Ba Ll.b-I-Political Science I FC01

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CBCS/B.A./LL.B. /Ilons./lst Sem.

/FC 0ll2L22

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B.A. LL.B. Honours lst Semester Examination,2022

Por,rrrcnr, Scrnxcr-I
P.q.prn Conn: FC01
Time Allotted:3 Hours Full Marks: 100

The Questions are ofequal value.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Answer Question no. 7 and any four questions from the rest
t. Can Political Scignce be regarded as science? Discuss with the help of arguments l0+10
in favour and against.

2. Write down the basic pillars of Behaviouralism. How does Behaviouralism differ l0+10
from the post-Behaviouralism?

J. What do you mean by the term 'Approach'? Briefly discuss the major traditional 6+14
approaches to the study gf Political Science.

4. Discuss Dialectical tvtaterialism of Kail Marx. Critically discuss Marxist Theory 6+14
regarding class conflict.

5. (a) Discuss the concept of state and society. Point out the similarities and differences l2+8
between State and Society.
(b) Discuss nationalism and illustrate the factors- for the rise of nationalism.

6. (a) Do you think evolutionary or historical theory perfectly explains the concept of 12+8
the origins ofthe state? Explain.
(b) Highlight the differences between Hobbes and Locke rule of social contract

7. Write shoft notes on any,four of the following: 5x4 = 20

(a) Kautilya's Saptanga Theory
(b) Features of Liberalism
(c) Divine right theory
(d) Gandhi's concept of non-violence
(e) Generalwill
(f) Features of Socialism.

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