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Read aloud passages

Exam repeated ques.ons

1. The brains of modern humans are organized
differently and take longer to grow and mature. For
example, compared with chimpanzees, modern
human infants learn longer at the expense of being
en@rely dependent on parental care for longer
periods of @me. Together, these characteris@cs
are important for human cogni@on and social
behavior, but their evolu@onary origins remain

2. Chronic diseases, oDen referred to as

noncommunicable diseases, usually emerge in
middle age aDer long exposure to an unhealthy
lifestyle involving tobacco use, a lack of regular
physical ac@vity, and consump@on of diets rich in
highly saturated fats, sugars, and salt, typified by
“fast foods.” This lifestyle results in higher levels of
risk factors, such as hypertension, diabetes, and
obesity that act independently and synergis@cally.
3. In the second quarter of the 19th century, a
rapidly growing middle class created a great
demand for furniture produc@on. Yet at this stage,
while machines were used for certain jobs, such as
carved decora@on, there was no real mass
produc@on. The extra demand was met by
numerous woodworkers. Mass produc@on came
later and the quality of domes@c furniture

4. Domes@ca@on is an evolu@onary, rather than a

poli@cal, development. They were more likely to
survive and prosper in an alliance with humans than
on their own. Humans provided the animals with
food and protec@on, in exchange for which the
animals provided the humans their milk and eggs
and their flesh.

5. The Office of Personnel Management manages

the civil service of the federal government,
coordinates recrui@ng of new government
employees, and manages their health insurance and
re@rement benefits programs. They also provide
resources for loca@ng student jobs, summer jobs,
scholarships, and internships.
6. What are your bad habits? I think everyone has
bad habits. Not everyone agrees on what bad habits
are. Some smokers don’t think smoking is a bad
habit. Young people don’ t think listening to loud
music on the train is a bad habit. In Japan, slurping
your noodles is a sign that you enjoy your food, but
making a noise while ea@ng in England is not good.
Have you ever tried to break your bad habits?

7. The problem begins with the alphabet itself.

Building a spelling system for English using leaers
that come from La@n – despite the two languages
not sharing exactly the same set of sounds – is like
building a playroom using an IKEA office set. 8.
Welfare has a special poli@cal meaning to the
United States because it refers to how the poor
receives financial aid. In comparison, welfare
services are regarded as a universal right in other
regions like Europe, where it is believed that all
ci@zens should be able to obtain a minimal level
of social support and well-being.
9. Another administra@on op@on is to bake
marijuana at a rela@vely low temperature to kill
any dangerous microorganisms and then allow that
pa@ent to eat it or drink it. Both of these methods
of administra@on make smoking the drug
unnecessary. However, cri@cism of medical
marijuana has also been raised because as a natural
plant, it cannot be patented and marketed by
pharmaceu@cal companies and is unlikely to win
widespread medical acceptance.

10. The Queensland government removed drum

lines from the marine park immediately aDer the
most recent court ruling. The state’s fisheries
minister, Mark Furner, has wriaen to the federal
environment minister, Sussan Ley, asking for
amendments to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
Authority Act to circumvent the ruling and allow for
the reinstatement of lethal shark control.

11. The state government appeal to maintain its

controversial management program was dismissed
on Wednesday in the federal court in Sydney. In
April the Administra@ve Appeals Tribunal upheld a
challenge to the program in the Great Barrier Reef
marine park by the Humane Society.In its decision,
the tribunal said the scien@fic evidence about
“the lethal component” of the shark control
“overwhelmingly” showed it did not reduce the risk
of an unprovoked shark aaack.
12. A smoking ban is a public policy that includes
criminal laws and health regula@ons that prohibit
smoking in certain public places and workspaces.
There are varying defini@ons of smoking
in this legisla@on. The strictest defini@ons
define smoking as being the inhala@on of any
tobacco substance while the loosest define
smoking as possessing any lit tobacco product.

13. As far as poli@cs go, the responses are just as

varied. Mi@ga@on is common and calls for a
reduc@on of emissions and less reliance on fossil
fuels. Coal burning power plants are now replaced
with hydraulic power plants and electrical cars are
replacing some gasoline efficient cars. Many people,
however, feel that this is not enough.
More passages for prac.ce

Passage 1: "The moonlit night cast a silvery glow on

the calm lake. Stars sparkled like diamonds in the
dark sky, reflec@ng their brilliance on the water's
surface. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of
nearby trees, crea@ng a soothing whisper. The
tranquility of the scene invited contempla@on,
offering a moment of peace and serenity."

Passage 2: "In a quaint village nestled amidst

rolling hills, a vibrant market bustled with ac@vity.
The scent of freshly baked bread
mingled with the aroma of ripe fruits and
aroma@c spices. Stalls were adorned
with colorful displays of flowers, handmade craDs,
and local produce. The air
was alive with the cheerful chaaer of shoppers and
the melodic tunes of street
musicians. It was a lively tapestry of sights, sounds,
and smells, capturing
the essence of community and commerce."
Passage 3: "A sun-kissed beach stretched as far as
the eye
could see, its golden sand glistening in the sunlight.
Waves crashed onto the
shore, their rhythmic ebb and flow a soothing
symphony. Seashells adorned the
sand, treasures wai@ng to be discovered.
Children built sandcastles and
frolicked in the shallows, their laughter echoing in
harmony with the seagulls'
cries. It was a paradise of sun, sand, and sea, where
the cares of the world
melted away."

Passage 4: "As the seasons changed, the forest

into a canvas of vibrant colors. Leaves adorned the
trees in hues of fiery red,
golden yellow, and burnt orange. The crisp air
carried the earthy scent of
fallen foliage. Squirrels scurried along tree
branches, busily collec@ng
acorns for the winter ahead. Nature's artwork
unfolded in every direc@on, a
breathtaking display of autumn's splendor."

Passage 5: "High in the mountains, a waterfall

down steep cliffs, its water tumbling over rocks with
exhilara@ng force. Mist
rose in ethereal clouds, crea@ng a cool,
refreshing atmosphere. Lush greenery
embraced the falls, adding to their
enchan@ng beauty. The sound of rushing
water echoed through the valley, filling the air with
a symphony of nature's
power and grace."

Passage 6: "The morning sun peeked over the

horizon, pain@ng the sky in shades of pink and
gold. Birds chirped a cheerful melody, gree@ng the
new day with their songs. Dewdrops glistened on
blades of grass, reflec@ng the gentle light. It was a
tranquil scene, promising the possibili@es of a
fresh start."

Passage 7: "A winding river flowed through a

meadow, its crystal-clear waters shimmering in the
sunlight. Trees lined the
banks, their branches swaying in harmony with the
breeze. Ducks glided
gracefully across the surface, leaving ripples in their
wake. Nature's serenade
played on, invi@ng tranquility and reflec@on."

Passage 8: "A child's laughter echoed through the

park as
they swung higher and higher, reaching for the sky.
Parents watched with
smiles, their hearts filled with joy. The scent of
freshly cut grass mingled
with the aroma of blooming flowers. It was a
moment of pure happiness, etched
in memories forever."
Passage 9: "The full moon illuminated the night
sky, cas@ng a silver glow over the world below.
Stars twinkled like distant
diamonds, forming constella@ons that told
ancient stories. The s@llness of
the night held a sense of wonder and mystery,
invi@ng dreams to take

Passage 10: "The aroma of sizzling bacon filled

the kitchen,
en@cing hungry stomachs. Coffee brewed, filling
the air with its rich
fragrance. Plates clinked, and laughter filled the
room as a family gathered
around the table, sharing a hearty breakfast. It was
a moment of warmth and
togetherness, a perfect start to the day."

Passage 11: A gentle breeze rustled through the

autumn leaves, crea@ng a symphony of whispers.
The air carried the earthy scent of fallen foliage, a
reminder of nature's cycle. It was a moment of
transi@on, where summer kissed goodbye and
the embrace of autumn began."

Passage 12:
"The sound of waves crashing against the shore
filled the beach with a soothing rhythm. Seagulls
soared overhead, their calls echoing in the salty
breeze. Sand squished beneath bare feet, crea@ng
playful footprints. It was a moment of seaside bliss,
a perfect escape from the pressures of everyday

Passage 13:
"A single candle flickered in the darkness, cas@ng
dancing shadows on the walls. Its warm glow
created an ambiance of tranquility and comfort. The
gentle crackling of the flame provided a soothing
soundtrack. It was a moment of quiet solace, an
invita@on to pause and find peace within."

Passage 14:
"A field of wildflowers stretched as far as the eye
could see, a riot of colors and fragrances. Bees
buzzed busily from bloom to bloom, collec@ng
nature's sweet nectar. Buaerflies fluaered with
delicate grace, adding to the scene's enchantment.
It was a moment of natural beauty, a canvas
painted by the hand of Mother Earth."

Passage 15:
"The first snowflake floated down from the sky,
followed by many more, crea@ng a soD white
blanket on the ground. The world turned silent, as if
hushed by the magic of winter. Children's laughter
filled the air, punctuated by the sound of snow
crunching beneath their boots. It was a moment of
wonder, where nature transformed into a winter

Passage 16:
"The sun kissed the horizon, pain@ng the sky in
hues of gold and pink. A gentle breeze whispered
through the trees, carrying the promise of a new
day. Nature awakened, embracing the beauty of
Passage 17:
"The laughter of children echoed through the park,
mingling with the chirping of birds. Joy danced in
the air, spreading like wildfire. In that moment, the
world felt alive."

Passage 18:
"Raindrops tapped on the windowpane, crea@ng a
soothing rhythm. Cozy by the fireplace, a person
embraced the comfort of a good book. The outside
world faded away, lost in the magic of storytelling."

Passage 19:
"Footsteps echoed down the empty street, each
one a lonely echo of solitude. Streetlights cast a soD
glow, illumina@ng the path ahead. In the s@llness
of the night, the city whispered its secrets."

Passage 20:
"The waves crashed against the shore, their
relentless energy a symphony of the sea. Seagulls
soared above, their cries harmonizing with the salty
breeze. It was a moment of coastal serenity, a
dance between land and ocean."

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