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Chapter 4 - Mathematical


4.1 Mean of a Random Variable

4.2 Variance and Covariance of Random Variables
4.3 Means and Variances of Linear Combinations of
Random Variables
4.4 Chebyshev’s Theorem
Mean of a Random Variable

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Mean of a Random Variable

 This method of relative frequencies is used to calculate the

average amount earned that we might expect in the long
 We shall refer to this average value as the mean of the
random variable X or the mean of the probability
distribution of X and write it as μx or simply as μ when it is
clear to which random variable we refer.
 It is also common among statisticians to refer to this mean as
the mathematical expectation, or the expected value of the
random variable X, and denote it as E(X).

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Mean of a Random Variable

Definition 4.1

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Mean of a Random Variable

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Mean of a Random Variable

If a dealer’s profit, in million dollars, on a new
automobile can be looked upon as a random variable X
having the density function:

find the average profit per automobile in million dollars.

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Mean of a Random Variable


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Mean of a Random Variable

Theorem 4.1
Mean of a Random Variable
Mean of a Random Variable
Mean of a Random Variable

We extend our concept of mathematical expectation to the case

of two random variables X and Y with joint probability
distribution f(x, y).
Definition 4.2

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Mean of a Random Variable
Variance and Covariance of
Random Variables

 The mean, or expected value, of a random variable X is of

special importance in statistics because it describes where the
probability distribution is centered.
 By itself, however, the mean does not give an adequate
description of the shape of the distribution.
 We also need to characterize the variability in the

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Variance and Covariance of
Random Variables
The histograms of two discrete probability distributions that have
the same mean, μ = 2, but differ considerably in variability, or the
dispersion of their observations about the mean:

Figure 4.1 Distributions with equal means and unequal dispersions

Variance and Covariance of
Random Variables

Definition 4.3
Variance and Covariance of
Random Variables

Theorem 4.2
Variance and Covariance of
Random Variables
Variance and Covariance of
Random Variables
Variance and Covariance of
Random Variables

Theorem 4.3
Variance and Covariance of
Random Variables
The length of time, in minutes, for an airplane to obtain
clearance for takeoff at a certain airport is a random variable
Y = 3X −2, where X has the density function:

Find the mean and variance of the random variable Y .

Review – Active Learning Exercises

1 1 1
E ( R)   rf (r )dr   6r (1  r )dr   (6r 2  6r 3 )dr

6r (1  r ) 0  r  1 0 0 0
f R (r )  
0 otherwise
3r 4 1 3 1
 ( 2r 
) 0  2 
2 2 2
Review – Active Learning Exercises

6r (1  r ) 0  r  1
f R (r )  
0 otherwise

V ( R)  E ( R 2 )  E ( R) 2
V ( R)  E[( R  E ( R)) 2 ] 1 1
 1
1 OR E ( R )   r f (r )dr   (6r 3  6r 4 )dr 
2 2

V  R     r    6r 1  r  dr  0 0
2 20
3 1 1
V ( R)   ( )2 
10 2 20
Means and Variances of Linear
Combinations of Random Variables

Var  b   0
Var  aX   a 2Var  X 

6r (1  r ) 0  r  1
f R (r )  
0 otherwise
5 3 5
E  P   E  3R  1    3r  1 6r 1  r d r  E ( P)  E (3R  1)  3E ( R)  1  1 
2 2 2
V  P   E  P2    E  P  V ( P)  V (3R  1)  9V ( R)

1 9
   9* 
E  P   E  3R  1
   3r  1  6r 1  r  d r 
2 2 2

10 20 20
67  5  9
V  P     
10  2  20
Variance and Covariance of
Random Variables
 Covariance indicates how two variables are related.
 A positive covariance means the variables are positively related,
while a negative covariance means the variables are inversely related.

 When X and Y are statistically independent, it can be shown that the

covariance is zero (converse, is not generally true, they may have a
nonlinear relationship and zero covariance).
Variance and Covariance of
Random Variables
Definition 4.4

Theorem 4.4
Variance and Covariance of
Random Variables

For the random variables X and Y whose joint density function is
given below, find the covariance.
Variance and Covariance of
Random Variables
 The magnitude of covariance does not indicate anything
regarding the strength of the relationship.
 Correlation also tells you the degree to which the variables
tend to move together in addition to telling you whether
variables are positively or inversely related.

 −1≤ ρXY≤ 1 and ρXY =0 when σXY = 0.

 Where there is an exact linear dependency, Y = a + bX, then
ρXY=1 if b > 0 and ρXY = −1 if b < 0.
Variance and Covariance of
Random Variables
Means and Variances of Linear
Combinations of Random Variables

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Means and Variances of Linear
Combinations of Random Variables
Independent Random Variables
Let X and Y be two independent random variables. Then:

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Conditional Expectation

 Let X and Y be random variables such that the mean of Y

exists and is finite.

 The conditional expectation (or conditional mean) of Y given

X = x is denoted by E(Y| X = x) and is defined to be the
expectation of the conditional distribution of Y given X = x.

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Conditional Expectation

Recall that:

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Conditional Expectation
P ( X  x, Y  y )
E  X | Y  y    x P ( X  x | Y  y ) where P( X  x | Y  y ) 
x P (Y  y )

P ( X  x, Y  y )
E Y | X  x    y P (Y  y | X  x) where P (Y  y | X  x ) 
y P( X  x)


f  x, y 
E  X |Y  y   x f X |Y  x | y dx where f X |Y  x | y  
h y

f  x, y 
E Y | X  x    y f  y | x dy where fY | X  y | x  
g  x

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Conditional Expectation

EXAMPLE: Suppose the joint probability mass function of X

and Y is
0 1 2
0 0.10 0.15 0.05
Y 1 0.17 0.22 0.12
2 0.02 0.10 0.07

a) What is the conditional distribution of X given that Y=0?

b) What is the expected value of X given that Y=0?

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Conditional Expectation
0 1 2
0 0.10 0.15 0.05
Y 1 0.17 0.22 0.12
2 0.02 0.10 0.07

a) What is the conditional distribution of X given that Y=0?

P( X  0, Y  0) 0.10 1
P( X  0 | Y  0)   
P(Y  0) 0.30 3
P( X  1, Y  0) 0.15 1
P( X  1 | Y  0)   
P(Y  0) 0.30 2
P( X  2, Y  0) 0.05 1
P( X  2 | Y  0)   
P(Y  0) 0.30 6
1 1 1
Note that:  P( X  i | Y  0)    1
i 0 3 2 6

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Conditional Expectation
P( X  0, Y  0) 0.10 1
X P( X  0 | Y  0)   
P(Y  0) 0.30 3
0 1 2
P( X  1, Y  0) 0.15 1
0 0.10 0.15 0.05 P( X  1 | Y  0)   
Y 1 0.17 0.22 0.12 P(Y  0) 0.30 2
2 0.02 0.10 0.07 P( X  2, Y  0) 0.05 1
P( X  2 | Y  0)   
P(Y  0) 0.30 6

b) What is the expected value of X given that Y=0?

1 1 1 5
E  X | Y  0    x P( X  x | Y  0)  0*  1*  2* 
x 0 3 2 6 6

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Law of Total Probability for

P ( X  x, Y  y )
E Y | X  x    y P (Y  y | X  x)   y
y y P( X  x)

E  E Y | X  x     E Y | X  x  P ( X  x )

P ( X  x, Y  y )
E  E Y | X  x     y P( X  x)
x y P( X  x)

E  E Y | X  x      y P ( X  x, Y  y )   y h  y   E Y 
x y y
Conditional Expectation
P( X  0, Y  0) 0.10 1
X P( X  0 | Y  0)   
P(Y  0) 0.30 3
0 1 2
P( X  1, Y  0) 0.15 1
0 0.10 0.15 0.05 P( X  1 | Y  0)   
Y 1 0.17 0.22 0.12 P(Y  0) 0.30 2
2 0.02 0.10 0.07 P( X  2, Y  0) 0.05 1
P( X  2 | Y  0)   
P(Y  0) 0.30 6

b) What is the expected value of X given that Y=0?

1 1 1 5
E  X | Y  0    x P( X  x | Y  0)  0*  1*  2* 
x 0 3 2 6 6

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Chebyshev’s Theorem

We stated that the variance of a random variable tells us

something about the variability of the observations about
the mean.

If a random variable has a small variance or standard

deviation, we would expect most of the values to be
grouped around the mean.

Therefore, the probability that the random variable

assumes a value within a certain interval about the mean is
greater than for a similar random variable with a larger
standard deviation.

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Chebyshev’s Theorem
If we think of probability in terms of area, we would expect a
continuous distribution with a large value of σ to indicate a
greater variability, and therefore we should expect the area to be
more spread out, as in Figure 4.2(a). A distribution with a small
standard deviation should have most of its area close to μ, as in
Figure 4.2(b).

Figure 4.2 Variability of continuous observations about the mean

Chebyshev’s Theorem
The area in the probability histogram in Figure 4.3(b) is spread
out much more than that in Figure 4.3(a) indicating a more
variable distribution of measurements or outcomes.

Figure 4.3 Variability of discrete observations about the mean

Chebyshev’s Theorem

Theorem 4.10

 For k = 2, the theorem states that the random variable X has a

probability of at least 1−1/22 = 3/4 of falling within two
standard deviations of the mean.
 That is, three-fourths or more of the observations of any
distribution lie in the interval μ ± 2σ.

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Chebyshev’s Theorem

Chebyshev’s theorem holds for any distribution of observations.

The value given by the theorem is a lower bound only.
That is, we know that the probability of a random variable
falling within two standard deviations of the mean can be no less
than 3/4, but we never know how much more it might actually be.
Only when the probability distribution is known can we
determine exact probabilities. For this reason we call the theorem
a distribution-free result.

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Chebyshev’s Theorem

Example 4.27


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