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The Smart School (Shalimar Campus)

Grand Test no 3 (Ch#8and13)

Name: Roll No: Total Marks: 20

Class: Four Subject: Science Date:

Q: 1 Fill in the blanks with correct words. ( /4)

(i) A vibration is movement of objects.

(ii) The reflection of sound waves produced .

(iii) Saturn has moons, which is the highest among all the plants in
the solar system.

(IV) The Sun comprises of hot ball of gases mainly and .

Q: 2 En circle the correct option. ( /4)

(i) Which of the planet is the closest to the Sun?

A. Mars b. Earth c. Venus d. Uranus

(ii) Which of the planet is Red planet?

A. Jupiter b. Mars c. Uranus d. Venus

(iii) Shadows formed when the path of light is blocked by an object.

A. Transparent b. Opaque c. Translucent d. None

(IV) When a ray of light bounces off an object it is called:

A. Focusing b. Dispersion c. Reflection of light d. Refraction of light

Q: 3 Mark “True or False” for following statements. ( /4)

(I) Mirrors work of because light bounces of them .

(ii) The part of the moon we see from Earth on any given night is called moon’s phase
(iii) Our solar system is approximately 10 times bigger in diameter than Earth .

(IV) Sounds can travel faster through gas than through sound and water .

The Smart School (Project of The City School) 1

Q: 4Write the short answer. ( /4)

I. How shadows are formed? (2)

II. What is the vacuum? Can sound travel through the vacuum? (2)

Q: 5 Write detail answer. ( /4)

1. Differentiate between solar system and lunar eclipse? (2)
2. Why is the Sun important? (2)

The Smart School (Project of The City School) 2

The Smart School (Project of The City School) 3

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