Chap 5 Bending of Curved Beams

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Our analysis of stresses due to bending has been restricted so far so straight member. Our
discussions will be limited to initially curved beams of uniform section possessing a plane of
symmetry and on which are applied equal and opposite couples.

We will be limited to curved members of uniform cross section possessing a plane of symmetry
in which the bending couples are applied, and it will be assumed that all the stresses remain
below the proportional limit.

Assumptions for analysis while designing a curved beam:

1. Transverse sections which are plane before bending remain plane after bending.

2. Hooke’s law is applicable. This means that the working stresses are below the limit of

3. The longitudinal fibres of the beam, parallel to centroidal axis exert no pressure on each
other. This means that the distance between any longitudinal fibre from centroidal axis is same
before and after bending.

4. Each layer of the beam is free to expand or contract independently of the layer above or below
Consider the curved member of uniform cross section (fig. a). Its transverse section is symmetric
w.r.t. the y axis (fig. b) and, in its unstressed state, its upper and lower surfaces intersect the
vertical xy plane along arcs of circle AB and FG centered at C.

Fig. 1

Let now apply two equal and opposite couples M and M’ in the plane of symmetry of the
member (fig. c).Any transverse plane section containing C will remain plane, and the various
arcs of circle indicated in (fig. a) will be transformed into circular and concentric arcs with a
centre C’ different from C. If the couples M and M’ are directed as shown, the curvature of the
various arcs of circle will increase; that is A’C’< AC. We also note that the couples M and M’
will cause the length of the upper surface of the member to decrease (A’B’< AB) and the length
of the lower surface to increase (F’G’> FG). We conclude that a neutral surface exists in the
member, the length of which remains constant. The intersection of the neutral surface with xy
plane is represented by the arc DE of radius R in (fig. a) and by the arc D’E’ of radius R’ in (fig.

Denoting by θ and θ’ the central angles corresponding respectively to DE and D’E’, we express
the fact that the length of the neutral surface remains constant by writing
R  R ' ' (1)

Considering now the arc of circle JK located at a distance y above the neutral surface, and
denoting respectively by r and r’ the radius of this arc before and after the bending couples are
applied, we express the deformation of JK as

  r' 'r (2)

Bur r = R – y and r’ = R’ – y (3)

Substituting these expressions into (2), we write   R' y  'R  y 

Or recalling (1) and setting  '   ,

   y (4)

 y
The normal strain  x  
r r

 y
Or recalling the relation (3) x   (5)
 R y

The relation obtained shows that, while each transverse section remains plane, the normal strain
 x does not vary linearly with the distance y from the neutral surface. The normal stress σ x ca
now be obtained from Hooke’s law,  x  E x , by substituting for  x from (5), we have

E y
x   (6)
 R y

Or alternatively, recalling (3),

E ( R  r )
x   (7)
 r

Equation (5) shows that, like  x , the normal stress σx does not vary linearly with the distance y
from the neutral surface. Plotting σ x versus y, we obtain an arc of hyperbola. Fig 2 .
In order to determine the location of the neutral surface in the
membe3r and the value of the coefficient used in (6) and (7) we now recall that the

elementary forces acting on any transverse section must be statically equivalent to the bending
couple M. Expressing that the sum of the elementary forces acting on the section must be zero,
and that their moments about the transverse z axis must be equal to the bending moment M, we
write the equations

 x dA  0 (a)

And   y x dA  M (b)

Substituting for σ x from (7) into (a) we write

E ( R  r )
 dA  0
 r

(R  r)
dA  0

r 
 dA  0

From which it follows that the distance R from the centre of curvature C to the neutral surface is
defined by the relation

R (8)

We note that the value obtained for R is not equal to the distance r from C to the centroid of the

cross section, since r is defined by a different relation, namely,
 1
r rdA (9)


We thus conclude that, in curved member, the neutral axis of a transverse section does not pass
through the centroid of that section.

The expression for the radius R of the neutral surface will be derived for some specific cross
sectional shapes as follows:

Substituting now for σx from (7) into eq, (b), we write

E ( R  r )
 ydA  M
 r
Or since y =R – r,

E R  r 2 dA  M
  r

Expanding the square in the integrand, we obtain after reductions

E  2 dA 
 R   2 RA   rdA  M
  r 

Recalling (8) and (9), we note that the first term in the brackets is equal to RA, while the last

term is equal to r A . We have therefore,

E  
 E
 RA  2 RA  rA   M And solving for ,
   

E M
 (10)
 
A (r  R)

 
Referring to Fig.1,we note that   0 for M>0. It follows that r R  0 , or R< r , regardless of
the shape of the section. Thus, the neutral axis of the transverse section is always located
between the centroid of the section and the center of curvature of the member (fig.3). Setting

r  R  e , we write equation (10) I the form

E  M
 (11)
 Ae

Substituting now for from (11) into (6) and (7), we obtain the following alternative

expression for the normal stress σx in a curved beam:

x   (12) and
AeR  y 

M r  R 
x  (12)

Let us now determine the change in curvature of the neutral surface caused by the bending
moment M. Solving equation (1) for the curvature of the neutral surface in the deformed
member, we write
1 1 '

R' R 

Or setting  '     and calling equation (11),

1 1    1  M 
 1    1  
R' R    R  EAe 

From which it follows that the change in curvature of the neutral surface is

1 1 M
 

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