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Hello everyone, I am Yiğit

Today, I'm going to talk about two powerful techniques for sentiment analysis: BERT and VADER.
Sentiment analysis, as you might know, is the process of determining the emotional tone or polarity of a
given text. It has various applications in fields like marketing, social media analysis, and customer
feedback evaluation.

VADER Sentiment Analysis (45 seconds):

Next, let's discuss VADER, which stands for Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner. VADER is a
lexicon and rule-based sentiment analysis tool.

Here's how VADER sentiment analysis works:

Lexicon and Rules: VADER uses a predefined lexicon of words with associated sentiment scores. It also
considers punctuation and capitalization to understand sentiment intensity.

Sentiment Intensity: The sentiment intensity of each word in the text is calculated, and the overall
sentiment score is computed.

Classification: Based on the sentiment score, VADER classifies the text as positive, negative, or neutral.

VADER is known for its simplicity and speed. It's particularly useful for social media data and short texts.

BERT Sentiment Analysis (45 seconds):

Let's start with BERT, which stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. BERT is
a state-of-the-art natural language processing model that's pre-trained on massive amounts of text data.
It can understand context and nuances in language, making it great for sentiment analysis.

Here's how BERT sentiment analysis works:

Text Input: We provide a piece of text to the BERT model for analysis.

Tokenization: BERT tokenizes the text into smaller units and represents them as vectors.

Classification: The tokenized text is passed through a classification model that assigns a sentiment label,
such as positive, negative, or neutral.

Fine-Tuning (Optional): BERT can be fine-tuned on specific sentiment analysis tasks to improve accuracy
for a particular domain.

BERT's deep understanding of language context allows it to capture complex emotions, making it a robust
choice for sentiment analysis.
When we compare these two analysis methods, I can say that Bert is a much better analysis according to
my research, but for my project, I was surprised because Vader gave much better outputs, while Bert
gave inaccurate analysis. We will work on making a good integration of Bert among the future goals of
our project.

Now I want to run my code and I want to show my outputs. Since you will see them in more detail in the
report, I do not want to examine them one by one, but as I mentioned before, Vader gave a correct
analysis while bert gave a much worse analysis.

Finally, I would like to briefly talk about the future goals of our project. First of all, we do not think that
our survey structure is a very suitable survey for the project we want to do. We will request a different
survey from Simens. Next, we have an idea of developing a web plugin that tracks the mouse movements
of the survey, how long users spend filling out the survey. This way, we think we can better filter the
responses. We have come to the end of my presentation. Thanks for listening.

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