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MARCH 2022

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N.LC No Duration:2 hours


Test I

Fill in the blanks with suitable words. (lx 10 =10 marks)

( knowledge , well-being , friends , vocabulary , depressed , develop,
relox, experience , healthy , enlighten )
Reading is a very good habit that one needs to (l) ... .... in life. Good books can inform
yoLt. (2). ....... yoLt and lead you in the riglrtdirection. There is no bettercompanion than
a good bool<. Reacling is irnportartt because it is good for your overall
(3)'... "..... Once you start reading, you (4) .. a whole new world. When
I yoLr start loving the habit of reading yoLr eventually get addicted to it. Reading develops language skills
and (5) ....'. Reading books is also away to (6) ... and reduce stress. It is
important to read a good book at least for a f'ew minutes each day to stretch the brain muscles for
(7)... ..... flurrctioning.

Books really are your best (8)... ..... as yoLt can rely on them when you are bored,
upset,(9) ......, lonely or annoyed. They will accompany you anytime you want
tliem and enhance your mood. Tlrey share with you inforrnation and (10) .... any time
you need. Good books always guide yor-r ro the correct path in lifb.

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Test 02

Cloze reading - fill the blanks with appropriate words from the words given
below. (ll2x20 = l0 marks)
(friendship , with, needs, relationships, friend, love, heart, upon, person,lrue,
con, ever),, world, never, care, always, everybody, luckiest, for, may )
One of the purest(l) .... is the relationship of friendship. A person without a
(2).... ...... Iives a hard life. Everybody(3) ... a companion to deal
(4).... our experience. It is dependerrt (5). that how you define
friendship. It (6).. . . be sharing your food, taking care of that
(7).... ..., supporting thern in their thick and thin. You (8) ..
loud about it, bLrt if you (9) ...... for a person silerrtly, that is what friendship is.
not be
(10)... is about lauglring togethcr on small things, cherishing
(l l)... moment you share, standing together (12).. each other
even when the(13) ...... tLlrns its backs towards them.

Friendships are sometimes more durable than the relationship of(14). .... Even though
the def rnition of friendship varies from person to person, the core meaning behind it is the same for
(15)... .... Life is empty withourt a fi'iend. So when you gain a(16).
friend, make sure you cherish it with all your(11).... ... The person with a real
friend, with whorn all the things can be shared, is the (18)... in the
world. A f'riend will (19),.... jLrdge you, and they will never stop scolding you if yor.r

are wrong. But wlratever the sitr"ration be. they will (20). ... be tlrere to sLtpport v

Test 03

A)Underline the most suitable answer *T! can be used to fill each blank.( 1x10 = 10 marks)

An (l) ..... ....... part of life is Discipline. If your want to (2) ..

anything in life, you need to be disciplined in every aspect. It's a (3) ... that you learn
right from childhood. Without Discipline, it will difficr"rlt for anyone to achieve much. Right from
when a person is a child, his t'amily arrd teachers, teach him or her the art of (4)

Everyone has to learn this lesson. A well-disciplined person will complete their work periodically

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and follow a particular(s) . ....... of their goals. If you discipline in yor.rr life, it
becomes easier to(6) . through it. The stepping stone to (7) ... ......,... is

sheer Discipline. It helps a person have active control of the things happening in their lives. You
will feel more motivated to (8) ... .... yourtasks. Everyone is dift'erent, and so are lrow
they follow Discipline. No-one follows the same Discipline. This is (9)... ... because

different things work for different people. No one thinks in the same way and makes the same
choices. Therefore, the Discipline that people want to follow is different and (10)
to their own needs.

v r) essential, possible, normal, ordinary

2) attain, achieve, accornplislr. f ulfil

3) worth, use, benefit, value,

4) discipline, control, regulation, routine

k 5) plan, scherne, schedu le, prograrnme

6) steer, sail, navigate, helm

7) success, victory, triurmph, good

8) absolute.. total, complete, perfect

9) mainly, mostly, chiefly, usually

l0) unique, special, irrdividural, rare

B) Read the poem and answer the questions. ( 1x10: 10 marks)

Dickv- Biids
Two little dicky-birds
Sittirrg on a twig,
Both very plump
And not very big.

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i 'lTwebt?::said the first'one,

Wasn't that a funny way

: .To
r v tafk
iErr: toone another'

Down flew one bird

And picked up a crust:

To a little heap of dust;

Plunged into a dust bath,

- -- --4.-
' ,' 'All p.uffed out and fbt,
Wouldn't it be very strange
To have a bath like that?

I.Where were the birds,sitting?

2.F ow did they talk'to each other?

3.Wha did one bird pick up?

4.Where did the other bird go?

5. How many birdi are in the poem?

Match "A" with "B"

a) twig
b) plump

jumped ' '

c) funny, fat,' ll
d)crust a,small branch
e) plunged bread crumbs

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Test 04

A) Reacl thedifferent passages and write suitable sub headings for each of the
paragr:rphs selecting the list given. (2x 5: l0 marks)

{ Marriage Introduction Death anel.funerul l)arl.1, lifb ancl ecluc.ution, Chcrril.t, yt,ork, )

Diana, princess of Wales. original nerme Diana Frances Spencer, was born July l, 1961,
Sandrirrgharn, Nortblk, Englarrd and she died orr August 3l,lgg7, Paris, France. She was the
former wife of Prince Charles. She had two sons- Prince William and prince Harry. She was
\,l one ol'the foremost celebrities of lrer clay.

Dietna's chilclhood playmates were the queen's yolurger sons, Prince Andrew and Prince Edwarcl.

Slte was the tlrird child and youngest dar-rghter oflEclwarcl John Spencer. Her parents' marriage
ended in clivorce when Diana was a child. and she. along with her brotlrer and two sisters, remained

with her lather. She becatle Lady Diana Spencer when her tather succeeded to the earlclorn in 1975.
Riddlesr'r'orth FIall arrd West [{eath Sclrool providecl the yoLrrrg Diana's schooling. Diana became

a kinderqarten assistant at the lashionable Young England school in Pimlico.

She renewed her contacts with the royal farnily, ancl her fi'iendship with Charlesgrew in 19g0. On
\y' FebrLrary 24, 1981. their engagemenl was announoed, and her beaurty and shy dgrns4nsup-which
earned her the nickname "Shy Di"-made her an irrstant sensation with the rnedia and tlre pLrblic.
The couple married in St. Paul's Cathedral on .luly 29, 1981, in a globally televised ceremony
watched by an audience numbering in the hirncrreds of rnillions.

Diana maintained her high pLrblic profile ancl continued nrany of the activities she had earlier undertaken
behalf of charities, supporting causes as diverse as the arts, chilclren's issues, and AIDS patients. She
was involved in efforts to ban land mines. To ensure that William and Harry had ,,an understanding
of people'semotions, theil insecurities, people's distress, and their hopes and dreams,,, Diana brought

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sons with her to hospitals, homeless shelters, and orphanages. To acquaint them with the world outside royal
privilege, she took them to fast food restaurants and on public tran$portation- Her compassion, personal
warmth, hr.rrnility, and accessibility earned her tlre sobriquet "the People's princess.',


Long one of the most-photographed women in the world, she used that celebrity to great effect in
promoting her charitable work, the rnedia (in particular the paparazzi) were often intrusive. It
while attempting to evade pursuing journalists that Diana was killed, in a caraccident in a tunnel
under the streets of Paris in 1997.

B. Write complete answers. ( 2x5 =10 marks)

l. When and where was Princess Diana born?

2. When did she become Lady Diana ?

3.How did she earn her nick-name?

4.where did Diana bring her sons and what did she want to ensure them?

5.When, where and how was Princess Diana killed?


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for each description choosing from the passage.
(2x 5: 10 marks)
C. Write a suitable word

l. Famous personalities - ...

2. A person who helPs someone in a particular work -

3. Which relates to the whole world

4, Legalty prohibit or lorbid

effort to achieve or complete a dit'ficult task

5. Make an

Test 0l
(1x10 =l0marks)
Underline the correct SPelling'
architekt arkitekt akitekt
l) architect, , ,

litaruture, literature, litereture

2) literuture,

nutritional, nr"rtrisional. nutritionel

3) nutritianal,

' 4) ambitiorr. ambision. arnbislrion. ambeeshan

pollution pulishan, polushan

5) pollusion, ,

eficiant, efficient, effecient

6) effrciant,

t/ 7) destination . destinasion , daestination , dastinashan

aproximatelY, approximatele
8) approximetelY, aPProximatelY,

pasengers, passengers, pasenjers

t 9) passengars ,

creechers, creietures , creatures

r l0) kreetures ,

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A) Give the opposites/antonyms of the following words. (1x10 =10 marks)


3. Different-, ,,..., 8. Often ' .

5. Wise-.....:.. 10. Break

B) Form adjectives for following nouns/ verbs by using given suffixes. (1x10: 10 marks)



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