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ts) AQUINAS COLLEGE OF HIGHER STUDIES- COLOMBO 08 DIPLOMA IN ENGLISH CERTIFICATE LEVEL I READING AND VOCABULARY MAY 2022- Weekend & Evening Student 1D No : deceaetattea Marks Admission No CNo Duration +2 hours Reading Test 01 Fill in the blanks with suitable words. (individual, boosts, chances, productive, aid, acquire, intellectual, overall, empowers, highly) Education is a process of learning through Which We 1)...........es0...knowledge, It enfightens, 2)..........ce..+-.-» and creates a positive development. Education gives an B)eeceeeeeeeee the knowledge and skills to work with virtue. It aids the all-round mental, physical, and 4). growth and development of an individual. Education 5). and develops the commercial scenario as well as benefits the On. economy of the country. Higher the level of education, the better are the 7). . of development. Therefore, it is 8)... os important to educate the children and youth to live a 9) life and 10).. n the development of society and the nation. (1x 10 = 10 marks) Lest 02 Cloze reading — Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the words given below. (peaceful, will, abolish, wars, once, disputes, because, contrary, necessary, contend, life, completely, consequence, wealth, ma: horrendous) ternational, only, ive, suffering, battle, Waris a 1) nations, War causes 3). the war. 4)..... «a €Vil, H refers to an armed 2).. between cass to the family members of the people who die during destruction of property, 5). trade and industry is a drastic 6)...csccssssseesssees OF Wat. It). _ upsets the social 8) a of people. Many people 9 sve that war is a 10). evil, and it is the 11) .-- process of solving 12). disputes. On the 13) in reality, war happens only 14).. ve» People are not ready to the world starts settle 15). ina peaceful manner. 16). . believing that 17) are unnecessary and decides to 18). war completely, it 19)...... certainly find a way for 20). co-existence. (12x 20 = 10 marks) ea ea i ‘Test 03__Read the poem and answer the questions. i. Lam your favourite planet, iv. Ihave a Moon that sometimes comes ‘The one that gave you birth, Between the Sun and me; A green spot, And for a time Aclean spot, know that I'm That’s known as Mother Earth Plunged in obscurity. fi, My orbit never changes v. Consider the Sun, Moon and Stars On my joumey round the Sun, ‘The other eight planets and L Circling through Space, Ask, “Who put them in place? Leaving no trace. ‘Who arranged them in Space? (Each lap means one year gone.) When did it happen and why? iii, spin upon my axis perts say the whole Scheme will collapse Once every day and night; ‘And there’s nothing that mankind can do. Observers say Not much longer to go - lean one ways A billion light years or so ~ T'm inclined to think they're right! So I’m not going to worry. Are you? 1) Around what does the carth orbit? 2) How many years does it take for the earth to orbit? idea of observers about the earth’ 4) When does the earth get to know that it is plunged in obscurity 5) What do experts say’? 6) Which two adjectives in the first stanza describe the earth? 7) Find a synonym for the noun “human race” from the poem. 8) Find an antonym for the adjective “hated” from the poem 9) Who has written this poem? 10) Match “A” with “B*, consider revolve insignificance regard collapse cave in (2x 10 = 20 marks) ‘Test 04 (A) Read the different passages and write suitable sub headings for each of the paragraphs selecting from the list given. (Diversified careers, Introduction, Demise, Famous quotes, Honours received) Maya Angelou was a U.S. writer, performer, and professor. She was best known for het poetry and several books based on her life, especially “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sing (1970), She was a black American. Angelou was born as Marguerite Johnson on April 4, 1928, in Saint Louis, Missouri. Her parents separated when she was very young. For much of her childhood, she lived with her grandmother and brother in Stamps, Arkansas. Her brother gave her the nickname Maya, a ee . In the 1950s Angelou moved to New York City, where she developed many of her talents. She studied dance with the famous modern dancer Martha Graham. She also joined the Harlem Writers’ Guild, a group that encouraged her to write. In the United States, she was active in the civil rights movement. In the 1960s and °70s Angelou wrote television and movie screenplays. She also acted in TV series. Throughout her life, Angelou wrote poetry and stories based on her experiences. Bill Clinton asked Angelou to write a poem for his inauguration as president in 1993. Her reading of the poem, called “On the Pulse of Morning,” made her a celebrity. In 2006, she received the Mother Teresa Award for her untiring devotion and service to the humanity. Further, in 2011, President Barack Obama gave Angelou the Presidential Medal of Freedom, ‘That award is the country’s highest nonmilitary honor temeven People al “There is no agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”, “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”, “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” and “What you're supposed to do when you don’t like a thing is change it. If you ean’t change it, change the way you think about it. Don’t complain. Angelou was 86 years old when she passed away. She died on Wednesday, 28" May, 2014 at her home in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Her literary agent, Helen Brann confirmed the death but said she did not know the cause, It seemed that she had heart ailments and had been in declining health for years, Helen further added that “I spoke to her yesterday. She was fine, as she always was, Her spirit was indomitable.” (2x 5=10 marks) ‘Test 04 (B) . Write complete answers. What is Angelou’s famous book mentioned in the first paragraph? ‘What was her nationality? 3. What was the name given to her when she was born? 4, With whom did she study dance? 5. Which group encouraged her to write? 6, What were her poetry and stories based on? 7, What did she receive in 2006? 8. Who gave her the Presidential Medal of Freedom? 9, Write one of her famous sayings. 10. When did Angelou pass away? (2x 10 =20 marks) ‘Test 04 (C) Write a suitable word for each description choosing from the passage. 1, formal admission of someone to office- 2. a famous person ~ 3. extreme physical or mental suffering - 4. love and respect deeply ~ 5. natural skills- Qx5 0 marks) VOCABULARY ‘Test 01 ~ Underline the word with the correct spelling, 1) Exposition exposhion ‘exposstian exposision 2) Reetorie thetorie retoric theetorie 3) Fragiele fragile flagaile flagile 4) Deseeption desception deception desepshan 5) xenophobic senophobie xenophobic senoaphobic 6) pesimisite pecsimistie pestimistic pessimistic 7) pronounciation pronunciation proonounciation —_pronunsiation 8) displeasure despleasure displeashure displeschure 9) dragonflies draganflies dragonflies dragontlyies errigation irrigation erigation (1x 10= 10 marks) ‘Lest 02- Give the opposites / antonyms of the following words. 1. grace- 2. employment - 3. literate - 4. certain - 5. impolite- 6. insignificant - 7. background- 8. interested isqualify 10. behave- (ix 10 = 10 marks) Page 5 of 5

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