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Class- VIII
Half- Yearly
SESSION 2023-24
M.M. 60 Time 2:30 Hrs.
Section -A
Q.1 Multiple Choices Question (5)
1. Which of the following is used as the beginning step in an algorithm?
A) Get B) Set C) Start D) Stop
2. Which of the following symbols is used to start a flowchart?
A) Oval B) Terminal C) Connect D) Rhombus
3. Which of the following boxes is used for displaying an output statement?
A) Rectangular box B) Rhombus box C) Parallelogram box D) Oval box
4. Which one of the following options is not a logical operator?
A) Or B) And C) What D) Not
5. Which of the following can create conditional statements?
A) If B) IF-ELSE C) Nested IF-ELSE D) All the above

Q2. True or False (5)

1. Nested conditionals are statements that contain other conditional statements within them.
2. "Else if" is used when there are multiple conditions to check in a conditional statement.
3. Else" is used to specify the action to be taken if the condition in a conditional statement is false.
4. Conditional statements help in decision-making processes in both computer programming and daily life.
5. And" and "Or" are logical operators used in conditional statements to combine multiple conditions.
Q3. Fill in the blanks (5)
1. The logical operator "_____" is used when multiple conditions must be true for the entire conditional
statement to be true.
2. A __________ loop is a loop that contains another loop inside it.
3. The __________ loop is used when we want to repeat a block of code a specific number of times.
4. The data type __________ is used to represent individual characters, such as letters or symbols.
5. The "while" loop is used when we want to repeat a block of code as long as a certain __________ is
Q4. Answer the following questions (Do any 5 Questions) 5*3=15
1. What are variables and data types in variables?
2. What is syntax?
3. What are Loops?
4. What are functions in programming?
5. What are the benefits of using functions?
6. Explain The Nested Loop
Q 5. Long Question
1. What are Relational operators? Make a list of relational operators. (5)
2. What are logical operators? Define each of them. (5)
3. What is a flowchart? Draw symbols/shapes and write their uses. (5)
4. What are the differences between “AND” and “OR” operators? Give examples. (5)
5. Draw flowchart (10)
A. Accept the age of a person and check whether he/she is eligible to vote or not. A person is
eligible to vote only when he/she is 18 years or more.
B. A flowchart to display the greater of the two numbers.

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