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and keep for futnre reference

Please read carefully before use

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Wtry using electrical appliances, basic precantions should always be followed, wtrich
rnclude the following:
L Read all instuctions.
2. Do not touch hot surfaces.
3. close supervision is necessary wheir any appliance is usd by or near children.
4. To protect against electric shock, do not immerse cord, plug, or any parts
of the appliance in
water or other liquids.
5. Do not let cord hang o'ver edge oftable or counter, or touch hot
5. Do not operate appliance with damaged cord or plug gr after the
appliance mal{imctions, or
been damaged in any marmer. Retum appliaoce to &e rparest authonzed
service centetr
examination, repair, or adjustnent.
7. Do not place rypliance on or near a hot gas or electic bum€r, or
in a heatd oven or in a
micmwave oven.
8' When operating the ovea keep at least four inches of spce on all
sides of the ova to allow for
adequate air circulation.
9' Unplug from outlet when not in use and before cleaning. Allow to cool
before plting on or
takmg offparts, and before clearung.
l0' To disconnect, turn the contol to oFF, before removing the plw.Always hold &e plug,
never pull the cord.
I i ' Extreme caution must be used when moving an appliance
containing hot oil or other hot liqgids .
12. Do not cover CRIIMB TRAy or any part of the ovqr wia metat foil. This *y .urr"
overheating of theoven.
l3' Use e>rtreme cantion w&en rannving tray or disposing of hot grease or other hot tiquids.
14. Do not clean the appliance with metal scouring pads.
15. Never leave the appliance wrattended ufiile broiting or
I6 oversized foods or metal utensils must not be inserted inCI thJapplimce
as they may create a
flre ornsk of electric shock.
17' Do not place any item onto the oven or cover the oven with
inflammable material during
operation as it may cause fre.
I 8 ' Exlreme cantion should be exercised when using containers
constructed of anyt6ing other than
metal orglass.
l9' Do not place any of the following materials in the oven: cardboard, plastia, paper,
or anything
20' Do not st'0re any materials, other than manufactma recommended
accessories, in this oven
when not in use.
]1 dways wear protective, insulated oven gloves when inserting or removing iterns from the hot
22. Do not use appliance for other than its intendd use.
23. This apphance is foTHOUSEHOLD USE only.

1. Powerlight
2. Timer
3. Ti:mperature Selector
4. Glassdgorhandle
5. Bake rask
6. Bakepm
7. Heating elements
8. Glass door clips

- Ensure thai there is mough velrtilatiol round the oven
- Ensure that the'6ven is corrpletely &y before use.
'The oven should not be placed on untated rvooden surface. Place the

oven on a heat resistant surface.

The feet of &e oven can leave somemarks m the table, if this hrypeus, remove the
marts with a damp cloth.

- Turn the selector dial to the desired positicn
- Turn the timer dial clockwise to the desired cooking time.

- The power light win [ght up after timer is trmed on, and will go out vhen the timer

-is tumed to OFF.

- When the cooking time is over, the timer will auto shrfr offand the bell will ring.

- If the cooking is finished earli€r thel tbe set cocking time, please turn baek the

timer to OFF to tum offthe oven.

- In the hrst use of thts oven, there might be some light snoke coming out from the oven,
this is norrnal. After 5 mirnrtes the snoke will disappear.
- In order to get better cooking performance, it is recommended to pre-hd the oven about l0

- Leavethe doorat the oPen Point.

- Tur$ the seldor to GRILL Wing (tW heating t$e).
ltii il,t,. tP.

- tbr4the timen*r*&e desirEd'gtill dniE.


- W*m the gri[ co&ing is done turn back fu timerto OFF to tum offthe oven.
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Tunr"backthe timer to OFF.

Tumthe selectorto OFF.

Unplug fite ry liarce fromfte odlet.

Wait until the oven is corylete$ cool befre any cking ormainterrc..

:.' :!ir

- UnplW fhe rypliance and allow it to cool before cleaaing

r -at
- Do not immene the ryplimce in water. All surfaces can be clemed with a

clean damp cloth.

- If stains $ill rypear, it is reconmaded to usery.

- Do notuse abrasivecleaners or&arputffisils to d€m ee qf,iaoe.
- Clean the interior chamber with a clean danip clcth.

Due to the constant developuent of pmduct functlon* md,fuEnq F rqrerve &e right b
make changes to the product without priornoticc


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