Answer Key Sample Paper 1 AI Class 10 Tutorialaicsip

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Answer Key Sample Paper 1
Artificial Intelligence Class 10
Max. Time: 2 Hours Max.Marks:50

Section A: Objective Type Questions

Q -1 Answer any 4 out of given 6 questions on Employability skills.
(1 x 4=4 marks)
i. Which of the following is not a stress causal agent? 1
a) Mental c) Cultural
b) Physical d) Social
ii. _________helps to reduce tress which includes a series of postures and
breathing exercises practices to achieve control of body and mind. 1
a) Healthy Diet c) Taking nature walk
b) Yoga d) meditation
iii. Which of the following is an user-friendly OS? 1
a) GUI c) TUI
b) CUI d) iUI
iv. Nitin is preparing for his pre board exams. He read the concepts of
Operating System. He forgets the term for the long horizontal bar present
at the bottom of the screen on his computer. Help him to recall the term
out of the following: 1
a) Function Bar c) Notification Bar
b) Task Bar d) Status Bar
v. Which of the following is not a commercial function of an entrepreneur? 1
a) Production and Operations c) HR Management
b) Marketing d) Controlling
vi. People who can execute ideas and turn into business are referred as 1
a) Social c) Entrepreneurial
b) Economical d) Financial
Q – 2 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
i. Which of the following is not a one of the stages of AI project Cycle? 1
a) Data Mining c) Data Exploration
b) Problem Scoping d) Evaluation
ii. Identify the application of Natural Language Pressing? 1
a) Web scraping b) Email Filters

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c) Facial recognition d) FaceApp
iii. Which of the following supervised learning works on continuous data? 1
a) Classification c) Deep Learning
b) Clustering d) Regression
iv. i) Smartbots are easy to make.
ii) Chatbots are scripted based on tasks. 1
a) Only i is True c) i is True, ii is False
b) Only ii is True d) i is False, ii is True
v. Which of the following involves prediction and reality? 1
a) Regression c) Confusion Matrix
b) Classification d) Clustering
vi. The output of the model based on the real scenario signifies 1
a) Prediction c) Precision
b) Reality d) F1 Score
Q -3 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
i. Match column A with column B 1

Column A Column B
1. Automatic Door i. AI
2. Gesture Recognition ii. Not AI

a) 1 – i, 2 – ii c) 1 – i, 2 – i
b) 1 – ii, 2 – ii d) 1 – ii, 2 – i
ii. Which of the following extract data features without input? 1
a) Machine Learning c) Data Science
b) Deep Learning d) Neural Network
iii. Vishal fed data into the system and now he is getting the result which he
is going to analyze. This result set is known as 1
a) Result Set c) Training Data
b) Database d) Testing Data
iv. Which of the following is not a one of the methods of data acquisition? 1
a) Surveys c) Sensors
b) Webscrapping d) Data on Graphs
v. The aim to achieve 17 Sustainable Development Goal by which year? 1
a) 2025 b) 2028

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c) 2030 d) 2035
vi. Which computer science skills are required for career in AI? 1
a) Computer Vision c) Image Processing
b) Linear Regression d) Database Management
Q – 4 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
i. _________ helps to analyse and interpret emotions in text data using text
analysis techniques. 1
a) Text Summarization c) Sentiment Analysis
b) Text Classification d) Text Analysis
ii. Which domain of AI is used by Google Translate? 1
a) Data Science c) Computer Vision
b) NLP d) Neural Network
iii. Ayushi got the output from the word – studies to studi. Which process
returns this kind of output from the word? 1
a) Stemming c) Summarization
b) Lemmatization d) Sentiment Analysis
iv. Which of the following is one of the applications of TF-IDF? 1
a) Document Classification c) Both a) & b)
b) Topic Modelling d) None of these
v. A corpus contains 15 words. How many document vectors will be there for
that corpus? 1
a) 15 c) 30
b) 1 d) 1/15
vi. In ________, we get the number of occurrences of each word. 1
a) Bag of words c) Lemmatization
b) Stemming d) Corpus
Q – 5 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions ( 1 x 5 = 5 marks)
i. _________ is the proportion of correctness in confusion matrix. 1
a) Accuracy c) Precision
b) F1-Score d) Recall
ii. Which of the following is correct formula to compute Recall? 1
a) Recall = 𝑇𝑃+𝐹𝑁
c) Recall = 𝑇𝑃+𝐹𝑁
b) Recall = d) Recall =

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iii. A weather predicting AI model predicted that there is a snowfall in
Srinagar. But there is no snowfall. Under which category of the confusion
matrix will this be marked? 1
a) False Positive c) True Positive
b) False Negative d) True Negative
iv. Precision and Recall are used to calculate 1
a) Precision c) F1 Score
b) Recall d) Accuracy
v. A highly complex model with many parameters gives inaccurate
predictions. This is caused due to __________ 1
a) Overfitting c) Underfitting
b) Outfitting d) Accuracy
vi. The prediction values matches with the actual value. This is known as 1
a) True Positive c) False Positive
b) True Negative d) False Negative

Section B: Subjective Type Questions

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability skills
(2 x 3 = 6 marks)
Answer each question in 20-30 words.
Q – 6 What do you mean by SMART goals? Explain in short. 2
Ans.: SMART goals help an individual to set goals. It stands for:
S - Specific, A specific and very clear goal.
M - Measurable, A goal which can be calculative like how much, how many
A - Achievable, Breaking down big goal into small parts
R – Realistic, Something an individual want and work toward that
T – Time Bound, Goal should have timeframe to achieve
Q – 7 Chand is confused in ABC of stress management. Explain the same for her
in short. 2
Ans.: ABC of stress management are:
A – Adversity or the stressful event
B – Beliefs of the way you respond to the event
C – Consequences or actions and outcomes of the event
Q – 8 Gaurav wants to prevent others from using his computer? Write any two
ways to do it. 2

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Ans.: Gaurav can do these:
1) Create user and set a strong password for it
2) Use some security options to restrict the data access
Q – 9 Write any four ways to increase the performance of computer. 2
1) Clean temporary memory at regular interval.
2) Do not install unwanted software
3) Run the programs only which are needed
4) Close the applications immediately after use
Q – 10 What do you mean by myth? Explain with example. 2
Ans.: A false belief or opinion about something is known as myth. For example,
old people get tired early compared to young people. But it is not true.
The truth is young people also get tired early.
Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20 – 30 words each
(2 x 4 = 8 Marks)
Q – 11 What is Machine Learning and Deep Learning?
Ans.: Machine Learning is a subset of AI that enables machines to improve at
tasks with experience by learning themselves and allows make their own
Deep learning allows software to train machine to perform tasks with large
amount of data.
Q – 12 AI is making people life easier. In another hand it creates
unemployment. Is it ethical? Explain.
Ans.: AI machines are performing some operations accurately compared to
human beings. So in such fields machines are better than human beings which
take away many jobs from human being. Which is creating unemployment. At
the other hand it is creating jobs for trained people. So ethically it creates
Q – 13 Identify the step of AI project cycle from the given facts:
a) Gathering data from different sources
Ans.: Data Acquisition
b) Asking questions and making a problem statement to understand the
Ans.: Problem Scoping
c) Get the sense of the trends, relationships and patterns

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Ans.: Data Exploration
d) Proper testing after calculating the efficiency and performance of model
Ans.: Evaluation
Q – 14 Remove stop words from the following:
“In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be
contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful. Forget not that
the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with
your hair.”
Ans.: in, is, and, can, be, that, the, to, with
Q – 15 Do sentence segmentation for the following:
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads. To me a lush carpet of
pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious
Persian rug.”
1. Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
2. Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads.
3. To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome
than the most luxurious Persian rug.
Q- 16 Jhanvi is class 10 student. She forget the concept of True Positive
condition. Help her by explaining the same.
Ans.: True Positive conditions refers to the situation where the AI model has
made the correct prediction that matches with reality. Suppose rain fall is
predicted by machine and it actually its raining.
Answer any 3 out of given 5 questions in 50-80 words each:
(4 x 3 = 12 marks)
Q – 17 Explain any 4 applications of Artificial Intelligence.
1. Search Engines – Search engines like google, bing etc use AI to display
2. Virtual Assistants – Virtual Assistance such as Apple Siri, Amazon Alexa
etc. do a lot of tasks on a single command
3. Navigation – Navigation apps google map helps user to find the right path
for travelling

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4. Online Shopping – The e-commerce website keep track of orders given by
customers and help them for better shopping experiences
Q – 18 What do you mean by data privacy? What are the primary concerns
related to data privacy?
Ans.: Data privacy refers to data collected from various sources need a consent
of user to save them. The primary concerns are one who collects data do
not share it with others. Data collected by an app or software or website
must be safe and secure. It is ethical responsibility of the owner to keep
them safe and secure with user’s agreement.
Q – 19 What are the features of neural network?
Ans.: Features of neural network are as follows:
1. They are modelled on the human brain and nervous system.
2. Neural networks are capable to extract information without user input.
3. Every neural network is essential in a machine learning.
4. It is useful with large amount of data.
*Note – TFIDF is given for extra knowledge not to be assessed in the

board exam.

Q – 20 Calculate TFIDF for the given corpus and mention the word(s) having the
highest value. (
Document 1: Radha is an intelligent girl.
Document 2: She is studying in class X.
Document 3: She has opted AI in Class X.
Document 4: She is enjoying studying AI.
Term Frequency refers to the frequency of words in one document. As step
by step process firstly we have to calculate Term Frequency then Inverse
Document Frequency. So let's prepare the document vector table for the
given corpus.

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Now calculate the document frequency for the exemplar vocabulary. Document
frequency refers to the number of documents in which the word occurs irrespective
of how many times it has occurred in those documents. The document frequency
is calculated as per the following table:

Now we need to put the document frequency in the denominator while the total
number of documents is the numerator. Here total no. of documents are 4.
Therefore the inverse document frequency is as the following table:

Finally, the IDF values will be derived by multiplying the IDF values to TF values.
The formula of TDIDF for any word W is:
TDIDF(W) = TF(W)*log(IDF(W))
So the table would be:

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Now put the approx. values for each word as mentioned in the following table:

Q – 21 Calculate accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score for the following

Confusion Matrix. Suggest which metric would not be a good evaluation
parameter and why?

Reality (T) Reality (F)

Prediction (T) 30 20
Prediction (F) 10 20

a) Accuracy: It is defined as the percentage of correct predictions out of all the

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Accuracy = (Correct Predictions / Total Cases) X 100% = ((TP + TN) / (TP + TN
+ FP + FN)) x 100%
= ((30 + 20) / (30 + 20 + 10 + 20) ) x 100% = (50 / 80) x 100% = 0.625
b) Precision: It is defined as the percentage of true positive cases versus all the
cases where the prediction is true.
Precision = (True Positive / All predicted positives) X 100% = TP / (TP + FP) x
= 30 / (30 + 20) = 30/50 = 0.60
c) Recall: It is defined as the fraction of positive cases that are correctly
Recall = True Positive / (True Positive + False Negative) = TP / (TP + FN)
=30 / (30 + 10) = 30 / 40 = 0.75
d) F1 Score: It is identified as the measure of balance between precision and
F1 Score= (2 x precision x recall / (precision + recall) = 2 x 0.60 x 0.75 /
(0.60+ 0.75)
= 0.9 / 1.35=0.67
Accuracy = 0.625
Precision = 0.60
Recall = 0.75
F1 Score = 0.67
By this results, recall is not good evaluation metric it needs to improve more.
Two conditions are very risky here:
1) False Positive: Suppose if we see the above confusion matrix for the heart
attack cases then a person is predicted with heart attack but does not
have heart attack in reality.
2) False Negative: A person is predicted with no heart attack but in reality
person is suffering from the heart attack.

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