PT-2 COMP 6th

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Subject- AI
Class- VI
Half- Yearly
SESSION 2023-24
M.M. 60 Time 3:00 Hrs.
Section -A
Q.1 Write True or False (10)
1. The Dimond shape indicates the decision-based operation such as yes/no in a flowchart.
2. An integer data type can hold decimal values.
3. Variables must be defined with a name and a data type before they can be used
4. For a given problem, there is always only one way to write a program.
5. Boolean data type can hold decimal values.
6. Pin authentication for ATM card transactions is an example of programming.
7. Code is a set of instructions that can be executed on a computer to perform a specific task.
8. Python is an example of a programming language.
9. Floating data types can hold decimal values.
10. The oval shape represents the start and end of a flowchart.

Q2. Fill in the blanks (5)

1. Integer data type stores __________ values.
2. ___________ shape indicates decision-based operations such as yes/no or true/false.
3. Floating data type stores ________ values.
4. __________________ is an example of programming in real life.
5. ______ shape represents the start and end of a flowchart.

Q3. Multiple Choices Question (10)

1. Which of the following is not an advantage of a flowchart?

A) Efficient coding B) Systematic testing C) Improper documentation D) Better communication
2. The following box denotes.
A) Initialization B) Decision C) Input / Output D) Connectors
3. What shape represents the start and end of a flowchart?
A) Square B) Diamond C) Oval D) Circle
4. What is a flowchart?
A) A specific programming language B) A text-based way of designing an algorithm
C) A bullet point list of instructions D) A diagram that represents a set of instructions
5. __________ is Block based coding platform.
A) Algorithm B) Flowchart C) Pseudo Code D) Arcade
6. Which of the following symbol is used to find the remainder?
A) * B) + C) x D) %
7. Which of the following is not a valid variable name in Python?
A) _test B) 11test C) Test13 D) Test_2

8. Which of the following data types is used to store decimal values?

A) Integer B) Float C) Boolean D) String

9. What is the alternative of y=y+9

A) y=x+9 B) y+=9 C) y-=9 D) x=+9

10. What shape represents the start and end of a flowchart?

A) Square B) Diamond C) Oval D) Circle

Section - B
Q4. Answers the following questions 5*3=15
1. What is a programming language? Write examples.
2. Write four practical examples of coding in the real world.
3. What is a pseudocode?
4. What are variables? Writes data type in variables.
5. Name the different types of shapes used in the flowchart.
Q5. Match the following: (5)

I. Writing steps involved in solving a problem in a human-

I. Algorithm understandable language

II. Flowchart II. Block-based coding platform8

III. Pseudo Code III. Define step by step plan to solve a problem statement

IV. Arcade IV. Solution to a problem presented as a diagram

V. A set of rules that we need to follow when we write a computer

V. Syntax program.

Q6. Long Questions

1. What is a flowchart? Draw its symbols and write their uses. (5)
2. Write the pseudocode to perform addition operation in two variables in a program. (5)
3. Draw a flowchart to find – (5)
A. Sum of two integers
B. Check if a number is odd or even.

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