasbehindboth“his- mendationletterstoeachindivid- daily-wageworkersingettingbet- dent who lives in Lajpat Nagar. dents and college administra-
“Thank you so much for your Express. “takenextrapainstoensurefool- toric achievements”, they said. ual.Overthecomingdays,officials ter work opportunities in future. His family said he was badly tion,” he said.


At Nizamuddin dargah, a night-long celebration that drew in hundreds

and walks of life. Sajjadanashin of the dargah: thedargah.Itiscarriedoutbythe ried in silver utensils. isesneared,Iforgoteverythingas
DEEPIKA SINGH The shrine itself was decked “We had not made any special devotees on their own, to show SaidSabaRehman,a36-year- thequawwalisdrewmein.Apart
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 upfortheoccasionwithcolourful attempts to publicise the event their love.” old independent filmmaker: “I from regular quawwalis, what I
balloons and flowers while the but people turned up in thou- Besides the cake, devotees come to the dargah occasionally also liked was the fact that a lot
CROWDS THRONGING the soothing sounds of quawwali, a sands, many of whom stayed till also distributed biryani, bread and it is always a good experi- of lesser-known numbers such
shrine of Hazrat Nizamuddin regular feature of the dargah, the end.” pakodas, tomato soup, rusk, ence, but the celebrations as 'Meri malli gudariya dhode,
Aulia, popularly known as wafted through the night. This As the night wore on, two gi- mathri, apples, coffee, tea and tonight were something else. I ganj-e-shakarkelaal'weresung.”
Nizamuddin Dargah,is a normal one, however, was different. antcakes,withthewords“Happy various kinds of juices and soft really liked the celebratory at- For Rehman’s friend, Remya
sight. Be it seekers or travellers, Unlike other days, when the ses- Birthday Hazrat Nizamuddin drinks through the night. mosphere and the decorations, Muralidharan (35), a freelance
the place is found teeming with sion concludes by 9 pm, the Aulia Meboob E elahi”, inscribed At 2 am, ghusal (cleaning) of especially the ‘Happy Birthday’ creative producer from Mumbai,
people at all hours. But on singingonTuesdaybeganat10.30 on them, were carried by devo- the holy grave was carried out sign hanging from the festoons. her first visit to the dargah was a
Tuesday night,the premises saw pm and continued till 5.30 am. tees towards the main shrine. with kevda and rose water car- It was also a bit chaotic but a lot “spirituallyuplifting”experience.
more visitors than usual, with People swayed and clapped Commentingonthis,Nizami, of fun nevertheless.” “Beingthereandhearingthemu-
the numbers only growing by as quawwals sang numerous whose family has been “serving On Tuesday night, the shrine Rehman, who arrived at the sic of Nizami brothers was soul-
the hour. The occasion was the songs including “tu bada gareeb the shrine for more than 700 was decked up with shrine at 3.30 am, said, “I was stirring.Youalsogettoseepeople
809th Ghusal Sharif (birthday nawaz hai”, “aao madiney years”, said, “The cake-cutting colourful balloons and wary leaving home at such an from all faiths united, admiring
celebration)of theSufisaintwho chalein”, and “mere baba Farid”. ceremony is not part of the tra- flowers. Deepika Singh hour, given we live in Delhi. But the intimate experience of spiri-
is revered by people of all faiths Said Sirajuddin Nizami, ditionalorformalcelebrationsat the moment the dargah prem- tual enlightenment...,” she said.
DelhiPolicetochargesheetsevenRailway fund for MotoGP, relief for farmers
and increase in the number of and Bulandshahr.

DHEERAJ MISHRA safai karamcharis as well as their Along with this, the author-
NOIDA, SEPTEMBER 13 salaries. ity will start One Time
On MotoGP, officials said Settlement (OTS)schemeforde-
YAMUNA EXPRESSWAY Indus- the proposal by M/s Farestreet faulters in Industrial & Mixed,
trial Development Authority Sports Pvt. Ltd., the organiser, Institutional, Group housing &
Indian Express that their report gling and not found to be suffi- to probe the incident and con- (YEIDA)gaveapprovaltothepro- was considered in a meeting township. and Commercial
ARNABJIT SUR names Gopal Kumar, 37, Senior cientlyplacedinsidetheelectric- ducted a safety audit to identify posal of the Suraksha Realty headed by Infrastructure schemes. Officials said the
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 SectionEngineer,DelhiDivision; ity pole, the probe found. the cause behind the electrocu- grouptoprovideadditionalcom- & Industrial Development scheme will open on October 1
Senior Section Engineer, Bharat Police said that all technical tion. Police received the report a pensation of Rs 1,689 crore to Commissioner (IIDC). It was de- for a month.
THE DELHI POLICE probe into Kumar, 40; Technicians Jagdish evidence has been gathered by few weeks back. A chargesheet farmers, during its 78th board cided that YEIDA will provide Rs The authority said that now
the case of electrocution of and Sita Ram; and Wiremen the Delhi Police and the Railway will now be filed in a few weeks meeting Wednesday. The deci- 8 crore to Invest UP to further there will be two firms to main-
school teacher Sakshi Ahuja in Manish Kumar, Narayan and authorities,whoconductedtheir before the Tis Hazari court. sionoftheboardwillnowbesent transferittothecompany.YEIDA tain cleanliness, with the board
June has blamed “faulty wiring” Deepak as “being responsible” own probe which also named Sakshi died on June 25 after to the cabinet for final approval. has already allocated Rs 8.15 deciding to divide its industrial
in the electric pole outside the for the upkeep of the electricity the seven persons. Details of accidentally coming in contact Besides, the authority has crore for different developmen- areaintotwoparts.Atotalof 530
New Delhi Railway Station for pole at the railway station, lack negligence such as “lack of insu- withanelectricpoleoutsideexit1 provided an additional amount talworksforMotoGP,andearlier safai karamcharis and 10 super-
her death. The 34-year-old of which led to faulty wiring and lationandfaultyelectricalequip- of New Delhi Railway Station of Rs 8 crore for the mega race, provided Rs. 3.50 crore to the or- visors will be employed in nine
woman had held on to this pole the woman’s subsequent death. Sakshi died after coming in ment inside the pole” has been while she was headed to MotoGP Bharat 2023, scheduled ganiser of the event. zones of YEIDA. “The salary of
for support following heavy wa- All seven persons were contact with an electric pole included as part of evidence. Chandigarh. Sakshi’s husband, from September 22 to 24 at The authority board has also safai karamcharis have been in-
terlogging in the area amid rain. bound down and subsequently After lodging a case under Ankit, told The Indian Express, Buddha International Circuit. approved implementation of creased from Rs 12,000 to Rs
Thepoliceprobehasnamedato- arrested but later granted bail IPC sections pertaining to negli- “We don’t have any hope of get- Another key decision was di- uniform land purchase rate of Rs 17,000 per month, and of super-
tal of seven persons from the since the offence was a bailable officer as and when needed, and gent conduct with respect to ting justice as those named... are vision of the industrial area into 3,100persquaremetreinthevil- visors from Rs 14,000 to Rs
electricity department, includ- one, said DCP (Railways) can also be arrested if required machineryandcausingdeath by just pawns in the larger system. two parts for cleanliness work, lages of Gautam Buddha Nagar 20,000,” said an official.
ingtwoseniorsectionengineers, Apoorva Gupta. during the course of the probe. negligence,policehadinspected Seniorrailwayofficialsshouldbe
“who were responsible” for the Gopal and Bharat were the All the named persons were the spot and handed it over to heldaccountableandbroughtto
upkeep of the electricity pole firsttohavebeenbounddownun- found to be negligent as, accord- Railway authorities for its up- book for their gross negligence...
and“showednegligence”inper- derCrPCSection41Awhereaper- ing to photo exhibits and subse- keep. A report was then sought it has been three months since
forming their duties. sonisnotarrestedbutaskedtobe quent inspection of the spot, the from the Northern Railways, Sakshileftusandtheaccusedare
SeniorpoliceofficerstoldThe present before the investigating wires were exposed and dan- which had formed a committee out on bail...”

Top court refuses to interfere

with Delhi govt’s firecracker ban
which had been allowed by the suitandbanningburstingof fire-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE apex court. crackers. The bench then said
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 “Locally, if there is a prob- theyshouldmovetherespective
lem, if it is banned, then it is High Courts to seek redressal.
THE SUPREME Court on banned... If a government feels Justice Bopanna also said, “If
Wednesday refused to interfere it is to be banned, it is banned, youfeellikeburstingcrackers,go
with theDelhigovernment’sde- that’s all...,” the bench said, re- to a state where it is allowed.”
cision to ban the manufacture, jecting the plea filed by BJP MP The counsel said there were
storage,sale,andburstingof fire- Manoj Tiwari. other occasions when firecrack-
crackers ahead of Diwali in the Appearing for Tiwari, ers were allowed like to cele-
national capital. Advocate Shashank Shekhar Jha brate an election victory. But the
A bench of Justices A S pointed out that even the SC had court said, “You can find other
Bopanna and M M Sundresh re- said there cannot be an absolute ways to celebrate... do some-
fused to intervene despite it be- ban and that green crackers can thing for the people. You should
ingpointedoutthatthestatehad be allowed. He added that many be telling your supporters not
banned even green crackers other states were also following to do it.”

Hindi Diwas

Hindi Hai Hum

The government draws up a yearly programme for the progressive
use of Hindi as an official language at its offices, PSUs
H INDI IN the Devanagari script, along
with English, is our official language. It
was accepted by the Indian Union as Rajb-
hasha on September 14, 1949, which is cel-
ebrated as Hindi Day every year.
According toArticle 343 (1) of the Consti-
tution, the international form of Indian nu-
merals is to be used for official purposes of
the Union. In addition to Hindi, English may
also be used for official purposes.Section 3 of
the Official Languages (OL)Act, 1963 states
that the business in Parliament may be
transacted in English or Hindi. However, the
Chairman of the Rajya Sabha or the Speaker
of the Lok Sabha may permit any Member
to address the House in their mother tongue
under special circumstances (Article 120 of
the Constitution). The purposes for which
Hindi alone is to be used, for which both
Hindi and English are to be used and for
which English language is to be used, have
According to Article tri National Academy of Administration,
Mussoorie.They should prepare literature on
been specified in the OL Act, the OL Rules
1976 and the directions issued under them
343 (1) of the their subjects in Hindi so that after training,
the officers/employees can carry out their
from time to time by the Department of Offi- Constitution, the work in Hindi easily.
cial Language, Ministry of Home Affairs. It 7.All officials should be acquainted with
has been the policy of the Government to international form of the Official Language Policy.
ensure a progressive use of Hindi in official 8. Central Government offices should or-
work through persuasion, incentive and Indian numerals is to ganise seminars relating to their subjects in
goodwill.The Official Language Resolution,
dated January 18, 1968, as adopted by both be used for official Hindi medium.
9. They should conduct periodic Official
Houses of Parliament, states: “This House
resolves that a more intensive and compre-
purposes of the Language inspections.
10.A jointTown Official Language Imple-
hensive programme shall be prepared and Indian Union mentation Committees (TOLIC) website has
implemented by the Government of India for been created by the Department of Official
accelerating the spread and development of Language (http//
Hindi and its progressive use for various of- in Hindi by concerned departments. where all TOLICs can share data.The objec-
ficial purposes of the Union and an Annual 3. Hindi language/typing/stenography tive of forming TOLICs is to provide a joint
Assessment Report giving details of the training may be expedited. forum for encouraging the use of the official
measures taken and the progress achieved 4. Central Government offices should reg- language in Central Government offices.
shall be laid on the Table of both Houses of ularly nominate their employees to the dif- Members can exchange information about
Parliament and sent to all State Govern- ferent training programmes of the Depart- the best practices adopted for increasing the
ments.” It aligns with this resolution that an ment of Official Language, direct them to be use of Hindi. The best-performing TOLIC is
annual programme for the promotion and present in the classes regularly, complete awarded the “Rajbhasha Kirti Puraskar” at
progressive use of Hindi as an the national level and the “Ra-
official language is prepared by jbhasha Puraskar” at the re-
the Department of Official Lan- gional level.
guages every year for imple- 11. The Quarterly Progress
mentation by Central Govern- Report should be sent to the De-
ment offices and PSUs. training with sincerity and appear for the ex- partment of Official Language within 30
The following points in the annual pro- amination. days from the completion of the quarter.
gramme need utmost attention: 5. The Central Hindi Training Institute Similarly, an annual assessment report
1. Presidential orders issued on all nine must run a six-week training programme for should also be made available by June 30.
volumes of the Report of the Committee officers of the Central Secretariat Official The reports are to be submitted online by
of Parliament on Official Language must Language Service at the time of promotion. logging into
be complied with by Central Government 6. Central Government offices should 12. Ministries/Departments have to en-
offices. make arrangements for training in Hindi at sure the constitution/re-constitution of Hindi
2. Necessary steps should be taken to get their institutes for Central services at par Advisory Committees at the earliest and en-
scientific and technical literature prepared with arrangements at the Lal Bahadur Shas- sure they meet regularly.

2 school tailors
booked for
Sanatan Dharma is national
religion of Bharat: Adityanath
shot dead ‘One nation, one election’:
molesting girls
in Uttarakhand Guru Gobind Singh.”
while on duty
in Manipur
First meet of Kovind-led
panel likely next week
EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE “Under the leadership of
LUCKNOW,SEPTEMBER13 Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE Indiatodayisemergingasasuper-
DEHRADUN,SEPTEMBER13 AGAINSTTHEbackdropofcontro- power in the world. At the same SUKRITA BARUAH
versial comments on Sanatan time, there are some people who GUWAHATI, SEPTEMBER 13
TWO TAILORS employed by a Dharma by Tamil Nadu minister aremakingmaliciousattemptsto exit and whether there is a having representatives in Lok
school in Uttarakhand have been DMK leader Udhayanidhi Stalin, insult India's heritage by raising A MANIPUR Police sub-inspec- DIVYAA thought to replace him with an- Sabha and Rajya Sabha. Those
booked for allegedly molesting UttarPradeshChief MinisterYogi questions about India and tor was shotdead Wednesday in NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 other Opposition leader, present in the meeting included
around 100 girl students on the Adityanath Wednesday said Indianness. Even Ravan had tried Churachandpur district of the Meghwalsaid,“It’sanelectionre- JDU’s Nitish Kumar, NC’s Farooq
pretext of taking measurements SanatanDharmaisthe“rashtriya" to attack the reality of God but state, which has been roiled by THE FIRST official meeting of the form and should not be politi- Abdullah, SAD’s Sukhbir Singh
for their school uniforms. (national)religion”ofBharat&no what was the result? Ravan was ethnic violence since May. newlyformulatedcommitteeon cised. He (Chowdhury) must be Badal, BJD’s Naveen Patnaik,
The accused have been iden- one can question its perpetuity. destroyed by his ego,” said Onkhomang Haokip, 35, was ‘one nation, one election’, to be havingsomepoliticalcompulsion PDP’s Mehbooba Mufti, YSRCP’s
tifiedasShakeelandMohammad Asserting that it was unfortu- Adityanathafterunveilingastatue attached to the Churachandpur chaired by former President that he had to recuse himself Jagan Mohan Reddy, even as
Umar.Theyhavebeenbookedun- natethatsomepeopleare“stillin- UPCM offersprayers atShree of Shivaji on the occasion. district headquarters. He was RamnathKovind,willmostlikely from the panel.” Congress, NCP and TMC had
der sections 354 (using criminal sulting” Sanatan Dharma, which Mahakaleshwar Templein “Hinduisnotareligiousword shot from a distance while on be held next week, The Indian InalettertoShah,Chowdhury skipped the meet.
force to outrage the modesty of a has been “attacked since ancient UjjainonWednesday. Express butisaculturalidentityofIndians. duty at N. Chingphei village. A Expresshaslearnt.Sourcessaidall said he cannot be a part of the Efforts are on to hold the first
woman)oftheIPC,andunderthe times”,Adityanathsaid,“Sanatan Unfortunately,somepeoplehave Defence source said there was members are being asked about committee, the “terms of refer- meeting of the high-level com-
provisions of the Protection of Dharma is the rashtriya dharma tried to bring the Hindu identity no additional firing in the area theiravailabilitysothatasuitable ence” of which “have been pre- mittee in the coming days and a
Children from Sexual Offences (national religion) of Bharat. No who regard foreign invaders as within a narrow ambit,” he said following the incident. date and time can be fixed. pared in a manner to guarantee venue is being finalised, sources
(POCSO) Act. No arrest has been one can question its perpetuity.” theirmasters,thereisnoplacefor Udhayanidhirecentlysparked According to a security On September 2, the govern- itsconclusions”.Hecalledtheex- said, adding that the ministry is
made in the case so far. Addressing a programme or- them in India. People with such a row after he claimed Sanatan source, Haokip — who had ment had named an eight- ercise “an eyewash”. in the process of nominating of-
AdditionalSPVeerSinghsaid ganisedonthe350thanniversary distortedmentalitydonotrespect Dharma is against social justice joined the policeforce in 2009 — member high-level committee The minister of state for law ficers who would offer the panel
they received a complaint on of the coronation of Chhatrapati the traditions of Lord Shri Ram, and that it should be eradicated. was part of additional deploy- headed by Kovind to “examine andjustice,whosedepartmentis secretarial assistance.
Tuesday and registered an FIR ShivajiinIndore,MadhyaPradesh, Lord Shri Krishna, Maharana A Raja, another DMK leader, ment at the village following and make recommendations for the nodal department on the Top officialsof theUnionLaw
against the accused. the chief minister said, “Those Pratap, Chhatrapati Shivaji and likened it to diseases like leprosy. three days of heavy firing along holdingsimultaneouselections” panel, is a special invitee, while Ministry have already held a
the Churachandpur-Bishnupur to Lok Sabha, state Assemblies, the law secretary has been preparatory briefing for the for-
border after August 29 in which municipalities and panchayats. named as the secretary to the mer president, including Law

Sanskrit to be taught, NCERT syllabus soon in at least nine people were killed.
While the village comes un-
It is likely that, sources say, the
meeting will be held to coincide
committee. Meghwal said that
they are in touch with members
Secretary Niten Chandra and
Legislative Secretary Reeta
der the revenue district of with the Special Session, when regardingtheirconsentandavail- Vasishta.Justbeforethecommit-
Uttarakhand madrasas: Waqf Board chairman Churachandpur, it is under the
jurisdiction of Moirang police
all ministers are already in New
Delhi to attend the Parliament
ability for the first official meet-
tee was officially announced, BJP
chief J P Nadda had also met
Islamicstudies,andthatstudents differentfromothers,thenoured- andNainitaldistricts—intomodel station in Bishnupur district. proceedings. He added that even in 2019, Kovind, to take his formal con-
AVANEESH MISHRA willbeabletolearnbothSanskrit ucationpatternshouldalsobedif- madrasas. Shamssaid:“Therewill A Manipur Police statement The panel, among others, has whenPMModihadspokenabout sent, as per sources.
DEHRADUN, SEPTEMBER 13 and Arabic along with English. ferent from others. Our children benamazfivetimesinthemodel stated that Haokip was “mar- UnionHomeMinisterAmitShah, ‘one nation, one election’, the Asperthegazettenotification,
Last November, Shams an- should learn our languages and madrasas. After the early morn- tyred in a firing incident by mis- and MoS Arjun Meghwal as its Congress had boycotted the thecommitteeisexpectedtobe-
SANSKRIT WILL be taught in nouncedthat all madrasas under prioritise that. We will appoint ing namaz at around 6.30 am, an creants”. members. The duo had met meeting. “Who was heading the ginfunctioningimmediatelyand
madrasas in Uttarakhand that Waqf Board would have a uni- Sanskrit acharyas & Arabic teach- hourwillbedesignatedforQuran “Manipur police strongly Kovind on September 6, days af- government at the Centre when submit its recommendations “at
are registered with the state formdresscodewithclasses from ersinourmadrasassothatwecan studies. From 8 am to 2 pm, the condemns this dastardly act. His ter the government notified the simultaneous polls were held in the earliest”.
Waqf Board, its chairman an- 8 am to 2 pm, just like other teachboth.Ourchildrenwillspeak madrasa will run like a school. last rites will be performed to- panel. They had described the 1957, 1962 and 1967?” Meghwal Somesourcessaythat"itmay
nounced Wednesday. schools. He had also said that the Sanskrit, Arabic and English too,” Duringthattime,aschooluniform morrow at Churachandpur in a nearly hour-long meeting as a said.Fromthefirstelectionsofthe bealong-termideawithnobear-
Shadab Shams also promised Uttarakhand government would ShamstoldTheIndianExpress. wouldbemandatoryjustlikeany befitting manner,” read the “courtesy call”. Independent India in 1952 until ing on the 2024 Lok Sabha elec-
toimplementtheNCERTsyllabus formacommitteetosurveyallthe Thereare117madrasasunder English-mediumschool,”hesaid. statement. Congress MP Adhir Ranjan 1967, elections were held simul- tions", also adding that "all sug-
in madrasas, besides upgrading madrasas in the state. Uttarakhand Waqf Board. In first Shams said spiritual leaders Wednesday’s incident also Chowdhury,theloneOpposition taneously across the country. gestions from stakeholders will
their infrastructure. Shams said “ThepeopleofDevbhoomiare phase,theboardwilldevelopfour favourimplementationofSanskrit comes a day after three men voice in the panel, had declined In June 2019, Modi had be taken into account before any
thecurriculumwillbeanamalga- different from others. If our lan- of these—oneeachinDehradun, inmadrasasandappealedtothem werekilledinKangpokpidistrict tobeapartof theexercise.When presidedoverameetingwiththe decision on the modalities could
mation of scientific learning and guage, culture, and traditions are Haridwar, Udham Singh Nagar toadoptmadrasaswithlessfunds. in a suspected ambush. contacted about Chowdhury’s presidents of all political parties be taken”.

CBI arrests Rlys officer in UP in Gogoi claims Himanta wife’s firm got Raise quota limit,
says Bhujbal,
EXPRESS EDUCATION `3L bribery case; seizes `2.61 cr Central subsidy, CM rejects charge
CBI laid a trap basedonclusterapproachbylink-
demands caste
EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE & nabbed Joshi SUKRITABARUAH ing groups of producers/farmers census in
NEWDELHI,SEPTEMBER13 while taking GUWAHATI, SEPTEMBER13 toprocessorsandmarketsthrough
bribe. ANI well-equipped supply chain with Maharashtra
THECENTRALBureauofInvestigation A ROW erupted in Assam moderninfrastructure”. Mumbai:Statingthatreservation
(CBI) has arrested K C Joshi, principal Wednesday after Congress MP These clusters are to be set up to Marathas should be given
chiefmaterialofficerofNorthEastern and provides services to the North GauravGogoiallegedthatacom- by project execution agencies without compromising the OBC
Railway(Gorakhpur),forallegedlyde- EasternRailway—hadrecentlybagged pany run by Chief Minister (PEA), who are eligible for finan- reservation,Maharashtra minis-
manding a bribe of Rs 3 lakh from a a contract for providing it with three Himanta Biswa Sarma’s wife re- cialassistance.Theschemeoffers ter and OBC leader Chhagan
contractor,threateningtocancelcom- trucks on a contractual basis for Rs ceived“Rs10croreaspartofcredit grants-in-aidat35%ofprojectcost BhujbalWednesdaysaidtheBJP-
pany's government registration as 80,000pertruckpermonth,"saidaCBI linkedsubsidy”lastyearfromthe Assam Chief Minister ingeneralareas,and50%ofcostin led central government should
well as a recent contract bagged by spokesperson,requestinganonymity. UnionMinistryofFoodProcessing Himanta Biswa Sarma. File Northeastern states, subject to a increase the reservation limit.
him if he fails to do so. "The complainant alleged that Industry (MoFPI) to set up a food maximumofRs10croreperproj- AtLoksatta’sLokSamvadpro-
The central agency also raided his Joshi had demanded a bribe of Rs 7 processing unit – a charge con- ect.Thepatternofguidelinestates gramme,theministersaidhere-
GorakhpurandNoidaresidencesand lakh from him, threatening to cancel tested by the CM. Gogoi also pointed to MoFPI that grants-in-aid will be credit mains firm on his demand for a
recovered Rs 2.61 crore from there, his company's registration at the “PMModilaunchedtheKisan recordsavailableinthepublicdo- linked but not back-ended & that caste-based census in
said officials. Government e-Marketplace portal Sampada scheme to double the main, which show that company grant can’t be used for land pur- Maharashtraonthelinesof Bihar.
"K C Joshi (principal chief material as well as the recent contract bagged incomeof farmersof India.Butin is one of 70 Project Execution chase.Theschemeguidelinesalso “No one is against the reser-
officer of North Eastern Railway, by him if he fails to do so," the Assam,ChiefMinisterSarmaused Agencies to set up agro process- state that the PEA will have to vationforMarathas.Butitshould
Gorakhpur) was arrested on Tuesday spokesperson added. hisinfluencetohelphiswife’sfirm ingclusterprojectsunderPradhan arrangeatleast10acresoflandfor begivenwithoutcompromising
evening,whilehewasallegedlyreceiv- The CBI laid a trap and nabbed get Rs 10 crore as part of credit Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana. the project either by purchase or OBC reservation. The Act giving
ing a bribe of Rs 3 lakh from the con- Joshi red-handed while he was ac- linked subsidy. Are Central gov- Riniki has been listed as the on lease for at least 50 years. reservation to Marathas was not
tractor.Thecontractorhadfiledacom- cepting the bribe, and seized Rs 2.61 ernment schemes meant to en- leadpromoteroftheprojecttoset Land records maintained by upheld in the Supreme Court.
plaintwiththeCBI,mentioningthathis crore after raids at his two resi- rich BJP?” Gogoi wrote on X. upanagroprocessingclusterproj- theAssamgovernment’sRevenue Should we walk that path again
firm — which sells different products dences. The CM responded: “I would ect in Darigazi village in Nagaon & Disaster Management depart- ?”saidtheminister,whobelongs
like to clarify that neither my district,oneofsevensuchprojects ment show that titles of plots in to the Ajit Pawar-led NCP.
wife nor the company she is as- undertheschemeinthestate.For Darigazivillagelistedfortheproj- Bhujbal said since the Centre
sociated with has ever received this project, which has a project ect had been acquired by Pride has already increased the 50 per
any financial subsidies from the costofRs25crore,agrantofRs10 East Entertainments Private cent quota limit by giving 10 per
Government of India.” crore – the maximum amount Limited on February 4, 2022 and cent reservationtoeconomically
Sarma’s wife Riniki Bhuyan availableunderthescheme–was that class of the land had been backward classes, it can further
Sarma is the Chief Managing approved on November 10, 2022 changed from agricultural to in- increase it by 10-12 per cent
Director of Pride East Entertain- by the ministry, records show. dustrial on April 8, 2022. which can be given to Marathas.
ments Private Limited, one of the AccordingtoMinistrywebsite, QueriessenttotheCM’soffice “Castecensuswouldbringout
largest media companies in the theaimof agroprocessingcluster didnotelicitaresponse.TheIndian therealnumberofpeoplebelong-
Northeast that owns two news scheme is to develop infrastruc- Express also reached out to Pride ing to each caste. Several states
channels, a newspaper, a digital tureandcommonfacilities to“en- East Entertainment Private such as Bihar have done this. It
news portal and multiple enter- courage groups of entrepreneurs Limitedforacommentbutdidnot shouldbedoneinMaharashtraas
tainment channels. to set up food processing units receive a response. well,” he said. ENS


ED questions Abhishek for
Mob-9756428490 Email
over 9 hrs in school jobs
case, he rates it ‘minus 2’
No of Fixed
Appointment Minimum Quali cation EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE
Vac Remuneration
Graduate/Class 1 Clerical Trade (Armed Forces). KOLKATA,SEPTEMBER13
CLERK 01 Rs 19700
Minimum ve years work experience. Computer
quali ed, experience of more than 10 years. THEENFORCEMENTDirectorate(ED)onWednesday
2. For Terms & Conditions, Application Form & Remuneration. Kindly see our website questioned Trinamool Congress MP Abhishek For additional details,please contact Stn HQ(ECHS Cell) Hempur at tele No BanerjeeinKolkataforoverninehoursinconnection
9756428490 & E mail ID Also approach concerned ECHS with its probe into the alleged jobs scam in govern-
Polyclinicfordetails.PreferencewillbegiventotheEx-servicemen. ment schools of West Bengal.
3. Last date of receipt of application as per format given at our website. Application as per
requisite format alongwith self attested photocopies of testimonials in support of education Abhishek,35,whoskippedthecoordinationcom-
quali cations and work experiences will be submitted to OIC, Stn HQ (ECHS Cell) Hempur by mittee meeting of the Opposition INDIA bloc in New
03 Oct 2023 in duplicate. Any application received after 1100 hours on 03 Oct 2023 will not be Delhi, reached the ED's Kolkata office in Salt Lake
accepted. around11.30am.SourcessaidthatEDofficialsbegan
4. Interview date, Timing & Venue. Candidate must reach Stn HQ Hempur at 1000h on 05 Oct hisquestioningat12.10andcontinuedcloseto9pm.
2023 for interview to be held between 1030 h to 1345h. Candidates must bring all the original
certi cate/mark sheets/degree of 10th Maric,10+2, Graduation/ post graduation/ diploma/
course, work experience and disch book,PPO, service records and 02 PP size colour ofChiefMinisterMamataBanerjeeandisconsidered
photographs at the time of interview. NO TA/DA is admissible. Only candidates meeting the Number 2 in TMC, was being asked about his associ-
qualitativeRequirementsmayapply. ation with M/s Leaps and Bounds Private Limited, a
company which allegedly received
IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f ³f¦fSX ´ffd»fIY d³f¦f¸f, ·fû´ff»f kickbacksoftheschooljobsscam.In
May, ED arrested Sujoy Krishna
Bhadra, claiming that he was the
¹ffÔdÂfIY dU·ff¦f (¸fb£¹ff»f¹f) ChiefOperatingOfficer(COO)ofthe
°f°´fS ´fZMÑû»f ´f¸´f IZ ´ffÀf, À¸ffMÊ dÀfMe ´fdSÀfS ¦fûdUÔQ´fbS f, ¶fe.E¨f.BÊ.E»f, ·fû´ff»f (¸f.´fi.) 462023 company. The ED also claimed
Ii ¸ffÔI 203/¹ffh.dU./23 ·fû´ff»f, dQ³ffÔI 11/9/2023 Abhishek Banerjee is the Chief
d³f¸³fd»fdJ°f d³f¸ffʯf I f¹fÊ WZ°fb Qû d»fR fR f ´fðd°f IZ A³fbÀffS ¸f.´fi. »fûI d³f¸ffʯf dU·ff¦f ¸fZÔ IZ ³QieIÈ °f ½¹fUÀ±ff IZ AÔ°f¦fÊ°f ´fÔþeIÈ °f NZIZ QfS ´fSÀfZ³MZþ ExecutiveOfficer(CEO)ofM/sLeaps
¸fûWS ¶fÔQ d³fdUQf¹fZ d³f²ffÊdS°f ´fi´fÂf ´fS Af³f»ffBʳf Af¸fÔdÂf°f I e þf°fe W`Ü andBoundsPrivateLimitedandwas
S. Tender No Work Probable Earnest Money Completion a director in company from April
No Amount (In Deposit (EMD) Period (months)
lakhs) (In Rs)
2012 to January 2014.
after 9 pm, Abhishek lashed out at
CITY ZONE 1 TO 21 ON EMPANELMENT BASIS cies to target Trinamool Congress".
1. Interested bidders can view the NIT on website HealsodaredEDtoarresthimifthey
2. The Bid Document can be purchased only online from 10:30A.M. (time) 12.09.2023 (date) to 17:30P.M. (time) 10.10.2023 could prove his involvement.
3. Amendments to NIT (if any) would be published on website only, and not in newspaper.
Contact for Advt. Booking: M/s Friends Publicity Service WÀ°ff/-
I f¹fÊ´ff»f³f ¹fÔÂfe (dÀfdU»f)
(M): 9212665841, 9212008155 T.V. 995/023/024 dination committee meeting of the
³f¦fS d³f¦f¸f ·fû´ff»f
INDIA bloc alliance in Delhi.



Women should get more representation Income Tax

dept searches
DELHI CONFIDENTIAL in politics: President Murmu in Gujarat places linked
to Azam in
Now, beneficiaries can UP and MP
download Ayushman EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
could be on the agenda of the
special session of Parliament
next week, President Droupadi
health card from app THE INCOME Tax Department
Wednesday conductedsearches
Murmu on Wednesday pushed ily ID, and complete their e-KYC at several locations in Uttar
for increased representation of EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE to get a digital copy of the card. Pradesh, including at senior
women in the Assembly. NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 The app can be used by ben- Samajwadi Party (SP) leader
Inaugurating the ‘National e- eficiaries who already have the Azam Khan's residence in
Vidhan Application’ (NeVA), Toensurethatbeneficiariesunder card to get a copy. Rampur, in connection with al-
DOCTOR NO Murmu, in her address to the
Gujarat Assembly, also called for
the Ayushman Bharat insurance
“With this initiative, India
will write a new chapter in mak-
leged tax evasion.
The search, which continued
MINISTER OF Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari on more representation of women President Droupadi Murmu addresses the Gujarat Assembly cashless treatment, the govern- inghealthcareaffordableandac- tilllateWednesday,wasalsocar-
Wednesday said he has been honoured with seven D.Lit de- in politics in general. in Gandhinagar on Wednesday. Express ment has created an Ayushman cessible,” Murmu said after ried out at one location in neigh-
grees but has never used the title of Doctor before his name. “I am extremely happy to see apptogetthecardwithinminutes launching Ayushman Bhav in bouring Madhya Pradesh. The
Explaining the reason at an event organised by Panchjanya, Gujarat’s development, but I onmobilephones. Gandhinagar. Murmuapplauded Rampur residence of SP MLA
Gadkari said that as a student, he wanted to become an engi- wouldliketodrawyourattention portant for the overall develop- fidence that the initiative, in- The application can be the goals to facilitate access of Naseer Ahmad Khan, who is
neer. But when he was in Class 12, and was preparing for the to one thing: the representation ment of the country,” she said. spiredbythegoalof “one nation, downloaded from any app store. Ayushman cards, generate ABHA considered close to Azam, was
exams, Emergency was imposed. Being a Sangh Parivar of women in this House. Today, As part of the Centre's Digital one application”, would bring The app is part of the digital account IDs, and raise also searched by I-T officials.
worker he got engaged in putting up pamphlets on streets at women are performing excel- India programme, Gujarat has more speed and transparency in Ayushman Aapke Dwar 3.0, one awareness about vital health “Searches were conductedat
night. The result: he got 49.25% in the Boards, while the min- lently in every field, be it science becomethe10thStateAssembly the functioning of the Gujarat of the three prongs of the schemes. She also praised health Azam Khan' house in Rampur
imum cut-off for admission to engineering was 50%. “So how andtechnology,defenceorsports. to go digital under NeVA. Assembly. Ayushman Bhav initiative, camps to be organised under and at a resort registered in the
can a person who could not even become an engineer use the Their representation in politics Praising Gujarat for taking Inherspeech,Murmualsore- launched by President Droupadi AyushmanMela,which,asperthe name of Azam's wife, Tanzeen
title Dr,” the minister said. should also increase,” she said. several initiatives in various sec- ferred to the formation of the MurmufromGujaratWednesday. government's plans, will see 1.6 Fatima. Searches were also con-
“I visit educational institu- tors like education, power, Global Biofuels Alliance during It is dedicated to the celebra- lakh health and wellness centres ducted at the house of members
tions across the country and health, water, infrastructure and the G20 Summit, saying this was tionofPMNarendraModi’sbirth- acrossthecountryconductweekly of the Mohammad Ali Jauhar
BATTLE OF WITS meetgirlstudents.Ihaveseenan
eagerness in their eyes to do
manufacturing, Murmu said the
inaugurationof an“e-Assembly”
der the leadership of India after
day. The other two components
of the initiative are Ayushman
non-communicable diseases, TB
Trust, headed by Azam Khan,
and on the premises of Jauhar
THE ANDHRA Pradesh High Court is hearing the high-stakes something for the country and was an important step towards the International Solar Alliance, Mela and Ayushman Village. andprovidingservicessuchasrou- University, run by the
political case involving former Chief Minister N Chandrababu society. If they get the right op- transforming it into a “digital forenvironmentalprotectionand AccordingtoHealthMinistry tineimmunisation. Mohammad Ali Jauhar," said a
Naidu. But the showdown in Amaravati is also likely to see a portunity, they can also con- House”. She said that through energyself-reliance.Shesaidthis officials, beneficiaries will be The initiative launched source in the I-T Department.
face-off between top Delhi lawyers. While senior advocate tribute in nation building, while NeVA, MLAs could learn and wasagoodopportunityforastate able to log on to the platform Wednesdaywillcontinueallyear, Searches were conducted at
andcriminallawexpertSiddharthLuthrahasbeenflownfrom standing shoulder to shoulder adopt the best practices of like Gujarat which promotes in- with their phone number, check said Union Health Minister the Bhopal residence of a Trust
DelhibyNaidu’steam,theYSRCP-ledstategovernmentisalso withmen.Participationof half of Parliament and other State novative and non-traditional whether they are eligible by us- MansukhMandaviya,whojoined member. “Besides Rampur,
leaving no stone unturned. After granting a temporary stay the total population is very im- Assemblies. She expressed con- sources of energy. ing an Aadhaar number or fam- the event virtually from Delhi. searches were carried out in
against the state’s plea for seeking police custody of Naidu, Sitapur, Saharanpur, Lucknow,
the HCwasinclinedto hearthe case again onFriday. However, Ghaziabad, and Meerut. In
both sides agreed on September 19. The state needed extra
time, it is learnt, to tap in a big name, possibly a former top
law officer from Delhi.
On Bills to replace Lucknow, the search wascarried
out at the house of Azam Khan’s
chartered accountant,” said the

JAWAN JIBE AT OPP IPC and CrPC, Opp source.

SP president Akhilesh Yadav
accused the ruling BJP of “mis-
MONTHS AFTER the Prime Minister urged BJP leaders and
workers not to make unnecessary remarks on films — then in
the context of the release of Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Pathaan
in House committee using Central agencies” to target
the Opposition parties.
Investigations into financial

looks to experts
— party members, it seems, are yet to completely overcome irregularitiesinAzam’stenureas
the habit. This time, though, the comment praised an SRK a minister in the SP government
movie and hit out at the opposition Congress. Praising Khan's in the state is being probed by
latestrelease,Jawan,BJPnationalspokespersonGauravBhatia the state’s Vigilance
on Wednesday said, “We must thank Shah Rukh Khan for ex- Department. A separate probe is
posing corrupt, policy paralysis-ridden Congress rule from ESHA ROY being carried out by the
2004 to 2014 through Jawan...” The film discusses corruption NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 Enforcement Directorate.
in defence procurement and farmers' suicides, among others. Since the BJP came to power
AS A Parliamentary Standing inUttarPradeshin2017,81cases
Committee on Home Affairs ex- Opposition leaders after their meet at Sharad Pawar’s Delhi residence on Wednesday. Anil Sharma have been registered against
aminesthreeBillsthatseektore- Khan in Rampur on various

Cabinet approves placetheIndianPenalCode(IPC),

Code of Criminal Procedure
(CrPC) and the Evidence Act, INDIA bloc to start seat-sharing
cheating and criminal trespass.
His wife and son were also

Rs 7k cr for Phase III members of Opposition parties

are learnt to be in favour of con-
sulting domain experts on the talks; caste census high on agenda
booked in some of these cases.

of e-Courts project mattertoseekclarityandinputs.

They are planning to make such
a suggestion to the committee
The panel has to submit its
report within three months, MANOJ C G
constituents have been arguing
seat-sharing would be for the
Lok Sabha elections. They want
Kejriwal quotes
Jawan to cite
chairperson. in time for the next NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 could differ from state to state. to conclude their seat-sharing
in listing cases
Among the names of 16 do-
main experts being considered
Parliament session. File
THE 28-MEMBER Opposition
At the first meeting of the
grouping’s coordination com-
arrangment by October-end.
The parties decided to take
AAP’s work on
FROM INTELLIGENT scheduling Phase III of the scheme
by the Opposition members are
those of former judges, Justices gested that the whole process of
INDIA bloc Wednesday decided
to begin the difficult process of
mittee Wednesday, held at NCP
chief SharadPawar’sresidencein
sus. The TMC had expressed
education; Mann
to prioritising cases for hearing
to using artificial intelligence in
will place emphasis on
automating the registry’s
U U Lalit and Madan Lokur, and
legal experts such as Maneka
back from the experts and going
level without an across-the-
Delhi, National Conference’s
some reservations on the issue
at the Mumbai meeting. Asked
says AI training
decision-making for judges, the role in listing of cases. The Guruswamy, senior advocate of through their views is likely to board formula. The Opposition not be any discussion on seats about the TMC's stand over the in schools soon
Cabinet on Wednesday ap- issue of lack of uniform the Supreme Court. take about 18 months. alliance also decided to hold its which are already being held by demand, senior Congress leader
proved Phase III of the e-Courts rules and transparency in The panel, chaired by BJP After Wednesday's meeting, first joint public meeting in any member of the alliance. K C Venugopal said, “No, those
project with a budget outlay of the listing has been in the RajyaSabhaMPBrijlal,beganex- TMC's Derek O’Brien said, “The Bhopal in the poll-bound The meeting was attended who are present here… decide EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
Rs 7,210 crore. spotlight in recent years. amining the three Bills last general statutes of criminal law Madhya Pradesh in the first by leaders of 12 parties. thesethings.Wearegoingtotalk AMRITSAR, SEPTEMBER 13
“...thee-CourtsPhase-IIIaims month, with Home Secretary haveexistedforages.Thegeneral week of October. “The coordination commit- to them (TMC).”
tousherinaregimeof maximum Ajay Bhalla making a presenta- statutesofcriminallawwillaffect The choice of Bhopal as the tee decided to start the process TMC leader Abhishek AAPNATIONALconvenorArvind
ease of justice by moving to- crorecasesfromdistrictcourtsto tion on aspects of the proposed the lives of the poor more than venue of the bloc's first rally is in- for determining seat-sharing. It Banerjeedidnotattendthemeet- Kejriwal Wednesday inaugu-
wards digital, online and paper- SC level was part of the Phase II. legislation. anyone else and, therefore, must teresting given that the parties was decided that the member ingsincehehadtoappearbefore rated the first ‘school of emi-
less courts through digitisation It is learnt that in Phase III, a Union Home Minister Amit be crafted with utmost care.” have not yet worked out a seat- parties will hold the talks and theEDforquestioninginKolkata. nence’ in Amritsar, built at a cost
of the entire court records, in- smart scheduling system is in Shah had introduced Bharatiya The three Bills seek an over- sharingarrangementforMP. The decide at the earliest,” a joint Then there was another de- of Rs 1,600 crore, and said an ed-
cluding legacy records,” a state- the works to recommend but Nyaya Sanhita (to replace IPC), haulof existinglaws,whichShah Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has al- statement issued by the parties cision which surprised many ucation revolution has now
ment by the government said. notdecideanappropriatesched- Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha described as a colonial legacy, readyannounceditsfirstlistoften said. Elaborating, CPI general leaders of the Congress. The started in Punjab.
The e-Courts project that be- ule for listing based on availabil- Sanhita (to replace CrPC), and and will cater to contemporary candidatesfortheMPpolls.Itisto secretaryDRajasaidthedecision statementsaidthe“coordination Recalling a dialogue from
gan in 2007 is a centrally spon- ityof judges,lawyers,witnesses; Bharatiya Sakshya (to replace needsandaspirationsof thepeo- beseenwhethertheCongresswill wastostartnegotiationsforseat- committee authorised the sub- Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan,
sored scheme that is part of the nature of the case; and caseload Evidence Act) in Lok Sabha dur- ple. The House panel has to sub- agree to offer some seats to the sharing“atthestatelevel”forthe group on media to decide upon Kejriwal said, “In the movie,
Nationale-GovernancePlan.The of the judge. This system can be ing the monsoon session. The mit its report within three AAP. The situation is the same in forthcoming elections to the the names of the anchors on Khan says ‘votes should not be
SupremeCourtisresponsiblefor extended to enable lawyers and House had referred them to the months, in time for the govern- poll-bound Chhattisgarh, where “Assembly as well as whose shows none of the INDIA givenon the basisof religion and
the policy planning, strategic di- litigants to get a definitive esti- standing committee. ment to table the updated Bills Congress is in power. Parliament”. The parties have so parties will send their represen- caste,butongoodeducationand
rection and implementation mate of the next hearing, offi- The members have sug- in the next Parliament session. Leaders of various INDIA far been suggesting that their tatives”. healthcare’. In this country, only
while the Department of Justice cials said. They said this system AAP seeks votes on the promise
(DoJ) provides the funding. will address the crucial problem of providing quality education.”
ThePhaseIIof theprojectthat
had a budget outlay of Rs 1,670
crore saw a major technological
of delaysanddeter lawyersfrom
seeking adjournments. The DoJ
has an outlay of Rs 50 crore for
Sanatan Dharma row: Stalin says BJP trying The Delhi CM is on a three-
day visit to the state and was ac-
companied by his Punjab coun-

to distract; brings up Manipur, ‘corruption’

upgrade in courts during the technological advancements terpart Bhagwant Mann.
Covidcrisis.TheNationalJudicial and Rs 33 crore for re-engineer- Mann, meanwhile, said:
DataGrid,arepositoryof over23- ingjudicialprocessesinPhaseIII. “Very soon Artificial Intelligence
(AI) courses will be introduced
tions. The BJP government has hadcausedinternationalembar- in government schools across

BJP resolution hails PM ARUN JANARDHANAN

lost the people’s faith and is en-
gaging in a publicity spree,"
Udhayanidhi booked in Mumbai rassment.
the state. One lakh students will
be imparted training in AI.
Stalin said, adding that the party Mumbai: An FIR was filed in “dengue,malaria,fever,andco- ble the income of farmers. Did it Training will also be given to
for G20 Summit success INDICATING that the DMK was
digging its heels in, as the BJP
was hence trying to "master-
fully" divert attention "through
Mumbai on Tuesday night
against Tamil Nadu Minister
rona”, saying it should be erad-
icated like these diseases and
double? No! He introduced the
10,000 teachers for AI courses.”
Kejriwal said the first School
asamonumentalchapterinIndia's mounts attack on it over the media sensationalism and other and DMK leader Udhayanidhi not merely opposed. awaytheirexistingincome...The of Eminence in Punjab will play
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA diplomatic annals and marks a Sanatan Dharma controversy, tactics". Stalin for his remarks on The Mira Road police sta- PM pledged to provide employ- a key role in providing quality
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 transformative moment in how Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and After staying away from the Sanatan Dharma. The FIR was tion booked Udhayanidhi un- ment for two million youths education to the children of the
India is perceived and engaged DMK president M K Stalin ac- stir generated by his son and registered on the complaint of derIPC sections153A(promot- every year, but no job opportu- state. He added that more such
THE BJP Wednesday passed a withontheglobalstage,itadded. cused the BJP of trying to divert Tamil Nadu minister a 38-year-old local resident. ing enmity) and 295A nities were provided... In 2022, it schools will be opened in the
resolution hailing Prime "We, BJP karyakartas, extend people’sattentionfrompressing Udhayanidhi's remarks, Stalin At an event in Chennai on (deliberate and malicious acts, was promised that every family state soon. He said there are
Minister Narendra Modi for the our deepest appreciation and national issues and its “corrupt had in his first statement indi- September 2, Udhayanidhi intended to outrage religious in India would have their own 20,000 government schools in
“historic and unprecedented” warm congratulations to Prime practices”. cated that he wanted to lower equated Sanatan Dharma with feelings). ENS house. Can we boldly claim that the state and all of them will see
success of the G20 Summit and Minister Narendra Modi and the Inadetailedstatement,Stalin theheat.Hehadsaidthat theBJP there is no family without a improvement under the AAP
said India's presidency of the Governmentof India forthe suc- echoed what Dravidar mighthavemisunderstoodwhat house now?” Stalin said. regime in terms of better infra-
grouping will always be cele- cessfulG20SummitheldinNew Kazhagam leader K Veeramani Udhayanidhi said when he statement, Stalin indicated he opportunities for youths, as well On the Manipur situation, structure and other facilities.
brated as “People's G20”. Delhi on 9-10th September, hadsaidearlier, andemphasised talked about the need to "eradi- was ready to take the battle for- as highlighted recent the DMK chief said:“Forthe past The AAP chief said that Rs
Intheresolution,theBJPpar- 2023," the resolution read. the need to focus on the BJP's cate" Sanatan Dharma, and that ward. He talked about the situa- ComptrollerandAuditorGeneral four months, there has been un- 800 crore will be spent on
liamentary board noted with India's G20 Presidency will “corruption” rather than being he only meant that the evils in it tion in Manipur, the "unfulfilled reportoncertainirregularitiesin rest in Manipur. The BJP, which 10,000 new state-of-art class-
"greatpridetheimpeccablelead- alwaysbecelebratedas"People's sidetracked by the Sanatan be removed. Udhayanidhi had promises" of the Modi govern- Central government projects. lacks a spine, is in power there. rooms, Rs 358 crore will be used
ershipandunwaveringcommit- G20- a truly people-driven en- Dharma row. also asked his followers not to ment since 2014, including the Stalin also talked about the Just two days ago, there was also for construction of boundary
ment" showcased by Prime deavour and a testament to “The Prime Minister has not file FIRs over BJP leaders' attacks pledge to bring back black Rafale “scam”, allegations con- a shootout. Without addressing wallsinover7,000schools,Rs25
Minister Modi at the summit. India's enduring spirit", the res- fulfilled any poll promises made against him. money stashed abroad and the cerning the Adani Group and all of this, the BJP is trying to di- crore on benches and furniture,
The G20 Delhi summit stands olution noted. before the 2014 Lok Sabha elec- However,inhisWednesday's promise to create employment othercontroversies,sayingthese vert attention." and Rs 60 crore for washrooms.


Lancet Commission flags concern
over increase in tuberculosis deaths
SC: Policebriefingon
Kota: A teenage student
from Jharkhand allegedly ANURADHA
ported were 4.62 lakh. While the
UCSF Professor of Medicine and
former UN Special Envoy on
tics and AI-assisted chest x-ray
diedbysuicideonTuesday MASCARENHAS theabilityofglobalhealthsystems Tuberculosis, has the potential to technology. There is also a strong
in Rajasthan’s Kota, police PUNE,SEPTEMBER13 toprevent,screenandtreatTB,the revolutioniseTBprevention,diag- pitchfornewershorter1/4/6treat-
said Wednesday, adding reportestimatedthatone-thirdof nosisandtreatment. mentregimens.
thatthegirlwaspreparing THE WORLD is not on course to- peoplewereundiagnosedandun- Thisnewreport isafollow-up Dr Swaminathan said, “The
for the National Eligibility wardsendingtuberculosis,anew treatedin2022. tothe2019LancetCommissionon newer,shorter1/4/6TBtreatment
EntranceTest(NEET). LancetCommissiononTBhassaid, “Progress towards ending TB tuberculosis. The first report out- regimenscanhavea hugeimpact
“Around 10:30-11:00 flagging concerns over the in- has been minimal in some coun- lined a blueprint for reaching the on adherence and efficacy. This Gives MHA 3 months to prepare manual on media briefing
pm yesterday (Tuesday), crease in tuberculosis deaths for tries and substantial in others. goals set by the first UN HLM in recommendation would ensure
the hospital informed us thefirsttimein20years. Especially for the highest burden 2018. While progress has been access to one-month regimen or volved and the interest of the ac- probing encounters and the pro-
that a student had died by AccordingtotheCommission's nations, the biggest challenge to madeinsomeareas,thetargetsof once-weekly for TB prevention, ANANTHAKRISHNANG. cused,witnesses,prospectivewit- priety and procedure governing
suicide.Shewaspreparing reviewreportslatedforreleaseon ending TB has been insufficient the UN HLM have not yet been fourmonthsfordrug-sensitiveTB, NEWDELHI,SEPTEMBER13 nessesaswellasvictimsandsur- mediabriefingsbypoliceperson-
for NEET and was a resi- Thursday,therehasbeenadeteri- case finding and diagnosis," said achieved.AsCovid-19erasedyears and six months treatment regi- vivors of crime,” the bench said. nelinongoingcriminalinvestiga-
dentofRanchi,Jharkhand,” orationintherateof declineinTB Dr Soumya Swaminathan, of reductioninTBmortalityrates, menfordrug-resistantTB.Tomax- POLICE BRIEFINGS to the media “There is in that sense a need to tion.Thefirstissuewasdealtwith
AmarChand,assistantsub- mortalityandtwo-thirdsoftuber- Commission co-author and for- the Commission authors in their imise the impact of these signifi- about investigation of crimes have a uniform policy which can and decided by the court in
inspector of Kota’s Vigyan culosis deaths occurred in just merWHOchief scientist. review, ‘Scientific advances and canttreatmentbreakthroughs,we “mustnotresultinamediatrialso beadoptedfornotifyingnodalof- September 2014.
Nagar police station said. eight countries, and over half oc- The report comes at a time theendof tuberculosis’,havesaid needmorecountriesadoptingthe as to allow for pre-judging of the ficers who would be available to The bench said the issue “as-
Her death takes the stu- curred in India (33%), Indonesia whenaUnitedNationsHighLevel that therehasbeen an increase in new treatment paths faster.” guiltoftheaccused”,theSupreme share the official version of the sumessignificance,particularlyin
dentsuicidetollthisyearin (10%),andNigeria(8%).Asperthe Meeting on TB will be held on TBdeaths—risingfrom1.4million Adjunct therapies like nutritional Court cautioned on Wednesday stage of investigation, consistent the context of the manner in
Kotato24—highestinthe Global TB report 2022, India re- September22andmakesastrong in2019to1.6millionin2021. support can go a long way in re- and directed the Union Ministry with the need to ensure that the which media reportage takes
lasteightyears. ENS ported5.04lakhdeathsin2021as case for focusing on a new menu The Commission has also ducingdeathsduetoTB,headded. ofHomeAffairs(MHA)toprepare disclosureitselfdoesnotderailthe place, particularly in crimes in-
against 5.52 lakh in 2010. In 2017, of tools that according to Dr Eric made a series of recommenda- FULLREPORTON a“comprehensivemanualonme- course of investigation.” volving a degree of public inter-
KARNATAKA however,thenumberofdeathsre- Goosby, Commission co-Chair, tions including immediate scale- diabriefingsbypolicepersonnel” The court said: “The nature of est”.Dealingwiththeplea,theSC
within three months. disclosure cannot be uniform said,“mediareportingonmatters
Mid-daymeal: Athree-judgebenchpresided sinceitmustdependuponthena- involving commission of crimes
24inhospital 12 from Gujarat killed in
by Chief Justice of India D Y ture of the crime and participat- involves several aspects of public

Chandrachud, and comprising ing stakeholders, including vic- interest. At a basic level, the fun-

road mishap in Rajasthan

Bengaluru: Twenty-four JusticesPSNarasimhaandManoj tims, witnesses and accused damentalrighttofreespeechand
studentsof MoulanaAzad Nipah is a zoonotic ● Misra,saidmediatrialsare“liable themselves. The age and gender expression is directly implicated,
ModelSchool,Karnataka’s disease, transmitted to result in a deflection of the oftheaccusedaswellasofthevic- both in terms of the right of the
Chitradurga district were to humans and the death of several passen- course of justice by impacting tims would have a significant mediatoportrayanddisseminate
hospitalised Tuesday after through infected Natural EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE gers. I express my condolences to upon evidence which would be bearing on the nature of disclo- news and information, and the
suspected food poisoning
animals or host:
RAJKOT,SEPTEMBER13 thebereavedfamiliesandprayfor adduced and its assessment by sure to be made as well. The right of the viewing public and
contaminated food FRUIT
due to “consumption of BAT the speedy recovery of those in- the adjudicating authorities”. guidelinesmustdulyfactorinthe readers to receive a diversity of
mid-day meal”. The inci- How it is transmitted TWELVE PILGRIMS from Gujarat, jured,"MurmusaidinapostonX. The bench noted that MHA needtoensurethatthedisclosure opinions”.
dentwasreportedafterthe onboard a bus headed to Uttar Prime Minister Narendra had prepared the existing guide- mustnotresultinamediatrialso It said, “There can be no gain-
students consumed their Pradesh,werekilledand10others Modi’sofficeapprovedacompen- lines on the subject more than a as to allow for pre-judging of the sayingthefactthatboththemedia
mid-day meal including were injured in an accident in sationofRs2lakhtothenextofkin decade ago — on April 1, 2010. guilt of the accused.” in pursuance of its fundamental
chikkis(groundnutbrittle), Blood Saliva Urine Rajasthan’sBharatpurdistrictearly of those who died, and Rs 50,000 “Since then, with the upsurge in It asked DGPs of all states to righttofreedomofspeechandex-
eggs and bananas as spe- on Wednesday morning. The pil- for the injured. The state govern- reporting on crimes not only in “communicate to the MHA” pressionaswellastheconsumers
cialnutrient-densefoods. grims were on their way to ment in Gujarat also announced theprintmediabut(also)inelec- within one month their sugges- of news, information and ideas
The education depart- MathurainUP,policesaid,adding Rs4lakhex-gratiatothekinofthe tronic and social media, it be- tionsforpreparationof“appropri- havearighttoreceivefairandun-
ment said initially three that the bus was hit from behind deceased and Rs 50,000 for those comes extremely important that ate guidelines”. The MHA, the biased information”.
students started vomiting Fruit Date palm sap Animals by“atrailertruck”onaflyover. injured. Rajasthan Chief Minister thereshouldbeastandardoperat- courtsaid,willsubsequently“pro- Wednesday's order also said
after eating chikkis, and President Droupadi Murmu, Ashok Gehlot said in a post on X: ingprocedurewhichbalancesout ceedtopreparetheguidelinesaf- that the SC, in its 2012 decision in
thenotherstoodeveloped Symptoms Treatment whoarrivedinGujaratonTuesday "The death of devotees on a pil- all considerations....” it said. terconsideringtheviewsreceived Sahara India Real Estate Corp vs
health issues. They were for a two-day visit, condoled the grimagefrom Gujarat in the colli- “There can be no denying the from the DGP’s” and other stake- SEBI, “had underscored the need
admitted to hospital, and ■ No vaccine for deaths."Iamdeeplysaddenedby sionbetweenabusandatrailerin fact that disclosure of an official holders, including the National to maintain thebalancebetween
later discharged. The food animals or humans the news of a bus full of devotees Bharatpur is extremely sad... The versionofinvestigationwoulden- Human Rights Commission. the right of the accused under
sampleshavebeensentto ■ The primary going from Gujarat to Uttar injuredweretakentohospital.” sureagainstspeculationoncrime The court was dealing with Article 21 and the right of
aforensiclab. ENS treatment for humans Pradeshmeetingwithanaccident FULLREPORTON reporting, which may be of dis- pleas that raised the issue of pro- media/public under article
Fever Headache Epilepsy is supportive care in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan service both to public interest in- ceduretobefollowedbypolicein 19(1)(a)”.
Bargarh: 5scrub
typhusdeaths Five Nipah cases in Kerala HC lets off man
Bhubaneswar: At least five
people died in the recent Kerala; 9 panchayats held for watching porn
scrub typhus infection in Kozhikode now on phone on roadside:
‘Didn’t exhibit to others’
‘containment’ zones
CharanDassaidtwoofthe moved the high court in 2022
deceased are from Sohela the next 10 days. All public func- EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE seeking the quashing of all pro-
blockwhileoneeachfrom SHAJUPHILIP tions in the district would be sus- THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, ceedings pending against him at
Attabira, Bheden and THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, pended and social gatherings SEPTEMBER13 an Aluva magistrate court under
Barpali blocks. Earlier, SEPTEMBER13 would be allowed only with re- IPC Section 292. Section 292,
Bargarh district had wit- stricted participation and with THE KERALA High Court has which deals with obscenity,
nessedScrubtyphusinfec- THE NUMBER of Nipah cases in priorpermissionfrompolice. quashed a case against a man mainlypertainstothesale,public
tion in 2014 though there Kozhikode rose to five on After the meeting, Health held for watching pornography exhibition, circulation or posses-
wasnocasualty. ENS

tested positive for the infection
even as the source of the virus re-
Minister Veena George said 789
of the confirmed cases have been
READYING FOR B’DAY on his phone on a roadside, say-
as he was viewing the obscene
sionof anyobscenematerial.
According to the prosecution,
mainedunknown. identified.Sincetheroutemapsof A tribal artisan makes fibreglass figurines of Prime Minister Narendra Modi ahead of his videoinhisprivatetimewithout a road at Aluva and watching an
Teenheldforbid The state had earlier reported the infected persons have been birthday, in Agartala on Wednesday. PTI exhibiting it to others. obscene video on his phone, be-
tokillclassmate fourpositiveNipahcases–twoof
them have died over the last two
published, the contact list would
in a September 5 order, warned
cause of which he was arrested
Meerut: A Class 10 student weeks. The 24-year-old health are in the high-risk category and that watching porn would have police chargesheeted him. After
of attempttomurderafter
worker, whose samples tested
17 persons have been isolated in
hospitalsinKozhikode.Oneofthe Don’t operate motorised boats, cruises far-reaching consequences for
children. “Pornography may not
elaborating on Section 292, the

on Bhopal Lake, NGT tells MP govt

heallegedlysettheschool- vatehospitalinKozhikode,where infectedcases,anine-year-oldboy, be an offence. If minor children opinionthatnooffenceismadeby
bagofhisclassmateafireby one of the victims died of the in- is on life support. ICMR was re- start to watch porn videos, there thepetitionerinthiscase.”
pouring petrol, but the fection on August 30. The health quested to send the monoclonal willbefar-reachingconsequences. The court said the viewing of
flames caused burn injury worker and two other people are antibody required for his treat- manentconstructionwithin‘zone areforthepeople’sbenefitandthe Parents should never hand over obscene material by a person in
tothelatterontheirschool under treatment. As many as 153 ment,shesaid. EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE of influence’ of waterbodies/wet- stateisunderobligationtoprotect mobile phones to minor children their privacy is not an offence by
campusinAligarhTuesday, healthworkershavefiguredinthe Officialsourcessaideffortsare BHOPAL,SEPTEMBER13 lands” and demolishing any per- and maintain them so that the to make them happy. Let the chil- itself under the section. The of-
policesaidWednesday. contactlistoftheconfirmedcases. ontoidentifythesourceof thein- manentconstruction. same are not polluted, damaged dren play cricket or football or fence under Section 292 IPC is at-
Accordingtotheschool ThestategovernmentWednesday fection.Asfruitbatsareconsidered THE NATIONAL Green Tribunal The NGT order was passed and no harm is caused to aquatic othergamestheylikeduringtheir tracted only if the accusedtriesto
authorities,the14-year-old scaledupcontrolmeasures. areservoirofthevirusandanimal (NGT) has restrained the Madhya Tuesdayonanapplicationbyenvi- floraandfaunaoftheseresources.” leisure time... Instead of purchas- circulate, distribute or exhibit an
injured boy was admitted Astate-levelcontrolroomwas to human infection is suspected, Pradesh government from oper- ronmentalist Subhash C Pandey Itclarifiedthattherestrictions ingfoodfromrestaurantsthrough obscenevideoorphoto,hesaid.
to a hospital with 25 per opened, nine panchayats in samples of fruits found partially ating cruise boats or any forms of against the state government, “will not apply to non-motorised Swiggy and Zomato, let the chil- Thecourtsaiditcannotoutlaw
cent burns and is stated to Kozhikode district were declared eatenbybatswerecollectedfrom motorised boats on Bhopal Lake BhopalMunicipalCorporationand Boats/Cruises”,butifthey“deploy drentastethedeliciousfoodmade theviewingofpornographyinpri-
be out of danger. The ac- containmentzones,and800-odd AyancheriandMaruthonkara,the byobservingthatwaterbodiesare the MP Pollution Control Board anysystemcreatingnoiseetc.,the by their mother. Let the children vate time because it is a person’s
cused boy, 14, was sus- persons brought under observa- villagesof thedeadvictims. forpublicbenefitandthegovern- (MPPCB),amongsixrespondents. relevant environmental statutes play and grounds and come back private choice and interference
pendedfromtheschoolaf- tion after they figured in the con- A team of doctors from the ment is “under obligation to pro- TheNGTrestrainedtheauthor- shall be followed”. Pandey said in hometothemesmerisingsmellof with the same amounts to an in-
tertheincident.Policesaid tactlistsof theinfectedpersons. National Centre for Disease tectthem”. ities from “running Cruise Boats his plea that Bhopal upper lake is mother’sfood.Ileaveittheretothe trusion of privacy. The petitioner
thatstudentstoldthemon After a high-level meeting Control visited the control room The NGT's central zone bench andanyotherboatoperatedwith an important source of potable wisdom of the parents of minor was watching the obscene video
Tuesdaythattheduohada chairedbyChiefMinisterPinarayi and two teams, one from ICMR- comprising Justice Shudhir motors in Bhopal Lake (Ramsar water to the city and has more childrenof thissociety.” looking down at his phone and
scuffleoversomeissue,af- Vijayantoreviewthesituation,the Pune and other from the Union Agarwal and expert member site) and other designated wet- than 15 kinds of fish and vulnera- The manhadbeenarrestedin there is no allegation by the pros-
ter which the injured boy government imposed social dis- Health Ministry, would reach Afroz Ahmad also restrained the lands”, and said in its direction: ble animals like turtles, amphib- Aluva municipality of Kerala’s ecutionthathepubliclyexhibited
damaged the accused’s tancing in Kozhikode district for KozhikodeonWednesdaynight. respondentsfrom“raisinganyper- "WaterbodiesinMadhyaPradesh iansandaquaticinvertebrates. Ernakulam district in 2016. He thevideo,hesaid.
school bag, leading to the
fireincident. ENS

Sonia, Shah to battle it out in Hyderabad on Telangana merger day
joinedthe IndianUnion after the
Indian Army swept into
brated the day since it came to
power in 2014 — announced in
portant and right day to an-
nounce poll plans and prom-
BRS working president and
Surat:Suratpolicearrested HYDERABAD, SEPTEMBER 13 Hyderabad under a three-day 2022 that it would observe ises”. leaders would celebrate the day
seven illegal immigrants military action called Operation September 17 as Telangana Alongside the CWC meeting, intheirrespectivedistricts,while
from Bangladesh, includ- THE DAY of the merger of Polo. The Hyderabad state was National Unity Day and conduct the Congress will also hold a ministers will hoist the national
ing three women who Telangana into the Indian Union on the boil leading up to this, three-day programmes in that massive public meeting at flag at special programmes to be
wereworkingatalocalspa, — September 17 — has emerged with the peasants and the regard. Tukkuguda in Hyderabad dis- organised in all of the state's 33
inUdhnaareaWednesday. asacrucialeventinthestateover Communists carrying out an The BJP-led Centre said it trict. Senior Congress leader districts. KCR will also hoist the
Police said they had the last couple of years. With armed rebellion against the op- would mark the day as Sonia Gandhi is likely to attend national flag at a programme in
madefakedocumentsand Assembly polls scheduled for pressivetaxregimeof NizamMir Telangana State Liberation Day along with Congress president Hyderabad, but the venue has
were staying in Surat for later this year, it is being utilised Usman Ali. instead, framing it as the day Mallikarjun Kharge, and unveil not been decided yet.
the past two years. Those for campaigning too. All three Around the same time, a pri- Telangana got free from the Congress leader Sonia Gandhi; Union minister Amit Shah. the party's "five guarantees" for “We do not want to politicise
arrested include an agent keycontendersinthestate—the vate Muslim militia called the clutches of the Nizam. Last year, the polls at the end of the year. the issue unlike other parties,
whochargedRs90,000per Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS), Razakars came up to suppress UnionHomeMinisterAmitShah Congress leaders said they and will hold functions to show-
person for bringing the il- Congress and BJP — have lined the peasant and Communist addressed a massive gathering ning a massive show on Parade largelyoutof thepicturelastyear wouldannouncetheparty'ssep- case the development work that
legal immigrants to Surat up high-profile events this year movement. SincetheBJPstarted tomarktheday,wherehelashed Grounds in Secunderabad, with in terms of marking September arate declarations or promises the BRS has done, which has be-
and securing them jobs at on the day, to be addressed by trying around 2020 to make in- outattheBRSforignoringitssig- Shah attending. During the visit, 17, this time it has also seized on for youth, SC-STs and minorities come a national model,’’ MLC K
the spa sector. All the ac- top leaders. roads into the state, September nificance,attributingittothefact Shahwillalsopayhomagetothe the day's relevance and histori- at the public meeting. Kavitha, who is the daughter of
cusedwerechargedunder On September 17, 1948, the 17 has become a battle of narra- that it was an ally of the AIMIM. soldiers who fought against the cal significance, and announced The rulingBRS hassaid it will KCR, said. Kavitha is also likely to
sectionsofIPC,PassportAct erstwhile Hyderabad state — tives.TheBRSgovernmentledby TheBRS,inturn,hitoutatthe Nizam's Army and the Razakars a CWC meeting in Telangana commemoratetheday"quietly", conduct a rallyto gather support
andForeignersAct. ENS comprising Telangana and parts K Chandrashekar Rao or KCR — BJP for politicising the issue. and unfurl the national flag. that day. A Telangana PCC leader highlighting the KCR govern- for the women's reservation Bill
of MaharashtraandKarnataka— which had not officially cele- This time too, the BJP is plan- While the Congress was said September 17 was “an im- ment's policies and schemes. that she has been pushing for.


If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to

Nipah cases reported in Kerala: What makes this virus deadly

itistransmittedtohumansfrominfectedan- The animal host reservoir for this virus is small corridor for radiological tests in the thefruitbatsintheregionareknowntocarry 17 of the 18 patients confirmed to have been
ANONNA DUTT imals or contaminated food. It can also be known to be the fruit bat, commonly known hospital. It cannot spread in open, well-ven- the virus. Fruit bats and pigs are what you infected died.
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 transmitted directly from person to person. as flying fox. Fruit bats are known to trans- tilated spaces,” said Dr E Sreekumar, direc- would call healthy carriers of the infection — “Itisessentialtoquicklystarttreatmentof
Its symptoms include fever, headache, mitthis virustootheranimalslikepigs, dogs, tor of the Institute of Advanced Virology, meaning they are reservoirs of the virus those who are suspected to have Nipah. This
TWOPEOPLEhavediedoftheNipahinfection breathing difficulties, cough and sore throat, cats, goats, horses and sheep. Thiruvananthapuram. without showing any symptoms or dying of is because there is a window of just two to
diarrhoea, vomiting, muscle pain and weak-
Nipah can spread to hu-
mans after close contact with
EXPLAINED Since it was first identified
in 1998-99, there have been
it,” said Dr Sujeet Singh, former director of
While the Nipah virus does not spread as
quickly as the Covid-19 virus, it is more
and encephalitis (swelling of the brain) can
occur, progressing to coma and death.
infected animals or secretions
containing the virus on fruit
HEALTH multiple outbreaks of the
Nipah virus, all of them in
the investigation into the 2018 outbreak. samplesforconfirmationtoNIVinPunetakes
some time," Dr Singh said.
deadly. According to the World Health trees, fruits, date palm sap, juice or toddy. South and Southeast Asian nations. In What makes it particularly dangerous? “The suspect has to be immediately iso-
Organization (WHO), the overall global case How is Nipah transmitted? Human-to-human transmission is possible Bangladesh, there have been at least 10 out- During the first outbreak in Bengal’s lated,whileanyclosecontacts—familymem-
fatality rate — proportion of deaths among The first outbreaks of the Nipah virus through close contact. breaks since 2001. Siliguri in 2001, 45 of the 66 people con- bers,socialcontacts,hospitalstaff—shouldre-
those who test positive for the infection — of amonghumans wasreportedfrom Malaysia “The infection is also known to spread In India, West Bengal saw outbreaks in firmed to have been infected died. That is a main in quarantine till they get a negative
Nipah is estimated at 40% to 75% . (1998) and Singapore (1999). The virus takes through droplets in an enclosed, crowded 2001 and 2007, while Kerala had reported mortality rate of 68%. In the next outbreak, report. The important thing is to put a
its name from the village in Malaysia where environment. That is what happened in the several cases in 2018, and isolated cases in in Nadia district of West Bengal, in 2007, all stop to human to human transmission of the
What is the Nipah infection? the person in whom the virus was first iso- 2018 Kerala outbreak. The infection spread 2019 and 2021. the five infected people died. infection, as the mortality rate can be very
Nipahisazoonoticdisease,whichmeans lated died of the disease. from the index patient to others within a “The infection happens in Kerala because Duringthe2018outbreakinKeralain2018, high,” he added. WITHENSINPUTS


75 years ago, when the Indian Army ensured
Hyderabad became part of the Union
India’s supply chain opportunity
As the focus on China+1 increases, India has a historic opportunity to promote industrialisation in all of
CHANDIGARH, SEPTEMBER 13 South Asia. It will stabilise the region, increase jobs, and make it less vulnerable to Chinese enticements
ON THIS day 75 years ago, the Indian
Army launched Operation Polo, the mil- in China and the coun- fessional services, vestments and other costs among business
itary actionto integratetheprincely state try’stradewarwiththe INDIA WAS THE WORLD’S 6TH and transport and units. Small and mid-sized enterprises

of Hyderabad with the Indian Union. By US, is forcing multina- logistics. should, therefore, work as industrial suppli-
September 18, 1948, the forces of the tionalcompaniestore- LARGEST INTERMEDIATE Since 2022, the ers and subcontractors to large exporters.
Nizam, who had been dithering on join-
ing India, were routed. Home Minister
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel termed the mil-
EXPLAINS think their global
sourcing strategies.
It is costly to shift
Rank Country Value Share
Narendra Modi
trade policy has
Business strategies like mergers, acquisi-
tions, and alliances with multinationals and
large local business houses are rational ap-
itary offensive as “police action”. Ganeshan Wignaraja supply chains — new 1 China 376 23.4% placed renewed proaches. So is investment in domestic tech-
plants need to be set 2 US 261 16.2% emphasis on pref- nological capabilities to achieve international
The background up, and workers need erential trade standards of price, quality, and delivery.
Hyderabad, consisting of 17 districts AMIDTHEeffortstocutdependenceonChina- tobehiredandtrained, 3 Germany 147 9.1% through a flurry of ■ Third, caution should be exercised be-
including Aurangabad (now in centricglobalsupplychains,countriessuchas whichmakesitdifficult 4 Hong Kong 97 6.0% bilateraldealswith fore India attempts to replicate China’s state
Maharashtra) and Gulbarga (now in Maj Gen El Edroos (right) offers VietnamhavegrabbedtheChina+1headlines to relocate production 5 India 81 5.0% trading partners. interventionist template wholesale, as there
Karnataka), was the richest of the surrender of the Hyderabad State morethanIndia.However,theannouncement from China wholesale. The UAE-India isasignificantriskof governmentfailureand
6 Japan 75 4.7%
princely states, and one of the most pop- Forces to Maj Gen JN Chaudhuri at at the G20 Leaders’ Summit on the landmark Evenso,considerations Comprehensive cronyism. It may be prudent to actively en-
ulous.ItspopulationwasmajorityHindu, Secunderabad. (Wikimedia Commons) India-MiddleEast-EuropeEconomicCorridor of profitability are in- 7 Mexico 74 4.6% Economic gage with think tanks to gain insights into
but its rulers were almost entirely (IMEC)hasthepotentialtomakeIndiaanAsian fluencing a trend of re- 8 Rep. of Korea 72 4.5% Partnership what might work.
Muslim. It did not have a border with hub in global supply chains. locatingproductionei- Agreement en- Still,someaspectsofChina’sindustrialpol-
9 Netherlands 72 4.5%
Pakistan, but Nizam Mir Osman Ali Shah Jayanto Nath Chaudhuri, General Officer Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to ther to friendly tered into force in icy may be relevant to India, including better
had every intention to have fraternal re- Commanding of 1 Armoured Division, Washington DC in June showed that supply countriesorbacktothe 10 France 67 4.2% May2022.Anearly targeting of multinationals in new industrial
lations with that country. wholaterbecameChief of theArmyStaff. chains are at the centre of the latest chapter US. 11 UK 65 4.0% harvest was activities in which there may be a potential
In November 1947, the Nizam signed The primary strike was led from the in India-United States relations. 12 Italy 63 3.9% reached in April comparative advantage and better coordina-
a standstill agreement with India, under west by Maj Gen Chaudhuri’s division, Why is India being 2022 for the tion between the central and state govern-
which status quo would be maintained aided by subsidiary and supporting First, what are supply chains? considered an 13 Singapore 56 3.5% Australia-India ments.Equallyimportantisupstreaminvest-
for a year, and the Indian government thrusts from the north, south, and east of Supply chains — variously described as attractive supply 14 Canada 52 3.2% free trade agree- ment in tertiary-level education in science,
would not exercise any authority over the state. global production networks, production chain hub? 15 Taiwan 52 3.2% ment (FTA), and technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Hyderabad. The Nizam’s government The primary strike by 1 Armoured fragmentation,orglobalvaluechains—refer Southeast Asia has talks are ongoing
Source: WTO (2022 and 2023) Value in $ bn
took advantage of the lullof the standstill Division included 1 Horse (less one to the geographical location of stages of pro- beckonedforeigncom- toconcludethefull Could the South Asian region as a whole
agreement to increase its irregular force squadron) and 9 Dogra (less one com- duction (such as design, production, assem- panies with cheap FTA by the end of benefit from this approach?
of the Razakars, which were led by Maj pany), and a Smash Force comprising 3 bly, marketing, and service activities) in a wages,fiscalincentives 2023. Negotiations Indiahasahistoricopportunitytopromote
Gen SA El Edroos, the Arab commander- Cavalry,17Horse(lessonesquadron)and cost-effective manner. andimprovedlogistics. for a UK-India and industrialisation in South Asia, which would
in-chief of the Hyderabad state forces. one company of 9 Dogra. A Kill Force led Global supply chains have been the lead- Vietnam and Thailand THE EXPERT EU-IndiaFTAarein stabilisetheregion,increasejobs,andmakeit
The Razakars committed excesses on by 7 Infantry Brigade comprised 2 Sikh, ing model of industrial production since the arebigwinnersinsup- DR GANESHAN WIGNARAJA is process. less vulnerable to Chinese enticements.
the ordinary people of Hyderabad, and 1 Grenadiers, 14 Rajpur, and one 1980s, influencing the pace and nature of ply-chain shifting. But Professorial Fellow in Economics These new Market-led spillovers from India’s sup-
carried out cross-border raids, even as squadron of 14 Horse. Another compo- globalisation and regionalisation. The shift overtime,Indiacanbe- and Trade at Gateway House: Indian deals are signifi- ply chains through outward-foreign invest-
overturesweremadetoPakistanwiththe nent of the western thrust was the Vir in industrial production from local and re- come a complemen- Council on Global Relations, cant because they ment in labour-intensive manufacturing are
intention to establish an independent Force which comprised 9 Infantry gional supply to global supply took place taryAsianmanufactur- Mumbai. He is the author of the are with Western a natural transmission channel to
country within the heart of India. Brigade, 3/2 Punjab, and 2/1 Gorkha gradually over the last 100 years. ing hub to China by paper, The Great Supply Chain Shift trading partners, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
Rifles. Global supply chains can be found in a reapinggainsfromfor- from China to South Asia? and reflect plans India’sdynamicstart-upculture, venture
The military action wide range of simple (textiles and clothing, eign technology trans- for deep economic capital financing and fintech capacity can be
The Indian government launched Hyderabad’s surrender foodprocessingandconsumergoods,etc.)and fersandcreatingvalue- integration going used to draw in young entrepreneurs from
Operation Polo on September 13, 1948. The Nizam announced a ceasefire on complexindustries(e.g.,automotives,aircraft, adding jobs. wellbeyondIndia’s other South Asian countries.
The forces of the Hyderabad state num- September17.OnSeptember18,MajGen machinery,electronicsandpharmaceuticals). This is seen in the ramped-up manufac- previous FTAs which focused solely on the The Indian government should consider
bered fewer than 25,000, and only a frac- Chaudhuri entered Hyderabad city with turing of iPhones in the country, early tech- goods trade and related measures. two policy initiatives to promote regional
tionof themwerewelltrained.Byonees- his forces where Maj Gen El Edroos sur- Why are global supply chains moving nology transfer in the product cycle of the supply chains.
timate there were no more than two renderedtohim.MajGenChaudhuriwas from China? technologically advanced Mercedes Benz So, what must India do going forward? First, upscaling the Make in India Prog-
brigades’ worth of opposition. The later appointed the Military Governor of Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, EQS to India, and Foxconn Technology India can learn much from China’s expe- rammeintoaMakeinSouthAsiaProgramme.
Razakarswere moreof anuisancewhom Hyderabad. Western firms had begun to reduce their re- Group developing a chip-making fabrica- rience. India can provide fiscal incentives to Indian
the Indian troops swatted aside. The HavildarBachhitarSinghof 2Sikhwas lianceonChina,anditspopularityasasourc- tion plant in Gujarat. Manufacturing sec- ■First, thepromotionof export-oriented manufacturerstoexpandintoBangladeshand
boastof MirLaikAli,thePrimeMinisterof awarded the first Ashoka Chakra of ing market among Western buyers was di- tors in India such as automotives, pharma- foreign direct investment (FDI) is key to par- Sri Lanka, which are in apparel supply chains.
Hyderabad, that 100,000 soldiers would IndependentIndiaposthumously.Helaid minishing. Some production stages in ceuticals, and electronics assembly are ticipating in supply chains. A gradual stance Food processing, textiles and apparel, and the
meet the challenge of the Indian Army down his life on September 13 while ad- Chinese supply chains, particularly the already sophisticated, and likely to emerge of trade liberalisation dictates maintaining automotivesectormightbecandidatesforthis,
proved desperately hollow. vancing on Naldurg, which is now in labour-intensiveones,weremovingtolower- as winners in this race. an open-door policy toward FDI in manufac- given India’s neighbours’ factor endowments
TheIndianforceswereledbyMajGen Maharashtra. cost locations. The trend was attributable in India’s attractiveness to foreign investors turing and facilitating investment at a high and industrial experience.
part to rising wages and supply chain bottle- is also linked to geopolitical and economic level, with competitive fiscal incentives and Second,Indiashould concludeacompre-
necks within China, and investor concerns factors.TheWorldTradeOrganisation(WTO) the creation of modern special economic hensive bilateral FTA with Bangladesh and

Drishti IAS
about tighter regulation of foreign firms. lists India as the fifth largest importer of in- zones aspublic-privatepartnerships. The re- upgrade the Indo-Sri Lanka FTA to support
The global risks of supply chains concen- termediategoodsin2022Q4witha5%share, duction of business hassles through digital- regional rules-based trade and investment.
trated in mainland China and Hong Kong are suggesting that supply chain pessimism on isation of tax, customs, and business admin- Theseinitiativescanhelptointegratethese
underlined by recent data. Exports from the India may be altering since the pandemic. istration, and high-quality free trade deals is twocountriesintosupplychainactivitiescen-
world exports of intermediate goods, de-
The countries ahead of India are China essential.
(23.4%), the US (16.2%), Germany (9.1%), and ■ Second, local companies need smart
tred on India as the assembly hub, and bring
(Prelims + Mains) creased15%and27%year-on-yearrespectively Hong Kong (6.0%). India could in the future businessstrategiestojoinglobalsupplychains. tion, real income growth and job creation.
(Along with Free Online Facility) during the last quarter of 2022. Shipments doubleitscurrent1.5%shareof worldexports Big companies naturally have advantages in Unless India creates channels for South
fromtheUS,whichaccountedfor8.1%ofworld of intermediate goods. supplychainsduetothelargerscaleofproduc- Asia, it has no offer for the Global South. The
        exportsofintermediategoods,fellby3%while Indianservicecanalsobeawinner,includ- tion, better access to foreign technology, and fresh supply chains opening up with the US
those of Japan, with 4% share, fell by 13%. ingininformationandcommunicationstech- the ability to spend more on marketing. are a good place for India to start its global
8010-440-440 OR Visit Our Karol Bagh Centre at 21, Pusa Road, Delhi. Thedownturn,coupledwithinternalrisks nology, back-office work, financial and pro- Conglomerates can cross-subsidise in- integration journey, Neighborhood First.

5,000 dead, 30,000 displaced: What made Libya’s floods so devastating

astating floods to have hit North Africa in most destruction in Derna, partly due to its city centre, and smashing into buildings.
ALIND CHAUHAN almost a century. The port city of location. A coastal city with a population of
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 Derna as seen on 100,000, by Wednesday evening, Derna Crumbling infrastructure
Extreme Weather Tuesday. The alone had recorded the death of more than The collapse of the two dams high-
MORETHAN5,000peoplewerekilled,about The flooding occurred in Libya’s eastern flood in Libya 5,300 people. Videos and pictures showed lighted Libya’s dilapidated infrastructure.
10,000 went missing, and 30,000 were dis- region, which witnessed extreme rainfall broke dams and submerged buildings, schools and houses. The country has been gutted by bitter civil
placed in Libya after torrential rains caused from September 10 to 11. swept away Derna is situated at the end of a valley conflict for more than a decade, between
flooding on September 10 that burst dams, In the city of Al-Bayda, located near neighborhoods and is bisected by the Wadi Derna, a sea- two warring factions. In the tussle for
swept away buildings and destroyed nearly Derna,therewasrecordrainfallof414.1mm, in multiple sonal river that flows from mountains to- power, focus on socio-economic issues, in-
a quarter of the eastern port city of Derna. the World Meteorological Organization coastal towns. wards the Mediterranean. cluding maintaining and developing infra-
Thedeathtollislikelytorise (WMO)said.Al-Baydareceives Derna was hit “On Sunday night, Storm Daniel pou- structure, has been put on the backburner.
andmayevendouble,Hichem about 13 mm of rain in the hardest. AP nded the coast and residents of Derna re- “You just had a sort of routine neglect of
Abu Chkiouat, minister of civil EXPLAINED September and about 543.56 ported hearing loud explosions before they all infrastructure in Libya,” Stephanie T
aviation in the administration
that runs eastern Libya, told
GLOBAL mm of rain in an average year.
In Derna, where the average tioned into what is called a ‘medicane’ or Washington Post reported.
realised dams outside the city had col-
lapsed, unleashing flash floods down Wadi
Williams, who served as special adviser on
Reuters. The “sea is constantly monthly rainfall in the whole tropical-likecyclonethatoccasionallyforms Although it’s too early to attribute the Dernathateventuallycrashedintothecity,” to 2022, told The Post. “Dams, desalination
dumping dozens of bodies”, he said. of September is under 1.5 mm, rainfall ex- over the Mediterranean Sea. “The storm be- severity of Daniel to rising global tempera- Sky News reported. plants, electrical grids and roads have been
Moreover, debris from shattered buildings ceeded 170 mm. The rains were accompa- camestrongerasitdrewenergyfromtheab- tures, experts said climate change could be Derna has two dams. The first one is left in disrepair,” she added.
andblockedroadshasrestrictedaccesstothe nied by strong winds of up to 80 kph. normally warm waters (the Mediterranean making medicanes stronger and more fre- about 12 km upstream from the city where Moreover, as flooding is quite rare in the
worst affected areas. The heavy rainfall and winds were Sea has been 2 to 3 degree Celsius warmer quent. Studies have found that higher sea two river valleys converge and the second region, Libya wasn’t prepared to face the
According to experts, three key factors caused by Storm Daniel. The storm led to thisyear),beforedriftingtothesouthandun- surfacetemperaturescausestrongerstorms. one sits on its southern edge. After breach- calamity. There are no flood-resilient struc-
— extreme weather, vulnerable geography, floods and deaths in Greece, Spain, Turkey loading excessive rainfall over northeastern ing the first dam, the floodwater continued tures or roads in the country, especially in
and crumbling infrastructure — coalesced and Bulgaria earlier this month. Libya, where rain flowing down the moun- Vulnerable geography downstream along the canyon and then Derna.Anysortof early-warningsystemre-
intoonecatastrophe,causingthemostdev- As it approached Libya, Daniel transi- tainous terrain overwhelmed dams,” The The floods seemed to have caused the swept away the second dam, entering the garding such disasters also didn’t exist.



Ethics is knowing the difference
between what you have a right to do and
what is right to do. — POTTER STEWART

The new sharing

16th Finance Commission, to be constituted soon, must
re-examine revenue allocation among states, post-GST


Vegetable prices decline, but upside risks to food inflation THE 122ND CONSTITUTIONAL Amendment ereigntybytheUnionandthestatesbyconsol- need, nature, and distribution of equalising
of 2016 giving the Union and states concur- idating and subsuming their respective indi- grants. Several things, including the pecking
persist. This supply side shock requires deft policy management

rentpowersof indirecttaxationhasbeenthe rect tax base. State governments now share orderofstates,areboundtoseemajorreorder-
NTUESDAY,DATAreleasedbytheNationalStatisticalOfficeshowedthatre- mostfar-reachingchangefromafiscalstand- with the Union the tax base associated with ing and recalibration. This is especially so be-
tail inflation, as measured by the consumer price index, eased below the 7 point,sincethesettingupof theFirstFinance Unionexciseduty,servicetaxandpartsofcus- cause the ranking of states by per capita in-
Commissionin1951.TheGoodsandServices tomsdutythroughtheIGST.Inturn,theUnion comeisvastlydifferentfromtheirrankingby
Tax(GST)regime,introducedin2017,isbased governmenthasextendeditstaxbasetosales per capita consumption.
bylowerfoodinflation—theconsumerfoodpriceindexfellto9.94percent on a system of concurrency of indirect taxes, tax/VAT,centralsalestax,entrytax,luxurytax, The “gap-filling” approach devised by
in August from 11.51 per cent in July. The disaggregated data shows that this decline was where every transaction attracts central as entertainment tax, taxes on lottery, betting, British Banker Otto Niemeyer in 1935 and
in large part due to vegetables. Vegetable inflation fell from 37.4 per cent in July to 26.1 per wellasstateGST.Theinter-statetransactions, gambling, and purchase tax. continued under Article 275, should have
cent in August. As per ICRA, this fall contributed around 28 basis points of the 61 basis as well as imports, are levied an integrated Thesemajorchangesnecessitatethatthe been redesigned in light of the compensa-
point decline in headline CPI. Inflation, however, continues to remain elevated in cereals GST. With this, a consumption-based taxa- statutory sharing of the indirect taxes, both tion law brought in by the GST Council. With
tionsystemhasreplacedaproduction-based vertical and horizontal, is re-examined and the GST compensation grants extended to
one. The collection of indirect taxes in the redesigned. To align the principle of vertical March 31, 2026, the fiscal after that will be
products (7.73 per cent). There are indications that upside risks to food prices linger on. statewheregoodsorservicesareconsumed, sharing with the new system, it is important the base year for the SFC award that will be
In its last meeting, the monetary policy committee had opted to maintain status quo andnotinthestatewheretheyareproduced, to start by redefining the divisible pool. For operative from 2027 to 2032. It doesn’t need
on rates, choosing to look through this surge in inflation. The view was that the price changes both the vertical as well as the hori- instance, the SFC will be required to specify a crystal ball to predict that every state will,
shock from vegetables was short-term in nature, and that price pressures would recede. zontal dynamics of federalism. the modalities of making IGST completely a in its memorandum and submissions to the
However, there are now indications that high food prices may not be transitory. For one, Earlier, the central sales tax, an origin- The destination principle for part of the pool. As of now, only IGST with no SFC, seek the extension of the compensation
based tax, effectively exported the tax bur- cross-border trading ensures input tax credit gets shared with the states. scheme. Therefore, it is best to enjoin upon
den from rich and manufacturing states to There must be a normative basis for credit- the SFC to examine the need for compensa-
couldpotentiallyimpacttheupcomingrabicrop.Thiswouldsuggestthatevenasvegetable that the poorer, consuming
the consuming states, contributing to hori- in-transitionunsettledIGSTtobeincludedin tion, the raison d’etre for which was to “com-
prices may correct, food inflation could prove to be more sticky than previously antici- zontal imbalances. Now, the destination states benefit at the cost of the divisible pool. This also holds for the fre- pensate losses in transition to GST”. It is im-
pated, due to higher prices in other categories. The government has taken several steps principle for cross-border trading ensures more affluent and quency of settlements, which needs to be portant to review the need, viability, and
in recent months to curb prices. It has decided to offload 5 million tonnes of wheat and that the poorer, consuming states benefit at industrialised ones. The stipulatedasithascausedalotof cashflowis- desirability of the compensation scheme in
2.5 million tonnes of rice in the open market, imposed stock limits on urad and tur, en- the cost of more affluent and industrialised sues for state governments. light of therevenueperformanceof GSTdur-
ones. The IGST, for instance, charged during
IGST, for instance, charged The changed administration of GST ing the past six years. The principles of as-
acted export bans on wheat, non-basmati white rice and sugar, announced the sale of during the inter-state supply
the inter-state supply of goods or services where, unlike earlier, the Union and the signing the balance amountof GST compen-
tomatoesat discountedrates, and imposeda 40 per cent duty on onion exports. However,
has been transferredto the destination state. of goods or services has been states jointly and separately collect the same sationcesscollectionoverthecompensation
this supply side induced inflation shock requires deft supply side management. Imports This move from the principle of origin to the taxes has led to a sharp increase and wide releasedtostatestothedivisiblepoolof taxes
transferred to the
must be eased, and the policy of imposing stock limits must be reexamined. principle of destination is reconfiguring the variation in what has been accounted for as also need to be laid down.
Most analysts expect inflation to fall further in September, as vegetable prices correct. balance of power amongst states. Yet, the
destination state. This move the cost of collection of taxes. This ranges At another level, in the new institutional
However, for the entire second quarter (July-September) inflation is likely to average federal fiscal transfer system continues to be from the principle of origin from 7 to 10 per cent. Therefore, the SFC structure of federal finance, those who de-
above the RBI’s forecast of 6.2 per cent. Considering the uncertainty in the trajectory of designed for, and is based on, the principles to the principle of should be asked to recommend the method cided the size of the divisible and those who
of jurisdictionalseparationthatisgermaneto destination is reconfiguring of calculating and apportioning the cost of distribute it — the council and the commis-
food inflation, the MPC is likely to maintain the status quo when it meets next in October.
theorigin-basedtaxera.Itsdistributionalcri- collection of indirect taxes and suggest ways sion — must have a formal institutional rela-
But, sustained food inflation could spill over, raising the possibility of inflation becoming teria is also based on the earlier regime. The the balance of power to reduce such taxes and make their collec- tionship.TheSFCshouldexaminehow,during
generalised. Such food price shocks could also impact household inflation expectations. disconnect between the operational tax amongst states. Yet, the tion more efficient. theperiodwhenitisnotinoperation,theGST
There is also the hardening of crude oil prices to contend with. This will complicate the regime and the principles and criteria of tax federal fiscal transfer system Asregardsthehorizontaldistribution,the Council can act as the Fiscal Council to moni-
policy choices before the MPC, going forward. How the growth-inflation trajectories sharing is inimical to the fiscal federal sys- continues to be designed for, criteriaforthedistributionofthedivisiblepool tor the implementation of its award.
evolve will determine the course of policy action. tem and can create fault lines in the political amongstates,willhavetoberevisited.Theex- The moot point is that the SFC must think
economy of federalism. and is based on, the istingcriteria,especiallyforequalisinggrants, afresh conceptually, methodologically, and
The 16th Finance Commission (SFC), due principles of jurisdictional haveevolvedintoaproduction-basedtaxsys- operationally. The ToR must not only enable
to be constituted soon, must be mandated to separation that is germane to tem. This needs to be redesigned for a con- and facilitate it to do so but also nudge and


re-examinethetax-sharingprinciplesinlight sumption-based tax system. guide it in this direction.
the origin-based tax era. Its
of thealteredlandscapeof fiscalfederalismin Thechangefromproductiontoconsump-
India. Its terms of reference (ToR) must be in- distributional criteria is also tion will make a significant difference to the The writer is the former finance minister
formedbythepoolingof theindirecttaxsov- based on the earlier regime. distribution of tax revenues as well as the of Jammu and Kashmir
Monu Manesar points to a disturbing phenomenon:
Increasing degrees of state sanction for cow vigilantism

N MAY 2021, the Punjab & Haryana High Court asked the Government of Haryana
to explain itself on the “power/authority of vigilantes to raid the houses of citi-
zens.” Such actions, the Court said, “are prima facie illegal” and “contrary to the
rule of law”. The arrest of Mohit Yadav — aka Monu Manesar, in his “gau rakshak”
alter ego — by Haryana Police is a welcome, though long-delayed, development. Yet, the
fundamental question raised by the High Court over two years ago lingers on. Why has
the police, in Haryana and in other states, de jure or de facto, sub-contracted its role of Shift to ‘Bharat’ is not mere semantics, but about decolonisation, cultural legacy
maintaining law and order to self-proclaimed cow protectors?
The list of charges against Yadav is long: He was arrested in Haryana for “objection-
able and inflammatory” posts on social media during the recent communal violence in Savita Jha
Nuh, then handed over to Rajasthan Police. He has been wanted in Rajasthan for his al-
RECENTLY, THE INVITATION extended by political factors. Ultimately, these changes a nation's identity and fosters inclusivity in
leged role in the abduction and murder of Junaid and Nasir in February. The seeming im-
the Indian President for the G20 dinner reflect the evolving dynamics of nationhood a culturally diverse society. While the name
punity and brazenness with which Yadav operated may have had something to do with sparked concerns regarding a potential and cultural identity in a globalised world. change may not directly address all the his-
his political associations. He has been a member of Bajrang Dal and rose through the change to Article 1 of the Indian Thechangingof India'sofficialnamefrom torical injustices, it aligns with the broader
ranks to become the face of the gau rakshak movement by 2022 and the head of the Constitution. Article 1 states: “India, that is “India” to “Bharat” in its Constitution would goals of recognising and valuing diverse cul-
Gurugram district Cow Protection Task Force. Such “task forces” are official — they were Bharat, shall be a Union of States”. The Hindi beamatterof profoundsignificance,encom- tural perspectives.
notified by the Haryana government in July 2021 to enforce the Haryana Gauvansh version of Article 1 of the document reads: passing historical, cultural, and political di- Moreover, in the context of the ongoing
Sanrakshan and Gausamvardhan Act (2015). Yadav's group reportedly has a network “Bharat, arthath India, rajyon ka sangh mensions. “Bharat” carries a deep historical soft power struggle between countries, pre-
hoga”. The interchangeable use of a coun- and cultural legacy, rooted in Hindu mythol- serving and protecting cultural identity can
across districts and confronts and apprehends alleged “cattle smugglers”, often working
try’s different names has implications not ogy and ancient texts, symbolising India's serve as a strategic advantage. A nation'scul-
with and for the police. These groups have also been accused of using their muscle power only for the future of that nation's identity richtraditionsandidentity.However,thede- tural heritage is a unique and authentic
to run extortion rackets, targeting a community, in a climate of impunity. In the liminal but also for other Third World nations. bate over changing the name highlights the source of influence on the global stage. By
space between law and disorder, police and mob, the likes of Monu Manesar flourish. For the nation in question, changing its complex interplay between history, identity, showcasingandpreservingtheirculturaltra-
There is a simple principle that all governments are bound by: Legitimately consti- name could signify a conscious effort to as- and language. India, like many countries, has ditions,countriescandistinguishthemselves
tuted governments have a monopoly over violence. Put another way, this means that the sert its cultural identity, decolonise its self- been known by multiple names throughout internationallyandconveytheiridentity,val-
police and other law enforcement agencies alone have the power to detain and question
image,andpreserveitshistoricalandlinguis- India, like many countries, its history, reflecting its diverse cultural and ues,andcontributionsmoreeffectively.Inan
tic heritage. This shift can serve as a symbol linguistic landscape. Names such as era where cultural diplomacy and cultural
suspects and investigate crime. By providing sanction in law and practice to cow vigi- has been known by multiple
of pride and resilience against colonial lega- “Hindustan”,“Aryavarta”,and“Jambudvipa” exchangeplaysignificantrolesinshapingin-
lantes, the Haryana government risks turning policing into a cottage industry that is be- ciesandexternalinfluences,fosteringasense names throughout its havebeen associatedwiththeSubcontinent, ternational relations, the choice of a name
yond accountability or checks and balances. Unfortunately, Gujarat, Maharashtra and of unity and belonging among its citizens. history, reflecting its diverse illustrating the multifaceted nature of its carries far-reaching implications. Retaining
Uttarakhand too have provisions to provide “official” identification to “genuine” gau rak- The decision by one country to change its cultural and linguistic nomenclature. Therefore, any decision to al- and projecting cultural identity becomes a
shaks. They must realise that even the most genuine “cow protector” will only ever be a name can serve as a precedent and inspira- ter the country's name would need to bal- potent tool for nationsseeking toasserttheir
landscape. Names such as ance the cultural significance of “Bharat” presence and impactin the globalarena,asit
dangerously make-believe policeperson. ‘Hindustan’, ‘Aryavarta’, and
ilar identity challenges. It can encourage with the international recognition and his- fosters a sense of pride and unity among cit-
themtoexploreandasserttheirowncultural ‘Jambudvipa’ have been torical continuity associated with “India”. izens while also attracting international at-
and historical identities, potentially leading associated with the This debate is not just semantics; it res- tention and cooperation.


to a broader movement towards decoloni- onates with the broader themes of decoloni- The decision to change India’s name to
sation and linguistic sovereignty across the
subcontinent, illustrating sation and cultural identity. The proposal to “Bharat” should be made through a trans-
Third World. It's important to note that each the multifaceted nature of its adopt “Bharat” as the official name can be parent democratic process that respects the
nation's circumstances are unique, and the nomenclature. Therefore, seen as part of a wider effort to decolonise cultural significance of “Bharat” while con-
Ian Wilmut, creator of the world’s first cloned mammal, sought decision to change a name should be con- any decision to alter the the minds of the people and promote lin- sidering the historical and international di-
text-specific. It may not be suitable or nec- guistic sovereignty. For many Third World mensionsassociatedwith“India”.Itisasym-
to cure genetic disorders. His pioneering work showed the way country's name would need

essary for every nation, as there are many nations, the historical legacy of colonial op- bolic step towards acknowledging the
T A TIME when the possibility of using lab-grown meat as a sustainable factors at play, including historical legacies, to balance the cultural pression is a deeply ingrained aspect of their historical legacy of colonial oppression and
source of protein is a matter of serious discussion, it may be hard to imag-
linguistic diversity, and public sentiment. significance of ‘Bharat’ with identity, and renaming the country can promotinginclusivity,aligningwiththegoals
The interchangeable use of a nation’s dif- the international recognition serve as a symbolic step towards reclaiming of a culturally diverse and equitable society
ine the furore that was unleashed in 1997 by news of the birth of a cloned ferent names also underscores the complex- their cultural heritage. This move acknowl- in the modern world.
sheep, the first mammal to be thus reproduced. Dolly, born at the Roslin ity of such decisions and the need for care- and historical continuity edges the importance of indigenous lan-
Institute in Scotland after a cell taken from the udder of Finn Dorset sheep was fused ful consideration of historical, cultural, and associated with ‘India’. guages, cultures, and traditions in shaping The writer teaches history at Delhi University
with an egg cell from a Scottish Blackface sheep, shook the world and sparked dreadful
spectres of madmen using the technology to replicate Hitler, a la The Boys from Brazil. The
embryologist, Ian Wilmut, who led the team behind Dolly and who died this week at the
age of 79, took a clear stand against such speculation. Human cloning, he said, was
ethically unacceptable. SEPTEMBER 14, 1983, FORTY YEARS AGO
Beyond the media hype, Dolly — named after the country singer Dolly Parton — rep-
resented a major scientific breakthrough. Until then, it was scientific dogma that while SOVIET UNION VETO Nagar on charges of rape from the Firoze 83), the bank has visualised that the eco-
stem cells (found in embryos) could develop into various “specialist” cells, mature cells Shah roadhouse of a Congress (I) MP last nomic outlook for the current year ending
could not be turned back into stem cells. This foreclosed the possibility of using cells from SOVIET UNION USED its veto in the Security month, the Delhi police appear to have un- June 1984 is one of district improvement in
Council to kill a western sponsored resolu- earthedaflourishingracketinthefleshtrade. agriculture.
adults for cloning. Dolly, born from a six-year-old ewe’s cell, changed that.
tion “deeply deploring” the destruction of a However, the police are being pressurised
Twenty-sixyearson,thelegacyof Wilmut’sworkhasbeenfarlessdirethanthefevered
imaginings of the time predicted. Human clones remain in the realm of science fiction,
South Korean airliner by a Soviet jet fighter
with consequent “tragic loss” of civilian life.
from “above” to hush up the racket.
but Dolly signaled the start of a new chapter in genetics. It directly led to the Nobel Prize-
winning work by Japanese stem cell biologist Shinya Yamanaka, which extended the
The resolution, which also called for a “full
investigation” of the incident, barely man-
ECONOMY REPORT THE 12.77 METRE-LONG solar sail on board
Insat-1B has failed to deploy on a command
therapeutic possibilities of stem cells. Wilmut, too, sought to use the breakthrough to de- aged to secure nine affirmative votes, the THE INDIAN ECONOMY which had suffered from mission control at Hassan. However,
minimum required for its adoption. “a serious setback” during the last year end- the C/S band antenna for the television seg-
velop treatments for genetic disorders like Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.
ing on June 1, is likely to put up an encourag- ment of the satellite was deployed success-
While he succumbed to complications related to Parkinson’s himself, having been diag-
nosed in 2018, his work with and since Dolly showed all that could be accomplished and FLESH TRADE BY MP ing show in the current year according to an
assessment by the Reserve Bank of India. In
fully at 4:40 pm yesterday. Mission control
the lives that could potentially be saved using a single cell. WITH THE ARREST of a youth of Kidwai its latest annual report (for the year 1982- "ambiguity” in the release of the solar sail.



“We hope this year’s G20 summit in New Delhi will eliminate disruptions and
become a success story, and that we can see a joint statement that builds
consensus... It is not only the expectation of developing countries, but also in
the long-term interests of US and Western countries...” — GLOBAL TIMES, CHINA

One Big Fat Election The story behind

Idea of one-nation-one-election aspires to a form of limited democracy, seeks to minimise
the jostling and clamour of the democratic marketplace to one pan-Indian ‘road show’
the move
Current crop of young chess players is excellent.
But there were others before them,
showing the way
eight) were to chess or something else. An
akshauhini is an army and, as in the
Kurukshetra War, each side could possess
Alok Rai of 21,870 chariots, 21,870 elephants, 65,610
horses and 109,350 foot-soldiers. To state
POLITICIANS MAY SOMETIMES act, or seem what isn’t always obvious, each of those
to act, for honourable reasons. While that is numbers, with the digits added, has a total
an intriguing phenomenon, what interests Bibek Debroy of 18. The chariot/elephant/horse/infantry
me is the fact that their political rivals invari- ratio is 1/1/3/5. When a beginner learns to
ably accuse them of acting “from political play chess, he or she is taught that a bishop
motives.” And, just as routinely, this is stren- THISISAtimewhenseveralsuccesseshave or a knight is equal to three pawns, while a
uously denied by the original, “honourable”, converged, on the Moon and on Earth. On rookisequaltofive,thoughactualworthde-
politicians. This is, prima facie, puzzling. Earth, there have been sporting successes pendsonthepositionontheboard.Though
They are,afterall, professionalpoliticians for India – wrestling, boxing, weightlifting, it breaks down a bit for elephants (there
— what other motives could they conceiv- shooting, badminton, hockey. In recent wereplentyof elephantsinIndia),thecoin-
ably, credibly, have? What this reveals is, of weeks, Neeraj Chopra and chess. D Gukesh, cidence is remarkable.
course, the deep-seated suspicion of, and RPraggnanandhaa,ArjunErigaisiandNihal Just as chess sets have become stan-
even revulsion with, all politics and politi- Sarin have become household names, per- dardised, so have rules. When we were
cians in the minds of the people at large — haps even Raunak Sadhwani and Koneru children, we often encountered chess with
politicians, themselves, not excluded. One Humpy. Though public memory is short, “Indian” rules. There was no en passant,
Nation One Election (ONOE) seeks to these successes and role models have posi- pawnsonthesecondrankcouldmoveonly
weaponise this suspicion and revulsion by tive externalities, probably more for chess one square. Pawns were promoted to
minimising the daily practice of democracy, than for track and field, simply because the whatever piece occupied that file, without
the jostling and the clamour of the demo- paraphernalia required for chess is simpler. a choice. To start with, each side had two
craticmarketplace,toonequinquennialelec- ThisisabitliketheVishwanathanAnandef- moves. There was no castling. The king’s
toral extravaganza, one gigantic pan-Indian fect in India, or the Bobby Fischer effect in knight (rarely the queen’s) pawn was
“road show.” This is a fact that we can only general. I wonder what Mahesh Chandra pushed up one square, to make way for the
contemplate with fear in our hearts. C R Sasikumar Banerjee would have made of this. I doubt bishop (known as fianchetto). Before be-
Thereisalong,andevenhonourable,his- if that name will ring a bell, even among ingchecked,thekinghadoneknight’sleap.
tory of dissatisfaction with democratic pol- it should be seen to be done, seen to be a-do- ically mutated (and motivated) form of that chess aficionados. In the absence of castling, that’s how one
itics. In any case, the institution of full adult ing even — there will still be mumblings and exploded savarna ideology. I would, how- Chess,insomeform,nodoubtoriginated protectedtheking.LestIforget,whenstart-
franchise-based democracy in a largely illit- grumblings, fractious noises. This is to be ex- ever, hasten to add that this “special inter- in India. Descriptions of battles in texts say ing, the queen was to the left of the king. (It
erate country, steeped in feudal and caste- pectedintheprocessof dynamicdemocratic est” too has a perfect right to be heard in the armies were chaturanga. This means an made a difference for black). These rules
based social practices, was always a huge optimisation. What is important is that this cacophony of the democratic marketplace. armyhadfourkindsofforces–infantry,cav- lead to closed positions and more draws.
gamble. Our own neighbourhood has process is not sought to be aborted, and re- But, and this is where the sneaky idea of alry, elephants and chariots. Pawns consti- In closed positions, knights are more valu-
sprouted “benign” dictators and generals placed by one big electoral tamasha. ONOE originates, the practice of democratic tute infantry. They are foot soldiers. Cavalry ablethanbishopsandplayersunderIndian
who masquerade as saviours of the people. It is typical that politicians often pretend politics is something of a blood-sport. In this are today’s knights. Today all chess sets are rules were adept at handling knights.
General Ayub Khan introduced what he that they do not represent “special interests” arena, masks get ripped off, disguises torn, standardised. They are known as Staunton Everybeginnerwillbetaughttooccupy
chose to call “basic democracy” in Pakistan. — groups, classes, castes, etc. Instead, they and carefully curated appearances get ru- sets,afterthenameof HowardStaunton.At the centre and will later be told about hy-
Our ONOE aspires to some form of “limited pretend to speak for the “general interest.” ined mercilessly. I would suggest, in all hu- thetime,inthe1840s,therewerenoproper permodern systems and attacking from a
democracy.” Still, it addresses a real dissat- Such claims are, invariably, deceptive — and mility, that it is only the moral insecurity of worldchampionships.Wewillneverknow distance. They will be taught defences (and
isfaction, and one must take that on board. easily exposed: Mayawati’s “Bahujan” are a the savarna elite, its awareness of its lost le- whetherStaunton wasthe strongest player attacks) like King’s Indian, Queen’s Indian
Onemuststartwiththefactthatallpoliti- particular kind of Dalit, the samaj of the gitimacy and its consequent vulnerability, in the world in the 1840s. But he was cer- and Grunfeld, involving a fianchettoed
cians represent — indeed, should labour to Samajwadis is largely Yadav… But the that has led to the emergence of the faux- tainly Europe’s strongest player. Staunton bishop. Under the old “Indian” rules, you
represent — particular constituencies.These hypocrisy of the BJP is of another order. They The practice of democratic democratic forms that have emerged in the didn’tdesignthosesets.Theyweredesigned couldn’t occupy the centre. You attacked
“constituencies” are not merely lines on a claim to speak for the “national” interest, no politics is something of a last 10 years. This is the origin of the “leg- by Nathaniel Cooke, a journalist, who im- from a distance. With rules standardised, I
map,demarcatedelectoraldistricts.Theyare less.Itfollowsthatallwhodaretodissentare islative ambush” that has replaced parlia- mediately registered his design with the suspect the current crop of chess players
blood-sport. In this arena,
also particular demographies, conglomera- deemed “anti-national”. After all, if One mentary deliberation — so that we are about British Patent Office, in 1849. This is in line may not know of these antecedents.
tions of particular interests which have co- speaks for “the nation”, what need is there masks get ripped off, to witness the drama of a “special parlia- with Alfred Collier getting a patent on ludo Grunfeld Defence is named after Ernst
heredundertheappealof particularpolitical for anyone else to speak at all? But the ques- disguises torn, and carefully mentary session” with a hitherto secret in1891,thoughludo-likegameswereplayed Grunfeld, who played it in 1922. Decades
campaigns and ideologies. Thus, it is only tion that needs to be asked here as well is — curated appearances get agenda. It is their insecurity and bad faith in India for thousands of years. earlier, it was played by Mahesh Chandra
right that they act to advance the interests of what is the “special interest” that is mas- that underlies the thought control that is The knights in the Cooke-Staunton de- Banerjee. Who was he?
these constituencies. querading in the loud “national” costume?
ruined mercilessly. I would sought to be introduced via corporate con- sign were no doubt influenced by Europe’s One of Staunton’s proteges was John
Again,theseconstituencies—whetheras Quite simply, it represents the one “spe- suggest, in all humility, that it trol of the media, and by legislative sub- medieval knights. In old unpatented chess Cochrane,averystrongchessplayer,second
geographies or demographies — do not have cial interest” that dare not speak its name: is only the moral insecurity terfuge. What other explanation can there sets from India, the knights are different. to Staunton within Britain (Cochrane gam-
perfectly coordinated interests. In fact, these That is the interest of the dominant Hindu- of the savarna elite, its be for the farce of parliamentary “consulta- (There are regional variations though.) The bit is named after him). His work brought
interests are frequently at variance with,and savarna class which enjoysnear total control tion” that preceded the passage of the agri- horse and the rider can be distinctly identi- him to India (Kolkata) and looking around
even opposed to, certain other interests. over all social and cultural capital — to say
awareness of its lost cultural reform bills, or the desperate silence fied. The pieces do resemble infantry. The for a strong chess player, he discovered
(Thus, to take an obvious example, there is a nothingof theotherkind.Theideologicalde- legitimacy and its consequent over Manipur burning? elephantandtheriderarealsodistinctinthe Mahesh Chandra in a village in Hooghly.
contradiction between the farmers’ need for fencesof thisspecialinteresthavebeenworn vulnerability, that has led to Much better, then, to dispense with the piecethathasbecomethebishoptoday.We Played between 1848 and 1860, according
higher crop prices and the nutritional needs threadbare by the processes of modernity the emergence of the faux- whole charade. The party that commands don’tquiteknowhowtheelephantbecame to international rules, almost 450 games
of the urban poor.) The resulting contention and democracy, as well as by the tireless ef- the state machinery, and is awash with the a bishop, as the game transited through have been preserved in databases. Draws
of competinginterestsispreciselythestuff of fortsof theHindusocialreformers—theArya democratic forms that have “transparent” funds garnered by opaque Persia. There is a convoluted explanation apart, Cochrane won twice as many games
democraticpolitics.Thejostlingandthehag- Samaj, the Brahmo Samaj, by Phule and emerged in the last 10 years. electoral bonds, is understandably tempted aboutstylisedtusksremindingpeopleabout as Mahesh Chandra. But without training
gling, the deals and the compromises, are Periyar and Shree Narayana Guru and This is the origin of the bytheideaof onemassiveelection.Oncethat a bishop’s mitre. Similarly, clearly identifi- and with natural talent alone, Mahesh
precisely the process by which the dynamic Ambedkar — for well over a hundred years. ‘legislative ambush’ that has is done and dusted, it can satisfy its lust for able chariots became rooks, resembling Chandra’s feat was quite remarkable. The
optimisations between competing interests And no amount of fulminating and fudging “oneness”, and settle down to the business towers of medieval European forts. current young crop is amazing. But there
are achieved — only and always only for the over “sanatana dharma” is going to restore replaced parliamentary of establishingitsversionof “advaiticdemoc- Let’s skip transitions of the king and were predecessors, not only Anand and
time being. the lost legitimacy of the Brahminical order, deliberation — so that we are racy” — one nation, one election, one lan- mantri(queen).Thousandsof yearsago,we ManuelAaron,butgoingbackfurther,Mian
Thus, it is only to be expected that the the blessed varnashrama dharma. (It is sig- about to witness the drama guage,oneexamination...and,of course,One don’tknowwhetherthegamethenreferred SultanKhanandMaheshChandraBanerjee.
parties and interests that are presently gath- nificantthatthe“sanatana”defencewasfirst Party and One Leader. to as chaturanga was played by two players
of a ‘special parliamentary
eringundertheINDIAumbrellawillhavedif- mounted against precisely these reform orfour(withpiecesdistributedamongfour The writer is chairman, Economic Advisory
ficulty in working out a minimum pro- movements.)The“Hindunationalism”of the session’ with a hitherto The writer taught at the department of players). Nor do we know for sure whether Council to the Prime Minister.
gramme. And even when that is done — and BJP-RSS is, I would suggest, merely the polit- secret agenda. English, Delhi University references to an ashtapada board (eight by Views are personal


I am Hindu — not a Sanatani MILLETS FOR ALL AU OPPORTUNITY
The values of our Constitution must guide us, not ideas that promote inequality THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Not on THISREFERSTOthearticle,‘Africaatthe
the menu’ (IE, September 13). When it high table’ (IE, September 13). With the
comestoculinarychoices, Indiais asdi- inclusion of African Union in G20, India
IN GOOD FAITH By Milind Sohoni verseasitsgeography.Choosingasingle reiterated its staunch support for the

ingredient, millet, and preparing vari- Global South. Rather than viewing
etiesfromstarterstopost-dinnerdishes Africa for its security and economic
AS A PROFESSOR at IIT-Bombay and a enterprise and its methods, namely observa- varnaandeachcomeswithaprescribedsetof featuresof SanatanDharma.Thesewerealso isanequallygoodwayof highlightingit. prospects, New Delhi must revamp ties
teacher of development practice, I would tion, documentation and argumentation, ac- duties. A person’s varna is generally decided themostseverelyenforced—byreligiousand While a higher number of Indians are based on mutual historical context of
like to share with Anurag Thakur, Minister, cessibletoanyone.SuchaSciencehasalsoled by birth and the advice is to be subservient royal decree and by vigilante actions. Such non-vegetarian, there is a growing non-alignment as was during Nehru’s
Youth Affairs, why I am a practising Hindu todemocratisationintheareasandquestions and stick to the prescribed duties. There are enforcementcontinuestothisdate.Adeeper trend globally to move towards vege- era. India and Africa have a shared in-
but not a Sanatan Dharmi. itpursues,andapublicnessaboutitsfindings. no civil society or cultural roles such as the consequenceof thevarnasystemisthelackof tarianism — even in the West, where teresttouphold amultilateralworldor-
I use a common definition of Sanatan Thishaseventuallyledtomaterialwell-being citizen, the author or the public intellectual. convivialityandfraternityinoursociety.This there are eateries offeringonly vegetar- derandreformtheSecurityCounciland
Dharma as one that regards the spirit of within scientific societies and a better under- The resulting cultural impoverishment and was pointed out by Ambedkar in The ian or vegan options. Some even keep a institutions like the IMF and World
Bhagavad Gita and the Manusmriti as guid- standing of nature, society and sustainability. thepaucityof jobdefinitionscontinuetothis Annihilation of Caste (1936). Such a society separate space reserved for them. But, Bank.Subsequentengagementwiththe
ingdoctrinesforoursociety.Thekeywordis, Unfortunately,theSanatanDharmaview- date. Moreover, the primary concern of fails not only to protect itself from external the G20 was a mega event and there- African Union will strengthen India’s
of course,“sanatan”—whatiseternalortime- point of knowledge does not recognise that Sanatan society is stability rather than social invaders but also to identify common socie- fore, not flawless. Your criticism on soft power in the region.
less. Sanatan Dharma makes important as- sophisticated knowledge is also required to change. Much of the modern development talconcernsandevolvethenecessarycivilso- grounds of diversity and culture is dig- M P Yuvaraj, Tamil Nadu
sertionsaboutknowledge,assomethingthat improve public services and governance or agenda of universal health or education has ciety to address them. Historically, the ab- nified in comparison to some others.
is taught, karma, or actions and duty, and fi-
nally, social organisation, which includes
view drives our higher education and the
come from outside it.
Another doctrine of Sanatan Dharma is
sence of such collective action has led to
Y G Chouksey, Pune
varna.Letuslookateachof theseinsomede-
tail and their current relevance.
imaginationof Scienceinoursociety.Wecel-
ebrate Chandrayaan’s journey to the moon
the theory of rebirth and a cosmic system of
rewards and punishments on accumulated
STARS NOT ALIGNED THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘Dear par-
ents and students’ (IE, September 13).
The first is the nature of knowledge. In butfailtostudytheeverydayordealof theor- karma. This converts the accident of being cracy or muscular lalas of the hinterland — THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Just The increasing dependence on private
both texts, the word dnyan is what is closest dinary commuter. born into a slum as a likely punishment for will rule over a permanent underclass with stargazing’ (IE, September 13). This is coaching for school students highlights
toknowledge.Otherwordssuchasvidyaand This view of science has led to an abject bad karma of previous births. Indeed, this great ease and little accountability. not a new thing. In fact, Brazilian coach the appalling quality of education im-
shastrausuallymeanproficiencyinthescrip- failureof ourscientificandtechnicalagencies makes it easier to blame the poor for their The core values of the Preamble to our Luiz Felipe Scolari used to follow such parted in schools today. Schools in the
tures or rituals. Dnyan in Sanatan Dharma is tomeasurethecurrentstateof oursociety.Or condition and to stack the law against the Constitution are justice, liberty, equality and things a lot. Many world-renowned country are not well-equipped to ad-
the spiritual understanding of the soul and toprovideandplanforthebasicmaterialwel- lower classes. They oblige — the death of a fraternityandthemainagendaisof securing coaches, especially African, American, dress the demand for highly competi-
the unchanging universe or Brahman as op- fareofourpeople.Ouragriculturalproductiv- relativeduetounavailabilityof oxygenisseen them for our citizens. These arise not from and European coaches follow lots of as- tive entrance examinations. Over-re-
posed to the changing material world. ity lags behind most G20 countries. We have as a matter of fate and not poor governance. Sanatan Dharma but from the spirit of en- trologers. Former India football team liance on organised and unorganised
Moreover, the material world of the bodily someofthemostpollutedriversandairinthe Social rigidity in Sanatan society causes lightenment and hope which was prevalent captain Bhaichung Bhutia has played tuition classes beyond school hours de-
senses and social relations is the ephemeral world,andwecannotmakesomeof themost rents and monopolies, which are seen even then and remains a guiding light for the down the chatter around Igor Stimac feats the very purpose of Article 21A of
world of maya, which must be transcended basic engineering gadgets. The challenge of today. Redistribution of wealth happens world. These words are not merely liberal and said that coaches Khalid Jamal and the constitution of India, which envi-
to achieve true knowledge. climate change looms but we are hardly pre- through charity. Both giving and receiving mouthfulsbutconcreterecipesforapeopleto Subhash Bhowmick used to keep flow- sions “free” and compulsory education.
Ironically, modern-day scientific knowl- pared. Moreover, this divorce from empirical charityaregoodkarma.Thisexplainswhyour developmaterially,spirituallyandculturally. ers at opponents’ goalposts. But I think The coaching industry is not a menace
edgeorScienceisverymuchtheopposite.Itis measurementsanddocumentationofthereal farmers, instead of demanding good irriga- They will enthuse our youth to join hands as that the national team should be de- in itself, rather it is demand-driven. The
thestudyofmaterialchangeanditscausesand world has created a large pool of graduates tion services, receive handouts without any equals to shape a common future. And de- cided based on merit and modern foot- systematic failure in the education sys-
theformulationoftheoriesthathavepredictive who have very few skills to earn a living. sense of indignity. The noble king obliges by velop the culture of science and the spirit to ball has no place for such beliefs. tem requires deeper introspection.
value.Thesearerootedinempiricalmeasure- Let us come to the second feature of calling it a samman — an honour. overcome the challenges that lie ahead. S S Paul, Nadia Sudip Kumar Dey, Barasat
ments and are both falsifiable and repro- Sanatan Dharma — karma, or duty. Sanatan Finally, the varna system and gender in-
ducible. This makes modern science a social society has a fixed hierarchy of roles called equality are perhaps the most indefensible The writer teaches at IIT Bombay

I,SHAILESH CHAWLA,S/O- I,Manjeet Singh S/o Santokh I,Arvind s/o Ram Pal I, Gulshan W/o Mohril Khan R/o Original Allotment Letter

Babulal Chawla,R/O-Flat Singh Narula, 257 Chand Nagar Singh,H.No.38,Sector- 42, Hauz Khas Village, South belonging to Mrs. Saroj Devi
No.848,GH-13,Paschim New Delhi-110018 have 13,Vasundhara,Ghaziabad- Delhi-110016, have changed my W/O Shri Satyaveer Singh
Vihar,New Delhi-110087,has changed my name to Manjeet 201012,have changed my name name to Gulshan Gulab for all Tomar of Flat.Number C-301,
changed my name from Singh Narula. 0040688861-9 to Arvind goryan, permanently future purposes. 0040688768-1 Charms Castle, Raj Nagar
SHAILESH TO SHAILESH Extension, Ghaziabad, Uttar
PERSONAL CHAWLA for all future
I,MOHD IMRAN,S/O IRSHAD 0040688892-2 I, Golu Kumar S/o Upendra
Pradesh-201017 have been lost.
ALI,R/O AJRARA,MEERUT- I,Arun Kumar Jain-s/o Punam Pratap Singh R/o-B-360, Pandav
It is for general information that purposes. 0040688899-1 Fir has been lodged at State
245206,IN MY PASSPORT MY- Chand Sand R/o.A-275,3rd Nagar,New delhi-110008,have
I,Randhir kumar Bharti,s/o Crime Record Bureau, Lucknow
I,Rupinder Kaur Kalsi,W/O FATHER NAME IRSHAD IS floor,Derawal Nagar G.T.Karnal changed my Name Golu Kumar
Sh.Janardan Bharti,residing vide LAR No.-20230000471744
Jagjeet Singh R/O,A-1/38 INCOMPLETE MY-FATHER Road Delhi-110009,have to Karan Singh Rajput,for all
at,Kh.51/1,H.No.62/A,H- dated-25/07/2023.
Madangir Dr.Ambedkar-Nagar COMPLETE-NAME IS IRSHAD changed my name to Arun Jain. future purposes 0040688764-1
Block,Jai- 0070864188-1
New-Delhi-110062,Have ALI. 0040688882-7
Vihar,Baprola,Najafgarh,New 0040688860-2 I, DAWOOD, S/o JAVED UDDIN,
Changed my name to Rupinder
Delhi-110043,declare that my- I,MANORMA SINGH,W/O ADITYA R/o R-235, STREET NO.10,
name in school’s-record of my- SINGH,residing at,T-650/D- RAMESH PARK, LAXMI NAGAR,
daughter Ms.Surbhi Bharti 0040688763-2 1,JANTA-PARK, BALJEET MAL AGRAWAL,ADD- East Delhi-110092 have EDUCATIONAL
class-X,K V Jharoda kalan,New- NAGAR,PATEL-NAGAR,DELHI- 301,AVANTI BLOCK 5,IIT DELHI changed my name to DAWOOD
I,Rohit Oliver,S/O Rajan Oliver Unlock your UPSC potential with
Delhi, has been wrongly- 110008,have changed my name CAMPUS HAUZ KHAS,SOUTH KHAN 0070864108-1
Lavern,R/O RZF-1/302,First- SuccessUPSC. in! Expert
written as RK Bharti.My actual- to KUMARI MANORMA,for WEST DELHI-110016,changed
Floor,Kh.No-86/21/2,Gali No- I, Beauty Kumari W/o Puneet guidance and proven strategies .
name is RANDHIR KUMAR all,future purpose. my name to ASHOK KUMAR
2,Raj Dairy, Mahavir- Goel R/o BS-3, Top Floor, Join now!
BHARTI,which may be AGRAWAL.,for all,future
Enclave,Palam 0040688763-4 purposes. 0040688885-2 Shalimar Bagh, Delhi-110088 0050226706-2
amended accordingly. Village,New-Delhi-110045,Have
I,Lalit Kumar, S/o Satyaveer have changed my name to
0040688862-9 Changed my Name to Rohit I,ASHIMA SARKAR,D/O A K DEVIKA GOEL. 0070864146-1
Singh,R/o 22A/1,Block-
It is for general information that
Oliver Lavern. 0040688859-4
A,Gali.No.12,Shyam Vihar,
at,218,BLOCK-2,DAKSHIN PURI- I, Avinash Rathore S/o Amar
I,Komol kumar,S/o,Sh.Shiv I,Ritu Singh W/o Inder Pal Singh Phase-1,Dindarpur,Najafgarh, EXTN,PUSHPA-BHAWAN,DELHI- Singh Rathore, R/o G-221, Preet
Narayan,R/o-H.No-303,F-Block Arora,Q-48 (SF) Rajouri-Garden South West Delhi-110043,have
110062,have changed my- Vihar, Shakar Pur, Baramad,
Let it be known to the general public that my
Shree-Ram Gali, New-Delhi have changed my changed my name to Lalit minor daughter-name,from East Delhi-110092, have client Sh. Omkar S/o Sh. Puran Chand R/o
6,Ganga-Vihar Gokal- name to Ritu Sachar Singh. Singh. 0040688859-3 ANANDITA SENAPATI to changed my name and shall H. No.D-7, Gali No.1, Near Sachdeva
puri,Delhi-110094,declare that 0040688877-6 ANANDITA SARKAR,for hereafter be Known as Avnash Marriage Home, Bhajanpura, Delhi North
I,Laeba Khan,D/O Mohd Shahid East Delhi, Delhi-110053 debarred their son
my-Minor’s daughter name all,future purpose. Rathor. 0070864150-1
I,Renu W/o Ajay Kumar Rawat Khan,R/O L-22,Batla House, namely Sh. Vishal Kumar and his wife Smt.
has been wrongly-written as Komal from all their movable and
R/o-B-140 Gali No.5, Uttrakhand Jamia-Nagar, Okhla,Delhi- 0040688862-7 I, Amit Raaj S/o Sh. Tilak Raaj
Shobhita age-14-years in my- immovable property due to their disobedient
Enclave Burari Delhi- 110025,Have Changed my R/o A-6 2403, Panchsheel and quarrelsome nature and my client will
Daughter’s school-records.The I,ASHIMA SARKAR,D/O A K
110084,have changed my name Name to Laiba Khan. Greens-2, Greater Noida West not be responsible for the conduct of them
actual Daughter’s-name is SARKAR,residing anybody deals with them shall do the same PUBLIC NOTICE
Shobhita Gola.Which may be to Renu Rawat 0040688861-3 0040688763-1 Dist. Gautam Budh Nagar U.P. on his/her risks, costs and consequences.
at,218,BLOCK-2,DAKSHIN PURI- 201318 do hereby solemnly Sd/-
It is informed to General Public by way of this
amended-accordingly. I,Rakesh Jain,S/o Mahender I,LAKBIR SINGH,S/O UDHAM EXTN,PUSHPA BHAWAN,DELHI-
public notice that - Flat No. 305, First Floor,
inform thatAmit Raaj and Amit Abhishek Kashyap Block-A, New LIG Flats, Kondli Gharoli,
0040688885-3 Kumar jain,R/o-1/3G,4th.floor SINGH,R/O SEVOKE 110062,have changed-my Raaj Pasricha both are one and
Advocate Mayur Vihar Phase-3, Delhi-110096 is
CH. NO. 607, Western Wing, registered in the name of MR. BIMAN KUMAR
Street No.7,East Azad-Nagar, ROAD,SILIGURI,DARJEELING,WE minor-daughter name,from the same person, in future I will GHOSH was expired on 29/07/2015 and he had
It is for general information that DEEPIKA SENAPATI to DEEPIKA
Tis Hazari Court, Delhi-110054
delhi-110051,have changed my ST BENGAL-734001.HAVE be known as Amit Raaj.
left Surviving Members (1) MRS RATNA
name to Rakesh Kumar jain,for CHANGED MY NAME TO (Son-who is also expired). So that MRS
SHRI MOJI RAM,residing ppurposes. 0040688862-6 0040688784-1
all,future purposes. LAKHBIR SINGH. 0040688862-2 RATNA GHOSH wants to sale the aforesaid
at,11755,SAT NAGAR,GALI.No.- property. If any person having any objection
4,KAROL-BAGH,KAROL BAGH 0040688859-1 I,Kulbir Singh Boleter S/o Avtar I,ANJALI I, Adi Jain S/o Mohan Jain R/o kindly raise objection (if any) within 15 days from

SO,CENTRAL-DELHI,DELHI- Singh R/o 39-B AD-Block MENON,W/OPUNEET,R/O G- H.No.-106, First Floor, Near this notice (i.e. 14/09/2023), thereafter, any
I,Raj Kumar Singh,S/O Charan Saibaba Mandir, Savita Vihar,
objection will not be considered.
110005,declare that name-of- Pitampura,Metro,Station 502,MONSOON BREEZE Sd/-
Singh,R/O House.No-GF-3/264 Shakarpur, Delhi-110092 have Neerajj Kumarr
mine has been wrongly-written Delhi-110034,have changed my SECTOR-78,GURGAON BA LLB. LL.M. (Advocate)
Sector-3,Vasundhara changed my name to AADI JAIN
as HEMANT in my Scheduled name to Kulbir Singh. HARYANA-122004,HAVE Regd. No.-D/2239/2023
Ghaziabad,Uttar Pradesh for all future purposes. Mobile:-9212077774
Caste-Certificate No.- CHANGED MY Daughter Name
201012,Have been Changed my 0040688860-3
2566/SDM/KB dated-31-12- THIYA MUTREJA TO AAINA 0070864140-1
name to Raj Kumar
I,Kaushaliya,W/O Omprakash MUTREJA. 0040688882-3
01.The actual-name of mine is
permanently. 0040688859-5
Sharma,R/O.. C-21A,Guru Ram I Swati W/o Vibhanshu R/o O 1- COURT NOTICE
I,ANIRUDH,S/O 1201 12th Floor Oxirich Avenue
be amended accordingly. I,Sanjeev Kumar Goyal S/o Ram Das-Nagar,Laxmi-Nagar Delhi-
Niwas Goel R/o-213 Avtar 110092,Have changed my name
Encalve Paschim Vihar Delhi- to KAUSHLYA DEVI,for
BAHADURGARH HARYANA- CHANGED MY NAME from Swati (Order 5, Rule 20 of the Code of Civil Procedure)
It is for general information that 110063,changed my name to all,purposes for all future IN THE COURT OF MS. RAJANI
124507,HAVE CHANGED MY Kumari to Swati. 0040688858-1
I, DEVENDER PATIL son of Sanjeev Goel 0040688860-7 purposes. 0040688860-5 RANGA, Ld. SCJ/RC ROHINI
LAXMAN, residing at 532, J- I have changed my name from
Block, Mangol Puri, North West Kishan Singh to Kishan Singh
Delhi, Delhi-110083, declare I,AMAAN HUSSAIN,S/O-ATHAR Rawat. In future, know me by
that name of mine has been HUSSAIN,residing at,J-36-J- this name, Kishan Singh Rawat,
wrongly written as DEVENDRA 37,J-EXTENSION,NEAR-FIRDAUS S/o Pratap Singh, Resident:-
PATIL in my minor son PARTH MASJID, GOYAL TEA No.243, New Tilpat
PATIL, aged 16 years in his 10th COMPANY,LAXMI-NAGAR, Colony,Faridabad
110074,changed my name to PRIYANSI KOLI TO PRIYANSHI MR. AMAN SINGH,
Class Educational Documents. DELHI-110092,Declare that S/O SH. ARVIND KUMAR SINGH,
JOHN YESUNATHA DAS,for KOLI. 0040688882-1 0070864186-1
The actual name of mine is AMAAN is my-first-name and
all,future purposes
DEVENDER PATIL, which may I,Jaya Prakash Indira Amma my-surname is HUSSAIN I Shweta Kadiyan W/o Adhar PUBLIC NOTICE SECTOR-15, ROHINI,
NEW DELHI-110089
be amended accordingly. 0040688885-1 Prabha Karan Nair,S/o,P Kadiyan R/o O 1-1201 12th Floor General public is hereby informed MOBILE NO. 8800454803
Prabhakaran 0040688862-5 Oxirich Avenue Ahinsa Khand- that my client Ankush Rishi S/o Sh.
0040688818-1 I,RAVINDERA KUMAR,S/0-JAY Kishan Rishi R /o H. No. 843, Som WHEREAS you are intentionally
NARAYAN R/0-83,GALI.NO-12,B- Nair,R/o,Flat.No.75, Unity- I, Srikant S/o Dina Kant Jha, R/o 2 Indirapuram Ghaziabad UP Bazar, Haibat Pura, Najafgarh, evading service of summons it is
It is for general information that Apartment,Pocket-23,Sector- Flat No.1502, Tower Y4, Eros 201014 I HAVE CHANGED MY Delhi on 20.10.2022 entered into hereby notified that if you shall not
blk ph-10,shiv-vihar delhi- defend the case on the
I, ANITA KUMARI MISHRA W/O 24, Rohini,Delhi-110085,have Sampoornam, Plot No GH-01, NAME from Shweta Sharma to an agreement to sale of his Shop
110094,HAVE CHANGED MY no. 1/A1, area 34.4 Sq. Yards out of 25.09.2023, the day fixed for the
LATE SUNIL KUMAR TIWARI R/O changed my name to Jaya Sector 2, Gr. Noida, Gautam Shweta Kadiyan. 0040688858-2 final disposal, it will be heard and
NAME TO RAVINDER KUMAR. Khasra no. 15/3/1 of village
MARSARA, SIWAN, BIHAR- Prakash. 0040688862-3 Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh- Najafgarh, abadi known as Gopal determined ex-parte.
841238 PRESENTLY RESIDING AT 0040688882-8 I Satyendra Singh S/o Atar Singh Nagar, Najafgarh, Delhi with Sh. Given under my hand and the seal
I,Jagar Nath,S/o Chincha Ram 201306, have changed my name R/o Vill. Nagaliya Nagalia Harish Chander S/o Sh. Ramesh of the court, this 06.09.2023
QUARTER NO. 2, TOWER 8, GC, I,RAMESH KUMAR,S/o-Shish and shall hereafter be Known
R/o.656/97,Kailash-Nagar Bulandshahr U.P-202397 Have Kumar R/ o Ferwan Panna, Sd/-
CRPF, KADARPUR, GURUGRAM, Ram,R/,gali- as Srikant Dina Kant Jha. Jharoda Kalan, Delhi -72. At that SEAL
Model Town, Ambala Changed my name to Sonu Judge
HARYANA-122102 declare that 20,village-saboli,Delhi-
time the purchaser / Sh. Harish
name of mine has been City,Haryana-134003,Have 0070864151-1 Kumar For all future Puposes. Chander handed over some cash
93.Declare that my-name has changed my name to Jagan and some cheques as amount of
wrongly written as ANITA DEVI been wrongly-written as I, Santosh Kumari Malhotra W/o 0070864148-1 aforementioned dealing. But the PROCLAMATION REQUIRING
in my Husband’s P.P.O No. Nath. 0040688861-2 said cheques were dishonoured on ATTANDANCE OF DEFENDANT
Ramesh kumar Rana in my- Roshan Lal Malhotra R/o B-33, I Rakesh Kumar S/o Late Sh.
23903-01-16629. The actual presentation. Hence my abovesaid (Order 5, Rule 20 of the Code of Civil Procedure)
minor daughter Himanshi age- I,JUGAL KISHORE S/O RATTAN 2nd-Floor, T-Block, Shukkar Babu Lal R/o B-142, Mange Ram client cancelled the abovesaid IN THE COURT OF MS. RAJANI
name of mine is ANITA KUMARI 14-years her school-records. CHAND MALHOTRA R/O Bazar, Uttam Nagar, Delhi- aggreement to sale as well as GPA,
Park Phase-1, Budhvihar, Delhi- RANGA, Ld. SCJ/RC ROHINI
MISHRA, which may be The actual-my-name is HNO.22C,GH-10,SUNDER 110059 have changed my name Receipt, Possession Letter and COURT, ROOM NO. 214 DELHI,
110086, have changed my name Will, which were taken by Sh.
amended accordingly. Ramesh kumar.Which may be APARTMENTS, PASCHIM to Satya Devi 0070864142-1 AT ..10.00 AM......
to Rakesh Kumar Sharma for Harish Chander from my
0070864162-1 amended-accordingly VIHAR,DELHI-110087.HAVE all purposes 0070864170-1 abovesaid client. General public is CS. NO. 1393/2021
CHANGED MY NAME TO JUGAL I, Roshan Lal Malhotra R/o B-33, informed by this notice that no CANARA BANK
I,hitherto known as KANIKA 0040688885-4 KISHORE MALHOTRA. 2nd-Floor, T-Block, Shukkar I Pooja Kumari D/o Sh. Naresh person shall be deal with Sh. V/S
MENDIRATTA alias KANIKA Bazar, Uttam Nagar, Delhi- Harish Chander in respect of my
I,RAKESH KUMAR,S/O DALEL Kumar Goyal W/o Sh. Devanshu above mentioned property, if any DINESH
MALIK,D/O-NARESH 0040688859-9 110059 have changed my name
SINGH R/O VILLAGE Jain R/o A-5/1, Jain Bhawan, person do the same then my client DEFENDANTS
MENDIRATTA,W/O-KAVISH I,JASMEET KAUR MAKHIJA,D/O to Om Parkash 0070864144-1 Rana Pratap Bagh, Delhi- shall not be responsible for any MR. DINESH,
FAZILPUR,DISTT.& TEHSIL damage, loss to him.
MALIK,residing at,GH- SONEPAT,HARYANA,DECLARE JASPAL SINGH MAKHIJA,R/O G- I, Reema W/o Amit Kumar R/o 110007 have changed my name S/O SH. HET SINGH, R/O A-237,
Umesh Yadav, Advocate PHASE-1, VIJAY VIHAR, NEW
1/282,Archana TO CHANGE MY NAME, FROM 48,NEAR-PRATAP NAGAR Dulari Bhawan H.No.65, after marriage to Pooja Jain for Ch.No.619,Dwarka Courts,Delhi DELHI-110085
Apartment,Paschim RAKESH TO RAKESH METRO-STATION,PRATAP- Ambedkar Road, Gautampuri, all purposes. 0040688760-1 MOBILE NO. 8587819582
Vihar,West-Delhi,Delhi- KUMAR.ALL-CONCERNED- NAGAR, DELHI-110007,have Dadri, G.B Nagar U.P have PUBLIC NOTICE WHEREAS you are intentionally
110063,have changed my name I Kashish Satish Narayanan D/O
NOTE. 0040688892-3 changed my name to JASMEET changed my name to Reema It is for general information that evading service of summons it is
and shall hereafter be known Satish Ariyapampalayam
KAUR 0040688877-3 Rani for all future purposes I, RASHMI W/O SH. RAJEEV hereby notified that if you shall not
as KANIKA MALIK. I,PARWINDER KAUR W/O Narayanan R /O 14/ 185 Arjan defend the case on the
I,Inder Pal Singh S/o Avtar Vihar Delhi Cantt New KUMAR R/O H-48, POLICE 25.09.2023, the day fixed for the
0040688860-4 Singh,Q-48,(SF) Rajouri-Garden Delhi110010 have changed my COLONY, MODEL TOWN-II, final disposal, it will be heard and
I,ZEENAT BEGUM,W/O ATHAR MARKET,NARELA,DELHI- New-Delhi,have changed my name to Kashish Satish vide
name to Inder Pal Singh Arora. BHANDARI residing at,550F affidavit INDL64046990491350V
DELHI-110009 declare that name Given under my hand and the seal
HUSSAIN,residing at,J-36-J- 110040.HAVE CHANGED MY BANDH-ROAD BANK COLONY of mine has been wrongly written of the court, this 06.09.2023
37,J-EXTENSION,NEAR- NAME TO PARVINDER KAUR. 0040688877-5 sworn before notary Parvesh Sd/-
DEVLI-VILLAGE,DELHI- Tyagi dated 09/09/2023
as SHIRMISTHA in my minor SEAL
FIRDAUS-MASJID,GOYAL TEA 0040688859-8 110062,have changed my name son VISHESH CHAUDHARY Judge
COMPANY,LAXMI- I,Himanshi D/o Sajeev Rajput
to GEETA BHANDARI. 0050226785-1 aged 13 years Transfer Certificate
NAGAR,DELHI-110092,Declare I,Nimit Wadhwa S/o Neeraj R/o-B-5/277, First-Floor Sector-
and Birth Certificate. The actual
that ZEENAT is my-first name Wadhwa R/o B-106, 11,Rohini Delhi- 0040688892-1 I Dhruv Jain S/o Sh. Shashank PROCLAMATION REQUIRING
name of mine is RASHMI, which
and my-surname is BEGUM. Mansarovar Garden, New 110085,changed my name to Jain R/o 7, New Colony, Rani ATTANDANCE OF DEFENDANT
I, Rajendra K. Kumar S/o Desraj may be amended accordingly. (Order 5, Rule 20 of the Code of Civil Procedure)
Delhi-110015, have changed my Himanshi Rajput 0040688860-6 Jhansi Road, Behind Filmistan
0040688862-4 Singh R/o Sorkha, Sector-115, Cinema Hall, Delhi have IN THE COURT OF MS. RAJANI
name to Aniket Wadhwa. I,Gurpreet Singh Talwar S/o Noida U.P.-201301, have RANGA, Ld. SCJ/RC ROHINI
I,Vikrant Budhiraja,S/o Satish changed my name to Dhrruv PUBLIC NOTICE COURT, ROOM NO. 214 DELHI, AT
0040688860-10 Kewal Singh Talwar R/o 197- changed my name to
Chander Budhiraja,residing Jain for all purposes. My Client Mr. Gulam Mohammed ..10.00 AM......
198, 3rd floor, Pocket- RAJENDRA KUMAR for all future S/o Late Mr. Ayub Ali and Mrs.
at,A-110, Ground Floor, Vivek- I,Neha Purohit W/o Deepak Joshi 12,Sector-24, Rohini,Delhi- 0040688760-3
CS. NO. 1392/2021
purposes. 0070864103-1 Mumtaz w/o Mr. Gulam Mohammed
Vihar,Phase-1,Delhi- R/o 347, E-Block, East Vinod 110085, have changed my name
I Amrish Kumar being father of both residents of D-755 Madanpur V/S
110095,have changed the Nagar, Patperganj, Delhi- to Gurpreet Singh. I, Rajat Mathur S/o Sh. Krishan Khader Phase II, JJ Colony New
name-of-my minor-daughter 110091, have changed my name Kumar Mathur R/o Flat No. 98, minor Naman Chauhan R/o 230 DALIP KUMAR CHAWLA
Delhi-110076 have disowned their DEFENDANTS
Sana Budhiraja aged-13-years to Neha Joshi. 0040688861-8 0040688861-7 Godavari Apartments, UG Floor Shakti Khand 3 son namely Zakir Hussain and his MR. DALIP KUMAR CHAWLA
and she shall hereafter be Alaknanda, New Delhi-110019 Indirapuram Ghaziabad have wife (daughter in-law) namely
I,Neetu W/o Datin Maggo R/o- I,Gurjit Kaur Sachdeva W/o S/O LATE SH. VASU DEV CHAWLA
known as Stuti Budhiraja. here by declare that on dated- changed his name from Naman Gulfsha from all of their properties R/O G-2/11, GROUND FLOOR,
WZ-667 Gali No.2,Srinagar Gurcharan Singh R/o-28-C, NP-
12/09/2023 through affidavit I to Naman Chauhan (movable & immovable) from today POCKET-2, SECTOR-11, ROHINI,
0040688862-8 Shakur Basti Delhi-110034, Block near,Gopal Mandir onwards severed relation from them NORTH WEST DELHI,
Pitampura Delhi-110034, have changed my name from 0050226781-1 NEW DELHI-110085
changed my name to Neetu as they are not according to my
I,Varun Agarwal S/o Prateek changed my name to Gurjeet Rajat Kumar Mathur to Rajat MOBILE NO.: 9899913930
Maggo I Aakash S/o Sh. Santosh Kumar client's temperament and ill-treat
Agarwal R/o Flat-No.1404, Kaur Mathur. Both Rajat Kumar them. If any body deals with them
WHEREAS you are intentionally
0040688860-8 R/o A-Block, 1519-20, Second evading service of summons it is
Valley View-Estate, Gwal- Mathur and Rajat Mathur are then it will be his/her/their own risk hereby notified that if you shall not
Pahari,Gurgaon, Haryana- I,Neeta Tiwari W/o Nishant 0040688861-4 same person. For all future Floor, Jahangir Puri, Jahangir and cost and my clients and their defend the case on the 25.09.2023,
122003 have changed my name Dwivedi,R/o C4/133,Sector- purpose my name will be used Puri A Block, North West Delhi, other family members shall not be the day fixed for the final disposal, it
I,Gurcharan Singh Sachdeva S/o
to Varun Kumar Agarwal for all 31,Noida-201301,Have Changed as Rajat Mathur. Delhi-110033 have changed my liable from the same. will be heard and determined
Sawoop Singh Sachdeva R/o- ex-parte.
purposes. 0040688860-9 My Name To Neeta Ashok name to Aakash Prajapati for Sd/-
28-C, NP-Block near,Gopal 0040688762-1 Given under my hand and the seal of
Tiwari For Future. all purposes. 0040688760-2 MUJEEB AHMED
I,Vaishali Chopra Handoo,W/O Mandir Pitampura Delhi- Advocate the court, this 06.09.2023
0040688859-7 110034,changed my name to I, RAJNI alias SURBHI NARULA I Azad Chand Bhasin S/o Nanak Sd/-
Nalin Handoo,R/O,A- W/o Gulzari Lal Narula R/o 23E,
Enrl No. D/2368/2012 SEAL
3/210A,Janakpuri,New Delhi- I,Neeshant Singh ghudaiya,S/O- Gurcharan Singh Chand Bhasin R/o L.I.G178/2nd,
0040688861-5 Kotla Firoz Shah, New Delhi- Tikait Rai, L.D.A Colony,
110058,Have Changed my Virender Singh, 110002, have changed my name PUBLIC NOTICE
Name to Vaishali Chopra. 34,sector-55,ghata gurgaon Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar
I,Manveen Kaur Kohli D/o to SURBHI NARULA, for all Be it known to General Public that my
Pradesh-226017, have changed
0040688763-5 Haryana-122011,changed my Surinder Singh Kohli, J-204 purposes. 0040688831-1 my name to Amrinder Singh
clientess Smt. Shahida W/o Akhlakuddin R/o
4677-78, Gali Razia Begum Hauz Qazi,
name to Neeshant Singh. Rajouri Garden New Delhi have
I,Simranjeet Kaur Talwar,D/o I, Pawan Kumar Garg S/o Suresh Bhasin 0070864169-1 Ajmari Gate, Delhi-110006 who had earlier
0040688882-9 changed my name to Manveen issued/given a public notice on dated
Nikhil Talwar,R/o-244A/26, Kaur. Kumar Garg, R/o 179, Gali No-8, I,KAMALJEET SINGH S/O JASPAL 8-12-2022 thereby breaking off her relation PUBLIC NOTICE
Shivaji-Gali,Pandit-Park, I,Neeraj Kumar,S/o-Bhim Sain, 0040688861-10 Jeewan Park, Siras Pur, North SINGH R/O AD-22D,SHALIMAR
with her son Mohd Arshad S/o Akhlakuddin To be known to all that my clients (1) YOGESH
and debarring him from inheriting her KHANNA S/O LATE SH. DWARKA DASS
Krishna-Nagar,Delhi-, bighar West Delhi-110042. Declare that BAGH,DELHI-110088.HAVE properties or any other right, hereby revoke & KHANNA (2) PRABHA KHANNA W/O LATE
110051,Have Changed My road,Fatehabad Haryana- I,Garima Kumar w/o-Kapil Name of Mine and My Father SH. SURINDER KHANNA BOTH R/O KP-171,
CHANGED MY NAME TO cancel aforesaid notice because of his good
Name To Simran Kaur Talwar. 125050,changed my name to Sabharwal,R/o E-16/6,Krishna has been wrongly written as behavior & cordial relations with my clientess.
Neeraj jhandai. Nagar,Delhi-110051,have Pawan Kumar and Suresh
The said public notice is deemed to be cancelled AREA MEASURING 131.25 SQ. METER
0040688859-6 changed my name to Garima 0040688882-5 by my clientess for all practical purpose. SITUATED AT PITAMPURA, DELHI-110034.
0040688862-1 Kumar in my All Educational My client has lost all the original documents i.e.
sabharwal permanently. Sd/-
I,Shanti Jain-w/o Arun Jain Documents. The actual name I,Aisha Ali D/o-Sardar Ali,W/o Surjeet Singh (Advocate)


0040688763-3 of Mine and My Father are Amit Kumar R/o House No.254, Chamber No. 125 Saket courts Delhi DEED, FORM-C, FORM-D, SANCTION
Pawan Kumar Garg and Suresh 1st Floor,Kailash Hills,East of CONVEYANCE DEED, 2 RELINQUISHMENT
110009,have changed my name ARORA,R/o.H NO-606,TOWER- I,Deepak Kumar, G/F
6,MALIBU TOWNE,SOHNA maidan garhi New delhi-
Kumar Garg, which may be Kailash,New Delhi-110065,have PUBLIC NOTICE DEED ETC. has been lost. An FIR vide LR
No. 872422/2023 dated 11-09-2023 has lodged in
to Shanti Devi Jain. amended accordingly. changed my name to Aisha for NOTICE is hereby given that, one Late P.S. Crime Branch Delhi for loss of property
ROAD,SECTOR-47,SOUTH CITY- 110068,Have Changed my Kirshna Mohan Dubey (Deceased) and documents.In case if any person found original
0040688860-1 II,GURGAON-122018,have 0070864153-1 all future purposes. documents of my client of above mentioned
minor daughter name, laksha his wife second applicant Smt. Rajyasri
property, contact to my client immediately
Dubey purchased an apartment in our
I,Saideep Singh Sachdeva S/o changed my name to NIDHI to laksha Sharma. I, Madhumala, W/o Srikant R/o 0040688899-2 project named Joyville Gurugram
at above address/phone No. 9911452373,
9990380171. Anyone deal except my clients with
Gurcharan Singh R/o-28-C, NP- ARORA. Flat No.1502, Tower Y4, Eros
bearing Flat No. 503 in tower/ Building the above mentioned property in any manner,
0040688877-1 crown in Phase-V, Sector-102, Tehsil
Block near,Gopal Mandir 0040688882-4 Sampoornam, Plot No GH-01, I, Pareen Sehrawat S/o Davinder & District Gurugram, Haryana (“Flat”),
shall be treated as null and void.
Pitampura Delhi-110034, I,DEEPAK S/O UMESH CHAND Sector 2, Gr. Noida, Gautam Kumar Sehrawat R/o KH No.803, under an Apartment Buyers Agreement
I,Mohd.Ushman R/o-H.No.117, dated 16th April 2021. That the
changed my name to Saideep R/O HNO.51,KIRARI Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh- Block K-2, Mahipal Pur, New Deceased Late Kirshna Mohan Dubey
3rd.Floor, Gali.No.3,Khasra
Singh. 0040688861-6 VILLAGE,DELHI-110086.HAVE 201306. have changed my name Delhi-110037 have changed my has demised intestate on 12.04.2023
No.523, Jama Masjid,Kardam leaving behind the following only

Puri,Delhi Have Changed My
Name To Mohd.Usman For All
and shall hereafter be Known
as Madhumala Srikant Jha
name to Praveen Kumar
Sehrawat for all future
surviving legal heirs: All legal Heirs
Name (1) Smt. Rajyasri Dubey, (2)
Shruti Dubey, (3) Shashwat Dubey.
purposes. 0040688643-4
Purposes. 0040688859-2 0040688882-6
SHARMA,H.NO.554 BLOCK- 0070864156-1 The Legal Heirs have now applied with
us to substitute the name of second Whilst care is taken prior to acceptance of advertising
8,LODHI COLONY,NEW DELHI- I,Mohd Shamim S/o,Mohd I,Avneet Kaur,W/o Sh.Harpreet applicant name Smt. Rajyasri Dubey in
I, MOHAMMAD MANZER ALAM, copy, it is not possible to verify its contents. The Indian
110003,Changed my name to Yameen R/o,1061/B, Ward- Singh Ahuja R/o.J-3/67A,First S/o Mr. MD. Khurshid Alam, R/o
LOST & FOUND place and instead of the deceased Late
Kirshna Mohan Dubey as the sole
SATYAVATI SHARMA. Floor,Rajouri Garden,New
No.7,Mehrauli, South-Delhi,
Delhi-110027,have changed my
Block- A, House No.79/B, Abul It is informed to the general
allottee of the said flat.
Any person/s having any objection in the
0040688877-4 Delhi-110030,that name of mine Fazal Enclave-II, Jamia Nagar,
name to Avneet Kaur Bedi. public that I, Ram Bahadur, S/o transfer of the said flat in the name of
contents, nor for any loss or damage incurred as a
my wife and my minor son has Okhla, New Delhi-110025 have Second applicant name Smt. Rajyasri
I,SHIVANGI,D/O SHRI RAMU Late Shri Gulab Singh, R/o Dubey are hereby requested to give
been wrongly-written as 0040688859-10 changed my name from Md.
R/O.B-216,KHANPUR,DEOLI, Mohammad Shamim Saifi, Manzer Alam & Mohd. Manzer
Plot.No.11/431 Vasundhara notice thereof in writing, along with
documentary evidence, to the
result of transactions with companies, associations or
NEW DELHI-110062,CHANGED I Hrishitaa Satish Narayanan Ghaziabad, that my original undersigned, within 07 (Seven) days from
Sayra and Mohammad Hasan Alam to MOHAMMAD MANZER individualsadvertisinginitsnewspapersorPublications.
MY NAME TO ROSHNI,FOR ALL D/O Satish Ariyapampalayam lease deed of said Plot-11/431 the date hereof, failing which, the claim/s,
in my minor son Mohammad ALAM for all future Purposes. if any, shall be considered to have been
PURPOSES. 0040688882-2 Vasundhara Ghaziabad is
Hasan Saifi in his School- Narayanan R /O 14/ 185 Arjan
0040688759-1 actually lost in Anand Vihar,
waived, released, relinquished and we
shall substitute the name of second
We therefore recommend that readers make
I,SHALU YADAV,W/O GIRISH Records and Birth Vihar Delhi Cantt New applicant name Smt. Rajyasri Dubey

YADAV,R/O Certificate.The actual name of Delhi110010 have changed my I C Sowmya D/O, Chittarvu
Delhi. Whose FIR.No.-LR accordingly in the said Flat. necessary inquiries before sending any monies or
name to Hrishitaa Satish vide No.869287/2023 has been For Joyville Shapoorji Housing Private
HOUSE.NO.83,BHALSWA mine my wife and my minor Sasun R/o Tower 10 404 Limited entering into any agreements with advertisers or
affidavit INDL64047092470815V registered, if anyone finds it
VILLAGE, BHALSWA son are Mohd Shamim, Sayra Microtek Greenburg Sector 86 SP CENTRE, 41/44, MINOO DESAI
sworn before notary Parvesh then they can inform me on my
JAHANGIRPUR,DELHI- Bano and Mohammad Hasan
Tyagi dated 09/09/2023
Gurugram,haryana have mobile number-9971383069. It
otherwise acting on an advertisement in any manner
110033,have changed my name Saifi. changed my name to Sowmya ADVOCATE
would be inappropriate to use. Ch. No. 1203, 12th Floor, whatsoever.
to SHALU. 0040688877-2 0040688860-11 0050226784-1 Chittarvu. 0040688767-1 Lawyer's Chamber Block,
0070864139-1 Rohini Court Complex, Delhi-110085
UTTAR PRADESH JAL NIGAM (RURAL) Dr. Ambedkar Institute of
Office of the Superintending Engineer Circle

Letter No. : 954/

U.P. Jal Nigam (Rural), Moradabad
/28 Dated : 12.09.2023
Technology for Handicapped
Online percentage rate very short term e-tenders in two bid system for the (Autonomous Institute Establishment in 1997 by U.P. Govt.)
operation & maintenance of 58 MLD STP and 2 nos. MPS in Moradabad city,
near Gulabbadi, in District Moradabad U.P are hereby invited on behalf of WALK IN INTERVIEW
Chairman U.P
U P Jal Nigam from the reputed contractors having requisite work Applications are invited for Guest Faculty positions in
experience & financial capabilities. Tender documents shall be available at
e-procurement website latest by 16.09.2023 at various Departments of B.Tech./ Diploma, Project
11:00 AM. Interested contractor may view and download Tender Document Assistant (ABVRC), Sign Language Interpreter
(i.e. Technical & Financial capacity evaluation cum technical bid and financial (Diploma) and Incubation Center Manager (Purely
bid) and upload there tender, duly filled online latest by 25.09.2023 up to 3:00
Outsource Basis) for academic session 2023-24. For more
PM. Technical bid shall be opened on 25.09.2023 at 5:00 PM. The non
refundable cost of e-tender document fee Rs. 10,000.00+18% G.S.T, Pre- details visit our institute website
Bid meeting will be held on 22.09.2023 at 11:00 AM in office of the Sd/- Asstt. Registrar
Superintending Engineer. Circle office, U.P. Jal Nigam (Rural), Ashiyana
colony, Phase-1. near OHT, Kanth Road, Moradahad.
Superintending Engineer

Whilst care is taken prior to
acceptance of advertising
copy, it is not possible to verify
its contents. The Indian
Express (P) Limited cannot be
held responsible for such
contents, nor for any loss or
damage incurred as a result of
transactions with companies,
associations or individuals
advertising in its newspapers
or Publications. We therefore
recommend that readers
make necessary inquiries
before sending any monies or
entering into any agreements
with advertisers or otherwise
acting on an advertisement in
any manner whatsoever.

CROSSWORD 5156 OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis


ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)

Socially, today’s It’s not like you to
stars could not be criticise other
more fun. However, people unfairly but,
if I could contradict if you’re stuck in a
myself for a moment, I’d like to corner, that’s exactly what you
add the rider that close may do. This would be a
partners will expect you to shame, for you have a
follow their wishes, and may reputation to keep up. So don’t
get a little uppity if you refuse. let anyone tempt you into
It’s all a matter of being gossiping about a mutual
delicately diplomatic. friend, unless you have only
good things to say about them.
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21)
If you’re a little edgy SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 23)
it’s because you’re Mercury and Venus
highly intuitive, and are both positively
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson that you sense fresh
possibilities are fanning out. If
placed, each in its
own way, so friends
you don’t make a choice now, and team-mates should still be
events over the next seven crowding round with words of
days may force the pace. But, encouragement. You may
if you do take a decision, you therefore feel that you are
can always change your strong enough to embark on a
ACROSS DOWN mind, later. brand new adventure. You
deserve a break.
1 Maybe our teacher’s not to be 2 Scope for shooting (5) GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)
trusted (11) 3 Religious house is too much Today’s lunar SAGITTARIUS (Nov 24 - Dec 22)
9 A comprehensive volume for this priest (4) alignments enhance Within the next day
bound to transport us (7) much that is best in or so you may begin
4 Esther’s other name (6)
your character. to realise that
10 Girl superstar going round 5 Hold back and shower after all Someone at home may have someone was not
South Africa (5) the others (8) left you feeling slightly really what they seemed. Any
11 Look low we hear (4) 6 Go back to score an advantage perplexed and scratching your sense of disappointment may
12 Decline to remove over a fellow-player? (7) head. On the other hand, you be matched by a realisation
wrinkles? (8) still have plenty of time to that the time has come to get
7 Vulgar locality lacking
complete domestic out and make new friends. If
14 Heavenly stuff for a trance distinction (11)
arrangements to suit your your judgement was poor in
perhaps (6) 8 Blockades that should pay aims and interests. the past, then at least you have
16 Manage without an
intermediary (6)
dividends (11) MARVIN by Tom Armstrong CANCER (June 22 - July 23)
learnt a valuable lesson.
13 High speed at home points to
Slowly, and with CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
18 Unauthorised demand for a number of gadgets (8)
great subtlety, an Difficult as a current
suspension (5,3) 15 Study excursion old order of life has situation may be,
19 Record the same note twice - outline (7) passed away. And as you have little
it’s sharp (4) 17 Cultural centre? (6) one set of conditions and option but to sit it
22 Head north after a bird (5) feelings fade, the space is out. When all is said and done,
20 Figure it produces light made for another. Yet, for you must see that your current
23 Daily journalist (7) separation (5) many of you, there is still circumstances, financial,
24 Today is someone’s birthday 21 Such hypocrisy is not much to be done. professional and personal, are
perhaps (7,4) possible, it appears (4) largely as you have shaped
LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) them. It’s time to take
Solutions Crossword5155Across:1Penned,4Classwar,9Leader,10Freelove,12 Everything in your responsibility.
Sash,13Andes,14Flee,17Firmproposal,20Holdstheline,23Acre,24Decoy,25Best, chart focuses on
28Inwardly,29Salome,30Sunbathe,31HeresyDown:1Pullsoff,2Noah’sark,3Even,5 the personal AQUARIUS (Jan 21- Feb 19)
Largeportion,6Shed,7Wholly,8Reeves,11Untoldwealth,15Spoof,16Camel,18 rather than the It is difficult to get
Tiresome,19Leathery,21Varies,22Drawin,26Aria,27Fade professional. By this I don’t away from the fact
mean that you’re obsessed that money and
by family issues, but that material security
everything you do should are dominating your
be motivated by your inner thoughts and plans, even at
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel5s needs and desires. Follow an unconscious level. A friend,

Instructions your nose and you may get possibly a female friend, may
where you want to be much offer the help you need. It
Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, more quickly than if you may require, though, that
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 follow partners. you change a long-standing

theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe approach.

Nevertrustamanwho_____ofeverybody.-JohnChurtonCollins(6,.,4) nineverticalcolumns,in VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23)
eachoftheninehorizontal Someone may ruffle PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
your feathers, but I Stay one step ahead
CSAEE INOPLP rowsandineachofthe
have a feeling that if of the stars and
nineboxes. anyone causes an begin to exert your
upset today, it may be you. authority over
This may be no bad thing, for financial or business affairs.
HULSS CEITKW DifficultyLevel you are probably quite Sometime soon, someone is
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; justified in insisting that other going to step forward with an
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; people see things your way. offer of a potentially profitable
5s=VeryHard; But that won’t stop you partnership. When they do,
putting your foot in it. take time to get opinions.
- John Churton Collins
Answer: Never trust a man who speaks well of everybody. 6s=Genius

MoU— REC SCOPE Decoding the importance of the Right to Information Act, and
REC signed MoU with PFC as per the DPE Performance Evaluation how it empowers citizens, Standing Conference of Public Sector
System for FYs 23-24 & 24-25 for CPSEs on Friday 08 th Sept. Enterprises is organizing its ‘National Meet of RTI Act’ on 14th and 15th
2023. CMD, REC Vivek Kumar Dewangan signed the MoU for the September, 2023 in Lucknow. The National Meet will be inaugurated
FYs 23-24 & 24-25 with CMD, PFC Smt. Parminder Chopra in the by YK Sinha, Chief Information Commissioner in the presence of Guest
presence of Directors & other senior officials from both REC & PFC. of Honour, K Ravinder Naik, IAS, Principal Secretary, Secretariat
REC Ltd. has completed over 54 years in the area of its operations. Administrative Department, UP and Senior officials of the Government
and Public Sector Enterprises. The Concluding address will be delivered
by Ajaya Kumar Uprety, State Information Commissioner, UP. Details of
SCOPE’s ‘National Meet on RTI Act’ can be accessed on SCOPE’s
NTPC Green Energy Ltd. (NGEL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of India’s leading
official website: SCOPE is an apex employers’
integrated power producer NTPC Ltd. & Nayara Energy, a new-age international
body representing PSEs at pivotal National and International forums.
downstream Energy Company of International scale, have entered into a MoU
to explore opportunities in the Green Hydrogen & Green Energy space. The
ONGC There is no damage to either farmers or fishermen due to the
MoU signing ceremony was attended by Mohit Bhargava, CEO, NGEL & Amar
minor oil spill near Uran beach recently. In the morning hours of 08
Kumar, Head-Technical, Nayara Energy.
September 2023, a minor quantity of oil leaked from one of the crude oil
MoU—RITES storage tanks at ONGC Uran Plant. Due to heavy rains, the leaked oil
FELICITATION—VIPS entered the storm water drain channel. As the quantity of oil leakage
Founder & Chairman, VIPS-TC, Dr. S.C. Vats, presenting a memento to RITES, a prime transport infrastructure consultancy and engineering firm, signed a MoU with Caminho De Ferro De
Moçâmedes (CFM) Angola for cooperation in the development of Railways and related infrastructure, including the from the plant area was minimal, the leaked oil got trapped between
Prof Mumin Chen, Deputy Representative Republic of China- Taiwan at rocks on the beach with only traces reaching the shoreline.Immediately,
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies-Technical Campus (VIPS- supply of rolling stock.As part of the MoU, RITES and CFM Angola will collaborate in areas such as supply of
Rolling Stock, Railway Infrastructure Projects, repairing of rolling stock, operations and maintenance of railway the Oil Spill Response (OSR) team from ONGC was deployed to avoid
TC). Prof. Chen addressed the faculty and students of VIPS-TC on 'Rise of ingress of oil into the sea and cleaning of the shore line commenced
Taiwan as an IT Giant and its impact on the strategic environment of South infrastructure, Information Technology services, Technical Maintenance and Master Planning and more.
Manobendra Ghoshal, Chief Strategy Officer, RITES Ltd., said, “We are delighted to sign this MoU with CFM Angola, on war footing.Due to heavy rains on the day of the incident and the
Asia,” on August 25th. beach being a rocky area, the cleaning took a lot of effort. Due to the
which highlights our concerted efforts under the strategic initiative ‘RITES Videsh’. This partnership will enable us
to share our expertise and resources, and we look forward to a long and successful relationship.” ONGC team's timely and tireless efforts, the oil did not enter the sea and
ACHIEVEMENT— THDCIL no damage to marine life is anticipated.
THDCIL, a leading player in the energy sector, has achieved a EXHIBITION — RUSSIAN HOUSE
significant milestone by successfully raising Rs 763 Cr through Recently a grand opening of a joint Russian-Indian exhibition dedicated to OIL INDIA LIMITED held its 64 th AGM on 09 th Sept. 2023. Dr Ranjit
the issuance of THDCIL Corporate Bonds Series -VIII. The bonds the history of the Roerichs’ ties with India took place in the Russian House Rath, CMD in his address to the shareholders, thanked all investors
garnered substantial interest from investors, resulting in a rem- in New Delhi on the occasion of the G20 Summit. The exhibition is a and shareholders for their continuous trust & investment in the
arkable oversubscription of 9 times the base issue size, collaborative initiative of the Min. of Foreign Affairs & the Min. of Culture of company leading OIL to join the league of Maharatna CPSEs of the
amounting to Rs 2588 Cr. Russia to commemorate the upcoming 150th birth anniversary of Nicholas Country. Dr Rath in his address highlighted the achievements of the
Roerich & the 120th birth anniversary of Svetoslav Roerich. It is being held under the auspices of the G20 Digital OIL on various fronts including the production of Crude Oil and natural
Museum – the flagship cultural and educational project of India’s G20 Presidency. Denis Alipov, Russian gas which recorded a growth of 5.5% (3.18 MMT) & 4.4% (3.18
BHOOMI PUJAN– UJJAIN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BCM) respectively. The company registered the highest-ever
Ujjain, Bhoomi pujan of the construction work of "Naivedya Lok" Ambassador to India, & Amitabh Kant, India’s Sherpa in the G20, delivered the welcome speeches at the opening
ceremony. A prerecorded address by Svetlana Lukash, Russia's G20 Sherpa, was also delivered. The exhibition standalone profit after tax in FY 2022-23 at Rs.6,810 cr, a growth of
by Ujjain Development Authority is completed from the hands 75.20% YoY while the consolidated PAT was also the highest ever at
of honourable Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav. According to the provided insight into the key life milestones of Nicholas Roerich & his son, Svetoslav Roerich, in relation to India.
It also highlighted the profound impact of India's spiritual and artistic traditions, as well as its breathtaking natural 9,854 cr, a growth of 46.66% YoY. Dr Rath mentioned that marching
Chairman UDA Shyam Bansal - The new commercial market towards fulfilling the vision of Urja Atmnirbharta for a New India, OIL’s
"Naivedya Lok" will contribute significantly to the development of beauty, on the artistic endeavors of these two Russian artists.
strategy is to consolidate its position as the leading operator in the
Nanakheda area, Ujjain. country with the long-term vision to supplement the existing domestic
For the recently concluded G-20 Summit in New Delhi, a “Namaste reserves portfolio in line with the Government of India’s vision to
AGM— HSCC Monument” was erected in the heart of South Extension Part 2 Market as intensify exploration in Indian Sedimentary Basins and increase
HSCC (India) Limited convened its 40th AGM at Garvi part of the Delhi Beautification and Welcome drive. SMPP Private Limited domestic oil and gas production. The Company has increased its total
Gujarat Bhawan, New Delhi, chaired by PK Gupta which is the largest manufacturing company of Ballistic Protection operating acreage to 62,911 Sq Km. Aggressive exploration of the
Chairman, HSCC, Novman Ahmed, Managing Director, products in the world for the protection of our brave soldiers, once again company led to a new hydrocarbon discovery during the year in the
HSCC, Ravi Ranjan, Director Engg, HSCC along with the came to the forefront to make CSR contributions and sponsored the warm Sesabil area in the Assam Shelf Basin. OIL has 2P reserve base of
Board of Directors & senior officials of HSCC on Namaste monument for our esteemed foreign delegates arriving in Bharat 191 MMTOE & 51 MMTOE of Oil & Oil Equivalent of Gas respectively
12.09.2023. for the G-20 Summit. The inauguration ceremony was graced by the in domestic assets and overseas assets.
presence of the Minister of State for External Affairs and Culture, Smt.
Meenakshi Lekhi, who presided over the function, Navin Agawarwal, BOB announced the launch of the “BOB ke sang-, Tyohaar Ki Umang ”
ARRANGEMENTS — UDA festival campaign, which will run till Dec. 31, 2023. Bank of Baroda
Deputy Commissioner, MCD (Central), the Founder Chairman of the SMPP, Dr. S.C. Kansal and Maj Gen Anil
Corporation Commissioner Roshan Kumar Singh, appreciated festive offers include the launch of 4 new savings accounts with multiple
Oberoi Retd. (President, Defense, SMPP) The Minister was very appreciative of the efforts of MCD and
the work of the entire corporation staff & presented the medal benefits, concessions and attractive interest rate offers on Home, Car,
mentioned that Dr. Kansal, who always volunteers to join hands with the Government in all its endeavours. Dr.
of “Well done Team Corporation”. The Municipal Corporation Personal & Education Loans. The bank has also tied up with top brands
Kansal in turn assured the Minister of his utmost support to the Government anywhere and anytime.The
had successfully ensured all the arrangements in the last 9 rides, in categories like electronics, travel & food to provide festive offers and
function ended with a very motivating talk by the Minister and at the request of the Minister, the extempore
but on the occasion of the royal ride, the corporation made its discounts for its debit & credit card holders. During the festive period,
comments on the Cleanliness Drive by the young children of South Ex.
own program and deployed separate teams. Bank of Baroda Home Loan will be available at a very competitive rate of
NTPC’s Group installed capacity has reached 73824 MW. This achievement comes in the backdrop of the 8.40% per annum with complete waiver of processing fees.
PARTICIPATION— INDIAN COAST GUARD completion of trial operation of 1st Unit of 800 MW at Telangana Super Thermal Power Project on 5th Sept
Indian Coast Guard being the key member of the Heads of Asian 2023. This accomplishment reinforces NTPC's commitment to delivering reliable and affordable power to FELICITATION—NBCC
Coast Guard Agencies Meeting have participated in the 19 th the Nation. With this, the installed capacity of NTPC Ltd. & NTPC Group has become 57838 MW & 73824 MW Saleem Ahmad, Director (Pro-
HACGAM High Level Meeting from 05-08 Sep 23 at Istanbul, respectively. Further, the company is committed to achieve 60,000 MW of Renewable Energy capacity by yr jects) along with other senior offi-
Türkiye. The 04 member ICG delegation is led by DG Rakesh Pal, 2032. NTPC Ltd. is India's largest integrated power utility, contributing 1/4th of the power requirement of the cers felicitated Pawan Kumar Gu-
PTM, TM, DG Indian Coast Guard. This meeting is an annual event country. With a diverse portfolio of thermal, hydro, solar, & wind power plants, NTPC is dedicated to delivering pta, CMD, NBCC on successful
hosted by one of the members in rotation. reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity to the Nation. completion of Bharat Mandapam & G-20 event.

Ben Stokes made the highest score by an England
player in One-Day Internationals by clubbing 182 off
124 balls as his team amassed 368 all out against New
Zealand in the third match of the series at The Oval
on Wednesday. AP

Shaw’s knee
injury to keep
him out of action
Coming together in time BRIEFLY
India’sbowlingattackahead of WorldCupresemblesahungrypackafterBumrah’sreturn,Kuldeep’s revival Wasnervousonmy
for 3-4 months comeback:KLRahul
DEVENDRA PANDEY India batter KL Rahul admitted that
EXPRESS he was a bit nervous ahead of his
comeback game against Pakistan but
PRITHVI SHAW’S return to competitive
cricket might take longer than previously
ATASIACUP grew in confidence once he spent
some time in
expected as the Mumbai opener will take the middle be-
another three or four months to fully re- fore going on to
cover from his injury. complete a
Shaw had hurt his knee in August while VENKATAKRISHNAB memorable
playing a one-day game for COLOMBO,SEPTEMBER13 hundred. In a
Northamptonshire in English domestic rain-marred
cricket. INDIAAREbeginningtoturntheheatonwith AsiaCupmatch,
At that time, he was in superb form the ball. Displays such as the one against Sri Rahul struck an
scoring 244 and 125 not out in two of his Lanka on Tuesday can be a catalyst to lift the unbeaten 111
four outings in the One-Day Cup before in- mood, pouncing on every small window that and then kept
jury struck him while fielding during the theoppositionopensforthem.Forateamthat wickets for the entire duration in his
game against Durham. looked nowhere close to playing its A-game a first match for India since March. “I
The Indian Express understands that the weekago,theyarenowbeginningtoresemble am happy with how the last two
23-year-old still has swelling in his knee a hungry pack intent on ending the ICC title games have gone. I was a little nerv-
and an Indian board official confirmed that drought as hope gradually keeps building ous initially but as I started facing a
the will be taking three or four months to ahead of the World Cup next month. few balls I felt alright,” said Rahul in
rehabilitate completely. Despite all the riches they have in batting, the post-match press conference on
“A MRI was done after he got injured this is a team that has soared high thanks to a TuesdaynightafterIndia's41-runwin
and it revealed a Grade-II tear of the pos- strong bowling unit that takes the conditions over Sri Lanka. Rahul said his strong
terior cruciate ligament. He was sent to the outoftheequation.Inanerawheremosthave preparationsduringtherehabilitation
NCA where we found that there is still built their teams around batsmen, India have periodattheNCAhelpedhimprepare
swelling in his knee. We have decided to gone the other way round, as they believe for his return. “I was thinking that I
consult Dr Dinshaw Pardiwala in this case. bowlers win matches in a format loaded in will be in the playing 11 and that's
It will take at least four months for him to favourof thebat.Itisthemoduleaccordingto how I prepared. I was confident that I
play competitive cricket again,” a BCCI of- which they built their Test team and just in can still go there and do the job,” said
ficial said. timefortheWorldCup,Indiaseemtoberepli- Rahul.
The BCCI is consulting experts to decide cating the same in the 50-over format.
whether Shaw requires surgery or will heal
his injured knee naturally.
ture against Sri Lanka on Tuesday, there were Mushfiqurtomiss
Abrupt halt to county stint
Earlier, the Indian board had allowed only onMondayandwithless thana15-hour Jasprit Bumrah has been virtually unplayable in the two matches of the Asia Cup he has bowled in. PTI Senior Bangladesh batter Mushfiqur
Shaw to skip the Deodhar Trophy and fly to turnaround,restingJaspritBumrahandbring- Rahim will miss Friday's Asia Cup
England to play domestic cricket there. ing in Mohammed Shami would have been a 'Super Four' match against India after
He has played five Tests, six ODIs and a safeoptiongiventheformer’sinjuryconcerns. muchhelpaspossiblebeforetheycameon.He being granted an extension of leave
lone T20I for India. He had an average 2023
IPL season for Delhi Capitals. After his
choosing to send a message or two across by
PIECES FALLING IN PLACE knew skipper Rohit Sharma was not going to
keep the tweakers waiting and he had little
by his cricket board to be with his
county stint came to an abrupt halt, Shaw retaining their new ball pair of Bumrah and time to work around. There are still doubts if has informed us that his wife is still
had expressed his disappointment and MohammedSiraj–whohadbowledonlyfive Here’s what has made the Indian attack potent as World Cup draws near we can see the same old Bumrah. But not in recovering, and he needs to be by her
agreed to return to Northamptonshire next overseachagainstPakistan--intactandbring- Bumrah’s mind. Those deliveries that angled side and with their children at this
summer. inginAxarPatelforShardulThakur.Theywere Kuldeep show awayfromtheleft-handersareintact.Theout- time. We fully understand his situa-
“I’m so excited to be heading back to in the mood to go for the kill. FivewicketsagainstPakistan,followed swinger which he added to his armoury after tion and have decided to permit him
Northamptonshire next summer. Even If theyhad356todefendagainstPakistan, byfouragainstSriLanka,Kuldeep spending a lot of time on it is there too as to skip the game," BCB Cricket
though it was over quickly, I really enjoyed whomtheyblewoverfor128,againstSriLanka Yadavisshowinghowhehas PathumNissankafound.Eventheslowerone, Operations Chairman Mohammed
my time there. It’s a great club to be a part theyhadonly213runstoworkwith.Theslow establishedhimself astheleadspinner which is hard to pick with his action, was on Jalal Yunus said in a statement.
of and I was welcomed by everyone imme- conditions on Tuesday where the ball turned inIndia'swhite-ballset-up.Inboth display when he foxed Kusal Mendis. Mushfiqur, who had returned to
diately. I can’t wait to get back. and gripped, posing all sorts of problems for matches,hehasstruckcrucialblows, Afterundergoingacareer-threateningback Bangladesh to witness the birth of his
“My goal is always to help win games India’s batsmen, had disappeared when they whilejugglingbetweenattackingand surgery, there were doubts if Bumrah could second child.
for the team and it was so disappointing to bowled. Those conditions were tailor-made goingonthedefensive.Withwickets bend his back and get the ball to snort or de-
get injured and have to leave early this forRavindraJadejaandAxarPatel.Instead,the comingwiththenewball,heistaking liver those toe-crushers. But on successive
time,” Shaw had stated in a statement after heavy showers just before India’s innings careof themiddleoverswithRavindra nights, he used them whenever he intended Missing Naseem Shah
his injury. endedmeanttheyhadtodealwithawetout- Jadeja,andHardikPandya. to, a clear sign that Bumrah is back to where
“I had a few teams contacting me after field conditions and a pitch, which was two- he left. Having given two openings and Siraj a big blow: Morkel
the tournament wanting to talk about play- paced earlier but became a lot more batting- Bumrah to the fore takingcareofanother,India’snewballbowlers
ing for them next year, but I feel like I still friendly. WithMohammedShaminotbeingthe had done their job and now it was over to PAKISTAN BOWLING coach Morne
have more to achieve with IntheWorldCupathome,Indiacouldface firstchoiceintheXI,Indianeeded Kuldeep Yadav, Jadeja and Axar. Morkel on Wednesday said missing
Northamptonshire. They gave me the op- such situations as dew tends to play a big role JaspritBumrahtolandtheinitial LikeinthegameagainstPakistan,itwasthe injured pacer Naseem Shah was a big
portunity this year and I’m very happy to intheeveningsandthenatureofthepitchdif- punches.Intwomatcheshere,hehas wrist-spin of Kuldeep that broke the middle blow but hoped that another bowler
be coming back.” fers from the first innings to the second. On donepreciselythat,troublingthetop order.Newbatsmencomingincanfindithard will step into his shoes during a
suchinstances,matchesarewonwiththenew orderwithseammovement,gettingthe topick,andhavingapotentnew-ballbowleris must-win Asia Cup Super Four
ball, where the fielding side has to break the earlybreakthroughsafterwhichthe giving Kuldeep the luxury to attack more. He match against Sri Lanka. Naseem,
backoftheoppositionbeforetheballgoessoft spinnerscantakecontrol.Bumrahhas looks a different bowler these days, one who who injured his right shoulder dur-
and spinners find it challenging to grip a wet bowledonly12oversintwomatches, runsinalotstraighterandlandsconsistentlyin ing the match against India, was
one.Andwiththenewball,Indiawentthefull accountingforthreewickets.Withhim, thesamespot,useshisvariationsaccordingto ruled out of the tournament today,
throttle. Indiaappearadifferentunit. the situation and doesn’t over-bowl his and Zaman Khan has been named as
On such days, India need their spearhead googlies. He is also showing more patience his replacement. Pakistan and Sri
Bumrah at his best, where he is providing the than ever before. With him being India’s lone Lanka are tied on two points going
earlybreakthroughs.Forapacerwhohasbeen strike option in the middle overs, it is crucial into the virtual knockout match on
Pandya factor for him to go into the World Cup with confi- Thursday, and the winner will face
without him. And on successive evenings he Apart from shining with the bat, dence high, and following a five-wicket haul India in the final on September 17.
showed what it is to be in a team with him in Hardik Pandya is showing he can play againstPakistan,hecameupwithafour-feron "Obviously, it is a big blow (absence
theranks.AgainstPakistan,heputtheirtopor- a big role with the ball too. The big Tuesday. These are the two around whom of Naseem). It is unfortunate that he
derinallsortsoftrouble,greetingBabarAzam plus for India is that he has found bite India’s attack revolves. Apart from another picked some little niggles. But what
with a one that shaped away and missed the with the ball, and is chipping in with strike bowler in Siraj, there is Jadeja and Axar a fantastic opportunity for the guys
edge by a whisker. Their two left-handers at crucial wickets. Against Pakistan, he toprovidethecontroltheyseekandPandya– you know coming in. After going
the top just hung the bat, more in hope that it removed Babar Azam and against Sri who at times touched 140kmph – capable of down against India, it's a must win
doesn’t take the edge for no way they could Lanka when Dhananjaya de Silva and finding seam movement, the six bowling op- game for us tomorrow. I'm quite ex-
choose to leave any of the deliveries that Dunith Wellalage were going strong, it tions (Shardul/Axar) look rounded. And even cited to see new guys stepping in and
pitched on leg and went with the angle. was Pandya who Rohit turned to for beforetheballgotsoft,theyhadinflictedplenty showing some character," said
Prithvi Shaw scored 244 and 125 not seizing back control. He is also of damage so that even when Dhananjaya de Morkel during the pre-match press-
out in two of his four outings in the A different challenge beginning to touch the 140kmph SilvaandDunithWellalagebuiltapartnership conference.
One-Day Cup. Twitter AgainstSriLanka,Bumrahhadanevenbig- mark, which is even better news. and briefly threatened India, at no point did PTI
ger role to play. He had to give the spinners as they seem to doubt themselves.


Tamil Union Club: Once a hub graced by the Don, now a forgotten relic
venue getting international matches. the civil war and the emergence of the LTTE
VENKATAKRISHNAB The club has given Sri Lanka illustrious
The Don came back during the meant the club would see matches being
COLOMBO,SEPTEMBER13 players such as Tillakaratne Dilshan, Rangana movedat the eleventh hourtotheSSCorRPS.
Herath, Suranga Lakmal and Upul Chandana. lunch break and said the pitch is And if that was not enough, in the 1983 riots,
DIMLY-LIT surroundings, furniture that date “It was a marshland when we bought this two yards short. Lot of them didn’t the club was burnt down, with all the records
back at least a couple of decades, and the land and Saravanamuttu took the challenge believe it but he made us measure going up in smoke.
cream-coloured coating on the pillars and and built a beautiful ground and called it the it and turned out, he was actually “It was the most challenging time that all
wallsdon’tgiveawaythestoriedhistoryofthe Colombo Oval. With people thronging to right. One of the groundstaff had of uswentthrough.Theriotsravagedtheclub
Tamil Union Cricket and Athletic Club. watchcricket,hethenbuiltthestadiumaswell got the measurement wrong and and nobody thought we could rise again.
Except for an Ilaiyaraaja melody from the asitprovidedshelterandforalongtime,hap- Nobodycameforhelpandweunderstoodthat
1980sthatplayssoftlyinthebackground,there pened to be the only ground in Sri Lanka that
we changed it instantly. allofus(clubmembers)hadtofundourselves
isnoear-splittingmusicornoiseevenfromthe had any sort of stadium,” Chandra Schaffter, a CHANDRASCHAFFTER andgetthegroundready.Ittookusthree-four
Oval Taverners bar that sits close to the pavil- formerfirst-classcricketerandex-presidentof TAMIL UNION EX-PRESIDENT years to get back on track, but even then we
ion.Theboardattheentrancetellsoneevery- Tamil Union, tells The Indian Express. ensured that the stadium kept hosting
thing about the club, which was founded in Soon, Vijay Merchant would bring a team matchesagainstAustraliaandIndia,”Schaftter
1899 and happened to be the place where Sri from Mumbai to play a few matches at the adds.
Lanka took its baby- steps in cricket. But Oval, where Mahadevan Sathasivam, one of Troubled times And in the same period with Gamini
whicheversideoneturnsto,thereisavintage the early greats from the island, scored a cen- Having established itself asa synonymfor Dissanayake,theformerpresidentofSriLanka,
feel to it, where one could just close the eyes tury. And by the late 1930s, the Colombo Oval cricket in the island, in the 1950s, because of taking over as chairman of the Sri Lankan
andpictureDonBradmanwalkingouttoplay would become a pit stop for England and itsaffiliationwiththeTamils,itwouldruninto Cricket Board, the club would bring about a
and Sri Lanka tasting their first-ever Test win Australianteamswhenevertheyembarkedon troubleintheearlyyearsofethnicwar.In1958, huge change. From featuring only Tamil play-
over India to even the match-winning fourth an Ashes journey. it lost one of the matches against England to ersintheteam,itopenedthedoorstoallcom-
innings century by VVS Laxman in 2010. “Every time the English travelled to theSinhaleseSportsClub(SSC).“Wehadriots munities, making it an inclusive one.
Foraclubthatwasoncetheheartandsoul Australia, they would have a stopover in The T Murugaser stand at the Tamil Union Cricket and Athletic Club. File that year and they took the game away from “Those days, unless you were a Tamil, you
of Sri Lankan cricket, it now resembles every Colombo.Theywillarriveinthemorning,play us.Butwiththefacilitiesbeinglimitedandno couldn’t play for Tamil Union. Same with SSC,
bitaforgottenoldman,sittingalone,reminisc- amatchduringthedayandgobacktotheship stadium in place, they came back soon after whereonlySinhalesewereallowedtoplay.But
ingthegloriouspastandtheturbulenttimesit at night. I played the 1954 match. Same with histwovisitstoColomboafterbeinghitwicket them didn’t believe it but he made us meas- anditremainedthehometilltheKhettarama Dissanayake wanted to change this and end
haswithstood.Aftercomingintoexistenceaf- Australians, they would stop over and do the for the only time in his career here in 1930, ureitandturnedout,hewasactuallyright.One (RPS) came around in 1986,” he says. thediscrimination.Itwasagooddecisionand
tertwoclubsdecidedtomergetogether,itwas same. Every two years, we had a half-day or a Schaftterremembersatalefromthe1948trip. of the groundstaff had got the measurement It was the decade when the stadium, now thoughmemberswerereluctant,allofuscame
P Saravanamuttu, after whom the stadium is one-day match,” Schaftter recalls. “The Don came back during the lunch break wrongandwechangeditinstantly,”Schaftter renamed P Saravanamuttu Oval, would run onboard.Andtoday,thereisnotasingleTamil
named,whoplayedaninstrumentalroleinthe AlthoughDonBradmandidn’tplayduring and said the pitch is two yards short. Lot of says. into several problems. According to Schaftter, player playing for us,” Schaffter says.

Chhetri to lead second-string side as ISL clubs refuse to release some players
WhenStimachadinitiallyannouncedhis of theusualthreegoalkeepers,onlytwohave eral elections coming, and to avoid the ad-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE 22-membersquadinAugust,itwasclearthat When Stimac had initially been confirmed by the AIFF in Gurmeet verse weather conditions in certain parts of
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 theplayersincludedwereeithera part of the Singh and Dheeraj Moirangthem. Out of the the country, we had to adjust the schedule,
national team or just on its periphery. The announced his 22-member remaining players, most are wingers or for- and shorten the domestic calendar to an ex-
INDIAN NATIONAL team skipper Sunil Asian Games was considered a chance to ex- squad in August, it was clear that wards – positions for which ISL clubs usually tentthatthesethingsdon’thamperthequal-
Chhetri will lead a 17-member squad at the pand the experience of the national pool the players included were either employeitherforeignplayersortheabsolute ity of the games and put unnecessary pres-
HangzhouAsianGameswithonlynineof the players with closely-crunched-together in- best Indian talent. sure on the players.”
22 players initially requested by coach Igor ternational fixtures. But with the ISL starting a part of the national team or “It has been a hectic time in the Indian Initially, reports had emerged that nine
StimacreleasedbyIndian SuperLeague (ISL) on September 21, most clubs were unwilling just on its periphery. football season. We have a tight schedule of theseniorplayersthatwerepartof the na-
clubs for the event that falls outside the FIFA to release their best Indian U-23 talent. The within a short period of time that was not tional team for the King's Cup in Thailand
international window. other two senior players that Stimac had se- easy to manage,” said AIFF president Kalyan were asked to stay back as the AIFF contin-
It is unclear whether Stimac and his lected were FC Goa’s Sandesh Jhingan and group will move onto the pre-quarterfinals, Chaubey on the federation's website. “There uedtonegotiatewiththeclubs,hopingtose-
coaching staff will be a part of the Asian Bengaluru FC’sGurpreet Singh Sandhu,both along with four of the best third-placed weresituationswhichwereunavoidableand curetheirrelease.Butthefuroreoverplayers’
Gamesaftermostof theplayershewaslook- of whom were not released by their respec- Sunil Chhetri will captain the Indian teams. While the team Stimac had asked for demandedagreatbalancingact.Itwasnever travel being delayed led the AIFF to ensure
ing for after a successful SAFF Cup at home tive clubs. team at the Asian Games. wasstrongenoughonpapertomakeittothe easy, but at the same time, I must reach out all of them returned to their bases in India.
will be a part of their respective ISL teams, Even out of the nine players remaining pre-quarterfinals, the current squad carries to FSDL (Football Sports Development SQUAD: Gurmeet Singh, Dheeraj Singh
participating in the domestic league and the from the original squad, most are sporadic an air of uncertainty with it. Limited) and the clubs, thanking them for Moirangthem,SumitRathi,NarenderGahlot,
Asian Champions League/ AFC Cup tourna- players for their clubs with the exception of vital minutes. While most of these players have not making it possible.” Amarjit Singh Kiyam, Samuel James, Rahul
ments. The Croatian had made it clear ear- Chhetri–who,at37,hasalsonotbeenaguar- IndiawillfaceChinaintheirfirst gameon playedtogether,whatisevenmoreproblem- Giving a possible explanation as to why KP, Abdul Rabeeh Anjukandan, Ayush Dev
lier that the Asian Games was an important anteed starter for Bengaluru FC over the past September 19 followed by games against atic is the team composition. the Asian Games was not included in the Chhetri, Bryce Miranda, Azfar Noorani,
tournament in the lead-up to the World Cup year and has had to make way for a foreign Bangladesh (September 21) and Myanmar Narendar Gehlot and Sumit Rathi are the AIFF’s calendar for the current year, Chaubey Rahim Ali, Vincy Bareto, Sunil Chhetri, Rohit
qualifiers and the AFC Asian Cup. striker at club level, but still manages to get (September 24). The top two from each only defensive options in the squad. Instead said,“Wemustrememberthattherearegen- Danu, Gurkirat Singh, Aniket Jadhav.

Kowloon: Indian women doubles pair
Djokovic unplugged Prosecutor says
no serious
corruption in
of Tanisha Crasto and Ashwini
Ponnappa progressed to the pre-
Proud of his Serbian heritage and tough upbringing, World No.1 is defiant despite grudging admiration Paris Olympics
quarterfinals of the Hong Kong Open
Super 500 tournament here on NAMIT KUMAR
Wednesday. Tanisha and Ashwini SEPTEMBER 13 ASSOCIATED PRESS
beat Chinese Taipei's Lee Chia Hsin PARIS, SEPTEMBER 13
and Teng Chun Hsun 21-19 21-19 to IT WAS supposed to be a celebration of the
set up a clash with top seeded silver medal won by the Serbian national FRANCE’S TOP financial prosecutor said
Japanese duo of Mayu Matsumoto basketball team at the FIBA World Cup, but Wednesday that investigations into the or-
and Wakana Nagahara. Asian Games the occasion was proverbially gatecrashed ganization of the 2024 Paris Olympics have
bound Lakshya Sen, however, with- by a history-maker. not revealed any serious corruption or in-
drew from the tournament due to A24thGrandSlamsinglestitleandfourth fluence peddling, and that his goal is not to
slight strain in his back. "He has al- US Open in tow, Novak Djokovic arrived in disrupt the event.
most recovered but with the Asian his home country to a raucous reception, Speaking in an interview with RTL radio,
Games round the corner, we didn't thousands waving flags and cheering as the Jean-Francois Bohnert said the potential in-
want to risk playing today without World No.1, who is now the outright record- fractions currently investigated by the the
being 100 per cent. He will be fine in holder in Open Era Majors, was overawed by financial prosecutor’s office are “mainly for-
a few days," coach Anup Sridhar told the occasion. “This is a childhood dream mal.”
PTI. Priyanshu Rajawat suffered a 13- come true, because once upon a time I was “It’s about favoritism, of illegal interest-
21 14-21 loss to Japan's Kanta down there and celebrating,” he was quoted taking,” he said. “It’s about the way certain
Tsuneyama, while Aakarshi Kashyap as sayingby,holdingback contracts have been distributed, the
went down 18-21 10-21 to German tears. arrangements ... But I don’t see any ele-
Yvonne Li. .PTI Djokovic has always worn his Serbian ments, at least not at this stage, that would
heritage on his sleeve, in acknowledgment lead the investigation towards the most se-
PSG'sVerrattitojoin of all that he has had to overcome to achieve
what he has, and in defiance of the kind of
rious cases of corruption or influence ped-
QatariclubAl-Arabi stereotypes that are associated with his
home country. Stereotypes that, he believes,
French police searched the Paris
Olympic organizing committee headquar-
Milan: Italy midfielder Marco Verratti continue to hold him back in international ters in June as part of corruption investiga-
has left Paris St Germain to join Qatari acknowledgmentof hisgreatnessdespitehis tions into contracts linked to the event.
side Al-Arabi, the Ligue 1 club said on resume suggesting so. The search and other related raids were
Wednesday. Verratti has signed a “One thing is a fact, though – if I wasn’t linked to two preliminary investigations of
three-year deal with the Qatar Stars from Serbia, I’d have been glorified on a the Paris Olympics. One probe was opened
Leagueclub,whohavepaidareported sporting level many years ago, especially in in 2017 — the year Paris was picked by the
45 million euros ($48.31 million) for the West,” he was quoted as saying by ten- Novak Djokovic is seen on a big screen as he makes a surprise appearance on the balcony of Belgrade's city hall during a International Olympic Committee as the
the 30-year-old, according to the, translating his Serbian post- celebration for members of the Serbian national basketball team. AP 2024 host — and the other began last year.
Italian media. "I was very proud to US Open press conference. “But that’s part of Asked whether arrests could take place
wear the colours of Paris St Germain my journey, I am grateful and proud to come during the Olympics, Bonhert said the of-
for more than a decade, to rub shoul- from Serbia – because of that, all of these ac- One thing is a fact, though – if I The odds were pretty much haswonatleastthreetitlesateachof thefour fice wants to “ensure the smooth running
ders with so many great players, and complishments are sweeter and even more Grand Slam tournaments). of what is going to be a global event” and a
to win 30 trophies," Verratti told the fulfilling.”
wasn’t from Serbia, I’d have been against me and my family, but, And there are no signs of slowing down. “universal party.”
club website. REUTERS Djokovic’s upbringing in war-torn Serbia glorified on a sporting level many you know, we did it. I say 'we,' Thebigstagecontinuestomotivatehim,asis “It’s not up to us to come and disrupt
is undoubtedly a huge part of his personal years ago, especially in the because I owe a lot to my family, evidentfromhimreachingthefinalatallfour that order,” he added. “And that’s why we
West.But that’s part of my
Toffologets experience, and shapes his story as a sport-
ing champion. journey, I am grateful and proud
my parents who sacrificed so
much... Lots of adversities that
Grand Slams and winning three of them in
the year he turned 36.
started early enough. The searches that took
place were carried out more than a year be-
five-monthban Havinggrownupata timewhentheeco-
nomic consequences of the war crippled his
to come from Serbia – because of
that, all of these
they had to face... when you think “Eventually one day I will leave tennis in
about 23, 24 years,” Djokovic jokingly told
fore the start of the Games.”
The probe, opened in 2017, is looking
London: Nottingham Forest's Harry family, taking up an individual sport as ex-
about it, the last thing you want the English media after the US Open. “And into suspected embezzlement of public
Toffolo has been handed a suspended pensive as tennis was never easy. accomplishments are sweeter to think about is supporting your there are going to be new young players funds and favoritism, and concerns about
five-month ban and fined almost “The odds were pretty much against me and even more fulfilling. child in an expensive sport. coming up. Until then, I guess you'll see me an unspecified contract reached by Paris or-
21,000 pounds ($26,000) after admit- and my family, but, you know, we did it. I say a bit more.” ganizers, the prosecutor’s office said in June.
ting to 375 breaches of the Football 'we,' because I owe a lot to my family, to my NOVAK DJOKOVIC His coach, 2001 Wimbledon champion The 2022 investigation followed an au-
Association's (FA) betting rules, the parents who sacrificed so much for me to be 24-TIME GRAND SLAM WINNER GoranIvanisevic,wasmoreseriouswhenan- dit by the French Anti-Corruption Agency.
governing body said on Wednesday. here,”hetoldinternationalmediaonSunday. swering a question of whether Djokovic is The prosecutor’s office said that case tar-
The breaches occurred between 2014 “It was extremely, extremely difficult with sport,” he added. But droning on about Djokovic’s past ri- closetocallingtimeonhiscareer“You’llhave gets suspected conflict of interest and fa-
to 2017 when the full back was with lots of adversities that they had to face and Itisthenasporting odditythatDjokovic’s valries is, in essence, pointless. Having won toaskhim(abouthisfuture),”hesaid.“Idon't voritism involving several contracts
Norwich City and had loan spells at atrocities that when you think about it, the story is not considered a source of inspira- 24 Grand Slams, pulling away from Roger think so. No, no, he's planning to play in the reached by the organizing committee and
clubs including Swindon Town, lastthingyouwanttothinkaboutissupport- tion by most, perhaps due to the peculiari- Federer,whoisnowretired,andRafaelNadal, Olympic Games in Los Angeles.” Djokovic Solideo, the public body in charge of
Rotherham United, Peterborough ing your child in an expensive sport.” ties of tennis. who is still recovering for injury hoping for a willbe41whenthequadrennialeventisheld Olympic infrastructure.
United and Scunthorpe United. “It was more about bringing the bread Thecountryclub-likeatmosphereatten- farewell in 2024, he has outrightly estab- in the US in 2028.
"Nottingham Forest's Harry Toffolo to the kitchen table at that point. So reflect- nis tournaments is not exactly a platform for lished himself as the most successful tennis Conversations about Djokovic being
has been given a five-month suspen- ing on the whole journey, it’s been an in- addressing the various complexities that player ever. among the greatest athletes in any sport will French police searched the Paris
sion, which has been suspended un- credible, incredible ride that we all can be come with Djokovic’s personality – how his continue as he goes to Paris next year to try Olympic organizing committee
til the end of the 2024/25 season, and very proud of. This kind of upbringing, re- upbringing shaped his extreme self-belief No sign of slowing down to win an Olympic gold – the only gap in a headquarters in June as part of
20,956.22 pound fine for misconduct ally, and experiences I had in childhood re- and patriotism. Swiss grace and Spanish grit His greatness is not just summed up in peerless resume. But with him staying fit as
in relation to our betting rules," the ally allow me to appreciate this moment or werebasesof storytellingthatwerebotheas- one number, but in his longevity at the top ever, even in the twilight of his career, Serbia corruption investigations into
FA said. REUTERS any other moments that I experienced, big ier to tell, and to understand, as opposed to (he has reached 36 finals in 72 Grand Slams), should have a lot more to cheer for in the contracts linked to the event.
moments in my career in the history of this Serbian defiance. and the versatility of his achievements (he coming years.


Germany’s woes: Lack of proper No.9 or absence of playing philosophy?

Speaking of Kai Havertz, if you talk to any
SAYAK DUTTA German fan, they would struggle to tell you
SEPTEMBER 13 Pro-Serbia chants in Romania-Kosovo game what the Arsenal player is really good at. He
is decent enough in most things he does but
On Tuesday night as Germany defeated Bucharest: Romania beat Kosovo 2-0 in a hasn’t really found his true calling position-
France 2-1, the home crowd at the Signal Euro 2024 qualifier that was suspended wise. It doesn’t help that in the national
Iduna Park let loose a collective sigh of relief, on Tuesday for just under an hour after setup, he has been forced to play in the cen-
interspersed with deafening cheers. Romanian fans repeatedly shouted pro- tre forward position which he clearly is un-
Germany had finally won a match since Serbiachants.ThegameinBucharestwas comfortable with.
March 26, theirsecond in 7 matches in 2023. stopped in the 18th minute after some of Looking ahead, the German FA are
The last time they won was against Peru the crowd chanted "Serbia Serbia" and a searching for Flick’s replacement with for-
withascoreof2-0.Afterthat,itwasjustabar- player confronted people in the stands mer Bayern Munich coach Julian
rage of losses and a draw. displaying a sign saying "Kosovo is NagelsmannandLiverpool’sJurgenKloppon
They lost against Belgium, Poland, Serbia", with the referee sending the Romania fans inside the stadium their radar. If appointed, both will have a tall
ColombiaandJapanwhiledrawing3-3against players back to the changing rooms. hold up banners. Reuters task in their hands with a flailing German
Ukraine. The match against Japan was a re- "The match has resumed after play team at their disposal. With the Euros less
matchofthe2022WorldCupwheretheyhad wassuspendedduetodiscriminatorybe- than a year away, Germany will be counting
losttotheAsiancountry2-1.Thistimearound haviour from some supporters," UEFA countries, but not from Romania. The theirstarsthattheyarehostsanddonothave
itgotworseastheywerethrashedathome4- said on their website after an interrup- game restarted and, shortly before the to go through the gruelling qualification
1 by the blue samurai. tion of 50 minutes. Kosovo declared in- break,Kosovo'sVedatMuriqiwassentoff process. Because if they did, based on their
This was the last straw that broke the Thomas Muller celebrates after scoring the opening goal against France in a dependence from Serbia in 2008 and for a second yellow card after a foul on recent form, they might not even have made
proverbial camel’s back as the German friendly in Dortmund. Germany’s 2-1 win was their first since late March. won recognition from more than 100 midfielder Vladimir Screciu. REUTERS it to the main stage.
Football Association sacked coach Hansi
Flick. But the problem of the German foot-
ball team losing its shine over the years isn’t
a short term one.
from the group stage in the 2018 and 2022
World Cups.
Bayern Munich, when he came to the coun-
try, everyone believed we have to play this
lack of a proper number 9 in the German
team since the iconic Miroslav Klose retired
gence. This is another damning fact that the
conveyorbeltof talentcan’tseemtoproduce
Themystichassteadilybeenerodingever So what was the problem? What kind of football, like short passes and every- so the goals dried up. The Die Mannschaft a genuine goal scorer.
Germany 2 France 1
since they won the World Cup back in 2014. changed? Former Germany player Bastian thing. We were kind of losing our values,” have also been defensively all over the place Timo Werner was supposed to be the
After that high, the record of the team in big Schweinsteiger, a few months ago opined Schweinsteiger said. and have lacked a coherent philosophy. next big thing while at RB Leipzig but after a Senegal 0 Algeria 1
tournaments stands thus: defeat at the semi that trying to emulate Pep Guardiola’s style Butit’llbereally unfairtoplacetheblame In the wake of its striker crisis, Germany stint atChelsea,hisconfidencehas beenshot Uzbekistan 3 Mexico 3
final of Euro 2016, knocked out from the of football might have hampered the na- on a manager like Guardiola for the decline had to rely on Niclas Fullkrug, a 30-year-old to pieces and he hasn’t looked the same USA 4 Oman 0
Round of 16 in Euro 2020 and elimination tional team. “When Pep Guardiola joined of an entire national team. There has been a frontman who has hada recent career resur- player since.

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`59,650 `82.97 $92.65 `73,400
Note: Gold, silver rates at Delhi spot market, gold per 10g, silver per 1 kg; Crude oil (Indian basket) as of September 12

SENSEX: 67,466.99 ▲ 245.86 (0.37%) NIFTY: 20,070.00 ▲ 76.80 (0.38%) NIKKEI: 32,706.52 ▼ 69.85 HANG SENG: 18,009.22 ▼ 16.67 FTSE: 7,507.53 ▼ 20.00 DAX: 15,615.75 ▼ 99.78
International market data till 1900 IST

recycling project
gets traction as top
Govtapproves`1,650crfor75lakh fell as share
of GDP in

EV makers sign up
MG Motor, Toyota, Tata Motors are
newPMUYconnectionsover3years current beneficiary base of 9.6 alised basis, assuming refill rates
2022: IMF
SUKALPSHARMA crore,thetotalnumberof14.2-kg remainconstantandfuelretailers
among the auto firms who registered NEWDELHI,SEPTEMBER13 cylinders consumed by PMUY
consumers comes out to be 35.6
batteriescanaccountforupto40 THE UNION Cabinet on crore per year, resulting in a sub- whattheywouldhavechargedfor globaldebtasashareofeconomic
AGGAM WALIA percentofthetotalcostofmanu- Wednesdayapprovedtheexpan- sidy outgo of over Rs 7,100 crore a cylinder had the price cut not outputfellsignificantlyin2022for
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 facturing an EV, recovery of rare sion of the Pradhan Mantri per year, calculations show. For been announced. the second year in a row, but the
earth metals like lithium from Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) in order the targetted 10.35 crore benefi- Theactualcostcouldbediffer- decline may be ending as a post-
AT LEAST 59 electric vehicle (EV) used batteries can significantly toadd75lakhpoorhouseholdsto ciary base, the annualised cook- entfromthisestimateasthereare COVID growth surge fades.
makers that use lithium-ion bat- drivedowncosts.Furthermore,ef- the scheme’s beneficiary base inggassubsidybill,assumingthe anumberofvariablesintheequa- TheIMFsaidinanupdatetoits
teries like MG Motor,Ola Electric, ficient recycling of battery waste over three years at an estimated PMUYrefillratestaysat3.71cylin- tion. These include possible over Global Debt Database that the
Ather Energy, Tata Motors, and can also reduce the domestic in- cost of Rs 1,650 crore. The nod to dersperyearandsubsidyremains recoveriesonLPGsalesbyfuelre- world'stotaldebtto-GDPratiofell
Mahindra & Mahindra have reg- dustry’s reliance on rare metals the PMUY expansion and the constant Rs 200 per cylinder, tailers,movementininternational lastyearto238percentfrom248
isteredonanonlineportalopera- imports.Theseoutcomesarecon- schemeofreleaseofgranttopub- would be around Rs 7,700 crore. crudeandLPGpricesgoingahead, percentin2021and258percent
tionalised by India’s apex pollu- tingent upon a minimum purity licsectoroilmarketingcompanies Thegovernmenthadstopped and currency fluctuations. On its in 2020.
tion control authority earlier this standard of 99.5 per cent for re- (OMCs) for the same follows the providing cooking gas subsidy in part,thegovernmenthasnotpro- But the decline for the past
year. covered lithium, a threshold the government’s August 29 an- The per-cylinder subsidy of Rs 200 is borne by the the early months of the 2020-21 vided any estimate of the cost of two years, driven by strong
Producers registering on the domestic recycling industry can- nouncement of slashing cooking government. File fiscal, when global oil and fuel the price cut. growth and stronger-than-ex-
portalaregrantedafive-yearcer- not yet meet. gas prices for all domestic con- priceshadcrashed.Later,thesub- Even as the government was pected inflation, has recouped
tificate as part of a mandated Both producers and recyclers sumersbyRs200percylinderand sidy was brought back, but only not giving any subsidy to non- only about two thirds of the
process to facilitate the proper of lithium-ion batteries are re- expandingthebeneficiarybaseof 200per14.2-kgcookinggascylin- result of rising population, mar- for poor households covered un- PMUY consumers, it did provide COVID-induced spike in global
management of battery waste. quired to use the online EPR por- PMUY to 10.35 crore from 9.60 der for up to 12 refills per year. riages, migration, nuclearlisation der the PMUY. a one-time grant of Rs 22,000 debt.Theratioremainswellabove
Otherbigmanufacturerstoregis- tal,whichwaslaunchedinMarch crore at present. UnderthePMUY,cookinggascon- of families, left over households, While the government will crore to the three OMCs last year the 2019 level of 238 per cent of
ter on the platform include pro- by the Central Pollution Control Thepricecutandexpansionof nections are issued to women extremely remote locations, etc... bear the cost of expanding the to compensate them for selling GDP.
ducers of hybrid electric vehicles Board(CPCB),toroutinelydeclare PMUY, which came ahead of membersofpoorhouseholds,and PMUYhasbeenwidelypraisedas PMUY beneficiary base and the LPG at a loss for the previous two Chinahasplayedacentralrole
like Toyota Kirloskar and players the quantity of waste battery re- Assembly elections in five states theconnection,stove,andthefirst asuccessfulsocialwelfarescheme consequent increase in subsidy years,whichhadresultedinaccu- inincreasingglobaldebtinrecent
such as Yamaha Motor that plan cycled and materials recovered. later this year and the Lok Sabha cylinder are given free of charge. whichhasmajorlycontributedto outgo, it is unlikely to foot the ex- mulatedlossesofRs28,000crore. decades as borrowing outpaced
to launch EVs, alongside 16 recy- Currently,registrationcertificates electionsnextyear,wasdescribed The per-cylinder subsidy of Rs theincreaseinLPGpenetrationin pense for the price cut and the The grant came at a time when economic growth, and its debt
clers including lithium-ion recy- havebeenissuedto1225produc- bythegovernmentasitsgifttothe 200, which beneficiaries get as a the country from 62% in 2016 to OMCs are expected to absorb the the OMCs were grappling with burden has defied the moderat-
clers like NCR-based BATX ersforafive-yearperiod,with215 peopleontheoccasionof Raksha bank transfer from the OMCs, is nearsaturationnow,”thegovern- hit, at least for the time being, ac- significant losses, particularly in ingtrend,growingto272percent
Energies and Prithvi Cleantech, applications in-process. Bandhan and Onam. also borne by the government as ment said in a release on cording to people in the know. the fuel retail segment. However, of GDPin2022from265percent
and Mumbai-based LICO. Industrysourcesconfirmthat The Rs 1,650 crore estimate is the OMCs are reimbursed for it. Wednesday. As per The Indian Express’s the companies have now largely in 2021.
As per Battery Waste the registration of recyclers on only for the cost of connection to “Someeligiblehouseholdsstilldo As per government data, the analysisofcurrentcookinggasre- recovered from last year’s losses Thoselevelsaresimilartothe
Management Rules (BWMR), CPCB’s EPR portal for battery the new 75 lakh beneficiaries of nothaveLPG(liquefiedpetroleum average LPG refill rate for PMUY fill rates and the total domestic and industry insiders do not ex- United States, which saw its total
2022, producersof batteriescon- waste management is still in the thePMUYover2023-24,2024-25, gas) connection. This is due to beneficiaries was 3.71 cylinders consumer base, the Rs 200-per- pect the government to be as ea- debt-to-GDP ratio fall to 274 per
taininglithium,nickel,cobalt,and testingphaseastheboardcontin- and 2025-26, and does not in- multiple reasons--new house- forfinancialyear2022-23interms cylinderpricecutalonecouldcost gertohelpthecompaniesthrough centin2022from284percent in
lead must ensure environmen- ues to collate stakeholder feed- clude the targetted subsidy of Rs holds are formed every year as a of 14.2-kgcylinders.Goingbythe over Rs 36,000 crore on an annu- a special financial grant. 2021,accordingtotheIMFreport.
tallysoundmanagementofwaste back on portal-related processes.
batteriesproducedbytheminthe The portal is expected to become
form of Extended Producer
Responsibility (EPR) compliance.
EPR compliance is based on the
fully operational in the coming
salesandrecyclingdataandtois- Petrol vehicles dominate auto market, EVs lag
Nifty ends above 20,000-mark for
sue EPR certificates.
Missing from the list of 16 re-
Cost-conscious Indians are preferring to buy petrol cars as they are cheaper than diesel first time; Sensex gains 246 points
generated by used products on cyclersthathaveappliedtoregis- SALES (in %) 68.4 ELECTRICVEHICLES, HIGHESTDIESELCAR
the producer. terisNoida-basedLOHUM,which NATURALGAS MARKETSHARE
■ Petrol ■ Diesel
The European Union also re- recently partnered with MG ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU
quires producers in member
Motor for second-life EV battery
solutions. Roorkee-based Attero,

47%: MahindraandMahindra

andrecoveraminimumof50per with at least 26 global patents on THENSE’SNiftyclosedabovethe

centlithiumfromend-of-lifebat- lithium-ion battery recycling 20,000 mark for the first time
teriesby2027initseffortstopro- technologies, has also not sent in Source: JATO ever on Wednesday as lower-
moteacirculareconomy.InIndia theapplicationyetasperinforma- Govt’sexpectationby2030 Dynamics/Reuters than-expected consumer price
too, EPR compliance has been tion available on the portal. index-(CPI) inflation for August
mandatory for the recycling of With the introduction of EPR and higher industrial growth in
plastic packaging waste. for battery waste management,
18 July boosted investor senti-
BWMRallowproducerstoei- Utkarsh Singh, CEO of BATX 9 11.4 ments.The50-shareNiftyended
ther recycle battery waste them- Energies,isconfidentthatthebat- at an all-time high of 20,070, up The Nifty Midcap 100 rose 0.19 per cent File
selves or provide it to recyclers terywasterecyclingindustrywill 76.8 points, or 0.38 per cent.
registeredwithrelevantstatepol- growinsizeandcapabilitiesinthe The 30-share BSE continued 5.7 per cent in July. strong macroeconomic head-
lutioncontrolboardsinexchange coming years. FULLREPORTON 2014 Jan-July2023 itsrallyfortheninthstraightses- Kotak Securities Ltd, Head of winds,” he said. The small and
forEPRcertificates.GiventhatEV sion and ended at 67,466.99, up Research, Shrikant Chouhan, mid-cap indices which fell on
245.86 points, or 0.37 per cent. saiddespiteearlyvolatility, mar- September 13, recovered on
“The domestic indices re- kets quickly rebounded to stay Wednesday. While the Nifty

Bombay Dyeing to sell Tesla looking at sourcing components sumed its upward trajectory de-
spiteweakglobal cues.Thecool-
in positive territory thereafter as
Nifty closed above the 20,000-
Midcap 100 rose 0.19 per cent,
the Nifty Smallcap 100 was up

22-acre plot to Japan’s worth $1.9 bn from India: Piyush Goyal

ing of domestic CPI inflation to mark amid buying in metals, oil 1.02 per cent. Nifty PSU Bank in-
6.83 per cent in August and the & gas and telecom stocks, even dex rose 4.23 per cent to
riseinindustrialproductiondata as other Asian and European 4,938.55.


maker is is now believed to be
firming up plans to build up the
of how the proposed system
would work are yet to spelt out.
At present, automakers pay
reaffirmed the robustness of the
Indian economy,” said Vinod
Nair, Head of Research, Geojit
in negative territories.
“Surprisingly, buying has
Among the NSE companies,
Coal India, Grasim Industries,
Tata Consumer Products, Bharti
decision by the Bombay Dyeing long-term. Sources had said ear- lowertaxesonvehiclestheyman- Financial Services. continued despite persistent Airtel and Titan gained the max-
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA board to make the company US ELECTRIC vehicle (EV) maker lier that the EV maker hasn't ufacture in India and on some of The consumer price index selling by foreign investors and imum. Shares of HDFC Life
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 leaner from a debt perspective, Teslaplanstosourcecomponents sought any package of incentives themodelstheyimportfromout- (CPI) based inflation eased to valuations getting stretched in Insurance, Mahindra &
turnitintoblackandputitonthe worth $1.9 billion from India this asitlookstosetupamanufactur- sideforsalelocally,theimportdu- 6.83 per cent in August from a the ongoing market rally. Mahindra, Adani Ports and
IN ONE of the biggest land deals path to sustained profits by year, up from $1 billion last year, ing base in India. tiescangoupto100percent.The 15-month high of 7.44 per cent Investors are willing to take Special Economic Zone Ltd,
in the financial capital, Wadias- strengthening balance sheets. commerceandindustryminister Last year, Tesla bought $1 bil- idea is as we get large-scale pro- inJuly 2023,andthefactory out- long-term equity bets here as Larsen & Toubro Ltd and Cipla
run Bombay Dyeing on The company, which re- PiyushGoyalsaidonWednesday. lion of components (from Indian ductionwewillstartenjoyingthe put grew to a five-month high of other key markets are facing declined the most.
Wednesday announced the sale porteda widening of lossestoRs Speaking here at the annual units)andthetargetforthisyearis fruits of economies of scale, of
of a 22-acre land parcel to 517 crore in FY23, will get the session of Automotive $1.7 or 1.9 billion, Goyal said. He new technologies, Research &
Japan's Sumitomo for Rs 5,200 money in two phases, with the Components Manufacturers alsosaidafewautoindustryplay- Development.” FE
crore. first payment of Rs 4,675 crore Association of India (ACMA), the ershadevincedinterestininvest-
The plot in central Mumbai's expected by October, while the minister, however, added that a ing in India. “I am convinced that
Worli houses the Wadia remaining Rs 525 crore will policy in the works to encourage this is the future.”
International Centre, the nearly come by March 2024 after the investments in local production WithTeslasteppingupsourc- Tender No : E Tender No. 61/2023-24/SE/PHC/ALP
three-centuries old group's completion of certain mile- of EVs would be for “the entire ingfromIndia,itssupplierbasein JJM- Providing Household Retrofittable /Extendable Water Service Connections in Purakkad
Panchayath Construction of 15 LL OHSR, Supplying and Laying of Distribution Main, Road
headquarters and other estab- stones, Anand said. sector”, and not specific to any the country would widen, help- Restoration on PWD/LSGD Roads and Supplying and Laying of Transmission Main from
lishments. "It's a large deal and Goisu Realty, a subsidiary of company. ing the company to venture into Vyasa Junction to Proposed 15LL OHSR, Payalkulangara, Purakkad- General Civil Work.
willhelpsolvealotof ourissues," Sumitomo Realty & Tesla had initially demanded assembling and exporting from EMD : Rs. 5,00,000/-, Tender fee : Rs. 19,518, Last Date for submitting Tender :
03-10-2023 02:00:pm Phone : 0477-2237954 Website :,
RahulAnand,thechief executive Development Company, will be import tariff relief to cater to the India. Recent reports had sug-
Superintending Engineer
of Bombay Realty, an arm of the purchasing the freehold land growing Indian market, but the gestedthatIndiamayreduceim- PH Circle
listed Bombay Dyeing, told PTI. parcel, which allows it to use the government remained keen to port duty on fully-built cars if KWA-JB-GL-6-1193-2023-24 Alappuzha

He said the genesis of the entire 22 acre for residential or develop a domestic manufactur- manufacturers commit to local
transactions is in a March 2022 commercial use. ing ecosystem for EVs. The car manufacturing.However, details

BRIEFLY ³f¦fSX d³f¦f¸f, ´fi¹ff¦fSXfþÜ

BÊ-d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff (°fÈ°fe¹f ¶ffSX)
IndiGogetsDGCA ³f¦fS d³f¦f¸f, ´fi¹ff¦fSfþ ¸fZÔ d³f¸³fd»fdJ°f UfW³fûÔ/¸fVfe³fûÔ IZ 01 U¿fÊ IZ I ¸´fiZW Zd³ÀfU ¸fZ³MZ³fZ³Àf I f¹fÊ WZ°fb ObA»f d¶fO BÊ-

d³fdUQf Af¸fÔdÂf°f I e þf°fe W`, dUÀ°fÈ°f dUUS¯f d³fdUQf ´fi´fÂf UZ¶fÀffBM ¸fZÔ C´f»f¶²f SWZ¦ffÜ d³fdUQf ´fi´fÂf CØfS ´fiQZVf I e
BÊ-´fi¢¹fûS¸fZ³M I e UZ¶fÀffBM ÀfZ ´fif~ EUÔ QZJZ þf ÀfI °fZ W`ÔÜ d³fdUQf IZ Àff±f ¸ffÔ¦f
I e ¦f¹fe þ¸ff³f°f I e ²f³fSfdVf ER qOeqAfS/ÀfeqOeqAfSq I e ÀI` ³f I fg´fe IZ ø ´f ¸fZÔ ÀfÔ»f¦³f I S³ff Ad³fUf¹fÊ Wû¦ff,
A320planes þû ´fi·ffSe Ad²fI fSe, I ¸fÊVff»ff, ³f¦fS d³f¦f¸f, ´fi¹ff¦fSfþ IZ ³ff¸f ´»fZªO Wû¦ffÜ d¶f³ff þ¸ff³f°f I e ²f³fSfdVf IZ d³fdUQf
AU`²f ¸ff³fe þf¹fZ¦feÜ d³fdUQf ´fiI fVf³f IZ d³f²ffÊdS°f d°fd±f °fI d³fdUQf Vfb»I I e ²f³fSfdVf ³f¦fS d³f¦f¸f, ´fi¹ff¦fSfþ IZ
New Delhi: Aviation watchdog Directorate B¯OÀfB¯O ¶f`ÔI , dÀfdU»f »ffB³Àf, ´fi¹ff¦fSfþ VffJf ¸fZÔ MZ³OS I fgÀM Jf°ff ÀfÔ£¹ff-100116210130 U IFSCode-
General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has given INDB0000124 ¸fZÔ þ¸ff I S³ff Wû¦ffÜ dþÀfI e SÀfeQ °f±ff þ¸ff³f°f ²f³fSfdVf I f ÀfeqOeq·ffSq/ER qOeqAfSq I e
approval to IndiGo to wet lease 11 A320 ÀI` ³f I fg´fe d³fdUQf IZ Àff±f A´f»fûO I S³ff Ad³fUf¹fÊ Wû¦ffÜ Cö I e A³fb´fdÀ±fd°f ¸fZÔ d³fdUQf AU`²f ¸ff³fe þf¹fZ¦feÜ
dI Àfe ·fe Àf¸f¹f d³fdUQf ÀUeIÈ °f/AÀUeIÈ °f I S³fZ I f Ad²fI fS ³f¦fS Af¹fbö ¸fWûQ¹f I û ÀfbS dÃf°f Wû¦ff Ü d³fdUQf Jû»fZ
planes as the country's largest airline grap- þf³fZ I e d°fd±f I û dI Àfe I fS¯fUVf AUI fVf Wû³fZ ´fS d³fdUQf d°fd±f A¦f»ff I f¹fÊ dQUÀf ¸ff³fe þf¹fZ¦feÜ
ples with capacity challenges due to P&W
engine woes, according to officials. IndiGo, d³fdUQf ´fi´fÂf UZ¶fÀffBM ´fS A´f»fûO I S³fZ I e d°fd±f 18.09.2023 A´fSf³W 4.00 ¶fªfZ ÀfZ
d³fdUQfQf°ffAûÔ õfSf d³fdUQf ´fi´fÂf UZ¶fÀffBM A´f»fûO I S³fZ 06.10.2023 A´fSf³W 2.00 ¶fªfZ ÀfZ
withafleetofover300aircraft,isexpanding I e AÔd°f¸f d°fd±f °fI
its network on domestic and international d³fdUQf Jû»f³fZ I e d°fd±f 06.10.2023 Àff¹faI f»f 2.00 ¶fªfZ °fI
routes. PTI IiY.Àfa. IYf¹fÊ/½ffWX³f IYf d½f½fSX¯f d³fd½fQf RYf¸fÊ IYf ¸fc»¹f ²fSûWXSX IYe ²f³fSXfdVf
1 Selection of Agency for Comprehensive
Maintenance of Vehicles (TATA/Mahindra/
÷ . 30,000.00 ÷.
Govtokays`9,589cr FDI Force make) used for Municipal Waste
Management by Prayagraj Municipal
+18% ªfe.EÀf.Me. 30,00,000.00

inSuvenPharma 2
Selection of Agency for Comprehensive
÷ . 30,000.00 ÷.
Maintenance of Vehicles (Modified) used for
NewDelhi:ThegovernmentonWednesday Air Quality Management by Prayagraj +18% ªfe.EÀf.Me. 40,00,000.00
approved an FDI of up to Rs 9,589 crore in Municipal Corporation.
Suven Pharmaceuticals by Cyprus-based ³fûM - d³f¹f¸f U Vf°fûÊÔ I f dUÀ°fÈ°f dUUS¯f UZ¶fÀffBM ´fS C´f»f¶²f SWZ¦ffÜ
Berhyanda Ltd to fund capacity expansion
of the Indian pharma company and also
´fÂffÔIY: ÀfÔqOXeq-2765/þqÀf´fÊ0Ad²f0/2023 ¸fb£¹f Ad·f¹f³°ff(dU/¹ffg)
generate new jobs. PTI
dQ³ffÔIY-13/09/2023 ³f¦fSX d³f¦f¸f, ´fi¹ff¦fSXfþÜ
OFFICE OF THE CHIEF GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA At:- Ambapua Po:- Engineering School Near Income Tax office, Berhampur-760011
O-1019 E_Mail ID:, Ph-No-06792-261343/261344 AT/PO-SANKARA, SUNDARGARH-770020, No. e-tender //__ 4555 // RWC// BAM // Dated._ 12.09.2023
O-1018 1st Corrigendum to Bid Identification No. Online Tender/45-2023-24/PMGSY/BPR_
“e” Procurement Notice for Bridge Work E-mail address-
1) The partial modification of Road works under PMGSY vide above bid identification has
Identification No.- Online Tender- Bridge N.C.B. No. 310 for 2023-24. No. Tender Online - RWCCESNG - 31 of 2023-24, Letter No 2607 / Dtd. 12.09.2023 been made as follows.
Letter No. 4584 / Date. 12.9.23//
1. Name of the work :- Bridge work under Biju Setu Yojana in the District of Mayurbhanj
e-Procurement NOTICE 1. Last Date of availability :- 18.09.2023 upto 3.00 PM instead of
2. Total No. of work :- 04 Nos. (Four) 1. Type of the work :- Road With Bridge (OMBADC) of tender 16.09.2023 3.00 PM.
3. Estimated Cost :- Rs.291.09 lakhs to Rs.489.97 lakhs (approximately). 2. Class of Contractor :- As specified in the column-6 of the Annexure 2. Date of opening of Technical :- 21.09.2023 at 11.00 AM instead of
4. Eligible Class of Contractor :- As per annexure. 3. Times of Completion :- As specified in the column-5 of the Annexure Bid. 18.09.2023 at 12.00 Noon
5. Period of Completion :- As per annexure. 4. Detail Projects :- As per Annexure attached
6. Other details :-
3. Date of opening of Financial Bid :- Will be intimated later on.
5. Estimated Cost :- As specified in the column-4 of the Annexure
All other contents will remain unchanged. Sd/- P.K.Jena
Bid Availability Last Date & Date & Time of Opening of 6. Other details :- Chief Construction Engineer
Procurement Identification of tender On-line Time of Tender in O/O C.C.E.R.W. (OIPR-25071/11/0057/2324)
Officer Procurement Bid Availability Last Date & Date & Time of R.W.Circle, Berhampur
No. for bidding Seeking Circle, Baripada
Tender Officer Identification of tender On-line Time of Opening of Tender
From To Technical Financial No. for bidding Seeking
Bid Bid Tender
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 From To Technical Financial
Clarification. Bid Bid
Chief Bridge On- Dt. Dt. Dt. Dt. Will be
Construction line N.C.B. 16.09.2023 30.09.2023 28.09.2023 03.10.2023 intimated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Engineer, No. 310 at up to up to at later Chief RWCCESNG- 16.09.2023 26.09.2023 25.09.2023 27.09.2023 Will be
Rural Works 11.00 A.M. 5.00 P.M. 5.00 P.M. 11.00 A.M. Construction 31 of 2023-24 11.00 A.M. 5.00 P.M. 5.00 P.M. 11.00 A.M. intimated
Circle, Baripada Engineer, separately
Rural Works
Further details can be seen from the website: Circle, Sundargarh
Any Corrigendum / Addendum will be displayed in the above e_tender website only. Further details can be seen from the website
Sd/- Er. S.K. Rout Sd/-
Chief Construction Engineer, Chief Construction Engineer,
(OIPR-25130/11/0046/2324) R.W. Circle, Baripada (OIPR-25133/11/0042/2324) Rural Works Circle, Sundargarh

Ii ¸ffÔI - dUVff/ÀMûS/2023-25(252)
¸f²¹f´fiQZVf ·fû´ff»f dQ³ffÔI 08/09/ 2023
1. MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION OF MEHTAAN 11.09.2023 63.86 https://etenders.
CORPORATION PANA CHAUPAL, SUNARIA 05.10.2023 LACS xenmcrohtak@ d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff IYf VfbdðX ´fÂf
ROHTAK (Corrigendum)
dUVfZ¿f VffJf ´fbd»fÀf ¸fb£¹ff»f¹f I e d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff Ii ¸ffÔI SB/ Store / 2023-25 (213), Bhopal, Dated: 03-08-2023 õfSf
Multifunctional Photo Copier & 12 Other Items IZ Ii ¹f WZ°fb BÊ-d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff þfSe I e ¦fBÊ W`Ü C´fSûö Af¸fÔdÂf°f d³fdUQf IZ
¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ Ii ¹f dI ¹fZ þf³fZ Uf»fZ C´fI S¯fûÔ ¸fZÔ ÀfZ Àf.Ii . 10 Bomb Suit (NIT No. 2023_ MPP_296660_10) IZ Àf¸f¹f ÀffSX¯fe ¸fZÔ
21013/HRY kkAfÔdVfIY ÀfÔVfû²f³fll IZ ÀfÔ¶fÔ²f ¸fZÔ kkVfbdð ´fÂfll (Corrigendum) þfSe dI ¹ff ¦f¹ff W` þû website
´fS °f±ff dU·ff¦f I e UZ¶fÀffBÊM ´fS C´f»f¶²f W`Ü
dUVfZ¿f VffJf(þe), ¸f.´fi. ·fû´ff»f
QcSX·ff¿f IiaY.-0755-2443654
No. CE/TB-VI/08/2023/Pt/22
The Spl. Chief Engineer, P.W.D. Bldg. (Health & Education), Assam, Chandmari, Guwahati-3 on behalf JAL SHAKTI VIBHAG
of the Governor of Assam, invites fresh bid for the work detailed in the table below, from cligible Contractor E. E., JalShakti Division No. 1 Una, Telephone No. : 01975- 226060, E-mail
of repute having experience in similar nature of work. Details of bid may be seen at e- procurement The Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division No.1 Una invites online tender on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh
from approved eligible contractors for the following works through online process:-
portal i.e. Sr. Name of work. Estimated Cost. Earnest Cost of Time Class in
The bidders must be enrolled with e-tendering web-portal No. Money. Tender which
contr/ firm
eligi le
Sl. Name of Bid Value Completion Bid Security Cost of 1. R/M of LIP Bhabour Sahib Phase-1st and Rs. Rs. Rs. Three Class “B”
2nd) under Jal Shakti Sub-Division 1,23,79,500/- 1,56,295/- 2500/- years and “C”
No. work Period Bid Mehatpur in Distt Una HP (SH;- Repair and
1 Establishment of Sri Sri Aniruddhadeva Rs. 9 (Nine) 2% of Bid value Rs. maintenance with operation of pumping
machinery with allied accessories and
Sports University, Chabua in Dibrugarh 14,85,89,839/- months for General 20,000.00
District, Assam Raising low site (earth category and 1% 1. Last date of physical / online submission of Earnest Money deposit and cost of tender documents etc on
19.09.2023 upto 05:00 PM
filling) Construction of boundary wall, gate, of Bid Value for 2. Last date of e-tendering upto19-09-2023 at 05:00 PM and the same will be opened on the day on 20.09.2023 at
RCC covered drain, Box culvert (2 x 2) and reserved Category 11:00 AM. The tender forms and other detailed conditions can be downloaded from the http://
Topographical survey works. Executive Engineer,
2671/HP JalShakti Division No.-1 Una.
The Bid price may vary at the time of uploading DNIT, for which no claim will be admissible.
The Press Notice will form part of the Bidding Documents.
Sp/- Chief Engineer, P.W.D. Bldg. GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM
JANASANYOG/C/9958/23/14-SEP-23 Assam, Chandmari, Guwahati-3
The Chief Engineer P.W.D (Border Roads & NEC Works), Assam, Chandmari, Guwahati-3 on behalf
of Governor of Assam invites rebid amounting to Rs. 100.00 Lakh (approx.) for the work “Periodic
Renewal of road from (i) Charaidoloni to Not Gaon No-2 Road constructed under PMGSY
Package No-AS15102 & (ii) Indira Gandhi Royabokal Road constructed under PMGSY Package
No-AS1548 for the year 2023-24(Package No-PR/2023-24/45) in 1 (one) no. of package in
Lakhimpur District of Assam. Detail may be seen in the website and
also in the office of the undersigned in the “Maintenance Cell” during office hours from
15.09.2023 to 29.09.2023. Sd/-
Border Roads & NEC Works O-1004 (E-Mail:-, Tel/Fax:- 0680-2404287)
JANASANYOG/CF/2655/23/14-Sep-23 Assam, Chandmari, Guwahati-3. At:- Ambapua, PO:- Engineering School,
Near Income Tax Office, Berhampur-760011
E-Mail / E-despatch
Bid Identification No. Online Tender/ 53-2023-24/BPR
OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER (ROADS), PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DEPARTMENT, Identification Name of work No. of Approx. Class of Period of
ASSAM, GUWAHATI-03 No Works Estimated
Cost (In lakh)
Contractor Completion

No. CE/DEV/TB/127/2023-24/01 Online Tender Road Works 03 Form Rs. “A” Class & 09 (Nine) &
/ 53-2023-24/ including 05 years Nos 474.82 Lakhs “Special” 11 (Eleven)
PRESS NOTICE INVITING TENDER BPR Post Construction to Rs. 959.46 Class as Calendar
maintenance under Lakhs applicable Month as
The Chief Engineer (Roads), PWRD, Assam, Chandmari, Guwahati-3 invites bid on behalf of MMSY-TRIP & provided
Governor of Assam for 3 (Three) nos. of packages for strengthening and improvement of MMSY-CMRL for the
year 2023-24
Roads for ensuing Durga Puja Festival 2023 in Silchar Town under SOPD-G for 2023-24
amounting to Rs. 23.55 Crores (approx.) including GST & LC etc. from approved & eligible Procurement Officer Bid Identification Availability of tender online for
No bidding
Contractors registered with PWRD, Assam. From To
Details may be seen from 15-09-2023 at website Amendment Chief Construction Engineer, Online Tender/ 53- 18.09.2023 at 03.10.2023 upto
/Addendum to the SBD, if any, and further notifications shall appear in this website and also at R.W. Circle, Berhampur 2023-24/BPR 10.00 A.M. 3.00 P.M.
the office of the undersigned during office hours. The contractor/bidder must be registered with (i) EMD / Bid Security, Cost of Bid document is to be transferred through
the Electronic Tendering System (ETS) of PWRD, Assam website Online as per the procedure mentioned in the DTCN.
Schemes are not yet sanctioned by the competent authority. In the event of non-sanction of the (ii) Non-submission of the information/ documents through online by the
schemes, the bids may be cancelled and no claim what so ever on this account shall be bidder as per the Items mentioned in the eligible criteria of the DTCN will
also liable for rejection of his tender.
entertained from the bidders.
Further details & corrigendum if any can be seen from the website:-
Note:- N.I.T Value is inclusive of GST (12%), Labour cess (1%) etc.
Sd/- Sd/- Chief Construction Engineer
Chief Engineer (Roads), PWRD, R.W.Circle, Berhampur
JANASANYOG/CF/2666/23/ 14-SEP-23 Assam, Chandmari, Guwahati-3. OIPR-25071/11/0055/2324
CISF proudly remembers the supreme sacrifice of HIGH COURT OF CHHATTISGARH, BILASPUR
this brave-heart. On this day, he laid down his life at
colleagues and employees of HPCL Vizag when OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER E/M CIRCLE
explosion in LPG Pipeline occurred. His courage and bravery would No.11744/CPC/2023 Bilaspur, dated 11/09/2023
remain an abiding source of inspiration for the force. The force will The High Court of Chhattisgarh, Bilaspur invites bids (Technical
remain eternally indebted to him for his noble deed and Financial) from eligible bidders for the Supply, Testing, Installation and e-PROCUREMENT TENDER NOTICE
Maintenance of the following articles for the use in the High Court of eProcurement Portal:
Chhattisgarh, Bilaspur :- (Second Call)
- Desktops for the Special Courts (SC/ST) Prevention of Attro. Act. of the State System Tender No. 147055/ NIT No.: 02/SAC/23-24 Dated: 08.09.2023
- 88 Pcs. Online Tenders are invited for the following works up to 25.09.2023 at 17.30 Hour
Interested Parties may view and download the detailed Tender Name of work - INSTALLATION & FIXING OF CROSS REGULATOR, HEAD REGULATOR & SCAPE
(terms and conditions and Technical Specification) of articles on the website GATES AT RD 24 KM & 42 KM OF BHATAPARA MAIN CANAL & ITS RELATED CANAL IN TILDA BLOCK
I) - Documents Download start Date - 11/09/2023 Probable Amount of Contract: - Rs. 162.94 Lakhs
II) - Last Date of Submission Physical documents - 09/10/2023 (As per S.O.R dated 01.08.2010 and amended upto dated 22.08.2022).
(till 04:30 PM) The details can be viewed and downloaded online directly from the Government of Chhattisgarh Integrated e-Procurement
Portal ( from Date 15.09.2023, at 17.31 Hours.(IST) onwards.
(Arvind Kumar Verma) NOTE :- All eligible/intrested contractors/bidders are mandated to get enrolled on the Integrated e-procurement portal
Registrar General ( and get approval on specific vendor class from PWD under Centralized Contractor/Supplier
High Court of Chhattisgarh, Registration in order to downloa the tender documents and participate in the subsequent bidding process.
05214 Bilaspur (C.G.)
Executive Engineer
WATER RESOURCES CIRCLE, UDAIPUR For, Superintending Engineer, E/M Circle
Near Akashvani, Chetak Circle, Udaipur (Rajasthan) 313001 05261 Water Resources Department, Raipur (C.G.)
Phone No. : 0294-2414794 Email:-
No.- SE/Actt./Udaipur/F. /2023-24/ Dated:-
>kj[k.M jkT; xzkeh.k iFk fodkl izkf/kdj.k ¼JSRRDA
E-NIT No. 13/2023-24
,Qå,Qåihå Hkou] r`rh; rYyk] /kqokZ] jk¡ph &834004] >kj[k.M
NIB No:- WRD2324A0405
Bids for the following work are invited from interested bidders vYidkyhu bZ& iqufuZfonk vkea=.k lwpuk ¼2nd Call½
upto 6:00 PM, dated 26.09.2023
PR No. - 304906 Dated : 18.08.2023
S. Name of Work Estimated Cost of
No. Work (Rs. In lacs)
vYidkyhu bZ&iqufuZfonk la[;k:- 84/2023-24 fnukad :- 12.09.2023
1 Rehabilitation of Baxa ka Naka 281.25 eq[; vfHk;ark] tså,låvkjåvkjåMhå,å] jk¡ph }kjk fuEufooj.k ds vuqlkj e-procurement i)fr ls fufonk
Irrigation Project, Distt. Udaipur
vkeaf=r dh tkrh gSA
vkbZMsUVhfQds'ku izkDdfyr jkf'k dk;Z
Other particulars of bid may be visited on the Procurement ØŒ ç[k.M
la[;k@iSdst dk;Z dk uke vad esa v{kj esa lekfIr
portal, laΠdk uke
la[;k ¼yk[k esa½ ¼:i;s esa½ dh vof/k, & 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 pkek eSDyqLdhxat eq[; iFk ls cq} cktkj
UBN:- WRD 2324 WSOB01111 Hkk;k Mksu ckWLdks Ldwy] i;ZVu lwpuk dsUnz
Sd/- [ksykjh 1 dksudk gfjtu Vksyk yijk fodkl uxj
Superintending Engineer ekbZdy ifdZx ds cxy rd iFk dk fo'ks’k
DIPR/C/13301/2023 Water Resources Circle, Udaipur ejEefr dk;ZA ¼yaŒ & 5-100 fdŒehŒ½
eq:ihjh Ldwy eksM+ ls ek.Mj cq<+ew
ihåMCywåMhå iFk Hkk;k dksVkjh rd iFk
IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f Ad°fdSXöY ¸fb£¹f Ad·f¹f³°ff, cq<+ew 2
dk fo'ks"k ejEefr dk;ZA ¼yaŒ & 6-100
fdŒehŒ½ pkSng djksM+
ÀffUÊþd³fIY d³f¸ffʯf dU·ff¦f, ÀfÔ·ff¦f ¶feIYf³fZSX 1
gkspj nsoh e.Mi ls cugksjk laxzkeiqj iFk 1482.794 c;klh yk[k
Hkk;k ustkth ,dsMeh ,oa eq:e iFk dk muklh gtkj
09 eghuk
IiY¸ffÔIY- 1768 dQ³ffÔIY:- 01.09.2023 dk¡ds 3
fo'ks"k ejEefr dk;ZA ¼yaŒ & 3-190 pkj lkS :Œ ek=
The Power Department, Government of Sikkim invites two
A»´fIYf»fe³f d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff ÀfÔ£¹ff 27/´feE¸fþeEÀfUfBÊ-III/¶f`¨f-II 2023-24 fdŒehŒ½
envelop bids online through e-tender portal from 1AA NIB Code No. :- PWD2324A2731 dkBhVk¡M m:xqVw vkjålhåMhå iFk ls fjax
Contractors/ Firms/ Company empaneled with the Power SfþÀ±ff³f IZ Sfª¹f´ff»f ¸fWûQ¹f I e AûS ÀfZ ´fi²ff³f¸fÔÂfe ¦fif¸f ÀfOÞ I ¹fûþ³ff³°f¦fÊ°f ÀUeIÈ °f ÀfOÞ I û IZ dk¡ds 4 jksM ¼vkbZåVhåchåihå½ rd iFk dk fo'ks"k
Department, Government of Sikkim for the following work: ¨füOfBÊI S¯f EUÔ ÀfbúPeI S¯f I f¹fÊ IZ d³f¸³fd»fdJ°f I f¹fûÊ ¸f¹f ´ffÔ¨f Àff»f I e ¸fS¸¸f°f IZ d»fE 02 ejEefr dk;ZA ¼yaŒ & 5-500 fdŒehŒ½
´f`IZ þûÔ WZ°fb C´f¹fbö ßfZ¯fe ¸fZÔ ÀffUÊþd³fI d³f¸ffʯf dU·ff¦f SfþÀ±ff³f ¸fZÔ ´fÔþeIÈ °f ÀfÔUZQI ûÔ EUÔ Sfª¹f Mkykckj pkSd ls vks[kjkxM+k Hkk;k
S l . Tender Reference Tender Amount
Name of Work ÀfSI fS / IZ ³Qi ÀfSI fS IZ Ad²fIÈ °f ÀfÔ¦fN³fûÔ/IZ ³Qie¹f »fûI d³f¸ffʯf dU·ff¦f/OfI EU¸f QcS ÀfÔ¨ffS cq<+hckxh] tjkVksyh ,oa pkScs [kV¡xk rd
No. Number/ Tender ID in Rs.(INR) dU·ff¦f/SZ»UZ B°¹ffdQ ¸fZÔ ´fÔþeIÈ °f ÀfÔUZQI ûÔ, þû dI SfþÀ±ff³f ÀfSI fS IZ C´f¹fbö ßfZ¯fe IZ ÀfÔUZQI ûÔ
dk¡ds 5
iFk dk fo'ks"k ejEefr dk;ZA ¼yaŒ & 7-775
IZ Àf¸fI Ãf Wû, ÀfZ d³f²ffÊdS°f ´fi´fÂf ¸fZÔ BÊ-´fiû¢¹fcS ¸fZ³M ´fidIi ¹ff ÀfZ Afg³f »ffBʳf d³fdUQf¹fZÔ Af¸fÔdÂf°f I e fdŒehŒ½
1. þf°fe W`ÔÜ d³fdUQf ÀfZ Àf¸¶fd³²f°f dUUS¯f UZ¶f ÀffBÊM, 2- osclkbZV es afufonk izdk'ku dh frfFk%&15-09-2023
30,54,01,229.00 U U 3- bZ&fufonk izkfIr dh vafre frfFk ,oa le;%& 27-09-2023 vijkg~u 5-00 cts rdA, Gepnic portal ´fS QZJf þf ÀfI °ff W`Ü ´f`IZ þUfBÊþ ¹fc. 4- ¼d½ eq[; vfHk;ark] tså,låvkjåvkjåMhå,å] jk¡ph] ,Qå,Qåihå Hkou] r`rh; rYyk] /kwokZ] jk¡ph &834004] >kj[k.M ¼[k½ ftyk
fu;a=.k d{k] jk¡ph vFkok ¼x½ ftyk fu;a=.k d{k] jk¡ph esa ls fdlh Hkh dk;kZy; esa fufonk 'kqYd ,oa vxz/ku dh jkf'k tek djus dh
¶fe. E³f ÀfÔ£¹ff d³f¸³ff³fbÀffS W` Ü vafre frfFk ,oa le;%& 29-09-2023 vijkg~u 3-30 cts rdA
UBN No :- 5- fufonk 'kqYd ,oa vxz/ku dh jkf'k LihM iksLV ds ek/;e ls Hkh eq[; vfHk;ark] tså,låvkjåvkjåMhå,å] jk¡ph] ,Qå,Qåihå Hkou]
PWD2324WLOB12004 PWD2324WLOB12005 r`rh; rYyk] /kwokZ] jk¡ph &834004] >kj[k.M dks Hkstk tk ldrk gSA ;g fufonkdkj dh ftEesokjh gksxh fd LihMiksLV ds ek/;e ls Hkstk
tkus okyk fufonk 'kqYd ,oa vxz/ku dh jkf'k fu/kkZfjr frfFk ,oa le; ¼29-09-2023 vijkg~u 3-30 cts rd½ ls iwoZ izkIr gks tk;A vafre
B¨LbI ÀfÔUZQI ûÔ I û A´f³fZ dOdþM»f WÀ°ffÃfS IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ ½fZ¶f ÀffBÊM frfFk ,oa le; ls iwoZ izkIr fufonk 'kqYd ,oa vxz/ku dh jkf'k ij gh fopkj fd;k tk;sxkA
Sd/- ´fS SdþÀMOÊ Wû³ff AfUV¹fI W`Ü 6- fufonk [kksyus dh frfFk ,oa le;%&03-10-2023 -vijkg~u 3-30 ctsA
(Kaji Pradhan) 7- fufonk vkeaf=r djus okys inkf/kdkjh dk uke ,oa irk%& eq[; vfHk;ark dk dk;kZy;] tså,låvkjåvkjåMhå,å] jk¡ph] ,Qå,Qåihå
WÀ°ff./- Ad°fdSXöY ¸fb£¹f Ad·f¹f³°ff, Hkou] r`rh; rYyk] /kwokZ] jk¡ph &834004] >kj[k.MA
Chief Engineer (Soreng) DIPR/C/13352/2023 Àff.d³f.dU. ÀfÔ·ff¦f ¶feIYf³fZSX 8- bZ&fufonk izdks"B dk nwjHkk"k laå& ----------------------------
9- fufonk 'kqYd >kj[k.M jkT; esa vofLFkr Hkkjrh; LVsVcSad@jk"Vªh;d`r cSad@vuqlwfpr cSad }kjk fuxZr cSadMªk¶V ds :i esa tks
dk;Zikyd vfHk;ark] xzkeh.k dk;Z foHkkx] dk;Z ize.My] jk¡ph ds i{k esa ,oa jk¡ph esa Hkqxrs; tek djuk gksxk tks ykSVk;k ugh atk;sxkA
foLr`r tkudkjh ds fy, osclkbZV es ans[kk tk ldrk gSA
eq[; vfHk;ark
PR 306882 Rural Work Department(23-24).D tså,låvkjåvkjåMhå,å]jk¡ph

IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f Ad²fVff¿fe Ad·f¹f³°ff, ÀffUÊþd³fIY d³f¸ffʯf dU·ff¦f

³f¦fSX J¯OX-dõ°fe¹f, þ¹f´fbSX
IiY¸ffÔIY:- 2620 dQ³ffÔIY :- 11.09.2023
A»´fIYf»fe³f BÊ-d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff ÀfÔ£¹ff 34/2023-24
SfþÀ±ff³f IZ Sfª¹f´ff»f ¸fWûQ¹f I e AûS ÀfZ d³f¸³fd»fdJ°f I f¹fûË IZ d»fE ´feO¶»f¹fcER E¯O E.AfS ´ffMÊ II A´fZd¯O¢Àf
16 dQ³ffÔI 01.07.1999 ÀfZ »ff¦fc EUÔ Àf¸f¹f-Àf¸f¹f ´fS ´fÔþe¹f³f d³f¹f¸fûÔ Àf¸¶f³²fe dUØf dU·ff¦f õfSf þfSe AfdQ dQ³ffÔI
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þf°fe W`Ô Ü d³fdUQf ÀfZ Àf¸¶fd³²f°f dUÀ°fÈ°f dUUS¯f UZ¶fÀffBM,, EUÔ ´fS QZJf þf ÀfI °ff W`Ü
I f¹fÊ I f ³ff¸f :- A»´fÀfÔ£¹fI ¶ffd»fI f LfÂffUfÀf ·fU³f, ¸ff³fÀfSûUS, þ¹f´fbS ¸fZÔ d³f¸ffʯf I f I f¹fÊ
(dUÀ°ffS 100 ¶f`O ZO I û 200 ¶f`O ZO Ãf¸f°ff ¸fZÔ I S³ff) (¸fb£¹f¸fÔÂfe ¶fþM §fû¿f¯ff
2023-24) (dÀfdU»f I f¹fÊ) (4225-04-800-(01)-01-17)
d³fdUQf AfUZQ³f OfC³f»fûO I S³fZ I e :- 12.09.2023 ´fif°f: 9.30 ¶fþZ ÀfZ 21.09.2023 I û ÀffÔ¹f 6.00 ¶fþZ °fI
d³fdUQf þ¸ff I Sf³fZ I e °ffSeJ :- 12.09.2023 ´fif°f: 9.30 ¶fþZ ÀfZ 21.09.2023 I û ÀffÔ¹f 6.00 ¶fþZ °fI
´fie d¶fO I e dQ³ffÔI :- 18.09.2023 I û A´fSfWгf 02.00 ¶fþZ ÀfZ I f¹ffÊ»f¹f A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff
Àff.d³f.dU. UÈ°f VfWS, þ¹f´fbS ¸fZÔ
°fI ³feI e d¶fO Jû»f³fZ I e °ffSeJ :- 22.09.2023 I û A´fSfWгf 3.00 ¶fþZ ÀfZ
dUØfe¹f d¶fO Jû»f³fZ I e °ffSeJ :- °fI ³feI e d¶fO I f AfÔI »f³f Wû³fZ IZ C´fSf³°f Af³f»ffBʳf Àfcd¨f°f I S dQ¹ff þfUZ¦ffÜ


1. PWD2324WSOB12854
(E.E³f. SXf½f°f)
Ad²fVff¿fe Ad·f¹f³°ff,
DIPR/C/13521/2023 Àff.d³f.d½f. ³f¦fSX J¯OX-2, ªf¹f´fbSX

¸Fb£¹F I F¹FFÊ»F¹F d½FSFS QcS ²½F³Fe : qsvq-svsvrqr/qs/qt/qu/qv/qw

RG ¢ÀF : qsvq-svsvrqx
d½FSFS (´Fc½FÊ),
BÊ -¸FZ»F :
°FF. ½FÀFBÊ , dªF. ´FF»F§FS -uqrtqv
ªFF½FI Ii .: ½F.d½F.VF.¸F./CE/vqt/sqst
dQ³FFaI : rt.qz.sqst

IInd Extension for E-tender Notice

AMRUT-2.0 MISSION (Providing, laying, lowering, and commissioning
of sewer network including house service connection and road restoration
works at Nalasopara East For Zone -3.” Outward No. VVCMC/CE/374/
2023 dt. 01.08.2023 by publishing E-tender notice have been invited for
the first time from 8.08.2023 to 6.09.2023 on the official website -
Since only two (2) e-tenders have been received in the said work
period, in order to take advantage of competitive tenders, the deadline for
submission of e-tenders for the above work is being extended as follows.
However, the deadline for submission of Site Visit (for Annexure-A)
& e-tender for the above work is being extended as follows .
The details of the Second Extension are as follows
1. Online e-Tender Acceptance Date - 21.09.2023 Will remain till
3.00 p.m.
2. Date of opening of online e-tender - 25.09.2023 at 3.00 p.m.
3. Extension of Site Visit (for Annexure-A) of the said work -
dt. 20.09.2023 till 6.00 p.m.
City Engineer

BÊ-d³Fd½FQF ÀFc¨F³FF IiY. u (RZYS Xd³Fd½FQF)
JF»Fe»F d³FQZÊdVF°F IZY»û»¹FF BÊ-d³FdUQF dU·FF¦Fe¹F U³F Ad²FIYFSe, ÀFF¸FFdþIY U³FeIYS¯F dU·FF¦F, ´Fb¯û (QbS²U³Fe IiY. 020 -
¹Fûþ³ûAa°F¦FÊ°FJF»Fe»F´Fi¸FF¯û QZ¯¹FF°F AF»û»¹FF °F¢°¹FF³FbÀFFS 70 »FÃF ´Fi±F¸F WFOÊγF¦F ¸FF¦F¯Fe IYS¯¹FF°F AF»û»¹FF
B¨LbIY dMV¹Fc IY»¨FS ¶FFa¶Fc Sû´û ´FbSUNFQFSFa³Fe 14 ÀF´MZa¶FS, 2023 °û 25 ÀF´MZa¶FS, 2023 24 U ¸FF¨FÊ, 2024 ´F¹FË°F
´FFW°FF ¹û°Fe»F. VFIY°Fe»F.
S. Name of Work Tender Complition
No. Fee Period
1 Social Forestry Department, Maharashtra State, Pune is in At least 50% of
need of 70 lakhs primary hardened tissue cultured bamboo the plants should
seedlings of species shown below for Agroforestry Scheme be supplied by
at least 50 % by December 2023 and remaining Jan. 24, December 2023
Feb. 24, March 2024. The rates should be quoted Social and remaining by
Forestry circlewise for various bamboo species. 'The Jan 24, Feb 24,
agency has to deliver tissue cultured bamboo seedlings at March 2024
various destinations as ordered by Social Forestry 3000/- There could be
Department. interested tissue cultured plant producers s o m e
fulfilling given conditions may quote circlewise rates of modification in
primary hardened tissue cultured bamboo plants through the order subject
e-tender on web site to availability of
from date 14 September to 25 September 12 days. The funds.
Terms and conditions csn be viewed on website, and also
CX´FSXûöY ½FZ¶FÀFFBÊMX½FSX dQ³FFaIY ru.qz.sqst °FZ sv.qz.sqst ´F¹FË°F IYûSmX d³Fd½FQF ÀFa¨F d½FIiYeÀFFNXe CX´FÕX¶²F AFWZX°F.
OXeªFeAF¹F´FeAFSX sqst-su/tvqu ÀFF¸FFdªFIY ½F³FeIYSX¯F d½F·FF¦F, ´Fb¯FZ

Whilst care is taken prior to acceptance of advertising
copy, it is not possible to verify its contents. The Indian
Express (P) Limited cannot be held responsible for such
contents, nor for any loss or damage incurred as a
result of transactions with companies, associations or
individuals advertising in its newspapers or Publications.
We therefore recommend that readers make
necessary inquiries before sending any monies or
entering into any agreements with advertisers or
otherwise acting on an advertisement in any manner

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