HND 2021 Questions Complete

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REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN te Mi C : ISTEREDEL! VEMENT SUPE IUEUIE SPOR THE sion i lh OHA vaio ng ILO AN DY COMMISSION NATIONAL MIGHER NATIONAL DI (SATION DE L'ENAMIEN (OMA EXAM (INDI New program — 2021 Session National Exam of Higher National Diptow Spéciatty/opti Susan : (swe) fast ours Instructions: Ai : Answer all questions SECTION A: MCO (40 MARKS), 1 hes Of the following correctly declares an array ? 3 mtartyLl0y; B) int array; Y arey{10}; D) aay ara 10) mine : 2 ‘Wii's the tdox number ofthe lst element ofan aay with 9 elements pe B)8 oo D) Programmer-defined 3, Which ofthe following accesses the seventh element toed in array? A) array[6];, B) array[7; C) array(7); D) array; 4, Where does the execution ofthe program starts? ‘A) user-defined fonction B) main function ) void function D) none of the mentioned 5. What is meant by multiple inheritance? : AA) deriving a base class from derived class B) deriving a derived class from base class C) deriving a derived class from more than one base class D) none of the mentioned fs: 6. What does polymorphism in OOPs mean? ‘A) Concept of allowing overiding of functions B) Concept of hiding data C) Concept of keeping things in differnt modules/files D) Concept of wrapping things into a single unit 7, Which concept allows you to reuse the written code? A) Encapsulation B) Abstraction | ) Inheritance D) Polymorphism i Page 1of 6 —_—_—— Scanné avec CamScanner * Whi ism a) hor the foto ing explains Polymorphis™? int funecing, ing; By Smet Moat, Noa: int aecin ; int Raneint): int fune(toaty, Dee funecint, int, char, int fumed; int new fineq); 9. Whi , Which of the following shows multiple inheritances? ADASBSC Hasmace OABSCD) BoA i 2 10. Which ofthe follwing is/are the Chrateristis ofinfomaton? ali A) Accuracy and Relevance B) Form of information an ©) Completeness and Purpose D)AILA,B&C iness erent. His lve supply information ose ier forthe use of top mane A) Operational B) Environmental ©) Competitive D) Tactical 12. In the relational modes, cardinality is termed as: A) Number of tuples. B) Number of attributes. C) Number of tables, ‘D) Number of constraints. 13, Relational calculus is a A) Procedural language. B) Non- Procedural language. C) Data definition language. D) High level language. 14. Cartesian product in relational algebra is A)aUnary operator, B) «Binary operator. C) a Temary operator, D) not defined, 15, DML is provided for A) Description of logical structure of database, B) Addition of new structures inthe database system, C) Manipulation & processing of database D) Definition of physical structure of database system, Page 2of6 Scanné avec CamScanner S' el cla ¢ is sed in SQL for 0" Jin operation D)asjetion oe 17. ODBC stands for : sonnectivil ed Obie Database Connectivity, B) Oral Database Com ee L Tacle Database Connectivity. D) Open Database Com 18, Archi 8. Architecture of the database can be viewed as one level: A)owo levels. B) four levels ) three levels. D) 19. In aretational mod el, reltions are termed as s. A) Tuples, B) Attributes ) Tables. py Row 20. Which ofthe following is an OSI layer one Devise? A. Router B. Switeh . Hub D. Bridge 21. Which data unit exist in the OSI layer two? A. Packets B. Bits C. Frames D. Allofthe above 22 The set of data thatthe router consuls before making dessins onthe packets received called? A. Decision table B. Decision support system C. Routing decision table D. Routing table 23, What is the maximum distance of a UTP cable? A. 10km B. 100m C. 100km_ D. None of the above 24, Aprogram created with the intesionodestoy the normal functioning ofthe computer is called? A. Avirus B, Aworm CC. Amalware a D. A spyware Page 3 of 6 eh Scanné avec CamScanner S, Me igus aldose tay tesve ina network ‘Mail adldeoss Waddtiess MAC anhtioss Duet ales splens pw 26. This tol is atways us A. Netstat jot a to uoubleshoot a nett | spe setings in windows OS 27. Itpermits us to see the NIC adapter setings and all HE conlist A. Ipcontig B. Ipconfig /release ©. Ipeonfig /alt D. Ifeontig jdth demands 28. Itisa communication media that is best used for very Mh bandwil A. Coaxial cable B. ADSL ©. XDSL D. Optical Fiber 29. What protocol is used for the deployment of web services A. http B. www C. https D, both A and C E 30. To refer to an extemal CSS file within an HTML document, we use A.... : B, .. C. .. D. 31. Communication between client and server is usually initiated by A. The client B. http protocol C. The server D. Client and server 32, In hypertext, an anchor A, Isalink to another website B, Links toa specific part of the CLs to another pee inthe same website. Links othe first ink of a page 33, Which of the following is not true about tags in htm Is a keyword embedded between B. Atag can uf Tags can be single line or multiline btock) Alegonony es 2 pe J multiline Page 4: Scanné avec CamScanner 34. Which of the fotlo tt following is not a server-side technology om 1B. HIMLICSS: Web server D. sot 35. Which of the following isn't a loop statement? AVfor —B)ifelse ©) while D) do-while 36, What is a purpose ofa Use Case diagram? metional decomposition B) klentlication of functional requirements ©) To define sequences of actions) To identify multiplicit 37. Activity diagram, use case diagram, collaboration diagram and sequence diagram are considered as types of A) Non-behavioral diagrams C) Non structural diagrams B) Structural diagrams D) Behavioral diagrams 38. Creating a new class by using the properties of an existing class is called? ‘A) Association B)encapsulation C)inheritance D)data hiding 39. Which ofthe following is also called a first in first out FIFO system? A)Tree B)Queue —C) Stack D) Graph 40. Which ofthe following is also called Last in first out LIFO system? ‘A)Graph B) Queue) Stack) Tree SECTION B(60 marks) Data Structures and Programming (15 marks) 1. Distinguish between the following as seen in computer programm! necessary i, High level and low level programming language (1 mark) i. C programming language and C++ (1 mark) iii, Program interpretation and program compilation (1 mark) 2, Write a program to check whether a given number is even or odd. (4marks) 3, Explain the following data structures with examples: a) Primary Data Structures? (3 marks) ') Secondary Data Structures? (2 marks) c) Static data structures? (3 mark) ing with examples if Operating System (15 marks) 1. What is deadlock? What is startvation? How do they differ from each other? (Smarks) 2. What are the four condtions required for deadlock to occur? (4marks) Page 5 of 6 Scanné avec CamScanner 3. Describe four 4. Dittovomtite between a Kern weneral strategies for ‘ating with deadlocks, (Amar ks) ) marks ig sy te Mode and a user mae of operat a Databasesy stem anid A nslasteation (20 marks) cect patient ‘hospital management stem conainea date io inane patient FoF about the fever, beaches or high. A pate Several symptoms, eg, high fever, med W headache and some cough: ot by different ae ‘The database also contains data about distse fy disease is cara er 7ent should “Smptomts a patient with a cold should have fever and a cough, a malaria P fever and fits of shivering, et, 1) Describe this system in an F/R model (7 marks) chest eh ce nc may sh ks) " | (6 mar! 2) Recall the rules to translate an E/R mode nto relational li 3) Translate the E/R model into a relational model, (7 marl Networking (10 marks) P works? (2 1, What ie Sire between packet-switched and cireuit-switched ne marks) 2, Explain what a MAC addresses is (1 mark) a) 4. Define Single-mode fiber (SMF) and Multimode fiber (MME) @ ae ‘nd relevance © 4, What do you understand by TCP over IP? (List and explain it Wo today) (5 marks) Page 6 of 6 ——— Scanné avec CamScanner DU CAMEROUS REPL BLIC OF CAMEROON Treva Pare Pesce ork Fatberiand SIMISTERE DE UESSHIGSEMENT SUPERIEUR, SUINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION ORGANISATION OF COMMISSION \ATIONELEDONGASICATION DELEXAMEN NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR THE ORGANISATION HIGHER NATION AL DIPLOMA EXAM IND) SONAL DIPLOMA ELUATE) NOME National Exam of Higher National Diploma-New program ~ 2021 Session 1g (SWE) Credits Instruction: Answer all questions SECTION A: INFORMATION SYSTEM AND DATA BASE (50 marks) bject modeling (25 marks) ; model? (mark) 2. Why is it important to always model computer system? (2marks) 3. What is Object Oriented Modelling? (2marks) 4. According to you what is UML Language? (2marks) 5. To understand UML diagrams and to learn UML. the user must have knowledge about the conceptual model of UML. The conceptual model consists of three parts. Name them (3marks) 6. UML Architecture can be best represented as a collection five views. Name the five (05) marks) 7. What is association? Illustrate with an example the concept of association. (2marks 8. What is multiplicity in associations? Give example to explain multiplicity, (2marks) 9. Create the use case diagram according to the following elevator control system func requirements: (2X4=8 marks) a. The elevator control system shall allow the passenger to call the elevator and to select the destination floor; b. When the passenger pushes the extemal button (to call the elevator), oF the internal button (to select the destination floor) the central control system switches the button light on . When the passenger calls the elevator or selects the destination floor, the central control system opens’closes the elevator door: 4. When the passenger calls the elevator or selects the destination floor, the central control system moves/stops the elevator to/at the passenger call floor or to/at the passenger destination floor. ‘When the passenger leaves the elevator, the central control system switches the button light off Page 1 of 3 Scanné avec CamScanner SECTION B: DATABASE: GSMARKS) 1. Based on the given table, solve the following queries, Employee table Address Delhi Etame ca Teas Ankit Mumbai Toe [Gad lagpur er a) Write the SELECT command to display the details of the employee with empid as 1004. (Imark) b) Write the SELECT command to display all the records of table Employees, (2marks) ©) Write the SELECT command to display all the records of the employee whose name starts with the character “R’, (2marks) 2 Consider the ER model given in Figure 1, This model represents the operations of a pharmacy chain. Please answer the following questions regarding this model. « (2) Can a pharmaceutical company have multiple phone numbers? If not, whet do you ne: 10 do t0 allow this? (Smarks) EO Cae Patients Figure 1 (©) Modify the model (by adding to Figure 1, nor by drawing another figure) so that you can represent the following Page 2 of 3 Scanné avec CamScanner we and ony ane 1 the specialty and the date of © + Bach pationt has 9 hav ‘one patient, We want to knows at fe ry into least profession of each physi ead of moaleling only the fact that a pati are prescribed by a physician a jent takes certain drugs, model the fact that 4 the prescription + Inst ar date, «pharmaceutical companies fave fongeterm contracts with pharmacien, A pharmaccutical company can contract with several pharmacies ‘and a pharmacy can I companies. For each contract we want to store a takes certain drs th al pharmaceutica (Smarks) ase? (2marks) (marks) contract with sev start date, an end dat What is Data Integrity in databs What are Entities and Relationships? What is an Alias in SQL? (2marks) What are the various forms of Normalization’? marks) 6. Part Il; WEB PROGRAMMING (25 MARKS) fon't come ina pair. ° (4 marks) ib document. 2 Give two HTML tags that d 1. What are tag s? Explain three ways 0 2. What are style sheet (Smarks) _- What difference do you make between the followin «Intranet and extranet? = Web page and web document? Define Internet and state four of it services. (4 marks) applying style sheets in a wel 4 5. What are some of the common fists that can be used when desis f. Write an HTML table tag sequence that ourpts the following: (3 marks) 30 pes 100 $00 10pes 5 50 I-MOBILE PROGRAMMING (25 marks) jon development? (2marks) ried by Android for applicati rest Android operating system? Justify | (2marks) What is the difference between Mobile device testing and mobile application testing? (2marks) 4. What are the different states wherein a process is based? (4marks) 5, What are the four essential states of an activity? (4marks) xy components, List them (4marks) 6. Android Architecture is made up of 4 ke} 7. What do you understand by Native Mobile Application Development? (2marks) 8, Deseribe Android application Architecture? (S marks) 1. What are the main languages suppor 2, Do all mobile phones support the lat Page 3 0f 3 Scanné avec CamScanner Ch) nurOMTIC ore ne Wo suovtstny OF NATIONAL COMMISSION WIIGHIEICNA TIONAL DIPLOMAS FS coy nHsstoNNUTIONALE DG NAON AL DIPLOSER EXAM National Exam of Higher National Diploms ~ 2021 Session SECTION A: NUMBER SYSTEMS AND CODES (20 MARKS) MCOs, four (04) answers are proposed circle the correct answer. 1) The hexadecimal number for 095.5010 is ‘A, DOOSF.8 16 B. CODIA.B 16 C. QUO2EF 16 D. OOOSAS 16 2) Digital system is usually operated on --—-~S9St6 A. Binary B. decimal C. Octal D, hexadecimal _for position values 3) The binary system uses powers of- A. 2B. 10 C. 8D.16 4) After counting 0,1,10,11 the next binary is A. 12 B,100C. 101 p10 5) ‘The number 10002 is equivalent to decimal number "A, Onethousand —-B. eight. C. Four D. sixteen 6) The binary addition 1+1+1 gives All BO c.110 D1 1) The results of binary substacton (100-011) is AML Bll col D.001 8) The 2's complement of 10002 is A. Owl p.olor —-C. 1000. 0001 4) The code where all successive numbers differ rom their preceding number by single bitis A. Binary code B. BCD C. Excess -3 D. Gray 10) Octal coding involves grouping the bit's in A. 5's B.7's Cas D.3's Page 1 of 4 Scanné avec CamScanner 11) tn Pxcess.3 eoute each coded nmber is... than in HCD core, A. fourlarger— Wethree smaer, Chee larger D. much larger 12) which mumbeting gystom uses nuibes an Fetters as symbols A, decimal binary, C, Octal 1. hexadecimal imal equivalent, one should divide the 13) To convert a whole decimal number into a he: decimal valle bysssesse A. 2 BS C10 D.16 14) The number 12s is equivatent to decimal A B20 C10 Dd 13) The result of binary multiplication 1112 x 100 gives MOL B.o1l0 —C, 1001 D.1110 16) A device which converts BCD to Seven Segment is called A. Encoder B. Decoder C. Multiplexer, Demutiplexer 17)1’s complement representation of decimal number of -17 by using 8 bit representation is A. IMOII0 —-B.1101 1101. 11001100 D.0001 0001 18) The excess 3 code of decimal number 26 is A. 01001001 B. 01011001 C, 1000 1001 01001101 19) How many AND gates are required to realize Y = CD+EF+G. Ad B.S C3 D2 20) How many select lines will a 16 to 1 multiplexer will have Ad B.3 cs Dl SECTION B: COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS (80 MARKS) Question 1 : Hardware (20 Marks) a) Give 3 basie functionalities of a computer (3 marks) 4) Which computer component contains all he circuitry necessary for other components or devices to communicate with one another? (1 mark) ©) whats the role of the chipsets? (2 marks) 4) ‘The computer memory can be classified into primary and secondary memory. Give two examples of each. (2 marks) ©) Give 4 differences between the RAM anda HHD (4 marks) 1) List 3 computer input and 3 computer output devices (3 marks) 8) Explain briefly the steps necessary fora computer to boot (4 marks) h) What isa Bus? (1 mark) Question 2 :Network and Mobile Devices (40 Marks) 4) Classify networks in terms of their geographic sizes and for each ofthe networks, describe them briefly (6 marks) +) What do you understand by network topology? (I mark) Page 2 of 4 Scanné avec CamScanner + Bus topology : iii, Ring topology iy. Meshtopolopy, (n2= 8 marks) The OST me el tywaks the various aspects of 4 computer network inte seven distinct layers eof OST? mark) Give the seven layers of the OST model and describe them, in either ascending or What is the full mani descending enter. (M4 marks) a 1) The following are network connectivity devices briefly describe their role i, Modem ii, Hub iii, Switches iy, Routers(42= 8 marks) g) Whatis GSM? @ marks) Question 3 : Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint (20 Marks) Consider the figure shown below. Gert Amd Meee ela ene the O tatcrae Hy tive ee Zi \ é > a) How do we call this figure?(1 mark) b) Name the part A through E2(3 marks) c) What is the difference between save as? (2 marks) 4) What isthe name and use of the symbols shown in the image below2(2 marks) e) What name is given to the figure in the circle below2(1 mark) of 7 Page 3 0f 4 Scanné avec CamScanner 5 eee ‘complete the tables below when the symbol above is pulled downward.(3 marl 8) Consider the image below, what is the procedure necessary to obtain the chart shown on the diagram(2 marks) 2 ast ate 3 |andatr 4 3rdQtr 5 lath one_| “aque aed ate ant ane ath amr h) What is the use of the function autoSum? (2 marks) i) What is the importance of a PowerPoint? (2 marks) ) What are the extensions of a word, excel and PowerPoint file? (2 marks) Page 4 of 4 Scanné avec CamScanner REPUAT OLE DL SUNISTE RE DEL ANSHGAE MINE SUPERIEU ston AHONAL CO stray nucHtese OMTAE MAM ANDY Nin FNAME National Exam of Higher National Diploma-New program = 2021 Session Spécialty/option :Software Paper, wgincering (SWE) jours Instruction: Answer all questions SECTION A: SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE 40 marks 1, What is network architecture? (2 marks) 2. List and describe the two types of widely used network architectures ofeach (I+4x2=9 marks) 3. Give the meaning of OSI as designed by the International standard organization, List and explain the different layers of the OSI model in descending order. And precise the unit data at each layer (1+7+3.S=11 marks) 4. In computing most of time people are using the word cloud. Explain what is a cloud? (2 marks) 5. What is Cloud Computing? Give an illustration of it (2+2=4 marks) 6. From the experience that you have acquired when leaming cloud computing, list and explain 4 benefits of Cloud Computing? (1.5x4=6 marks) 7, Answer true or false on the following questions (0.5x1 lustrating the diagram marks) Hardware as a Service is not a major type of cloud computing usage Virtual Machine Ware (VMware) is an example of software Service API stand for Analysis Programming Interface ‘A Cloud application relies onRemote Servers A Cloud app is Hardware program A Google Apps Engine is a type of CaaS A good cloud computing network cannot be adjusted to provide bandwidth on demand h. IBM Bluemix is a cloud platform as a service developed by IBM Cloud Service has a many to many Relations Google doc is a type of Cloud computing Cloud providers provide cloud services to cloud users. Cloud applications can function offline ith their customers Page 1 of 2 Scanné avec CamScanner (40 marks) s an operating system (Smarks) 2. Whatis memory management? (Smars) 3 state the ativitiesperformed by the operating system for processor management (Smarks) 4 Differentiatebetweengeneralpurpose operating system and mobile operating system (Smarks) 5, List the five (5) components of information system (lOmarks) 6. Whystudy the human use of computers systems? (Smarks) List the four (4) key components of android architecture (Smarks) SECTION C: PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND LEGAL REGULATIONS (20 marks) Part 1: Short Structurals( 10marks) 1. Define the following terms as used in project management? (2marks) a, Project portfolio b, Project manager . Project plan 4. Project charter 2. List and explain at least 2 project management knowledge areas (2marks) 3. List and explain 2 major phases of a project management life eycle (2marks) 4, Who is an intervenor in legal terms? (Imark) 5, List and explain 3 types of intervenors you know (3marks) Part 2: Essay (10 mks) TL You are the new project manager for the construction of 2 classrooms at ABC Higher «Institute. Draft a project plan showing all the phases, task activities, resources, time allocation, resource allocation, and necessary charts for the project. From your time frames, calculate the optimistic, pessimistic and most likely estimates for the first and last activity on your plan (Smarks) Using your knowledge of market research, suggest to your school a marketing research plan that allows them increase the number of international student admission (5 marks) Page 2 of 2 Scanné avec CamScanner REPUMLIQUE. DU CAMEROUN Paine TravalhPate via iiiNeaMeNT SPEAK MINISTERE DE ant, COMMISSION PHANISA TION OF I INATIONAL DICIAIMIA EXAM ESD) EXAM CCONMISSION NATION IERNATIONA ploma-New program ~ 2021 Session Credits : 4/4/10 Instructions: Answer all questions. You are authorized to use only non-programmable calculator SECTION A: MCQS (20 MARKS) 1) The probability of selecting a man at random in a crowd containing 20 men and 33 women is, A, 0.6226 B.0.05 c.03774 iD. 2) The expectation of obtaining a 4 upwards with 3 throws of a fair dice is ‘A. 0.167 —B.0.750-——€.0.666-———D. 0.500 3) The probability of selecting at random the winning horses in both the first and second races if there are 10 horses in each race Rio = 26020 2 c.00l D.0.02 4) The expectation F is equal (0; A. pn pias — ¢ Hat Deux 5) The probability of r successes in m trials in a binomial event is given by A(t ter B.(Jat te" C.G)a te" D. Garr 6) The probability distribution of tossing a fair coin n times is given by A. np C.(p+qy" D.(p+qy"** 7) For the random variables x; = (1,2,3,4,5, 6}, for the possible outcomes of throwing a fair die, what is the probability p(x 2 3)? A. 26 B. 3/6 C.46 D. 6 8) The probability of having 0 head in two tosses of fair coin is AM B.Y% cl D.0 Page 1of7 Scanné avec CamScanner 9) The Laplace transf elsin2e) is 10) The probability of havi AL Me hy 11) The follow ing equations: ‘ sence A. cosy R, cosy D, sinx tay tim 5} is equal to AS B.S C268 D.0 = a ane 2 me 15)When the lim, f(x) = 22, it implies Possibility of C. a quadratic asymptote A. a vertical asymptote D. an oblique asymptote B. ahorizontal asymptote 16) The Domain of definition of the function: f(x) = Sous is A. ]0,1{u}t, + C.}0,e[ule +001 B. ]1,+0[ D.Je,1[u]t, +l 17) the parity of the funetion f(x) = 52s, A. even B. odd C. neither odd nor even. positive -2log(x+2) has as solution x= 18) The equation, log(x -1)Hog(x+)= c.5/4 D. 4/5 A. al B, -5/4 19)In the D’Alambert’s theorem the lim =[=* =< 1 implies A. Convergence B. Divergence C. Inconclusive _D. Constant Page 20f7 Scanné avec CamScanner 20) Three numbers ar What are the thi thetic progression. Their sum is 9 and their product is 20.25. jumbers? B. 7 /2,6/2 C.3/2,3,92 D. 52,3, % 21) The period of the funetion shown graphically below is Al B.S C6 D.3 22) The exact solution to the following: a B23 c 23) The funetion shown graphically below is NY 4 — an even function an odd function neither odd nor even function an asymmetric function pop> 24) IF In(1 + y) = 3x? + Ind then Avysixtting-1 0 Cy = 4e¥" - int B. y = 4e? Dy 25) Find the value(s) of 2 of x2y + y? = Sat y=1 A. -Fonly — B.only D.$ 26) When f(t +7) = f(t), Tis called A. the fundamental period of f(t) C. constant of f(t) B. the period of f(¢) D. increment of f(t) Page 30f7 Scanné avec CamScanner entiable on Ja. DL f(a) differentiable on J i is verified Je continnons on [ible jab oak at eat one ayer elie ahat //(e) = Os ©. Rotle’s theater 1. Mean value ther [ats expresses th fPaN A Qily © fy (ne = Se) deedys espe ©. Role's theorem 1), Mean value theorem 27) Whieh th J (BY andl there exist at least A. Cauchy the 1. Green's theorem, em 28) The following equati A. Cauchy's theorem B. Green's theorem identical to 2)tanh-! (2 D.In(? = 1) InGe? +1) A. tan(S) Botan Ine 30) If F(a) = 3%, then f"(x) : A, In3x B. 3*In3, c.3* D. 3x’ 31) The value of x in the equation 3.72 = In (24) is Ajxs St Bxatt Cx =514e37 D.x =3.17e54 32)Ify = In(7 ~ 4x) then is ‘ a er Trax 33) Consider the sequence U, = A. 5, = 1/2 B.S, = 1/6 C.S,=1/3 D.5,=0 34) The domain of definition of the function f(x) = 7a - 7m A, ]-0, -2(U]-2, -1[U]-1, +00[ B.J-2, -1[ C.J-2, -1[U[-1, +0[ D. J=c0, -2]U}=2, +00 35) From the Cauchy's criter /U,, <1, implies A. divergence B. inconclusive C. convergence _D. constant 36) The value(s) of x = C for f(x) = x? + 2x?-—x on [1,2], for which the mean value theorem is verified is SB a.c= 8 omy c= rc 2A only Page 4 of7 Scanné avec CamScanner 37) For three veetors v;,v2,v3 ina vector space a constants ¢},¢2,¢3, from the set of real numbers, ¢1v; + ¢av2 + ¢5¥3 = 0; with cy,cz,cynot all zero then the set of vectors ¥4,02,05 are said to be A. linearly dependent B. linearly independent C.akernel — D. an endomorphism 38) The gradient of the curve y = 3x* — 2x? + 5x —2 at the point (0,-2 AL2 B.4 C5 D.6 39) If y = cosh™x, then: A. coshx = 1/x B.coshx =1/y — C.coshy=y D.coshy = x 40) (x + Vx®=1)(x- Vx? =9) = A. x? Bl C2 Dixced SECTION B: STRUCTURAL (80 MARKS) 1. ANALYSIS (30 Marks) I. (@) A real valued function f(x) is defined by f(x) = Vx®¥x—12. Determine the domain and range of f(x). 14 (b) (i) Using any of the limit theorems, evaluate lim 2322" no 5438107" Gi) TE Unsr = YUn FT, Uy = 1, prove that: lim Up = fat v5). (8 +5 marks) 1.2 (@) Using the Laplace Transforms or the method of undetermined coefficients, solve the differential equation ¥"(x) + ¥(x) =x, ¥()=0, ¥"(@) =2. 0-5 call by value ny dittonenice betes operate main) inte: e=(a+b)te/d: printf("Value of (a + b) * €/ dis : %din", € e=((a~b)*0)/ ds printi("Value of (a + b) * ¢)/ dis : din" © Jin e=(a+b)*/ a) i printf("Value of (a+ b) * (¢/ d) is : %ed\n", € )s e=a+(b*o)/d; printf("Value of a + (b * ¢)/ dis: %din" ,€ )s return 0; } Object Oriented Programming (C++ or JAVA) (10 marks) 1. Acertain University is made up of Departments. The departments on their part have a name, programs, lecturers, students. Implement a C++ or JAVA program which takes University as a class and Departments as object with name, programs, lecturers, students as members. Initialize name as IT, program as HND. lecturer as Mr. P, student as Epie. The program should be such that it outputs the complete information of the University.(10 marks) SECTI Database Development and Administration. (20marks) 1. Think of an organizational database in which some of the fields in the CUSTOMER table must have the given data types. Explain the meaning of the following data types in the Customer table: i) Customer ID (auto numeric field) Page 2of4 Scanné avec CamScanner ii) Customer Name (te ili) Fee Paid (decimal f iv) Pay Date (date field), (2x 4= 8 mi 2. Table 1 below contains sample data for vehie! discussing the ks) ‘and for operators who ply these vehicles. In data with users, we find that vehicle ID (but not descriptions) uniquely ator names uniquely identify operators. iption Rout Tartif Per Mi Grand Trail 100 East Route 150 v2 Comfort Polax Grand Trait 45 Ubet East Route 60 Munim South Trunk 35 Table 1: Sample Data for Vehicles and Operations a) Convert this table to a relation (named VEHICLE OPERATOR) in first normal form. Illustrate the relation with the sample data in the table.(2 marks) b) List the functional dependencies in VEHICLEOPERATOR and identify a candidate key.(3 marks) ©) For the relation VEHICLE OPERATOR, identify each of the following: an insert anomaly, a delete anomaly, and a modification anomaly.(3 marks) d) Draw a relational schema for VEHICLE OPERATOR and show the functional dependencies.(3 marks) In what normal form is this relation?(1 mark) SECTION C: WEB DESIGN (54mins, 15 marks, 15%) 1. List and briefly explain all the new form elements use in HTMLS(2 marks) CharSet is a new met a tag attribute in HTMLS which configures the character encoding. Give the tag for this meta tag char set (1 mark) List and briefly explain all html elements that supports media content (4 marks) Define canvas in the context of htm! and give its default border size (2 marks) Differentiate between CSS and CSS3 (1 marks) List and briefly explain the different types of CSS mostly used in web development(3 marks) 7. What is the difference between and ? (2 marks) x anee Page 3 of 4 Scanné avec CamScanner ND: NETWORKING 1Smarks) TIO! network (2marks) the importance of layering in between cach of the following i. OSE model and TCP/IP model (2m UDP and TCP. (3marks) describe the data encapsulation process in OSL (2marks) 4 For each of the following network give a sketch, (wo advantages ,two disadvantages and a network protocol or technology employing it (marks) i. Ring topology ii, Star topology 1) Explai 2) Differentiate rks) sket Page 4of4 Scanné avec CamScanner REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON ace-WothePathertand REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN Hayat rane AHAISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCS ORGANISATION MINISTERE DE LENSEIGNEMENE SU NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR connsvon marion ne vcs A TIONAL, DIPLOMA = 202 SESSION. NATIONAL EXAM OE IIGUERN ine Engineering Specialty Option; Sey Paper: Prretioe of Computer Credit Value: 02 Duration: 5 hours 180 marks 1 AND PROGRAMMING { number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper positive itself (also known as its aliquot SECTION A: ALGORT In number theory. a perf positive divisors excluding the number divisors, that is, the sum o} a perfect number is a number that is half the sum of all of its positive divisors sum), Equivalently, {including itself). ors are 1, 2, and 3, and 1 +2 +36. For example, the first perfect number is 6. Its proper divis 6. Equivalently, the number 6 is equal to half the sum ofall its positive divisors: (1 +2 +3 + 6)+2= Using the appropriate software in the computer assigned to you; Answer the following questions: Ql. Write a C function isPerefect(int n) which check if'a number is perfect or not. (10 marks) Q2. Write a C program called Perfect, prompting the user to Enter a number a positive number and use the function isPerefeet(int n) to check and display whether the number is perfect or not. “N" and the program (20 marks) (20 marks) Q2. Modify the program in such a way that the user enters a positive upper limit print all Perfect numbers between | to N Your program should repeatedly prompt the user to enter a positive number if it is not the case ‘oti SECTION B: DATABASE DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION ( MYSQL) 20 marks A business company is having the following tables on their database: Sample Table - Worker ORKER_ID [FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME BALARY POINING_DATE [DEPARTMENT Page 1 of 3 Scanné avec CamScanner saprarzouronio [Hie foor [Moma Anon rane jooz Nihavikoy Wea anno raphacrtay aay [Admin py ~ |Vishat Singhal jonnen Panes 2009.00.00 tHe nple Pable _ onus DATE PHONES AMOUNT | AVORAFR REE ID n a Paaret2-20 0:00:00 000 in sWieeoeT1 00:00:00 x00) Isone02-20 00:00:00 4000) « software, ereate the database of the company entitled “COM 1g the appropria Task ‘Task 2: Create the tables “Worker” and “Bonus” including all their columns tables Task 3: Insert all Data's found on “Worker” and “Bonns) Task 4: Create a SQL query to fetch “FIRST_NAME”, “DEPARTMENT”, © BONUS_AMOUNT from “Worker” and “Bonus” table SECTION C: WEB DESIGN /1S marks [Aprime number (r a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that cannot be Formed by multiplying 1wo atural numbers, A natural number greater than I that is not prime is called a composite number. smaller g it as a product, | * 5 or 5 * 1, involve 5 itself. For example, 5 is prime because the only ways of writin 4 of two numbers (2 * 3) that are both smaller than 6. However, 6 is composite because it is the produc What do we need to write and run PHP code? (2 marks) Using the appropriate software, write a PHP or JavaScript function taking as parameter a number (5 marks) and check if the number is a prime number or not 3. Given the figure bellow: LIST OF PRIME NUMBERS Enter a Number: | DISPLAY Page 2 of 3 Scanné avec CamScanner ne numbers using the previous function to display the mf Jynamie web pay where mis entered by the user using the HTML form as shown on the fig (& marks) SECTION D: NETWORKING 11S marks You have gotten a job as a networking expert to network # newly created company having § departments and the manager gives to you the following design: Figure 3 noth: 14 hosts hosts note: Zhosts nett: 20 hosts note: 28 hosts ‘The manager also said that the IP address given to him by the internet network provider is 1+ List all the tools needed to implement this design (3 marks) Which types of cables will be needed? Describe each (2 marks) 3+ Explain the process of sub-netting and precise the range of each (5 marks) 4+ Using appropriate software installed in your computer, design the entire network. (5 marks) Note: Represent just two computers in each sub-network and make sure that you assign the correct IP address to each sub-network Page 3 of 3 Scanné avec CamScanner REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN aineTraall sINISTERE DE L'ESSEIGNEMFNT SUPERIFUR. NATIONAL Conn CCOMBISSION SATION! INIGHER NATIONAL DIPLOMA FAAS National Exam of Higher National Diploma 2021 S Duration : 2 hours INSTRUCTIONS ‘L This paper carries four sections. You are required to answer all questions. 2 You are reminded of the necessity for good French and orderly presentation in your answers. Any student who attempt to fraud or caught cheating shall be penalized (ill further noticed. SECTI 1. Dans quelle phrase le verbe « manger » est conjugué au futur de Vindicatif ? a) Jemangerais des cerises b) J-aurais mangé des cerises ©) Je mangerai des cerises d) Je mangeais des cerises. 2. Donne le temps du verbe dans la phrase suivante ; « la piéce de théatre a plu au public » a) Imparfait b) Passé simple ©) Passé composé d) Futur antériewr 3. Quel est Je pronom pérsonnel utilisé dans la phrase suivante ; «oh, comme elle est A: QCM (40pts). Ecrivez la lettre correspondante & la bonne réponse. gentille » a) 1° personne du singulier b) 2#* personne du singulier c) 3% personne du singulier d) 3° personne du pluriel 4, A quel mode est conjugué le verbe dans Ia phrase suivante « sors de cette pi a) Indicatif b) Impératif ©) Subjonetif 4) Passif| Page 1of7 Scanné avec CamScanner 5. Donne le groupe du verbe « croire » a) 1 groupe b) 2% groupe c) 3° groupe d) Aucun 6, Dans quelle phr a) Nous buvions du soda 1 de Mindieatif ? ¢ le verbe « boire » est conjugté att Pres bb) Nous buvons du soda c) Nous boirons du soda 4) Nous avons bu du soda ‘ Donne le groupe du verbe « finir » a) 2° groupe b) > ©) Aucun 4) 1© groupe A quel temps les deux verbes sont-ils conjugués dans la phrase aimais bien les berceuses » a) Passé simple b) Imparfait ©) Plus que parfait 4) Passé composé. 9. Donne le groupe du verbe « dormir » a) 1* groupe b) 2 groupe ©) 3 groupe d) Avcun 10. Donne le groupe du verbe « descendre » a) I* groupe b) 2 groupe ©) 3** groupe @) Aucun 11. «je lui ai demandé s'il était prét ». cette phrase est a) Déclarative b) Interrogative ©) Exclamative 4d) Impérative 12, Parmi les phrases suivantes, laquelle contient un participe passé mal accordé ? : a) Les pices que j'ai vu jouer b) Combien avez-vous rencontré de personnes ? c) Elle s'est construit une maison ? d) Elles se sont lavées les mains « quand tu étais petit, tu Page 2of 7 Scanné avec CamScanner 13, Une personne qui lit avee peine, en hésitant est une personne « mmelle monne ©) Anonne: a) susurre 14, parmi les quatre propositions eéapres, laquetle exprime ta fo i désence itnalyscront Ia situation dans son contexte », von contexte sive de phrase suivante ; «toutes les a) tontes les patties en présence n’analyseront pas la si D) La situation ne sera pas analysée dans son contexte par toutes les parties en présence ©) Lasitnaton sera analysée dans son contexte par toutes les partes en présence. &) Toutes les p snee analyseront-elles Ia situation dans son contexte ? 15, Lradjeetif « demi» plicé devant le nom est invariable et s'y joint par un trait d'union. Place aprés Ie nom, il s‘accorde avec celui-ei en gente. ‘Quelles propositions sont correctement orthographiées ? en pre ©) Deux heures et demie 4) Deux pains et demi 16, Laquelle des phrases suivantes comprend un verbe intransitif ? a) Mest parti hier du service b) Elle arriva enfin 4 son bureau c) Il serait resté a son cabinet toute la journée 4) Elle allait au travail d'un pas lent 17, Quel est le sents du mot « sagacité » ? a) Amabilité b) Facilité ©) Nalveté d) Perspicacité 18, Parmi ces quatre mots, un seul est masculin. Lequel ? a) Echappatoire b) Urticaire ©) Planisphére 4) Alcéve 19, Une empathie est : a) un ensemble d’affections neurologiques et psychiques consécutives & des lésions de l’encéphale ) une hostilité instinctive 4 V'égard de quelqu'un ©) une faculté intuitive de se mettre a la place d’autrui 4) un procédé d’étude ou d’analyse de la structure des corps opaques au moyen de rayon gamma 20. Un mange-tout est : a) un ogre b) une variété de haricot vert ©) un électrophone portatif & fonctionnement automatique 4) une plante des régions chaudes Page 3 0f7 Scanné avec CamScanner 21. Un subside est a) ce qui peut rempl mon femelle qui séalit Ai titre de lacer autre chose hommes pen a ours el de dant gubvent b) und ome d'argent ver ©) un 4) une plante des réqions chanles 22, Une eimaise est a) un ticu ott se des tableaux, b) une ure qui contient les cendres Cun corps smnent ©) ne plate dont les feuilles ventrues servent de condimen <0) un omement qui forme Ia partie supérieure uN CASAS autant plus La question de insertion professionnelle des jeunes S¢ Pose aujourd’hut ‘acuité que le temps du plein emploi est révolu ‘on expo a) est revenu b) est termine ec) adgvolué ) achangé sate, ce demiet 24, Choisissez le synonyme du mot en gras dans la phrase suivante : « On assiste, trimestre, a une recrudescence de la rougeole » a) Complication ) Disparition ©) Diminution d) Aucun 25. Quel est le synonyme du mot « réitérer » a) expliquer b) répéter c) expliquer d) annuler 26. Quelle est la haute chambre du parlement camerounais ? a) Lacour supréme b) Le sénat ©) Lamairie d) L’assemblée nationale, 27. Le président de la république du Cameroun a un mandat de combien d’années ? a) Sans : b) 3 ans c) Tans 4) 6 ans 28. Qui dirige une S.A a) Un président b) Unchef ©) Un directeur général 4) Undirecteur Page 4 of 7 Scanné avec CamScanner 29, Qui ditige une SARL? a) Undireeteur bb) Un président ©) Un leader A) Un Diteotour general 30, En quelle ange fe Cameroun a-til et son Endependance ? a) 1980 by) 1972 ©) 1960 a) 194 31, Quel rang occupe le Cameroun dans le at » 10 o) 5 d) 167 32. C'est une contribution versée a Etat, sans affectation & une dépense particuliére a) Dividende b)_Impats ©) Bénéfices @) Profits 33. Quelle est la durée du mandat dun député au Cameroun ? a) 10 ans b) Bans ©) 3ans @) Sans 34, Combien de gouvemeurs compte le Cameroun ? a) 1S b) 12 °8 4) 10 35. Quel est 'organe en charge de la lecture des résultats des élections présidentielles au Cameroun. a) Cour constitutionnelle b) Cour supréme ©) Le sénat 4) Le conseil supérieur de I"Etat 36.1 se décrit comme laugmentation du niveau général des prix a) Crise économique b) Déflation ©) Inflation 4) Croissance jassement 2020 du Doing Business ? Page 5 of 7 Scanné avec CamScanner els sous fe paillasson + a) Pile a grand by Flea forme ©) Pie stinstalle A) Mle est sarge par ha demane te Hos ae sn eqpaeité ede financement et FES 38, Chest un mnarehé qui aasstite ta Ha ement aqui ont besoin de finan a) Le marché noit by Ltaystt ©) Le marché des a) La tang 39, Dans lentreptise, ¢¢ 8 et bilan de Pentreprise. a) Ressou by Direction ¢ ©) Comptabilité a) Vente ble des salaires et des cotisations sociales des nee vitamy tracer le budget der les rapports financiers, cur est chargé de Humaines nérale 40. Crest .s employeurs. a) Loyer b) Pension ©) Masse salariale 4) Dépenses SECTION B: COMPREHENSION DE TEXTE (10pts) Lisez attentivement le texte ci-dessous et répondez aux questions qui suivent. Consommation : Le gouvernement oppose un non catégorique & l’importation du poulet. Selon le gouvernement, il ya suffisamment de poulet dans le pays pour couvrir la demande. Voila une nouvelle qui va rassurer les aviculteurs. Le gouvernement camerounais est formel sur la question de l’importation du poulet qui fait actuellement des vagues. En effet, depuis la déclaration de I’épidémie de grippe aviaire le 22 mai 2015, la filitre avicole perd environ 10 milliards de FCFA par jour, selon les spécialistes. Alors qu’une protestation des principaux acteurs de la filitre vient d’étre étouffée dans la région de Vouest, principal bassin de production (80% de la production nationale), des informations faisaient état de ce que des opérateurs économiques sollicitaient du gouvernement l'agrément pour procéder & importation du poulet. Le ministre de I’élevage, des péches et des industries animales (MINEPIA) assure qu'il n’en est rien, Joint au téléphone par nos confréres de Cameroun Tribune, le Dr Taiga assure que c'est a tui qu'il revient d'accorder des autorisations d'importation de poulet au Cameroun et qu’aucune demande ne lui est adressée dans ce sens, «et méme, nous ne I'accordons pas. Il y a suffisamment de poulet dans le pays. En dehors des foyers de la grippe, le marché local tourne Page 6 of 7 Scanné avec CamScanner gssez bien. I n'y aura done aucune importation, FE ie se résoudre positivement », assure le MINEPIA. core que le probléme sanitaire est en train En effet, Paprés Francois Djonou, président de Phnterprofession Avicole (PAVIC) la production eae en ponlet de chair est passe de 31 millions de ttes 50 millions en 2015 ale che le poules pondeuses est passé de 3.5 millions en 2012 5.5 millions * 2015. A cause de 1a grippe aviaire, elle connait une nette régression, « Nous avons enregistré des pertes de I'ordte de 10 miliards de FCFA »,indique-til : ement et la Actuellement, le gouvernement est en train de prendre des mesures Post le redre: reance de la filiée avicole. Cependant, aucune date n'a encore ‘4g avancée, concernant Je retour autorisé de la volaille dans les marchés des départements affectés Juste que les pouvoirs publics et les responsables de la filiére y travallent Onana N. Aaron. QUESTION: 1. De quoi parle-t-on dans le texte ? 2. Expliquez les mots suivants ; importation-régression-cheptel 3. A quel secteur d’activité appartiennent les entreprises avicoles ? +4 A votre avis, pourquoi I’Etat s'oppose-til& importation du poulet au Cameroun ? 5. * Face a une tele crise, que peut Eire apport des banques ? SECTION C : REDACTION G0pts) Le candidat choisira UN SEUL des deux suets proposts et Je traitera Sujet 1 ; le role des banques dans le développement économique d’un pays Sujet 2 ; le rdle du transport dans Ja réalisation du commerce Page 7of7 Scanné avec CamScanner

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